HPAC Feb 2022

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PATH TO 2030





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FEBRUARY 2022 / VOL. 96 NO. 1

Appreciating the journey of the products we need and use.








HVAC HVAC SUPPLY CHAIN: WOUNDED, BUT STILL A MARVEL Taking a step back to explore how we got here and what may lie ahead. By Ian McTeer

REFRIGERATION PRODUCT SHOWCASE A selection of the latest in equipment and supplies for refrigeration experts, including supermarket applications.

15 HVAC THE DUCTLESS ZONE: THE MAGIC OF REFRIGERANT What many of our customers (civilians) don’t understand, and what many of us professionals take for granted, are the unique characteristics of refrigerant. By Gerry Wagner

48 REFRIGERATION REFRIGERANT LEAKS: WHAT ARE YOU PREPARED TO DO? Stemming losses of refrigerant in supermarkets requires a comprehensive end-to-end approach. By Dave Demma




FEBRUARY 2022 / VOL. 96 NO. 1





MH 10


MONTREAL HEALTH NETWORK ADDS HEAT PUMPS Part of an $18.8 million energy efficiency project

a publication of

MH 14 MH4


HEAT PUMPS WHICH IS BETTER? Control option ideas for combining DHW, space heating/cooling using an air-to-water heat pump. By John Siegenthaler

SNOW MELT CLOSE THAT DOOR Controlling the inefficiencies of snow melting By Curtis Bennett

MH10 PROJECT OPTIMIZING OPERATIONS Montreal west-end health network undertakes $18.8 million energy efficiency program. By Doug Picklyk




MH20 DESIGN PEL-AIR SYSTEMS Design options for adding a pellet boiler to a forced-air heating system. By John Siegenthaler



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NEW Gen-Pack™ Battery Adapter. (Battery not included)

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Now you can inspect drain lines far from a power source. The Gen-Pack battery adapter allows up to 12 hours of remote operation with limited access to power. The Gen-Pack is also sold separately. But wait, there’s more. You can now record onto a flash drive or send the recording to your customers with the built-in Wi-Fi transmitter. Also, you can track just how far the camera has traveled down the line with the on-screen distance counter. For more information, visit www.drainbrain.com/XPodPlus, or call the Drain Brains® at 800-245-6200

< UPFRONT PATH TO 2030 EVERYONE IS FAMILIAR WITH SETTING GOALS FOR THE YEAR AHEAD, PERSONAL GOALS LIKE EXERCISE OR DIET, OR COMPANY GOALS LIKE SALES TARGETS. Goals are great, but unfortunately, great intentions are not always met with the necessary actions that ensure those goals are met. What about setting goals for 35 years out, or even eight years from now? Most people are familiar with the Paris Agreement, the international treaty on climate change adopted by 196 parties at the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP 21) in December 2015. The goal set there was to limit global warming to below 2C, preferably 1.5C, when compared to pre-industrial levels. To achieve this goal, countries agreed the production of man-made greenhouse gas emissions has to reach a global peak by 2050 max, and then by the second half of this century the world needs to achieve a net zero effect. So every country, including Canada, created a plan to help achieve this global objective, and at the COP 26 meeting in Glasgow, Scotland last October, it was reported that if everything works out as countries have planned the world could reach peak GHG emissions even before 2030. However, these estimates were based on plans, not actions. Most countries have not implemented real mitigation efforts. In Canada, last June the federal government passed the Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act. As part of that Act, by the end of 2021 the Minister of Environment was supposed to report on the country’s emissions reduction plan for 2030—well that report has been bumped to the end of March 2022. So while we wait for a federal action plan that may directly affect the HVAC industry, some cities are actually taking climate-plan action now, and this is where the industry is seeing the effects. On January 25th, Vancouver’s city council passed a requirement that as of July 1, 2022 a new mechanical permit is required for all heating and cooling installations, and that requires a city-certified heat pump installer—the emphasis on heat pumps because as of Janaury 1, most any new building in Vancouver three storeys or less cannot be heated with fossil fuels. This stems from Vancouver’s Climate Emergency Action Plan which set a target to reduce carbon pollution by 50% by 2030. And now Toronto has adopted its TransformTO Net Zero strategy, targeting a 65% reduction by 2030. Municipalities across the country are adopting their own 2030 deadlines, and these "goals" will be leading to actions. So be aware of what’s happening in your backyard and how to align your business objectives with where these local actions are leading. The path to 2030 for this industry means greater operational efficiency of heating and cooling systems, and in some areas the elimination of fossil fuel. How will that change what you do? The changes are coming, so get familiar with what's new in the market and how manufacturers are adapting. The CMPX Show, March 23-25 in Toronto, will be a great place to start. And throughout 2022 we will be keeping you informed of the changes happening as well. It's not too late to set goals for this year, and better yet to take actions to make sure you're on the right track this year and for eight years from now. <> – Doug Picklyk, Editor



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PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO. 40065710 Heating Plumbing Air Conditioning (established 1925) is published 7 times per year by Annex Publishing & Printing Inc. HPAC Magazine is the leading Canadian business publication for the owner/manager of mechanical contracting businesses and their supply partners. ISSN: 0017-9418 (Print) ISSN 2371-8536 (Online) Contents Copyright © 2022 by Annex Publishing & Printing Inc. may not be reprinted without permission. SUBSCRIBER SERVICES: To subscribe, renew your subscription or to change your address or information please visit us at www.hpacmag.com. Subscription Price per year: $44.00 (plus tax) CDN; Outside Canada per year: $112.00 US; Elsewhere: 1 year $123.00 (CDN); Single copy Canada: $5.00 CDN. Heating Plumbing Air Conditioning is published 7 times per year except for occasional combined, expanded or premium issues, which count as two subscription issues. MAIL PREFERENCES: From time to time we make our subscription list available to select companies and organizations whose product or service may interest you. If you do not wish your contact information to be made available, please contact us via one of the following methods: Tel: 416-442-5600 ext. 3552, Fax: 416-510-6875 or 416442-2191; E-mail: blao@annexbusinessmedia.com; or by mail: 111 Gordon Baker Rd., Suite 400, Toronto ON M2H 3R1 Annex Privacy Officer Privacy@annexbusinessmedia.com Tel: 800-668-2374 HPAC Magazine receives unsolicited materials (including letters to the editor, press releases, promotional items and images) from time to time. HPAC Magazine, its affiliates and assignees may use, reproduce, publish, re-publish, distribute, store and archive such unsolicited submissions in whole or in part in any form or medium whatsoever, without compensation of any sort. NOTICE: HPAC Magazine, Annex Publishing & Printing Inc., their staff, officers, directors and shareholders (hence known as the “Publisher”) assume no liability, obligations, or responsibility for claims arising from advertised products. The Publisher also reserves the right to limit liability for editorial errors, omissions and oversights to a printed correction in a subsequent issue. HPAC Magazine’s editorial is written for management level mechanical industry personnel who have documented training in the mechanical fields in which they work. Manufacturers’ printed instructions, datasheets and notices always take precedence to published editorial statements.

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ONTARIO LAUNCHES SKILLED TRADES ONTARIO The Government of Ontario officially launched Skilled Trades Ontario on January 25th, a new crown agency to replace the former Ontario College of Trades to improve trades training and simplify services. The new agency is expected to promote and market the trades, develop the latest in training and curriculum stan- Monte McNaughton dards, and provide a streamlined user-friendly experience for tradespeople. The goal of the changes is to result in more workers for in-demand jobs and prepare Ontario for a strong economic comeback. The new online services will help apprentices manage their careers in one place with online access for scheduling classes and exams, submitting forms, paying fees and more. Ontario is hopeful the changes will reduce the skilled labour shortage the province currently faces – estimated to reach 350,000 by 2025 – by making it easier for more people to learn about and enter the trades, including reducing processing and registration times for applicants from 60 days to 12. “We’re redrawing the system to address Ontario’s labour shortage and make the trades a career of choice for more people,” said Monte McNaughton, Minister of Labour, Training and Skills Development. “By creating this new agency, we are working for workers and delivering the generational change that labour leaders and employers have been calling for.” An independent Board of Directors will lead the agency in delivering on the government’s Skilled Trades Strategy to break the stigma surrounding the trades, simplify the system, and encourage employers to hire more apprentices. Ontario predicts by 2025, one in five jobs will be in the trades. Data suggests the need to replace retiring workers is greater for trades workers than other occupations. In 2016, nearly one in three journeypersons in Ontario were aged 55 or older. skilledtradesontario.ca HRAI AND ESCO INSTITUTE TO DEVELOP NEW REFRIGERANT SAFETY PROGRAM HRAI and the ESCO Institute have jointly developed a Low GWP (global warming potential) Refrigerant Safety Program for the Canadian market. As many new low GWP refrigerants coming to market are mildly flammable (A2L), additional safety precautions and protocols are expected to be followed during the learning experience. The new program will be made available online and include an assessment component to give HVAC/R professionals a chance to learn how to safely handle, store, transport, and service new systems. HPACMAG.COM

Consulted industry stakeholders unanimously agreed that the training should be mandatory for tenured technicians and uniform across all provinces. HRAI has begun discussions with some provincial regulators to make this a reality. HRAI anticipates the program to launch in June 2022. hrai.ca ENERCARE ACQUIRES SYLES MECHANICAL SERVICES Enercare has acquired Syles Mechanical Services, a residential and commercial HVAC, plumbing and electrical services provider located in Tecumseh, Ontario. Syles has been in business for more than 50 years. The addition will see Enercare’s presence in Southwestern

Ontario expand by more than 55 employees, along with a fleet of 30 service vehicles. “Part of the reason Enercare has grown is because we have been quite mindful and deliberate in building relationships with a long-term view,” says Enercare senior vice president Nick Perreten. “As we seek to grow, we’re constantly looking at relationships with businesses that will allow us to provide even greater value to customers and communities.” Enercare, based in Ontario, is one of North America’s largest residential and commercial HVAC/plumbing service companies with approximately 5,000 employees under its Enercare and Service Experts brands in Canada and the U.S. enercare.ca

VERSION 6 OF THE BEST SOFTWARE AVAILABLE The Hydronic Industry AllianceCommercial (HIA-C), a committee of the Radiant Professionals Alliance (RPA), has released version 6.0 of its free Building Efficiency System Tool (BEST), an interactive commercial building HVAC system efficiency comparison application. Now available for download, the revised software adds the ability to compare projected costs and energy usage for all HVAC systems and hot water consumption in any building based on what is known, and almost all inputs may be adjusted once the design process begins. The new version includes the ability to model multiple heating and cooling sources. This enables modeling of all electric systems using cascaded heat pumps and backup fossil fuel sources and more. HIA-C.org Continued on p8 FEBRUARY 2022 | HPAC


< INDUSTRY NEWS Continued from p7

BUILT GREEN LAUNCHES NET ZERO ENERGY+ PROGRAM Built Green Canada, a certification program that offers residential building courses that encourage more energy efficient building practices, has launched its Net Zero Energy+ program for single family new homes. The Built Green certification program has a presence in five provinces (B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario), and the organization is committed to guiding improvement through its four certification levels (bronze, silver, gold and platinum) each with increased energy performance requirements. The launch of its Net Zero Energy+ program adds another level of achievement (Net Zero), and while focused on Net Zero, it takes a holistic approach that goes beyond energy. In addition to advanced envelope and

MCAC ELECTS NEW PRESIDENT, ANNOUNCES 2022 CONFERENCE During another virtual annual general meeting in December, 2021, the Mechanical Contractors Association of Canada (MCAC) announced Wayne Davidson, of Davidson Bros. Mechanical Contractors (Burnaby, B.C.), will serve as president of MCAC for 2021/22 year. Davidson follows Dave Holek of Lekter Industrial/Mechanical Services (Belle River, ON) who served two consecutive terms as MCAC president Wayne Davidson to maintain consistency through the pandemic. MCAC has also announced its 2022 conference will be held in person, September 28-October 1 in Halifax. mcac.ca mechanical system content, the course includes discussion on how occupant behaviour impacts the overall energy use in a house and affects the sizing of renewable energy systems. The training has seven modules, takes an estimated 20 hours to complete and is a partnership between Built Green Canada and Blue House Energy.

UL 60335-2-40 RECERTIFICATION The biggest change coming to the HVAC industry is recertification to UL 60335-2-40. Intertek can help manufacturers during the transition period. FOR MORE INFORMATION +1 800 WORLDLAB (967 5352)

“This course was created in anticipation of what builders will need to know and do, before Net Zero building code changes come into effect,” said Shawna Henderson, CEO of Blue House Energy in a media release. “Our self-directed (on-demand), interactive training model has proven to be a great fit for busy industry pros, so we’re excited to offer this course on another critical topic.” builtgreencanada.ca ACTION FURNACE ACQUIRES DIRECT ENERGY ALBERTA HOME SERVICES BUSINESSES Action Furnace has purchased Direct Energy Alberta Home Services businesses from Texas-based NRG Energy. The new acquisition adds over 40 HVAC experts to the Action Furnace teams in Calgary and Edmonton, along with 5,000 membership customers and a database of over 50,000 customers. “The Direct Energy Alberta Home Services businesses are a perfect fit for Action Furnace,” said Bruce Sittler, president of Action Furnace. Complete integration of the Direct Energy Alberta Home Services businesses into Action Furnace is expected by late Spring 2022. actionfurnace.ca <>

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HPACMAG.COM 2022-01-31 11:44 AM


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Wounded, But Still a Marvel Taking a step back to explore how we got here and what may lie ahead. BY IAN McTEER




tance, prompt deliveries and more, these are supply chain activities so important to our industry and ultimately our customers.

IT COMES FROM SOMEWHERE I could argue that a global supply chain connecting the world is a good thing. Others might say the loss of jobs and disruption to Canada’s manufacturing industry has taken too big a toll on workers. This is not the proper forum to discuss such a topic, however, regardless of where something is made, some parts or components will necessarily have to come from somewhere else. Thus, the dictionary defines it this way: “a supply chain is a system of organizations, people, activities, informa-

tion and resources involved in supplying a product or service to a consumer. Supply chain activities involve the transformation of natural resources, raw materials, and components into a finished product then delivered to the end customer.” How even one of the copper fittings like those on the shelf in the photo above on page 11 gets from a mine in South America to the shelf in that particular store is a journey of incredible complexity encompassing dozens of manufacturing steps, transportation by ocean, air and truck, not to mention human handling and processing every step of the way. The availability of all those goods is a tribute to human ingenuity, something I often simply took for granted. HPACMAG.COM


VAC wholesale suppliers, for as long as I can remember, featured well-stocked shelves, informative product displays, friendly and knowledgeable staff, and rarely would anyone leave a wholesaler without the item he or she came to purchase. Yes, the odd time a part would be out of stock generating a backorder, and sometimes even longer than expected lead times for vital replacement parts would happen as well, often stretching ancient loyalties to the breaking point. That being said, it’s not always about the cost of goods that motivate contractors to deal with one or more wholesalers. Going the extra mile, finding a way to solve a backorder, suggesting alternative products, technical assis-


WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON? I am certain this story is well known by everyone—since we’ve all lived it—but a brief synopsis might help to explain where we are and where we might be going from here. In late 2019 a flu pandemic hit the entire world, something like the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918 although not as deadly. Rightly or wrongly, many governments across the globe decided to lockdown their economies, a move originally conceived to be a two-week effort to “flatten the curve,” thus preventing an out-of-control uptick of new flu cases that might overwhelm each nation’s healthcare infrastructure. Many workers were furloughed, laid off, or sent to work from home. With governments chipping in by offering extended unemployment benefits and other financial supports, those at home decided to start spending money on just about everything, from electronics to home renovations. One of the first commodities to feel the pinch was pressure treated lumber, as many new decks and other outdoor improvement projects quickly emptied lumber yards. High prices for limited lumber inventories have even persisted to this day. Once vaccines became available and lockdowns were lifted in many places, both the U.S. and Canadian economies started to recover. People continued buying things, all sorts of things, large numbers of these things coming from abroad, especially from China, Vietnam, Thailand and India. Many HVAC contractors reported sales in 2020 and the first half of 2021 to be their best ever. Yet, at the same time, expanding equipment and service sales in the HVAC industry, normally a good thing, created untold levels of stress and frustration for contractors, their employees and customers alike. Just like Alice mused while in Wonderland: “It would be so nice if something made sense for a change.” HPACMAG.COM

This well stocked self service area of a typical wholesale supply house contains all the items contractors need every day. Ultimately, this photo describes much of what it takes to keep Canada’s infrastructure in top condition.

Data from the Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI) showing shipments into the Canadian HVAC supply chain as of the third quarter, October 2021, suggests there’s a buying frenzy going on forcing wholesalers to stock up. I can’t remember such a boom in residential air conditioning shipments at 132% over the previous year and ductless split systems were up 62%.

erate, however, staff shortages (lockdown or not) take a toll on productivity. It seems every industry is calling out for new or replacement staff. Personnel shortages in our industry have been around well before COVID came along, but the demand for staff including installers, technicians, managers, system designers, equipment salespeople, distribution and warehousing material handlers is becoming more acute every day.



Regardless of what robots can do for various industries (and it’s a lot), plenty of humans must also participate at every link in the complex supply chain, too. Businesses large and small, looking to get back to work, found themselves unable to attract laid-off workers back into the fold or even attract new employees—even with higher wages and better benefits. Figures from the U.S. last July show that more than 11 million jobs remained unfilled. Vaccine mandates haven’t helped, with many workers refusing to take the “jab.” Once again, states and provinces resurrected lockdown procedures of varying degrees as the Delta and then Omicron variants worked their way through the population. Industries deemed to be essential continue to op-

Should any of the components used in products like a heat pump become unavailable, the manufacturer might be able to source alternate components from elsewhere. Sometimes, missing items could be sub-assemblies built by another company and shipped to the main assembly plant on a just in time (JIT) basis. Sub-assemblies will often be things like pre-made wiring harnesses with plugs and connectors attached or entire component electrical boxes. Even one missing component or subassembly can shut down an assembly line. Manufacturing methods pioneered by the Japanese decades ago saw major North American manufacturers adopting the principle of JIT instead of warehousing parts and pieces meant Continued on p12 FEBRUARY 2022 | HPAC



Continued from p11

SUPPLY CHAIN – TRANSPORTATION Goods must get to market, and HVAC contractors need to get those goods. Items coming from afar, such as electronic components, sub-assemblies, accessories and finished units haven’t, until recently, faced transportation and distribution hang-ups such as the likes we’re seeing now: • Shipments of HVAC equipment assembled in Asia typically take 31 to 57 days when shipped across the ocean in fully-loaded containers, they’re now taking upwards of 70 days. • Container ports are dealing with unprecedented traffic combined with staff shortages and lack of warehousing space. • Empty containers are not being re12



for the assembly line. A considerable amount of Canada’s warehouse space exists in truck trailers on the move over our highways at any given time. An integral part of many modern HVAC products, the almighty microprocessor brain (or chip), has been one of the most difficult components to source since the early days of the pandemic. Several fires at Renesas Electronics in Japan, the worst one in March 2021, created a huge gap in the microprocessor component supply chain. Knock-on effects created by plummeting auto sales and auto plant closures early in the pandemic meant microprocessor distributors sold off their excess inventory to industries serving housebound consumers wanting newer TV’s, computers, smart phones and other devices. The chip shortage won’t last forever, in the meantime, our industry will continue to negotiate with chip suppliers for short-term relief. Electronics giant Intel announced plans to build two new semiconductor plants in Arizona recently, but it will be many months before these factories will be able to put product out the door.

Copper supply/demand: electric vehicles require much more copper than gas-fueled cars.

turned to Asia fast enough. • A container ship grounded in the Suez Canal along with the shutdown of a

“Our industry will have to rely on lessons learned from the past in dealing with shortages of everything.” key port in China left an additional 350,000 containers of general merchandise choking ports last summer. • Container freight costs have ballooned from an average pre-COVID price of $1,600 per fully loaded unit to over $20K in September 2021. • 35% of the world’s trade is now shipped by air freight, half of that in passenger aircraft. • When passenger air traffic essentially stopped in early 2020, air freight shipments declined causing backlogs, especially with delicate and time-sensitive shipments. • At the time, air carriers had approximately 2,000 aircraft globally dedicated strictly to air freight; more than 2,500 passenger aircraft were pressed into service for air cargo. • Trucking companies report custom-

ers are taking longer to unload containers (dwell time) due to a shortage of workers to handle the containers. • Not to mention a shortage of truck drivers. • Railroads are restricting transportation of containers from the west coast ports because there are stacks of unloaded containers jamming their inland hubs.

SUPPLY CHAIN – INTANGIBLES The shortage of workers, regardless of industry, makes all the other problems seem small by comparison. Grounded aircraft, short of pilots, will increase delivery delays and exacerbate shortages—a major news headline on December 16th, 2021 cited United Airlines in the U.S. was grounding 100 of its jets because of a pilot shortage. And once our industry does manage to recover, there’s still bad news related to the cost of goods. Government policies targeting massive infrastructure improvements and other social engineering projects will drive the cost of steel and copper through the proverbial roof. For example, electric cars (much favoured by policymakers) require almost four-times as much copper than a standard internal combustion engine vehicle (see graph above). Steel prices, averaging just under $500 per ton in Continued on p14 HPACMAG.COM

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Continued from p12

July, are projected to hit $1,900 per ton next year. HVAC equipment prices have only one way to go.





Wholesalers continue to receive shipments of HVAC parts and pieces, and some are publishing photos on social media of well stocked warehouses hoping to assure customers that needed items are available. I went to Gary McCreadie’s HVAC Know It All website where I asked Gary, along with several of his technician subscribers, how the supply chain disruption manifests itself in the field. Gary told me he’s “seeing long wait times for various things, but it’s equipment that seems to be scarce.” Apparently certain rooftop units won’t be available until sometime in 2022. Other technician comments (edited): • “I just saw a quote from (brand x) for a 12.5-ton rooftop with a lead time of 15 weeks…I’m trying to combine parts from two dead ice machines onsite to try and get one working at least.” • “ODU from June, original ETA for parts was October/November. Now it’s April.” • “… suppliers have been taking parts off new units in the warehouse to give to technicians…some condenser fan motors taking 6-12 months to get them in…getting parts for 8-in. PVC and larger has been extremely difficult…” • “Ordered a 3-ton back in August, just came in today (December21st).” • “… we’re having a hard time with HX for sure…package units hard to get.” • “… we can’t get the (brand x) heat banks 10-15kw until 2023 possibly… can’t find 2-in. brass male adapters anywhere on the planet…PEX fittings are hard to come by…certain PVC fittings have a lead time…” • “Heat pumps! Lead time right now, four months.”

The almighty chip: HVAC equipment might have only one microprocessor on board or many more, especially the higher-end products where communicating controls, gas heat modulation, inverter compressor drives, variable speed motors, and electronic refrigerant metering are involved.

Obviously, our magnificently robust supply chain is suffering from a pandemic-related weak link syndrome. Even though some wholesalers have significantly embellished their inventories, it’s the odd missing item here and there holding up the entire enterprise; replenishing some scarce items will be met by new shortages of others. Our industry is in limp mode for now. Decades of beneficial experience in dealing with scarcities along with bouts of inflation, government regulation, foreign competition and perpetual staffing issues will have to serve us well in the coming year of spot shortages confounded by rising prices. From where I sit today (and I don’t pretend to be a sage), I’m thinking we’re in a situation akin to Winston Churchill’s famous quote after the Battle of Britain victory: “This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”

Certainly, we are not in dire straits as the Brits were then, it simply means our industry will have to rely on our “beneficial experiences” or lessons learned from the past in dealing with shortages of everything. I’m not optimistic, at least in the short run. Thus, as I’ve mentioned, it’s going to be lessons learned from the past along with contemporaneous “outside the box” thinking that will have to carry our industry through this seemingly unrelenting crisis. <> Ian McTeer, a regular contributor to HPAC, is an HVAC consultant with over 35 years of experience in the industry. He was most recently a field rep for Trane Canada DSO. McTeer is a refrigeration mechanic and Class 1 Gas technician. For more information Ian can be reached at: imcteer@outlook.com. HPACMAG.COM



What many of our customers (civilians) don’t know, and what many of us professionals take for granted, are the unique characteristics of refrigerant. BY GERRY WAGNER


t is believed that man … early man, discovered fire around two million years ago. Now, I’m old, but I’m not that old, so I have to take the scientists’ word for it. I suspect within a short time after discovering fire, using it for the purpose of creating heat became one of its earliest practical uses. Water, being abundant and readily available, then became the obvious media for heat transfer — heat the water with fire and then move the water, or the steam it produced upon boiling, to areas that required heat. Hydronic heating systems can be traced back to the end of the 14th century, and steam heat is documented as early as 1784. So, it’s not surprising that most of us, when we think of central heating systems, picture fire and water as the key elements. Now, with the advent of air-to-air heat pump systems, many of us struggle to understand how a system that does not utilize fire or water, can extract heat from outdoor air temperatures as low -30C (-22F). Well, the answer is magic! …not buying it, right? Well, it’s magical in my opinion. What many of our customers (civilians) don’t know, and what many of us professionals take for granted, is the unique characteristics of refrigerant. Along with some really cool compressor technology, it is refrigerant that makes extracting heat from seemingly crazy cold outdoor air possible. HPACMAG.COM

I need to come clean with you about the motivation for the subject matter of this article: I was asked to participate in a project sponsored by the Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI). The project involves creating a document that explains the different types of heating technologies in terms that the typical civilian would understand.

“The advent of the inverter compressor has taken heat pump technology to yet another level.” The project was birthed out of the new strict energy conserving and decarbonization codes recently enacted in Vancouver. My portion of the project is to create a civilian-friendly explanation of the air-to-air heat pump. So, as my deadline for this article approached, I thought maybe I could kill two birds with one stone (it’s an old man expression, no birds were harmed in the writing of this article). OK, lets get back to the task at hand … What many civilians don’t know is that air conditioners do not add cooling, but rather they extract heat from a room. In this scenario, the evaporator (the coil in the room being conditioned) is passing room air over it (via a fan) and the refrigerant flowing inside the coil is absorbing heat from the room air

and sending it to the outside unit (condenser) where the heat is extracted (again, via a fan) and dissipated into the outdoor atmosphere. So, lets get to the magic part … R410A refrigerant boils at -48.5C (-55.3F) and it is this that allows it to absorb heat even at -30C (-22F) outdoor air temperature. … is it starting to make sense now? The transfer media (refrigerant) being used in an air-to-air heat pump is where the magic takes place. Air-to-air heat pumps when in the “heating” mode reverse the refrigerant flow cycle described earlier, now the outdoor unit coil becomes the evaporator and the indoor unit coil becomes the condenser, releasing the heat extracted from the outdoor air into the room. It’s also important to know that the refrigerant changes state (liquid to liquid/vapour to gas) as it circulates throughout the system. Mrs. Gillacuddy explained to us in sixth grade science class that matter can change state, but what she didn’t tell us is that when it does, it produces energy in that process — energy that an air-to-air heat pump translates into heat. The advent of the inverter compressor, the “pump” in the air-to-air heat pump, has taken heat pump technology to yet another level. The inverter compressor is best described as a modulating compressor, much like the engine in your car. Civilians aren’t expected to understand how a compressor works, but they do generally have a good understanding how an automobile works. Mrs. Gillacuddy knows when she puts the pedal to the metal of her four-door 1967 Chevy Malibu the Malibu takes off. She also knows when she takes her foot off the gas the Malibu slows down, and lastly, she knows when she puts the Malibu in “cruise-control” that the car maintains a pre-set speed. Continued on p16 FEBRUARY 2022 | HPAC


< DUCT FREE ZONE Continued from p15

I tell you this because that is exactly how an inverter compressor works! When the load is great (it’s hot inside) the compressor will run up to 3,600 RPM like every other compressor in the world, the difference being, when the load is less than great we can take our foot off the gas and as a result, use less gas—use less voltage—but you know what I mean, and when the temperature of the room meets Mrs. Gillacuddy’s setpoint temperature, her comfort number (20C / 70F) well, then the compressor goes into cruise-control, simply using just enough energy to maintain her setpoint. Ok, we are getting close to the end here, but I do have to tell you about the latest advancement to the inverter compressor which adds yet another level of energy conservation and low outdoor temperature heating ability to

Illustration of a two-stage vapour injection compressor.

the air-to-air heat pump. The good people at the company I represent have created what they call the “two stage enhanced vapour injection compressor.” Now, before I go any further, those of you who know me and have attended one of my product training events know that I am brutally honest—I tell you


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when I like something, and I also tell you when I feel something can be improved. In this case, I’m going to tell you that calling your compressor “vapour injection” is like saying your beer is “fired-brewed.” Of course you beer is fired brewed, that’s what brewing is. The Stroh Brewery Company clearly had a clever marketing person who took something that every brewery did and made it sound special and unique. The similarity here is that ALL compressors are vapour injection. We don’t compress liquid, do we? What is special and unique about the this two-stage enhanced vapour injection compressor is the “two stage” portion of its description. Adding a second “injection” point for refrigerant in a vapour state but at two different pressures allows for even greater production of energy (in this context, heat) because not only is energy produced when matter changes state, but it is produced when that matter changes pressure. Well, those of you in the trade are probably thinking to yourself right now, “Yeah, I knew all that already.” How I hope this article may help you is in relating what you already know to your customer, or potential customer, when trying to sell the attributes of the air-to-air heat pump. Technology has come a long way over two million years, and although much of it may seem obvious to the professional, it’s not a bad idea to take a moment and appreciate the “magic” that is found in our trade. <> Gerry Wagner is the vice president of business development for Bathica in Quebec. He has 41 years in the HVAC/R industry working in manufacturing, contracting and training. Contact: GerryWagner@ Bathica.com or TOSOTamerica.com


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HPACMAG.COM 2021-06-02 1:21 PM



MONTREAL HEALTH NETWORK ADDS HEAT PUMPS Part of an $18.8 million energy efficiency project

a publication of


Modern Hydronics

MH14 SNOW MELT Close That Door

Understanding and controlling the inefficiencies of snow melting. By Curtis Bennett


Which is Better? Control options when combining DHW, space heating and cooling using an air-to-water heat pump. By John Siegenthaler



Optimizing Operations


A Montreal west-end health network undertakes an $18.8 million energy efficiency program. By Doug Picklyk

Pel-Air Systems Considering design options for adding a pellet boiler to a forced-air heating system. By John Siegenthaler


a supplement of Heating Plumbing Air Conditioning Magazine

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Modern Hydronics

WHICH IS BETTER? Considering control options when combining domestic hot water plus space heating using an air-to-water heat pump. BY JOHN SIEGENTHALER


ne of the advantages of air-towater heat pumps is their ability to provide space heating, cooling, and domestic water heating. The system shown belown in Figure 1 is a “template” for such a system. When operating in heating mode the heat pump maintains the water in the buffer tank at an elevated temperature

suitable for space heating and at least a portion of the domestic hot water (DHW) heating load. The reverse indirect tank provides buffering between the heat pump’s heat output rate and the variable space heating load created by five independently controlled zones of heat emitters. Domestic water absorbs heat as it passes through the copper or stainless-steel coils suspended within the buffer tank.

TRADEOFFS The combination of space heating and DHW sets up a bit of a “quandary.” To optimize the heat pump’s coefficient of performance (COP) the water in the buffer tank should only be heated to the

minimum temperature necessary to maintain comfort in the building. That’s easily accomplished using a properly set up, and relatively inexpensive, outdoor reset controller. Some modern airto-water (ATW) heat pumps even have this control logic included within their internal controls. However, to optimize the use of heat pump energy for DHW the tank temperature should be maintained at a temperature of at least 120F (49C) at all times. This is based on a nominal five-degree temperature loss across the heat exchanger coils and assumes that DHW delivered from the tank at 115F (46C) is acceptable. Continued on MH6

Figure 1. Example of an air-to-water heat pump providing space heating/cooling and DHW. MH4




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Modern Hydronics

Syracuse is between 5F and 10F for 79 hours per year. Bin temperature tabulations are available from multiple sources including ASHRAE and ACCA Manual J. The bin temperature data drives the space heating load model as well as the performance model for the heat pump heating capacity and COP.

Lower tank temperatures will reduce the percentage of heat supplied to domestic water from the heat pump, and thus increase the amount of heat the needed from a supplemental heat source. Here’s the “quandary”: Is it better to use outdoor reset to control the tank water temperature and take the “penalty” in the form of increased supplemental heating for domestic water heating, or should the heat pump maintain the tank temperature high enough to meet the DHW load 24/7, and take the “hit” of a lower seasonal COP?

COMPLEX SOLUTION That’s a complex question to answer. It involves specifics for the DHW load relative to space heating load, the COP and heating capacity performance of the heat pump, and the regional climate the system operates in. It also involves the relative cost of installing a dual function buffer tank versus a single function buffer, and the cost of installing a means of providing supplemental heat for boosting DHW to a desired delivery temperature.

THE MODEL To get a quantitative assessment of these factors I set up a spreadsheet simulation that melds much of this information together. It produced results that seem reasonable given the relatively simple modeling methods used. I’ll share those results with you shortly. First let’s put the “givens” out there along with the “assumptions.” The spreadsheet simulation is based on a specific heat pump, in this case a nominal 5-ton (@60,000 Btu/h) unit with “low ambient” refrigeration system enabling it to operate at outdoor air temperatures as low as -22F (-30C). The heating capacity and COP of this heat pump, like any ATW heat pump, are highly dependent on operating conditions, specifically outdoor air temperature and the water temperature leaving the heat pump’s condenser. That dependency was modeled using data provided by the manufacturer to create “curve fit” equations that were implemented in the spreadsheet. The building modeled was a single-family home with a design heat loss of 36,000 Btu/h based on 70F (21C) inside and -10F (-23C) outside temperatures. This home’s hydronic distribution system serves a combination of panel radiators and radiant floor circuits. The heat emitters were sized for a design load using 110F (43C) supply water temperature. The system’s assumed location was Syracuse, NY (about a 3-hour drive east of Niagara Falls). The simulation used long term “bin” temperature data, as shown in Figure 2. Bin temperature data organizes the hourly average outdoor temperature, at a given location, into groups that, in this case, are five-degrees Fahrenheit “wide.” For example, Figure 2 shows that the long-term average outdoor temperature in MH6


SPACE HEATING ONLY I modeled several scenarios involving different average buffer tank temperatures. I wanted to see how these temperatures affected the seasonal average COP of the heat pump. The results (next page, Fig. 3) show that the Figure 2. Long term “bin” seasonal average COP of this temperature data for northern particular heat pump, as exNew York state. pected, will vary depending on the water temperature of the space heating distribution system. Low temperature systems definitely have the advantage. For example, a radiant panel system that could supply the building’s design heat load using water at an average temperature of 90F (32C), and without outdoor reset, would allow the heat pump to attain a seasonal average COP of about 3.3. The seasonal COP would decrease to about 2.3 if the system required a sustained average supply temperature of 120F (49C). That’s a significant difference. In Syracuse (6720 ºF•days “degree days”), where electricity currently costs $0.117/kWh, the savings associated with the higher seasonal average COP would be $213 per year. Since the heat pump’s performance improves at lower water temperatures it makes sense to keep this temperature as low as possible. That’s easily done using an outdoor reset controller to regulate the buffer tank temperature. I modeled this strategy and found the heat pump’s seasonal COP increased to 3.47. That, in my opinion, is excellent performance for an ATW heat pump in a cold climate application. It rivals the seasonal performance attainable by geothermal water-towater heat pumps in the same application, and at a fraction of the (unsubsidized) installation cost.

BUT WHAT ABOUT DHW? I also integrated a daily domestic hot water load of 60 gallons


Continued on MH8 WWW.HPACMAG.COM





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HEAT PUMPS per day heated from 50 to 120F into the spreadsheet, and ran it for several assumed buffer tank temperatures. Any supplemental energy for DHW was assumed to be provided by electric resistance heating (an electric tankless or a tank-type heater). The seasonal average COP was based on the total energy used for space heating plus DHW. The results are shown in Figure 4. There’s a significant drop in the system’s seasonal average COP as the water temperature maintained in the buffer tank decreases as more electric energy is required to bring DHW up to a consistent temperature of 120F. The use of full outdoor reset control of tank temperature, along with electric supplemental DHW heating, and assuming that the heat pump provides all domestic water heating during the months with no space heating (May through September), yielded an estimated annual COP of 2.82.

ANOTHER POSSIBILITY How about operating the heat pump using outdoor reset of the tank temperature, and handling the DHW load with a separate electric resistance heater? I modeled this scenario and found that the effective seasonal COP of the system (e.g., total energy output of the system divided by total electrical energy input) was 2.57. This reflects that 11% of the total load (space heating + DHW) would now be provided by electric resistance heating at a COP of 1.0. In the interest of full disclosure here’s what wasn’t included in the computer simulations this article is based on: standby buffer tank heat loss; energy used for heat pump defrost; and energy to operate the system circulator. Assuming a well-insulated tank, and intelligent defrost controls, I estimate these effects combined would lower the seasonal COP by 5 to 10%. The higher end of this derating would be for climates with higher relative huMH8


Modern Hydronics

Figure 3. How buffer tank temperatures affect the average COP of the heat pump.

midity in winter, and more hours where outside temperatures are in the range of freezing, where the highest amounts of defrosting are necessary.

TAKE AWAYS From an overall performance standpoint, the combination of outdoor reset to regulate buffer tank, along with supplemental electric resistance heating to “top off” DHW, had a projected seasonal system COP of 2.85. This exceeds the estimated COP of 2.57 based on full reset for space heating and shifting all DHW load to electric resistance heating. For this project, in this location, the annual savings associated with the higher seasonal COP would be about $119/year. That saving has to be weighed against the cost of detailing the system to provide DHW versus using a separate electric water heater.

FINAL THOUGHTS The heat pump that was modeled does not have a desuperheater, an option available on several water-to-water heat pumps used in geothermal applications. It allows the hot refrigerant gas leaving the heat pump’s compressor to cool from a superheated vapour to a saturated vapour before entering the condenser. That heat is transferred to a stream of domestic water circulating between the heat pump and a tank type water heater. Desuperheaters are posMODERN HYDRONICS

Figure 4. How the seasonal average COP is affected when the heat pump is used for space heating and DHW.

sible with split system ATW heat pumps that house the compressor indoors. An ATW heat pump equipped with a desuperheater could provide much of the energy required for DHW without the need of heat exchanger coils in the buffer tank. That energy is essentially “free” when the heat pump operates in cooling mode (since the heat would otherwise be dissipated outside). The availability of such a unit would likely swing the design toward a single function buffer tank with the temperature regulated by outdoor reset. A separate heater would be used to provide any small temperature boost needed for consistent DHW delivery. Another possibility would be controls that operate the heat pump based on outdoor reset control of buffer tank temperature during the heating season, but also allow the heat pump to elevate the buffer tank temperature to 120-130F during the “non-heating” season. Stay tuned for more unique ways to configure ATW heat pumps systems in future articles.<> John Siegenthaler, P.E., has more than 40 years of experience in designing modern hydronic heating systems. His latest book is Heating with Renewable Energy (www.hydronicpros.com). WWW.HPACMAG.COM


At the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal, 26 air-to-water heat pumps were installed on a custom platform on one of the buildings.

OPTIMIZING OPERATIONS Montreal west-end health network undertakes $18.8 million energy efficiency retrofit program. BY DOUG PICKLYK





tions into one project we can recover a lot of energy savings in total,” explains Georges Bendavid, Director of Technical Services for CIUSSS West-Central. The CIUSSS invested close to $18.8 million for this initiative, of which $6.7 million came from a combination of grants offered through the Government of Quebec and utilities including HydroQuébec and Énergir. “The strategies that were put into place will allow us to save close to $1.4 million a year in energy costs,” says Bendavid. And based on having to finance about $10 million of the project, the CUISSS is projecting roughly a seven-year payback. While the project did include lighting upgrades throughout the nine buildings, the heavy lifting for this initiative involved mechanical system upgrades in buildings dating as far back as the 1920s.

NEW BOILERS All but one of the nine facilities are heated with hydronics (Miriam, a small 25-bed long-term care site, is heated WWW.HPACMAG.COM


he Integrated Health and Social Services University Network for West-Central Montreal (locally known as CIUSSS – Centre intégré univeritaire de santé et de services sociaux). The area covered by the CIUSSS is home to approximately 371,500 people who are served by more than 30 member facilities. Included are one of Canada's leading hospitals (the Jewish General Hospital) and an interlocking array of three specialized hospitals, five local community service centres, two rehab centers, six long-term care sites, two day centres and several affiliated research facilities. In August, 2019, the CIUSSS began working with Énergère, a Quebec-based energy efficiency consultancy and con-

tractor, on a massive energy-savings project involving nine buildings which included changes to boiler rooms and entire mechanical systems to reduce the network’s environmental footprint and increase operational efficiency. Over the past two-and-a-half years, more than 40 measures were implemented in the nine facilities, including the Jewish General Hospital (JGH), a 637 bed acute-care and teaching hospital that serves as the hub of the CIUSSS West-Central network. The other buildings optimized include: Mount Sinai Hospital, Richardson Hospital, Catherine Booth Hospital, Henri Bradet Residential Centre, Donald Berman Maimonides Geriatric Centre, Saint Margaret Residential Centre, Saint Andrew Residential Centre, Father Dowd Residential Centre and Miriam Home and Services. “At some of these facilities we’re removing big boilers that are running at 20% efficiency and replacing them with modern boilers running at 85% or more, and by combining all of these modifica-

Modern Hydronics

with electric resistance). In three sites steam boilers were replaced with efficient hot water systems and/or heat pumps for space heating (a steam operation was retained at the JGH for sterilization, humidification and the kitchens). Where the steam was replaced, they’re running hot water through the same radiators for the perimeter heating, but now they’re able to modulate the water temperature based on outdoor conditions to better control the environment in each room, says Emilia Fernandes, P.Eng., project manager on the CIUSSS technical services team.

AIR HANDLING In addition to the perimeter heating, all of the steam coils in the air handlers were replaced with hot water. They were re-sized, are being fed with lower temperatures and also have outdoor reset.


HPAC_ArcticHeat_Aug21.indd 1

In the JGH alone, 24 coils were swapped out from the 100% fresh air systems and systems with return and modulating fresh air. Six of those coils— those in the fresh air systems—use small glycol loops with heat exchangers. “We optimized the amount of fresh air, and made a lot of the systems variable volume to save energy there as well,” says Fernandes. “We’re saving energy in the distribution system where before we were losing a lot of efficiency.”

HEAT PUMPS The project did not move facilities away from natural gas, but the addition of heat pumps was designed to optimize the energy efficiency in three buildings. “We optimized the boiler systems we had, and at the same time we added the heat pumps to help with the generation of the hot water,” explains Fernandes.


Commercial air-to-water (ATW) heat pumps were installed at three sites: three units at Mount Sinai, two at Maimonides and 26 at the JGH, which also installed a six-section water-to-water Multistack heat pump chiller. At the JGH, the 26 ATW heat pumps were installed on the roof of one building, and they were placed on a platform that serves as an outside plenum where exhaust from the building goes through the heat pump array tempering the air so the units can run with efficiency even during a Montreal winter. Two buffer tanks (750 gallons each) were installed in the JGH as part of the loop from the ATW heat pumps to create mass for more stable temperature control and efficient hot water production. The JGH still operates gas boilers and has water-to-steam heat exchangers, but Continued on MH12

SPRING 2022 MH11 2021-08-04 3:47 PM


Modern Hydronics

the system was optimized with the addition of the heat pumps which bring the system up to a certain water temperature, and then the water-to-water heat pumps/chillers boost the temperature. “We still have a primary high temperature loop and a secondary low temperature loop,” explains Fernandes. “We use the higher temperature to inject into the low temperature.” The whole distribution system was also re-piped to optimize efficiency and energy savings for the domestic hot water. Cooling at the JGH is handled with existing chillers—a system optimized in a previous project. However they do have a circuit to unload the new Multistack chiller into its chilled water system.

CONTROL AUTOMATION “With this type of project, one of the things that is definitely very important is

the controls,” says Bendavid. “The capacity to be able to look at what you are doing in real-time and over a period of time, and to also be able to see the energy savings.” If a facility had an existing control system they tried to keep operations as they were, otherwise they centralized with Delta controls that allows communications to a central room in JGH where operations can be monitored remotely. The project included a complete review of the control sequences and optimization of the equipment operations to maximize energy savings, including a complete review of the schedules of operation and adjustment of setpoints for the temperature of air and water, the quantity of fresh air supply and exhaust. “This was done for all major heating, cooling, ventilation and domestic hot water production equipment,” notes

Fernandes. “Not only were the sequences optimized, but other control points were added to better control and monitor the systems.” In addition, a complete recommissioning was done which allowed all the facilities to discover and fix elements that were neglected over the years, and to better coordinate with the building automation systems. The CIUSSS expects to reduce GHG emissions by 49% annually—with 2,200 tonnes of GHG savings from the ATW heat pumps alone. The annual energy consumption will also be reduced by 39.3 million kilowatt hours, the energy consumed by about 1,637 households. According to Bendavid, at the end of the day, “This type of project is not looking at just saving energy, it’s really looking at one way to finance the modernization of our aging institutions.” <>

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2022-02-08 1:02 PM






You are rightfully proud of your work and love to share your expertise, and artistry, with the community. So make sure your camera lenses are cleaned and focused because Sweet Heat ’22 is now underway! Entries will be featured on our Instagram and displayed at the Summit in September. There, the winning installations, as selected by a judging panel including John Siegenthaler, will be announced and their installations featured. Entry is simple – send us photos (before and after shots work best) of a completed installation and fill out the simple entry form at hpacmag.com/sweet-heat-2022. There will be winners in both the residential and commercial categories. Installations can be either new-build or retrofit. Past winner: Rambow Mechanical (Kelowna, BC)

Past winner: Riverdale Plumbing (Toronto, ON)



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SPRING 2022 MH13 2022-02-08 3:14 PM



When it comes to controlling snow melt systems, the goal is to optimize the inherent inefficiencies to the best of your abilities. BY CURTIS BENNETT


can still hear my parents yelling at me in the winter: “Close the door, we are not trying to heat the whole world.” And I’m sure many of you have heard something similar at some point in your lives. I spent my childhood in rural Alberta where we would have “No School Days” because it was so cold outside that the propane in the school bus would start to gel. So leaving the door to the house open in those temperatures would cool the the place down pretty fast, and it could take some time to heat it back up. Now, as an adult myself, I totally get it, I’m not paying to heat the outside. But wait … Snow melting is a very big part of our hydronics industry in Canada. I’m not going to sit here and tell you that snow melt systems are all roses and butterflies, because each person reading this (and I hope there are more of you than just my mom) will start laughing and go on to the next article. Snow melt systems are the most inefficient systems we in the HVAC industry have at our disposal. Each one of those Btu’s that your boiler just made went straight outside, never to be used to heat your house. Poof, gone. Now I am no mechanical engineer, but I know as a rule—and this will change from region to region—that it’s about 250 Btu’s per square foot to melt snow on a slab, but in actuality this number is not important. The important thing is MH14


Sensors in snow melt systems can detect snow or ice on the pavement and trigger the process.

that the pipes for said systems are in slabs of concrete THAT ARE OUTSIDE. I did use upper case for a reason. I have told many people in my circle of friends and family about snow melting. None, as of yet, had ever heard of it. The first thing they say is: “Wow that must cost A LOT of money.” Then the second thing is always: “That would be awesome at my house.” Now don’t get me wrong, melting snow is a useful thing to do, I am just pointing out the heating aspect of it, that’s all. Now let’s take a look at a few things that can make snow melt systems use fewer Btu’s overall. Let’s quickly go over the basic parts of the snow melt operation (if I miss something I apologize, this is for simplicity). We have the boiler, piping, pumps and controls. I’m not going to talk about pumps and pipes, although yes, you can gain efficiency there, and yes you “should” be trying for that, but, for now we will talk about the other two. The boiler and controls will determine your system efficiency more than anything else, all else being considered MODERN HYDRONICS

equal. I am also assuming that everything is installed correctly, which is a whole other topic. Let’s start with the boiler. We have the necessary technology today, and that’s condensing boilers, to be even more specific modulating condensing boilers, but in the case of a snow melt system the condensing part is the most important aspect. As we should all know, you get the most efficiency out of the boiler when it is condensing, and in the case of snow melting your return water temperature is usually the temperature of the slab, yes I said usually. So if that is the case the max temperature that you should have coming back is around 50F (10C). You don’t need much more than that to melt snow, realistically you can melt snow at 33F (0.5C), but to hasten the snow melting time I have seen many people try to get the slab up to 40F (4.4C) to 45F (7.2C). Ok, so all that being said, a condensing boiler is perfect for snow melting applications. It’s going to be your most efficient choice. WWW.HPACMAG.COM

Modern Hydronics

“It's a big deal to get the slab temperature reading right ... sensor placement really needs to be considered.”

The optical sensor works by seeing an amount of snow falling. As the snow hits the top of the sensor it is able to see how much snow is falling. It can see the instant there is snow and the instant the snow stops and every variation in between. There is some efficiency that this sensor can provide, and we will hit that in a moment.

SLAB SENSOR Next, let’s look at what the control does. A snow melt control has three parts: the CPU that makes all the decisions; the slab sensor, which is usually built into the next part; the snow/ ice sensor—this sensor is what lets the control know that there is snow falling or ice forming on the slab.

SNOW SENSOR The snow sensor can work in a couple different ways. The first is a continuity style sensor, and the other is an optical style. The continuity style sensor basically senses snow by a change in resistance between some metal fingers on the top of the sensor. As snow falls on the sensor it melts between the fingers and causes a “short” circuit in the fingers. This tells the control there is snow.

In a snow melt system the slab sensor is what runs the control. It is a big deal to get this slab temperature reading right. Place the sensor too close to any piping and it will get too hot of a reading and the control could shut off the system prematurely. Likewise, if the slab sensor is not placed anywhere near any piping it may think the slab is too cold and continue to push heat. Sensor placement is something that really needs to be considered.

CONTROL STRATEGY The control strategy for a snow melt is pretty simple. The main temperature we are controlling is the slab temperature, but we need to know the outdoor temperature as well, because Continued on MH16

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SPRING 2022 MH15 2022-01-26 11:15 AM


FINDING EFFICIENCIES Since we are literally heating the outside, any improvements we can make to save energy and money should be looked at. But what can we do better? System idling is the practice of keeping the slab just below melting point until the snow sensor sees snow, reducing the amount of time it takes to raise the temperature of the slab to start melting the snow. If you don’t idle the slab it can take hours for the slab to heat up to start melting the snow. However, the amount of time that it’s not snowing usually far outweighs the time that it is. Idling the slab consumes the most energy and money in a snow melt system. I am not saying that it should not be done, but can we be more efficient? Idling even a couple degrees lower can save a huge amount of energy. Also, we now have the power of the internet at our fingertips and inside some controls. With internet connectivity we can use weather forecasts to do some predictMH16



the snow sensor does not actually see “snow” it sees moisture. We have to know it’s cold enough outside that the “moisture” the sensor is reading is snow and not rain. Making sure the outdoor temperature sensor is placed in a good position to get an accurate reading is a huge deal. The other temperatures we need are supply and return. We need to know the delta T of the fluid we are putting into the slab so we don’t “Shock” it—which is what happens by putting too much heat to the slab. So when the snow sensor senses some moisture, and the temperature outside is cold enough, and the slab temperature is below the set target, then we start pushing heat to the slab and the snow starts to melt. Not instantly but eventually. You may already know all this stuff, but it’s important. We need to remember all this information in order to know where we can do better.

Modern Hydronics

Correct positioning the sensors in the concrete will help system efficiency.

ing. Use the forecast to set the control into idle when we think snow is coming instead of idling all the time. We can also see if it is actually snowing in your area and use that along with the snow sensor to ramp up the slab temperature to melt. I won’t get too much into this, just know that it’s coming. Another big energy hog is the amount of time we use to melt the snow after the snow has stopped. This time is usually called the melt time of the slab and is different for every system. It depends on slab thickness, slab size and the heat capacity of the boiler—things I’m not going to get into. Just know that they’re all different when designed, so being aware of these specifications helps you know your melt time. If your melt time is too long, then you are wasting valuable energy and money, too little and you still have snow on the slab. Keeping these times to the proper amount can save a lot. The last item to help save energy is the time at which we know there is snow, and the time we know the snow has stopped. Accurately knowing this can save 15 to 20 minutes at the start of the melt cycle and at the end. It may seem insignificant for one cycle, but add up 20 minutes for 50 cycles a year for 20 years. Couple that with a 2 million Btu/h boiler. I think you see where I am headMODERN HYDRONICS

ing. It’s a lot of energy and money that can be saved. This can be done with proper snow melt sensor placement. Too many times I have seen the sensor placed where the snow drifts at the side of the driveway. Take a look at the surrounding buildings and even vegetation to get a good idea of how the snow may fall in areas of the slab to be melted. Thinking of these things will give the most accurate reading for the snow melt control to use. This also goes to my point above with the type of snowmelt sensor. The more information the snow sensor can give the control the better the control can make decisions. Wow, I did not think I had this much to share about snow melting. Hopefully you will take a couple tips out of this article. Just remember, close the damn door, and keep those Btu’s inside. <> Curtis Bennett C.E.T is product development manager with HBX Control Systems in Calgary. He formed the company with Tom Hermann in 2002. Its control systems are designed, engineered and manufactured in Canada to accommodate a range of hydronic heating and cooling needs in residential, commercial and industrial design applications. WWW.HPACMAG.COM


Modern Hydronics

The Viega Radiant Auto-Balancing System (RABS) provides the ability to independently control each

The new Weil-McLain ProTools App, available

Navien has introduced three new products to

zone in a radiant heating system. Balancing

for iOS and Android, allows contractors and

its PeakFlow line of scale prevention solutions

valves are not required and installers can com-

other heating professionals access to informa-

installed at the cold water supply line before

mission as many as eight thermostats and 12

tion on Weil-McLain boiler setup, maintenance

the water heater/combi-boiler to prevent scale

circuits per control unit. RABS analyzes the sup-

and troubleshooting. The new app’s features

build-up within a water heater system. The new

ply water temperature, each circuit’s return tem-

include: Troubleshoot (review of fault codes),

models include: PeakFlow S (standard) for a

perature and zone air temperatures where a

Find Parts, Review Technical Manuals, Get

flow rate up to 6 GPM; PeakFlow A (advanced)

wireless thermostat is used to monitor the sys-

Tech Support (via phone, email, chat or video

up to 10 GPM; and PeakFlow C (commercial)

tem. A web-based app-enabled control lets users

call), Retrieve Warranties (register a product or

for flow rates up to 20 GPM.

manage the system remotely.

review a warranty), and How-To Videos.




The Sanicondens Best Flat from Saniflo is a VenTum hydronic air handlers from Thermo 2000

lower-profile version of its Sanicondens Best

are for residential or light commercial applica-

condensate pump, with nearly double the tank

tions and can be paired with a boiler or water

volume and capable of serving multiple me-

RBI Torus condensing stainless steel watertube

heater, and also a heat pump or air conditioning

chanical systems, up to a total of 500,000

boilers and water heaters for commercial instal-

system for cooling. Available in two sizes, VenTum

Btu/h. The unit combines a condensate pump

lations now feature 10:1 turndown using pres-

can be installed vertically or horizontally. It in-

with pH-neutralizing pellet tray into a single solu-

sure-driven air/fuel mixing. The Torus units are

cludes a high-efficiency ECM fan motor, four-row

tion. The unit pumps effluent upward to 15 ft.

available in sizes ranging from 1,250 to 4,000

coil suited for low temperature water, a three-

and/or 150 ft. horizontally (with gravity fall).

MBtu/h with efficiencies of up to 97.5% on boil-

speed circulator pump and a digital controller.


ers and 98% on water heaters. An exclusive tele-


scoping burner door system slides out offering full access to the combustion chamber for annual inspection and service. rbiwaterheaters.com MH18





HEATING SYSTEMS ComboMax ULTRA An electric boiler and instantaneous water heater: a combination without compromise. TurboMax The instantaneous indirect water heater with unmatched exchange capacity, exceptional hot water quality and a lifespan of more than 30 years.

DoubleMax Equipped with an innovative double-wall copper heat exchanger that offers a thermal conductivity that is 17 times greater than that of stainless steel, it reduces the risk of cross contamination.

VoltMax Increased temperature control. Increased power control. The ideal electric boiler for your commercial projects.

BuffMax Optimize any type of hydronic system with the BuffMax buffer tank.

Ventum VenTum hydronic air handler conditions the air in a new or existing centralized system with great precision, in any season.

AltSource The only high-volume electric boiler on the market and the perfect complement to renewable energy.


Bth ULTRA and MINI The reliable and efficient electric boiler available in compact sizes for your residential needs.


PEL-AIR SYSTEMS Design options for adding a pellet boiler to a forced-air heating system. BY JOHN SIEGENTHALER


’ve described pellet-fueled boiler applications in several past issues of HPAC, and all of them have been situations where the boiler supplied a hydronic distribution system. While such applications are certainly the prevailing way pellet boilers are used, they are not the only option. It’s possible to couple a pellet boiler to a forced air distribution system. Most of these applications will be retrofits—perhaps a way to transition a central forced air system away from fossil fuel and onto renewable wood pellets. The economics of such a conversion are increasingly attractive as fossil fuel prices soar. Figure 1 (right) shows a basic system layout. The details between the boiler and thermal storage tank are typical. In this case a “loading unit,” which combines a thermostatic mixing valve and circulator provides flow between the boiler and thermal storage tank. It also prevents sustained flue gas condensation within the boiler by elevating the boiler inlet water temperature above 130F (54.4C) whenever possible. The thermal storage tank is piped in a “three-pipe” configuration. This allows hot water from the boiler to flow directly to the load if the pellet boiler is operating at the same time as the load. It also ensures that the thermal mass of the storage tank is fully “engaged” in the energy transfer process. This is critically important for any hydronic system with a biomass heat source. The heat emitter is a coil mounted in the discharge plenum of a furnace. An MH20


Figure 1. A basic system layout with a pellet boiler feeding a forced air distribution system.

Figure 2. Piping design incorporating a three-way mixing valve. MODERN HYDRONICS


Modern Hydronics

Photo 1. A radiant heated coil.

Figure 3. Connect a magnehelic gauge to measure the pressure drop after the coil is installed.

example of such a radiant coil is shown in Photo 1 (above, top). Most installations will require sheet metal transitions to be fabricated to join the coil to the furnace plenum as well as to the downstream ducting. Never mount the coil on the air inlet to a furnace. Doing so could heat the blower motor above its maximum rated operating temperature causing it to lockout or burnout. It’s also likely that such a situation would void the furnace’s warranty due to the potential for high entering air temperatures. For the system in Figure 1, water flow through the coil is regulated by a variable speed circulator. A closed control loop is established by monitoring the air temperature downstream of the coil. WWW.HPACMAG.COM

Figure 4. Install a separate air handler in parallel if both heating and cooling are required.

If this temperature begins to drop below a preset value, such as 110F (43C), the circulator increases speed, which increases heat output from the coil, and vice versa. There are circulators on the market that have self-contained logic for setpoint temperature control. The temperature sensor in the discharge duct can be wired directly to such a circulator. Circulators without this functionality, but equipped with either an analog input, (4-20 ma, or 0-10 VDC), or a digital input, (BACnet, LONworks, or PWM), can be regulated by one of several currently available temperature controllers. Controlling the discharge air temperature is important in this type of application. That’s because the temperature of MODERN HYDRONICS

the water supplied to the coil from the thermal storage tank could be as high as 190F (88C), and perhaps as low as five degrees above the desired leaving air temperature. Without flow regulation there would be times when scorching hot air is pushed through the supply ducting and into the conditioned space. The low density of this air would immediately cause it to rise toward the ceiling, and thus set up excessive air temperature stratification. Overheated air would also cause rapid thermostat cycles, and guaranteed comfort complaints. Another way to control the discharge air temperature is using a three-way mixing valve. The piping for this is shown in Figure 2 (left). Continued on MH22 SPRING 2022



Modern Hydronics

Figure 5. This diagram shows domestic water heating using brazed plate heat exchanger as well as supply and return piping for another independently controlled hydronics heating zone.

AIR-SIDE DESIGN Another important consideration is the drop in static pressure as air flows through the plenum coil. Most furnaces have ratings for air flow rate versus the external static pressure of the distribution system they connect to. In most systems the static pressure is created solely by the duct system. However, when a coil is added to the plenum it will definitely increase the total static pressure the furnace’s blower operates against. In applications where there’s an existing furnace it’s possible to measure the current static pressure drop by connecting a magnehelic gauge connected as shown in Figure 3 (previous page). Coil manufacturers can supply data that lists the static pressure drop across their coils as a function of the air flow rate through the coil. Use this data to determine the added static pressure at the nominal air flow rate the system needs to provide. If the existing forced-air distribution MH22


system already has a cooling coil installed, it’s very unlikely there will be sufficient static pressure capacity to accommodate a hot water coil. In this case it’s better to install a separate air handler in parallel with the furnace as shown in Figure 4 (previous page). Motorized dampers should be installed as shown. They open only when their associated air handler is operating. When closed they prevent air flow from “short circuiting” through the inactive air handler (or furnace).

FUTURE EXPANSIONS A unique benefit of this approach is that it allows heat from the pellet boiler to be used for ancillary loads­— domestic water heating is one example. Adding a manifold station and using it to supply some panel radiators, towel warmers, or radiant panel circuits is another. The system in Figure 5 (above) shows an “on demand” subassembly for heating domestic water using a stainlesssteel brazed plate heat exchanger, small MODERN HYDRONICS

circulator, and a domestic water flow switch. It also shows supply and return piping for another independently controlled heating zone. There are many possible variations. The key concept is the ability to expand the system for the future needs of the building without extensive modifications. I’ll close by admitting that I prefer hydronic heating distribution systems whenever possible. But I’m also a realist. There are a lot of forced air systems out there that could potentially undergo a pellet boiler “make-over”. Doing so not only transitions the system to a renewable fuel, it also opens up a wide range of possibilities to suit the future needs of the building. <> John Siegenthaler, P.E., has more than 40 years of experience in designing modern hydronic heating systems. His latest book is Heating with Renewable Energy (visit: www.hydronicpros.com). WWW.HPACMAG.COM


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IN MEMORIAM: JACQUES DESCHENES With sadness, brothers Martin and François Deschênes released a statement announcing the death of their father Jacques Deschênes, who passed away peacefully in his residence in Sainte-Margueritedu-Lac-Masson on January 14, 2022, at the age of 86. Jacques joined Deschênes & Fils Ltée in 1954 and held various roles before becoming its third president and general manager in 1973. He then served as president and CEO of Groupe Deschênes from 1988 to 2000. Under his leadership the wholesaler grew from a single location in Montreal to 50 in Quebec and Ontario. He was Chairman of the Board of Directors of Groupe Deschênes until 2009 and continued to serve as Honorary Chairman until their most recent meeting in December 2021. In their statement, Martin (currently vice president of the Board) and François (president/CEO), described their father as, “A man of principle and determination, he was a philanthropist, a generous volunteer of his time, a builder, an accomplished entrepreneur and an undeniable promoter of the sustainability of family businesses. He was also a great nature lover. “Despite all the accomplishments he was able to achieve, humility and simplicity will remain among his greatest qualities.” groupedeschenes.com



MARCONE ACQUIRES MUNCH’S SUPPLY Marcone Supply, headquartered in St. Louis, MO and operating 133 locations across the U.S. and Canada, has acquired Munch’s Supply, the Chicagoarea supplier of HVAC and plumbing parts and equipment that in recent months entered the Canadian market with two Ontario acquisitions. Marks Supply was purchased in June of 2021 followed by TML Supply in December. With the addition of Munch’s, Marcone is enhancing its HVAC and plumbing business with 64 locations across 16 U.S. states and Ontario. marcone.com


EXPANSION ON TARGET FOR T&S BRASS T&S Brass and Bronze Works, manufacturer of commercial plumbing equipment, has completed phase one of a two-part $10.3 million expansion and renovation of its headquarters and plant in South Carolina. Breaking ground in late 2020, phase one added 53,000 sq. ft. of space to the facility. Phase two, currently ongoing, will convert a shipping and receiving dock area into additional manufacturing space with a completion date of fall 2024. tsbrass.com

MASTER GROUP EXPANDS TO THE U.S. The Master Group has announced its first foray into the United States with the acquisition of Value Added Distributors (VAD) headquartered in Midlothian, Virginia. VAD is the parent company of three regional HVAC distributors (Virginia Air Distributors, Allied HVAC Distributors and South Carolina Air Distributors) with 19 branches and 200 employees across six states (Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Ohio and Pennsylvania). This new acquisition grows upon Quebec-based Master’s Canada-wide operations with more than 49 branches and 4 distribution centres from coast to coast. “This agreement represents an incredible milestone in the history of Master. A milestone in our expansion in the United States and a milestone as the first Canadian-owned HVAC/R distributor expanding through acquisition South of the

border,” says Louis St-Laurent, CEO, The Master Group, in a company release. While the company intends to continuing growing in all Canadian markets, VAD will serve as its platform for future U.S. growth.” www.master.ca

VIESSMANN INVESTS IN NOVA SCOTIA WOODLANDS Viessmann Group has purchased 2,200 hectares of forest in Nova Scotia as part of the company's sustainability strategy, which pursues the goal of preserving or managing forest areas in the interest of climate protection. The woodlands of the Lake Pleasant area were sold by several private owners, and future management will be carried out in cooperation with the Canadian Green Value Management. The forest is managed sustainably, and the wood extracted is primarily HPACMAG.COM

MSN > used for long-lasting products, for example for building houses. This means that the CO2 saved is actually removed longterm from the atmosphere. viessmann.com

Max Viessmann, CEO Viessmann Group (left), and Martin Viessmann, Chairman of the Board of Directors.

FOURTH GENERATION TAKES OVER AT VIESSMANN GROUP As of 2022, Viessmann Group’s 105th year of operation, Maximilian Viessmann (32) becomes the fourth generation of

the family to lead the company. Since 2018 Maximilian has served as co-CEO with Joachim Janssen (64), who is retiring after nearly 15 years on the executive board and six years at the top of the family-owned business. “We are now placing Viessmann’s future entirely in the hands of the fourth generation by having Maximilian as our sole CEO,” said Martin Viessmann, Chairman of the Board of Directors who served as CEO from 1992-2016 and is Max’s father. “I could not be any prouder because I know that no one is more capable of leading the 13,000-strong Viessmann family into a successful future than Maximilian.” viessmann.family OATEY ENLISTS SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCERS Plumbing products manufacturer, Oatey



Darryl Wong

Laura Giudice

Co., first launched its social media ambassador program in June 2021 with four plumbers including two Canadians, Danielle ‘Twig’ Browne from St. John’s, Nfld (@thelittlestplumber) and Alex Goin (@thebiggestplumber_) of Windsor, Ont. The company has since added six more ambassadors for 2022, and the new class includes two more Canadians including Laura Giudice of Mississauga, Ont. (@my_plumbing_adventure) and Darryl Wong (@impetuspandh_darryl) from Richmond, B.C. As Ambassadors the participants Continued on p44

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1/26/22 3:34 PM



2022-01-27 3:08 PM


Continued from p43

champion the Oatey family of brands (including Oatey, Dearborn, Hercules, Cherne and more) and create unique content that’s shared across Instagram and other digital platforms. Each Ambassador receives curated kits of Oatey branded gear and they are provided with a range of products to support their day-to-day work. They are also among the first to know about new product launches and have the chance to try new products firsthand. oatey.com MESTEK ACQUIRES TRANSOM CORP. Mestek Canada, a subsidiary of Mestek, Inc., has acquired Barrie, Ontario-based Transom Corp., a designer and manufacturer of high lift low ambient heat pumps with domestic hot water capabilities, air- and water-cooled chillers, large capacity heat recovery and make-up air

DISTRIBUTION >> Toronto-based HTS Engineering, a commercial and industrial full-service HVAC distributor with locations across North America, has announced an agreement with Distech Controls who will provide HTS with building automation solutions to optimize energy efficiency, occupant comfort and reduce operating costs. hts.com

units for commercial and industrial applications. “The acquisition of Transom builds on our long history of engineering and manufacturing hydronic heating and cooling systems for residential, commercial, and industrial applications,” stated Tim Markel, president of the Mestek distributor products group, in a company announcement.

>> Manufacturer’s representative J.B. Sales & Associates has a partnership with Harris Products Group for sales representation in the Ontario plumbing and HVAC/R market. J.B. Sales will introduce Harris’s Inferno brand of brazing tools including air/fuel torches and trigger torches, along with their port-a-torch outfits. jbsales.ca

Johan Martensson, who founded Transom in 2016, said “Mestek’s market stature and resources gives us the platform needed for Transom’s products to reach the full market, as well as develop new products more efficiently with an improved speed to market.” The acquisition allows Mestek to enhance its air-to-water heat pump offerings. mestek.com <>


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HPAC_Sanifo_Feb22_CSA.indd 1

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2022-02-08 9:20 AM

PEOPLE > Viessmann Canada has named Jeff Amlin as regional manager – Eastern Canada. In his new role Amlin will work with sales agencies in Ontario, Stuart Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Amlin Scotia, P.E.I. and Newfoundland/Labrador as well as continuing to be the main point of contact for key accounts across Canada. And Randy Stuart has taken on responsibilities as regional manager – Western Canada. Stuart will continue to manage the Viessmann B.C. office and will also work closely with sales agencies in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Northwest Territories and the Yukon. Aqua-Tech Sales and Marketing has promoted Darryl Singleton to president and named Chris Neilson as vice president operations. Singleton, Neilson who has been with the company for Singleton 27 years, most recently served as national sales manager and has more than 16 years of senior management experience with Aqua-Tech. And Neilson, who began his career with Aqua-Tech 24 years ago, has served as operations manager with the company for the past eight years. Uponor announced that Bill Gray, president, building solutions – North America and a member of Uponor’s executive committee has decided to pursue new challenges. Gray officially left his poGray sition as of January 10th, 2022. The transition comes almost 10 years after Gray was first named president of Uponor North America. He was previously general manager for Uponor in Canada for three years and then vice president of sales in North America. Wolseley Canada has appointed Jason Bloedow as national director, HVAC. Bloedow is responsible for growing and developing market share, talent, and innovative business solutions in the HVAC sector and will support the HVAC team in Bloedow enhancing sales and category strategies. He holds over 15 years of experience in the HVAC, construction, fire, and gas industries. Desco Plumbing and Heating Supply has announced changes among its leadership team. Brian Ruetz has been promoted to vice president Ruetz Peet-Winkfield and general manager. With Desco for over 17 years, Ruetz was previously sales manager. Taking over the sales manager role, overseeing all sales related

functions is Melanie Peet-Winkfield, who was previously manager – branch operations, responsible for nine branches in western Ontario. Peet-Winkfield joined Desco in 2010 as a branch manager in Kitchener. In addition, Riva Jamil, formerly a key account manager is now regional sales manager – Greater Halligan Bailey Toronto Area and East, Jamil and Colin Halligan takes over as regional operations manager for the GTA and East territory. Finally, Jermaine Bailey, who has operated as a retail manager with Desco since 2014 is now the retail manager leading the company’s Water Closet showroom business. Michael Segala has returned to Aquatherm as vice president of sales. Segala will direct the sales team in both Canada and the U.S. He Coles previously served as regional sales Segala manager in the Northeast from 2014 to 2021. And Rhett Coles is now director of operations with the company.<>



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2021-02-08 2019-02-26 11:37 11:27 AM

REFRIGERATION PRODUCT SHOWCASE Chemours Opteon XL41 (R-454B) is a R-410A reEnergy Recovery has unveiled the PX G1300

placement refrigerant for use in residential and

an energy recovery device designed for CO2

commercial applications including direct expan-

refrigeration systems. The PX G1300 can inte-

sion chillers and air conditioning, window units

grate into a new or existing CO2 refrigeration

and portable air conditioning, heat pumps and

system. It works by expanding the refrigerant

chillers, mini-split, multi-splits and ducted-split

similar to a valve, but recovers the energy of

units and packaged terminal air conditioners. The

expansion and provides compression reducing

mildly flammable A2L refrigerant has a global

the load on the compressors and the energy

warming potential (GWP) of 466 (a 78% reduction

consumption of the system.

compared to R-410A).



NAVAC’s battery-driven NTE11L BreakFree Power Tube Expander works on tubes in the 3/8-in. to 1-1/8-in. range. The expander can perform its duties in just 12 seconds with the touch of a single button. The battery is compatible with other NAVAC products. navacglobal.com Honeywell has introduced Solstice N71 (R471A), a non-flammable low global warming potential (GWP less than 150) refrigerant for commercial and industrial refrigeration – optimized for supermarkets. The new refrigerant will offer improved eco-efficiency in medium temperature applications showing a 13% reduction in energy usage against R-404A and over 30% energy reduction vs. CO2-based systems according to Honeywell modeling. honeywell.com

Full Gauge added the VX-1025E-plus, an inte-

Mars has introduced its Azure ECM Motors in-

grated device that offers a configurable solu-

cluding a commercial refrigeration (reach-in)

tion for controlling various models of EEVs, in

watt motor, a drop-in replacement for most

addition to superheating, room temperature,

OEM/ECM/PSC and standard shaded pole

defrost, pressure, ventilation, lighting and

evaporator and condenser fan motors. It’s ca-

alarms control. The unit can replace the con-

pable of replacing most 1550 rpm case motors

troller or thermostat, as it controls the refriger-

4 – 25W for reach-in cooler/freezer applica-

Copeland has added a new line of 4-cylinder

ation processes and the flow of liquid. It can be

tions. Also the Azure Digi-Motor is a 3.3-in.

CO2 compressors for R-744 trans-critical

configured in "driver" mode for controlling the

ECM that replaces all 1/15 – 1/25HP,

booster systems. The compressors are charac-

EEV and superheating only and be intercon-

115/230V evaporator fan motors for walk-in

terized by a design operating pressure of 1740

nected with other controllers.

cooler/freezer applications.

psig (120 bar), and the refrigerant flow and



heat transfer have been optimized for efficiency. The units are equipped with electronics technology offering faster system troubleshooting and protection from problems before they occur. climate.emerson.com 46



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REFRIGERANT LEAKS What Are You Prepared To Do?

Stemming losses of refrigerant in supermarkets requires a comprehensive end-to-end approach. BY DAVE DEMMA




The sad fact is that supermarkets can reduce their annual refrigerant leak rates, but don’t. There’s no question that all mechanical systems are subject to failure the older they become. Below are a few ways older systems can develop a leak: • Gaskets and seals can harden with age, resulting in leakage over time. • The typical method of securing pipe, particularly in vertical risers, is with clamps. Older installations might have standard pipe clamps (instead of cushion clamps). Over time, especially with vibration and harmonics, clamps can loosen. This allows the copper pipe to begin rubbing against the metal strut, which will result in a wear spot and ultimately a leak. • Pressure controls with copper capillary tubes can (and will) rub against something like a compressor body, another piece of pipe, framework, etc. Again, this will result in a leak.

• Condenser fan motors with bad bearings, or a deformed/broken fan blade, can cause enough vibration to weaken/destroy the motor’s mount, allowing the motor assembly to drop onto the condenser coil. These can result in serious leaks. • A dirty condenser, combined with an extremely hot day, can result in discharge pressure that has elevated to the point where the high pressure relief valve opens, dumping some of the refrigerant charge. • Poorly installed piping which results in cracks due to repeated stress over time can result in leaks. • Technicians who make system adjustments and forget to reinstall service valve caps, manual stem caps, control valve caps, or Schrader caps, will result in leaks. A monthly, quarterly, or bi-yearly PM program can go a long way to alleviatContinued on p50 HPACMAG.COM


efrigerant has become a rather expensive asset—one which should be protected. And data suggests the typical supermarket can expect to lose between 5% to 20% of its refrigerant charge annually. Of course, there are many factors which will determine the amount of refrigerant charge lost in a given store: age, quality of the installation, whether the store has a PM (preventative maintenance) program, whether part of that PM program includes periodic leak checks, and when a leak is discovered does the technician continue to check the remainder of the system. It should be clarified that those supermarkets at the lower 5% annual leak rate recognize the importance of that asset, and strive to protect it. As stewards of this great world, equipment owners should be mindful of keeping refrigerant leaks to an absolute minimum. And from a financial standpoint, when refrigerant was less than $1/lb. there probably wasn’t quite the motivation, but given the increasing cost of refrigerants, this should be a great incentive to minimize leaks. For example: a large supermarket with multi-compressor systems might contain as much as 4,000 lbs of refrigerant. Losing 20% equates to 800 lbs. If this happens to be an older store still using R-22, the replacement expense could be in the range of $40,000. Add the labour and materials to repair the leak, and you’ve got a very large expense. With the slim margin made on groceries, a supermarket would need to sell a lot make that up.



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< REFRIGERATION Continued from p48





ing leaks. Many of the tasks performed during the PM, such as monitoring system operation, measuring system temperatures and pressures, checking control operation, cleaning condenser and evaporator coils, checking the condition of fan belts, contactors, and electrical connections are designed to keep the system operating at peak condition and reducing the probability of equipment failure. Visual inspection is a valuable component of the PM, and has the potential to eliminate many causes of leaks. • Spending time inspecting the equipment in the machine room, looking for evidence of oil seepage, can locate small leaks. • Observing the compressor rack’s level of vibration/harmonics, and whether they seem to be causing excessive movement on small control capillaries, or smaller control tubing runs, can eliminate a potential leak. • Inspecting the pipe clamping can reveal loose clamps. • Inspect all valves to make sure the caps are installed and tightened. • Keeping a log of the refrigerant level will reveal trends over time. • Regardless of whether the system appears to be experiencing a leak, a periodic refrigerant leak check can/ will reveal any leaks. • On a multi-compressor rack system, or any large system with lengthy piping runs and multiple evaporators that has experienced a leak, it is imperative that once a leak has been located, it should NOT be assumed it is the only leak. The remainder of the system must be checked as well. Several years ago I was asked to visit a few “trouble” jobsites at a major supermarket chain where the alleged trouble was leaking gaskets on control valves. As it was reported, these leaks were amounting to refrigerant losses in the hundreds of pounds per month and at multiple store locations.

Use of an infrared refrigerant leak detector.

Using soap bubbles to pinpoint leaks.

I arrived at one of the stores in question, and met up with the technician. After briefly discussing the leak issues, he got his gear out and we went to work—right to the alleged leaking valve. The technician was using his stateof-the-art electronic leak detector, which was capable of detecting a leak in the range of 0.5 oz/year. I might add, that a current state-of-the-art leak detector is now capable of detecting leaks in the .07 oz/year range. Within a matter of moments, the detector was making its alarming sound. I prefer a multifaceted approach to detecting leaks. Electronic detectors are great for pinpointing the area, and then verify those leaks with soap bubbles. This alleged several hundred lbs/ month leaking valve generated about 1 bubble the size of a pin head approximately every minute. This was definitely a false alarm. Even so, we replaced the gasket. Now, why do I say false alarm? For perspective, with a leak rate of 0.5 oz/ year it would take over three years to leak one pound of refrigerant. While today’s leak detectors can locate those miniscule leaks, they likely aren’t responsible for large repetitive refrigerant loss issues. Not to say that they shouldn’t be repaired, and smaller leaks can always become larger leaks, but this valve was clearly not the smoking gun we were looking for.

I asked the technician if he had leak checked the remainder of the system. He boldly proclaimed “No, I found my leak, so there was no need to continue leak checking.” I then had the delicate task of telling the technician that he hadn’t properly done his job. Unless one is willing to perform a 100% complete leak check on the system, including the entire machine room, high side, low side, and all accessible piping he’s wasting his time, and doing a disservice to his customer. Not only that, it can put a stain on the contractor’s reputation. How does he explain the charges for repairing a leak, and then come back the next week to add more refrigerant? The fact is, leak detection on a large system is time consuming, and it’s horrendously boring. But it has to be done without losing determination or focus. I politely asked the technician to indulge me, and leak check the remainder of the system. I left and let the technician do his job. I called the next day to learn what he had found. A bit sheepishly, he reported the following: • One display case had an expansion valve leaking, • One W/I box had a solenoid valve leaking, • Several leaking Schrader valves, • And the “piece de resistance” …a leaking pipe, the result of a loose clamp. HPACMAG.COM

The grocery chain in question used the results of this experience to change their policy regarding leak detection. Their in-house technicians, along with outside contractors, were instructed that when a system was determined to be low on refrigerant charge, that the entire system must be fully and completely leak checked. Now, what exactly is entailed in “fully and completely leak checking” a supermarket refrigeration system?

“Leak detection on a large system is time consuming and horrendously boring ... but it has to be done.” LEAK DETECTION METHODOLOGY • First, have at your disposal an assortment of good leak detectors. There are many brands to choose from. One popular detector now has the ability to display the PPM (parts per million) of refrigerant in the area allowing the technician to precisely determine which area of the store refrigerant might be emanating from. • Have a working methodology for pinpointing a leak, once the general area has been located. My preference is to use soap bubbles. For example, if refrigerant is detected in the meat case lineup, and the left-hand meat display case shows the greatest PPM reading, you can be fairly certain this display case is where the leak is coming from. Using soap bubbles on all braze joints, valve connections and joints, Schrader valves, etc…will reveal which is leaking. • In some instances, technicians might inject fluorescent dye into a system. It mixes with the refrigerant oil and travels around the system. The dye will leak out at any leak point and can be detected with a UV light. The plus side of dyes is they can help locate smaller leaks. The downside is it might take some time before the dye properly circulates and shows up as a leak. And some technicians don’t like the fact that the oil is now permanently endowed with dye.

pressor inlet. The compressors are parallel piped to a common discharge header, which connects to an oil separator. The remainder of the oil system includes an oil reservoir, oil filter, access valves on the oil reservoir, oil pressure regulating valve, and oil piping to each compressor’s oil level control. The rack will have multiple pressure transducers, and one or more relief valves. Each evaporator circuit on the rack will have a liquid solenoid valve, liquid ball valve, suction regulator, suction ball valve, possible hot gas solenoid valve, and more Schrader valves. The main liquid supply will have a liquid filter-drier shell, receiver level gauge, receiver valves, possible subcooler circuit with TEVs and solenoid valves. There might be a heat reclaim valve, possible discharge/liquid pressure regulating valve for defrost and/or head pressure control, oh…and more Schrader valves, and a multitude of locations where piping is sitting on struts with clamps that should be tight, but may not be. And that’s just the machine room. • Next is the condenser, along with the piping lines going to and from the condenser. It’s best to turn the system off and shut the condenser fans off so a leak detector can properly pick up any hint of refrigerant in the tube bundle, the return bends, access valves, etc. There might also be Continued on p53 21_2803_HPAC_FEB_CN Mod: December 30, 2021 1:52 PM Print: 01/20/22 9:07:27 AM page 1 v7




LEAK DETECTION PROCESS • Leak checking the multi-compressor rack in the machine is a task in and of itself. While there is no “typical” rack configuration, a five-compressor rack with 17 evaporator systems piped to it would not be out of the ordinary. Each evaporator system likely consists of multiple evaporators. Each compressor has several pressure control connections, an oil level control connected to the compressor body, but also includes a sight glass (both neoprene seals), a Schrader valve or two, suction and discharge service valves and maybe a suction filter-drier shell at the com-


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REFRIGERATION > Continued from p51

pressure controls in the condenser electrical panel for controlling fan motor operation. The high side might also include a heat reclaim coil or hot water reclaim tank. Follow the same procedure leak checking the heat reclaim coil as stated with the condenser. While it might not seem a high priority to check the piping, it’s not unheard of for a pipe to experience vibration induced stress cracks or wear due to a loosened clamp allowing the pipe to vibrate against the strut, wearing a hole in the pipe. • Now, the low side of the system. This requires a trip to the display cases on the sales floor and various W/I boxes in each department. If it’s a gas defrost system, running the system through a defrost cycle will elevate the pressure and make leak detection easier. If not, then shut the entire system down and allow the low side pressure to rise to higher than operational levels. For display cases, running the electronic leak detector probe in the discharge air will sense any refrigerant that might be present. If this proves positive, then it becomes necessary to remove any product from the display case and inspect the TEV, check valves if a gas defrost system, solenoid valves (if present), and yes….Schrader valves for checking pressure to determine superheat. Using soap bubbles to check each valve joint, connection, etc. will help to precisely locate the leak. This procedure needs to be repeated for each display case and W/I box evaporator. • If the store piping is routed underground, then it’s recommended to locate the point of penetration and “sniff” with a detector there too. While underground leaks aren’t the more common causes of refrigerant leaks, they are always

a possibility. If an underground leak is suspected, the best way to prove/disprove a leak is to isolate the underground portion and pressurize it with nitrogen overnight. If the pressure remains the same, then there is no leak. Interesting side note: one supermarket chain I visited surveyed where they experienced leaks in their stores. After tabulating data for over a year, they found the most common culprits were loose/missing Schrader valve caps and loose/ missing TEV adjustment caps—all easily preventable. Another chain I worked with, which had in-house service technicians, decided to implement a quarterly leak inspection in each store, and after a year they reduced their refrigerant consumption by a whopping 75%. A final thought: we all know refrigerant leaks are expensive, and we all know refrigerant prices will continue to rise, and we are all aware of the environmental concerns regarding refrigerant leaks. And, finally, it has been proven that a PM program will result in drastically reducing refrigerant leaks. So, I ask this question, the same question asked by Sean Connery’s character Malone in the movie “The Untouchables” as he is dying after receiving multiple gunshot wounds from a tommy gun—he says to Elliot Ness (in reference to bringing Al Capone to justice), “What are you prepared to do?” <> Dave Demma holds a degree in refrigeration engineering and worked as a journeyman refrigeration technician before moving into the manufacturing sector where he regularly trains contractor and engineering groups. He can be reached at ddemma@uri.com.


Adrian Steel.....................adriansteel.com............................... p.16 Amvic................................amvicsystem.com....................... p.MH17 Aqua-Tech........................aquatech-canada.com............... p.MH15 Arctic Heat Pumps.........arcticheatpumps.com................ p.MH11 Bradford White................bradfordwhite.com/commercial....... p.9 Caleffi...............................caleffi.com.................................... p.MH7 CMPX...............................cmpxshow.com................................. p.41 Franklin Electric.............littlegiant.com..................................p.43 General Pipe....................drainbrain.com/XPodPlus................. p.5 Habitat for Humanity.....ciph.com/gala2022.........................p.49 Intertek Testing Services.............Intertek.com/HVACR.......................... p.8 IPEX..................................ipexna.com.......................................p.55 MEET Show.....................meetshow.ca.................................... p.47 HPACMAG.COM

Navien...............................Navieninc.com.............................. p.MH5 Olimpia Splendid.............olimpiasplendidusa.com.................p.13 Raken...............................rakenapp.com.................................... p.2 Resideo............................resideo.com................................ p.MH24 RLS Fittings....................rapidlockingsystem.com..................p.56 Saniflo..............................saniflo.ca..........................................p.44 Spartan Peripheral Devices.........Spartan-Pd.com.........................p.MH12 Taco..................................tacocomfortsolutions.com.......... p.MH2 Thermo 2000..................thermo2000.com....................... p.MH19 Thermostat Recovery Program..........hrai.ca/trp........................................p.45 Triangle Tube...................triangletube.com........................p.MH23 Uline.................................uline.ca............................................. p.51 Viessmann.......................viessmann.ca............................... p.MH9 FEBRUARY 2022 | HPAC





Due to the COVID-19 pandemic visit event websites for the most current updates. NADCA Meeting and Exposition March 20-22

CMPX 2022 March 23-25

BUILDEX Amplified Vancouver March 23-24

Taking place at Gaylord Rockies Resort in Aurora, Colorado, this event for HVAC system cleaning professionals offers insight into best practices, the latest in industry equipment, tools, and technology.

Held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, CMPX is Canada’s largest trade show for the mechanical and plumbing industries attracting international exhibitors representing products, services, innovations and applications for industry professionals.

Following in-person micro events and online educational programming in the fall of 2021, BUILDEX Vancouver returns with a faceto-face expo at the Vancouver Convention Centre.



NCI High Performance HVAC Summit April 4-7


MEET Show May 4-5

Retrofit Canada Conference May 5-6

The National Comfort Institute (NCI) summit is being held in Scottsdale, Arizona and will feature breakout sessions designed for all levels of HVAC professionals.

The Mechanical Electrical Electronic Technology Show brings together professionals from the mechanical and electrical industries together with exhibitors in over 100,000+ sq. ft. of exhibit space in the Moncton Coliseum Complex.

The Retrofit Canada Conference will take place in Toronto and will feature a live streaming option. The event will address issues for HVAC and plumbing contractors.



retrofitcanadaconference. energyconferencenetwork.com

National Apprenticeship Conference May 29-31

Idea 2022 – Building Connections June 6-9

CIPH Annual Business Conference June 19-21

The Canadian Apprenticeship Forum (CAF-FAC) will host the 2022 Conference at the Halifax Convention Centre. This year’s three key themes are: recovery, resilience and readiness.

The International District Energy Association (IDEA) annual conference will be held at the Sheraton Centre in Toronto. The event will share and advance best practices from around the globe.

CIPH’s Annual Business Conference will be held at the Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge. Members are invited to expand their knowledge with informative business sessions and speakers.



Ventilation 2022: International Industrial Ventilation Conference for Contaminant Control June 22-24

ASHRAE Annual Conference June 25-29

Modern Hydronics Summit September 15

The 13th edition of this conference is taking place in Toronto, co-located at the Sheraton Toronto with the ASHRAE Annual Conference.

This year’s Annual Conference is being hosted in Toronto at the Sheraton Toronto. The technical program is comprised of eight tracks including: connected buildings; cold climate building system design; IAQ, and more..

This in-person educational conference and table-top tradeshow focused on the latest in hydronics is being held at the Universal Event Space in Vaughan, Ontario.



Canadian Hydronics Conference 2022 September 27-28

MCAC Annual Conference 2022 September 28-October 1

The Solar Forum 2022 November 14-15

The conference will bring hydronics industry professionals together in Saskatoon to, share knowledge and business building ideas.

Shifting from hosting virtual events, the Mechanical Contractors Association of Canada will be hosting their next conference in person at the Marriott Harbourfront Hotel in Halifax.

A new event in Phoenix, Arizona designed for HVAC contractors to educate the community on opportunities in the evolving solar market.






Planning an event? Send the details to dpicklyk@hpacmag.com 54




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