Truck West July 2008

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July 2008 Volume 19, Issue 7 Delivering daily news to Canada’s trucking industry at

Moving closer Ontario holds public hearings on speed limiters

Canadian Fleet Maintenance Manager of the Year award, one of the most coveted awards in the field. After being swept away by trade

By James Menzies TORONTO, Ont. – Mistake. Unsafe. Incredulous. Those were some of the words used to describe Ontario’s speed limiter legislation during public hearings June 5 at Queen’s Park. However, a well-oiled PR machine led by the Ontario Trucking Association (OTA) was also onhand to present some compelling arguments of its own as the two sides sparred all day over Bill 41, which would mechanically limit truck speeds in Ontario to 105 km/h.Their audience was the Standing Committee on Justice Policy, consisting of MPPs from the governing Liberals as well as Opposition parties. Representing the pro-speed limiter crowd were: the OTA; Canadian Trucking Alliance; Brian Taylor of Liberty Linehaul; the Ontario Safety League; the Insurance Bureau of Canada; the American Trucking Associations; and Jeff Bryan of Jeff Bryan Transport. They insisted speed limiters would improve road safety and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Countering, from the anti-speed limiter corner, were: the Owner/ Operators’ Independent Drivers’

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PASSION: Dan Cushing is photographed with his award before he hustled back to the shop to continue with his duties. The Ryder maintenance manager was named this year’s Maintenance Manager of the Year. Photo by Adam Ledlow

Ryder fleet exec named Maintenance Manager of the Year By Adam Ledlow TORONTO, Ont. – It was business as usual by 3 p.m. on May 29 for Dan Cushing, director of maintenance for Ryder Canada, who found him-

self sitting at his desk in Mississauga, prepping for a meeting after one heckuva whirlwind afternoon. Not two hours before, Cushing had become the 20th recipient of Volvo’s

Seeing the light Why saving a few bucks on LEDs may not be a bright idea

See pg. 19

Mark Dalton O/O

Inside This Issue... • How secure are you?: A look at how Schneider National is increasing fleet security and how the RCMP wants Canadian Pages 10-11 carriers to help in the fight against crime.

• Staying profitable: A quick survival guide for carriers mired in an ugly industry downturn.

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• Road test: The Freightliner Cascadia, Detroit Diesel DD15 pairing is generating a lot of interest. So we travel to Portland to Page 20 put one of these combinations to the test.

• Trainers wanted: Bison Transport steps up a program to develop in-cab driver trainers.

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