Glass News April 2024

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Some people treat trends like fashions; optional extras you can take or leave that make very little difference to the business.

But, as many companies are discovering, finding your business on the wrong side of a trend or being among the last to wake up to it can be expensive. The longer it takes to respond, the harder it’s going to be to do something about it. Scanning for trends and responding to key trends early is what marks out successful businesses.

In a downturn, most fabricators would like to sell more higher-margin products with higher average order values to installers who have a queue of customers with the money and the desire to buy what they want, when they want. Who wouldn’t? But if almost all their installer customers are currently selling to strapped-for-cash homeowners who buy to a budget then change is difficult. It’s a chicken and egg challenge.

In its early days, the ride-hailing company Uber struggled with this classic chicken and egg challenge. It had trouble finding enough drivers to fulfil demand, which made it difficult for customers to secure a ride. Uber had to find a way to secure enough drivers, and it did, but it needed deep-pocketed investors and a lot of effort. The backing bought the time and means to build and balance its capacity and demand.

"The Window & Door Market Trends 2024 report tells the story of three window materials, and the story’s not over. In theory, steel is the fourth material, but it has too small a share to matter, and has shown little sign of bigger intent."

Most installers are locked into their current customer base: people who know them or know people who recommend them and their work. If it doesn’t include homeowners who have the money and the desire for colour, stylish flush windows, big slim aluminium bifolds and sliding patio doors, or beautiful timber, and if they’re not riding a growing wave of demand then they’re going to have to take the longer, harder road and build their brand and reputation in their target market. That will take time, persistence, patience - and money because they’ll have to keep the cash flowing while they build.

For a fabricator, that means investing in the capability and range before they have the new customers, until demand and supply are in balance. Even if its systems company is fully behind them, it’s a tall order if they came late to the party.


The Window & Door Market Trends 2024 report tells the story of three window materials, and the story’s not over. In theory, steel is the fourth material, but it has too small a share to matter, and has shown little sign of bigger intent.

In summary, Aluminium is the specifiers’ material of choice for commercial projects, facades and tall buildings but it lost housing to PVC-U in the 1980s and aluminium had just a toehold in retail. It’s currently on a roll, but the challenge for aluminium is to keep on improving energy efficiency, as regulations are ratcheted up, without adding disproportionately to the effort and cost of achieving the improvements.

Continued on page 4...

Image: Deceuninck
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Perhaps the Covid pandemic, and the lockdown that ensued, had had wider reaching effects than any of us thought.

It seems that it has bred a generation of those not just unable to get work but actually those who have no intention of seeking to work at all. At a time when we as an industry are making efforts to attract people to work with us, and establish good careers for them, it is the under 25s who apparently have little motivation to work for a living. Are benefits so generous that they don’t need to work? Have they just been lulled into inactivity through lockdown? Do they have no ambition to make themselves independent, own houses, have families and have, at the end of the day, pensions for later life? Has being locked away prevented the development of social skills? Perhaps they are just proposing living off Mum and Dad.

Looking at a number of statistics, it seems that economic inactivity has soared in the 18 to 24 year old group but that the groups that range from 25 to 64 year olds are actually increasing their economic activity. There’s no mention of us really old gits! Everything we read about being set up for the future and to ensure a reasonably solvent old age indicates the faster we get going the better, and that particularly applies to pensions. Perhaps a quote from a lady who reckons she gets £1,151 per week from universal credit is an indicator! As she says, why would she want to get a job? Some claim it is as a result of fierce competition, fear of rejection, and not being taught how to get a job in school. But isn’t that a simplification? I certainly don’t remember being schooled in getting a job and competition and fear of rejection has always been with us….indeed, I’m not sure it ever goes away. It is very easy to blame everything on Covid and that spending a year in your house has limited your social skills but it really can’t justify there being around 3 million under the age of 25 not working or even looking for a job. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) found that, overall, more than a fifth of adults in the UK are deemed to be economically inactive.

It means around 9.25million people aged between 16 and 64 are not in employment and are not seeking work – a rise of about 700,000 since before the Covid pandemic. But, apparently, there are more than 900,000 job vacancies currently

unfilled. Now that’s a stat that I find hard to believe particularly when so many jobs advertised, and mostly by recruitment agencies, don’t exist and are used purely to garner personal details of every kind which may well be used for list selling or fraudulent purposes. Ever applied to a recruitment agent’s advertised job and never had an answer or any notification at all? That’s what I mean!

You may well wonder why I’m wittering on about this employment, or nonemployment issue, but it is pretty pertinent when we as an industry are looking to fill vacancies and have been getting behind the Building Our Skills initiative. It may not be that difficult to attract mature entrants to our industry – those seeking new careers or even more experienced and more elderly people who still want to work, but getting young people to enter our industry with an eye on making a career of it is the key to bringing the next generation into our various sectors. To this end Building Our Skills has held their first two ‘Careers Festivals’, attracting over 500 young people to the venues in Barnsley and Manchester where they could meet with a whole variety of companies and organisations connected to the fenestration industry and it will be interesting to see if this converts to positions being taken up by some of the attendees. If successful, and I think the two functions can already be deemed so, there is every chance that these events with Building Our Skills will be repeated all around the UK.

Now here’s a date for your diary! The GGF, FIT Show and FENSA have formed a partnership and announced the launch of the Glass Conference, an annual education and networking platform for the glazing industry. This will take place at Telford International Centre on Wednesday 16th and Thursday 17th October, 2024. The full release on this important event is on Page 6.

APRIL 2024 The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper
Chris at: 4 Front Page Story 6 Trade News 40 Cold Calling 41 Hardware 48 Q&A: Virtuoso 50 Energy Efficiency 52 What Door? 56 Face To Face 58 Q&A: Modplan 60 Installer Support 66 Machinery 68 BMBI 70 Women In Industry 72 Software & IT 76 Careers & Qualifications in Fenestration 76 Sustainability 77 Windows 78 Time Out! 79 Find A Supplier CONTENTS CONTACT DETAILS Christina Lazenby Managing Director / Advertising Enquiries M: 07805 051322 E: Emma Champion Advertising Manager M: 07508 263262 E: Justin Lazenby Finance Director / Press Release Enquiries M: 07711 828710 E: Chris Champion Editor / Editorial Enquiries M: 07850 267223 E: Kate Carnall Graphic Design E: Deadline for copy: 16th of each month Please recycle this newspaper so we can continue to use recycling in our effort to help the environment. ‘TIME OUT’ WINNERS –MARCH! Sudoku: K Burns, Maltby, Rotherham Eye Spy: Kirsty Fortnam, Glass Express Midlands, Oldbury, West Midlands Spot the Difference: Patsy Butler, Oldham, Lancs Crossword: Mrs R Bicknell, Bournemouth, Dorset Congratulations to all our winners! Good luck in this months Time Out pages! glassnews™ is a registered Trademark. The views contained herein are not necessarily those of glassnews™ and whilst every effort is made to ensure information throughout is correct, glassnews™ does not accept liability for errors. The views expressed by contributors and the content of letters, are not necessarily those of glassnews™ and therefore cannot take responsibility. The paper we use is 100% recycled. March 2024 crossword solution: A SPECIAL DATE FOR YOUR DIARY IN OCTOBER! PLUS ‘ECONOMIC INACTIVITY’ AND HOW BUILDING YOUR SKILLS CAN HELP 3 | April 2024 @GlassnewsMag @GlassNewsmag Christina Shaw @Glass News /GlassNews @GlassNewsMag

Continued from page 1...

At the end of the 90s, timber was nobody’s choice. Its short life, high maintenance and poor performance made it easy for PVC-U. Few would have bet on its revival. But it reinvented itself with factory-finished, engineered-timber windows and doors that lasted far longer without maintenance in the first 10 years. Its challenge is that few people remember or perhaps have the stomach for the necessary maintenance over its 60-year expected lifetime. Even light maintenance of the outside and inside after the first 10 years will be very expensive (eye wateringly expensive if you’re not expecting it?). And without regular light maintenance, heavier and much more costly repair and restorative work will be required at some point. Will the owners, or new owners be prepared to put in the time and effort themselves, or pay a professional? I speak feelingly as an owner of timber windows nearing a successful end to their first 10 years!

PVC-U was on a winning streak at the end of the 1990s, replacing what could be replaced of the housing stock at the rate of 3.5% a year. And starting in the mid-2000s, it rose to the challenge of designing for wants, to give homeowners good reasons to replace their lower performing, less attractive PVC-U windows with something much better. But the turning point for PVC-U came a decade later, when the Haves fell first for Residence 9’s stylish

flush casements and wide colour choice, and then fell for Deceuninck’s big-bet investment in colour on demand.


In the last 20 years, each material has faced the challenges and opportunities of two diverging trends, two trends that have evolved into two very different markets: the Haves and the Have Nots. Much as governments and oppositions would have liked to ignore it, housing, and the consequences of not having enough of it in the right places has come to dominate not just our market, but political agendas and to-do lists. But the pressure’s still increasing, and it won’t resolve itself.

Building too few homes while the population grows quickly creates strong latent demand which drives up house prices. It’s harder then for younger people to get on the housing ladder or stay there. But it’s also hard for the Have Nots, under 50s homeowners with mortgages and big outgoings on families, holidays, and a rising cost of living, to spend on improving their properties.

The Have Nots may earn more than the older Haves, but with greater outgoings there is little to spare for home improvement. Money is tight, so when they need to replace their windows or doors, colour, style, and

performance are secondary to price. Their installers’ supply chains are affected by this choice, and because price is a far higher priority for their end-customer there is significantly less value and margin passing up the supply chain.

Meanwhile the Haves, generally over 50s homeowners who’ve paid off or nearly paid off their mortgages, have been benefitting hugely from 20 years of rising house prices and growing value of their properties. This accumulating housing wealth has transformed their outlook and spending. The Haves account for over 90% of UK savings and pensions, and the over 65s owned £2.2 trillion in mortgage-free housing wealth in 2023 (source Savills). The Haves are the Bank of Mum & Dad. Price is secondary because whatever they want they can afford, and whatever they invest in their property is rapidly paid down by rising house prices. Consequently, almost all innovations in the industry have focused on satisfying their wants.

This group is the premium market, and in all home improvement categories the premium market is significantly bigger than it was. Twenty years ago premium markets accounted for between 1020% of market volume depending on the market. But after 20 years that’s expanded to 20-33%. And, like Apple’s share of the smartphone market, its share of value is greater still. Much more money flows through the Haves’ supply chain, and in downturns the Haves are far less affected.


In the last 20 years the total number of PVC-U fabricators has almost halved, as many small PVC-U fabricators gave up fabricating to focus on what they were best at: selling to homeowners. Organised and skilled, these top end installers have made the transition from single material PVC-U retailers to multi-material providers to the Haves of high-end compatible aluminium, timber and PVC-U windows and doors. They sell much more aluminium, timber, and top end PVC-U than installers who sell to the Have Nots.

Three times as many installers sell aluminium now as in 2001. Many of these leading window companies were small PVC-U fabricators at one time, and an increasing number of large PVC-U fabricators now make aluminium too.

Follow the money; follow the trends! It matters who you sell to, what you sell them, and what prices you sell at. These top-end installers with their own showroom and two or more fitting teams are the playmakers shaping today’s market and the products and materials we use.

“The first three window materials debate articles listened to the experiences and insights of some of the biggest names in the industry. Seven of the 10 big fabricators I spoke to expected aluminium to be a bigger part of their mix, and some were investing to accelerate this trend. Rob Morley of BSW for example is investing £6m in two new purpose built factories to fabricate aluminium.

“But what about the thousands of other fabricators and installers in the market? What have they been doing? To answer that WindowBASE and Tommy Trinder got together to produce a joint Window & Door Market Trends 2024 report. The WindowBASE data in the report is based on a 20 year trend analysis of its UK prospect database of fabricators and installers by region and window materials used. Tommy Trinders’s analysis is based on over 80,000 items quoted every month by 550 of the UK’s leading window installer companies. These are the playmakers who are spearheading the trends in the premium and middle to upper end of the market," says Mike Rigby CEO of MRA Research.

“In this fourth article, I’m looking at what the report tells us about the trends - and what is driving the trends.”

Mike’s first three BIG window materials debate articles got a lot of people talking and thinking. As the official debate partners, Glass News is hosting the debate, and as a key input to this debate, this useful new trendspotting report Window & Door Market Trends 2024 from WindowBASE and Tommy Trinder is being launched today via Glass News.

Download your free copy of the report here:

4 April 2024 | FRONT PAGE STORY The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper
Mike Rigby CEO of MRA Research Image: Deceuninck Image: Deceuninck
"Our sales have risen 20% in six weeks with Tommy Trinder."


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The Glass & Glazing Federation (GGF), FIT Show and FENSA have announced the launch of Glass Conference, an annual education and networking platform for the glazing industry.

Glass Conference will take place at Telford International Centre on Wednesday 16th and Thursday 17th October, 2024. The event

will bring together every corner of the glass and glazing industry, from installers and fabricators through to trade counters and systems houses, for two days of unrivalled networking and learning opportunities.

The annual event is designed to serve the needs of the market and has been launched based on compelling demand for an annual networking and education platform to help the industry stay abreast of key legislative and regulatory developments.

FIT Show’s 2023 post event survey identified a clear appetite for an additional touchpoint in the industry calendar. GGF member feedback proposed fewer regional member events and for a more formal and inclusive event for the industry. After the successful GGF Members Day and Winter Conference last year prompted discussions for a wider industry event, this was the next logical step.

GGF is the most influential trade federation in the industry, with the GGF community of members making up over 60% of the fenestration sector’s £4 billion annual turnover. Speaking about the launch of Glass Conference, GGF Group MD, John Agnew, said: “It gives me great pleasure to announce the launch of Glass Conference. We’ve listened to our members and the market and have responded with the launch of Glass Conference.

“The conference will incorporate GGF Members Day and provide a new touchpoint in our industry’s calendar to bring together every corner of the sector to connect, share best practice, upskill and make proactive steps to elevate the future of fenestration. As a collective, we are committed to creating a platform that will ignite actionable change.”

Across the two days, Glass Conference

delegates will listen to keynotes from industry experts, take part in networking, and speak first hand to every link in the supply chain all under one roof. At the end of the first day, the industry will come together for a gala dinner, with entertainment and a less formal networking backdrop. Sponsors will have a physical presence in the form of stand space and branding opportunities. Experts will be on hand across the two days delivering solutions, practical advice, support and live product demonstrations.

FIT Show is the UK’s only trade show for the sector and has served the industry for over a decade. Event director, Nickie West

“The extensive knowledge of the GGF and FENSA, combined with the data and power of the FIT Show brand is a winning formula for Glass Conference."

added: “The launch of Glass Conference symbolises our determination to prioritise touch point opportunities annually for the industry.

“The extensive knowledge of the GGF and FENSA, combined with the data and power of the FIT Show brand is a winning formula for Glass Conference. Our aim is for every attendee to leave not just inspired, but equipped with actionable insights that can transform their day-to-day operations and the way they approach their business.”

Lis Clarke, Operations Director of FENSA, the government-authorised scheme that monitors building regulation compliance for replacement windows and doors, said: “We’re delighted to be collaborating with the GGF and FIT Show to launch the inaugural Glass Conference.

“As an organisation, FENSA’s mission is to improve window and door replacements across England and Wales, by professionalising installers and protecting homeowners. The content that we will be delivering across the two-day event will play a pivotal role in raising standards across the industry, as well as providing a vital platform for the entire industry to network and work together.”

“We have over 6,000 Approved Installers across England & Wales who install more than 500,000 jobs a year. They have huge sway in the industry. Providing the FENSA community with the opportunity to hear from fellow experts and industry leaders is one that we welcome and we can’t wait to see so many of them at Glass Conference in October.”

Visit to find out more.

6 April 2024 | TRADE NEWS The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper
John Agnew Nickie West Lis Clarke

Still on the job? Glaze 3x faster with QUIK CLIP™

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The QUIK CLIP™ from AluK is our latest clip-in bead innovation. Engineered to speed up glazing installation by over three times, this revolutionary design requires no tools or forceful action – simply clip and go.

See the results for yourself by searching ‘AluK Quik Clip’ on YouTube or by scanning the QR code below.


Glazpart is delighted to announce that Glass News has become a Glazpartner. Leading media outlet Glass News and Glazpart have enjoyed a long-standing working relationship for many years with Glazpart contributing to editorial and advertising in the industry’s only newspaper.

With over 21,000 subscribers receiving Glass News content in print and digitally each month, the publication prides itself on delivering different, unique and refreshing content.

The Glass News team is made up of several experienced feature writers and editors and is headed up by Christina Lazenby, Managing Director. On Glass News joining the Glazpartners initiative, Christina said, "We are delighted to be a Glazpartner. For over ten years, Glazpart has worked

closely with Glass News featuring in both the newspaper and in our online platforms. We look forward to continuing our strong working partnership."

The Glazpartners initiative was launched in 2023 and is designed to promote and support the value of customer relationships in the fenestration industry. This latest partnership will bring greater collaboration and joint promotion for both Glass News and Glazpart, in particular through PR and social media channels.

We are naturally delighted that Glass News has joined the Glazpartners initiative and look forward to mutual promotional benefits.”

Throughout 2023, Glass News was a key media outlet for Glazpart as they promoted the award-winning Link Vent and Glazpartners through advertising, editorial and social media. On Glass News becoming a Glazpartner, Dean Bradley, Sales Director of Glazpart commented, “Glass News has been a key media channel for many years and in the last few years right up to the present day they have helped us promote the award-winning Link Vent and its important role in compliance with the Building Regulations. We are naturally delighted that Glass News has joined the Glazpartners initiative and look forward to mutual promotional benefits.”


Competitions, 19 Heather Close, Tickhill, Doncaster, DN11 9UU or Email: Entry deadline: 20/04/24.


£50,000 DONATION


The Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity, who specialise in providing emotional, physical and financial wellbeing support to construction workers and their families, has received a £50,000 donation from the Persimmon Charitable Foundation to support their work.

The funding will go towards the ‘Make it Visible’ site tours, an initiative which sees teams from the Lighthouse Charity visiting building sites across the UK to deliver sessions and promote the invaluable support services they provide.

Last year, the ‘Make it Visible’ team visited 390 sites, engaged with more than 25,000 site workers and had a life-changing and in some cases a life-saving impact on those within the construction industry.

Through simple but crucial conversations, the charity’s team were able to provide immediate support to 147 workers who expressed

suicidal thoughts, implementing positive interventions and signposting to expert help.

In 2021, 507 construction workers took their own lives, equating to two workers every day. With this number only rising, the Persimmon Foundation is committed to the playing its role in combating the stigma surrounding suicide and shifting attitudes across the industry.

Sarah Bolton, Chief Operating Officer for the Lighthouse Charity, said: “We are absolutely staggered to hear about this hugely generous donation from The Persimmon Charitable Foundation to support our Make It Visible On Site initiative. This means that we are able to reach more of our most vulnerable workers and ensure that we get our message of support to those who may otherwise not know how or where to reach out for help."

If you or anyone you know is struggling, reach out for free and confidential support now; 24/7 Construction Industry Helplines; 0345 605 1956, (UK) 1800 939 122 (ROI)

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8 April 2024 | TRADE NEWS The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper
Dean Bradley Christina Lazenby
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Loft storage is the ideal solution for homeowners who want to keep their belongings safe and within reach, while keeping other rooms clutterfree. Now, installers working on home improvement projects can easily upsell by offering a range of compliant loft ladders from Keylite Roof Windows (Keylite).

Industry research has shown that a lack of storage space is leading more homeowners to think about the benefits of using their lofts to store belongings – but ensuring access is safe and practical remains paramount.

When it comes to thermal efficiency, installers know that insulating a loft or attic could result in hundreds of pounds in energy cost savings, especially in light of the recent spike in gas and electricity rates. However, the colder air in an insulated loft might cause draughts through insulation gaps, such as an inadequately insulated loft hatch with a ladder. That’s why the installation of an insulated loft hatch is advised by the Energy Saving Trust. To give installers a cost-effective and comprehensive solution, Keylite’s range of

loft ladders have been designed for fast and simple installation, to improve efficiencies around heat loss and even to protect in case of fire.

Colin Wells, Head of Technical at Keylite Roof Windows, said: “Home improvements are key in ensuring people remain in the

house they love – improving wellbeing and saving on a costly move.

“Keylite’s loft ladders have been specially designed for ease of fitting; allowing installers to streamline their processes and fit efficiently without compromising on quality. Our infamous pre-installed Flick-Fit brackets allow installation from below the loft, and Keylite’s unique detachable ladder enables one-person installation.

“Given the recent spike in gas and electricity rates, homeowners are increasingly and actively prioritising the importance of wellinsulated products in all home renovation projects. Class 4 loft ladders that meet European Standard EN 14975 give builders a guarantee that they are installing a tightly sealed hatch door, addressing a crucial aspect of energy efficiency.

“Keylite, with its commitment to thermal insulation, airtightness and compliance with industry standards, works with builders aiming to create loft spaces that not only meet current demands, but also withstand the test of time.”

For more information on Keylite loft ladders, visit: www.keyliteroofwindows. com/products/loft-ladders. Alternatively, call 01283 200 158 or email

“Keylite, with its commitment to thermal insulation, airtightness and compliance with industry standards, works with builders aiming to create loft spaces that not only meet current demands, but also withstand the test of time.”


The UK’s leading provider of double qualified sales leads for installers in the home improvement industry saw a big increase in single composite door leads at the start of 2024 – and it is showing no signs of slowing down.

Leads 2 Trade experienced a 38% increase in composite doors/single door lead volumes in January 2024 compared to January 2023 as the Stockport-based business match installers with homeowners looking for a new composite door.

And Andy Royle, co-founder and Director of Leads2Trade, puts the rise down to homeowners wanting to increase the energy efficiency of their home and the strengthening of Leads 2 Trade’s digital marketing team.

“Alongside windows, front and back doors are the biggest source of heat loss in a home,” said Andy, “and homeowners are looking at replacing their old and worn external doors

with high performance thermally efficient doors to reduce draughts, keep their home warmer and cut heating bills.

“Many of our installer members want big ticket items or multiple window or door leads, but we are getting a huge number of enquiries for single front/back composite doors and consumers looking for specific door companies. And, of course, the chance is also there for installers to potentially upsell.”

“The strengthening of our digital marketing team has also played a significant part in this increase, and we are looking forward to increasing our single composite door lead volumes, matching homeowners with the right installers from our member network and providing our customers with the leads they want.”

Leads 2 Trade also launched its Lead Vault at the beginning of the year as an affordable way for installers to buy a range of leads

priced from as little as £15, including web qualified from its comparison websites, call centre qualified, exclusive or semi-exclusive.

The Lead Vault joins Leads 2 Trade’s other two lead models; it’s premium, fixed appointment, no pitch no fee, leads and its double qualified leads. With three different lead options, all installers are catered for.

For more information on Leads 2 Trade’s membership options and joining to take advantage of the big number of single composite door leads, telephone 0800 124 4308 or visit about/membership-options/

Leading trade manufacturer Dekko Window Systems has added the Curtain Wall 50 façade from Reynaers to its extensive product portfolio, providing its trade installer customers with unlimited design freedom and maximum transparency for their projects.

The CW 50 aluminium curtain wall system offers various design options and glazing variants, making it versatile for any project. It also includes different technical variants that comply with specified levels of thermal insulation.

With regard to thermal performance, the CW 50 system offers solutions in different levels, allowing the use of triple glazing and making it applicable even for passive house or low energy buildings.

One key feature of the Curtain Wall 50 façade is its profile properties. The visible width interior measures at just 50mm, providing a sleek and modern look to any building facade. Additionally, this system supports up to 150kg in various glass support configurations.

Kurt Greatrex, Sales Director at Dekko Window Systems, comments: "We are thrilled to expand our product range with Reynaers' Curtain Wall 50 façade. This innovative solution not only provides our trade installers with unlimited design possibilities, but also meets high standards in thermal insulation.

"The addition of the Curtain Wall 50 façade from Reynaers to our product portfolio is a significant milestone for us. This versatile system allows our trade installer customers to bring their design visions to life while also ensuring excellent thermal performance.

“We are proud to offer this innovative solution that meets high standards in both aesthetics and functionality. With the CW 50 system, our customers can create stunning facades with maximum transparency and energy efficiency. We look forward to working closely with Reynaers and continuing to provide exceptional products and service to our valued trade installers." Visit

10 April 2024 | TRADE NEWS The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper


Off the back of their ‘Health & Wellbeing’ win at the North Cheshire Business Awards in November 2023, DoorCo is increasing its efforts even further to support the welfare of its team.

DoorCo’s HR Manager, Dek Wright, discusses the business’ new initiative that will includes a monthly Wellbeing Calendar.


“Our new wellbeing campaign comes in the form of a calendar of wellbeing themes, a different one for every month. We’ve tied in each of our monthly themes with relevant national awareness days and weeks to make the calendar as topical as possible.

“The themes vary from Stress Awareness to individual male and female health months. We have key focuses on both physical and mental health, alternating between the two throughout the year.

“The aim is to launch different education and activations every month via our

internal comms channels and within our offices to get all members of the team involved.”


Delving more into how the campaigns will be actioned, Dek tells us: “One of the great things about the new wellbeing campaign is that it’s being run by multiple departments. We pride ourselves on collaborating throughout the business as much as possible, so to be running a new internal initiative that requires support from HR, Marketing and Health & Safety, is an exciting opportunity.

“The three departments have worked together to create the programme of activities and will collaborate further on executing them. From leading workshop sessions to creating visual assets for our internal comms system and screens, it’s great to be working closely together to bring this to life.”


Talking further about the end goal of this campaign, Dek explains: “the purpose of running this campaign is simple – we want to create positive change in the wellbeing of our employees.

“As a family run business, we truly value each individual who dedicates their career to the growth of DoorCo, so it’s only natural that in return, we want to prioritise their physical and mental wellbeing.

“We hope the increased education and awareness around key areas of health and wellbeing will allow our colleagues to become more aware of the benefits.


“The wellbeing calendar was launched with Heart Month in February, supporting the campaign being run by British Heart Foundation.

“British Heart Foundation is a charity that is very important to us as a business, so it felt perfect to launch this campaign in February with the first theme being to ‘Go Red for Heart Month’, in support of the wider campaign the charity is running.

“As well as hosting CPR and Heart Health information on all of our internal screens and having a custom ‘heart door’ made for reception to start conversation on the topic with visitors, we also hosted a ‘Big Red Bake Off’ and coffee morning to raise funds.

“Our teams love a competition and a bake off is always a great way to raise money, so we were really pleased to be able to donate £120 to the charity.”

“March marks ‘female health month’ in the DoorCo wellbeing calendar in light of International Women’s Day and Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, and we have various events planned for the month. The themes will continue on a similar path until the end of the year and we’re looking forward to having some fun whilst raising awareness and support for important charities and educating our teams at the same time.”

Follow DoorCo’s wellbeing campaign on social media: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

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11 | April 2024 TRADE NEWS The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper
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Martin Thurley, Managing Director of Liniar, has announced his decision to resign from his position to pursue other interests, following a successful 7-year period with the company.

In light of Martin's resignation, Quanex is pleased to announce the appointment of Chris Alderson as President of the newly formed European Fenestration Division within Quanex, effective immediately. This division will encompass all Quanex businesses in the United Kingdom and Europe, including Liniar, Edgetech UK, and Edgetech Europe GmbH. Chris brings with him extensive experience and a proven track record of leadership, having previously served as Managing Director of Edgetech UK and overseeing international operations.

Chris expressed his excitement about leading Liniar: “I am delighted to be leading Liniar during this pivotal phase of its development. While it’s business as usual currently, we will be working to maximise the opportunities now available through the consolidated group. We have a dedicated and talented team, and I am excited for the future. I would like to thank Martin for his support during the transition over the next few weeks and for his service in creating a market-leading business that I am now proud to be a part of.”

George Wilson, President & CEO of Quanex comments: “Chris has been a valued member of the Quanex senior team since joining Edgetech in 2016 and his appointment reflects his outstanding management of the businesses in his responsibility. I trust Chris to uphold our commitment to driving sustainable growth and deliver value to all stakeholders in this expanded role. I congratulate Chris on his new position and wish Martin all the best for the future.”

For more information, please call 01332 883900 or visit



Following the completion of an extensive test programme with Schüco, Pyroguard is delighted to announce the expansion of its range of solutions for aluminium doors, partitions and façades, offering its customers even more choice.

As the world’s leading independent provider of fire safety glass, Pyroguard remains committed to expanding its bank of test evidence, with the addition of new framing partnerships and system capabilities. The latest investment has been a comprehensive test programme with Schüco, one of the industry’s prominent suppliers of highquality aluminium window, door and façade systems.

Following the test programme, Pyroguard can now offer a range of new capabilities across Schüco’s ADS 80 framing system and FW 50 curtain wall system, featuring Pyroguard Protect toughened fire safety glass in EI30 and EI60 classifications. Tested and approved by Warrington Fire (UK), IFT (Germany) and Efectis (France), this

new scope of evidence opens the door to more aluminium framing options, including internal glass partitions and curtain walling systems, both increasingly popular amongst architects.

Speaking about the achievement, Andy Lake, Sales Director UK & IRE at Pyroguard said: “This is a really great success for both businesses and has been many years in the making, with considerable company investment and real dedication from Pyroguard and Schüco’s technical and R&D teams.

“Being able to partner with Schüco is a huge opportunity for us. They are a major name in aluminium framing - its FW 50 façade system dominates the European market. So, it’s great to have been able to work with them on these new system capabilities. As a result of this investment, we can provide our customers with a wider range of aluminium framing solutions that meet EI30 and EI60 ratings, contributing to more options that combine aesthetics with safety.”

Part of the Technical Fire Safety Group and the svt Group of companies, Pyroguard is the world’s leading independent provider of high-performance fire safety glass. Dedicated to continuous product development and testing, Pyroguard offers a variety of solutions and expert technical advice to help architects, specifiers and installers create beautiful and safe living and working spaces.

From cuttable and toughened fire safety glass to solutions that can provide protection against smoke and manual attack, Pyroguard delivers one of the largest and most fully tested ranges to markets across Europe and further afield, including the Middle East, India and North America. For more information, please visit:


With falls through fragile surfaces, particularly fibrecement roofs and rooflights, accounting for 22% of all fall-from-height fatal injuries in the construction industry1, Keylite Roof Windows (Keylite) is stressing the importance of flat glass safety when working at raised levels.

Flat roof glazing systems such as flat glass roof lights, roof lanterns, polycarbonate domes and automatic opening vent (AOV) rooflights are most typically installed in flat roof extensions at the rear of residential properties; but are also very common in education and healthcare applications.

When working with flat roof glass systems, installers must be aware of the relevant standards relating to roof glazing, which include guidance on maximum allowable deflections and stresses for overhead glazing. Fragile rooflights in particular can be a major hazard, as some are difficult to

see in certain light conditions and others may be hidden by paint.

Designed with safety in mind, the glazing specification of Keylite’s flat roof glass systems aims to reduce the incidences of accidents and injury, giving installers full peace of mind. All units have been tested to meet CWCT TN66 and TN67 Class 1 non-fragile rating to ensure the safety of people below the glazed roof and people who may be on the roof.

John Logue, Business Manager at Keylite, comments: “Class 1 non-fragile rooflights are for applications where they may be walked on for occasional cleaning and maintenance, as they need to be able to support both the weight of people on the glass and their equipment, as well as withstand the impact from a person and their tools or equipment without damage.

“Keylite’s wide range of flat roof glazing products means we can provide a solution for any flat roof application. We offer fire-resistant glazing, and our full range has been fully tested to ACR[M]001:2011 Class B for non-fragility.

“In addition, our flat roof domes are thermoformed polycarbonate with a virtually unbreakable triple skin construction, which has an impact strength 250 times greater than glass, giving installers extra peace of mind when working at height.”

All roof windows within the entire Keylite range can be integrated within a flat roof system. For more information, please visit, call 01283 200 158 or email

1 Health and Safety Executive

12 April 2024 | TRADE NEWS The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper






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Purplex, a leading marketing agency for the UK’s glazing and fenestration agency, celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. In this article, founder and MD Andrew Scott reflects on the company’s journey over two decades, and how constant innovation and investment in people has paid off –even in challenging times.

It’s interesting how frequently the past runs up against the present, and how we see parallels with and pointers to the future we all now occupy. In 2004, as I sat at my kitchen table figuring out the best way to take forward my business idea for a marketing agency, there was a savage conflict in the Middle East, the Russians were fighting over territory they claimed as their own and ten new countries were about to join the EU, sowing the seeds for future turbulence.

In the US, another would-be entrepreneur was also sat at his desk, wondering whether his idea, which he then called ‘Thefacebook’ would fly. Three years later Mark Zuckerberg was a billionaire, and his invention would pioneer changes in all our lives.

When I started Purplex (short for Purpose, Planning and Execution), I had an old computer, a phone and a battered Fiat 127, which I would drive tirelessly around the country, attending in-person meetings (Zoom? What was that…?) that I hoped would give me the leads I needed to get my idea off the ground.

Luckily, the Fiat held out long enough to make those connections and soon I was in business. All Purplex’s initial clients were in the glazing industry – I had ran, bought and sold several window companies so this was the obvious place to start – but over the years we broadened out into wider building products and several other sectors.

Despite having clients all over the UK and overseas, I decided that our central office would be based in Weston-Super-Mare, North Somerset. Why there? I stumbled across Weston whilst I was running Cambrian Windows

and fell in love with the place – beautiful scenery, easy access to major cities such as Bristol, London and Birmingham and importantly, plenty of homegrown talent to be harvested right on my doorstep.

Two decades later, Purplex has survived and thrived. Sure, there have been tough times for us all (economically, and Covid-19, of course) but with ambition, sustained investment, nimbleness and flexibility, we’ve managed to become the UK’s number one marketing agency in the construction, building products and home improvements

industries. We acquire and retain hundreds of clients, getting the absolute best for them in a rapidly changing market driven by innovative technology, and over the years have expanded to include a digital team, a specialist PR division and a creative design and direct marketing arm.

Our achievements have been many and varied – too many to list here. The highlights include investment in new office space and turning over our first £1 million (both 2012), fully embracing digital tech and emerging social media (2014), purchasing a new HQ (2016)

and reaching the milestone 100-employee mark (2023). Today, we have exciting plans for further expansion and our future has never looked so bright.

More importantly, though, what have we learned from all this?

Primarily, we’ve put people at the front and centre of everything we do. Not just our clients, but our staff too. To me, Purplex is a family and like all families it contains individuals with a broad range of interests, skills, likes, dislikes and the rest. Our aim is to bring all this diversity together to create a world-class marketing, media and technology hotspot that benefits our sector and our town, providing unrivalled opportunities for the local talent we know is out there.

While we constantly drive for growth, we are not blasé about it. Sometimes we need to make challenging decisions to keep moving forward. Last year we sold the popular and successful Business Leader magazine to HomeServe chief executive Richard Harpin, while the Mark Allen Group acquired the Purplex-established Glazing Conference, an annual event that attracts more than 500 industry professionals. Both these sales mean that I can focus on ambitious plans for the future of Purplex.

We have also learned the power of resilience. I’ve recognised that strength, grit and determination have seen us through a few storms, and I’m keen that such resilience should be celebrated and rewarded. We have regular staff social events and gettogethers and we support the wider community.

For these and many other reasons we are proud to celebrate 20 years in business. Yes, we’re a success story and we’ll be celebrating that. But we won’t ever sit on our laurels. There are many challenges ahead – not least the rapid rise of the game-changing AI – and we plan to rise to every one of those. So here’s to the next 20 years, and beyond!

16 April 2024 | TRADE NEWS The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper
Andrew Scott

The Residence Collection brings together a suite of premium window and door systems, designed and made in Great Britain.

The Residence Collection brings together a suite of premium window and door systems, designed and made in Great Britain.

The Residence Collection brings together a suite of premium window and door systems, designed and made in Great Britain.

The perfect timber alternative solution for a range of installations, from modern homes to period properties, offering a u-value of 1.2W/m2K as standard with double glazing and superior thermal and acoustic properties.

The perfect timber alternative solution for a range of installations, from modern homes to period properties, offering a u-value of 1.2W/m2K as standard with double glazing and superior thermal and acoustic properties.

The perfect timber alternative solution for a range of installations, from modern homes to period properties, offering a u-value of 1.2W/m2K as standard with double glazing and superior thermal and acoustic properties.

The Residence Collection brings together a suite of premium window and door systems, designed and made in Great Britain.

The perfect timber alternative solution for a range of installations, from modern homes to period properties, offering a u-value of 1.2W/m2K as standard with double glazing and superior thermal and acoustic properties.

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Super-insulated and triple glazed Aluminium Windows and Doors are a futureproof solution, as 83% of active homebuyers are looking to invest in eco-friendly homes

A study released by Ovo Energy has revealed 83% of active British homebuyers are seeking properties with energy efficient upgrades, reduced carbon emissions, and high EPC ratings. But this further surge towards sustainability is not just a matter of conscience; it’s a financial decision by savvy buyers that could increase the value of their homes by up to 15%.

According to recent data from Rightmove’s latest Greener Homes report, enhancing a home’s Energy Performance Certificate

(EPC) rating from F to C could lead to a 15% rise in its overall value. Put into context, on a typical property price of £285,000 as registered by the Office for National Statistics, that would mean £42,750 of added value. This of course also means the occupants enjoy lower energy bills, which can be up to 50% depending on the upgrades made.



Rightmove’s Director of Property Science, Tim Bannister, emphasises the positive impact of energy efficient home improvements in the report, reassuring homeowners that these enhancements command better prices in the real estate market. As a company committed to sustainable living, SILKA is celebrating the statistics and rising trend for greener homes, and passionate about providing seamless solutions to bring them to life.

SILKA Aluminium Windows and Doors have offered top levels of thermal efficiency from day one. Amid rising energy costs and government focus on energy efficiency through initiatives including the Future Homes Standard and Net Zero Strategy, SILKA was designed to exceed industry standards, stylishly.


SILKA’s dedication to energy efficiency is evident in its complete range of products, including Aluminium Windows, Bifold Doors, Lift & Slide Doors, Entrance

Doors, Rooflights and more, as well as its innovative solutions like Thermafill® and triple glazing as standard. By combining these elements, SILKA ensures exceptional energy efficiency through both the frame and glass, futureproofing homes against escalating energy demands and changing regulations.

In a world where sustainability is a necessity and not an option, SILKA has more than 25 years of expertise to help homeowners enhance the value of their property, and put energy efficiency on a pedestal.

For more information on SILKA Aluminium Windows and Doors and its commitment to sustainability, head to:


The flexibility of Associated Steel Window Service (ASWS) as a fenestration specialist was ably demonstrated when it responded to a regular client’s call to help convert a derelict public house into a pristine marketing suite for a neighbouring residential development.

ASWS has carried out enablement services, as well as full steel window remediation contracts on behalf of Erith Contractors on a number of projects over recent years. Alongside the redevelopment of the The Whiteley on West London’s  Queensway, ASWS was asked to replace an array of timber windows and doors in just a three week timespan.  And rather than getting fit for a full house of revellers again, the brief was to ensure The Redan would be ready to turn the heads of prospective purchasers for the nearby luxury apartments.

The Contracts Director for ASWS, Kris Bennell, explains how the tight deadline was achieved, “We have great experience when replacement timber windows are required on a project, and this old pub actually contained quite a mix of different types, including traditional sash windows with weights, side hung casements, and a number of doors.  The first floor balcony doors were almost 3 metres tall by 2.2 metres wide and not in a salvageable state.”

“We also installed a very large, double glazed lantern light above the main stairwell to the building, which was quite a

challenge. Unusually on projects like this we were asked to take on all of the lifting requirements – hiring in our own mini-crane and rigs – while taking responsibility for the safety matters and lifting plans.  We have often worked in tandem with Erith to enable their demolition or alterations of significant buildings, including in Fleet Street and at Olympia, and were delighted to assist in this very unusual and rapid turnaround.”

As well as dealing with the logistics and installing all the large and disparate frame types, the lantern light being fully painted and glazed offsite, increasing the care and accuracy needed when positioning it on the rooftop upstand. All of the doors and windows also had their mastic seals applied and their assorted locking systems set up.

James Williams, Erith’s Project Manager on the job, commented, “Having worked closely with ASWS for nearly two years on the main Whiteleys redevelopment scheme, I could not recommend them enough. This led us to putting

the company forward for the Redan Pub refurbishment. The team’s professionalism, knowledge and experience in the heritage sector is second to none - it was a no brainer for this unusual, short duration and bespoke scheme. Quality and speed do not often go hand in hand, however ASWS delivered fantastic results to the client’s elite standard within the programme demanded of them. The Redan was to be utilised by the Whiteley’s client team as a high-end office space for the duration of the main development of the historic shopping centre around the corner, and it was imperative Erith could rely on a trusted contractor to deliver the quality finish required. Kris and the team did exactly that and I look forward to working with him and everyone at ASWS in the future”.

As an acknowledged specialist in the restoration and replica replacement for steel, wrought iron, timber and aluminium windows of all ages, ASWS is frequently asked to carry out pre-contract surveys on behalf of the client’s consultants, while the subsequent drawings and documents are sometimes also used as part of the submissions to English Heritage or local planning officers.

ASWS is a long-established member of the Steel Window Association and well recognised expert in the repair of metal windows, from the earliest wrought iron examples through to contemporary curtain walling.  The family run business is frequently called upon to prepare condition surveys during the appraisal stages of a project, which then become part of the planning or listed building permission process.  The company also maintains a very large stock of ironmongery and metal frame components to assist in its restoration work.

For more information on ASWS, please visit

18 April 2024 | TRADE NEWS The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper
Lyle House in County Antrim is a stunning example of a SILKA installation
#Tradi onRede ned 01234 712657 sash windows sash windows sash windows a sum of its parts more than SUPPORT SERVICE DESIGN QUALITY


VEKA plc has unveiled its exciting future plans and how it will continue to lead in the areas that make up its DNA - quality, innovation and sustainability - across the fenestration industry.

The world-leading PVCu supplier shared exclusive details of its strategic direction and latest range of products and services with partners at a recent collaboration event.

Fabrication businesses from across the UK & Ireland came together at Crow Wood Hotel & Spa in Burnley, for a full day of partnership activities and information sharing focused on VEKA’s commitment to delivery of the highest quality products, innovative approaches and sustainable solutions.

Neil Evans, Managing Director at VEKA plc, said: “VEKA is dedicated to revolutionising the PVCu sector through our approach to design, innovation and customer focus. Our latest developments and new products, developed through collaboration with industry partners, will introduce a new era to the window and door sector.”

VEKA’s pioneering approach to the design and manufacture of the highest quality systems was on display at the event through a special preview of its brand-new product suite. Developed in collaboration with fabrication partners, to bring enhanced aesthetic appeal and technical prowess to the market, the product looks set to set to be a game-changer for the PVCu windows and doors sector.

Partners who attended also gained the opportunity to learn about VEKA’s innovative digital design support and specification tool for the fenestration industry, WinDoPlan, designed to help users navigate upcoming changes to the Future Homes Standard. Plus, information was shared about how VEKA Recycling is leading the way and demonstrating its commitment to keeping material in the UK, through its pioneering approach towards enabling a sustainable closed-loop system for the PVCu sector.

Mark Dicconson, Managing Director at John Fredericks Plastics Ltd added: "The day was universally seen as a huge success by everyone I spoke to at and after the event. It was obvious that VEKA wants to engage with customers and assist in their future prosperity with a combination of innovation/service and technical support. The event exceeded my expectations."

During the day a range of senior leaders from the VEKA team shared updates and insight with customers, including presentations from Andreas Hartleif, CEO at VEKA Group and Neil Evans, Managing Director at VEKA plc, plus many more.

Key messages highlighted how VEKA is committed to working hand in hand with industry partners to advance the market and be at the forefront of its future – and how its values drive that focus.

Neil added: “I make no apologies for consistently referring to our dedication and focus on delivering the highest levels of quality, innovation and sustainability, because it’s what we do. These pillars run through VEKA – it’s in our DNA.”

During the event, attendees also listened to guest speaker, Matt Williams, Chief Operating Officer at Burnley Football Club, share stories and insight around the subject of nurturing talent. Later during

the evening celebrations, guests were entertained by entrepreneur and ‘Bank of Dave’ star David Fishwick and magician Jason Rea.

Mark Powell, Sales Director at Direct Trade (Yorkshire) Ltd commented on the event: “It was a pleasure to spend the day with our key partner VEKA – great to see some innovation and ideas to assist our future growth. Time is precious within any business, but it was well worth taking the time out to see what the future offers from our partner.”

VEKA plc is a leader in the design, development and extrusion of PVCu door, window and conservatory systems. Established for over 50 years’, it employs more than 400 people from its UK manufacturing facility based in Burnley, Lancashire, and proudly supplies the market’s most specified PVCu systems in the world.

20 April 2024 | TRADE NEWS The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper C M Y CM MY CY CMY K
VEKA plc team at the partner event Neil Evans, Managing Director at VEKA plc, speaking at the partner event Andreas Hartleif, CEO at VEKA Group, with VEKA Recycling employees

True authenticity comes from a blend of heritage styling and modern performance.

Single features may grab attention, but a true heritage sash window is designed to ensure the seamless integration of all its parts.

Everything has to work together: slim overlapping putty-line profiles, a 35mm midrail, heritage chalk finishes, seamless ornate sash horns, true mechanical joints, deep cills and innovative balance chamber covers, to name but a few.

Add to that a 1.2 W/m2k u-value without specialist glass, and you have a true conservation-grade sash window with outstanding modern performance.

Only Roseview’s Ultimate Rose sash window delivers all this. Because it’s more than a sum of its parts.

#Tradi onRede ned


On 7th February 2024, profine UK Ltd hosted a trade press event at its Huthwaite facility to showcase the considerable investment in people, products and processes that has been undertaken since acquiring the site in 2020.

A £multi-million investment programme is in place and shows no sign of slowing down thanks to the commitment of parent company profine Group, helping to transform the site into a world-class manufacturing facility.

profine UK’s diversification strategy will see export sales grow considerably over the next five years including Kömmerling 70mm PVCu systems and WarmCore, a revolutionary hybrid platform. WarmCore will feature heavily this year on the profine Group’s stand at Fensterbau Frontale, Nuremberg, Germany from the 19th to the 22nd of March.

During the visit, the media were provided with details on a new partnership scheme, Kömmerling At Home, an introduction to the WarmCore platform in its entirety, and a factory tour including the newly opened Design Centre used to host visits from Kömmerling’s customers, prospects and business associates.

The media were surprised by the scale of transformation taken place at the site, as Robert Thiroff, managing director of profine UK and Kömmerling explains. He said: ‘We created a detailed plan of investment here in Huthwaite from the very start of the acquisition with a clear vision of how we wanted the business to grow.

‘Creating stronger relations with our supplychain partners through Kömmerling At Home and being able to provide an avenue where we sell UK designed products such as WarmCore globally will bring fantastic benefits,’ Robert continues, ‘but, we still have ongoing investment plans across the business. We will continue to thrive through the development of our people, products and services, including a programme of sustainability for solar PV, recycling and the integration of profine Energy.’

For further information e-mail or phone 01623 579200. There is also a dedicated site for KÖMMERLING at You can also follow them on social media platforms @profineuk and @kommerling_uk.


Award-winning fabricator of PVCu and aluminium windows, doors and curtain walling, Unique Window Systems has lent its support to an outreach project organised by Leicester City in the Community (LCitC).

The business donated two sets of white PVCu French doors towards a project which involved the construction of a new classroom at Gorse Hill City Farm. Unique’s installer team, who typically work on high volume projects for large commercial clients, also carried out the installation of the doors free of charge.

Located on a 20-acre site on the edge of Leicester city centre, Gorse Hill City Farm is a working farm and visitor attraction.

Operating as a registered charity and home to over 100 animals, it enables visitors, and children in particular, to learn more about farming, conservation, and animal welfare in a hands-on, fun, and interactive way.

One of the official charities of Leicester City Football Club (LCFC), LCitC harnesses the power of football and LCFC to inspire individuals to achieve their full potential.

Committed to ensuring everyone it engages with receives the support they need, either directly or through a network of partners, LCitC’s core activities entail education, community outreach and targeted interventions with football and inclusivity serving as underlying themes.

The French doors donated by Unique are from a range able to accommodate widths of up to two metres and that is available in seven different colours and finishes.

Ideal for maximising levels of natural light and for opening up spaces such as conservatories, the range also offers a choice of frame styles including straight edged, chamfered and ovolo.

Emma Lowry, senior manager (education) at LCitC, said: “Every year, Leicester City in the Community, delivers numerous projects which are focused on making a positive difference to local good causes.

“We can only do this with the help of similarly community-minded individuals and organisations like Unique Window Systems.

“On behalf of everyone at Leicester City in the Community, Gorse Hill City Farm and

all those people who will ultimately benefit from the new classroom, I’d like to thank the business for its generous support.”

Mir Patel, senior manager at Unique Window Systems, added: “Unique Window Systems has a strong sense of corporate citizenship, and we recognise the need for all businesses, ours included, to leave a lasting and positive legacy on society.

“As one of Leicester’s major employers, we also feel it’s important to give something back to the local communities where many of our team and their families live and spend their free time.”


UAP, the specialist in locks and hardware for doors and windows, has expanded into a new 120,000ft² headquarter building in Bury, Greater Manchester.

The £750,000 investment has seen UAP relocate from sites in Radcliffe and Whitefield, bringing all its processes under one roof. As well as improving efficiency and connectivity between departments, the Orbital 60 building in Dumers Lane has more than doubled UAP’s stockholding capacity.

Order fulfilment for all seven UAP brands has been streamlined through specialised racking as well as new picking systems and software. The building also houses the company’s production lines, testing centres, and training facilities.

The move follows a year which has seen UAP’s overall business grow by more than 50 per cent. Strategic acquisitions with Maher London and Security Hardware helped to fuel this expansion. UAP also invested in two new businesses in

“Our acquisitions, diversification and new headquarters will count for nothing without significant investment in our people. At all levels, we have added depth and strength to our teams.”

2023 - Fire Door Maintenance (FDM) and Armadillo Metal Coatings. Both are located at the new site, including FDM’s 3,000ft² Training Academy.

A total of 80 employees are based at Orbital 60 with teams at Security Hardware and Locking Systems remaining at their existing locations in the West Midlands and Tyne & Wear respectively.

David Jennings, CEO of UAP, said: “Our move to Orbital 60 is fundamental to our growth strategy. We have shifted from a labour-intensive warehouse system to a lean way of working and more modern facilities which will see future automation and less waste.

“With significantly more storage and streamlined processes, we can also hold extra stock for our UK customers and are working with our suppliers to maximise economies of scale for every product we buy.

“Another benefit of our new site is that it can better accommodate our growing workforce. Our acquisitions, diversification and new headquarters will count for nothing without significant investment in our people. At all levels, we have added depth and strength to our teams. This includes the arrival of highly experienced and knowledgeable people from across the industry thanks to our targeted acquisition strategy.”

Established in 1996, UAP has been based in Bury since 1999 and operates across seven brands: UAP Fullex, UAP Locking Systems, UAP Intelligent Hardware, UAP Firemongery, UAP TradeLocks, UAP Security Hardware, and online specialist X-Fort.

22 April 2024 | TRADE NEWS The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper
Pictured: Former Leicester City Football Club captain, Steve Walsh (left), and Gary Burrows, senior project manager at Unique (right), at the handover of the new French doors installed at Gorse Hill City Farm.


Billed as “Fenestration, Glass and Glazing – 50 Careers in one day”, this was an opportunity for young people to learn about the fenestration, and associated industries, with a view to finding a pathway to a stimulating and successful career.

Although unfortunately not able to attend the functions at Barnsley FC’s Oakwell Stadium or Manchester City’s Etihad Stadium, Glass News very much supports the Building Our Skills initiative and is pleased to report on the very well attended events. These two events must surely be just the start of career days throughout the country and benefit both the school leaver and our industry.

Building Our Skills - Making Fenestration, Glass and Glazing a Career of Choice

24 April 2024 | TRADE NEWS The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper

reports an excellent level of support for its two pilot bespoke industry careers festivals held last week.

“We’re so grateful to everyone who backed this new initiative,” says Mark Handley, Building Our Skills’ Partnerships Manager. He adds: “In the end, we had over thirty companies take part on each day and just under 700 students visit. It’s been wonderful to see the industry take up the cause of attracting new talent. We’re hoping that these two events will be the first of many. “Employability skills clinics played a part in enticing schools and students to the festivals, with local authorities having highlighted just how helpful these clinics were going to be in getting students to think about their careers generally, and the fenestration, glass and glazing industry specifically.

“‘Career Families’ were another facet of the careers festivals that helped students understand the many career options open to them as they get closer to the world of work.”

The eleven ‘families’ together encompass over 100 individual roles, demonstrating career progression opportunities, training, qualifications and how students can start out on their career journeys in the industry. It is expected that the events will now expand into additional areas of the country where Building Our Skills is already working with other local education authorities.

The two pilot events were held last week as part of National Careers Week and Building Our Skills worked in conjunction with the education bodies in South Yorkshire and Greater Manchester to bring these events to fruition.

25 | April 2024 TRADE NEWS The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper
Interested in being part of Building Our Skills? Please contact:



February 2024 marks the five year anniversary with George Clarke as Brand Ambassador for The Double Glazing and Conservatory Ombudsman Scheme (DGCOS).

DGCOS and George both share a commitment to upholding the highest standards in the double-glazing industry.

Reflecting on the milestone, George Clarke, DGCOS Brand Ambassador, comments, “Celebrating five years with DGCOS has been nothing short of fantastic. I am proud to support them in their mission to protect consumers.

“Looking back on my incredible journey with DGCOS fills me with immense gratitude and pride. Being Brand Ambassador has been an honour and witnessing the dedication and team spirit of the staff at DGCOS and their members has been truly inspiring. Together, we’ve achieved remarkable milestones, and I look forward to continuing this journey of excellence with them.”

Faisal Hussain, DGCOS Chief Executive, comments, “As we mark the five year milestone alongside our Brand Ambassador, George Clarke, I am reminded of the core values that have guided us on this incredible journey.

“At DGCOS, customer satisfaction and installer support are not just a goal; it’s a commitment that lies at the heart of everything we do. Collaborating with George and our dedicated team at DGCOS, we’ve embraced the power of unity, ensuring that interactions with DGCOS leave a lasting impression of satisfaction and trust.

“Our partnership with George has been fantastic and together we’ve listened, learned, and evolved, always with the shared goal of raising standards, protecting consumers, and empowering our DGCOS members to thrive. Here’s to many more years of success and continued dedication to consumer protection with George by our side.”


For 22 years, Twinseal has been at the forefront of British IGU manufacturing – thanks to its longstanding commitment to embracing new products and technology, and the support of trusted supplier Edgetech.

Two automated spacer application lines, combined with the labour-saving benefits of Edgetech’s Super Spacer®, have helped the York-based firm streamline its operations and offer excellent product quality.

“With Edgetech’s support, we’ve been able to improve productivity and ensure we’re delivering the best possible IGUs to our customers,” comments Production Director Lee Cowen.

“People often think automation is about replacing humans with robots, but at Twinseal, that’s not been the case at all.

“Even the most automated production line in the world still needs staff to oversee the production, and that human element can’t be replaced.

“My team is an integral part of what we do here at Twinseal – it takes extremely skilled staff to run our production line.”

Being forward-thinking isn’t just about investing in machinery and technology, however. Twinseal’s success can also be attributed to its ability to pre-emptively solve problems before they even occur.

Lee likens Twinseal’s facility to “Noah’s ark” – they have two of each piece of machinery to ensure that, if something goes wrong or machinery breaks down, there is a backup plan already in place.

Lee continues: “Engineering expertise and rigorous maintenance schedules are a vital part of providing the high-quality service we’re known for.’’

It’s this kind of proactive thinking that allows Twinseal to provide such consistently excellent service to its customers.

Edgetech Head of Sales

Tony Palmer comments:

“At Edgetech, we’ve always placed a special emphasis on embracing new technologies.

“We’re delighted that Twinseal has seen such success working with Super Spacer® over the years, and are a fantastic example of what can be achieved by adopting automation.

“We look forward to helping them continue to innovate and evolve in the years ahead”.

For more information, please call 02476 639931 or visit


Fentrade Aluminium has reported the growing popularity of low-rise curtain walling being installed into residential properties.

Whilst curtain walling is often the fabric of choice for commercial applications, Chris Reeks, Managing Director at Fentrade, is keen to point out that the product’s flexibility is proving popular when it comes to domestic properties too.

He said: “Over the past few months, we have worked with our trade customers on several new build and refurbishment projects to open-up entrances and hallways to create additional space and light for the homeowner. By incorporating our low-rise curtain walling into these domestic projects, we have created light-filled and visually striking spaces.”

When it comes to colour for these internal curtain walling structures, RAL7016 remains a popular choice. Chris said: “Grey interiors have been known for their drama and stand-out quality for home design projects. It’s why Anthracite Grey has become the colour of choice for these modern spaces. Having said that, we are also seeing a range of grey tones being specified including 7038 Agate and

7021 Black/Grey. This shift reflects the desire for increased design flexibility and personalisation in these designled projects.”

Like all Fentrade’s aluminium products, the low level curtain walling is manufactured at the company’s Newport headquarters. High quality manufacture ensures exceptional product quality and Fentrade’s

customer-centric focus has expanded its reach into working with architects and specifiers.

Chris said: “We actively engage with the architect or specifier at the early stages of project development. This hands-on approach ensures that initial designs meet both aesthetic appeal and feasibility standards from a manufacturing and technical perspective. And because we partner with a carefully chosen group of curtain wall systems, we can develop the best tailored solution for each application whether in ladder format or stick format, meeting the diverse needs of each project.”

As the popularity for low-rise curtain walling in residential properties continues to grow, Fentrade remains committed to delivering high-quality products and personalised services to architects, specifiers and trade customers. Chris concludes: “As a specialist trade aluminium fabricator with a wide product range, 30 years’ fenestration experience and a commitment to customer service and quality, we are a reliable partner for anyone looking to tap into this domestic growth.”

Tel: 01633 547787

26 April 2024 | TRADE NEWS The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper

PURe innovation

PURe® innovation

Senior’s innovation recognised with a King’s Award for Enterprise

Our thermally-efficient, patented PURe® system is fully Part L compliant and available in choice of window styles and door options for both residential and commercial projects.

Senior’s innovation recognised with a King’s Award for Enterprise

Winner of a King’s Award for Enterprise (Innovation) 2023.

Our thermally-efficient, patented PURe® system is fully Part L compliant and available in choice of window styles and door options for both residential and commercial projects.

Winner of a King’s Award for Enterprise (Innovation) 2023.


This September, Global Director of WarmCore, Andrew Charlesworth, will be taking on a momentous challenge as he sets about scaling the highest freestanding mountain in the world - Mount Kilimanjaro.

Dad of three, Andrew 43, will start his ascent up the mountain on 10th September 2024 to raise money for two charities; Kelly’s Heroes, a mental health support charity and Harry’s Pals, a charity that provides emotional support to parents of severely ill or disabled children.

Having found out about the incredible work that organisers Kelly’s Heroes do, Andrew was keen to get involved, however he did have one ask, that he could also fundraise for another charity too, Harry’s Pals. A charity named after his little boy Harry (8) who is severely disabled.

Harry’s Pals, set up by Hayley, Andrew’s wife, provides free counselling and therapy sessions as well as short breaks to help families across the country who are struggling as they grapple with the emotional, practical, and physical implications of their child’s diagnosis.

Andrew is braving this challenge, despite not being his fittest, with underlying concerns about altitude sickness and a fear of heights. Yet there’s the motivation to know the difference that both charities make and the important work that they are doing to help people to feel less isolated and more able to get the help that they need to make for a more tenable and happier future.

Hayley Charlesworth founder of Harry’s Pals said: ‘I am so incredibly proud of Andy, in attempting to climb 6,000 meters and that is no mean feat. I am sure that when the going gets tough he will be motivated by the funding he’s received and the difference that this will make to Harry’s Pals and Kelly’s Heroes. Good luck, we’re all rooting for you!’

Please if you can donate to support Andrew go to or scan the QR code. Whatever you can afford will make a big difference to Kelly’s Heroes and Harry’s Pals. To find out more about Harry’s Pals please go to To find out more about Kelly’s Heroes go to



Jade Engineering, the window and door industry’s preeminent production tooling and machinery manufacturer and frame production experts, has appointed Gareth Davies as Managing Director in a move designed to lead the Coventry firm into its next phase and achieve long-held growth ambitions for the company.

With the company enjoying an enviable position as the industry’s leading manufacturer of tooling for PVC-U and aluminium frame production, a popular range of single-purpose machines that populate the factories of framemakers throughout the UK and Ireland, and a burgeoning division offering production consultancy and design solutions, the firm’s owners Sean Mackey and Adam Jones believe that additional expertise is required to take Jade to the next level.

Says Sean: “We recognise that the expertise that has allowed our growth and success to this point needs to be supplemented with the skills and expertise that others can provide more effectively if we want to grow. We can then focus on what has made us successful and extend this for our existing and future clients.”

Gareth provides the skills and expertise that Jade is looking for in full. With nearly 35 years’ experience as a business leader, in senior management roles across a diverse range of financial services, IT, engineering, consulting, and outsourced services businesses, Gareth is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development (FCIPD).

One of the key tenets of Gareth’s appointment is his lack of connection with the window and door industry: Sean and Adam are insistent that the skill sets required by Jade would not be found within the core industry that they serve. Immediate business priorities are to manage the move into the company’s new 30,000 feet2 headquarters building acquired 18 months ago and to professionalise the business at every level, to deliver their longer-term vision and drive growth.

A keen Leicester City fan and season ticket holder, Gareth is married with 2 grown up children. Whatever spare time he has beyond his work and family is spent watching sports (mostly football, rugby and cricket) or listening to music.

“We recognise that the expertise that has allowed our growth and success to this point needs to be supplemented with the skills and expertise that others can provide more effectively if we want to grow. We can then focus on what has made us successful and extend this for our existing and future clients.”

Leading trade fabricator Dekko Window Systems is marking a nine-year partnership with leading aluminium specialist Reynaers, highlighting a successful period of innovation and a dedication to delivering outstanding quality.

Since partnering in 2015, Dekko has manufactured premium Reynaers aluminium products under the Räum name, including sleek and stylish bi-fold doors which offer a contemporary appearance, smooth functionality and optimal performance, smooth sliding patio doors that are available as either a horizontal triple track sliding door or with an innovative lift and slide opening system, and contemporary slimline windows, suitable for a wide range of applications, from high-end commercial installations to modern residential developments.

Räum has seen continual success and growth over the years at Dekko, proven by the 2020 investment in a new 25,000 square foot aluminium manufacturing facility, dedicated exclusively to its production.

Dekko Sales Director Kurt Greatrex comments: “For nine years, we have been privileged to manufacture Reynaers’ stunning windows and doors, and from the very beginning, it’s been a prosperous collaboration that goes beyond mere product fabrication.

“Our relationship with Reynaers is rooted in shared innovation and a pursuit for excellence – their premium systems have played an integral role in enhancing our product offerings and allowing us to consistently deliver exceptional solutions to our customers.

“As we celebrate nine years of success, we look forward to the possibilities and achievements that await this partnership.” Visit and

28 April 2024 | TRADE NEWS The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper


Conservatory Outlet, the UK’s leading fabricator of premium home improvement products is launching its new company Vision and Values, as well as rolling out a brand-new Employee Value Proposition.

An evolution from the company’s previous principles, Conservatory Outlet’s new ‘workplace four pillars’ encapsulates the Wakefield-based manufacturer’s dedication to honesty, innovation, teamwork, and community. These

“Our staff come from across the region and, cliched as it is to say, we really do succeed together.”

four values will run throughout the business and continue to positively shape the company’s culture.

The launch event saw Conservatory Outlet’s 150-strong workforce take part in multiple interactive presentations. Each session focussed on one of the company’s key principles and attendees were encouraged to discuss their actions, behaviours and recommendations relating to each value.

Discussing the launch of the new Vision and Values, Karen Starkey, Head of HR, expressed her enthusiasm about what it means for both Conservatory Outlet the company, and its staff: “Our four key values guide every aspect of our business and will help propel us to further success. Everything that we do, either as a business or as individuals, will be guided by these four values and will truly set us apart both as an employer and as a nationally recognised manufacturer.

“We are reinforcing our commitment to delivering exceptional products, services, and experiences to our

customers while fostering a dynamic and supportive work environment for our team.”

The unveiling marks a significant milestone for the company in its continued commitment to being an employer of choice within Yorkshire and as part of the company’s goal of achieving Investor in People’s Gold Standard.

Karen continued; “We are already one of Wakefield’s largest employers. By letting these four values guide us and our staff, we will ensure that Conservatory Outlet continues to be one of Yorkshire’s leading companies. Our staff come from across the region and, cliched as it is to say, we really do succeed together.”

Conservatory Outlet’s CEO, Greg Kane, concluded by saying: “Our employees are the backbone of our business. The launch of our new vision and values is an important step forward within our business strategy as we continue to evolve and grow in the coming years.”

30 April 2024 | TRADE NEWS The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper
Karen Starkey, Conservatory Outlet’s Head of HR
SILKA super-insulated Aluminium Windows and Doors Futureproofing homes with Thermafill® and triple glazing Lift & Slide Doors | Bifold Doors | Windows | Rooflights | Entrance Doors | French Doors 03448 118 299 Blur the boundaries with SILKA Bifold Doors Insulated aluminium technology Triple Glazed no extra cost SILKtouch fine textured surface U-values from 0.9 W/m2K


Window Supply Company, one of the fastest growing window and door fabricators in the UK, has announced it has signed a three year supply agreement to manufacture the multi-award-winning Stellar Aluminium Window and Door System from Epwin Window Systems.

Duncan Murray, CEO at Window Supply Company said: “Stellar Aluminium brings exciting benefits to our customers. We’re looking forward to helping them capitalise on the opportunities it brings.”

Katrina Earl, Sales Director at Epwin Window Systems, said: “We are delighted to welcome Window Supply Company on board and are looking forward to working with them to realise all the benefits the cutting-edge aluminium system brings to the market.”

Duncan is clear about the reasons for adding Stellar to Window Supply Company’s portfolio. “We’re seeing strong growth in demand for aluminium products and Stellar’s innovative design and ease of fabrication brings clear benefits to our business.”

Stellar Aluminium has been attracting industry plaudits ever since its launch thanks to its outstanding aesthetics and impressive technical innovations.

Its exceptionally slim sightlines help to create the light, bright spaces that are a crucial aspect in today’s design. It is also the only aluminium system on the market to offer a fully flush option, featuring seamless lines both internally and externally.

As a pre-gasketed system, it saves up to 20% on fabrication time. Plus, its patented reverse butt joint means no dummy sashes or reverse adaptor profiles are needed, which saves up to 30% on profile. This innovation delivers a wealth of fabrication and installation benefits, but one of the most important is that the system is capable of achieving U-values as low as 0.9 W/m2K.

Window Supply Company was established in March 2019. It has a 105,000 sqft state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Whitburn and has trade counters in Aberdeen, Bellshill, Dundee, Inverness, Kilmarnock, Lincoln, Livingston, Loanhead, Manchester and Sheffield.

The company is renowned for combining market leading products with exceptional quality and service. In Stellar Aluminium and Epwin Window Systems they have a system and a fabrication partner capable of enhancing that reputation.

Tel: 0845 340 3968 –

Sierra Windows, a leading PVC-U and aluminium fabricator, has unveiled its new sleek logo and refreshed visual identity across all platforms. The comprehensive rebrand is part of Sierra’s ongoing efforts to better align its image with its value proposition as one of the UK’s premier fabricators, known for its customer-centric approach and commitment to delivering high-quality products and service.

The updated branding is being rolled out across Sierra’s website, social media channels, vehicles, signage and marketing materials, marking a significant milestone for the longstanding trade fabricator.

Kay McGrady, Trade Marketing Manager at Sierra Windows, said: ”We are delighted to introduce our new branding, which reflects Sierra’s evolution as a business. As a leading trade fabricator, we are dedicated to providing innovative product solutions and exceptional customer service. This new visual identity reaffirms our commitment to excellence and positions us for continued success in the market.”

The decision to refresh Sierra’s branding was made after careful consideration, with a focus on maintaining the company’s core values of trust, quality and integrity. While the established colour palette has been retained for its


Want to meet the Quickslide team? Get close up with their products, discover market insights, find out how they can help grow your business in these competitive times and chat to other installers doing the same? And all served up with a breakfast roll and a friendly face?

Join Quickslide for one of their new ‘Customer Days’ and do just that. In April and May, Quickslide will take to the road, travelling the country to bring their trade partners together for a day of interactive workshops and networking.

It’s a chance to hear first-hand how Quickslide work with their trade partners to grow business together, developing brand presence and attracting new customers.

You’ll discover the latest innovations including Quick-Glide, Quickslide’s game-changing new slim slide and stack door system, and the new Legacy vertical slider with slim midrail and accompanying innovative Legacy On-Screen marketing web tool. There’ll be technical expertise on-hand during the day and the team will also be sharing plenty of market insights and insider info – including the chance to be one of the first to test-drive Quickslide’s new online ordering system.

As a trade partner, the day is your opportunity to quiz the Quickslide team. Whether you have questions about installations, products or marketing and brand support, all you’ll need to do is ask.

symbolic representation, the typeface has been updated to give the logo a more modern and professional look.

Kay commented: “We are proud of Sierra’s longstanding heritage and the reputation we have built over the years. This rebranding presents a refreshed and refined image to our customers and partners. We are still the same Sierra, dedicated to delivering excellence in everything we do.”

Sierra Windows is a part of the Epwin Group, a leading provider of building products in the UK. Based in Paignton, Devon, Sierra has been a trusted trade fabricator since 1976, with a reputation for providing high-quality PVC-U and aluminium frames to customers nationwide. Kay concludes: “As a forward-thinking business, we felt it was the right time to refresh Sierra’s corporate image to reflect our present-day business ethos. We are delighted with the new, modern image that aligns with our innovative approach and commitment to excellence.”

Tel: 07831 187626 –

Quickslide’s Customer Days will be held at:

• London South – Wednesday 10th April at the Lensbury Resort, TW11 9NU

• London North – Thursday 11th April at the Delta Hotel Waltham Abbey, EN9 3LX

• Birmingham – Thursday 18th April at the Moor Hall Hotel, B75 6LN

• Leeds – Thursday 25th April at the Woodlands Hotel, LS27 7LY

• Bristol – Thursday 2nd May at Berwick Lodge, BS10 7TD

• Glasgow – Thursday 9th May at the Dakota Hotel Eurocentral, G2 4DP

To book a place for yourself and your colleagues at what promises to be an insightful and rewarding event, contact with your chosen venue. The Quickslide team look forward to hearing from you.

“Whether you have questions about installations, products or marketing and brand support, all you’ll need to do is ask.”

32 April 2024 | TRADE NEWS The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper
Phil Parry - Epwin, Emma Gittins - Epwin, Martin Linden - Window Supply Company, Katrina Earl - Epwin, Duncan Murray - Window Supply Company, David Conroy - Epwin, Lee Johns - Epwin


Epwin Window Systems’ award-winning integrated digital platform, Connect, has further expanded, providing users with even greater value.

Gerald Allen, Head of Marketing at Epwin Window Systems, explains: “Connect is a dynamic digital platform that continues to evolve to ensure we consistently add value to our customers’ businesses. The latest developments further enhance an already impressive suite of services purposely designed to benefit both fabricators and installers.”

Among the recent developments are new sales and marketing features, including sample bags and signage services, alongside consumer-targeted direct mail campaigns and a newly introduced branding download section. Gerald says: “The marketing section within Connect is comprehensive, encompassing a plethora of downloadable resources tailored for fabricators and installers operating across all market sectors. These additional point of sale materials and consumer-targeted campaigns, will help to drive new business opportunities for our customers.”

Connect affiliate partnerships have also expanded with the introduction of a new training provider, GQA Qualifications. Gerald said: “We are delighted to be working with GQA Qualifications, who can help our customers to upskill their teams, boosting staff engagement and retention. And we have also introduced Building Our Skills, who work closely with organisations to attract new entrants to the industry and upskill the existing workforce.”

To help Epwin Window Systems’ customers gain valuable insights into evolving consumer preferences, behaviour and

market dynamics, Connect members now have an exclusive 20% discount on the new quarterly UK consumer trend report from Keystone Market Research, sponsored by Epwin Window Systems. Gerald said: “Understanding consumer trends and market dynamics is crucial for staying ahead in today’s competitive landscape. This initiative underscores our commitment to empowering our customers with the tools they need to thrive in the market.”

But these developments are just the start. Gerald said: ”We’re also working on future enhancements that will take what Connect has to offer to the next level. Soon, we’ll be able to send push notification reminders, messages and invitations that are directly relevant to each customer’s business, meaning that every interaction they have with Connect has the potential to add even more value.”

He continued: “Perhaps the most exciting development is around a customer relationship management (CRM) and lead management system for our customers. It will provide a window industry-specific tool that reflects the unique needs of our sector and helps customers upscale their sales and marketing activity.”

Connect from Epwin Window Systems is the result of a four-year cycle of continuous development. It is the most comprehensive digital platform in the industry and has emerged as a vital business solution to cater to the evolving needs of fabricators and installers. As evidence of its impact, it has over 1,000 registered users and features nearly 1,700 downloadable assets.

Epwin Window Systems is committed to continuous investment in its business support so it can be a proactive partner to its customers. Connect is the perfect example of that commitment.

Tel: 0808 101 4143

33 | April 2024 TRADE NEWS The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper Free, fully accredited thermal efficiency calculator. Quickly and accurately prove your WERs and U-Values. 0845 340 3968 |
Redefining Support


With its great flexibility, extreme weather resistance, light weight and durability, aluminium is becoming an increasingly popular choice of framing material for windows and doors for both the commercial and domestic markets.

With most PVC-U fabricators now offering aluminium window and door options, especially for high value bi fold and patio doors and with outstanding thermal performance to keep properties warm and fuel bills down, more homeowners are seeing the multiple benefits of aluminium.

In addition, aluminium’s great flexibility can accept a vast array of powder coated RAL colours and types of finish. With so many outstanding features, ventilation can sometimes be a factor that is overlooked but as with all replacement windows and doors, since Building Regulations (Approved Document F – means of ventilation) changed in July 2022, trickle ventilation is practically compulsory for those replacing existing windows and doors.

Glazpart (the glazing components and hardware manufacturer) has arguably the best ventilation solution with its award-winning Link Vent range.

The ‘Link Vent’ range sizes include 5000, 4000 and 2500 EQA and are designed to fully comply with Building Regulations (Approved Document F).

With a clever design, simple and user-friendly for both opening and closing - the Link Vent’s innovative closing action allows the closure plate to be positioned so that it reduces draughts by directing air away from occupants. The

Link Vent closure plate is split to allow for partial (50%) opening and greater ease of opening of the ventilator.

The Link Vent also has rounded ends of the vent and is available in either screw or clip in fixing types - the design eliminates the need for end caps whilst the clip fix design (Pawl’s) allows for a fast, easy vent installation. Here, the Link Vent excels as when clip fixed into the rout it allows for the profile to expand and contract underneath the colour matched vent. This prevents the distortion of the vent, for if it was screw fixed this could cause stresses to build up in the vent as a canopy will expand and contract at a different rate.

Easy fitting and functionality are essentials but it is the huge choice of colours and decorative finishes that sets Glazpart’s Link Vent range apart from the competition.

For over ten years, Glazpart has consistently invested in state-of-the-art machinery and tooling to provide a vast spectrum of colours and finishes for the Link Vent range. The company is in pole position to supply the Link Vent in colour matched, sprayed RAL colours as well as decorative finishes for any aluminium window or door profile.

Dean Bradley, Glazpart Sales Director explains: “For aluminium and indeed for all types of windows and doors, we can match to most colour systems. Glazpart is an approved colour paint sprayer and we offer all standard

“Glazpart is an approved colour paint sprayer and we offer all standard RAL (European Colour Systems) and BS (British Standards) colours on an appropriate base colour vent with a gloss / sheen level to the powder coating.”

RAL (European Colour Systems) and BS (British Standards) colours on an appropriate base colour vent with a gloss / sheen level to the powder coating. In addition, we have a specialist colour matching service that can match nonstandard colours and supplied colour samples.”

Like aluminium itself, the Glazpart Link Vent colours are extremely stable and durable with the vents holding their colour through constant exposure to the elements of weather, without noticeable fading.

Glazpart has also created a special minimum order quantity of 10 vents or canopies for premium finishes to enable fabricators to add the premium finishes to their range without having to order the standard 100 per box. This new order quantity means companies can order the vents as and when they need them for specific jobs.

Dean Bradley summarises, “As homeowners become more discerning, fabricators and installers should be offering the widest possible range of colours and finishes and by doing so they need to ensure they have vents that match the profile finish. Glazpart has the facilities and capacity to deliver a vast range of colours suitable for aluminium windows and doors to fully meet the expectations of homeowners.”

34 April 2024 | TRADE NEWS The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper
Dean Bradley


In today's competitive landscape, employee retention is a critical differentiator for businesses in the fabrication industry.

High turnover rates disrupt production schedules and can negatively impact customer service. Arched frame specialist Premier Arches has defied the trend by fostering a unique family-oriented environment that prioritises its workforce. We speak to Directors Sean Greenall, Tom Greenall, Dan Maloney, and Joe Trueman…

Since opening our doors in 2015, we’ve seen significant growth, having expanded our premises, increased our arched frame offerings, and made significant business investments.

But what we believe really sets us apart from other companies is our commitment to creating a family-style working culture, and placing an emphasis on fostering strong relationships among our employees to create an environment where they enjoy coming to work every day.

And the results speak for themselves –in 2023, we had zero leavers of choice, boasting a staggeringly low annual labour turnover rate of just 6%.

This commitment to our workforce is even more impressive considering the company's significant growth, with a recent recruitment drive expanding our team to 40 strong.

Notably, over 20% of our staff have been with us for more than five years, a statistic we value more than any sales record.

Selling and manufacturing arched and angled frames is a complex job carried out by skilled craftsmen, so our people are our

biggest asset. We work hard to protect, support, develop and engage them, not because it drives performance, but because it's the right thing to do.

This dedication to employee wellbeing extends beyond company culture – for example, we recently made a significant investment in new machinery, boosting production capacity. This expansion has paved the way for further growth, ensuring that new recruits become an integral part of the Premier Arches family.

When people join us, they enjoy their working day, they care about what they do, and they stick around.

While many businesses focus solely on sales figures and growth rates, we prove that investing in a valued and dedicated workforce can lead not only to increased customer satisfaction, but also to long-term success.

By prioritising our employees and creating a family-style culture, we have built a strong foundation for continued growth and prosperity within the industry.

As all levels of the industry continue to seek ways to differentiate themselves from competitors, perhaps it's time they take note of our approach. After all, happy employees often result in satisfied customers –something every business strives for.

Finally, in recognition of our team's unwavering dedication, we would like to express our sincere gratitude. We wouldn't be where we are today without the talent, commitment, and loyalty of our exceptional staff. Their expertise, collaborative spirit, and passion for quality are the driving forces behind our success, and we are incredibly fortunate to have such a dedicated team as part of the Premier Arches family.

35 | April 2024 TRADE NEWS The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper
0845 340 3968 |
own dedicated fleet of vehicles and drivers. Every order delivered with care and attention to detail.


Freefoam Building Products are pleased to announce the release of a new edition of their cladding product brochure – The Complete Cladding Solution.

Featuring the full range of PVC-UE cladding options with the addition of two recently released products in this impressive range, Shadow Gap cladding and Fortex Natura cladding.

Shadow Gap cladding is one of the newer additions to the range, featuring a wide 180mm board with the unique new subtle ‘pine’ embossed finish and an attractive deep groove between boards.

Fortex Natura is the most recent edition to the Freefoam cladding product range. A V-Groove style cladding board

with the beautiful natural look of wood created with state of the art digital printing technology. A choice of six traditional and contemporary wood decors, giving homeowners the look of wood without the ongoing time consuming cost of regular upkeep.

The new brochure also features detailed information on each range, colour options, board dimensions, fitting trims and technical data giving installers and homeowners all the information they need to make an informed decision.

“Our cladding portfolio has grown over time and this new literature highlights the incredible diversity and versatility of the Freefoam cladding range.”

With new attractive imagery, the brochure highlights the extensive range of cladding now available from Freefoam and illustrates the wide range of applications and options cladding offers.

Louise Sanderson UK Marketing Manager explained “Our cladding portfolio has grown over time and this new literature highlights the incredible diversity and versatility of the Freefoam cladding range.”

Freefoam are committed to offering a full package of sales and marketing support to help customers sell and promote it’s products. This new brochure is part of a suite of tools to aid the sale of cladding. Other items include a free sample service, product display boards for trade counters and handy swatches to illustrate the colour and finish of cladding boards.

36 April 2024 | TRADE NEWS The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper

Introducing the Visofold 1000 Slimline Bifold Door from Mercury

• Easy-to-operate system, capable of opening up an entire wall, yet presenting a contemporary, glazed façade when closed.

• Thermal break to deliver enhanced thermal performance and energy efficiency.

• Kitemarked and security-tested to PAS 24 standard.

• Available in a choice of standard and nonstandard colours, including dual colours and a unique range of textured finishes.

The Smart’s Visofold 1000 Slimline Bifold Door delivers the slimmest of sightlines to make the glazed area even larger.

• Fast installation with Quick-Glaze Beads featuring integrated gaskets.

• Slimline aesthetics.

• Range of opening configurations to suit all applications.

Mercury Glazing Supplies Ltd Unit E1, Goodridge Business Park, Goodridge Avenue, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL2 5EB
01452 383 344 E:


Construction and renovation projects are intrinsically complicated, with resources needing to be managed and deadlines having to be met, all while ensuring regulatory compliance and factoring in uncertainty.


Partnering with a reliable supplier that can deliver a wide range of solutions, including not just products, but also outstanding customer service and technical support, can play a crucial role in ensuring success.

Liniar, the UK’s leading PVCu systems companies and a subsidiary of Quanex, has established itself as one such supplier, serving as both an advocate and exemplar of British innovation and quality manufacturing. With a strong focus on reliability and sustainability, Liniar offers numerous benefits that make it an ideal supplier for building projects of all sizes.


One key advantage of working with Liniar is its ability to supply reliably at scale while maintaining consistent quality. Investment from parent company Quanex means Liniar has essential financial backing for continuous development of its manufacturing facilities and logistic infrastructure. Located in Denby, the heart of Derbyshire, Liniar enjoys excellent connections for distribution all over the UK. And with a 99.7% on time in full delivery, Liniar has established itself as a trusted supplier-partner that can meet the demands of any project with timely delivery.


Sustainability is a core value throughout Liniar's operations, with the company committed to minimizing its environmental impact through state-of-the-art product design and manufacturing processes.

For example, Liniar sends zero operational waste to landfill, and by incorporating recycled and recyclable materials into products, the company contributes to a circular economy. Liniar’s dedication to sustainability aligns with the increasing demand for eco-friendly construction practices and helps clients meet their own sustainability targets.


Another standout attraction is Liniar’s position as a single source for a comprehensive range of PVCu solutions for buildings and outdoor areas. Benefits include reduced time and effort when ordering, colour and quality consistency across product ranges and materials, plus access to support from Liniar’s in-house Technical, Design and Development, and Customer Relations teams with a wealth of experience and expertise.


Liniar’s full product suite includes windows and doors, conservatories, decking, piling, fencing, and a full roofline range. All have been employed in a wide variety of situations and settings, both nationally and internationally, by a diverse clientele from homeowners, environmental organisations and construction contractors to local authorities.

Ongoing investment in product design and innovation contributes significantly to Liniar’s industry leading status. For example, the flagship Zero|90 window and door system, which includes Passivhaus-certified products, is sustainably manufactured, delivers ultra-high energy performance, and aligns perfectly with the increasing demand for reduced carbon construction materials. With new product development fuelled by market trends, customer feedback, and forward thinking we pioneer new ranges to exceed evolving needs.


By choosing Liniar as a supplier, you can support local industry, contribute to the growth of the British economy, and reduce shipping-related carbon emissions. Manufacturing in the UK assures adherence to stringent industry standards, enables shorter lead times and better control over the entire supply chain, ensuring consistent product performance.

To discuss your requirements and next steps contact

38 April 2024 | TRADE NEWS The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper
Connaught have been fabricating the Ultraframe System for over 18 years. Choose the best. Choose Connaught! Probably the best prepped roof on the market - we do more so you do less! T: 01709 710100 E: F: 01709 525262 LOOKING FOR THE RIGHT SUPPLIER FOR CONSERVATORY ROOFS? Unit 3, Lloyd Street, Parkgate, Rotherham, S62 6JG We can offer technical support, training and a full marketing package to help increase and develop your sales and more importantly increase your profits Lantern Find out exactly how we can help! Call either Ritchie, Ryan or Debbie on: 01709 710100 You’ll be amazed at how affordable the superior Ultraframe products are – let us give you a quote today. Bespoke software available to our trade customers Structural report for every roof Quick quotation turnaround Professional support and advice from our expertly trained fabricators Free delivery to site Training for your installers 7 day turnaround Ultrasky Orangery LivinROOF LivinROOF Nobody knows the Ultraframe system better than us and we can offer a full back-up service to help you. The Ultraframe Experts!


Steel in the home continues to dominate in the home fashion stakes; internal partitions and large steel windows replace solid doors and walls in contemporary homes. And, with advice from the Steel Window Association, homeowners can enjoy plenty of options if they want the look!

The most common use of steel windows in bathrooms is to create shower screens; not only are they are an excellent replacement for shower curtains, the stylish design also allows plenty of light to enter the shower space. Homeowners can choose to have just one screen outlining the shower tray on one side with an open front, or opt for two screens to create a closed in cubicle.

Another great way to bring steel into the bathroom is to use them as an internal partitions or beautiful doors (as pictured) between bedrooms and ensuites. They offer a stunning yet simple way to establish a seamless transition between the bedroom and bathroom, which lets plenty of light between the two rooms and can open up the bedroom to give the appearance of more space.

Alternatively, if no changes are needed to an existing bathroom scheme, bathroom windows can be replaced with frosted steel ones. The high energy performing W30 or W40 profiles are ideal for exterior windows as they trap heat in the building, and the frosted panel means privacy is maintained.

Members of the Steel Window Association offer a UK wide service for the repair and replacement of various types of old metal windows, doors and screens, as well as being able to manufacture new fenestration which fully meets the building regulations. Choosing an SWA member to manufacture and install your steel windows and doors ensures that you are receiving the highest standard of fabrication, installation and customer service.

For further information on the Steel Window Association or if you’re interested in becoming a member, please visit


Each month our special correspondent Danny Williams* replies to a reader’s letter...

“I’ve been fitting windows for twenty five years and I’m always looking for new things that might tempt my customers or find me new ones.  A few years ago I thought aluminium might replace PVCu or at least challenge it but whilst it’s selling, it’s not knocking PVC-U out of the park.  Is there something holding up its expansion, like price, or is aluminium for domestic dwellings just a pipedream?”

DN East Midlands

I have to say that whilst I am a firm advocate of aluminium –I distribute Gerda aluminium doors if proof is required - I was never of the mind that it would replace or even challenge PVC-U for market dominance DN. But it is doing what I believed it would do and that is providing a very welcome alternative for many customers, both private homeowners and professional specifiers, who now have a choice of residential windows that simply didn’t exist until around 7/8 years ago. Rightly or wrongly, architects have never liked ‘plastic’ windows.

Almost overnight and coincidental with FIT Show moving from Telford to the NEC, aluminium systems companies had the biggest and most elaborate stands with the PVC-U syscos notable by their absence. No wonder many in the industry, at least those that attended FIT Show, might have believed that the days of ‘White Gold’ were numbered.

‘Market Intelligence’ reports from various sources might also strengthen the view that aluminium’s rise continues unabated, but these, such as that I saw recently by tech firm Tommy Trinder, must be taken in context. In the latest figures published by the company which it says are drawn from quotes delivered by its platform, ‘17% of all items installed in the UK are aluminium’, whilst ‘85% of installers sell aluminium up from 78% 1 year ago’ might also worry any installer not immersed in ali frames, that they might be left behind.

Context is everything of course: whilst I don’t have the figures, I believe we might safely assume that any installer using Tommy Trinder might be regarded as a tad smarter and more switched on than the average man-in-a-van, and as such, may not be representative of the mass market.

Tommy Trinder’s assertion that ‘aluminium accounts for 36% of the market by value’ might be near to the truth, simply because windows and especially garden doors framed thus, are significantly more expensive than their PVC-U counterparts, and pricy bi-folds of course, are predominantly aluminium. And thereby hangs the tale, DN: aluminium serves us up a terrific alternative in a market that had once again become stale. Homeowners seeking an excuse to lavish money on their castles were delighted when they found they could now match their windows to the sleek, sharp lines of their bi-folds and sliders. Others simply enjoyed the sharper profiles that were quite distinct from the more traditional shapes that were the norm from the PVC-U syscos, and were prompted to style their homes accordingly.

Ironically, so worried were some PVC-U systems suppliers that they launched aluminium ‘lookalikes’ to fend off the new kids on the block.

However, whilst aluminium has gained a remarkable toehold in the market in a very short time, PVC-U continues to dominate. This is reflected in a report issued by the research agency Keystone Market Research (, a company that launched last year to fill the gap left by Palmer for any meaningful research about our industry. In the latest edition of its UK Consumer Fenestration Trends Report, which is published quarterly, Keystone uses sophisticated research techniques to report that 65% of homeowners questioned prefer PVC-U, with just 10% choosing aluminium as their preferred framing material. With just 8% choosing timber the balance of 17% showed no preference which to me indicates a big chunk that might be flipped either way. And figures that pretty much align with the quote-bank stats provided by Tommy Trinder.

In conclusion DN, aluminium was never going to kick PVC-U into touch but it has stimulated sales by offering a subtly different aesthetic and acceptability amongst those that don’t love ‘plastic’ windows quite as much as I do. In the current market it is also a vital tool to have in the battle for the higher ground of the wealthier punter, with the mass market still reeling from the cripplingly high costs of energy and credit.

Embrace it for what it is, not for the pipedream that you may have once thought it might be.

* Danny Williams is managing director of Chelmsford based Pioneer Trading and has been involved with all aspects of the windows and doors industry for 30 years. His activities include manufacturing a full range of windows and doors in PVC-U and aluminium, an IGU facility, retailing and commercial contracting.

40 April 2024 | COLD CALLING The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper


When industry-leading fabricators and system houses choose to source their hardware components directly from Carl F Groupco, it demonstrates the strength of their offer and the willingness to go above and beyond to support its customers.

This is the view of Julie Warner, Product Manager at Carl F Groupco who said: “Our bespoke hardware package service is just one of the many facets of working with us. Customers appreciate our valueadded support, whether it’s profile-related components or mixed manufacturer parts to complete a window or door set. This service, particularly for profile system houses, reduces hardware picking requirements and streamlines their distribution.”

Carl F Groupco supplies Senior Architectural Systems, one of the largest and most respected aluminium fenestration systems companies in the UK, with many different bespoke kits. These range from small striker kits all the way to full panic door sets and stainless steel locking packages for its PURe® aluminium door range.

Craig Turner, Purchasing Manager at Senior Architectural Systems, comments: “Items from Carl F Groupco can sometimes consist of multiple different components, which could mean we’d need two or three locations in our warehouse. This is where Carl F Groupco’s bespoke kitting service comes into its own. One box, one location. Simple.”  He adds: “They don’t stop there, either. Each box is supplied labelled displaying our part number. This aids our internal stores department and has reduced our pick errors stats, ultimately helping us to deliver a better service to our customers.”

Carl F Groupco’s technical capabilities add further value. Each item in the kit has been tested to PAS24 requirements and to the most extreme tolerances and maximum door heights to ensure complete compliance across the range, helping Senior Architectural Solutions ensure it can

supply high-quality products that deliver on the most demanding performance and durability requirements.

Senior Architectural Systems has been working with Carl F Groupco since 2015, and Craig values the independent hardware supplier’s approach. He says: “Month on month, year on year, our relationship has gone from strength to strength. Over the years we’ve thrown “grenades” – sorry, requests – in their general direction. Nothing’s ever been a problem.”

Owen Coop, Chief Executive Officer at Carl F Groupco, said: “Our approach is simple. We seek to provide our customers with the best hardware solutions and support to allow their businesses to flourish. In short, we’ll do anything and everything we can to make the hardware element of a job run smoothly. It’s great to see customers such as Senior Architectural Solutions benefiting from this.”

Carl F Groupco is one of the industry’s longest-established hardware names. It operates nationally, including to the Scottish Highlands and offshore islands, from distribution centres in Peterborough and Cumbernauld.  The company is renowned for its proactive approach that adds value to its customers businesses. It’s an approach that sets it apart – as the feedback from Senior Architectural Systems clearly demonstrates.

Tel: 01733 393 330 –


Dynamic Hardware, the new hardware innovator with a wealth of expertise and experience, has launched its Dynamic Door Handle. Manufactured in 304 Stainless Steel, giving it ultimate corrosion resistance, the door handle has been manufactured and tested to extremely high standards, offering optimum levels of performance and reliability.

Designed and manufactured in-house by the experienced Dynamic Hardware team, the door handle features a modern aesthetic and is available in lever/lever and lever/pad options. Suitable for PVC-U, Composite and Timber Doors, its innovative design, coupled with high-strength materials including Aluminium, Zinc alloys and 304 Stainless Steel, ensures unparalleled durability and longevity.

For competitive value, a hybrid door handle option is also available which combines Stainless Steel on the external face with either Aluminium or Zinc alloys on the internal components. This combination provides maximum corrosion and lifetime resistance at a competitive price point.

Commenting on the new door handle, Dynamic Hardware’s CEO, Tony Chadwick, said: “The quality and durability of the Dynamic Door Handle is immediately evident. Its stylish, modern design is complemented by its high quality credentials and impressive guarantees reflecting our confidence in the product.”

Incorporating cutting-edge features such as an anti-grip chamfered backplate and the signature Dynamic dimple grip, the handle enhances door functionality and provides a tactile and visually appealing experience for users. Additionally, each handle is supplied

with spindle and screw packs as standard, to suit PVC-U, Composite and Timber Doors delivering a one handle solution, regardless of the application.

Manufactured to conform to BS EN 1906 standards and cycle tested to 50,000 cycles, the Dynamic Door Handle is engineered for durability. Additionally, Dynamic Hardware offers a 10-year mechanical guarantee and a 20-year surface finish guarantee on 304 Stainless Steel base metal handles, providing customers with peace of mind.

The Dynamic Door Handle is available in a wide choice of colours and finishes, including Grade 4 plated and Grade 5 painted finishes, further demonstrating the handles’ personalisation options. And for coordinated aesthetics, the door handle suites with the other products in Dynamic’s premium Stainless Steel Door Hardware Collection.

Tony concluded: “Our strength of design, coupled with outstanding performance, guarantees a product that stands the test of time and allows our customers to fit with confidence. Early feedback from customers has been exceptional and demonstrates that we are delivering the products that today’s fabricators need.”

For more information visit: https://


Mila has just added a new enhanced security, twin cam espag locking system to its range of Advance™ products, developed specifically for aluminium window systems.

Like the rest of the Advance™ range, this new espag has been designed to solve the problems that aluminium fabricators frequently encounter with existing mechanical hardware solutions – hence it comes with a C-track design, stronger gearbox, concealed gears and a more premium aesthetic.

The C-track design of the Advance™ espag means there is none of the risk associated with U-track espags of the track gradually collapsing against the profile and, over time, interfering with the smooth operation of the window.

The 6mm wide gearbox has been developed with transmission gears which ensure a smooth, non-notchy action and successfully strength tested to perform beyond the 40 Nm force where most other C-track aluminium espag gearboxes tend to fail. The gears themselves are concealed beneath the faceplate to protect them from damaging dust and debris.

In terms of the aesthetic, the whole espag is in high quality 304 grade stainless steel with a premium matt, corrosion resistance finish, and there are integral nylon end caps which don’t just provide additional support around the end fixing point, but also provide a more premium finish with no exposed edge visible.

Richard Gyde, Mila’s Managing Director

explained: “The rationale behind Advance™ is to bring real design ingenuity into the aluminium hardware sector and underpin that with Mila’s proven commitment to quality and performance durability. We’ve already done that very successfully with our Advance™ bifold door magnets and now we’re set to do the same again with the Advance™ espag.”

The Advance™ espag is PAS24: 2022 and SBD accredited and stamped, so ticks all the boxes that fabricators need in terms of guaranteed security, and also incorporates clever design details which make it easy to fit – and forget.

For instance, the length is displayed on the faceplate, and both the backset size and the handling indicator are visible on the gearbox when it is in the open position to save valuable time in the factory during fitting. The twin stainless steel anti-jemmy mushroom cams (available in 5.5mm and 7mm heights) are also compression adjustable (+/-1mm).

The Advance™ espag has been tested to 50,000 cycles for operational reliability and comes with a comprehensive 10 year guarantee on mechanical operation. More details are at:

41 | April 2024 HARDWARE The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper


Dynamic Hardware has launched its window handle collection that offers everything you’d expect from products designed by industry experts with a track record in intelligent hardware innovation. Dynamic Hardware’s CEO Tony Chadwick said: “Our window handles bring tangible benefits that add value to every business. The handles have been designed to deliver modern aesthetics whilst providing a smooth and streamline operation for use on PVC-U, aluminium and timber casement windows.”

Available in a choice of cranked and inline versions, the handle

incorporates the Dynamic signature dimple grip which delivers a window handle that feels as good as it looks.

The Dynamic Window Handles are supplied with keys, fixings screws, screw cover caps and nonlocking plugs. And spindle lengths of 15mm, 30mm and 40mm are available as standard. A variety of spindle lengths are also available to suit multiple profiles on request, giving it impressive versatility.

As you would expect from a Dynamic Hardware product, the window handles are manufactured and tested to exceptionally high

standards, ensuring outstanding product performance and reliability. Constructed from high-strength Aluminium and Zinc alloys, they are testament to product durability and longevity, which is why they’re covered by a 10-year mechanical guarantee. And for additional product reassurance, they have been tested to 20,000 cycles and corrosion resistance tested to BS EN 1670.

The Dynamic Window Handles are available in a variety of colours and finishes, including a new Pewter colour option that suites perfectly with brushed stainless products.

Like all Dynamic Hardware products, the window handles are designed and manufactured in the company’s state-of-the-art 50,000 sqm manufacturing centre in South East Asia and despatched from its headquarters and warehouse operation in Walsall in the West Midlands.

Tony concluded: “When you choose a Dynamic Hardware product, you benefit from superior design for outstanding functionality, superior materials for outstanding performance, superior aesthetics for an outstanding look and feel and a great industry price that benefits your bottom line. Our window handles are the perfect examples of these benefits.”

For more information visit: products/window-hardware/


Manufacturer of solid, secure, and stylish composite doors, Endurance® Doors has extended its already comprehensive range of hardware.

In line with its focus on offering homeowners maximum design freedom, the business has launched a new lever rose handle.

Available on all new Endurance and Avantal Doors, as well as suitable for retrofitting to existing Endurance doors which use the AV2 or AV3 locking system, the new handle features fixings hidden behind the rose cover and a completely flush finish.

This ensures a sleek, minimalist appearance which is ideal for contemporary interior design themes.

On the exterior side of the door, the stylish appearance of the new handle is maintained with the simple addition of a discrete escutcheon enabling normal key access.

The new handle is available in three finishes - standard stainless steel, premium stainless steel and an on-trend, premium matte black.

Aside from its impressive aesthetic appeal, the new lever rose handle from Endurance® Doors also offers some equally attractive functional benefits.

This includes the need for reduced energy and effort to open the door from the inside compared to a door with a thumb turn cylinder.

The handle is also easier to grip and operate than a thumb turn. This makes it especially advantageous to those who may have limited dexterity in their fingers due to health or other issues. This innovative product can easily replace a thumb turn, providing a convenient retrofit option for individuals with reduced mobility.

In addition, the stainless steel construction of the new handle provides exceptional

corrosion resistance, ensuring greater durability and suitability for use in all environments, including coastal applications.

Commenting on the launch of the new lever rose handle, Russell Hensman, group marketing manager at Endurance® Doors, said: “As a business, we have an immensely active programme of product development and the introduction of the new lever rose handle is evidence of that.

“Its launch also highlights our deep commitment to helping our installer partners to maximise sales. We do this through a variety of different and equally dynamic ways including offering them products that accommodate the widest range of homeowner tastes, as well as everevolving design trends.”


Mighton Products will be showcasing its range of class leading traditional hardware solutions, as well as its next generation Avia Secure smart products at Fensterbau Frontale on 19-22 March 2024.

Fensterbau, a ‘must see’ event for those wanting to keep one step ahead of fenestration industry trends and product innovation, attracts a global audience.

For Mighton, it will be the perfect opportunity to showcase the Avia Secure family of smart enabled devices and to unveil the multipoint, autolocking Avia Smart lock, alongside the new Avia USA Smart Deadbolt+.

Compatible with Apple’s HomeKit and HomeKeys technology, which means Apple users can operate the door lock remotely or directly via any Apple device, the Avia Smart lock comes with Sold Secure and PAS24:2016 approval and has been proven to be the most secure smart lock available.

Designed and extensively tested for the ultra-secure Apple Operating System, it has also been developed to work with ThreadNetwork, a wireless mesh networking system that ensures reliable communication between connected devices in a home, even if certain devices go offline.

A previous recipient of the globally recognised IoT Breakthrough Award for Home Security Product of the Year, the Avia Smart lock was also the first smart lock to

be compliant with the UK Government code of practice for consumer IoT and ETSI TS 103 645 Consumer IoT security technical specification.

The Avia USA Smart Deadbolt+, which is also compatible with Apple’s HomeKit and Apple Home Keys, is offered in satin chrome and black finishes and is designed for ease of installation and operation.

Combining the reassurance of mechanical hardware – it comes with a ‘standby’ physical key and a soft touch 10-key keypad – it can also be operated with Siri voice control, plus an optional key fob or fingerprint reader. It can also be connected to a solar panel to significantly extend battery life.

Mighton’s Chairman, Mike Derham, commented: “We will be exhibiting a range of Mighton Products’ hardware alongside our Avia Secure range at Fensterbau in Hall

1, booth number 1-106, which is

“Fensterbau is the place to be for anyone who wants to keep on top of new product developments and that includes smart hardware, which is arguably one of the most exciting sectors in the industry as consumers continue to integrate an increasing number of smart enabled devices in their homes.

“As such, we’re looking forward to showcasing our market leading Avia Secure products to a global audience.

“They’re the result of extensive testing to ensure compatibility with the Apple ecosystem, they offer the best of both worlds in regard to mechanical and smart technology and they’re easy to fit with no ongoing subscription required.”

42 April 2024 |
The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper
adjacent to the Roto Frank stand.
NEW C O RROSION RESISTAN C E BSEN 1670 Progressive Hardware. Forward-Thinking Technology. for the Aluminium sector See more at


Innovation is a cornerstone of progress and success, and Winkhaus UK, a leading fenestration hardware producer, have developed and honed a bespoke development process that fast tracks its customers development from concept to market.

With over 100 years of combined industry expertise in product development, manufacturing and testing, the Winkhaus technical team offers a proven solution to ensure the success of its partners’ future innovations. One of Winkhaus’ added value services and solutions, the product, technical and laboratory teams help customers to develop solutions that increase the competitiveness of customers through consultation, CAD Design, 3D prototyping, product assessment, product development days and UKAS laboratory accreditation.

George Smith, Senior Product and Technical Manager at Winkhaus UK: “We advise early involvement with our customers when they embark on the

development of a new doorset or window solution, which provides the widest opportunity for us to support, especially with new profile concepts. Understanding the challenges customers are seeking to overcome is to key to our involvement. This often leads the design of bespoke solutions, especially with keeps, which we can then prototype through our 3D printers and use as part of our ongoing consultation and in development days”.

Technical Development Days represent an innovative approach to product development, providing partners with an opportunity to commission new products, enhance existing ones, or appraise to new standards. During these development days, Winkhaus’ technical and laboratories' seasoned experts guide customers through the intricacies of testing, offering insights into potential vulnerabilities or failure points before official testing commences.

Ade Collins, Laboratory Manager at

Winkhaus UK, emphasised the significance of these services, stating, "Traditional testing outcomes often end with a pass or fail result, which can significantly impede development progress. Technical Development Days mitigate these setbacks by enabling iterative design adjustments without the time and cost constraints associated with formal testing."

“When it comes to innovation, and creating bespoke products, a quick turnaround will provide a real benefit to our customers and the roll-out of their products. Our team works together with customers to get them to market as quickly as possible, providing them with a significant competitive advantage.”

As a UKAS accredited test facility, Winkhaus Laboratories plays a pivotal role in supporting innovation and accreditation for its partners. Boasting membership in the British Measurement and Testing Association, the laboratory stands as a beacon of excellence in the industry.

For over 25 years, Winkhaus Laboratories has provided a comprehensive suite of services, including full product assessment and accreditation, part assessment, and partner development evaluation. Its facilities cater to a myriad of testing needs, spanning security, durability, and weather resistance.

Among the tests offered are:

• PAS24: Enhanced Security Performance

• BS6375 (part 1, 2, and 3): Performance of Doors and Windows

• BS EN1634-3: Smoke Control Test

• TS007: Enhanced Security Performance

Winkhaus’ marketing team is another part of the added value service that customers can utilise, providing additional support for customers with their marketing and supporting launch to market.

For further information on Winkhaus Laboratories' services or to discuss testing requirements, interested parties are encouraged to contact the team via email at



of the most critical factors in manufacturing is time, and Winkhaus UK’s innovative aluPilot fitting system is designed to streamline the production process of aluminium windows.

Aluminium fabricators can save up to 10 minutes of production time per window with aluPilot, compared to traditional systems available on the market. Winkhaus has confirmed the result of 10 minutes time saving in tests conducted with manufacturers during aluPilot’s development and subsequent roll-out to European systems houses. When multiplied across weekly production, these time savings really start to add up.


Firstly, our innovative ‘fastening concept’ optimises assembly efficiency by utilising ‘clamp and clip’ technologies to insert components into the fitting groove of the sash frame, eliminating the need for upstream work processes, such as punching and cutting connecting rods to length. This approach accelerates fabrication significantly, with sash components connected using standardised drive rods.


Secondly, our streamlined ‘tooling concept’ simplifies installation processes, with assembly and adjustment of components

So, how does Winkhaus UK achieve this remarkable 10-minute time-saving? We’ve identified three key concepts integral to our approach.

requiring only two tools. With just a screwdriver and an installation lever, manufacturers can effortlessly install and adjust components, removing the need for costly punching tools.


Lastly, our comprehensive ‘handling concept’ ensures that everything arrives pre-assembled and tailored to the manufacturer’s specifications, minimising handling effort during fabrication. With pre-installed components reducing the number of fittings by up to 25%, fabricators can replenish their product lines faster and enjoy enhanced production efficiency.

Combined, these three concepts contribute to a more efficient and production-friendly system, saving time and increasing productivity.

aluPilot’s innovative design continues with a range of custom

accessory components that allow greater design flexibility to meet changing customer requirements. These include the aluPilot cushioned turn limiter that brakes the sash in the turn position, protecting the window from gusts and reducing the risk of windows slamming open or shut. The aluPilot ventilation shear for turn windows that provides adjustable ventilation up to 90 degrees from the closed position, and the aluPilot locking force optimiser which is designed to reduce tilt and turn locking forces, ideal for high sash weights and sashes with a low handle position.

In addition to efficiency gains, aluPilot offers impressive weight capabilities, catering to various applications. With options to support sash weights ranging from 130kg to 300kg, our aluPilot system is versatile and adaptable to diverse needs.

Winkhaus UK’s Aluminium Systems Manager, Alastair Wheeler, said: “At Winkhaus,

we pride ourselves on being a collaborative partner, working closely with system houses to meet their specific needs. Through mutual development, testing, and certification, we ensure that each system house can enjoy the benefits of a bespoke window solution, that saves precious production time.”

To learn more about the features and benefits of aluPilot, visit our website, https://www.winkhaus., or contact

44 April 2024 | The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper


UAP, the specialist in locks and hardware for doors and windows, has invested in a new metal coatings business, including a unique anti-viral door hardware range.

A university spin-out, Armadillo was established to improve people’s health and safety across environments ranging from healthcare facilities to homes. The company has developed Armasmart®, a door hardware range which is the first on the market to eliminate 99.98 per cent of viruses, including Covid-19.

Featuring a patent-pending coating, Armasmart® products will enable fabricators to offer specialist solutions for buildings where door hardware is frequently touched. The cutting-edge technology stops harmful bacteria from collecting on stainless steel surfaces, making it ideal for hospitals, care homes, hotels, offices and multi-occupied residential schemes.

The Armasmart® range comprises pull handles, push plates, door closers, kick plates, signage, bathroom turns, escutcheon hinges, and lever handles. Armadillo also has the expertise to create bespoke products to meet specific design preferences for door manufacturers and their clients.

David Jennings, CEO of UAP, said: “To meet our customers’ changing needs, we seek to continuously evolve our product range while prioritising innovation. Our investment in Armadillo is key to this strategy. By working in partnership with its highly skilled team, we can accelerate the development of truly unique products across a range of sectors.

“Armasmart® is the first range to be launched by Armadillo. This specialist door hardware offers fabricators, simple, cost-effective products that will create a safe and hygienic environment while optimising durability.”

The Armasmart® coating also has self-sanitising properties and prevents lower grades of stainless steel from tarnishing or corroding. With no need for frequent cleaning or harsh chemicals, a further benefit of the technology is minimal maintenance.


Leading hardware supplier AT Precision has opened a brand new extrusion plant, situated at their Durham headquarters. This cutting-edge facility marks a significant leap forward in sustainability, housing an integrated recycling plant that repurposes post-consumer and industrial uPVC waste to manufacture recycled thermal reinforcement (RTR) bars, reducing the reliance on virgin resources.

Made from 100% recycled uPVC, the RTR bars add strength and increased thermal performance to windows, are quick and easy to install, and boast a minimum lifespan of 35 years.

The new extrusion plant has also allowed AT Precision to expand into the roofing market with a new range of roof laths and joists. The EcoLath range is also made from 100% recycled uPVC thanks to the new inhouse recycling scheme, and offers several advantages over traditional timber alternatives – they are more affordable, knot-free, resistant to rotting, warping, and bending – all qualities that make them ideal for any roofing project.

Sales Director Michael Hewitt comments:

"Our new extrusion plant represents a pivotal moment for AT Precision. By combining cutting-edge technology with a deep commitment to sustainability, we empower fabricators to offer superior solutions while minimising their environmental impact. Together, the production of RTR bars and the extrusion of our EcoLath range of roof laths and joists set a new standard for performance and responsibility within the industry."

Working from a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility, AT Precision supplies the Everglide range of bi-fold hardware, the Everseal range of gaskets, as well as security hardware and plastic ancillaries. All products are compatible with all major systems, and because they’re made inhouse, come at a more affordable price compared to other suppliers. Visit


UAP is bolstering its range of slim pull handles with new colour options for residential and commercial properties.

The first to launch is the Black Pull Handle. Made from marinegrade stainless steel and finished with a black powder coating, the handle provides a contemporary appearance and exceptional durability. A further two handles are currently in development offering the same qualities with either a granite or rose gold finish.

To enhance aesthetics, all slim handles in the range feature 32mm diameter bars, are available with matching accessories, and can be paired with complementary hardware, including the Fullex Flexi Lock.

Each pull handle has two fixing points with an individual plate on each and comes with an Allen key and two Allen bolts on the upstands. To maximise flexibility, three methods can be used for installation - hidden fixings, bolt through and back to back. For customers, these options also mean the door can be sent to site without the pull handle, preventing the risk of any damage in transit.

Kamila Kasperowicz, marketing director at UAP said, “These

“The different fixing methods are another key benefit providing further options for end users, which can enhance the overall appearance of the handle as well as durability. The bolt through and hidden fixings can result in a neater finish while the back-to-back method can reduce fitting times to just seconds while offering a very strong fixing.”

products have been designed to meet the demand for more modern hardware with sleeker handles and a choice of contemporary, stylish colours. The use of 316 grade stainless steel combined with the quality of the coating will prevent any rusting or water damage, ensuring minimal maintenance.

“The different fixing methods are another key benefit providing further options for end users, which can enhance the overall appearance of the handle as well as durability. The bolt through and hidden fixings can result in a neater finish while the back-to-back method can reduce fitting times to just seconds while offering a very strong fixing.”

46 April 2024 | HARDWARE The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper
Magnetic Close Feature Compatible with Any Door LIFETIME Coating Guarantee Available Available in 5 finishes DOOR KNOCKER STADIUM


Chris Champion, Editor of Glass News, catches up with Mark Davenport, Commercial Sales Director of Virtuoso Doors. Mark gives us an insight into the future plans of the company, new developments and why their offerings to installers and homeowners are one of the best in the industry.


I’ve been in the fenestration sector for many years, so although I’m relatively new to Virtuoso, I’m no stranger to the sector. I’ve worked for companies such as Synseal and Stevenswood trade counters and I bring valuable industry knowledge along with a consumer-focused view. As part of the whole team, we have worked towards what I believe to be an industry leading range and support package.

Corrine Thynne has been with Virtuoso for five years now and many of our customers will all know her first hand. She now takes a leadership role in our customer support

team and is exactly the type of person you need. She shares my passion for excellent customer service and has championed many of the improvements we have made over the last two years. We all have employees we would love to clone and Corrine is certainly one of those!


We can see within the consumer market the demand for personalisation and having

“I wanted a range that bred confidence with our customers and allowed them to install doors without the risk of repeat visits that impacted their margins and damaged their reputation.”

something different and unique, hence why we’ve increased the doors range, the glass options and we’ve enhanced the guarantee to address the customers need for choice and reassurance. The commercial team are actively out in the marketplace gathering feedback from customers and looking at future opportunities to expand the Virtuoso offering. We’ve arrived at this new Virtuoso proposition and range based on customers feedback and we’re so excited to now bring it to market. The feedback so far has been excellent.


In the UK we are famously house proud. Nothing says more about you than your front door and I wanted to provide a range that allows you to express yourself and design the perfect door for your home. I also wanted a range that would last and wouldn’t bow, fade or break so it was important to use the very best materials from suppliers that shared our vision. Finally, I wanted a range that bred confidence with our customers and allowed them to install doors without the risk of repeat visits that impacted their margins and damaged their reputation.

It’s taken some time to ensure we have achieved all of these goals but we are very excited about the new range. We’ve added over 400 new door combinations, 30 new glass designs and 5 brand new door styles. This is supported by a fantastic consumer focused brochure and a suite of marketing support for your showroom. Best of all, our doors come with a comprehensive 10 year guarantee that goes further than ever before. It specifically addresses one of the key issues with composite doors “bowing” or thermal movement. We are so confident in our range that if one of our doors move then we will not only provide a replacement but will give our customer £200 to pay for the fitting costs. We believe this provides the level of support our customers and the fenestration industry deserves and from early feedback many others agree.


Your right, quality is everything at Virtuoso. We have fitted a U-rail on the lock side for several years and that certainly helps. There have been some excellent developments recently such as the Ultion Bolt lock which

48 April 2024 | Q&A: VIRTUOSO The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper
Mark Davenport

solves another age old problem of customers not lifting the latch. To fully resolve bowing you need to address every area of the doors construction and we have done just that in our new range.


We have 5 CNC machines in the factory and provide a full end to end process. I’d welcome any of your readers to visit our factory, everyone that visits can’t help be impressed and often comment that it’s the best in the UK. We are building around 120 doors each day and each one is unique.


Not at all, we service customers right across the country using our group network. We have delivery hubs in Norwich and Gloucester and this provides wider reaching coverage.


All deliveries use our own Customade Fleet. We put a lot of time into building great doors so the last thing we need is for them to be damaged. Each door is handled with the greatest of care, which means we have very limited returns, saving time and money for our customers.


It really does depend on the door style but in my experience, there is too much emphasis placed on lead time. Most of our customers are installing several weeks ahead and providing our lead time is consistent they are happy to order in plenty of time to meet their client expectations. That said, when we need to step-up we can and typically hold between 1000 and 1200 doors slabs in stock so we can react quickly.



Our systems are fully automated and need to be given our extensive range. We are in the process of a significant investment to develop our MRP system that will help us work closer with our supply chain partners. It will also allow us to predict usage in advance, resulting in almost eliminating shortage during production and in turn delays to our customers.


As part of our new range, we have developed a full suite of marketing material promoting the key elements of our brand. Many companies choose to hide their guarantee and some don’t show it at all. We are taking the opposite approach and lead with our 10-year support package. Our brochure, showroom support and marketing have this front and centre. We believe this will provide the consumer with the confidence they deserve and in turn make it easier for our installers to convert new business.


Traditionally aluminium doors have been out of the reach of many homeowners, but recent product launches are starting to change that. Our Virtu-al product has been

the obvious new partner and have been very supportive during the transition.


very successful in providing a lower cost alternative and we are continuing to develop this range with new style and cassette designs coming in late 2024.


In reality most consumers don’t but our installers can have a strong preference. We have always offered two alternatives and have been a long standing supplier of Duraflex along with the wider Customade group. When Duraflex closed, Eurocell were

Doors are different to other fenestration products and as a result showrooms not only have a place but are vital. We invested heavily in our new showroom and intend to expand that in time to our sister company in Gloucester. We provide comprehensive support packages for our customers which include showroom doors, hardware and colour boards, glass and door samples and a comprehensive marketing suite to help them with social media and direct campaigns. Everything is consumer focused and aimed to drive up lead conversion for our customers.




Thermal efficiency is already very important, but this will only increase in coming years. Whether it is legislated or not, our industry needs to be focused on supporting the UK in reaching new net zero, so further innovation is inevitable. The term composite door describes a door made up of multiple materials, in the UK we have favoured foam filled and solid core doors, but this may change in the future. We are seeing 70mm doors on the market, but this presents several issues to the replacement market. We are taking a broader approach and looking at all elements of the door production whether that be the frame, the glass and how the overall door is constructed. Our doors can already reach a 1.0 U-value rating and with development we are confident this can be reduced further.


We have so many exciting things happening in 2024 I haven’t given the next five years much thought. Our new range provides an excellent platform to grow our business, but we need to do this carefully, so we don’t impose on quality. Managing this will be my greatest priority and then who’s knows.

49 | April 2024 Q&A: VIRTUOSO The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper




At the beginning of 2024, the Government announced an energy efficiency drive for heritage homes in the UK.

This drive is set to review the wide range of barriers homeowners face when looking to future proof their homes, whilst protecting their heritage. The review will also explore how these barriers are placing restrictions on the UK achieving Net Zero status by 2050.

With approximately 5.9 million properties built before 1919 in the UK1, owners of these heritage buildings face difficult restrictions when looking to upgrade them structurally. With the appropriate energy saving measures, owners of buildings built before 1919 could save approximately £428 per year on their energy costs2, showing the necessity of the Government’s review.

As the original timber alternative window designer that’s widely accepted in conservation areas, The Residence

Collection’s Sales & Marketing Director, Sarah Hitchings has shared her thoughts on the drive and the barriers homeowners face when it comes to upgrades and energy efficiency in heritage properties.

“Trying to change anything in a historic property or conservation area is a long drawn-out process, which can be immensely timely and costly.

“One of the biggest barriers for all homeowners of these properties is that every local authority’s planning department is different. With this, homeowners and planning authorities may not be aware of the innovative products available that can compassionately upgrade period properties while maintaining their original, historical beauty. This makes it increasingly difficult for homeowners to be granted planning permission to upgrade their properties.

“Reviewing these barriers will mostly be positive for the fenestration industry, as UPVC windows offer a great thermal performance and u-values for any type of home, so owners of older homes will really reap the benefits.

“Plus, this will allow installers within the industry to add another sector to their business. However, not all installers are educated and experienced in fitting windows in heritage properties, so the review must be mindful that there could be a skills gap not just in the fenestration industry but across the board when upgrading period homes.

“As an industry, we must continue to encourage high-quality installations happening in these types of properties so as a sector we can support in preserving these homes while being a part of the solution to improve energy efficiency.”

The Residence Collection has earned widespread acceptance with local authorities in conservation areas and Grade-II listed buildings across the UK, by being designed with Article 4 guidelines in mind. This acceptance allows for an easier planning and installation process, removing some of the significant hurdles to maintaining the historical character of these properties.

The Residence Collection’s R9 is the original timber alternative window that has been installed across several commercial and residential projects since its launch in 2011, making it a fantastic option for energy-efficiency upgrades in historic buildings. With Future Homes Standard 2025 coming up, the u-values for R9 already exceed these requirements, so our windows are future proofed.

Residence 9 windows can be fabricated with Timberweld jointing or mechanically jointed, providing an authentic timber aesthetic. Both methods ensure seamless buttjoint appearance on both the exterior and interior of the windows.

The R9 collection complies with Part L regulations achieving u-values as low as 1.2W/m²K with double glazing and as low as 0.74 W/m²K with triple glazing.

R9 also includes a wide array of colour options – 21 in total – catering to the traditional palette of colours for period properties and allowing homeowners to recreate the timber windows that were originally fitted.

To find out more about The Residence Collection’s R9 collection, please visit:



50 April 2024 | ENERGY EFFICIENCY The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper
Data from HM Government - correct on
Data from HM Government - correct on 22.02.24
Purplex is the PR, digital marketing and brand agency for the fenestration industry. If you have ambitious plans for the future, we are here for you. Here when you need us : | 01934 808 132 |


In a recent Ideal Home article, it was reported that #wreathmaking has received 29.7 million views on Tik Tok alone, giving some indication of the level of desire to decorate our front doors. Apeer has responded to this escalating trend with the magic wreath holder – an invisible built in magnet, that along with a wreath kit, holds wreaths securely in place.

Apeer’s Managing Director, Asa McGillian explains why the company decided to offer this upgrade: “Hanging wreaths on our front doors used to be something some of us did once a year at Christmas, but the market has shifted significantly. We are increasingly seeing wreaths on doors all year round, and even the traditional Christmas wreaths are expected to see an uplift in demand for the next few years. “The built in magnets we have added to some of our doors are completely invisible because they are set within the core of the door. We have added two magnets to ensure that even the larger wreaths are secure, and the magnets and rubber dots included in every wreath kit make sure there will be no movement of the wreath on windy days to prevent the front door from being scratched. The magic wreath holder is available on 70mm and 120mm Apeer doors on a selected number of designs which can be found on our website.”


Asa continues: “With such a significant increase in demand for wreaths we identified an opportunity on behalf of our installer customers because hanging this decorative item has its problems. Traditionally homeowners have been suspending them from their door knockers or pulling the string up and over the door from exterior to interior to hang it on a hook stuck to the inside of the door. Neither method is ideal as either the function or the aesthetic of the door is affected. Our invisible magnets make it easy for homeowners to hang as many different wreaths as they like on their door all year round, without compromise. “Apeer is well known for its innovation and quality, but we understand that attention to detail is also important. Little extra touches like this magic wreath holder can make a big difference in helping our installer partners stand out from the competition and we are pleased to continue to stay ahead of market trends on behalf of our customers and the homeowners they serve.”

Hörmann Truedor have launched their Clima63 thermally efficient composite door which is able to achieve a U value of below 1 W/m2k, fully addressing the requirements of both the Future Homes standard and end consumers looking to make their homes more energy efficient.

Produced at the company’s IG Doors manufacturing plant in South Wales, Clima63 consists of a 63mm insulated GRP door slab with a door frame featuring a thermally efficient reinforcement and a unique triple seal system for added insulation. Triple glazed units which are fitted via a unique Hörmann Truedor cassette system further aid thermal insulation, together with protecting against water ingress and improving sound insulation.

All doors are fitted with Kinetica K4 cylinder locks and the latest multi-point locking systems as standard. For added peace of mind Clima63 doors have been awarded Secured by Design accreditation – enhancing security and minimising the risk of crime.

Available in three feature designs, traditional Panelled, Cottage and Contemporary, Clima63 doors can be supplied with a choice of side lights and fanlights. The range is offered in twenty-one standard styles, some of which can achieve a U value as low as 0.80 W/m2k and there is an extensive selection of glazing, hardware, and accessories. With an unrivalled selection of colours,10 classic and 26 premium options, consumers have the opportunity to select a door that will subtly co-ordinate with the exterior of their property or create a real impact.

Gareth Burgess, Sales Manager for Hörmann Truedor comments, “Clima63 represents a real opportunity for installers to offer a competitively priced, thermally efficient door to the market. It’s fully compliant with all of the latest building regulations and will appeal to housebuilders and to end consumers looking to save money on their energy bills.

With Hörmann Truedor being the only manufacturer of composite doors to produce their own slab in the UK, customers can be assured of delivery security, an issue that is being highlighted by the continued disruption to worldwide shipping in the Red Sea. The decision to produce such a key factor of the door in the UK, together with a policy of sourcing from local suppliers wherever possible and a focus on sustainable manufacturing, also results in a range of composite doors which can boast as being the ‘greenest’ in the market.”

To find out more about Hörmann Truedor thermally efficient doors visit Clima63 thermal doors - IG Doors ( or call 01530 516868.


Hörmann Truedor have announced that after a series of successful open days at its IG Doors manufacturing plant last November, they are once again opening their doors to visitors in May. Attendees will have the opportunity to tour one of the most advanced door manufacturing facilities in the UK, together with access to exclusive discounts worth £1,000 on the range of Hörmann Truedor composite doors. The event is being run over three days at IG Doors in Blackwood, South Walesfrom Tuesday 14th through to Thursday 16th May, with the option of attending either a morning or afternoon session. Visitors will have the chance to take a tour of the new 200,000 sq ft production facility and talk to the Hörmann Truedor experts.

Commenting on the forthcoming Open Days, David O’Mara, Marketing Manager at Hörmann, “The open days held in November were a great success with both existing and new customers in attendance. I know from the feedback we received that everyone was very impressed with the production facilities and the enormous investment that has been made by Hörmann in the latest automation and technology. As we are the only supplier of composite doors to actually manufacture our own door slab, visitors were able to follow the whole process right from the very beginning through to despatch.

During 2023 we were very busy incorporating the Hörmann Truedor range of composite doors into the Hörmann sales and distribution organisation and we are now offering the market another opportunity to come and join us and see our state-of-the-art door manufacturing facility. Spaces are limited so I would recommend early bookingcome along to find out more about us and take advantage of the exceptional discounts being offered to all attending companies.”

Launched at the FIT Show in 2023 Hörmann Truedor offer the market a comprehensive selection of composite doors at a competitive price, backed by the recognised Hörmann brand and with guaranteed levels of service. They are also the only manufacturer of GRP composite doors to supply doors that feature a slab that has been manufactured in the UK – resulting in consistent quality standards, secure supply, and sustainable manufacturing.

To find out more and reserve a place at one of the Open Days visit


hormanntruedorevent., scan the QR code or call 01530 516868.

52 April 2024 | The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper
Glazing: Aurora | Colour: Silver Grey | Hardware: Contemporary Black NEW DOORS NEW GUARANTEE NEW BROCHURE CONFIDENTLYBUY FROMVIRTUOSO ORDER YOUR COPY NOW! *T&C’s apply *


UK-based composite door giants DoorCo have now unveiled their plans to open a manufacturing factory in the industrial town of Doncaster, with the new facility now donning their name.

In their latest, and potentially biggest move yet, the UK’s leading innovators of composite doors, DoorCo, have now unveiled their plans to open a new manufacturing factory in Doncaster. Head of Operations, Mark Towers, discusses the new facility:


“DoorCo is known for leading the way with innovation, so creating a space where we could manufacture new products right here in the UK felt like a

natural next step for us. Our new facility in Doncaster, spanning across 20,000 square feet at present, is a space for us to create.

“Doubling as both a manufacturing factory and R&D space, this new facility allows us to have a UK-based location to produce new products on a full-time basis whilst also testing new concepts and working on bespoke projects.”


“One of the most exciting parts of the new DoorCo Manufacturing space is that it will become the home of a new brand which is yet to be released. We’re the proud owners of ORiGINAL, GRiPCORE and FLiP but we knew there was an obvious opening for the addition of a new product and we’re in the final stages of bringing this to market now.

“Due to be in full production this Spring, with the entire operation taking place out of Doncaster, we’re excited to add this UKmade brand to our portfolio.”


Discussing the recruitment opportunities that this new facility has provided, Mark explains “One of the greatest parts of opening a new facility in a new location is the ability to be able to provide the area with job opportunities.

“We’re proud to be one of Macclesfield’s

“We’re proud to be one of Macclesfield’s largest employers, so it’s great to be able to now expand our reach into Doncaster.”

largest employers, so it’s great to be able to now expand our reach into Doncaster. We’ve hired for a number of positions including Production Operatives and Management roles, and it’s exciting to have fresh new faces in the business to help us progress this new step in our journey.

“Our HR team are working closely with our new team members to fully integrate them into the world of DoorCo and ensure they feel part of our core team, as any member of our Macclesfield office does.”

Commenting on the opening of the new space, DoorCo’s Managing Director, Dan Sullivan, concludes: “We’re really pleased to see the Doncaster facility coming together now and so nearly ready to start production.

“DoorCo is passionate about innovation and having a space in the UK where we can research, develop, test and create is such a great next step for us. We’re excited to welcome the new team members who are helping us bring this to life and to see the new brand in production in the space very soon.”

54 April 2024 | The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper
NEW A SPACE TO CREATE Our brand-new component manufacturing facility in Thorne, Doncaster, will be open for business Spring 2024 Find out more about our third UK site. Email: Call: 01625 428955 Web: THORNE MACCLESFIELD Iron Guard 3* Cylinder Scan to View the Iron Guard 3* Cylinder Range t 01733 393330 (Peterborough) t 01236 721557 (Cumbernauld) e


Your education and subject or activity in which you excelled?

I was brought up on a council estate and went to the local secondary school. I was the youngest in our year and I left school at 15. I gained 9 GCSE’s, but I excelled at Art & Design and Music. I remember finishing my last exam at the end of the May and a week later starting an apprenticeship at a local firm. I was going to college one day a week doing my city and guilds in Patternmaking / Engineering and working the other fours days. Within 6 months I realised that this wasn’t the career path I wanted to take. I had a passion for art and design, of which I’ve taken the longest road ever to achieve that initial ambition! Along the way I’ve obtained NVQ’s in Customer Services and Management as well as being a qualified health and safety professional to NEBOSH level. In regards to graphic design, copywriting and marketing, I’m mostly self-taught. I class myself as a good learner and can adapt to many situations and skills, which I have done so in so many circumstances my career.

Your favourite sports or interests?

I’m a keen football fan and a season ticket holder at West Bromwich Albion since the late 1980’s. I also still try to play the odd game of 5-a-side and I’m not quite ready for walking football! I set-up, ran, managed and coached a local youth team for over 7 years, which gave me an opportunity to pass on what I had learnt to the younger generation and give something back to the local community.

I also love my music. I was a DJ for around 17 years, doing both mobile and a few residencies along the way. I ‘retired’ a few years ago to spend more time with family at weekends, but have recently invested in some new gear. I enjoy having a dabble on the decks and love old school club / dance classics from the 90’s and early 00’s. I also love 80’s music because of the variation in genres. Music is very much the soundtrack to your life, as a single track can take you

back to an era, memory or situation and help you feel that occasion.

Somone or something that inspires you?

In business, there are lots of inspirational characters. Keeping it closer to home, I would say Mark Weihe. Mark is the person who started and made Selecta who they are today. Not only with the years of hard work and dedication of building the business from the ground up, but also in maintaining the relaxed, family feel as we grew, never forgetting those important roots and ethos. Outside of work, it’s my family. These are the people that support, inspire and motivate me every day. Quite simply, I want to make them proud of what I do and achieve along the way.


When and how did you join this industry?

I came to Selecta for an interview in 1993 on my 18th birthday for what was a short-term job! As they say the rest is history! I worked my way through the business starting in the warehouse, moving to office-based roles in internal sales, customer services, purchasing and trade counter. I used to pester an old manager for opportunities to move on until one day he gave in and I’ve never looked back since! I moved in to Quality and Health & Safety Management in 2000 and put processes and procedures in to the business, whilst also managing and auditing the businesses systems. This is where I gained valuable knowledge of all areas of the Selecta business.


A long-time member of the Selecta ‘family’, Mark has been with Selecta for over 30 years and is enjoying the most challenging and rewarding time of his career to date.

I set-up on my own in January 2007 as a Quality, H&S and Environmental Consultant and retained Selecta as a client, owing to my experience of running the systems. I served four and a half years working for myself, of which I gained valuable experience working with companies such as Cadbury’s, McCain, Severn Trent Water, Anglian Water and Balfour Beatty. When working for yourself you have to learn and adapt so quickly. Whilst working a day or two a week at Selecta, I was offered a full-time role back in the business in 2011, which I duly accepted, becoming Operations Manager for the new Solar Division. It was during this time that I was more involved in marketing and graphic design, although I had gained experience whilst working for myself and my clients. My skills and keen eye for graphic design, copy writing and marketing were recognised internally and I was given the fantastic opportunity to become Marketing & Design Manager for Selecta in January 2014. My role now sees me design and create all the marketing literature and materials; write all press releases and editorials; design, create and manage all the marketing campaigns; design, build and manage our two websites; design, build and manage our social media channels. Basically, everything is created, designed and managed in-house!

Your greatest achievement?

My son. Anybody, who has children can relate to the fact that bringing a life in to the world and having a positive impact on their up-bringing and seeing them grow up in to a fine human being gives you a great sense of achievement and pride.

In business, I think setting up on my own in 2007 which helped me to broaden my

knowledge, thus giving me the experience and confidence to forge a career. I learnt a lot during those four and a half years that put me in a better position as an individual. When I look back to when I started in my current role, where we were as a department and what little we had to where we are now, I look back with enormous pride and a sense of achievement. However, I take nothing granted and still look at continuously improving and I hope that even bigger and better achievements are still to come!


What would you like to do if you weren’t in this industry?

I like this industry and the people involved in it. It’s got a great feeling about it. After 30+ years I couldn’t see myself in any other industry.

However, I’d like to have enough money to semi-retire, travel and enjoy life! Life is very short. Live each day as if it’s your last, as tomorrow is not guaranteed for anyone.

A particular ambition?

To continue to develop as a person and within my role. I love what I do and I’m extremely passionate about what I do. I want our marketing support offerings to be known as the best in the industry, whilst doing as much as I can to contribute to the continued success of the business.

The way you want to be remembered?

As someone who loved life, his family and friends. A loyal and trustworthy person and who was enjoyable to be around.

If you would like to appear in ‘Face to Face’, or would like to nominate someone else to be featured, simply email

56 April 2024 | FACE TO FACE The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper
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In a series of spotlight interviews, Glass News caught up with Heidi Sachs, Managing Director at Modplan, to shine a light on its LEKA roofing products.


The patented LEKA warm roof and orangery roof systems achieve their exceptional U values through their innovative design and high-quality materials. By incorporating multiple layers of insulation, such as EPS and PIR boards, along with an airtight seal, the systems minimise heat loss and maintains thermal efficiency. They solve the problem of a conservatory that’s too hot in summer and too cold in winter and provide a thermally efficient roofing solution.


LEKA offers a range of roof light options, including a variety of branded products such as VELUX, in addition to fixed roof glass units that can provide increased light.


The LEKA roof is one of the most lightweight solid roof options on the market and is comparable to glass roof systems (depending on which tile finish options are selected). Conservatory frames should always be checked for suitability in all cases. However, due to the lightweight nature of the roof system, this does provide the benefit of being able to use the existing frames.


Yes. Due to the composite materials used, as well as their extensive structural capabilities, LEKA products do not absorb moisture and will not corrode, hence the 40-year component warranty. Other components in the roof, such as the TAPCO slate effect, METROTILE tile will be covered by a 10year manufacturer warranty.

58 April 2024 | Q&A: MODPLAN The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper
Heidi Sachs


In most cases, planning permission is not required. However, we would always encourage the homeowner to check with their local council to be sure.


Our LEKA roof systems are approved by MFA Building Control, a licenced company regulated by the government. All required testing has been completed by MFA to ensure the system is fully compliant with Building Control requirements.


A complete roof replacement will typically take 2 or 3 days. This replacement process involves completely removing an existing roof, which can mean slight disruption. However, the simplicity of the construction of the LEKA roof helps combat this by providing a quick turnaround from start to finish and allowing homeowners to begin using their space again very quickly.


“The LEKA Xi is an industry game-changing product that offers a cost-effective, thermally efficient, singlestorey home extension.”

The LEKA Xi is an industry game-changing product that offers a cost-effective, thermally efficient, single-storey home extension. It excels in speed and ease of installation because it removes traditional materials such as block or brick and replaces them with a structurally tested GRP framework, multi-layer insulation and factory-assembled modules. A typical extension can be completed in 4 to 7 days and comes with little to no mess on-site.


Yes. A choice of external finishes is available, from GRP brick skins to render finishes, and customers can even choose to provide their own finishes which gives it incredible design versatility.


We offer a LEKA Orangery Roof System which is also lightweight in comparison to timber or aluminium alternatives. This product allows the same benefits as the solid roof system and can be used for retrofit and new build orangery roof solutions.


We encourage all our LEKA installers to attend a LEKA installation training course, which is held regularly at NSBRC in Swindon. This helps guide the correct processes to follow when installing a LEKA product. Alongside the training benefits that LEKA offers, installers also benefit from the Modplan partnership approach that means we offer all the specialist support and expertise they need to help them meet their business initiatives.

Modplan’s aim is to continually deliver the products our customers need to stand out in a competitive market. And in LEKA, our customers have the best in thermally efficient conservatory roofing systems that add real value and open up additional opportunities for them.

For more information on LEKA from Modplan visit:

59 | April 2024 Q&A: MODPLAN The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper


When it comes to offering and delivering support for installers, there can be few suppliers in the UK that are as reliable and unique as Glazpart – the plastic injection moulding company, based in Banbury, where they manufacture and distribute components for the glazing supply chain.

Firstly, there’s Glazpart’s awardwinning Link Vent range which help installers comply to Building Regulations (Approved Document F – means of ventilation) and overcomes homeowners’ resistance to trickle vents because of the Link Vent’s smart design, easy control and vast colour range which can match any colour or finish - with premium colours and woodgrain finishes now available in handy 10 packs to enable companies to order the right quantity needed for specific jobs.

Secondly, Glazpart also manufactures and supplies a range of glazing accessories which help professionals, install/glaze windows and doors securely and safely. The glazing accessories range also helps protect windows, doors and glass from damage during transit and installation.

In addition, Glazpart offers information and guidance on their comprehensive range of trickle

vents and their fully integrated range of glazing accessories. The glazing accessories range includes; flat packers, frame packers, bridge packers, run-up blocks, glazing shovels and corner protectors. The Glazpart ranges are designed to all work together for all glazing types both double and triple.

Installers can also confidently assure homeowners that the Glazpart glazing accessories range improves window security, protection and strength when installed correctly to a window system manufacturers guidelines for quality windows and doors of all types – UPVC, Aluminium and Timber.

With smartly designed high performing products, plus stateof-the-art manufacturing and large warehousing capacity, as well as technical information and excellent customer services, many suppliers would think that was more than enough. But not Glazpart, they have gone the extra mile for their customers with the introduction in 2023 of the Glazpartners initiative which recently won the “Best Installer

Support Programme” at the Installers Awards 2024.

The Glazpartners initiative goes above and beyond supporting installers as it is geared to promote their brands and products through a range of marketing and PR activity that includes; online promotion (link and logo) on the Glazpart website and social media channels, joint press articles in the trade media, product display and promotion at exhibitions and events (with branding on graphics and literature), a quarterly e-newsletter to keep Glazpartners up to date with changing legislation, Glazpart activities and Glazpartners progress.

“The Glazpartners initiative continues to go from strength to strength with more companies across the supply chain joining and collaborating with us for mutual promotional benefits.”

In addition, one of the most valuable benefits for Glazpartners is the opportunity to directly collaborate with the Glazpart team on product development and industry issues. This collaborative process has resulted in Glazpart doing bespoke products for some companies who may have very specific requirements.

On going above and beyond for installers, Dean Bradley, Glazpart Sales Director commented, “For some years our core customers have been very loyal to us and have been more than satisfied with our products and services. However, we felt it was only right to reciprocate and reward their loyalty by developing a marketing initiative that offers our customers added value to increase the

awareness of their brands and products. Since it was launched in 2023, the Glazpartners initiative continues to go from strength to strength with more companies across the supply chain joining and collaborating with us for mutual promotional benefits. In its inaugural year, the Glazpartners programme has made great progress but I am pleased to say that over the next twelve months we have even bigger and more exciting plans ready for our 40th anniversary in 2025.”

It promises to be exciting times ahead for Glazpart and Glazpartners.

To find out more about Glazpart products and/or the Glazpartners initiative please contact:

60 April 2024 | INSTALLER SUPPORT The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper



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Add value for your customers with access to the broadest product range in the industry, backed by extended warranties and guarantees. Throw in the support and guidance on offer from our expert marketing and technical teams, and you have a fabricator partner ready to help you transform your business.

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Your fabricator partner. We’ve got you every step of the way.



Glazerite UK Group’s Area Sales Manager, Carly Graham, shares how the trade fabricator’s range of solutions helps installers to succeed, whatever their end market.

Glazerite installers come in all shapes and sizes, from largescale commercial installers to sole traders focusing on residential homes. It’s only right then that we tailor our offering to suit the needs of our installers, rather than expect our installers to fit around us.

To do that, we work closely with our installers to understand their challenges, the trade, retail, commercial and new build markets in which they operate, and the demands of their own customers. For commercially-focused installers that might come in the form of in-depth product and technical knowledge or non-standard offerings, while domestic installers might look for added value in the form of marketing support.

Over the last 12 months, we’ve shored up our commercial offering to ensure our customers operating in this sphere have access to bespoke technical support and a choice of products, ranging from VEKA to Deceuninck 2500, with Deceuninck 2800 to follow this spring.

The expansion of our profile systems is underpinned by an increased operational footprint, with the recent opening of our Glazerite North Division in Barnsley, South Yorkshire. The site is exclusively focused on the manufacture of Deceuninck profile, including casement and tilt & turn windows as well as residential, French and composite doors. Alongside our uPVC offering, we’ve also added a range of aluminium products including ALUK casement and Tilt and Turn windows.

Our comprehensive product portfolio sets us apart, but we also seek to add value in other ways, too. As a sales team, we partner with our customers to ensure we support with

technical advice, particularly our commercial and new build installers whose projects are subject to more stringent planning criteria.

In this instance, it’s more than just supplying a window – we are involved right at the start of projects to assist installers and prevent wasted time and money further down the line. Having input early means we can support with amends, suggestions and alternatives that can make a real difference to the project, determining at quote stage if the frame design will meet the necessary criteria and current testing guidelines for all accreditations.

During the design stage, we can assist with the necessary technical cross-sectional drawings using formatted drawings that can be dropped into planning tools with just a few clicks of a mouse. By playing a proactive role in the planning or tender stages alongside the architect and the commercial installer, we can reduce the risk of issues developing later onsite, replicating any design in uPVC and providing technical advice on everything from frame design to wind-loads. We also work closely with our suppliers to discuss which of their products would suit particular applications and how to meet non-standard jobs. With VEKA for example, this includes working with their commercial and technical teams and making use of their impressive and sophisticated Windoplan software, which enables us to assist our commercial customers with drawings and design amendments. We can use the software to run scenarios on how the products will perform based on factors like frame design, wind loading and installation postcode.

Retail-focused installers also face challenges, not least the exacting demands of homeowners. It’s our role as their fabricator to make meeting these requirements and expectations easier. Having access to an increased product offering gives our installers and their customers options and the ability to meet different price points, as demonstrated by our flush sash offering in the form of R9, R7 and Halo.

Style, colour choice, energy efficiency and security are all important levers for homeowners. With a host of different types of doors, windows and hardware from leading brands like VEKA, Halo, the Residence Collection, DoorCo, Solidor and Ultion, Glazerite can help installers fulfil every element from heritage style windows and traditional doors to contemporary door furniture and smart-technology ready hardware.

Another added-value solution our installers make use of is the marketing support on offer. From digital tools that include ready-made social media content and a website template for an enhanced online presence to traditional marketing collateral in the form of POS materials and brochures, Glazerite can help installers stand out from their competitors – even national firms - and secure new business.

Our in-house marketing team works with installers in a range of ways, from sharing tips and ideas on how to maximise their marketing in their local market to supporting with a complete and integrated marketing communications strategy. It’s an offering we’ve calculated is worth more than £5000 to those currently utilising it and it is one we continue to invest in heavily.

By working proactively with our installers and supporting with our comprehensive portfolio and the provision of technical and marketing advice, we can we add value in the right areas, strengthening our installers’ presence and helping them secure new business opportunities, whatever their end market.

62 April 2024 | The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper INSTALLER SUPPORT

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Window component of the year 2022 New product of the yearLink Vent 4000 Window component of the year Air Quality Thermal Comfort & Wellbeing We’ve been shortlisted for CIBSE Building Performance Awards 2024 #CIBSEShortlist Product or Innovation of the Year - Air Quality Thursday 29 February 2024 Park Plaza Westminster Bridge Location We’ve been shortlisted for CIBSE Building Performance Awards 2024 #BPA2024 Product or Innovation of the Year - Air Quality Category Thursday 29 February 2024 Park Plaza Westminster Bridge We’ve been shortlisted for CIBSE Building Performance Awards 2024 @CIBSEAwards #BPAShortlist Product or Innovation of the Year - Air Quality Category Thursday 29 February 2024 Date Park Plaza Westminster Bridge


Trade fabricator Modplan is highlighting the benefits of its VEKA Halo Flush Sash window offer for installers. Heidi Sachs, Managing Director at Modplan, said: “For installers wanting to improve their margins with added-value products, our VEKA Halo Flush Sash offer more than fits the bill.”

Modplan manufactures the VEKA Halo Flush Sash window in its dedicated flush sash factory, which opened in 2023. The dedicated facility means it is able to offer a 15-day lead time on 27 colours from stock and an additional six colours on an extended timeframe. The trade fabricator also offers a fully glazed option on windows that includes an astragal bar, a feature that is proving very popular.

Heidi commented: “With our competitive lead times and impressive range of colours from stock, we’re putting our customers in control and enabling them to fulfil their order requirements more quickly.”

In addition to the unique benefits of working with a customer-focused fabricator like Modplan, you also gain the clear benefits of the VEKA Halo Flush Sash window itself.

Aesthetically, the window’s clean lines help to tastefully maintain a traditional building’s period character but are equally suited to contemporary applications as an aluminium alternative.

Alongside the aesthetic appeal comes the performance benefits of technically advanced windows. The VEKA Halo Flush Sash window easily achieves the

highest ‘A’ window energy rating and can accommodate 28mm double glazed units or 32mm units.

Security is similarly impressive, with a Secured by Design option available when the most demanding security credentials are required.

Fundamental to Modplan’s success over the past 50 years is its mission to continually exceed customers’ increasing expectations.

From keeping its finger on the pulse so it understands the products the market needs to providing exemplary customer service, Modplan delivers. Heidi concluded: “Our VEKA Halo Flush Sash offer is the perfect example of our commitment to supporting our customers with the products and service they need to gain market advantage.”

To enquire about how Modplan can help you maximise the opportunities available with the VEKA Halo Flush Sash Window, call 01495 246844 or email   Tel: 01495 246844


Glazpartners - the innovative customer support initiative has won “Best Installer Support Programme” at this year’s Installer Awards in Manchester on 16th March.

The Glazpartners programme was launched by Glazpart (the leading plastics components manufacturer) in May 2023 at FIT Show in Birmingham. Since launch over 50 companies have joined to be part of the sector’s newest marketing initiative.

Designed to develop closer collaboration with customers and promote Glazpartners, the programme has been embraced by companies across the glazing supply chain from systems houses to fabricators through to distributors and installers, as well as trade media and events organisations.

On winning the award, Dean Bradley, Sales Director of Glazpart commented, “We are delighted to win this award at this fantastic event. My congratulations to the Glazpart team on an incredible first year of the Glazpartners programme. Our aim is to work closer with our customers so we can continue to develop and deliver products that meet the market’s demands. And at the same time, we want to promote our customers’ brands and products via the Glazpartners programme and all our promotional channels.”

The Glazpartners concept arose from the challenges the glazing supply chain faced as the industry emerged from the pandemic and lockdowns as well as the UK leaving of the EU - all of which has seen increasing costs and a changing political and economic landscape. The impact on the sector has been considerable from incoming regulations to materials shortages through to an increasingly competitive market where homeowners have become more discerning

when it comes to replacing windows and doors.

Despite the challenging times, the Glazpart team looked at ways to offer added value to its customers by identifying market and legislative changes, and subsequently offering guidance and information where possible. At the same time, Glazpart also wanted to promote its customers who are compliant with the regulations and are conducting their operations in the right way. It was decided that a customer support programme would be launched to help Glazpart’s customers across the supply chain.

Since its launch, the Glazpartners initiative has become highly visible with online promotion via the Glazpart website in the dedicated Glazpartners section, as well as via social media, in particular on LinkedIn. In the trade press, Glazpartners has featured in over 150 articles providing over one million opportunities to view Glazpartners content in the glass, glazing and construction media.

If you are interested in becoming a Glazpartner, please contact Dean Bradley –Sales Director, or visit:


Towards the end of 2023, Sheerline announced that its Installation of the Month Competition was open to entries. The company is delighted to reveal last month’s winner was Bristol-based Maynard Windows for their submission featuring Shaftesbury Elms, an exclusive development in Frenchay. The competition was launched so installers could showcase their work while highlighting the versatility of Sheerline’s products. Shaftesbury Elms is a great example of this, showing how the Prestige range was used across three unique properties. Every product was produced in RAL 9005 (Jet Black), and aside from ensuring consistent styling across the development, it shows how this broad range seamlessly works together. For instance, to the front, two of the properties have double height glazed entrances with large picture windows. This adds the wow factor when approaching the

development and showcases how important natural light is in modern properties. Each property has oversized windows to flood the space with light without compromising on the privacy of the residents.

Meanwhile, to the rear of the properties, French doors plus casement and fixed windows help to ensure the design brief, of combining traditional features with a contemporary aesthetic, was achieved.

Aside from presenting three beautiful homes, the Shaftesbury Elms project reflects the collaboration required within the fenestration industry to ensure a consistently high-quality finish across projects. With Maynard Windows selecting Master Plastics to fabricate the Sheerline products required.

Matt from Maynard Windows said: “This was the first time I’d entered Sheerline’s competition and would recommend other installers have a go. It’s so easy to move on from an installation – whether it’s a new

build, renovation, or development, but actually, it’s really worth revisiting those projects because this is something that I can share with future clients who haven’t decided what style or look they want to achieve.”

Dave Wigley, Head of Marketing, commented: “Matt put forward a strong entry for December, hence why he won the competition. It’s fantastic to see the different applications for Sheerline’s products – we know how versatile they are, but it’s great to see them showcased like this. The Shaftesbury Elms development is a stunning example of the difference well-chosen windows and doors can make.”

Entering is easy as the only requirement is to submit a photo or video either via email or social media detailing the Sheerline products that have been installed, where the project is, and any other useful information such as the RAL colours and the purpose of the installation.

Installers who choose to enter via social media are encouraged to @ mention Sheerline so the entry can easily be shared. The deadline to submit is the end of each month to be in with a chance of winning a £100 Amazon voucher.

More information about the competition is available via the Sheerline website here: Alternatively, contact the team on 01332 978000, or email: Follow @SheerlineSystem for the latest news and updates.

64 April 2024 | INSTALLER SUPPORT The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper

As the UK’s exclusive supply partner of Graf Synergy machines, Haffner delivers the seamless weld machine innovation to take your business to the next level. The Accolade Building, Common Road, Stafford, Staffordshire, ST16 3EQ Discover next-level welding technology that delivers a perfect seamless
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Why buy punch tools from thousands of miles away when the best are on your doorstep? asks the window and door industry’s premiere tool maker Adam Jones of Jade Engineering. Well, he would, wouldn’t he?

Perhaps needless to say, but the man who heads up the engineering for the country’s primary tooling producer for the country’s PVC-U frame makers and most of those working with aluminium, is somewhat bemused that a number of companies continue to import their new and replacement tooling from oversees. And this

“Custom production solutions are what we do best as engineers, says Adam. “And often, we have designed and installed the tool, even before an engineer could fly in from overseas.”

becomes especially egregious to him when such products are readily available in any specification, within these Sceptred Isles. On their doorstep, no less.

Scandalous eh? But whilst you would expect Adam to feel that way, maybe he has a point. “Jade Engineering supplies every fabricator of PVC-U window and door frames in the UK with high quality tooling for their CNC and other machinery,” Adam told Glass News. “We are also very successful at manufacturing custom and standard tooling, especially punch tools themselves, to aluminium frame makers. But some continue to import their tooling from oversees, sometimes from considerable distances. And that strikes me as wasteful, and unsustainable.”

The custom is often simply a continuation of original supply chains established when overseas-based aluminium systems firms established themselves in the UK following the renaissance in aluminium windows and doors for the UK residential market. “Those firms naturally used the suppliers with which they were familiar,” refected Adam, “but now they are established we – and dare I say others that manufacture such tooling in the UK, can offer a far more efficient service with products that are at least on a par with the tools being imported. And UK produced tools are very often superior – we

have a proud tradition of engineering in this country and especially in the Midlands where we are based.”

Simply examining the facts, it is difficult to argue with Adam’s assertion that it makes little sense for UK aluminium frame fabricators to continue importing their tooling, especially replacement-cycle products. Whichever side of the Brexit line one stands politically, importing from the EU particularly is often complex and bureaucratic, adding to the delays created by the sheer logistics involved.

Adam explains that the supply and repair of tooling and punch tools especially, is particularly slow and problematic: The export of old tools for refurbishment comes with delays and other issues that, for such a crucial but relatively low-cost product, is cumbersome, expensive and subject to considerable disruption.

“Suppliers further afield do not have the EU red tape to contend with, but the sheer logistical challenge for products that are routinely renewed and refurbished, can bring its issues, especially when international events and weather, for example, disrupt the supply line. My point is: when a better alternative is available locally, why not take a look?” the Jade man asks.

“‘People should never be expected to ‘Buy British’ simply to be patriotic,” believes Adam, “But when the products are often superior and less expensive even before the complex logistics are considered, then of course it makes sense to do so. Punch tool refurbishment is managed in hours rather than weeks or even months and there is no threat to the supply chain due to wars, hurricanes and the odd barge caught in the Suez Canal, though it can be a bit wet,” jokes Adam.

In addition, custom solutions such as those provided for some of the UK’s most successful aluminium systems companies, can be developed and delivered in weeks, advised Adam: “Custom production solutions are what we do best as engineers, says Adam. “And often, we have designed and installed the tool, even before an engineer could fly in from overseas.”

66 April 2024 | MACHINERY The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper
Adam Jones


P&P Trade Windows Ltd has recently expanded its fabrication capabilities by purchasing three additional cuttingedge machines from machinery experts, Haffner Ltd.

Amongst the machine investment is Haffner’s popular SBA2 Machining Centre, renowned for its ability to increase capacity and improve the quality and manufacturing output for fabricators.

Paul French, Director at P&P Trade Windows, said: “Given our positive experience with Haffner’s machines in the past and considering the inefficiency of our previous machining centre, we turned to them for our latest investment. The SBA-2 Machining Centre has significantly increased the quality and speed of our output.”

The SBA-2 Machining Centre, known for its heavy-duty design and use of top-quality parts, guarantees years of reliable service. Its user-friendly interface facilitates programming, control and adjustments, empowering fabricators to efficiently scale production output as needed. Capable of performing various operations including sawing, routing and drilling, the SBA-2 is the preferred choice for fabricators seeking versatility and high-quality performance.

Additionally, P&P Trade Windows purchased a second SMR-5 welder and a single head welder. Described as the fastest and most accurate welder on the market, the SMR-5 can weld one complete window every four minutes, supercharging production output. Paul commented: “Having experienced the exceptional quality, scalability and efficiency of our initial SMR-5 welder, we had no hesitation in returning to Haffner for our second purchase. Its ease of operation and unparalleled quality speak for themselves.” Beyond speeding up production, the SMR-5 incorporates innovative features that enhance product quality and reduce waste. Factory-set parameters and automatic alignment mechanisms for transom fences and corner fences contribute to streamlined fabrication, adding impressive value to the fabrication process.

P&P Trade Windows was also keen to commend Haffner for the exemplary service throughout the purchasing process. Paul said: “It's rare to encounter a company where the CEO and Managing Director personally engage with clients to tailor machine solutions to their specific needs, but that's precisely the level of dedication we experienced with Haffner. Dave Thomas and Matt Thomas provided invaluable guidance and oversaw the entire process seamlessly, from initial consultation to installation and training.”

Whilst all of Haffner’s machines come with an extended warranty, P&P Trade Windows opted for an additional

service contract to ensure optimal performance and longevity. Paul said: “Whilst Haffner’s machines are highly reliable, the service contract offers an extra layer of assurance that we value.”

Located in Martock, Somerset, P&P Trade Windows specialises in manufacturing PVC-U windows, doors and conservatories to exceptional standards. With a wealth of experience exceeding 50 years in installation and manufacturing, the company delivers a quick and reliable trade service across the South West.

One of the clearest indications of a dependable business is how willing previous customers are to return when making a new investment. Haffner’s impressive rate of returning customers serves as a testament to its reputation for delivering machining solutions that facilitate business success.

Tel: 01785 222421 –




Based in Kempston, Bedfordshire Windows Ltd fabricate and install an extensive range of PVCu and Aluminium windows, doors and conservatories. They also supply and fit roofline products.

Domestic and trade customers currently account for most of the company’s business, but Directors Tom Pitts and Gary Walker are keen to increase their existing presence in the commercial market.


Tom explains, “We’ve been making significant investment in upgrading our manufacturing facilities with the latest fenestration fabrication equipment from Avantek Machinery.

“Commitment to delivering excellence to our trade and domestic customers remains steadfast, while we’re also exploring opportunities to build on our initial success in the commercial sector.”

He continues, “Bedfordshire Windows has established a reputation for quality and reliability. Through continuous investment in our manufacturing facilities, we can make sure we retain the production efficiency to scale up the business while providing the same high standards of products and services we’re known for across all markets.”


For over 5 years, Avantek has been Bedfordshire Windows' preferred

machinery supplier, and during this time their partnership has thrived.

Gary says, “We were first introduced to Avantek through its sister company Liniar, whose PVCu profiles we fabricate. Avantek Sales Director Jamie Munday took us to see their flagship SuperCut cutting and machining centre in action and we were very impressed. Both with what we saw and Jamie’s knowledge, and we knew we wanted to incorporate this technology into our production line.

“The latest additions to our armoury include a Supercut 6, a WSA4LVE Quad welder and an Urban SV530 Corner Cleaner. These machines represent a significant investment, and a real commitment to maintaining high production standards and developing the business.

“It’s therefore very important we deal with a supplier we can trust to deliver the machinery on time, install it with minimum disruption, and be there to provide ongoing aftersales support and servicing.”

Gary continues, “Over the years, the Avantek team have proven reliable, knowledgeable, and supportive and our relationship has gone from strength to strength. From installation and training to responsive communication we’re really satisfied with Avantek’s products and services.”


With its new machinery up and running Bedfordshire Windows is enjoying all the benefits of a cutting-edge, efficient production line and the team are focused on realising their growth plans.

Tom tells us, “We’ve now got great production facilities and have refined our QC processes to cement a high standard of operational performance and ensure the best possible levels of customer satisfaction.

“An opportunity also arose recently for us to take on additional premises and increase the size of our factory. It means we have more space for goods in/out and smoother logistics, plus a bigger, better trade counter serving as a one-stop hub for all our trade customer needs.

Tom concludes, “We’re now in a position to double production and are looking at taking on more staff. Both Garry and I, and the whole Bedfordshire team, are really looking forward to continuing to deliver an amazing customer experience to our existing customers, as well as breaking more ground in the commercial sector.”

To find out more about Avantek Machinery’s products and services visit:

The latest Builders Merchant Building Index (BMBI) report, published in March, shows builders’ merchants’ value sales were down -2.1% in January compared to the same month in 2023, with volume sales falling -3.2% and prices creeping up +1.1%. With one more trading day this year, like-for-like sales were down -6.5%.


Nine of the twelve categories sold more than in January 2023 with Workwear & Safetywear (+18.3%), Landscaping (+6.2%) and Decorating (+6.1%) the better performers. However, falling sales in two of the largest categories impacted overall sales: Heavy Building Materials (-3.8%) and Timber & Joinery Products (-6.3%).


Total sales in the three months November 2023 to January 2024 were -5.2% lower than the same three-month period a year ago. Volume sales were down -9.3% and prices were up +4.5%. With one additional trading day this year, like-for-like sales were down -6.7%. Six of the twelve categories sold more led by Workwear & Safetywear (+11.2%), but the three largest categories, Landscaping (-2.6%), Heavy Building Materials (-6.9%) and Timber & Joinery Products (-9.2%) were among the weakest.


Compared to a poor December 2023, total merchant sales in January were +41.2% higher month-on-month. Volume sales were up +44.2% while prices were down -2.1%. With six additional trading days in January, like-for-like sales increased +2.7%. All categories sold more including the largest three categories: Landscaping (+52.2%), Timber & Joinery Products (+43.8%), and Heavy Building Materials (+42.5%). Services (+19.2%) grew the least.


Total merchant sales in the 12 months from February 2023 to January 2024 were -5.2% down on the same 12 months the year before (February 2022 to January 2023). Volume sales were -12.9% lower and prices were up +8.8%. With two more trading days in the most recent 12-month period, like-for-like sales were -6.0% lower. Eight of the twelve categories sold more, with Renewables & Water Saving (+20.6%) and Decorating (+8.1%) the standout categories. Again, the three largest categories - Heavy Building Materials (-3.7%), Landscaping (-11.0%) and Timber & Joinery Products (-13.9%) - sold less.

For the full report, including comments from the BMBI’s panel of leading industry Experts, please visit

GfK’s Builders Merchant Panel

GfK’s Merchant Panel includes national, multi-regional and regional merchants such as Buildbase, Jewson, Travis Perkins, EH Smith, Gibbs & Dandy, MKM and Bradfords.

GfK’s Builders’ Merchant Point of Sale Tracking Data represents 92% of the value of the builders’ merchant market. GfK insights can trace product group performance and track relevant features. GfK can also produce robust like-for-like market comparability, tailored to the requirements of an individual business.

The Builders Merchant Building Index Builders Merchant Building Index (BMBI) appears every month, in print and online. A full quarterly report is published every three months. The BMBI is a brand of the Builders Merchant Federation. Launched and produced by MRA Research, it uses sales-out data from GfK’s Builders Merchant Panel. BMBI includes a panel of leading industry Experts, who speak exclusively for their markets.

68 April 2024 | MACHINERY BMBI
SLIP -2.1%

Problem? Solved.

Problem? Solved.

We design, innovate and manufacture precision tooling and specialist machinery for PVCU and Aluminium Systems Professionals and Fabricators. We deliver practical solutions to complex machining challenges for leading global extruders, operating to the very highest service standards in close partnership with our customers.

We design, innovate and manufacture precision tooling and specialist machinery for PVCU and Aluminium Systems Professionals and Fabricators. We deliver practical solutions to complex machining challenges for leading global extruders, operating to the very highest service standards in close partnership with our customers.

We make what you need, to make windows and doors.

We make what you need, to make windows and doors.

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Find out more at our new website



How did you get into this industry?

After working in a jewellers for five years, I took a leap from retail and became a Sales Administrator for a PVCu windows and doors fabricator without any previous experience or knowledge within the industry!

What was your first job after school or college?

I took a gap year after Sixth Form as I was unsure of what career path I wanted to take, so before committing to University I applied for different apprenticeships in all types of sectors and eventually I got an interview at Bodycare and became an Apprentice Sales Assistant for a year. It really opened my eyes to a working environment and gave me lots of valuable experience working with the public.

Can you give a brief resume of jobs up to your current position?

After my apprenticeship ended at Bodycare, I worked for F.Hinds the Jewellers for five years part-time whilst I studied at University and then, surprisingly, having my (now 4-year-old) son Oscar! After having Oscar my priorities changed and I wanted to spend weekends and holidays at home with my family. So, then I became a Sales Administrator at a PVCu windows and doors fabricator. After working there for nearly two years, I felt I needed a job I was able to grow in my role, develop my skills and learn something new. So I applied for and become a Sales and Marketing Administrator at Selecta Systems, and

I absolutely love it! The support and encouragement I have and continue to receive is amazing. I’m involved with our social media, making content, promotional videos etc; especially on our homeowner focused page @advance_70 for all the latest installs for home inspiration!

Do you believe your speciality (finance, sales, management, marketing etc.) is transferable to any industry?

Absolutely! I’m currently developing my skills in marketing having never done it before on a professional scale. I believe as long as you stay creative, keep an open mind and to be self-critical of your work to improve, you will always be able to develop your skills. Nothing ever stays the same in marketing, so I think you need to be openminded, on the ball and always keeping an eye out for different trends and know what would appeal to your audience. All the above skills in my opinion are definitely transferable to any industry.


All work and no play makes Jill a dull girl! True or False and why?

Very true. Having a work/life balance that works for you is key, life is too short for all work and no play. I love having the time on a weekend to switch off and be with my family. I feel if I didn’t have that time to switch off from work and relax, I would probably feel frazzled!

Do you achieve the work/life balance you would like to?

I am so grateful of my work/life balance now as I feel it works for me and my family. We all have our weekends off together and bank holidays, which allows us to spend that quality time together. I’m able to completely switch off on a weekend and that prepares me for the week ahead.

This series in Glass News highlights the hopes and aspirations of women in the windows, doors, glass, roofs and hardware industry and will hopefully inspire more to make this their career.

Have you a career path mapped out or is it more about opportunism?

Even after studying Social Policy with Criminology at University, I still struggled with mapping out a career path and figuring out exactly what I wanted to do. I think as my priorities changed due to having a baby, I shelved focusing on a career and went with the flow at the time. However, since being introduced to marketing at Selecta Systems, I quickly realised this is something I really enjoy! So I would love to grow in my role at Selecta Systems, and I am embracing the opportunity.

Looking ahead, where would you like to be in a) 5 years’ time and b) 10 years’ time?

In 5 to 10 years time, I would like to be the best of what I can be in my role, constantly striving to achieve more and develop my skills and knowledge within my role and career.

With money and leisure time no object, what would you really like to do for yourself or your family?

Wow that sounds like a dream! Firstly, I would go on a huge shopping spree and pamper to feel luxurious. Then I would love to travel and see the world with my partner and our son, have a home in our favourite destinations to visit whenever we liked. I would get my parents to retire, make sure they’re well looked after and probably relocate us all to somewhere like Australia too!


Away from work, what is your focus?

Away from work I spend lots of quality time with my family, especially my son Oscar who is growing up so fast and keeps me on my toes. I love to cherish every moment with my family and enjoy life; whether that’s going to Bottomless Brunch with the girls, a lovely meal with my partner or a family day out with our son! I enjoy socialising and going for meals with my friends and family when we get a chance (I’m a huge foodie) and having the odd weekend breaks – I love a good hot tub!

What activities help you switch off?

Even though having a child can be so fast paced at times being constantly in a routine and feeling pressure to have things done, nothing beats having a cuddle with my son after a long day. After mom duties, probably a good TV series once I’ve put my son to bed as they are my guilty pleasure, anything ranging from TOWIE to Bridgerton, I love all the drama! Also I love having a pamper; especially a manicure as it gives me a little bit of ‘me time’ to relax!

70 April 2024 | WOMEN IN INDUSTRY The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper
THIS MONTH: Danielle Southam, Sales and Marketing Administrator, Selecta Systems Ltd.



“Let’s face it turning up to sell windows with a pad and pen no longer cuts it,” says founder and CEO Chris Brunsdon. “Homeowners expect more. They want to see exactly what they are getting; they want to try before they buy. And Tommy

Trinder is proving to be the tool for the job.”

“Let’s face it turning up to sell windows with a pad and pen no longer cuts it,” says founder and CEO Chris Brunsdon. “Homeowners expect more. They want to see exactly what they are getting; they want to try before they buy. And Tommy Trinder is proving to be the tool for the job.”

From one-man bands to nationals and from the highlands to the Channel Islands, Tommy Trinder has established itself as go to app for installers looking to add zip to their sales process. The firm’s patented Framepoint Technology® allows users to free draw PVCu, aluminium and timber windows and doors with your finger or mouse, just like sketching on a pad. It’s easy to chop-and-change ironmongery, colour, and bar options until the homeowner is happy and the price is right. And in a tap installers can show clients how their new windows and doors will look in situ.

From one-man bands to nationals and from the highlands to the Channel Islands, Tommy Trinder has established itself as go to app for installers looking to add zip to their sales process. The firm’s patented Framepoint Technology® allows users to free draw PVCu, aluminium and timber windows and doors with your finger or mouse, just like sketching on a pad. It’s easy to chop-and-change ironmongery, colour, and bar options until the homeowner is happy and the price is right. And in a tap installers can show clients how their new windows and doors will look in situ.

“We are seeing premium materials making significant market gains; aluminium and timber combined now account for around half of everything quoted by installers. And when it comes to PVCu, Tommy subscribers are managing to get a bit more on every job by routinely showing off value-added features such as foils, dual colours, dummy vents, mechanical joints, flush casements, dummy peg-stays and surface mounted bars in a visual and compelling way.”

“We are seeing premium materials making significant market gains; aluminium and timber combined now account for around half of everything quoted by installers. And when it comes to PVCu, Tommy subscribers are managing to get a bit more on every job by routinely showing off value-added features such as foils, dual colours, dummy vents, mechanical joints, flush casements, dummy peg-stays and surface mounted bars in a visual and compelling way.”

The firm reports that more than 10,000 homeowners receive a quote generated by Tommy Trinder every month and, notably, around half of them are provided with visualisations to accompany their quote;

The firm reports that more than 10,000 homeowners receive a quote generated by Tommy Trinder every month and, notably, around half of them are provided with visualisations to accompany their quote;

“We’re on a mission to put the fun back into selling windows!” says Chris. “Tommy makes it super simple to wow customers, even if you’re a dinosaur with computers. And in a demanding market it’s ever more important to have an edge, something to impress clients and keep those conversion rates up.”

“We’re on a mission to put the fun back into selling windows!” says Chris. “Tommy makes it super simple to wow customers, even if you’re a dinosaur with computers. And in a demanding market it’s ever more important to have an edge, something to impress clients and keep those conversion rates up.”

“Homeowners are expecting a more complete buying experience and the makeover tool, where installers provide a mockup to the homeowner of their new windows in situ, is becoming a standard part of the quoting process,” Says Chris.

Installers can find out more about Tommy Trinder and book a free demo at

“Homeowners are expecting a more complete buying experience and the makeover tool, where installers provide a mockup to the homeowner of their new windows in situ, is becoming a standard part of the quoting process,” Says Chris. Installers can find out more about Tommy Trinder and book a free demo at

The value of work quoted by installers on Tommy Trinder is on the rise too. An eyewatering £1.8bn (yes, billion!) of quotes were prepared for homeowners via the platform in 2023, up 60% on 2022. High average quote values are also a feature with quote values climbing towards £7400 over the last six months, says Chris;

The value of work quoted by installers on Tommy Trinder is on the rise too. An eyewatering £1.8bn (yes, billion!) of quotes were prepared for homeowners via the platform in 2023, up 60% on 2022. High average also a feature with quote climbing towards £7400 over the last six months, Chris;

72 April 2024 | SOFTWARE & IT The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper
1 April 2024 | IT The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper

Why wait for leads to come to you?

Harness the best source of high quality leads with AdminBase Campaigns.

Send tailored messages to contacts in AdminBase without the need to export information to a third-party mailing service. Boost leads by keeping your customers and prospects up to date with offers or reward schemes.

With centralised data, any responses can be updated directly in the system and visible to all departments.

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Rhonda Ridge of AdminBase discusses the role e-mail marketing can play in helping installation companies attract high quality leads and explains how a good CRM can make the process easier.

Considering 77% of small businesses use social media to market their wares, you may be surprised to learn that according to HubSpot, 4 out of 5 marketers said they would rather give up social media, than e-mails when it to comes to contacting customers and prospects. Demonstrating its popularity worldwide, Statista reports that the global e-mail marketing market was valued at $7.5 billion in 2020 but is predicted to increase to $17.9 billion by 2027. In the window industry, more installation companies are turning back to e-mail marketing to boost leads in a more difficult market. But how can you maximise your e-mail marketing campaigns? Integrating them with your CRM is a great place to start.


The return on investment for e-mail marketing is usually high because the cost to implement such a campaign is low compared to advertising, postal campaigns,

or some of the other traditional marketing techniques, and e-mail marketing is better at targeting the right people. Companies that do it well segment their target audience to send more tailored messages. As well as being targeted, the most successful e-mail campaigns should be tracked and measured so that businesses can see what their audience is interested in and how they can further tailor future campaigns.

However, there is a downside to e-mail marketing and it’s enough to put a lot of people off. The sticky task of managing data. When organising an e-mail campaign most companies export data from an internal database or a database on their integrated management system, into a mailing service such as Mailchimp. The problem with this is that when responses come back from the campaign, whether a request for more information, a notification of a change in personnel, or a request to be removed from the database, they need to update that information and export it back into their Master database. Or someone needs to manually input all of the updates in the central database. Depending on the size of your database this can become way too time-consuming to sustain.


The good news is that there is a better way. AdminBase is the all-encompassing integrated management system that has

been designed specifically for installation businesses. At its very core all data is centralised so an update can be made by one department and be immediately visible to everyone else in the business. This centralisation carries through into e-mail marketing too.

Having worked in an installation business myself, I understand the nightmare of managing data. It was time consuming at best and a hotbed of mistakes at worst. And yet marketing to previous customers can be a quick win when other enquiries have slowed down, so it’s a hugely important tool to have in the armoury. That’s why we created an add-on to the AdminBase system called AdminBase Campaigns.

The AdminBase Campaigns feature can send a bulk e-mail to contacts in your database, so that you don’t need to worry about exporting and importing data and losing important information along the way. Once you have your design you can e-mail customers with, for example, an offer if they order something else from you, or a reward if they recommend you. Any responses can be updated directly in the system and will

“In the window industry, more installation companies are turning back to e-mail marketing to boost leads in a more difficult market.”

be immediately visible to all departments including the sales team.


E-mail marketing is a popular and successful way to generate leads and can prove particularly useful with previous customer contacts when enquiries from other sources slow down. Installation businesses are facing a challenging market at the moment and proactivity in the right areas will make all the difference, but it needs to be proactivity that isn’t implausibly time consuming, or too difficult to maintain. Running e-mail campaigns directly from an already centralised system allows installation businesses to benefit from low-cost highquality leads, without the hassle.

74 April 2024 | SOFTWARE & IT The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper
Rhonda Ridge


New research from software pioneers, Tommy Trinder, suggests that 30% of all enquiries for the firm’s Framepoint® app are triggered by women.

The rise and rise of Tommy Trinder is due in no small part to the women of our industry, according to the firm’s Business Development Manager, Tom Barfield.

“Around 20 window companies switch to using Tommy Trinder for their selling every month,” says Tom. “And for around a third of firms that join us, there has been a woman’s influence at work.”

“Sometimes she’ll be a partner or co-owner of the business. And, typically, she is the ‘admin supremo’, responsible for managing the sales, contracts, and survey administration process. So she sees first-hand how much the window installer struggles to quote projects. And, of course, she is the first to get it in the neck from clients if things go wrong as a result of unclear or garbled sales processes; a sure-fire motivation to push for better technology!”

Do men and women have different objectives when it comes to buying software? Says Tom;

“Men get very excited about the potential of Tommy Trinder for making them more money! How it will eliminate costly mistakes and win more orders. But women tend to consider the whole experience of how the app fits into their lives,

especially if they have families. Long hours spent toiling over quotes can have a direct impact on lack of time in the family unit. Tommy Trinder will typically save around 30 hours a month on quoting, so it solves an immediate problem.”

According to Tommy Trinder, women also play a vital important role in helping the team around them get used to using new software.

“Women see the benefits quickly and become a great advocate for adopting the app within the wider business. It definitely feels like women are the change agents in many installation businesses.”

Men or women interested in finding out more about Tommy Trinder can book a free demo at


Tamworth-based trade association, the Door & Hardware Federation (DHF), has proudly announced its achievement of Cyber Essentials Plus certification on 7th March 2024.

This comes after the organisation had previously attained the Cyber Essentials certification in January, marking a significant step forward in its cybersecurity efforts.

Cyber Essentials Plus stands as the highest level of certification offered within the Cyber Essentials scheme which is supported by the UK government and NCSC (National Cyber Security Centre) and administered by IASME Consortium, which licences bodies to conduct assessments and provided certification.

Whilst Cyber Essentials provides a foundational level of security controls, Cyber Essentials Plus adds an extra layer of assurance through a hands -on technical audit conducted by experienced cybersecurity assessors. The audit rigorously tests the implementation of

"Cyber Essentials Plus adds an extra layer of assurance through a hands -on technical audit."

the five basic security controls outlined in Cyber Essentials.

By successfully completing Cyber Essentials Plus, DHF can publicly declare its adherence to the security standards defined by Cyber Essentials, further solidifying its commitment to safeguarding sensitive data against common cyber threats.

Tel: 01827 52337 –


AluK customers can expect an increase in the number of retail leads generated by the systems company thanks to the launch of the new AluK Home website at:

With the tagline ‘Enhancing Your Life’, it’s been designed to inspire retail buyers with how they can transform their homes using AluK windows and doors.

It is packed with stylish installation shots of windows, bifolds, sliders and entrance doors in every style and age of property and there’s lots of useful advice on everything from design and security considerations to thermal efficiency and colour choices.

More user friendly and easier to navigate than previously, the new website lets visitors compare products in the AluK range side by side and decide the best option for them. It has the answers to all the questions homeowners typically ask

when they’re choosing new windows and doors and plenty of prompts to encourage potential buyers to get in touch with AluK to find their nearest stockist.

It has been developed with a strong SEO focus, and Antoniya Stoycheva, AluK’s Marketing Communications Manager, is confident that customers will see real benefits from AluK’s investment. She says: “The new website is all about raising the profile of the AluK brand amongst consumers and inspiring them to get started on their window and door buying journey with us.

“It’s about lifestyle and credibility – giving buyers confidence that they are investing in a product which will enhance their lives for years to come. AluK fabricators and installers can use the website as a useful add-on in their own marketing and, if they don’t have a showroom, can direct customers to the virtual showroom tour which is included.

“We can also guarantee that every single enquiry it generates will be followed up and homeowners given all the details of their local AluK fabricators to get in touch.”

The new website is being promoted extensively via AluK’s social channels and to consumers direct.

75 | April 2024 SOFTWARE & IT The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper




Hörmann have announced that Gareth Burgess has joined the company as Sales Manager with responsibility for their Hörmann Truedor range of composite doors. With a wealth of experience in the glass and glazing industry, Gareth Burgess joins Hörmann after 22 years working throughout the market.

From his early days at Herron Windows manufacturing PVCu windows right through to sales management roles for several large and established trade and domestic fabricators, Gareth is well-known within the industry and brings considerable knowledge and skill to his new role at Hörmann Truedor.

In his younger days Gareth was a talented football player and played for Huddersfield town until an injury cut short his career. However, after gaining a professional qualification in coaching he took a break away from the fenestration world to coach in Africa, returning to the UK due to the outbreak of Covid.

Commenting on the appointments, Stuart Shaw National Sales Manager at Hörmann, “We are delighted to welcome Gareth to the team, covering a key growth area for the company. The introduction last year of the Hörmann Truedor range of composite doors to the Hörmann portfolio has opened up enormous opportunity in the domestic entrance door market and Gareth brings with him the experience and contacts within the industry to enable us to make an immediate impact. He is well supported by internal sales, marketing, and technical teams based at our headquarters at Coalville, together with the manufacturing expertise of the company’s IG Doors plant in South Wales.”

For further information on Hörmann Truedor visit Composite Doors by Hörmann-Truedor - The Fine Art Of Composite Doors or call 01530 516868.


Respected sash window manufacturer Roseview Windows has appointed Michael Longhurst as National Business Development Manager, in line with its growth plans for 2024 and beyond.

Michael joins Roseview having worked in the construction industry supply chain for several years. Before that Michael spent 18 years at a large window fabricator and Roseview customer, working up from estimating to account management and business development. At Roseview Michael’s role will focus on working with new trade partners, raising awareness of the scope and benefits of Roseview’s full range of sash windows and secondary glazing.

Speaking of his appointment, Michael said: “Having been a customer of Roseview in a previous role I was already aware of the quality of the products, the work that goes into them and the passion that everybody has. Having met with the team and speaking to everyone it is difficult not to want to be a part of that family.

“I’m looking forward to promoting our products to customers who are yet to experience them, showing them the continued improvements within our range. Many people are aware of Roseview, but you really need to see the windows for yourself to appreciate just how good they are, and how they differ from other versions.

“I’m also very keen to support our internal sales executives and help them grow. We have a great young team here that are keen to learn, and I look forward to seeing them progress.” Michael concludes.

Roseview’s sales director Paul Bygrave said: “I’m delighted to welcome Michael to the Roseview family. He fits in perfectly with our way of doing things; he’s dedicated, enthusiastic and has a wealth of knowledge and experience. He understands that we’re not just here to make and sell windows, we’re here to innovate and develop new ways of combining traditional windows with modern technology, to the benefit of our trade customers. Michael is the perfect person to help us do exactly that.”

Tel: 01234 712657



Sustainability has always been a core pillar of Sheerline’s business, but it has never been more important than now considering the UK Government’s plans to introduce a carbon levy, which has big implications for importers of carbon intensive products like aluminium.

Reports in December 2023 suggested the Carbon Levy may come into effect by 2027. While systems companies around the UK should not have been surprised by the news, many have been caught flat footed – scrambling to get themselves ready, as decarbonisation climbs the agenda, powered by a probable change of government later this year.

In terms of aluminium, it’s not just largescale manufacturers that could be affected by the changes –this has the potential to affect businesses of all sizes. Fabricators within the fenestration industry must carefully review their suppliers ahead of time to avoid increased costs.

Imported aluminium looks set to be hit with an additional charge through the Carbon Levy. Costs that systems companies who rely on overseas supply will look to their fabricators to cover.

For Sheerline’s fabricators, there is no need to worry about the prospect of smaller margins or additional unexpected costs. This is because of the company’s strategic vision, which was developed with supply chain security and long-term sustainability in mind.

Not only is this to protect the business and ensure its longevity, but also to protect Sheerline’s valued customers. For example, sustainability means many things at

Sheerline, encompassing everything from green business practices to where the materials are sourced from.

The latter is important for supply chain resilience and enables the company to proudly bear its Made in Britain membership. Sheerline’s aluminium is also sourced from within the UK to keep its carbon footprint low while removing the potential for shipping delays or import taxes.

Another element of Sheerline’s sustainability strategy is recycling. All the aluminium offcuts that can’t be used get sent back to the supplier so they can be melted, reset, and reused. This forms part of the closed-loop manufacturing process.

This approach to business operations will arguably increase in importance in the coming years. Decarbonisation is not an issue that is going to go away, and it’s not something that can be overcome halfheartedly. There are likely to be stringent targets, and consequences for those who cannot comply.

Ross Hartshorn, Technical Production Director, commented: “Sheerline is ready for the future, but many manufacturers will struggle in the coming months and years because the carbon levy has the potential to shake up the UK aluminium market, which extends to the fenestration industry.”

“Our priority is ensuring our fabricators know that when they choose Sheerline, they’re choosing simplicity. We are a onestop supplier of whole-house premium aluminium solutions that are designed, extruded, moulded, painted, and assembled in-house. We’re the obvious choice for fabricators who want to embrace simplicity,” he added.

Fabricators interested in finding out more about working with Sheerline are invited to contact the team directly on 01332 978000, or by emailing Follow @SheerlineSystem for the latest news and updates.

76 April 2024 |


Epwin Window Systems’ specialist fabricator

Mercury Glazing was a crucial partner to longstanding customer Droylsden Glass who has completed a contract to replace 75 vertical sliding windows in a large commercial building in Stockport.

The building was owned by Moorcroft, a debt recovery company. The Moorcroft team was concerned about the safety of the building’s windows because many of the closures were damaged. The team also wanted to improve the building’s energy efficiency and reduce its carbon footprint without compromising on its heritage aesthetics.

Droylsden Glass fitted the bill when it came to a local, well-established and financially strong company with the expertise and experience to take on the project.

The window system of choice was the Vertical Sliding Sash System from Epwin Window Systems, manufactured by long-term fabrication partner Mercury Glazing.

Kevin Thackeray, Managing Director at Droylsden Glass, said: “As always, the technical experience and expertise that Mercury Glazing brought, along with their outstanding

commitment to fabrication excellence and customer service, were invaluable on this project.”

The project involved the replacement of 75 windows, two of which were arched.

To ensure that the office environment was completely safe, child restrictors were installed on all the sash windows along with featured tilt restrictors for additional safety.

The windows used 4mm Low-E Planitherm Total+ glass and Warm Edge spacers to maximise energy efficiency performance, while trickle ventilation was installed to meet current building regulations requirements. Privacy film was also applied to ensure a private working area.

As well as being able to meet the demanding technical requirements of the project, the market-leading Vertical Sliding Sash System helped Droylsden Glass deliver on the aesthetic requirements. From the authentic ovolo styling to a deep bottom rail and large and small sash profiles, every detail has been considered, including the 37mm ultra-slim meeting rail that faithfully replicates the appearance of a traditional sash window. For this project, the frames were specified in white and the glazing design was completed with white Georgian bars to match the original window aesthetic.

Steve Cross, Director at Mercury Glazing, said: “We were delighted to work with the team at Droylsden Glass on this project. The high-quality results showcase the benefits of the Epwin Window Systems Vertical Slider and the attention to detail that the Droylsden team brings to every installation.”  Founded in 1982, Droylsden Glass provides homeowners across Greater Manchester with a range of excellent homeimprovement products and services.

Based in Gloucestershire, Mercury Glazing has grown to become one of the UK’s leading specialist fabricators of bespoke aluminium and PVC-U windows and doors. The company’s commitment to helping its customers achieve successful outcomes has led it to become the go-to supplier for installers looking to deliver high-end solutions for their customers.

Tel: 0845 340 3968 –

PORTAL HS provides the best outlook for a light and barrier-free life.

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77 | April 2024 WINDOWS The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper
in timber and the following PVC profiles: Schüco CT 70 / LivingSlide / ThermoSlide Veka Topline / SLIDE 82 / MOTION 82 Deceuninck HS476 / Monorail LS PVC GEALAN S8000 / S9000 Profine Premidoor 88 LUX / 76 Rehau Geneo / Synego Salamander evolutionDrive / ID Aluplast HST 85
78 April 2024 | TIME OUT! The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper PRIZE! PRIZE! PRIZE! Fill in your answer and your contact details below and send your competition entry to: FAO: Christina Lazenby, Glass News Competitions, 19 Heather Close, Tickhill, Doncaster, DN11 9UU or Email: Entry deadline: 20/04/24. Spot which page the image below appears on and enter to be in with a chance of winning! Name: Tel: Address: Postcode: Email: WIN £10 CASH PRIZE!! Fill in your answer and your contact details below and send your competition entry to: FAO: Christina Lazenby, Glass News Competitions, 19 Heather Close, Tickhill, Doncaster, DN11 9UU or Email: Entry deadline: 20/04/24. WIN £10 CASH PRIZE!! Fill in your answer and your contact details below and send your competition entry to: FAO: Christina Lazenby, Glass News Competitions, 19 Heather Close, Tickhill, Doncaster, DN11 9UU or Email: Entry deadline: 20/04/24. 9 6 2 8 3 8 2 2 7 9 1 6 5 6 7 2 3 7 6 3 4 8 1 8 3 6 9 9 4 9 8 2 4 3 Answer: WIN £30 CASH PRIZE!! Name: Tel: Address: Postcode: Email: Name: Tel: Address: Postcode: Email: Across Down 1 Headquartered (5) 4 Where trapeze artists connect (3-3) 9 Tidy CIA mall to find a Duchess (7) 10 Examine the books (5) 11 Soft (5) 12 Cool (6) 14 Accretions (13) 17 It would have been 105 pence (6) 18 Landing site (5) 21 Fright (5) 22 Look over (7) 23 Hands down (6) 24 With regret (5) 1 Insolent rejoinder (8) 2 Large Japanese wrestlers (5) 3 Diver Tom --- (5) 5 Puzzle solver’s exclamation (1,4,2) 6 Supplemented (5,2) 7 Grasses (4) 8 Political crown of thorns wearer (5,6) 13 In an advantageous way (8) 15 Mountain lions (7) 16 Barely adequate (7) 18 Hebdomads (5) 19 Give on merit (5) 20 Disconcert (4)
Is your marketing on target? Email. Call. 07590 818 458 Follow on Twitter. @hookaduck HOOK-A-DUCK - 61.75MM X 156MM.indd 1 26/02/2018 19:15 LET US HELP YOU WITH YOUR MARKETING IN 2024 Glass News has teamed up with the very best marketing companies within the window and construction industries. Find your marketing partner here! Marketing Experts for the Window & Construction Industries The facts and insights to steer your strategy Email now to get your facts and insights @MRA_Research_UK @mra-research-uk Track customer experience and NPS Measure loyalty, threats, opportunity gaps, brand strength, trust Reveal your management bias and blind spots Direct your marketing • • • • Want to hatch a new marketing plan? Inside the Box Marketing Limited Office 1 Pure Offices, Brooks Drive, Cheadle Royal Business Park, Cheadle, Cheshire SK8 3TD T:07429 103925 We are a friendly, approachable team of marketing experts, specifically for the window industry. We’ve got loads of great ideas, get in touch 79 | April 2024 MARKETING The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper

British Plastics Federation (BPF)

Tel: 0207 457 5000

British Standards Institution (BSI)

– Standards & Publications

Tel: 0208 996 9001

BSI – Assessment & Certification

Tel: 0845 080 9000

BSI – Product Certification & Testing

Tel: 08450 765600

BBSA (British Blind & Shutter Association)

Tel: 01449 780444

Building Research Establishment (BRE)

Tel: 01923 664000

Council for Aluminium in Building (CAB)

Tel: 01453 828851


Tel: 01952 201631

Door & Hardware Federation (DHF)

Tel: 01827 52337

Double Glazing & Conservatory Ombudsman Scheme (DGCOS)

Tel: 0345 053 8975

Fenestration Self-Assessment Scheme (FENSA)

Tel: 0207 645 3700

Get Britain Building (GBB)

Tel: 0870 162 0936

Glass & Glazing Federation (GGF)

Tel: 0207 939 9101

GQA Qualifications (formerly Glass Qualifications Authority)

Tel: 0114 2720033

Health & Safety Executive (HSE)

– Glass & Related Industries

Phil Smith, HM Principal Inspector

Tel: 01782 602300

David Appleton, HM Inspector

Tel: 0115 9712800

Proskills – Head Office

Tel: 01235 833844

Proskills – Glass & Related Industries

Neil Robinson

Tel: 07917 015 322

Recovinyl (via Axion Consulting)

Tel: 0161 355 7618

The Glazing Ombudsman (TGO)

Tel: 020 7397 7200

UK Green Building Council

Tel: 0207 580 0623

Veka Recycling

Tel: 01322 38721

Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP)

Tel: 01295 819 900

Wood Window Alliance (WWA)

Tel: 0844 209 261

80 April 2024 | The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper FIND A SUPPLIER
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TRICKLE VENTS For more information and to find your local stockist visit: | 01295 264533 or call to speak with one of the team. Link Vent 4000 One of Glazpart’s award winning range of trickle vents Window component of the year 2022 81 | April 2024 The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper HARDWARE SUPPLIES Our technical advisers can help you! e: f: 00 800 0262 3299 CRL is one of the leading suppliers and manufacturers of glazing products for commercial and residential projects, offering one of the widest selections of high quality tools and accessories. Your complete supplier for glazing tools and accessories MACHINERY Quarter Page GN Advert.indd 1 02/03/2021 15:24 Emmegi (UK) Limited Unit 14, Spitfire Close Coventry Business Park - CV5 6UR Coventry Tel. +44 2476 676 192 - Fax. +44 2476 677 381 - EMMEGI HAVE THE RIGHT SOLUTION FOR YOUR PRODUCTION NEEDS THE NEC BIRMINGHAM 21-23 MAY HALL 6 STAND L10 CNC MACHINING CENTRES DOUBLE MITRE SAWS SINGLE MITRE SAWS COPY ROUTERS CLEANING MACHINES PVC WELDING MACHINES HANDLING EQUIPMENT PVC AUTOMATIC LINES C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Emmegi classified ad copy Glass News resized.pdf 1 12/02/19 10:56 Emmegi (UK) Limited Unit 14, Spitfire Close Coventry Business Park - CV5 6UR Coventry Tel. +44 2476 676 192 - Fax. +44 2476 677 381 - EMMEGI HAVE THE RIGHT SOLUTION FOR YOUR PRODUCTION NEEDS THE NEC BIRMINGHAM 21-23 MAY HALL 6 STAND L10 CNC MACHINING CENTRES DOUBLE MITRE SAWS SINGLE MITRE SAWS COPY ROUTERS CLEANING MACHINES PVC WELDING MACHINES HANDLING EQUIPMENT PVC AUTOMATIC LINES C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Emmegi classified ad copy Glass News resized.pdf 1 12/02/19 10:56 Emmegi (UK) Limited Unit 14, Spitfire Close Coventry Business Park - CV5 6UR Coventry Tel. +44 2476 676 192 - Fax. +44 2476 677 381 - EMMEGI HAVE THE RIGHT SOLUTION FOR YOUR PRODUCTION NEEDS THE NEC BIRMINGHAM 21-23 MAY HALL 6 STAND L10 CNC MACHINING CENTRES DOUBLE MITRE SAWS SINGLE MITRE SAWS COPY ROUTERS CLEANING MACHINES PVC WELDING MACHINES HANDLING EQUIPMENT PVC AUTOMATIC LINES C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Emmegi classified ad copy Glass News resized.pdf 1 12/02/19 10:56 Emmegi (UK) Limited Unit 14, Spitfire Close Coventry Business Park - CV5 6UR Coventry Tel. +44 2476 676 192 - Fax. +44 2476 677 381 - EMMEGI HAVE THE RIGHT SOLUTION FOR YOUR PRODUCTION NEEDS THE NEC BIRMINGHAM 21-23 MAY HALL 6 STAND L10 CNC MACHINING CENTRES DOUBLE MITRE SAWS SINGLE MITRE SAWS COPY ROUTERS CLEANING MACHINES PVC WELDING MACHINES HANDLING EQUIPMENT PVC AUTOMATIC LINES C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Emmegi classified ad copy Glass News resized.pdf 1 12/02/19 10:56 Emmegi (UK) Limited Unit 14, Spitfire Close Coventry Business Park - CV5 6UR Coventry Tel. +44 2476 676 192 - Fax. +44 2476 677 381 - EMMEGI HAVE THE RIGHT SOLUTION FOR YOUR PRODUCTION NEEDS THE NEC BIRMINGHAM 21-23 MAY HALL 6 STAND L10 CNC MACHINING CENTRES DOUBLE MITRE SAWS SINGLE MITRE SAWS COPY ROUTERS CLEANING MACHINES PVC WELDING MACHINES HANDLING EQUIPMENT PVC AUTOMATIC LINES C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Emmegi classified ad copy Glass News resized.pdf 1 12/02/19 10:56 Emmegi (UK) Limited Unit 14, Spitfire Close Coventry Business Park - CV5 6UR Coventry Tel. +44 2476 676 192 - Fax. 2476 677 381 - EMMEGI HAVE THE RIGHT SOLUTION FOR YOUR PRODUCTION NEEDS THE NEC BIRMINGHAM 21-23 MAY HALL 6 STAND L10 CNC MACHINING CENTRES DOUBLE MITRE SAWS SINGLE MITRE SAWS COPY ROUTERS CLEANING MACHINES PVC WELDING MACHINES HANDLING EQUIPMENT PVC AUTOMATIC LINES C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Emmegi classified ad copy Glass News resized.pdf 1 12/02/19 10:56 Emmegi (UK) Limited Unit 14, Spitfire Close Coventry Business Park - CV5 6UR Coventry Tel. +44 2476 676 192 - Fax. +44 2476 677 381 - EMMEGI HAVE THE RIGHT SOLUTION FOR YOUR PRODUCTION NEEDS THE NEC BIRMINGHAM 21-23 MAY HALL 6 STAND L10 CNC MACHINING CENTRES DOUBLE MITRE SAWS SINGLE MITRE SAWS COPY ROUTERS CLEANING MACHINES PVC WELDING MACHINES HANDLING EQUIPMENT PVC AUTOMATIC LINES C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Emmegi classified ad copy Glass News resized.pdf 1 12/02/19 10:56 Emmegi (UK) Limited Unit 14, Spitfire Close Coventry Business Park - CV5 6UR Coventry Tel. +44 2476 676 192 - Fax. +44 2476 677 381 - EMMEGI HAVE THE RIGHT SOLUTION FOR YOUR PRODUCTION NEEDS THE NEC BIRMINGHAM 21-23 MAY HALL 6 STAND L10 CNC MACHINING CENTRES DOUBLE MITRE SAWS SINGLE MITRE SAWS COPY ROUTERS CLEANING MACHINES PVC WELDING MACHINES HANDLING EQUIPMENT PVC AUTOMATIC LINES C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Emmegi classified ad copy Glass News resized.pdf 1 12/02/19 10:56 Emmegi (UK) Limited Unit 14, Spitfire Close Coventry Business Park - CV5 6UR Coventry Tel. +44 2476 676 192 - Fax. +44 2476 677 381 - EMMEGI HAVE THE RIGHT SOLUTION FOR YOUR PRODUCTION NEEDS THE NEC BIRMINGHAM 21-23 MAY HALL 6 STAND L10 CNC MACHINING CENTRES DOUBLE MITRE SAWS SINGLE MITRE SAWS COPY ROUTERS CLEANING MACHINES PVC WELDING MACHINES HANDLING EQUIPMENT PVC AUTOMATIC LINES C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Emmegi classified ad copy Glass News resized.pdf 1 12/02/19 10:56 Sponsored by: CONNECTING YOU TO QUALITY TRADE SUPPLIERS Improve Magazine The only homeowner lifestyle magazine dedicated to our industry. Reach consumers and Improve A SUPPLIER
SIEGENIA-AUBI Ltd. Window systems • Door systems • Comfort systems Tel.: 024 7662 2000 • E-Mail: • 82 April 2024 | Aluminium window, door and curtain wall systems From domestic homes to large scale commercial projects, let us help you create your next masterpiece. FAST & RELIABLE DELIVERY OUTSTANDING TRAINING & SERVICE WINDOWS, DOORS & CURTAIN WALLING DOMESTIC & COMMERCIAL 01709 772 600 FIND A SUPPLIER The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper ALUMINIUM Sponsored by: WINDOWS / DOORS / CONSERVATORIES / ROOFING / GLASS / GARDEN ROOMS CONNECTING YOU TO QUALITY TRADE SUPPLIERS Improve Magazine The only homeowner lifestyle magazine dedicated to our industry. Reach consumers and Improve Domoney - Excellence Horticulture Say ‘Hi’ to our home ready, Part L compliant, HI window and door collection. CREATING BRIGHT FUTURES Visit to find out more BSF70 HI 58BW HI 58BD HI 2621 AluK Glass News Ad Qtr Page AW.indd 1 10/10/2023 15:30 IT’S TIME TO BRING YOUR DREAMS TO LIFE Value – With and Shading Transform Inside Your Property Max and George The makeover! Gardeners Theme Perfect Wedding – with Hamilton STEPS Cladding IT’S TIME TO BRING YOUR DREAMS TO LIFE David Domoney - Excellence Horticulture time garden ready Big Glazing? Big Shading! Exquisite Renovation just five Theentertainingspace Award cottagewinning IT’S TIME TO BRING YOUR DREAMS TO LIFE 2022 New RegulationsBuilding Looking regulations Spring here Go Green with Georgina Burnett Home Genie! Reach Homeowners with... Super-insulated Aluminium Windows and Doors Lock in your showroom area as a Trade Partner today | 03448 118 299
Connecting you to quality trade suppliers ADVERTISE WITHIN THIS SECTION FOR A WHOLE YEAR, FOR AS LITTLE AS £295 + VAT Keep your company name in front of our readers all year long For this offer, and our other yearly marketing plans, please email: 83 | April 2024 FIND A SUPPLIER The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper Sponsored by: WINDOWS / DOORS / CONSERVATORIES / ROOFING / GLASS / GARDEN ROOMS CONNECTING YOU TO QUALITY TRADE SUPPLIERS Improve Magazine The only homeowner lifestyle magazine dedicated to our industry. Reach consumers and Improve Domoney - Excellence Horticulture IN UNCERTAIN TIMES YOU NEED A PARTNER YOU CAN TRUST Contact Us Call 01934 808 132 E: /Purplexmarketing @Purplexuk /Purplexmarketing /Purplex-marketing Sometimes, you need a safe pair of hands to help you navigate your journey. Purplex is the marketing consultancy that supports companies across trade, retail and commercial sectors. With deep industry knowledge and commercial insight, we have the skills and resources to support your business. Contact us now for a no obligation review or confidential advice. MARKETING & DESIGN Creative Professional Affordable Brochures • Flyers • Adverts • Newsletters Stationery • Packaging • Branding • E-shots Email. “THEY’RE DANCIN’ IN THE STREET!” Join the conga! Twitter. @hookaduck Call. 07590 818 458 01672 514 947 | Strategic marketing and PR for the built environment Chartered Institute of Public Relations Award winners for ‘Best Long-term client care’ with over 20 years’ experience in the door, window and glass industry PROFILE BENDING

Digital Print

The next editions will be out in Spring (a digital edition and a print edition). You can decide whether to advertise in one of these editions, or both – so the flexibility is yours!

The next editions will be out in Spring (a digital edition and a print edition). You can decide whether to advertise in one of these editions, or both – so the flexibility is yours!

Improve is distributed as follows:

• 30,000 print distribution via Sainsbury’s ABC1 stores

• We target homeowners/gardeners and people interested in DIY (age 27 - 65+)

Improve is distributed as follows:

• 30,000 print distribution via Sainsbury’s ABC1 stores

Celebrity Features; Expert Articles and Advice Columns

Email: or Call: 0780 505 1322 Distribution

• PDA Technology ensures 100% proof of delivery

We’ve featured TV legend Kevin McCloud, gardening gurus’ David Domoney and Huw Richards as well as a double act from George Clarke & Max McCurdo, not to

• Four Digital Editions per year, emailed to 16,500 homeowners each quarter

• Facebook and social media channels (12 month social media campaign) – we reach a minimum of 350,000 Facebook users per quarter

• We target homeowners/gardeners and people interested in DIY (age 27 - 65+)

informed of subjects such as planning permissions, building regulations and the latest trends and style.

WANT TO BE A PART OF IT? Email: or Call: 0780 505 1322 Distribution Improve is distributed as follows: • 30,000 print distribution via Sainsbury’s ABC1 stores • PDA Technology ensures 100% proof of delivery • Four Digital Editions per year, emailed to 16,500 homeowners each quarter • Facebook and social media channels (12 month social media campaign) – we reach a minimum of 350,000 Facebook users per quarter • We target homeowners/gardeners and people interested in DIY (age 27 - 65+) Celebrity Features; Expert Articles and Advice Columns We’ve featured TV legend Kevin McCloud, gardening gurus’ David Domoney and Huw Richards as well as a double act from George Clarke & Max McCurdo, not to mention interior designer to the stars Kelly Hoppen and master of the home makeover Georgina Burnett and Laurence Llewelyn Bowen! To mention a few! Every Edition contains expert advice from people within the fenestration and surrounding industries, to ensure our readers are not only entertained but also kept informed of subjects such as planning permissions, building regulations and the latest trends and style. IT’S TIME TO BRING YOUR DREAMS TO LIFE Summer David Domoney - Excellence Horticulture Summer time garden Glazing? Big Shading! Exquisite Renovation in five The perfect entertainingspace Award cottagewinning refurb IT’S TIME TO BRING YOUR DREAMS TO LIFE Spring Value – Coloured Windows and Awnings Shading Product Transform Inside and Outside Your Property Max and George Spaces, ambulancemakeover! McCurdo George Gardeners Theme Park Perfect Wedding Venue – Geoff Nick Hamilton STEPS PVCChoosingCladding IT’S TIME TO BRING YOUR DREAMS TO LIFE Winter Smooth Renovation Results exclusively fantasy renovation CHRISTMAS GIVEAWAY! Win beautiful Polar Luxury Velvet Cushion from the Fantastical Polar Collection by Emma Shipley. GUIDE PLANNING And Permitted Development. The next editions will be out in Spring (a digital edition and a print edition). You can decide whether to advertise in one of these editions, or both – so the flexibility is yours! Distributed Via Sainsbury’s Digital Print 84 April 2024 | The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper WINDOWS, DOORS & CONSERVATORIES Same day Quotation’s Free nationwide deliveries In-house training for installers Sample’s and literature supplied Structural reports on request 7-10 day turnaround Guardian solid roofs Ultraframe solid roofs Ultraframe orangeries Ultraframe lanterns T: 01709 710100 E: F: 01709 525262 Whether its solid or glass roofs choose the best, choose Connaught! LOOKING FOR THE RIGHT SUPPLIER FOR CONSERVATORY ROOFS? Find out exactly how we can help! FIND A SUPPLIER Sponsored by: WINDOWS / DOORS / CONSERVATORIES / ROOFING / GLASS / GARDEN ROOMS CONNECTING YOU TO QUALITY TRADE SUPPLIERS Improve Magazine The only homeowner lifestyle magazine dedicated to our industry. Reach consumers and Improve Domoney - Excellence Horticulture Connecting you to quality trade suppliers ADVERTISE WITHIN THIS SECTION FOR A WHOLE YEAR, FOR AS LITTLE AS £295 + VAT Keep your company name in front of our readers all year long For this offer, and our other yearly marketing plans, please email: IT’S TO BRING DREAMS LIFE Spring Add – Coloured Awnings Product Transform and Outside Property Max and George including and Gardeners Park and Wedding Venue –5 STEPS to Choosing IT’S TIME TO BRING YOUR DREAMS TO LIFE David Domoney - Excellence in Horticulture Summer garden ready Glazing? Shading! Exquisite Renovation in days! perfect for entertaining cottagewinning refurb IT’S TIME TO BRING YOUR DREAMS TO LIFE Spring New RegulationsBuilding isSpring here Go Green with Georgina Burnett The Home Genie! Reach Homeowners with... DISTRIBUTION
• PDA Technology ensures 100% proof of delivery
• Four Digital Editions per year, emailed to 16,500 homeowners each quarter
• Facebook and social media channels (12 month social media campaign) – we reach a minimum of 350,000 Facebook users per quarter
mention interior designer to the stars Kelly Hoppen and master of the home makeover Georgina Burnett and Laurence Llewelyn Bowen! To mention a few! Every Edition contains expert advice from people within the fenestration and surrounding industries, to ensure our readers are not only entertained but also kept
Summer IT’S TIME TO BRING YOUR DREAMS TO LIFE Summer 2022 David Domoney - Excellence in Horticulture Summer time garden ready Big Glazing? Big Shading! Exquisite Renovation in just five days! The perfect space for entertaining Award cottagewinning refurb Spring IT’S TIME TO BRING YOUR DREAMS TO LIFE Spring 2023 Add Real Value Your Home – With Coloured Windows and Doors Awnings – A Shading Product to Transform the Inside and Outside of Your Property Max and GeorgeAmazingSpaces,The Club some coolconversions, including ambulancemakeover! celebrities McCurdo GeorgeClarke Gardeners Theme Park and Perfect Wedding Venue – with Geoff and Nick Hamilton 5 STEPS to PVCChoosingCladding Winter IT’S TIME TO BRING YOUR DREAMS TO LIFE Winter 2023 Smooth Renovation Results Renowned radio presenter Falconer talks exclusively to Improve Magazine, about prime properties, fantasy homes the her home renovation and Leo red carpet. CHRISTMAS GIVEAWAY! Win beautiful Polar Luxury Velvet Cushion from the Fantastical Polar Collection by Emma Shipley. GUIDE TO PLANNING And Permitted Development.
Distributed Via Sainsbury’s
85 | April 2024 The UK’s Leading Glass & Glazing Newspaper WINDOWS, DOORS & CONSERVATORIES The multi-award-winning aluminium window and door system that delivers everything the buyer wants. 0845 300 9356 Discover star quality FIND A SUPPLIER Sponsored by: WINDOWS / DOORS / CONSERVATORIES / ROOFING / GLASS / GARDEN ROOMS CONNECTING YOU TO QUALITY TRADE SUPPLIERS Improve Magazine The only homeowner lifestyle magazine dedicated to our industry. Reach consumers and Improve Domoney - Excellence Horticulture For this offer, and our other yearly packages, please email: ADVERTISE WITHIN THIS SECTION, FOR A WHOLE YEAR, FROM AS LITTLE AS £295 + VAT Keep your name in front of our readers all year long FIND A SUPPLIER YEARLY PACKAGE: • 12 month advertising campaign - print and digital • Full page company profile x 1 insertion • Dedicated web page within the Find A Supplier section, with image gallery and data caption facility (12 month duration) • Free artwork is included
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