2009 Officers President Ann Collum 713-645-0241 Vice President Shannon McNair 713-847-6685 Recording Secretary Alsine Ryan 713-641-3670 Membership Secretary Norma Navarro 713-645-3409 Treasurer Vicky Schoppe 713-643-7643
Directors at Large
Robert Searcy (NE) Roxanna Ramirez (NW) Saundra Hughes (SWI) Hazel Carney (SWII) Gilbert Martinez (SE)
832-279-5332 713-644-5860 713-645-7617 713-641-5373 713-643-1735
Section Directors 1. Karen Guerrero 713-645-4625 2. Jamie Oyler 713-645-5936 3. Raymond Crow 713-847-6153 4. Emma Valdes 713-644-0858 5. Larry Rucker 713-649-3535 6. Robert Searcy/Interim 832-279-5332 7. Karen Carpenter 713-640-1336 7X. Bob Johnston 713-644-4212 8. Jessica Morrell 713-641-0477 9. Dolores Thacker 713-645-1886 10. Billimarie Gannon 713-644-8110 11. Don Browne 713-256-7475 12. Mike Smith 832-656-5665
Glenbrook Valley Civic Club “Glenbrook Valley Is A Deed Restricted Neighborhood” August
H.I.S.D. Shows NO Respect for Glenbrook Valley
H.I.S.D. no demuestra NINGÚN respeto para Glenbrook Valley
By Ann Collum
Por Ann Collum
We took on what turned out to be a hopeless battle, trying to save seven historic homes form H.I.S.D.’s wrecking ball. A sad sidebar - it is NOT the first time the District has “hit” us! When Ortiz Middle School on Telephone Road was built, seven historic homes were taken unnecessarily. The east rear property line for the school could have been moved forward instead of being at the street, thus saving the homes. There would have still been a tremendous amount of track and field area to be used. This month’s “Historic Flyer” from the 1956 Parade of Homes features the “Giveaway House,” which was lost to Ortiz.
Nos enfrentamos con lo que resultó ser una batalla desesperada, tratando de salvar siete casas históricas de la bola de demolición de H.I.S.D. Una notación triste – ¡NO es la primera vez que el Distrito nos ha “pegado”! Cuando se edificó la escuela Ortiz en Telephone Road, se tomaron siete casas históricas innecesariamente. La línea de propiedad oeste de la escuela podría haber sido movido adelante en vez de estar en la calle, así salvando las casas. Todavía hubiera quedado una cantidad tremenda del área para el atletismo disponible. Las siete casas en Glen Loch, 8526, 8530, 8538, 8542, 8546, 8550, & 8554, se sacrifican para que una escuela de 900 estudiantes se edifique en siete acres y medio. Se le explicó a la comunidad en febrero, en la reunión inicial con la comunidad, que una escuela de este tamaño necesitaba un mínimo de diez acres. De los 7 ½ acres, reste medio acre para el estanque de detención que tiene que estar en el sitio y con cerca. Eso quiere decir que habrá mínimo espacio del patio para los niños y el Parque S.P.A.R.K. se eliminará.
The seven homes on Glen Loch, 8526, 8530, 8538, 8542, 8546, 8550, & 8554, are being Helpful Numbers sacrificed so that a school for 900 students Deed Restrictions Karen Carpenter 713-640-1336 can be built on seven and a half acres. The Or Any Director community was told in February, at the initial Community Meeting, that a school of this Citizens-on Patrol 713-641-5373 size needed a minimum of ten acres. From HPD Broadway Storefront the 7 ½ acres, subtract a ½ acre for the re713-847-4155 - 8751 Broadway taining pond that must be on site and fenced. Non-Emergency Police That means there will be minimal playground 713-884-3131 space for the children and the S.P.A.R.K. Heavy Trash Pick-up Park will be eliminated. La escuela va a ser tan grande que ya no po2nd Thursday of each month Southeast - 713-928-4101 The school will be so large it can not front on drá enfrentarse en Rockhill. La fachada de la Rockhill any longer. The front of the school escuela estará en Tipperary. Habrá un camiNeighborhood Protection/ Public Works will be on Tipperary. There will be a drive- no de entrada paralelo a la frontera del sur de 24 hour number - 311 way parallel to Center Point’s Drouet Substa- la subestación de CenterPoint en Drouet, con Airport Noise tion’s south boundary, with entry from Tip- la entrada de Tipperary y la salida en Glen 281-233-3900 perary and exit on Glen Loch. It will be the Loch. Servirá para reparto Y para autobuses. Street light problems - 311 delivery AND bus driveway. There is no No hay espacio para crecer, significando la District Council Member James Rodriguez 832-393-3011 room for growth, meaning the addition of adición de “aulas temporáneas” si la inscripE-mail: districtI@cityofhouston.net “temporary classrooms” if the enrollment ción se aumenta. increases. State Representative Dist. 147 La escuela-monstruo podría ser más fácil de Garnet Coleman 713-520-5355
E-mail garnet.coleman@house.state.tx.us
State Senator Dist. 6 Mario Gallegos 713-678-8600
E-mail mario.gallegos@senate.state.tx.us
The monster school might be easier to deal with if it served Glenbrook Valley, but it doesn’t. It only serves the students that live South of Bellfort. (Students North of Bellfort
aceptar si sirviera a Glenbrook Valley, pero no es así. Solamente sirve a los estudiantes que viven al sur de Bellfort. (Los estudiantes al norte de Bellfort tienen que asistir a las
Glenbrook Valley Civic Club glenbrookvalleycivicclub@hotmail.com
have to attend Cornelius and Park Place.) Ninety per cent of the students zoned to Lewis are from apartments. Acquiring property on Broadway or expanding the existing facility on Bellfort was suggested and rejected by the District. When H.I.S.D. approached us soliciting our support for the 2007 Bond election, no mention was made of what the size of the school would be or the ramifications of a rebuild. They had no difficulty communicating with us then, but certainly turned a deaf ear to us in our pleas to save our Historic Homes. ★ escuelas Cornelius y Park Place.) Noventa por ciento de los estudiantes en la zona de Lewis son de los apartamentos. Se sugirió adquirir propiedad en Broadway o ampliar la facilidad ya existente en Bellfort pero esto se rechazó por el Distrito. Cuando H.I.S.D. nos acercó solicitando nuestro apoyo en la elección de bonos de 2007, no se mencionó cuál seria el tamaño de la escuela o las ramificaciones de la reconstrucción. No tenían ninguna dificultad comunicarse con nosotros entonces, pero de veras hacían oídos sordos a nuestras suplicas para salvar nuestras casas históricas. ★
“Shack School” on Rockhill The corner on Rockhill and Glen Valley is now home to the “temporary” Lewis Elementary School. We’ve had numerous calls from Glenbrook Valley residents, as well as Meadowbrook Freeway and Gulf Freeway Oaks wanting to know what’s going on. There will be close to 50 buildings there
Advertising space Available for information call 713-643-7643 August, 2009
when the set-up is complete. It will Set a goal to mail the petition you put be the home to Lewis for approxi- in a “safe place” by September 1st! Can’t find the safe place? You may mately 2 years. call any of us listed on the left side of A word to the wise: do not drive page 1 and we’ll be happy to deliver down the 7900 block of Rockhill bea petition to you, or go to glenbrooktween 3 and 3:30 p.m. on school valley.org to download your petition. days! ★ Encourage your neighbors to sign as well! ★ “Escuela de chozas”
en Rockhill
Progreso histórico
La esquina de Rockhill y Glen Valley ahora es el domicilio de la escuela Lewis Elementary “temporánea”. Hemos recibido numerosas llamadas de residentes de Glenbrook Valley, tan bien como de Meadowbrook Freeway y Gulf Freeway Oaks queriendo saber qué pasa.
Los esfuerzos continúan para alcanzar nuestra meta de 750 peticiones firmadas. Muchas gracias si usted ya sometió su petición. A la hora de publicación teníamos un pico más que 300 peticiones completadas. ¡Trabajo fantástico! En julio tuvimos un “social de limonada” y caminaHabrá a eso de 50 edificios allí cuan- mos cuadra por cuadra por el cuaddo acaban de disponer todo. Será la rante sudoeste de la vecindad. Nos dirección de Lewis por aproximada- divertimos mucho y conocimos a mente 2 años. muchos vecinos. Se necesitan veciUna palabra de sabiduría: ¡no maneje nos trabajando juntos para crear una por la cuadra 7900 de Rockhill entre vecindad próspera. las 3 y 3:30 de la tarde en los días de El 15 de agosto de las 10 a.m. hasta escuela! ★ las 2 p.m., caminaremos por el cuadrante sudeste para coleccionar petiHistoric Progress ciones firmadas. De modo que si The efforts continue to reach our goal usted vive en la Sección 4, 6, o 10, of 750 signed petitions. THANK por favor venga a su puerta cuando YOU if you have already submitted tocamos, y firme su petición. your petition. At press time we have just over 300 completed petitions. Fantastic job! In July we had a “Lemonade Social” and block walked the Southwest quadrant of the neighborhood. They were great fun and we met many neighbors. It takes neighbors working together to create a prosperous neighborhood. August 15th from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. we’ll be walking the Southeast quadrant to gather signed petitions. So if you live in Sections 4, 6, or 10, please answer your door when we knock and sign your petition.
¿Pensó enviar la petición que guardó en un “lugar seguro” por el primero de septiembre? ¿No puede encontrar el lugar seguro? Puede llamar
Helen Guillory Real Estate Helping neighbors with homes in Glenbrook Valley since 1970
By Appointment 713-643-4611 or 713-825-7088 (cell) 713-644-1343
hguillory1@aol.com Page 2
cualquier de nosotros listados a la izquierda de la página 1 y con mucho gusto entregaremos una petición a usted, o puede visitar glenbrookvalley.org para bajar su petición. ¡Anime a sus vecinos que firmen ellos también! ★
HEAVY TRASH Facts Glenbrook Valley’s Heavy Trash pick up is the second Thursday of each month. Not all materials are picked up each Trash Day. Odd numbered months are “tree waste” only! Even numbered months are “junk waste” – think “even junk is picked up!”
Violations should be turned in to 311 and are enforced by Neighborhood Protection, the Houston Police Department, and the Houston Fire Department. Additional information is available on the City’s web site under Solid Waste Management Department. houstontx.gov
Los hechos de la basura pesada
El día de la recolección de la basura pesada para Glenbrook Valley es el segundo jueves de cada mes. No todos los materiales se coleccionan cada día de basura. ¡Los meses impares son “Tree waste” is defined as “clean para “deshechos de árboles” solamenwood waste”, which consists of tree te! Los meses pares son para basura limbs, branches or stumps only. pesada. “Junk waste” is used to describe “Desechos Verdes” se define como items previously referred to as “residuo de madera limpia, que consta “heavy trash” such as furniture, ap- de ramas de árboles grandes o pequepliances, limited building materials, ñas y arbustos. and other bulky material. “Basura Pesada” se define como artíA maximum of four cubic yards of culos tales como muebles, electrodobuilding material (not to include mésticos y otros materiales voluminoroofing shingles, brick, plaster or sos. concrete) generated by the resident in connection with the maintenance of Un máximo de cuatro yardas cúbicas the residential property may be col- de material de construcción (excepto tejas, ladrillos, yeso u hormigón) genelected rado por el residente debido al manteTrash left on the curb more than 7 nimiento o remodelación de la propiedays is subject to be fined. Fines for dad residencial se puede coleccionar. the first conviction are no less than $50. and no more than $2,000. Each Basura dejada en el bordillo por más subsequent conviction is punishable que 7 días está sujeto a una multa. La by a fine of no less than $250. nor multa por la primera infracción será no more than $2,000 each day that the menos que $50 y no más que $2,000. Cada infracción subsiguiente se penaliviolation continues. za por una multa no menos que $250, ni más que $2,000 cada día que continúa la infracción.
Mario N. Ramirez, LUTCF Exclusive Agent Auto, Property, Life, Business Allstate Insurance Company 8876 Gulf Frwy., Suite 100 Houston, TX 77061 Bus. (713)944-4990 FAX (713)944-5997
August, , 2009
Las infracciones se deben reportar a 311 y se hacen cumplir por la Protección de la Vecindad, el Departamento de Policía de Houston, y el Departamento de Bomberos de Houston. Información adicional está en el sitio Web de la Ciudad debajo de Solid Waste Management Department. houstontx.gov. glenbrookvalley.org
You are the eyes and ears of the neighborhood S t o p, L o o k
Report Problems! Reinvest in your property! Invierta de Nuevo en su propiediad! Protect & support your neighborhood! Proteja y apoye su vecindario! Join the Civic Club! Júntese con el club cívicio! $35.00 per year! $35.00 el año! $25.00 for seniors $25. al año la gente de mayor edad ___________________________ Name as you want it to appear on the newsletter / Nombre ___________________________ Address / Dirección ___________________________ Telephone number / Teléfono número
Mail to : / Envie a : Glenbrook Valley Civic Club P.O. Box 262164
Shawn McNair 281-488-8726
• • • • •
Interior & Exterior Paint Sheetrock Installation/Repair Rotten Wood Repair Staining & Faux Finishing Fences, Decks & Ramps
www.SoutheastPainting.com Bonded & insured
Page 3
Do you have your “hurricane plan” in place? It’s that time again. The time to start getting prepared is NOW. Make a list of the things you will need, important papers, house and health insurance as well as other important documents; food, canned goods and other nonperishables; water, a gallon per person per day and extra for pets; medication, for yourself and your pets; gasoline and batteries. Remember you don’t have to buy everything at once, with each visit to a store you can pick up 1 or 2 items that way you are not busting your budget. If you decide to leave town, be sure to let someone know where you are going and where you can be reached. Prepare your belongings in advance. More information and a complete list of supplies are available from the Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Management’s (OHSEM) web site at http:// www.hcoem.org. You can also get information from many local libraries and at grocery stores in the Greater Houston area. “BE PREPARED AND BE SAFE!”
extended an invitation to come and visit during the ‘facelift’ and announced that they will have an ‘Open House’ as soon as the office is completed. Officer Montoya, of the Broadway Storefront, attended our last C.O.P. meeting and brought us up to date on some of the crimes in the area. He also gave us the new Houston Police Department’s Geographic Information Systems website: www.http://mycity.houstontx.gov/ crime. This site can give you the crime stats in our area and is updated almost daily. Again, please report any crimes, loud noises/music or suspicious activity to the Houston Police Department HPD Dispatch Center 9-1-1 for Emergency /Life Threatening Calls or 713-884-3131 for Non-emergency Calls and don’t
Crime Statistics for March, 2009 Murder:
Your Neighborhood
August, 2009
The next meeting of the Glenbrook Valley Citizens on Patrol will be on Monday, August 17, 2009, at 7:00 p.m. at the Park Place Library, 8145 Park Place. We hope you will attend and bring a friend. ★
Curbside Recycle Green Bins Recycle -Thursday, Aug. 13 Recycle -Thursday, Aug. 27 Recycle -Thursday, Sept. 10
"Thursday" August 13 Junk Waste
Robbery 7600 Drouet Assaults: 7700 Lakewind 7700 Rockhill
The Broadway Storefront Police Sub- Burglary: 6700 Hollygrove station is undergoing both a face lift 7500 Wilmerdean and extending its hours of operation to 7700 Wilmerdean Monday thru Saturday. They have 8700 Dover
Bruce A. Matson ___D.D.S.__
forget to call Citizens’ on Patrol. The Police must be informed of activity in order to maintain law and order while patrolling Glenbrook Valley. The more Police patrols we have, hopefully the less crime we will have.
All items accepted Junk & Tree City may run behind schedule. To report problems or Code Violations—311
Burglary of Motor Vehicle: 7800 Broadview
Signature Selection Interior Design
Auto Theft: 7900 Glenview 8400 Glencross
Update or redecorate within your budget!
Narcotics: 0 DWI:
Statistics collected are for Glenbrook Valley residential only and exclude apartments, shopping centers and peripheral businesses. This data is reported as supplied by H.P.D. Crime Reglenbrookvalley.org
Call for a FREE in home consultation! Call Angela or Saundra 832-851-7776 or 713-203-0585 website: www.ssinteriordesign.com
Page 4
Yard Of the Month
August Yard of the Month Winners Northeast Shannon McNair 7834 Santa Elena
Southeast Khiet Nguyen & Phong Uong 7943 Pecan Villas
Do you know me?? Thursday afternoon, July 23rd I was wandering the streets in the Northeast quadrant of Glenbrook Valley when I stopped at some nice ladies’ house. They are being very kind to me until my family comes for me. Even though I have serious vision problems, my new friends think I’m very well mannered.
Mrs. Adela Hughes 7638 Drouet
If I’m a member of your family, or you know my family, or if you’d be interested in adopting me, please call Amanda at 832-549-1726 or Theresa at 832-865-3707.
Southwest II
¿¿Me conoce??
Southwest I
Paula & Rusty Beyer 7531 Wilmerdean
Northwest Eloy & Augustina Giatan 8118 Colgate
All residences are eligible to win the “Yard of the Month!”
El jueves por la tarde, el 23 de julio, estaba callejeando por el cuadrante noreste de Glenbrook Valley cuando me paré en la casa de unas damas simpáticas. Me están cuidando con mucho cariño hasta que me familia venga a recogerme. Aunque tengo algunos problemas serios de la visión, mis amigas nuevas piensan que soy muy bien educada. Si soy parte de su familia, o si usted conoce a mi familia, o si a usted le interesaría adoptarme, por favor llame a Amanda en el 832-549-1726 o a Theresa en 832-865-3707.
¡Todas las residencias son elegibles para ganar "Jardín del Mes!" Hobby Area Estate Sale Service Phone/Fax: 713-649-9545 haess_zalar@yahoo.com www.hobbyareaestatesaleservicehaess.com
E.T. Unlimited Home Repairs
281-332-4568 E.T. Baty, III, Craftsman August, , 2009
Community Calendar Thursday, Aug. 13 P.I.P. 7:00 p.m. 8300 Mykawa All residents welcome!
Saturday, Aug. 15 Historic Petition Canvass Southeast quadrant 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Monday, Aug.17 C.O.P. 7:00 P.M. Park Place Regional Library 8145 Park Place Blvd. All residents welcome!
September Fund raising effort
Community Sale
George’s Pizzaria And
Italian Cuisine Buon Appetito!
Dr. Clay McCreary Bellfort Animal Hospital 6633 BELLFORT HOUSTON, TX 77087
Grooming & Boarding Clinic: 713-643-2626 Emergency:713-941-8460 M-F: 8-12:00am 2-5:30pm Sat.: 8am-1:00pm glenbrookvalley.org
7430 Park Place
Houston, TX 77087 713713-644644-3223
Page 5
Glenbrook Valley Newsletter
DATED MATERIAL! Deliver Promptly, Do not hold.
Saturday August 15th Southeast quadrant Historic Petition Canvass
Robert Searcy TEXAS REAL ESTATE & Co. 832-279-5332 direct rsp324@msn.com
PM &
713-644-9285 6734 Rupley Circle
TOOL’S PLUMBING 713-991-1732 MPL# 16153
Plumbing Repairs Gas Tests New Installations Water Heaters Water-Sewer-Gas Lines Sewer & Drain Cleaning