2010 Officers President Ann Collum 713-645-0241 Vice President Shannon McNair 713-847-6685 Recording Secretary Alsine Ryan 713-641-3670 Membership Secretary Norma Navarro 713-645-3409 Treasurer Vicky Schoppe 713-643-7643
Directors at Large 713-645-5936 Jamie Oyler (NE) Roxanna Ramirez (NW) 713-644-5860 Saundra Hughes (SWI) 713-645-7617 Dolores Thacker (SWII) 713-645-1886 Gilbert Martinez (SE) 713-643-1735
Section Directors 1. Karen Guerrero 713-645-4625 2. Billimarie Gannon 713-644-8110 3. Robert Searcy 832-279-5332 4. Emma Valdes 713-644-0858 5. Larry Rucker 713-649-3535 6. Robert Searcy/Interim 832-279-5332 7. Allison Kennedy 281-501-9512 7X. Bob Johnston 713-644-4212 8. Karen Kemper 713-641-1469 9. Carrie O’Brien 713-880-3787 10. Karen Carpenter 713-640-1336 11. 12. Michael Smith 832-656-5665
Helpful Numbers Deed Restrictions Karen Carpenter 713-6401336 Or Any Director Citizens-on Patrol 713-641-5373 HPD Broadway Storefront 713-847-4155 8751 Broadway Non-Emergency Police 713-884-3131 Heavy Trash Pick-up 2nd Thursday of each month Southeast - 713-928-4101
Neighborhood Protection/ Public Works 24 hour number - 311
Airport Noise 281-233-3900
Street light problems - 311 District Council Member James Rodriguez 832-393-3011 E-mail: districtI@cityofhouston.net
State Representative Dist. 147 Garnet Coleman 713-520-5355 E-mail garnet.coleman@house.state.tx.us
State Senator Dist. 6
Glenbrook Valley Civic Club “Glenbrook Valley Is A Deed Restricted Neighborhood” August
City of Houston calls a Community meeting in Glenbrook Valley
La Ciudad de Houston anuncia una reunión en Glenbrook Valley
The Planning and Development Department will hold a Community Meeting in Glenbrook Valley on Thursday, August 5 from 6 - 8 p.m. at Glenbrook Methodist Church, 8635 Glen Valley. Please save the date and attend the meeting!
El Departamento de Planificación y Desarrollo tendrá una reunión comunitaria en Glenbrook Valley jueves, el 5 de agosto de 6 - 8 p.m. en la iglesia Glenbrook Methodist, 8635 Glen Valley. ¡Por favor guarde la fecha y asista a la reunión!
City Council has proposed a change in the Historic Preservation Ordinance in regard to the Certificate of Appropriateness' 90 day waiver. The purpose of this gathering is to present the proposed change to the community, answer questions, and clear misconceptions about the changes.
El Consejo Municipal ha propuesto un cambio en la Ordenanza de preservación histórica en tanto a la renuncia de 90 días del Certificado de Propiedad. El propósito de esta reunión es para presentar el cambio propuesto a la comunidad, contestar preguntas, y aclarar conceptos erróneos acerca de los cambios.
Produced by the Houston Fire Department Public Affairs Office
Heat Exhaustion is caused by over exposure to high temperatures usually combined with high humidity and strenuous physical activity. If not treated immediately, heat exhaustion can lead to heat stroke which can cause organ failure, brain damage and death. In most cases, you can treat heat exhaustion yourself by following the tips listed here. 1. Rest in a cool place. Getting into an airconditioned building is best, but at the least, find a shady spot. Rest on your back with your legs elevated higher than your heart level. 2. Drink cool fluids. Stick to water or sports drinks. Don’t drink any beverages that have alcohol or caffeine, either of which can contribute to fluid loss. 3. Apply cool water to your skin. If possible, take a cool shower or soak in a cool
Produced by the Houston Fire Department Public Affairs Office
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre el agotamiento de calor y un ataque de calor? El agotamiento de calor es la reacción de su cuerpo a la pérdida excesiva de agua y sal contenido en el sudor. El agotamiento de calor generalmente se asocia con la actividad pesada o el esfuerzo. Síntomas del agotamiento de calor incluyen: el sudor profuso la palidez los calambres de los músculos la debilidad el vertigo el dolor de cabeza la nausea el vómito el pulso débil pero rápido el desmayo la piel fresca y húmeda Si no lo trata, el agotamiento de calor puede llevar a un ataque de calor. refrescar debido al fallo del sistema de sudar. La temperatura del cuerpo puede elevarse a 106º o más dentro de 10 minutos, que puede causar incapacidad perma-
Mario Gallegos 713-678-8600 E-mail mario.gallegos@senate.state.tx.us
Glenbrook Valley Civic Club glenbrookvalleycivicclub@hotmail.com
bath. Don’t use alcohol on your skin. 4. Loosen clothing. Remove any unnecessary clothing and make sure your clothes aren’t binding. If you don’t begin to feel better within a half-hour using these treatment measures, seek prompt medical attention. You may be given intravenous (IV) fluids to help you rehydrate. Immersion in cold water, misting your skin, and placing you in front of fans or using cold or ice packs and cooling blankets are some of the techniques that may be used to bring down your body temperature.
nente como daño al cerebro, fallo de un órgano o aun la muerte si no se provee tratamiento de emergencia. Síntomas de un ataque de calor incluyen: la tempera-
• Paleness • Muscle cramps • Weakness • Dizziness • Headache • Nausea • Vomiting • Weak but rapid pulse • Fainting • Cool, moist skin If left untreated, heat exhaustion can lead to heat stroke. Heat Stroke occurs when the body’s temperature rises rapidly and is unable to cool down due to the failure of the sweating system. Body temperature may rise to 106° or higher within 10 minutes which can cause permanent disability like brain damage, organ failure or even death if emergency treatment is not provided. Heat stroke symptoms include: • Extremely high body temperature (above 103°F orally) • Red, hot, dry skin • No sweating • Very rapid, strong pulse • Throbbing headache • Dizziness • Nausea • Confusion • Unconsciousness
tura del cuerpo sumamente alta (más que 103º oralmente) la piel roja, caliente, y seca no sudar el pulso muy rápido y fuerte un dolor de cabeza punzante el vertigo la nausea la confusion la falta de consciencia. La gente de mayor edad, los niños hasta cuatro años de edad, los que pesan demasiado o que sufren de una condición respiratoria o cardíaca son especialmente vulnerables al ataque de calor y el agotamiento de calor. The elderly, children up to
four years of age, those who are overweight or suffering form respiratory or heart conditions are particularly vulQ. What is the difference between nerable to to heat stroke and heat exhaustion and heat stroke? A. Heat Exhaustion is your heat exhaustion. KNOW THE SIGNS OF HEAT STROKE
body reacting to the excessive loss of water and salt contained in your sweat. Heat exhaustion is usually associated with heavy activity or exertion. Symptoms of heat exhaustion include: • Profuse sweating August, 2010
MORE YOU CAN DO TO AVOID HEAT RELATED ILLNESSES • Pay attention to the weather advisories. • Drink plenty of water or electrolyte replacement beverages. • Avoid drinks that contain caffeine, alcohol or large amounts of sugar. These drinks can result in dehydration by allowing the body to lose a large amount of fluids. • Take frequent breaks in the shade or an air conditioned facility when working or exercising outside. • Wear lightweight, light-colored, loose-fitting clothing that permits the evaporation of perspiration. Also wear a wide-brimmed, loosefitting hat that allows ventilation and helps protect from sunburn. • Take cool showers or baths during the day. Or visit your neighborhood pool for a cool swim. • If you know of an elderly person that might be at risk for a heat related illness, visit them on a regular basis during these hot months or have a friend or relative stop by and check on them. You are the eyes and ears of the neighborhood!
Helen Guillory Real Estate Helping neighbors with homes in Glenbrook Valley since 1970
By Appointment 713-643-4611 or 713-825-7088 (cell) 713-644-1343
Page 2
MÁS QUE USTED PUEDE HACER PARA EVITAR LA ENFERMEDAD RELACIONADA AL CALOR Preste atención a las alertas del tiempo Beba agua suficiente o bebidas que reemplazan electrólitos • Evite bebidas que contienen cafeína, alcohol, o cantidades grandes de azúcar. Estas bebidas pueden resultar en la deshidratación por permitir que el cuerpo pierda cantidades grandes del líquido. • Tome descansos frecuentes en la sombra o en una facilidad climatizada cuando trabaja o hace ejercicio afuera. • Lleve ropa ligera, de color claro y suelta que permite la evaporación del sudor. También lleva un sombrero suelto con ala ancha que permite la ventilación y ayuda a proteger de la quemadura del sol. • Tome duchas o baños frescos durante el día. O visite la piscina de su vecindad para una natación refrescante. Si usted sabe de una persona de mayor edad que puede estar en peligro de una enfermedad relacionada al calor, visítelo regularmente durante estos meses calurosos o haga que un amigo o pariente pase por allí para comprobar cómo está. •
Mario N. Ramirez, LUTCF\Exclusive Agent Auto, Property, Life, Business Allstate Insurance Company 8876 Gulf Frwy., Suite 100 Houston, TX 77061 Bus. (713)944-4990 FAX (713)944-5997
E-mail— MarioNRamirez@allstate.com
August, 2010
TIPS TO KEEP YOU COOL THIS SUMMER Produced by the Houston Fire Department Public Affairs Office
Summer in Houston is especially hard on the elderly and low income families who are afraid they cannot afford higher electric bills. Although many have air conditioners, they leave them off to save money. This can save money but the severe build up of heat in the home can also kill. Contact your electricity provider to discuss possible payment plans. Many providers will allow the payments covering the extra high costs to be deferred until September. These providers can set up an easy payment installment plan that will allow you to pay off the excessive costs over time. Therefore you can continue to use your air conditioner without fear of disconnection. STAY INSIDE IF POSSIBLE It is recommended that you stay inside in an air conditioned home or other facility as much as possible during these extremely hot summer months. There are other types of facilities you can visit that you might not think of. These are: • Movie theaters • Shopping malls • Libraries • Neighborhood multi-service centers It is advised to limit your outdoor activity, if possible, to early morning or evening when it is cooler. If you must be outdoors during the day and are unaccustomed to the severe heat, start slowly and gradually build up your tolerance to the heat over the next several weeks.
Consejos para mantenerse refrescado este verano glenbrookvalley.org
El verano en Houston es especialmente duro para la gente de mayor edad y las familias de ingresos mínimos que tienen miedo de no poder pagar las facturas de servicio eléctrico más altas. Aunque muchos tienen acondicionador de aire, no los planean usar para ahorrar dinero. Esto puede ahorrar dinero pero el aumento severo de calor en la casa también puede matar. Comunique con su proveedor de la electricidad para discutir planes posibles de pago. Muchos proveedores permitirán que aplace los pagos que cubren los costos más altos hasta septiembre. Estos proveedores pueden arreglar un plan de pagar a plazos que permitirá que pague los costos excesivos poco a poco. Así puede seguir usando su acondicionador de aire sin miedo de la desconexión. Quédese adentro si le sea posible Se recomienda que se quede adentro en una casa u otra facilidad aire acondicionada tanto como le sea posible durante estos meses de calor extremo. Hay otras clases de facilidades que puede visitar que quizás no haya tenido en cuenta. Son: • Teatros del cine • Centros comerciales • Bibliotecas • Centros multi-servicios de vecindades Se avisa limitar su actividad de afuera, si es posible, a las mañanas temprano o tarde por la tarde cuando hace más fresco. Si tiene que estar afuera durante el día y no está acostumbrado al calor severo, comience lentamente y aumente su tolerancia al calor gradualmente durante varias semanas.
THINGS TO REMEMBER! 1. NEVER, under any circumstances, leave a child, senior citizen Page 3
or pet unattended in a vehicle. Temperatures in a sealed car can reach deadly levels in a just a few minutes. To help you remember who may be in the back seat, place a reminder such as a stuffed animal, article of clothing or a dog toy in the front seat so it can be visible when you exit the vehicle. 2. Electric Fans: Although electric fans may provide some comfort, when the temperatures reach into the 90’s, these fans are only circulating hot, humid air which can accelerate body heating and raise the internal body temperature. This can lead to heat stroke and death. You must use air conditioners that circulate refrigerated air to maintain a cool body temperature. 3. Air Conditioners: Have a certified professional inspect your air conditioning system every year, before the hot summer months begin, to assure you that you will be cool and comfortable all summer long. 4. Pets: If possible, leave your pets inside during the day. If you have to leave your pets outdoors, makes sure they have plenty of shade and water. For
Bruce A. Matson ___D.D.S.__ Your Neighborhood
August, 2010
more information please visit: www.houstonfire.org
¡COSAS PARA RECORDAR! 1. NUNCA, por ninguna razón, deje a un niño, una persona de mayor edad o una mascota descuidado en un vehículo. Las temperaturas en un carro cerrado pueden llegar a niveles que matan en unos pocos minutos. Para ayudarle a recordar quién puede estar en el asiento de atrás, ponga un recuerdo como un animal de peluche, un artículo de la ropa o un juguete en el asiento de enfrente de manera que será visible cuando sale del vehículo. 2. Abanicos eléctricos: Aunque los abanicos eléctricos pueden proveer alguna comodidad, cuando las temperaturas llegan a los 90’s, estos abanicos nada más circulan aire caliente y húmeda que puede acelerar la calentura del cuerpo y levantar la temperatura interna del cuerpo. Esto puede conducir a un ataque de calentura y la muerte. Es necesario usar acondicionadores de aire que circulan el aire refrigerado para mantener una temperatura del cuerpo fresca. 3. Acondicionadores de aire: Haga que un profesional certificado inspeccione su sistema de acondicionadores de aire cada año, antes de que comiencen los meses calenturosos del verano, para asegurar que esté refrescado y confortable todo el verano. 4. Mascotas: Cuando quiera que sea posible, deje sus mascotas adentro durante el día. Si necesita dejar sus mascotas afuera, asegúrese que tengan sombra y agua amplia. Para más información favor de visitar: www.houstonfire.org glenbrookvalley.org
Community Calendar Thursday, August 5 City Of Houston Community Meeting 7 p.m. Glenbrook Methodist Church 8635 Glen Valley
Thursday, August 12 P.I.P. 7:00 p.m. 8300 Mykawa All residents welcome!
Monday, August 16 C.O.P. 6:30 P.M. Park Place Regional Library 8145 Park Place Blvd. All residents welcome!
Saturday, August 14 Historic Petition Block Walk It’s not to late to sign your petition!
Signature Selection Interior Design Update or redecorate within your budget!
Call for a FREE in home consultation! Call Angela or Saundra 832-851-7776 or 713-203-0585 website: www.ssinteriordesign.com
Page 4
Yard Of the Month
July Yard of the Month Winners Northeast
Raymond Crow 8214 Glencrest
Be safe. Remove your home address as “Home” or “Start” from your GPS. If you have your home Southeast phone listed in your cell phone The Sanchez Family change it from “Home” to your 7910 Bellfort name. The best policy is do not ever leave valuables in your car. Southwest I Also, be careful where you park Ann Collum and periodically (daily) walk 7511 Glenbrae around your car and inspect it for oddities. Glenbrook Valley Citizens Southwest II on Patrol meets the third Monday Purdencio Reyna & Rodney Agnew of each month at 6:30 pm at the 7751 Cayton Park Place Library. Please come and see what we’re all about! Our Northwest next meeting will be Monday, AuJohn Rosales gust 16, 2010 at 6:30 pm at the 8227 Colgate Park Place Library; we look forward to seeing you there.
Sugerencia para GPS Esté seguro. Quite su dirección de casa como "Home" o "Start" en su GPS. Si tiene listado su teléfono de casa en su teléfono celular cámbielo de "Home" a su nombre. La política mejor es nunca dejar cosas valiosas en su carro. También, tenga cuidado donde estaciona y periódicamente (diariamente) camine alrededor de su carro e inspecciónelo por irregularidades. Los Ciudadanos en Patrulla Glenbrook Valley se reúnen el tercer lunes de cada mes a las 6:30 en la biblioteca Park Place. iPor favor venga y vea lo que hacemos! Nuestra próxima reunión será el lunes, 16 de agosto, 2010 a las 6:30 en la biblioteca Park Place; esperamos verlo(la) a usted allí. August, 2010
All residences are eligible to win the “Yard of the Month!”
¡Todas las residencias son elegibles para ganar "Jardín del Mes!"
Labor Day Garbage Pick-up Monday, September 6 is Labor Day No City services; no garbage collectionTuesday, September 7 Monday pick-up schedule will be followedWednesday, September 8 - Tuesday pick-up schedule will be followed. WEDNESDAY WILL BE GL E NB R O OK VA L L E Y ' S GARBAGE PICK-UP DAY!!
La recolección de la basura en el Dia de los trabajadores (Labor Day) Lunes, el 6 de septiembre es el Dia de los trabajadores. No habrá servicios de la ciudad; no habrá recolección de la basura Martes, el 7 de septiembre - se seguirá el horario de la recolección para lunes Miércoles, el 8 de septiembre - se seguirá el horario de la recolección para martes.
Curbside Recycle “Green” Cans Tuesday, June 1 Tuesday, June 16 Tuesday, June 29
Second Thursday June YOM Correction Southwest I winners for July were the "Cardoza Family," apologies from the editor.
June 10 JUNK WASTE To report problems or Code Violations—311
Page 5
Crime Statistics for March 2010 Murder:
Robbery 0 Assaults: 7900 Rockhill Burglary: 7600 Glenview 7900 Glenview Theft:
7700 Wynlea 7600 Glenview 7900 Glen Dell Ct. 7900 Montglen 7900 Pecan Villas 8700 Glen Loch
Auto Theft: 2 - 7900 Glen Vista 8500 Dover Narcotics: 0 DWI:
To report problems, call your Section Director, Director-atLarge, or an Officer. We are all volunteers. Should it take longer than you feel is necessary to receive an answer to your question, please call back or call another Board member. Thank you for your cooperation!
City Ordinance Violations may be reported to Neighborhood Protection by dialing 311, or on line @ Houston.gov/311/ Select “Welcome to…...on line web request.” Giving your name is still your option.
Statistics collected are for Glenbrook Valley residential only and exclude apartments, shopping centers and peripheral businesses. This data is reported as supplied by H.P.D. Crime Reports.
The safest communities are the ones where the people are involved!
Reinvest in your property! Invierta de Nuevo en su propiediad! Protect & support your neighborhood! Proteja y apoye su vecindario! Join the Civic Club! Júntese con el club cívicio! $35.00 per year! $35.00 el año! $25.00 for seniors $25.00 al año la gente de mayor edad ___________________________ Name as you want it to appear on the newsletter / Nombre ___________________________ Address / Dirección ___________________________ Telephone number / Teléfono número
Mail to : / Envie a : Glenbrook Valley Civic Club P.O. Box 262164 Houston, TX 77207-2164
George’s Pizzeria And
Italian Cuisine Buon Appetito!
Hobby Area Estate Sale Service Phone/Fax: 713-649-9545 haess_zalar@yahoo.com www.hobbyareaestatesaleservicehaess.com
E.T. Unlimited No Job Too Big Free Estimates
281-332-4568 E.T. Baty, III, CraftsAugust, 2010
Dr. Clay McCreary Bellfort Animal Hospital 6633 BELLFORT HOUSTON, TX 77087
Grooming & Boarding Clinic: 713-643-2626 Emergency:713-941-8460 M-F: 8-12:00am 2-5:30pm Sat.: 8am-1:00pm glenbrookvalley.org
7430 Park Place
Houston, TX 77087 713713-644644-3223
Page 6
Gateway Hardware & Rental 6860 Telephone Rd Houston, TX 77061
713-643-0623 Under New Management “We are adding more products and services!” • Key Cutting • Glass Cutting •Tool Rental • Lawn & Garden • • Plumbing • Electrical Supplies
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Party Rentals (tables, chairs…) “coming soon”
Coming Soon
Special Orders augusto
Coupon Cupón
~Nursery~ Antique Roses
Residentes de
Gulf Coast native plants
Glenbrook Valley
Bonide products, Nitrophos
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August, 2010
Page 7
Glenbrook Valley Newsletter
DATED MATERIAL! Deliver Promptly, Do not hold.
City of Houston calls a Community Meeting Thursday August 5, 7 p.m. Glenbrook Methodist Church 8635 Glen Valley
Robert Searcy TEXAS REAL ESTATE & Co. 832-279-5332 direct rsp324@msn.com
PM &
TOOL’S PLUMBING 713-991-1732 MPL# 16153
713-644-9285 6734 Rupley Circle
Plumbing Repairs Gas Tests New Installations Water Heaters Water-Sewer-Gas Lines Sewer & Drain Cleaning