December 2014

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Officers President Ann Collum 713-645-0241 Vice President Shannon McNair 713-847-6685 Recording Secretary Allison Kennedy 713-855-4812 Membership Secretary Norma Navarro 713-645-3409 Treasurer Vicky Schoppe 713-643-7643

Directors at Large Yvette Miles (NE) Roxanna Ramirez (NW) Saundra Hughes (SWI) Dolores Thacker (SWII) Emmaj Valdes (SE)

713-818-8987 713-644-5860 713-645-7617 713-645-1886 713-644-0858

Section Directors 1. Cathy Sessums 2. Billimarie Gannon 3. Dianne Punch 4. Emma Valdes 5. Larry Rucker 6. Leticia Hernandez 7. Penny Frierson 7X. Fernando Cardoza 8. Karen Kemper 9. Bunnie O’Brien 10. Karen Carpenter 11. Cy Clark 12. Lorena Gomez

713-882-1624 713-644-8110 713-641-4420 713-644-0858 713-649-3535 713-359-9140 281-804-6231 713-643-6645 713-641-1469 713-880-3187 713-640-1336 713-855-8100 832-651-3943

Helpful Numbers For Deed Restriction questions call any Officer or Director City Deed Restriction Hot Line 832-393-6333 Citizens-on Patrol 713-645-1886 HPD Reports Non-Emergency Police 713-884-3131 Broadway Storefront 713-847-4155 Heavy Trash Pick-up 3rd Wednesday of each month; Report problems to 311

Neighborhood Protection/ Public Works 311

Airport Noise 281-233-1557

Street light problems 713-207-2222 District Council Member

Historic Glenbrook Valley Civic Club “Glenbrook Valley Is A Deed Restricted Neighborhood” December


December Events Eventos en diciembre Saturday, December 13 - Cookie Day Bring "holiday sweets," home made or store bought, on Saturday, December 13, at 10 a.m., to Glenbrook Methodist Church, 8635 Glen Valley @ Wilmerdean. We will assemble trays and deliver them to HPD Southeast, Broadway Storefront, Telephone Rd Storefront and Helicopter station, HFD stations 36, 26, and 29, and the Constable's office. It takes lots of sweets to fill all the trays. Please join the fun!!

Sábado, 13 de diciembre – Día para galletas Traiga “dulces festivos,” hechos en casa o comprados en la tienda, el sábado, 13 de diciembre, a las 10 a.m., a Glenbrook Methodist Church, 8635 Glen Valley @ Wilmerdean. Reuniremos bandejas y las entregaremos a HPD sureste, la estación Broadway, la estación Telephone Rd y la estación del helicóptero, HFD estaciones 36, 26, y 29, y la oficina de Condestable. Se necesitan muchos dulces para llenar todas las bandejas. ¡Favor de juntarse con la diversión!

Tuesday, December 16 - Holiday Judging The judges will be making their decisions on Tuesday evening, December 16. Please have your lights turned on as close to dark as possible. Winners are required to have their displays lighted through the end of the year, or forfeit the award. The judges are looking for creativity, thought, and effort. A theme works! The award categories are “Most Beautiful,” “Most Original,” and “Honorable Mention.”

Martes, 16 de diciembre – Juzgado festivo Los jueces harán sus decisiones el martes 16 de diciembre por la noche. Favor de tener sus luces puestas tan cerca del anochecer como le sea posible. Los ganadores se requieren tener sus luces puestas hasta el fin del año, o perder el premio. Los jueces están buscando la creatividad, el pensamiento, y el esfuerzo. ¡Un tema sirve! Las categorías de los premios son “Más bello,” “Más original,” y “Mención honorable.”

Robert Gallegos 832-393-3011 E-mail:

State Representative Dist. 147 Garnet Coleman 713-520-5355 E-mail

State Senator Dist. 6 Sylvia Garcia 713-923-7575

Glenbrook Valley Civic Club

Nominating Committee Report The Nominating Committee of the Glenbrook Valley Civic Club, chaired by Vicky Schoppe, presented the following slate of officers for 2013: President – Ann Collum; Vice-President – Shannon McNair; Recording Secretary – Allison Kennedy; Membership Secretary – Norma Navarro; Treasurer – Vicky Schoppe. Directors-at-Large: Northwest – Roxana Ramirez; Northeast – Cathy Sessums; Southeast – Emma Valdez; Southwest I – Saundra Hughes; Southwest II – Dolores Thacker. Directors: Section 1 – Yvette Miles; Section 3 – Dianne Punch; Section 7 - Penny Frierson; Section 7x – Fernando Cardoza; Section 9 – Bunnie O'Brien; Section 11 – Cy Clark. The Officers and Directors-atLarge are elected to one year terms. The Section Directors are elected to two year terms. Directors of odd numbered sections are elected in odd numbered years and Directors of even numbers are elected in even years. As per the By-Laws of the Club, vacancies

that occur on the Board are filled Dianne Punch; Sección 7 – Penny by appointment from the Board. Frierson; Sección 7x – Fernando Cardoza; Sección 9 – Bunnie O'The election of the 2015 officers Brien; Sección 11 – Cy Clark. will be held at the General Meeting on Thursday, January 15, Los Oficiales y Directores de 2015. At that time, nominations áreas son elegidos para servir por may be made from the floor. Each una duración de un año. Los Diperson nominated from the floor rectores de secciones son elegidos must be a member in good stand- por dos años. Los directores de las ing of the civic club and present to secciones de números impares son signify his or her willingness to be elegidos en los años de números nominated and serve if elected. impares, y los de números pares en los años de números pares. De Reporte del Comité de acuerdo con los estatutos del Club, los miembros de la Mesa Nombramiento Directiva se encargan de asignar a El Comité de Nombramiento del las posiciones vacantes de dicha Club Cívico de Glenbrook Valley, mesa directiva. presidiado por Vicky Schoppe, presentó la siguiente lista de can- La elección de los oficiales del didatos oficiales para el año 2009: año 2015 tomará lugar en la ReuPresidenta- Ann Collum; Vice- nión General, el jueves 15 de enepresidenta- Shannon McNair; Se- ro del 2015. En esa ocasión, se cretaria de documentos –Allison aceptarán nominaciones por parte Kennedy; Secretaria de membre- del público. Cada persona nomisía – Norma Navarro; Tesorera – nada así tiene que ser miembro/a Vicky Schoppe. Directores de del club cívico en buen estado y áreas: Noroeste – Roxana Rami- presente para significar su volunrez; Noreste – Cathy Sessums; tad de ser nominado/a y servir si Sureste – Emma Valdes; Suroeste elegido/a. I - Saundra Hughes; Suroeste II – Make time to Dolores Thacker. Directores: Sección 1 – Yvette Miles; Sección 3 –


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December, 2014

Page 2

2015 Membership Residents of Glenbrook Valley will soon be receiving your Civic Club Membership invoices. Please do your part in assisting the neighborhood to continue moving forward. Your contribution enables us to sponsor special improvement projects, publish and mail the newsletter as well as meet other needs as they arise. The annual membership fee is $35.00. Seniors 65 and over have the discounted rate of $25.00.

La membresía 2015 Pronto los residentes de Glenbrook Valley recibirán sus facturas de membresía en el club cívico. Por favor haga su parte de ayudar que la vecindad siga adelantándose. Su contribución nos permite patrocinar proyectos especiales de mejoramiento, publicar y enviar por correo el boletín tanto como satisfacer otras necesidades que pueden surgir. La cuota de membresía anual es $35.00. La gente de 65 años y más tienen una tasa de descuento de $25.00.

Yard Signs A friendly reminder, Glenbrook Valley is a deed restricted neighborhood. It is the responsibility of the Civic Club's Board of Directors to see that the restrictions are enforced. That being said, the only sign our deed restrictions permit on a property is a "For Sale" sign. Alarm signs are permitted by ordinance and should be small and placed within 36 inches of the home near the door. Texas law permits political signs for a candidate to be placed in a yard 90 days prior to an election. December, 2014

They must be removed within 10 days after the election. All other signage, political in nature or otherwise, is prohibited.

nals, and now law enforcement, to describe the stalking of potential victims as a prelude to burglary or robbery.

Jugging takes place when a criminal sees you with something he wants and he follows you until an opportunity is presented to take that “something” from you. It is employed in this manner… Criminal A is staking out the mall parkLetreros del jardín ing lot and sees Victim B exit the mall with loads of merchandise. Un recuerdo amistoso, They then lie in wait until the vicGlenbrook Valley es una vecindad tim loads the car and drives to the de restricciones de las escrituras. closest restaurant for that muchEs la responsabilidad de la Junta needed, after-shopping lunch stop. directiva hacer que se ejecuten las restricciones. Eso dicho, el único When Victim B parks the car at letrero que nuestras restricciones the local diner and heads inside, de las escrituras permiten es un out pops Criminal A, who breaks letrero "Para vender". Letreros de into the car, steals the merchanalarma se permiten por ordenanza dise and slips away unseen. y deben ser pequeños y colocados This growing crime is on the rise dentro de 36 pulgadas de la casa and it has many faces. Recently, cerca de la puerta. it was reported that jugging is on the rise in the Houston area. It’s La ley de Texas permite que letre- true! As criminals begin to emros políticos se coloquen en un ploy the work-smarter-not-harder jardín 90 días antes de una elec- tactic, they have become seasoned ción. Tienen que ser quitados de- professions at sizing, evaluating, ntro de 10 días después de la elec- stalking and stealing from their ción. Todo otro letrero, que sea victims. de carácter político u otro asunto, se prohíbe. Usually, however, the term jugging is reserved for those crimiTodos letreros políticos o cual- nals who steal from victims who quier otro letrero se deben remo- have just left a bank or ATM. ver inmediatamente. La ejecución This type of jugging, or bank jugde esta restricción estará a cargo del abogado del Club. Muchas gracias de antemano por su cumplimiento. All signs political or any other sign, should be removed from yards immediately. Enforcement of this restriction will be handled by the Club's attorney. Thank you in advance for your compliance.


What is JUGGING? Am I at Risk? from Constable Chris Diaz

Jugging is a term used by crimi

281.95.6395 Page 3

ging as it is known, puts the criminal in the prime spot for a big score. They watch from the bank parking lot, or somewhere closeby, and see who is leaving with a bank bag in their hand, who counts the most money at the teller machine, and who is carrying the thickest withdrawal envelope. Then, in hopes the victim will leave the money in the car when they exit to do other things, the bank juggers follow the inattentive victim to their next location. When the victim parks the car and disappears from view, the bank juggers quickly approach the victim’s vehicle, break into it, and steal the money. Surprisingly, more often than not, the money is left inside. When the victim returns to their vehicle, the money is gone and the juggers are nowhere to be seen. It’s as quick as that. Just in case you’re wondering, it can get much worse from there. Sometimes, desperate times breed desperate measures, and a breakin becomes a robbery.

“Jugging” es un término usado por criminales, y ahora el personal de la ley, para describir el acecho de víctimas potenciales como un preludio al robo. “Jugging” toma lugar cuando un criminal lo ve a usted con algo que quiere, y lo sigue hasta una oportunidad se presenta para tomar lo que quiere. Se emplea de esta manera… Criminal A está vigilando el centro comercial y ve a Victima B salir del centro con bastante mercancía. Luego espera hasta el victima carga el carro y maneja al restaurante más cercano para la parada para la comida tan deseada. Cuando Victima B estaciona el carro en el restaurante local y se va para adentro, entra el Criminal A, que irrumpe en el carro, roba la mercancía, y se va sin ser visto. Este creciente crimen va en aumento y tiene muchas caras. Recientemente, se reportó que está en aumento en el área Houston. ¡Es cierto! Mientras que los criminales comienzan a emplear esta táctica de trabajar-más-listo-nomás-duro, se han hecho profesionales sazonados para evaluar, acechar, y robar de sus víctimas.

So, from me to you, realize this crime is out there. Watch your rearview mirror. Keep your money hidden. Never leave your money in the car and always stay Generalmente, no obstante, el téralert. Complacency makes you an mino “jugging” se reserva para los criminales que roban de victimas easy target. que acaban de salir de un banco In the end, you are the greatest ATM. Este tipo de “jugging”, o guardian of your family and “bank jugging”, como se conoce, funds. Be safe, stay alert and pone al criminal en el lugar ideal Happy Holidays from your team para ganar muy bien. Miran desde at Harris County Constable’s OfOur Trash and Recycle Collecfice Precinct 2. tion will not be affected by the

¿Qué significa “JUGGING”? ¿Estoy a riesgo? Del Condestable Chris Diaz December, 2014

Community Calendar Thursday, December11 P.I.P 6:30 p.m. Covered Dish Celebration 8300 Mykawa

Everyone is welcome!

Saturday, Dec. 13 Cookies Collection for HPD & HFD

10 a.m. 8635 Wilmerdean @ Glen Valley Glenbrook Methodist Church

TUESDAY, Dec. 16 Holiday Decoration Judging

Thursday, January 15 Civic Club Annual Meeting 7 p.m.

Curbside Recycle “Green” Cans Tuesday, Dec. 9 Tuesday, Dec. 23 Tuesday, Jan. 6



holidays! ¡Nuestra recolección de la ba-

December 17

sura y el reciclaje no se afec-


tara por los días festivos!

Page 4

el estacionamiento del banco, o la oficina del Condestable del cualquier lugar cercano, y ve Condado de Harris, Precinto 2. quien sale con una bolsa del banco en la mano, quien cuenta más di- A Look Back at Bingo 2014 by Shannon McNair nero a la máquina del cajero, y quien lleva el sobre más grueso de Another great Bingo game and retirada bancaria. pot luck dinner is in the books. Luego, con esperanzas de que la It’s always fun for neighbors to víctima dejará el dinero en el ca- get together and visit with old rro cuando sale a hacer otras co- friends and make some new ones. sas, los “bank juggers” siguen el It was wonderful to see so many victima distraído a su siguiente of our newest neighbors there and ubicación. Cuando el victima esta- also District I City Councilman ciona el carro y desaparece de la Robert Gallegos. vista, los “bank juggers” rápidamente se acercan al vehículo de la A special thanks to our dedicated víctima, irrumpe en ello, y roban board members who met with area el dinero. Sorprendentemente, la businesses to solicit prizes and the mayoría de las veces, el dinero se residents who purchased great deja para adentro. Cuando el vic- prizes and gift cards for the tima regresa a su vehículo, el di- game.As usual we had great supnero no está y los “juggers” no se port from area businesses. Thanks to Pappas family of restaurants, ven. Es tan rápido como eso. Robert Searcy Properties, Houston En caso de que usted se está pre- Chronicle, Excello Cleaners, and guntando, se puede empeorar mu- Nancy Francis of Mary Kay for cho de allí. A veces, los tiempos their generous donations. Please desesperados se llevan a medidas remember to support our local desesperadas, y la entrada a fuer- businesses that support us. zas llega a ser robo. It’s wonderful to live in a De modo que, de mí para usted, dé neighborhood where we have opcuenta de que este crimen está allí. portunities to meet and socialize Mira por su espejo retrovisor. with each other. While we have to Mantenga su dinero escondido. wait until next September for Nunca deje dinero en el carro y Bingo night. siempre quédese atento. La complacencia lo hace un objetivo fácil. You are the eyes and Al final, usted es el guardián maears of the yor de su familia y sus fondos. neighborhood Esté seguro, quédese alerto y feliS t o p, L o o k ces días festivos de su equipo en Report Problems! Hobby Area Estate Sale Service Liquidation/Sale of Contents House, Garage, Attic & Storage Experienced, Friendly Service

Ustedes son los ojos y oídos de la vecindad. P á r e n s e, M i r e n

H.P.D. Crime Statistics are still NOT Available!


Save time &

money! Before you begin any structural work, including windows or front door, on your home submit your plans to the GBV ARB (Architectural Review Board.) . P. O. Box 262164 Houston, TX 77207-2164 Glenbrook Valley Architectural Review Board P. O. Box 262164 Houston, TX 77207-2164 Certificate of Appropriateness C of A Historicpreservation 713-837-7963 Building Permits City of Houston Permit Center 1002 Washington Ave 832-394-9000 HEATING & Air CONDITIONING TACLB28564E


Phone/Fax: 713-649-9545

December, 2014


Page 5


Historic Glenbrook Valley Newsletter DATED MATERIAL! Deliver Promptly, Do not hold.


“Thank you Cookies” Sat. Dec. 13, 10 a.m.

Glenbrook Methodist Church

8635 Glen Valley @ Wilmerdean

Holiday Decoration Judging December 16

Happy Holidays from your Civic Club

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832-279-5332 direct


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