December 2015

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Officers President Ann Collum 713-645-0241 Vice President Shannon McNair 713-847-6685 Recording Secretary Allison Kennedy 713-855-4812 Membership Secretary Norma Navarro 713-645-3409 Treasurer Vicky Schoppe 713-643-7643

Directors at Large Cathy Sessums (NE) Roxanna Ramirez (NW) Saundra Hughes (SWI) Dolores Thacker (SWII) Emma Valdes (SE)

713-882-1624 713-644-5860 713-645-7617 713-645-1886 713-644-0858

Section Directors 1. Yvette Miles 2. Billimarie Gannon 3. Dianne Punch 4. Emma Valdes 5. Larry Rucker 6. Leticia Hernandez 7. Penny Frierson 7X. Fernando Cardoza 8. Karen Kemper 9. Bunnie O’Brien 10. Karen Carpenter 11. Cy Clark 12. Lorena Gomez

713-818-8987 713-644-8110 713-641-4420 713-644-0858 713-649-3535 713-359-9140 281-804-6231 713-643-6645 713-641-1469 713-880-3187 713-640-1336 713-855-8100 832-651-3943

Helpful Numbers For Deed Restriction questions call any Officer or Director City Deed Restriction Hot Line 832-393-6333 Citizens-on Patrol Non-Emergency Police 713-884-3131 Broadway Storefront 713-847-4155 Heavy Trash Pick-up 3rd Wednesday of each month; Report problems to 311

Neighborhood Protection/ Public Works 311

Airport Noise 281-233-1557

Street light problems 713-207-2222 District Council Member Robert Gallegos 832-393-3011 E-mail:

Harris County Pct. 2 Com. Jack Mormon 713-274-2150 State Representative Dist. 147 Garnet Coleman 713-520-5355 E-mail

State Senator Dist. 6 Sylvia Garcia 713-923-7575

Historic Glenbrook Valley Civic Club “Glenbrook Valley Is A Deed Restricted Neighborhood” December


"Cookie Day!"

“El día de galletas!”

An important Glenbrook Valley tradition is providing "Holiday Sweets" for the law enforcement officers and firemen that serve and protect our neighborhood. Bring your "goodies," home made or store bought on Saturday, December 12 at 10 a.m., to the "Cookie Room" at Glenbrook Methodist Church, 8635 Glen Valley @ Wilmerdean. Follow the signs. Please step up and show your appreciation! It takes a lot of "sweets" to fill 18 large trays!! We will assemble trays and deliver them to Houston Police Department's Southeast Command on Mykawa, the Storefronts, and Helicopter station. Houston Fire Department's stations 36, 26, and 29, and the Precinct 2 Constable's office. It takes lots of cookies to fill all the trays. Please join the fun!!

Una tradición importante Glenbrook Valley es proveer “dulces festivos” para los oficiales de la ley y los bomberos que sirven y protegen a nuestra vecindad. Traigan sus golosinas, hechas en casa o compradas en la tienda, sábado, el 12 de diciembre a las 10 a.m., al “cuarto de galletas” en Glenbrook Methodist Church, 8635 Glen Valley @ Wilmerdean. Sigan los letreros. Por favor ¡adelántese y demuestre su agradecimiento! ¡¡Se requiere una cantidad de “dulces” para llenar 18 bandejas grandes!! Vamos a llenarlas y entregarlas a la estación de mando sudeste del Departamento policiaco de Houston en Mykawa, las comisarias, la estación del helicóptero, las estaciones del Departamento de bomberos de Houston 36, 26, y 29, y la oficina del Condestable del Precinto 2. Necesitamos muchas galletas para llenar todas las bandejas. Por favor ¡¡júntese con la diversión!!

"Tis the Season! We hope you are planning to participate in our decorating tradition. For over 50 years Glenbrook Valley Civic Club has sponsored the Christmas/Holiday Awards to homes that have done an outstanding job decorating for the season! Awards will be given for "Most Beautiful," "Most Original," and an "Honorable Mention." The judges will be looking for an overall theme, creativity, and how much thought and effort went into the presentation. The judges are volunteers. They graciously give their time in selecting the winning

¡Es la estación! Esperamos que usted planea participar en nuestra tradición de decoraciones. ¡Por más que 50 años el club cívico Glenbrook Valley ha patrocinado premios navideños/festivos a las casas que han hecho un trabajo sobresaliente de decorar para la estación! Los jueces buscarán un tema general, la creatividad, y el pensamiento y esfuerzo que se metió en la pre-

Glenbrook Valley Civic Club

residences. Their decision is final. Encourage your neighbors to join you in decorating! The most decorated street will be recognized in the January newsletter. Turn on your porch light, put a wreath on the front door, put a few strings of lights on the house or shrubs. Help make your block the brightest! We hope every resident will join the spirit of the season and participate. There are 5 sections for judging in the neighborhood. The intersection of Broadway and Bellfort divides us into quadrants: the Northwest, the Northeast, the Southeast, and the Southwest, which is divided into half since it's so large. Each section presents the 3 awards. The Glenbrook Valley Civic Club honors those homes that have been continuous award winners by declaring them to be in the “Hall of Fame.” To become a member of this elite category requires five consecutive years of winning in any of the categories. The “Hall of Fame” sign is placed in the designee’s yard each year the yard continues to be decorated.

The judging will be Thursday, December 17 this year. Please have your lights on by 6:00 p.m. Your decorations must be lighted through the season!

tes: el noroeste, el noreste, sudeste, y el sudoeste, el cual se divide en dos como es tan grande. En cada sección se presentan los 3 premios.

Good luck!!

El Club Cívico Glenbrook honra las casas que han recibido premios continuamente por declararlas estar en el “Salón de Fama”. Para ser miembro de esta categoría élite se requiere 5 años consecutivos de ganar en cualquier de las categorías. El letrero “Salón de fama” se pone en el jardín así designado cada año que el jardín sigue estando decorado.

(Decorations should be removed by the weekend of January 10th. ) sentación. Los jueces son voluntarios. Amablemente donan su tiempo para seleccionar las residencias ganadoras. Su decisión es final. ¡Anime a sus vecinos que se junten con usted en la decoración! La calle más decorada se honra en el boletín de enero. Enciende la luz del porche, ponga un wreathe en la puerta de enfrente, ponga unas cuantas luces en la casa o los arbustos. ¡Ayude a hacer que su cuadra es la que más brilla! Ojalá que cada residente se juntará al espíritu de la estación y participará. Hay 5 sectores de la vecindad para el juzgado. El cruce de Broadway y Bellfort nos divide en cuadran-

10% Off All Products (with code GB2014)


El juzgado será el jueves, 17 de diciembre este añoo. Favor de tener sus luces encendidas para las 6 p.m. ¡Sus decoraciones tienen que estar encendidas por toda la estación! ¡Buena suerte! (Las decoraciones se deben remover para el fin de semana del 10 de enero. )

Nominating Committee Report The Nominating Committee of the Glenbrook Valley Civic Club, chaired by Shannon McNair, presented the following slate of officers for 2016:

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713-645-5000 Funeral Pre-Planned also Available


December, 2015

Page 2

President – Ann Collum; Vice-President – Shannon McNair Recording Secretary – Allison Kennedy Membership Secretary – Norma Navarro Treasurer – Vicky Schopp Directors-at-Large: Northwest – Roxana Ramirez; Northeast – Cathy Sessums Southeast – Emma Valdez Southwest I – Saundra Hughes Southwest II – Dolores Thacker Directors: Section 2 – Billy Page Section 4 – Emma Valdes Section 6 - Leticia Hernandez Section 8 – Stacy Colter Section 10 – Karen Carpenter Section 12 - Matt Grandjean

Presidenta- Ann Collum Vice-presidenta- Shannon McNair Secretaria de documentos – Allison Kennedy Secretaria de membresía – Norma Navarro Tesorera – Vicky Schoppe Directores de áreas: Noroeste – Roxana Ramirez Noreste – Cathy Sessums Sureste – Emma Valdes Suroeste I - Saundra Hughes Suroeste II – Dolores Thacker. Directores: Sección 2 – Billy Page Sección4 – Emma Valdes Sección 6 – Leticia Hernandez Sección 8 – Stacy Coulter Sección 10 – Karen Carpenter Sección 12 – Matt Grandjean

Los Oficiales y Directores de áreas son elegidos para servir por una duración de un año. Los Directores de secciones son elegidos por dos años. Los directores de las secciones de números impares son elegidos en los años de números impares, y los de números pares en los años de números pares. De acuerdo con los estatutos del Club, los miembros de la Mesa Directiva se encargan de asignar a The election of the 2016 officers las posiciones vacantes de dicha will be held at the General Meet- mesa directiva. ing on Thursday, January 21, 2016. At that time, nominations La elección de los oficiales del may be made from the floor. Each año 2016 tomará lugar en la Reuperson nominated from the floor nión General el jueves 21 de enero must be a member in good stand- de 2016. En esa ocasión, se aceping of the civic club and present to tarán nominaciones por parte del signify his or her willingness to be público. Cada persona nominada nominated and serve if elected. así tiene que ser miembro/a del club cívico en buen estado y presente para significar su voluntad Reporte del Comité de de ser nominado/a y servir si eleNombramiento gido/a. El Comité de Nombramiento del Club Cívico de Glenbrook Valley, Community Garage presidiado por Shannon McNair, Sale a Success presentó la siguiente lista de candidatos oficiales para el año 2016: Saturday, November 14 was the The Officers and Directors-atLarge are elected to one year terms. The Section Directors are elected to two year terms. Directors of odd numbered sections are elected in odd numbered years and Directors of even numbers are elected in even years. As per the By-Laws of the Club, vacancies that occur on the Board are filled by appointment from the Board.

December, 2015

Glenbrook Valley Neighborhood Garage Sale to raise money for the marker fund. Thanks to the tireless effort of Bunnie O'Brien and her committee it was a huge success. The sale raised $2,500, and that was in just 5 hours of operation. A huge thank you to all of our residents that donated items to be sold. Thanks to Robert Searcy for allowing us to use his garage and driveway. Thanks to all of the team members that helped set up, worked the sale, and then close it down. It was overwhelming the number of items we had. Thanks just doesn't seem a large enough word to express our gratitude! We had no way to store the items that didn't sell. Bunnie arranged for St. Vincent De Paul's Resale Shop to send box trucks to pick up the remaining items. Thanks again to the great residents of Glenbrook Valley!

Venta de garaje comunal un éxito Sábado, el 14 de noviembre fue la venta de garaje de la vecindad Glenbrook Valley para recaudar dinero para el fondo marcador. Gracias al esfuerzo sin descanso de Bunnie O’Brien y su comité era un éxito tremendo. La venta levantó $2.500, y eso era con nada más 5 horas de operación. Muchísimas gracias a todos nuestros residentes que donaron artículos para vender. Gracias a Robert Searcy por dejarnos usar su garaje y camino de entrada. Gracias a todos los miembros del equipo que ayudaron a arreglar todo, trabajaron la venta, y luego la cerraPage 3

ron. Teníamos tantos artículos que era abrumador. ¡Gracias no parece ser palabra suficientemente grande para expresar nuestra gratitud!

civic club meeting. If you would like to see the proposal it's on our web site, under "Libraries, Useful Documents." Email comments and suggestions to

No teníamos ninguna manera de guardar los artículos que no se vendieron. Bunnie arregló que la Actualización de tienda de reventa St. Vincent De los marcadores Paul mandara camiones con cajas para recoger los artículos que que- La mesa directiva del club cívico daron. ha estado trabajando por meses en una solución para el marcador ¡Muchas gracias otra vez a los reGlenbrook Valley destruido en sidentes fantásticos de Glenbrook Glen Loch y Bellfort. El marcaValley! dor compañero en Glencrest y Bellfort necesitaba tener su fundaMarker Update ción estabilizada para prevenir The civic club board has been que se cayera. El marcador en working on a solution for the de- Broadway no encaja con el diseño stroyed Glenbrook Valley Marker del paisaje para el nuevo plan meat Glen Loch and Bellfort for jorado de Broadway. La solución months. The partner marker at escogida era reemplazar los 3 Glencrest and Bellfort had to have marcadores con algo que reflejara it's foundation stabilized to pre- el carácter “medio-siglo” de nuesvent it form falling over. The tra vecindad histórica. marker on Broadway doesn't fit with the landscape design for the new enhanced Broadway plan. The solution chosen was to replace the 3 markers with something that will reflect the "midcentury" character of our historic neighborhood.

El mejoramiento viene con un precio. Hemos tenido una caja de donación “fondo marcador” en nuestra factura de la membresía anual por varios años, pero contribuciones al fondo son mínimas para no decir más. La venta de garaje que tomó lugar sábado, el 14 de noviembre ganó $2,500. The enhancement comes with a Eso es tremendo, pero ni de lejos price. We've had a "marker fund" a lo que necesitamos para reemdonation box on our annual mem- plazar los marcadores. bership invoice for several years, but contributions to the fund are Una propuesta se presentó por Jaminimal to say the least. The ga- son Miller de Clark Condon rage sale held on Saturday, No- Landscape Architects en nuestra vember 14 raised $2,500. That's Our Trash and Recycle great, but not even close to what Collection will not be we need to replace the markers. A proposal was presented by Jason Miller of Clark Condon Landscape Architects at our November

Tuesday, December 10 P. I. P. Covered Dish Holiday Dinner 6:30p.m. 8300 Mykawa Everyone is welcome

Saturday , December 12 “Cookie Day” Bring your cookie at 10 a.m. to Glenbrook Methodist Church 8635 Glen Valley @ Wilmerdean

Saturday , December 12 VOTE! You can’t complain if you don’t make the effort and VOTE

Thursday, December 17 Holiday Decoration Judging After 6 p.m.

Curbside Recycle “Green” Cans Tuesday, Dec. 8 Tuesday, Dec. 22 Tuesday, Jan. 5



affected by the holidays! ¡Nuestra recolección de la ba-


sura y el reciclaje no se afec-


tara por los días festivos! December, 2015

Community Calendar

Page 4

reunión del club cívico en noviembre. Si a usted le gustaría ver la propuesta presentada está en nuestro sitio web, bajo “Libraries, Useful Documents.” Envíe comentarios y sugerencias a

mated to be over 75,000 with groups in every state of the nation. Glenbrook Valley's C.O.P. will celebrate it's 25th anniversary in April of 2016.

By patrolling your community, on a regular basis, Citizen Patrol Volunteers become more familiar with their community, and are better able to recognize "suspicious" COP activity and notify the authorities. Due to their focused patrol activity, it is not uncommon while paAre you down with C.O.P.? trolling to observe crimes in proBy Harold Rud, C.O.P. Coordinator gress. C.O.P.’s do not take enforcement action, they only obCitizens On Patrol is a generic serve and report. Citizen Patrol name used by many to describe a Volunteers are not authorized to special group of volunteers helpcarry weapons, even with proper ing law enforcement agencies prolicensing, and are encouraged to tect our neighborhood. As the avoid physical contact. name implies, Citizens On Patrol are Citizens who, after being Properly implemented, Citizen screened, passing a background Patrol groups have proven to be check, and trained by the Houston an excellent complement to law Police Department, patrol their enforcement agencies. Using the community acting as the "Eyes same members of the community and Ears" for law enforcement. that they protect and serve to help reduce crime is the cornerstone of Citizen Patrol groups have been in "Community Oriented Policing". use within the United States for Continued use and expansion of over 25 years. The number of inCitizen Patrol groups throughout dividual Citizen Patrol Volunteers the nation is a vital ingredient to within the United States is estihelp build strong bonds between citizens and law enforcement.

Glenbrook Valley Architectural Review Board P. O. Box 262164 Houston, TX 77207-2164 Or

Certificate of Appropriateness C of A Historicpreservation Or call 713-837-7963

Building Permits City of Houston Permit Center 1002 Washington Ave 832-394-9000 December, 2015

We will be having a meeting in early 2016, watch for the notice in this newsletter. To join the Glenbrook Valley C.O.P., please contact Harold Rud at

MA RY KAY In Glenbrook Valley Nancy Francis Independent Beauty Consultant 281-686-3909

Crime Statistics for September, 2015 Murder:




Robbery 0 Assaults: 0 Burglary: 0 Theft:


Auto Theft: 0 Narcotics: 0 DWI: 0 Statistics collected are for Glenbrook Valley residential only and exclude apartments, shopping centers and peripheral businesses. This data is reported as supplied by H.P.D. Crime Reports. According to the H.P.D. online Crime Static Report for 13D20 beat there were no reported crimes in Glenbrook Valley.

The safest communities are the ones where the people are involved! HEATING & Air CONDITIONING TACLB28564E


Page 5


Historic Glenbrook Valley Newsletter DATED MATERIAL! Deliver Promptly, Do not hold.


“Thank you Cookies” Sat. Dec. 12, 10 a.m.

Glenbrook Methodist Church

8635 Glen Valley @ Wilmerdean

Holiday Decoration Judging Thursday, December 17 After 6 p.m.

Robert Searcy Properties “Glenbrook Valley’s #1 Realtor!”

832-279-5332 direct


PM &



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