2010 Officers President Ann Collum 713-645-0241 Vice President Shannon McNair 713-847-6685 Recording Secretary Alsine Ryan 713-641-3670 Membership Secretary Norma Navarro 713-645-3409 Treasurer Vicky Schoppe 713-643-7643
Directors at Large Jamie Oyler (NE) Roxanna Ramirez (NW) Saundra Hughes (SWI) Dolores Thacker (SWII) Gilbert Martinez (SE)
713-645-5936 713-644-5860 713-645-7617 713-645-1886 713-643-1735
Section Directors 1. Karen Guerrero 713-645-4625 2. Billimarie Gannon 713-644-8110 3. Robert Searcy 832-279-5332 4. Emma Valdes 713-644-0858 5. Larry Rucker 713-649-3535 6. Robert Searcy/Interim 832-279-5332 7. Allison Kennedy 281-501-3-9512 7X. Bob Johnston 713-644-4212 8. Karen Kemper 713-641-1469 9. Dolores Thacker 713-645-1886 10. Karen Carpenter 713-640-1336 11. Don Browne 713-256-7475 12. Michael Smith 832-656-5665
Helpful Numbers Deed Restrictions Karen Carpenter 713-640-1336 Or Any Director
Glenbrook Valley Civic Club “Glenbrook Valley Is A Deed Restricted Neighborhood” February
No Parking on the Yard Ordinance
La ordenanza de no estacionar en el jardín
It’s official! Wednesday, January 27th, City Council approved Glenbrook Valley’s application to participate in the “No Parking on the Yard Ordinance.” It is now illegal for residents, or visitors to properties in Glenbrook Valley, to park vehicles or equipment in the front or side yard.
¡Es oficial! El miércoles, 27 de enero, el Concejo municipal aprobó la aplicación de Glenbrook Valley parar participar en “la ordenanza de no estacionar en el jardín.” Ahora es ilegal para residentes o visitantes a propiedades en Glenbrook Valley estacionar sus vehículos o equipo en el jardín de enfrente o al lado.
The Ordinance states “vehicle or equipment shall mean and include any house trailer, mobile home, motor vehicle, truck, passenger motor vehicle, motor home, camper cabin, motorcycle, trailer, boat, farm machinery or similar equipment or any truck with more than two axles or any trailer, mobile home or motor home with a length exceeding twenty feet.”
La ordenanza declara “los vehículos o equipo significará e incluirá un remolque de casa, una caravana, un vehículo motor, una cabina de caravana, una motocicleta, un remolque, un barco (o una barca), equipo de agrícola o equipo parecido o cualquier camión con más que dos ejes o cualquier remolque, caravana o autocaravana con una longitud de más que veinte pies.”
Non-Emergency Police 713-884-3131
Violations may be reported to 311 where Glenbrook Valley’s participation in the ordinance is verified, and then it is referred to the Houston Police Department for enforcement. The fine for a vehicle cited in violation of the ordinance is $150.00 per day.
Heavy Trash Pick-up 2nd Thursday of each month Southeast - 713-928-4101
2010 Membership Drive
Citizens-on Patrol 713-641-5373 HPD Broadway Storefront 713-847-4155 - 8751 Broadway
Neighborhood Protection/ Public Works 24 hour number - 311
Airport Noise 281-233-3900
Street light problems - 311 District Council Member James Rodriguez 832-393-3011 E-mail: districtI@cityofhouston.net
State Representative Dist. 147 Garnet Coleman 713-520-5355 E-mail garnet.coleman@house.state.tx.us
State Senator Dist. 6 Mario Gallegos 713-678-8600 E-mail mario.gallegos@senate.state.tx.us
Glenbrook Valley Civic Club glenbrookvalleycivicclub@hotmail.com
The response to our annual membership drive has been great! Thank you to all who have sent in their 2010 dues. There’s still time if you haven’t. As a convenience, you may pay your membership dues by credit card or PayPal on our website, glenbrookvalley.org. Just click the Dues/Donations link at the top of the page. You can also mail it to us at Glenbrook Valley Civic Club, P.O. Box 262164, Houston, TX, 77207-2164.
Se puede reportar violaciones a 311 donde se verificará la participación de Glenbrook Valley en la ordenanza, y luego se la referirá al Departamento de la Policía de Houston para ejecución. La multa por un vehículo citado en violación de la ordenanza es $150.00 por día.
Campaña de membresía 2010 ¡La reacción a nuestra campaña anual de membresía ha sido tremenda! Muchas gracias a todos que ya mandaron su cuota para 2010. Todavía hay tiempo si no. Como una conveniencia, puede pagar su cuota de membresía por tarjeta de crédito o por PayPal en nuestro sitio Web, www.glenbrookvalley.org. Nada más haga clic en el vínculo Dues/Donations al principio de la página. También puede mandárnosla a Glenbrook Valley
Club, P.O. Box 262164, Houston, 8635 Glen Valley. Apúntelo en su calendario para que no pierdas toda TX 77207-2164. la diversión con sus residentes consocios de GlenbrookValley. El Bingo evento es gratis para los miembros del Club cívico y $10 para invitaOur annual Covered Dish and dos. Si no ha tenido la oportunidad Bingo game will be Thursday, de enviar su cuota para este año toMarch 11 at 6:30 p. m. in the Feldavía, ¡puede pagar en la puerta! lowship Hall of Glenbrook United Methodist Church, 8635 Glen Val- Se necesitan premios para el juego ley. Mark your calendar so you de Bingo. Si le gustaría donar un won’t miss all the fun with your premio o si sabe de un negocio del fellow Glenbrook Valley residents. área que donará un premio, por faThe event is free for Civic Club vor déjeselo saber a Shannon members and $10 for guests. If you McNair. Los premios en el pasado haven’t had a chance to mail in han variado de tarjetas de regalo your dues yet this year, you may para negocio del área a cosas para pay at the door! la casa, planes de hotel, y entradas a eventos deportivos. Lo más prePrizes are needed for the Bingo mios que tenemos, lo más juegos game. If would like to donate a tendremos! Para más información prize or know of an area business comunique con Shannon en Shanthat will donate a prize, please let non.McNair@sbcglobal.net. Shannon McNair know. Prizes in ¡Espero verlos a todos allí! the past have ranged from gift cards to area businesses to household items, hotel packages, and sporting Holiday Decoration Removal event tickets. The more prizes, the more games! For more information 2009 was a great year for Christmas contact Shannon at Shan- decorations in Glenbrook Valley. non.McNair@sbcglobal.net. Hope But all good things must end. All to see everyone there! decorations should be removed by now. Thank you in advance for Bingo your cooperation. ……The Grinch Nuestra comida de platos compartidos y juego de Bingo anual será Quitando las decoraciones de los días festivos jueves, el 11 de marzo a las 6:30 p.m. en la sala comunitaria de la 2009 era un año tremendo para las iglesia metodista Glenbrook United, decoraciones navideñas en Glenbrook Valley. Pero todas las cosas Advertising buenas tienen que terminar. Todas las decoraciones deben haber sido space quitado ahora. Muchas gracias de
February, 2010
Winter Planning for Spring and Summer Beauty It’s too early to start working outside, but it’s not too early to begin planning for improving your lawn and flower beds. Consider plants and shrubs that are low maintenance if you don’t have a lot of time to spend in the yard. Glenbrook Valley’s Yard of the Month competition takes place from May through September.
Planear durante el invierno para la belleza de la primavera y el verano Es demasiado temprano comenzar a trabajar afuera, pero no es demasiado temprano para comenzar a planear para mejorar su césped y jardines de flores. Considere plantas y matas que no necesitan mucho mantenimiento si usted no tiene mucho tiempo para pasar en el jardín. La competición del Jardín del mes en Glenbrook es de mayo a septiembre.
Helen Guillory Real Estate Helping neighbors with homes in Glenbrook Valley since 1970
By Appointment 713-643-4611 or 713-825-7088 (cell)
for information call
antemano por su cooperación....El Grinch (un carácter del libro a quien no le gustó la Navidad!)
hguillory1@aol.com Page 2
not a priority dispatch, but 123 South at East is supposed to reduce response time. For the safety of the March is the month for neighborhood and the rider, report azaleas! It’s unfortunate that their illegal activity. blooming period is so short. Glenbrook Valley Civic Club will pre- Los vehículos no sent a certificate of award for outlicenciados standing azaleas this year. Winners will be published in the April news- No es legal manejar vehículos de 3 letter. o 4 ruedas, carretas, motocicletas minis, o cualquier otro vehículo no registrado en una calle pública o la Un premio especial comodidad (easement) para utilidapara las azaleas des. Si usted observa tal actividad ¡Marzo es el mes de azaleas! Es favor de reportarlo a HPD llamando una lástima que su periodo de flore- al 713-884-3131. Necesitará una cer es tan corto. El Club cívico de descripción general del vehículo y Glenbrook Valley presentará un de la persona que lo maneja, más certificado de premio para azaleas una dirección especifica. Por ejemsobresalientes este año. Se publica- plo dar la localización como el crurán los nombres de los que ganan ce de South y East no es despacho de prioridad, pero 123 South en el en el boletín de abril. cruce con East debe reducir el tiempo de responder. Para la seguridad Unlicensed de la vecindad y la persona que maneja, reporte actividad ilegal. Vehicles
Special Azalea Award
It is unlawful to drive 3 or 4 wheelers, go carts, mini-motor cycles, or any other unregistered vehicle on a public street or utility easement. If you observe such activity please report it to HPD by calling 713884-3131. You will need a general description of the vehicle and its driver, plus a specific address. For instance giving the location as the intersection on South and East is
Mario N. Ramirez, LUTCF Exclusive Agent Auto, Property, Life, Business Allstate Insurance Company 8876 Gulf Frwy., Suite 100 Houston, TX 77061 Bus. (713)944-4990 FAX (713)944-5997
February, 2010
material is mixed on “tree waste” day nothing will be picked up! As a part of Community Standards, residents that placed heavy trash on the curb that was not picked up will be reported to 311.
Una clase: La basura pesada 101 Recogen la basura pesada en Glenbrook Valley el segundo jueves de cada mes. En los meses PARES (11 de febrero, 8 de abril, 10 de junio, 12 de agosto, 14 de octubre, 13 de diciembre) usted puede poner cualquier cosa aceptable para la basura pesada. Meses pares – todo. En los meses NONES (enero, 11 de marzo, 13 de mayo, 8 de julio, 9 de septiembre, 11 de noviembre) solamente los desperdicios de los árboles—ramas, troncos, etc. Meses nones, ¡nada más material de árboles!
A Class: Heavy Trash 101
Si un residente ha puesto afuera material equivocado la Ciudad no Pick up for heavy trash in Glen- lo recogerá. Si se mezclan los desbrook Valley is the second Thurs- perdicios de árboles con otros maday of each month. teriales en el día para “desperdicios EVEN months (February 11, April de arboles”, ¡no se recogerá nada! 8, June 10, August 12, October14, December 13) you may put out Como parte de los Estándares de la anything in the acceptable heavy comunidad, los residentes que pusieron al bordillo basura pesada que trash category. Even everything. no se recogió serán reportados a ODD months (January, March 11, 311. May13, July 8, September 9, November 11) only tree waste – limbs, branches, logs, etc. Odd, they’ll You are the eyes and ears only take tree material! of the neighborhood S t o p, L o o k If a resident has placed the wrong Report Problems! material out, the City will not pick it up. If tree waste and other glenbrookvalley.org
Page 3
Crime Statistics for November, 2009
Glenbrook Valley Citizens on Patrol By Hazel Carney
We hate to report that there is suspected gang activity in the areas around Glenbrook Valley. Just before the holidays, a big fight broke out among students from Ortiz Middle School. A large group of students ended up behind Chase Bank on Broadway. Several students were fighting and they had a large audience. It was reported that one of the students was injured and transported to the hospital’s emergency room. The condition of the student was unknown. A concerned neighbor on Cayton reported the incident to the Houston Police Department and to C.O.P. This is not the first time that she’s stepped up to report crime in her area. Well, done neighbor!
Robbery 0 Assaults: 0 Burglary: 0 Burglary of Motor Vehicle: 7500 Glenbrae 7900 Glen Prairie
Curbside Recycle “Green” Cans Tuesday, Feb. 9 Tuesday, Feb. 23 Tuesday, Mar. 9
Thursday Junk Waste
8600 Glen Valley Auto Theft: 7900 Wilmerdean Narcotics: 0 DWI:
Feb. 11 Junk waste
Statistics collected are for Glenbrook Valley residential only and exclude apartments, shopping centers and peripheral businesses. This data is reported as supplied by H.P.D. Crime Reports.
One recent Sunday morning a neighbor saw a truck being broken Up to date crime statistics are available on the City of Houston into across the street from their home. They called the police, but it web site. houstontx.gov; under cont’d p. 5 departments, Police; crime statistics. There are several choices for the examining of the Bruce A. Matson statistics. Glenbrook Valley is in ___D.D.S.__ the Southeast, our beat is 1320D. Your Neighborhood
To report problems or Code Violations—311
Support your Neighborhood send in your 2010 Membership Dues. glenbrookvalley.org Click civic club membership
Signature Selection Interior Design Update or redecorate within your budget!
February, 2010
City Ordinance Violations may be reported to Neighborhood Protection by dialing 311, or on line @ Houston.gov/311/ Select “Welcome to…...on line web request.” Giving your name is still your option.
Call for a FREE in home consultation! Call Angela or Saundra 832-851-7776 or 713-203-0585 website: www.ssinteriordesign.com
Page 4
took them 31 minutes for the police to respond. Again, we say well done neighbor! Our best defense is to be aware of what is going on in your block. Keep a watch out for yourself and your neighbors. Report a crime or a suspicious activity to the Houston Police immediately. If the crime is in progress or you feel threatened in any way, call 911. If it is a non- emergency situation call 713-884-3131.
Community Calendar Hobby Fest Saturday, February 27 11 a.m.—4 p.m.
Follow the signs on Telephone Road to enter the airport and Hobby Fest. The Glenbrook Valley “Mod Squad” will be participating in the Chili Cook-off. Come support our fantastic All of our residents of Glenbrook “Chili Team!” Valley over the age of 18 are welcome to join or visit C.O.P. at our next meeting, Tuesday, February 16, at Park Place Regional Library, 8145 Park Place Blvd., 7 p.m. Don't be shy, come join us and see if you would like to become a patroller or just a friend of C. O. P. We would really like to meet you. Take Care, be safe, and above all let's all help keep Glenbrook Valley a place we all want to live.
The safest communities are the ones where the people are involved!
Happy Valentine's Day, Happy Mardi Gras, Happy Rodeo, Happy Hobby Fest, and we hope to see you at our next meeting.
Thursday, Feb. 11 P.I.P. 7:00 p.m. 8300 Mykawa All residents welcome!
Tuesday, Feb. 16 C.O.P. 7:00 P.M. Park Place Regional Library 8145 Park Place Blvd. All residents welcome!
Thursday, March 11 Annual Covered Dish & Bingo Game 6:30 p.m. Fellowship Hall Glenbrook Methodist Church 8635 Glen Valley (see article)
For updates on the Community Calendar, visit our web site glenbrookvalley.org
George’s Pizzaria And
Hobby Area Estate Sale Service Phone/Fax: 713-649-9545 haess_zalar@yahoo.com www.hobbyareaestatesaleservicehaess.com
E.T. Unlimited Home Repairs
281-332-4568 E.T. Baty, III, Craftsman February, 2010
Italian Cuisine Buon Appetito!
Dr. Clay McCreary Bellfort Animal Hospital 6633 BELLFORT HOUSTON, TX 77087
Grooming & Boarding Clinic: 713-643-2626 Emergency:713-941-8460 M-F: 8-12:00am 2-5:30pm Sat.: 8am-1:00pm glenbrookvalley.org
7430 Park Place
Houston, TX 77087 713713-644644-3223
Page 5
Glenbrook Valley Newsletter
DATED MATERIAL! Deliver Promptly, Do not hold.
Hobby Fest Saturday, Feb. 27 Hobby Airport (enter off Telephone Rd.) 11 a.m.— 4 p.m. Have you signed your historic petition?
Robert Searcy TEXAS REAL ESTATE & Co. 832-279-5332 direct rsp324@msn.com
PM &
TOOL’S PLUMBING 713-991-1732 MPL# 16153
713-644-9285 6734 Rupley Circle
Plumbing Repairs Gas Tests New Installations Water Heaters Water-Sewer-Gas Lines Sewer & Drain Cleaning