January 2011

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2010 Officers President Ann Collum 713-645-0241 Vice President Shannon McNair 713-847-6685 Recording Secretary Alsine Ryan 713-641-3670 Membership Secretary Norma Navarro 713-645-3409 Treasurer Vicky Schoppe 713-643-7643

Directors at Large

Jamie Oyler (NE) Roxanna Ramirez (NW) Saundra Hughes (SWI) Dolores Thacker (SWII) Gilbert Martinez (SE)

713-645-5936 713-644-5860 713-645-7617 713-645-1886 713-643-1735

Section Directors 1. Karen Guerrero 2. Billimarie Gannon 3. Robert Searcy 4. Emma Valdes 5. Larry Rucker 6. Elizabeth Gomez 7. Allison Kennedy 7X. Bob Johnston 8. Karen Kemper 9. Bunnie O’Brien 10. Karen Carpenter 11. 12. Michael Smith

713-645-4625 713-644-8110 832-279-5332 713-644-0858 713-649-3535 832-651-3943 281-501-9512 713-644-4212 713-641-1469 713-880-3787 713-640-1336 832-656-5665

Helpful Numbers Deed Restrictions Karen Carpenter 713-640-1336 Or Any Director Citizens-on Patrol 713-641-5373 HPD Broadway Storefront 713-847-4155 8751 Broadway Non-Emergency Police 713-884-3131 Heavy Trash Pick-up 2nd Thursday of each month Southeast - 713-928-4101

Neighborhood Protection/ Public Works 24 hour number - 311

Airport Noise 281-233-3900

Street light problems - 311 District Council Member James Rodriguez 832-393-3011 E-mail: districtI@cityofhouston.net

State Representative Dist. 147 Garnet Coleman 713-520-5355

E-mail garnet.coleman@house.state.tx.us

State Senator Dist. 6 Mario Gallegos 713-678-8600 E-mail mario.gallegos@senate.state.tx.us

Glenbrook Valley Civic Club “Glenbrook Valley Is A Deed Restricted Neighborhood” January


Historic Update As reported last month, the HAHC unanimously approved the Glenbrook Valley Historic application on November 18, 2010. On December 2, 2010 the Planning Commission unanimously approved Glenbrook Valley's application to become a Historic District. The next step is the approval of City Council. At this time the date for our application to be on City Council's agenda is unknown.

Al corriente con la designación histórica

Como se reportó el mes pasado, la HAHC aprobó unánimemente la solicitud de Glenbrook Valley para la designación histórica el 18 de noviembre, 2010. El 2 de diciembre, 2010, la Comisión de Planificación aprobó unánimemente la solicitud de Glenbrook Valley para hacerse un Distrito histórico. El próximo paso es la aprobación del Concejal municipal. En este momento no se sabe la fecha en la Should you have any questions or need cual nuestra solicitud será en la agenda del any additional information, please call one Concejal municipal. of the Civic Club's Officers or Directors listed on page 1 of this newsletter. Addi- Si usted tenga cualquier pregunta o necetional information is available on the web site cualquier información adicional, favor de llamar a uno de los Oficiales o Directosite. res del Club Cívico, listado en la página 1 Please take time learn, or remember the de este boletín. Información adicional es truths rather than be influenced by the fab- disponible en el sitio Web. rications and scare tactics! Por favor ¡tome el tiempo para aprender o The History of Deed Restrictions recordar las verdades en vez de ser influido por las fabricaciones y tácticas de asusBayou City Properties, Inc. established tar! Glenbrook Valley in the early 1950's. As La historia de las the corporation developed each of the thirrestricciones escritas teen sections, deed restrictions for that section were written and filed with the Harris Bayou City Properties, Inc. estableció County Clerk's Office. The earliest was Glenbrook Vallen en los primeros años de Section 1 filed in October of 1953. The la década 1950. Mientras que la corporalatest is Section 7 Extension filed in July ción desarrolló cada una de las trece secof 1960. ciones, las restricciones escritas para esta Material recently distributed in the sección se escribieron y se archivaron con neighborhood made reference to "voting la oficina del Oficial del Condado Harris. on the deed restrictions." NO ONE EVER La primera era la Sección 1 archivada en VOTED on deed restrictions! octubre de 1954. La última es la Extensión de la Sección 7 archivada en julio de Thankfully the developers of Glenbrook 1960. Valley had the foresight to provide restrictions that "go with the land," in other Información distribuida últimamente en la words will be in effect and enforced vecindad hizo referencia a cont’d p. 2 cont’d p2

Glenbrook Valley Civic Club civicclub@glenbrookvalley.org


forever. These restrictions apply to 11 – Cy Clark. every owner of a property in GlenThe Officers and Directors-at-Large brook Valley. are elected to one year terms. The The deed restrictions for all sec- Section Directors are elected to two tions may be found on our website, year terms. Directors of odd numglenbrookvalley.org under Civic bered sections are elected in odd Club, Document Library. numbered years and Directors of even numbers are elected in even cont'd p. 1 years. As per the By-Laws of the “votar en las restricciones escritas”. Club, vacancies that occur on the ¡NADIE NUNCA VOTÓ en las Board are filled by appointment restricciones escritas! from the Board. Afortunadamente los promotores de Glenbrook Valley tenían la previsión de proveer restricciones que “van con la tierra”, en otras palabras que serán en efecto y se harán cumplir para siempre. Estas restricciones se aplican a cada dueño de propiedad en Glenbrook Valley. Las restricciones escritas para todas las secciones se pueden encontrar en nuestro sitio Web, glenbrookvalley.org debajo de Civic Club, Document Library.

Nominating Committee Report

La elección de los oficiales del The election of the 2011 officers año 2011 tomará lugar en la Reuwill be held at the Annual Meeting nión General, el jueves 20 de eneon Thursday, January 20, 2011 at 7 ro del 2011 a las 7 p.m. p.m.

Reporte del Comité de Nombramiento

Membership Drive The membership form for 2011 is enclosed as a flyer in this newsletter. Annual dues are $35.00, or $25.00 for seniors with an over 65 Homestead Exemption. If you are unable to attend meetings or volunteer, you can still be a vital part of the organization just by sending in your membership fee. For your convenience, you may go to our web site, glenbrookvalley.org and submit your dues payment through PayPal.

El Comité de Nombramiento del Club Cívico de Glenbrook Valley, presidiado por Norma Navarro, presentó la siguiente lista de candidatos oficiales para el año 2011: Presidenta- Ann Collum; Vicepresidenta- Shannon McNair; Secretaria de documentos – Alsine Ryan; Secretaria de membresía – Norma Navarro; Tesorera – Vicky Schoppe. Directores de áreas: Noroeste – Roxana Ramirez; Noreste – Jaime Oyler; Sureste – Gilbert Mar- What are the collected monies tinez; Suroeste I - Saundra Hughes; used for? ...the monthly newsletter Suroeste II – Delores Thacker. Directores: Sección 1 – Yvette Miles; Sección 3 – Robert Searcy; Sección 5 – Larry Rucker; Sección 7 – AlliSOLD son Kennedy; Sección 7X – Bob Johnston; Sección 9 – Carrie O'Brien; Sección 11 – Cy Clark.

The Nominating Committee of the Glenbrook Valley Civic Club, chaired by Norma Navarro, presented the following slate of officers for 2011: President – Ann Collum; Vice-President – Shannon McNair; Recording Secretary – Alsine Ryan; Membership Secretary – Norma Navarro; Treasurer – Vicky Schoppe. Directors-at-Large: Northwest – Roxana Ramirez; Northeast – Jamie Oyler; Southeast – Gilbert Martinez; Southwest I – Los Oficiales y Directores de áreas Saundra Hughes; Southwest II – son elegidos para servir por una Delores Thacker. Directors: Section 1 – Yvette Miles; Section 3 – Robert Searcy; Section 5 Larry Rucker ; Section 7 – Allison Kennedy ; Section 7X – Bob Johnston ; 713-644-1343 Section 9 – Carrie O'Brien; Section January, 2011

duración de un año. Los Directores de secciones son elegidos por dos años. Los directores de las secciones de números impares son elegidos en los años de números impares, y los de números pares en los años de números pares. De acuerdo con los estatutos del Club, los miembros de la Mesa Directiva se encargan de asignar a las posiciones vacantes de dicha mesa directiva.


Helen Guillory Real Estate Helping neighbors with homes in Glenbrook Valley since 1970

By Appointment 713-643-4611 or 713-825-7088 (cell) Page 2

anuncios solamente cobran una porción pequeña y en esta economía, los anuncios bajaron en uso), coordinación con los gobiernos de la ciudad, el condado, y el estado, reuniones con locutores compartiendo información útil, el paisajismo de las explanadas, la Yarda del Mes, y el juzgado de los Días festivos. El Club Cívico se compone de sus vecinos que ofrecen su tiempo y energía para proteger la integridad y el carácter de Glenbrook VaPlease take a few minutes now to lley. fill out the information and return it with your dues. Thank you for be- Favor de tomar unos cuantos minuing a good friend of Glenbrook Val- tos ahora para llenar la información y devolverla con su cuota. Muchas ley. gracias por ser un amigo bueno de Glenbrook Valley. CAMPAÑA DE (advertising only covers a small portion and in this economy, advertising is down), liaison with City, County, and State Government, meetings with speakers sharing helpful information, landscaping of esplanades, Yard of the Month, and Holiday judging. The Civic Club is made up of your neighbors that volunteer their time and energy to protect the integrity and character of Glenbrook Valley.

MEMBRESÍA La forma de membresía para 2011 se adjunta como hoja con este boletín. La cuota anual es $35.00, o $25.00 para gente que tiene más que 65 años y que tiene la exención de impuestos para su casa. Si usted no puede asistir a las reuniones, u ofrecer su servicio, todavía puede hacer una parte vital de la organización nada más por enviar su pago de membresía. Para su conveniencia, puede ir a nuestro sitio Web, glenbrookvalley.org y someter su pago de cuota por PayPal.

Resolve to Support Your Neighborhood

Resuelva apoyar su vecindad 2011 ya está aquí; ¿puede usted comprometerse a hacer una cosa para mejor su vecindad? Comience con su casa. Mire bien el jardín y el exterior de la casa. ¿Puede identificar un área que necesita mejoramiento? ¿Cómo puede mejorarlo? Luego mire la condición de las casas en su cuadra. ¿Es su vecino alguien de edad mayor que ya no puede mantener su propiedad? ¿Hay algo que usted podría hacer para ayudar? ¿Hay alguna casa vacía en su cuadra? Infórmeles en el 311 de un jardín abandonado y por favor llámele a su Director de sección con la dirección.

Cada pedazo pequeño puesto junto 2011 is here, can you commit to do hace una vecindad muy deseable. one thing to improve your neighborhood?

Start with your home. Really look A “Sweet” Thank You at the yard and the exterior of the house. Can you identify an area Our annual cookie collection was a that needs improving? How can success! Thank you Glenbrook Valley neighbors for your generous you make it better? efforts! Next look at the condition of the homes on your block. Are there Tons of sweets were delivered to seniors who are no longer able to the Houston Police Department’s maintain their property? Is there Southeast Command on Mykawa, anything you could do to help? Are Fire Station 36 on Airport Blvd., ¿Para qué se usa el dinero colecciothere any vacant houses in your Fire Station 26 on Dixie, and Fire nado? …el boletín mensual (los block? Report an overgrown yard Station 29 on Old Galveston Rd. to 311 and please call your Section Director with the address. It you were unable to participate this year, plan ahead for next year! Each small piece put together Mark your calendar - the second Mario N. Ramirez, builds a very desirable neighborSaturday in December. LUTCF\Exclusive Agent hood. Auto, Property, Life, Business Allstate Insurance Company 8876 Gulf Frwy., Suite 100 Houston, TX 77061 Bus. (713)944-4990 FAX (713)944-5997

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January, 2011

If you have time, volunteer! glenbrookvalley.org

Unas gracias “dulces” ¡Nuestra colección anual de galletas excedió todas expectativas este año! ¡Muchas gracias, vecinos de GlenPage 3

brook Valley, por sus esfuerzos ge- más decoraciones en la vecindad nerosos! este año que el año pasado. Requiere muchas horas para planear y Montañas de dulces se entregaron a decorar una casa. Apreciamos sus la comandancia sudeste del Depar- esfuerzos. tamento Policíaco de Houston en Mykawa, la estación de bomberos 36 en Airport Blvd., la estación de Northeast bomberos 26 en Dixie, y la estacion Noreste de bomberos 29 en Old Galveston Rd. Most Beautiful Si usted no pudo participar este año, ¡haga planes de antemano para el año que viene!

Holiday Decorations The Holiday Decorations were BEAUTIFUL! A huge “thank you” to all residents that decorated their homes this year. There were many more decorations in the neighborhood this year than last. It takes many hours to plan and decorate a home. We appreciate your efforts.

Las decoraciones para los días festivos ¡Las decoraciones para los días festivos eran bellísimas! Mil gracias a todos los residentes que decoraron sus casas este año. Había muchas

El más lindo

The Reyes Family 7930 Glen Prairie

Most Original El más original

Guadalupe & Arturo Reyna 7927 Glen Prairie

Honorable Mention Mención honorable Clara & John Gutierrez 7835 Santa Elena

Southeast Sureste Most Beautiful El más lindo

The Sanchez Family 7910 Bellfort

Most Original El más original

Bruce A. Matson ___D.D.S.__

The Palomo Family 7934 Glenalta

Your Neighborhood

Honorable Mention Mención honorable




Maria & Rogelio Valdez 7942 Glenalta

Southwest I Suroeste


Gail & Michael Evans 6727 Hollygrove

Most Original El más original

Rose & Fidencio Ruiz 6722 Hollygrove

Honorable Mention Mención honorable Allison & Ryan Kennedy 7735 Glenbrae

Southwest II Suroeste II Most Beautiful El más lindo

The Rodríguez Family 7714 Dillon

Most Original El más original Maria Serrato 8819 Dover

Honorable Mention Mención honorable Maria & Jesus Lopez 8715 Dover

Northwest Noroeste Most Beautiful El más lindo

The Ortuno Family 8227 Dover

Most Original El más original The Peeler Family 8206 Colgate

Honorable Mention Mención honorable Maureen Murphy & Joe McArdle 8215 Colgate


January, 2011

Most Beautiful El más lindo


Page 4

The Capitol Dome in Austin is the only dome in the United States which is taller than the Capitol Building in Washington D.C. (by 7 feet). Free Energy Check We received information in December regarding "Free energy efficiency products and services." The City of Houston and energy providers are providing free checks for your home. Call to see if your home qualifies. 713-8775778 or 713-877-3672.

Revisión gratis de la energía


Thursday, January 13 GLENBROOK VALLEY C.O.P. P.O. BOX 262164 HOUSTON, TX 77207

TELE: 713-641-5373 gbvalleycop@aol.com By Hazel Carney Normally, we meet the third Monday of each month at Park Place Regional Library, 8145 Park Place Blvd. at 6:30 PM, however, in January, 2011 there are several holidays and conflicts with other organizations so we will let you know about the pending date. All of us with C.O.P. hope each and every one of you has had a wonderful and safe holiday season and we wish you the best of luck in keeping your New Year’s Resolutions. 2010 was a good year in many respects but the bad guys are still out there so we must remain vigilant and safety conscious. I want to thank each and every

January, 2011

P.I.P. 7:00 p.m. 8300 Mykawa All residents welcome!

Check with Hazel Carney 713-641-5373 C.O.P. 6:30 P.M. Park Place Regional Library 8145 Park Place Blvd. All residents welcome!

Thursday, January 20 Glenbrook Valley Civic Club Annual Meeting 7 p.m. 8635 Glen Valley

Curbside Recycle “Green” Cans Tuesday, Jan. 11 Tuesday, Jan. 25 Tuesday, Feb. 8

Recibimos información en diciembre acerca de "productos y servicios gratis tratando de la eficiencia de la energía." La Ciudad de Houston y los proveedores de la energía están proveyendo revisión gratis para su casa. Llame para

A closed mouth gathers no foot.

Community Calendar

Second Thursday The safest communities are the ones where the people are involved! glenbrookvalley.org


January 13 TREE WASTE To report problems or Code Violations—311 Page 5

one of our patrollers for their hard work and dedication to Glenbrook Valley. We also want to thank everyone who made a contribution to C.O.P. We pray that 2011 will be an even better year for the residents of Glenbrook Valley and we ask for your continued support. I also want to thank Delores Thacker and her family for hosting our fabulous Christmas Party. We wish all of you, from all of us, a fabulous and prosperous 2011. Remember: BE ALERT, BE SAFE, AND REPORT ANY SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY. «

Important Reminder for Dog Owners

311. Barking Dogs are covered in: “Code of Ordinances; Chapter 30, Noise and Sound Level Regulation, Section 30-5, Noisy animals and birds. The keeping of any animal or bird that causes or makes frequent or long and continued sound that unreasonably disturbs, injures, or endangers the comfort, repose, health, peace, or safety of ordinary, reasonable persons of normal sensibilities and ordinary tastes, habits, and modes of living who reside in the vicinity thereof is hereby prohibited and declared to be unlawful as a sound nuisance in violation of this chapter, regardless of whether the sound so created by said animal or bird is within the permissible levels specified in section 30-6 of this Code.”

In case you don’t already know, it is ILLEGAL for dogs to run loose in the neighborhood and ILLEIf you are disturbed by excessive GAL to allow them to bark excesbarking of nearby dogs, report it sively. to the Houston Police Department There are leash laws in effect in at 713-884-3131. Houston. The Code of City Ordinances, Chapter VI; “DIVISION You do need the correct physical 3. IMPOUNDMENT OF DOGS address of the animal when makRUNNING AT LARGE; Section ing a report. Giving your name on 6-101. Running at large prohib- a report is optional. Records are ited. (a.) Generally. It shall be confidential. unlawful for any person owning or having in his possession any dog to allow such dog to be at large without the owner or person in charge thereof having direct physical control over such dog.” To report dogs in your section call Animal Control at 713-238-9600 or Neighborhood Protection at Hobby Area Estate Sale Service Phone/Fax: 713-649-9545 haess_zalar@yahoo.com www.hobbyareaestatesaleservicehaess.com

January, 2011

Dr. Clay McCreary Bellfort Animal Hospital 6633 BELLFORT HOUSTON, TX 77087

Grooming & Boarding Clinic: 713-643-2626 Emergency:713-941-8460 M-F: 8-12:00am 2-5:30pm Sat.: 8am-1:00pm glenbrookvalley.org

Crime Statistics for October, 2010 Murder:




Robbery 0 Assaults: 0 Burglary: 7700 Morley 7900 Glenlea Theft:

7700 Glenlea 7900 Wilmerdean 8300 Glencrest

Auto Theft: 7600 Wilmerdean 7700 Wilmerdean Narcotics: 0 DWI:


Statistics collected are for Glenbrook Valley residential only and exclude apartments, shopping centers and peripheral businesses. This data is reported as supplied by H.P.D. Crime Reports.

George’s Pizzeria And

Italian Cuisine Buon Appetito!

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Page 6


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Residentes de

Antique Roses

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Gulf Coast native plants

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Bonide products, Nitrophos January, 2011

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Page 7

Glenbrook Valley Newsletter



DATED MATERIAL! Deliver Promptly, Do not hold.


Annual Meeting Thursday January 20 7 p.m. Glenbrook Methodist Church 8635 Glen Valley

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