January 2013

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Officers President Ann Collum 713-645-0241 Vice President Shannon McNair 713-847-6685 Recording Secretary Allison Kennedy 713-855-4812 Membership Secretary Norma Navarro 713-645-3409 Treasurer Vicky Schoppe 713-643-7643

Directors at Large Jamie Oyler (NE) Roxanna Ramirez (NW) Saundra Hughes (SWI) Dolores Thacker (SWII) Gilbert Martinez (SE)

713-645-5936 713-644-5860 713-645-7617 713-645-1886 713-643-1735

Section Directors 1. Yvette Miles 2. Billimarie Gannon 3. Robert Searcy 4. Emma Valdes 5. Larry Rucker 6. Dianne Punch 7. Penny Frierson 7X. Fernando Cardoza 8. Karen Kemper 9. Bunnie O’Brien 10. Karen Carpenter 11. Cy Clark 12. Elizabeth Gomez

713-818-8987 713-644-8110 832-279-5332 713-644-0858 713-649-3535 713-641-4420 281-804-6231 713-645-6645 713-641-1469 713-880-3187 713-640-1336 713-855-8100 832-651-3943

Helpful Numbers Deed Restrictions Karen Carpenter 713-640-1336 Or Any Director CoH Deed Restriction Hot Line 832-393-6333 Citizens-on Patrol 713-645-1886 HPD Reports www.hpdsoutheastcom Non-Emergency Police 713-884-3131 Broadway Storefront 713-847-4155 Heavy Trash Pick-up 3rd Wednesday of each month

Neighborhood Protection/ Public Works 311

Airport Noise 713-845-6901

Street light problems 713-207-2222 District Council Member James Rodriguez 832-393-3011 E-mail: districtI@cityofhouston.net

State Representative Dist. 147 Garnet Coleman 713-520-5355 E-mail garnet.coleman@house.state.tx.us

State Senator Dist. 6 Mario Gallegos 713-678-8600

Historic Glenbrook Valley Civic Club “Glenbrook Valley Is A Deed Restricted Neighborhood” January


2013 Annual Meeting

La reunión anual 2013

The election of the 2013 officers will be held at the Glenbrook Valley Civic Club's Annual Meeting on Thursday, January 17, 2013; 7 p.m. at Glenbrook Methodist Church, 8635 Glen Valley @ Wilmerdean.

La elección de los oficiales 2013 se celebrará en la Reunión anual del Club cívico Glenbrook Valley el jueves, 17 de enero, 2013; 7 p.m. en Glenbrook Methodist Church, 8635 Glen Valley @ Wilmerdean.

The Nominating Committee of the Glenbrook Valley Civic Club, chaired by Vicky Schoppe, presented the following slate of officers for 2013: President – Ann Collum; Vice-President – Shannon McNair; Recording Secretary – Allison Kennedy; Membership Secretary – Norma Navarro; Treasurer – Vicky Schoppe. Directors-at-Large: Northwest – Roxana Ramirez; Northeast – Jamie Oyler; Southeast – Gilbert Martinez; Southwest I – Saundra Hughes; Southwest II – Dolores Thacker. Directors: Section 1 – Yvette Miles; Section 3 – Robert Searcy; Section 7 - Penny Frierson; Section 7x – Fernando Cardoza; Section 9 – Bunnie O'Brien; Section 11 – Cy Clark.

El Comité de Nombramiento del Club cívico Glenbrook Valley, presidido por Vicky Schoppe, presento la siguiente pizarra de oficiales para 2013: Presidenta-Ann Collum; Vice-presidenta- Shannon McNair; Secretaria de documentos – Allison Kennedy; Secretaria de membresía – Norma Navarro; Tesorera – Vicky Schoppe. Directores de áreas: Noroeste – Roxana Ramirez; Noreste – Jaime Oyler; Sureste – Gilbert Martinez; Suroeste I Saundra Hughes; Suroeste II – Dolores Thacker. Directores: Sección 1 – Yvette Miles; Sección 3 – Robert Searcy; Sección 7 – PennyFrierson; Sección 7x – Fernando Cardoza; Sección 9 – Bunnie O'Brien; Sección 11 – Cy Clark.

The Officers and Directors-at-Large are elected to one year terms. The Section Directors are elected to two year terms. As per the By-Laws of the Club, vacancies that occur on the Board are filled by appointment from the Board.

Los oficiales y directores-en-general se eligen por términos de un año. Los Directores de sección se eligen por términos de dos años. Como por las by-laws del club, vacancias que ocurran en la Junta directiva se llenan por nombramiento de la Junta.

2013 Membership Drive

La campaña de membrecía 2013

Residents of Glenbrook Valley will soon be receiving a Glenbrook Valley Civic Club Membership invoice. Please be a partner in ensuring the forward progress of our neighborhood. Your contribution enables us to sponsor special improvement projects, publish and mail the news-

Los residentes de Glenbrook Valley pronto recibirán una factura por la membrecía en el Club cívico Glenbrook Valley. Por favor júntese con nosotros para asegurar el progreso adelante de nuestra vecindad. Su contribución nos permite patrocinar proyectos especiales de mejoramiento,

E-mail mario.gallegos@senate.state.tx.us

Glenbrook Valley Civic Club civicclub@glenbrookvalley.org


letter, as well as meet other needs as they arise. The annual membership fee is $35.00, seniors 65 and over have the discounted rate of $25.00. (Verification for the Senior Rate is the HCAD over - 65 Homestead Exemption.) Cont’d p. 1

publicar y enviar el boletín, tan bien como satisfacer otras necesidades cuando ocurran. La membrecía anual es $35.00; la gente de 65 años y más tienen una tasa de descuento de $25.00. (La verificación para la tasa descontada es la exención homestead de HCAD.)

Holiday Decorations 2012 The Holiday Decorations were OUTSTANDING! Please, congratulate yourselves for a job well done. There were many more decorations in the neighborhood this year than last. It takes many hours to plan and decorate a home. We appreciate your tremendous efforts!

Las decoraciones para los días festivos 2012 ¡Las decoraciones para los días festivos eran sobresalientes! Por favor, felicítense por un trabajo bien hecho. Había muchas más decoraciones en la vecindad este

año que el año pasado. Requiere muchas horas para planear y decorar una casa. Apreciamos sus tremendos esfuerzos.

Holiday Awards Premios por las decoraciones

Most Original El más original Ophelia & Donald Gibbs 7919 Glenheath

Honorable Mention Mención honorable The Floyd Family 8622 Glen Valley

Hall of Fame Pasillo de Fama Michael & Gail Evans 6727 Hollygrove Rose & Fidencio Ruiz 6722 Hollygrove

Northeast Noreste Most Beautiful El más lindo

The Reyna Family 7927 Glen Prairie

Most Original El más original Mike Gonzales 7919 Santa Elena

Honorable Mention Mención honorable The Reyes Family 7930 Glen Prairie

Southwest I Suroeste I Most Beautiful El más lindo Allison & Ryan Kennedy 7735 Glenbrae

Most Original El más original

The Gallardo Family 7722 Glenbrae

Honorable Mention Mención honorable The Barron Family 8331 Dover

Southwest II Suroeste II Most Beautiful El más lindo Barbara & James Hall 8622 Dover

Most Original

Southeast Sureste Most Beautiful El más lindo Ruth & Sergio Palomo 7934 Glenalta



Helen Guillory Real Estate Helping neighbors with homes in Glenbrook Valley since 1970

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Most Original El más original Rosenda Palomino

Honorable Mention Mención honorable The Munoz Family 7611 Wilmerdean

Northwest Noroeste Most Beautiful El más lindo The John Family 8015 Erie

Most Original El más original Patricia Neri & Jose Ortuno 8227 Dover

Honorable Mention Mención honorable

angels as the tradition continues!

Unas gracias “dulces” ¡Nuestra colección anual de galletas era MAS GRANDE QUE NUNCA! ¡MUCHAS GRACIAS, vecinos de Glenbrook, por su participación generosa! Montañas de dulces se entregaron a la comandancia sudeste del Departamento Policíaco de Houston en Mykawa, la base HPD de helicópteros en el Aeropuerto Hobby, la estación de bomberos 36 en Airport Blvd., la estación de bomberos 26 en Dixie, y la estación de bomberos 29 en Old Galveston Rd.

The Cruz Family 8220 Dover

Si usted no pudo participar este año, no se preocupe;¡tendrá otra oportunidad en diciembre de 2013 para cocinar o comprar sus galleA “Sweet” Thank You tas premiadas para nuestros ángeles guardianes mientras que contiOur annual cookie collection was nua la tradición! ! BIGGER THAN EVER! THANK YOU Glenbrook Valley neighbors for your generous participation! Mountains of cookies were delivered to the Houston Police Department’s Southeast Command on Mykawa, HPD Helicopter base at Hobby Airport, Fire Station 36 on Airport Blvd., Fire Station 26 on Dixie, and Fire Station 29 on Old Galveston Rd. It you were unable to do your part this year, don't worry, you'll have another opportunity in December 2013 to bake or buy your prize winning cookies for our guardian

January, 2013

Make time to volunteer! Planning construction on your home? Exterior Step 1 - submit plans to the GBV Architectural Review Board in writing. Step 2 - contact the city’s Historic Preservation office for assistance applying for a Certificate of Appropriateness. Step 3 - purchase appropriate permits. Permits & COA required for changing windows Permit required for: roofing, driveway & sidewalks.

Interior Permits are needed for electrical and plumbing changes.

Glenbrook Valley Architectural Review Board P. O. Box 262164 Houston, TX 77207-2164

Certificate of Appropriateness Historicpreservation @houstontx.gov 713-837-7963

Glenbrook Vision Dr. R. J. Malik Therapeutic Optometrist 7640 Bellfort 713-645-3035 glenbrookvalley.org

50% discount on building permits with a C of A 50% descuento en permisos de construcción con una C de A Building Permits City of Houston Permit Center 1002 Washington Ave 832-394-9000 Page 3

Resolve to Support Your Neighborhood 2013 is here, so it's time for your annual resolutions. An important one is to commit to do one thing to improve your neighborhood! Start with your home. Really look at the yard, flower beds, shrubs, edging, and the exterior of the house. Can you identify an area that needs improving? Formulate a workable plan in the next couple of months for the "spring spruce up."

vera. Luego mire la condición de las casas en su cuadra. ¿Hay vecinos de mayor edad que ya no pueden mantener su propiedad? ¿Hay algo que usted podría hacer para ayudar? ¿Hay alguna casa vacía en su cuadra? Infórmeles en el 311 de un jardín descuidado y por favor llámele a su Director de sección con la dirección. Cuidando de los problemas chiquitos los previene llegar a ser grandes e inmanejables.

Next look at the condition of the homes on your block. Are there seniors who are no longer able to maintain their property? Is there anything you could do to help? Are there any vacant houses in your block? Report an overgrown yard to 311 and please call your Section Director with the address. Watching out for small problems keeps them from becoming large unmanageable ones.

Trabajando juntos combinando todas las partes pequeñas, ¡haremos la vecindad más deseable in Houston!

By working together combining all the small parts, we will build the most desirable neighborhood in Houston!.

The reason water stands on many streets is collapsed or clogged drains and sunken areas in the streets.

Resuelva apoyar a su vecindad

The civic club has asked on every Capital Improvement Plan request form since 2004 that large blocks on Dover, Glen Valley, and Glen Loch be rebuilt. NOTHING, we've never been considered.

2013 ya está aquí; de modo que es la hora de las resoluciones anuales. ¡Una que importa es comprometerse a hacer una sola cosa para mejor a su vecindad! Comience con su casa. Mire bien el jardín, los lechos de flores, las matas, el ribete de la yarda, y el exterior de la casa. ¿Puede identificar un área que necesita mejoramiento? Formule un plan realizable en los próximos dos meses para embellecerlo para la primaJanuary, 2013

GBV Streets The condition of our streets goes beyond deplorable! When is the last time any of our streets have been rebuilt, resurfaced, or adequately repaired?

If the squeaky wheel gets the grease, or in this case action neighbors, it's time to squawk!! Report standing water daily to 311 until it dries up. Register your complaint about our streets to all of the following (frequently) 311; Mayor Parker, 832-3931036; Council Member James Rodriguez, 832-393-3011; atglenbrookvalley.org

Community Calendar Thursday, Jan. 10 P.I.P 7 p.m. 8300 Mykawa Everyone is welcome!

Thursday, January17 GBV Annual Meeting 7 p.m. Glenbrook Methodist Church 8635 Glen Valley @ Wilmerdean

Everyone is welcome!

Monday, January 21 Citizens On Patrol Meet and Greet 7 p.m. Glenbrook Methodist Church 8635 Glen Valley @ Wilmerdean

Everyone is welcome!

Curbside Recycle “Green” Cans Tuesday, Jan. 8 Tuesday, Jan. 22 Tuesday, Feb. 5


January 19 TREE WASTE Page 4

Large Council Members Costello, 832-393-3014; Burks 832-3933013; Noriega, 832-393-3005; Bradford, 832-393-3012; Christie, 832-393-3006.

832-393-3005; Bradford, 832393-3012; Christie, 832-3933006. COP

Las calles GBV ¡La condición de nuestras calles va más allá de deplorable! ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que alguna de nuestras casas se reconstruyó, se revistió, o se reparó adecuadamente? La razón porque el agua se queda en muchas calles es el drenaje obstruido o colapsado y áreas hundidas en las calles. El club cívico ha pedido en cada Plan para mejora capital desde 2004 que cuadras largas en Dover, Glen Valley, y Glen Loch se reconstruyan. NADA; nunca hemos sido considerados. Si la rueda chirriante obtiene la grasa, o en este caso vecinos de acción, ¡es la hora de chillar!! Reporte el agua estancada a 311 diariamente hasta que se seque. Registre su queja acerca de nuestras calles a todos los siguientes (frecuentemente) – 311; la Alcaldesa Parker, 832-393-1036; el Concejal James Rodriguez, 832393-3011; los Miembros en general: Costello, 832-393-3014; Burks 832-393-3013; Noriega, Handyman Simple repairs/plumbing Power-washing se habla español Mario Lozano: 832-689-5676 Hobby Area Estate Sale Service Liquidation/Sale of Contents House, Garage, Attic & Storage Experienced, Friendly Service Phone/Fax: 713-649-9545 www.hobbyareaestatesaleservice-haess.com

January, 2013

Crime Statistics for OCTOBER, 2012 Murder:




Start the new year off right, visit the Citizens On Patrol meeting Monday night, January 21. We meet at Glenbrook Methodist Church at 7 p.m. The address is 8635 Glen Valley at Wilmerdean. Park in the Wilmerdean parking lot. We'll be in the room at the back of the parking lot (Agape Room.) This meeting is our 2013 "Get Acquainted" gathering. We have several new patrollers this year. Come meet us and see if you'd like to join us.

Robbery 0

All of our neighbors are the eyes and ears of Glenbrook Valley. Watching our for problems and reporting them is vital to the safety of this neighborhood.

Statistics collected are for Glenbrook Valley residential only and exclude apartments, shopping centers and peripheral businesses. This data is reported as supplied by H.P.D. Crime Re-

Reminder: Glenbrook Valley is a participant in the City of Houston's Prohibited Yard Parking Ordinance. All vehicles must be parked on the driveway or the street. Violators are reported to the Houston Police Department. Fines start at $185. per day. There are now 4 Deferential Response Team (DRT) officers stationed at the Broadway Storefront. They are enforcing the PYP (Prohibited Yard Parking) ordinance and assisting Neighborhood Protection in the enforcement of Ordinance violations. To report yard parking

MA RY KAY In Glenbrook Valley Nancy Francis Independent Beauty Consultant www.marykay.com/nanfran 281-686-3909


Assaults: 0 Burglary: 7600 Wilmerdean 7700 Morley 8500 Glen Valley Theft:

7700 Wilmerdean 8300 Dover 2 - 8300 Glen Valley 8500 Glen Loch

Auto Theft: 8500 Glenaire Narcotics: 0 DWI:


go to www.hpdsoutheast.com; from the list on the right hand side of the page select "Neighborhood Complaint." and fill in the appropriate fields. You can also file on-line reports from this site. You can also request a “patrol alert slip.” If you have seen suspicious activity and don’t feel safe, you can request additional patrols in your area. If you’re going to be out of town it’s a good idea to fill our an alert slip. HEATING & Air CONDITIONING TACLB28564E


Page 5

Historic Glenbrook Valley Newsletter




Deliver Promptly, Do not hold.


Annual Meeting Thursday January 17 7 p.m. Glenbrook Methodist Church 8635 Glen Valley

Denim & Diamonds Saturday, February 9, 2013 7:00 pm - Midnight Knights of Columbus Hall, 2320 Hatfield Rd. Pearland, TX 77581 Evening includes seated dinner; dancing; silent, live, online auctions; plus entertainment extraordinaire.

$35.00 Open seating $350.00 Reserved Table You can help Mount Carmel Academy’s Vision become a reality! Mount Carmel Academy is an HISD 501 (c)3 350-student College Prep Charter High School. Tickets may be purchased at MCA or online at: www.mtcarmelacademy.net

Attire: Evening Rodeo Glitz


PM &



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