July 2012

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Officers President Ann Collum 713-645-0241 Vice President Shannon McNair 713-847-6685 Recording Secretary Alsine Ryan 713-641-3670 Membership Secretary Norma Navarro 713-645-3409 Treasurer Vicky Schoppe 713-643-7643

Directors at Large Jamie Oyler (NE) Roxanna Ramirez (NW) Saundra Hughes (SWI) Dolores Thacker (SWII) Gilbert Martinez (SE)

713-645-5936 713-644-5860 713-645-7617 713-645-1886 713-643-1735

Section Directors 1. Yvette Miles 2. Billimarie Gannon 3. Robert Searcy 4. Emma Valdes 5. Larry Rucker 6. Dianne Punch 7. Allison Kennedy 7X. Emma Valdes 8. Karen Kemper 9. Bunnie O’Brien 10. Karen Carpenter 11. Cy Clark 12. Elizabeth Gomez

713-818-8987 713-644-8110 832-279-5332 713-644-0858 713-649-3535 713-641-4420 713-855-4812 713-644-0858 713-641-1469 713-880-3187 713-640-1336 713-855-8100 832-651-3943

Helpful Numbers Deed Restrictions Karen Carpenter 713-640-1336 Or Any Director Deed Restriction Hot Line 832-393-6333 Citizens-on Patrol 713-645-1886 HPD Reports www.hpdsoutheastcom Non-Emergency Police 713-884-3131 Heavy Trash Pick-up 2nd Thursday of each month Southeast - 713-928-4101

Neighborhood Protection/ Public Works 311

Airport Noise 713-845-6901

Street light problems 713-207-2222 District Council Member James Rodriguez 832-393-3011 E-mail: districtI@cityofhouston.net

State Representative Dist. 147 Garnet Coleman 713-520-5355 E-mail garnet.coleman@house.state.tx.us

State Senator Dist. 6

Historic Glenbrook Valley Civic Club “Glenbrook Valley Is A Deed Restricted Neighborhood” July


Love Your Block Grant

Una subvención Ame su cuadra

The City of Houston's E-Newsletter on April 19 encouraged neighborhoods to apply for the "Love Your Block" grant being sponsored by Home Depot. The grant award is $500. Glenbrook Valley Civic Club submitted an application and were notified June 1st that we had won the $500 gift card from Home Depot.

El boletínelectrónico de la Ciudad de Houston el 19 de abril animó a las vecindades que soliciten la subvención “Ame su cuadra” patrocinada por Home Depot. La cantidad de la subvención es $500. El Club Cívico Glenbrook Valley sometió una solicitud y fue notificado el primero de junio que habíamos ganado la tarjeta de regalo por $500 de Home Depot.

The "block" to be improved is in the valley between the 8100 blocks of Glen Dell Ct. and Stony Dell Ct. The house that was formerly 8107 Stony Dell was purchased by the Harris County Flood Control District and demolished by FEMA because of continued flooding.

La “cuadra” que está para mejorarse está en el valle entre las cuadras 8100 de Glen Dell Ct. yStony Dell Ct. La casa que antes era 8107 Stony Dell se compró por el Distrito de Control de Inundaciones del Condado Harris y fue demolido por FEMA por causa de inundaciones.

There are 5 stumps of various sizes that need to be ground out on the lot. We're waiting for the city's forestry department about help with that. The fence needs "remodeling" to protect adjacent properties in the valley. The grant card will be used for native grass seeds that have a growth height of 5 to 6 inches. This will hopefully eliminate the high weeds.

Hay 5 tocones de árboles en el lote que necesitan ser molidos. Esperamos ayudacon eso del departamento de silvicultura de la ciudad. La cerca necesita la “remodelación” para proteger las propiedades adyacentes en el valle. La tarjeta de la subvención se usará por semillas de hierbas nativas que tienen una altura de crecimiento de 5 a 6 pulgadas. Esperanzadamente esto eliminará las altas hierbas malas.

The bulk of the project will take place in the fall. If you would like to volunteer to help with the project please call Harold Rud, 713-645-4270, or Liz Gomez, 832651-3743. Thank you in advance for your positive neighborhood spirit!

PYP and NPC Can you translate the acronyms? PYP is "Prohibited Yard Parking." In January of 2010 the Houston City Council approved Glenbrook Valley's application

La mayoría del proyecto se llevará a cabo en el otoño. Si a usted le gustaría ofrecerse a ayudar con el proyecto favor de llamar a Harold Rud, 713-645-4270, o a Liz Gomez, 832-651-3743. ¡Gracias de antemano por su espíritu positivo para la vecindad!

Estacionamiento prohibido en el jardín Cuerpo de protección de la vecindad

Mario Gallegos 713-678-8600 E-mail mario.gallegos@senate.state.tx.us

Glenbrook Valley Civic Club civicclub@glenbrookvalley.org


sued for PYP or by NPC results in an arrest warrant being issued for the person named on the citation. This may seem inconsequential, but if you are stopped for a moving violation and your name is put The ordinance is accessible on the in the system, the PYP or NPC city's web site: City of Houston warrant will be displayed and an Codes and Ordinances, Chapter 10, arrest is imminent. Article X. The ordinance states that parking on the yard substantially El estacionamiento prohibido en reduces property values and causes el jardín: En enero de 2010 el a degradation in the aesthetic ap- Concejal municipal de Houston pearance of the residence. aprobó la solicitud de Glenbrook Any person who violates any provi- Valley para optar a participar en la sion of this article shall be guilty of ordenanza municipal que prohíbe a misdemeanor and, upon convic- el estacionamiento en el jardín. tion thereof, shall be punished by a No se puede estacionar ningún fine not to exceed $150.00. Each vehículo de ninguna clase en el day a violation of this article shall frente o al lado de cualquier procontinue shall constitute a separate piedad de Glenbrook Valley. to "opt in" to the city's PYP Ordinance. No vehicle of any kind may be parked on the front or side yard of any property in Glenbrook Valley.

offense. Failure to pay the fine re- La ordenanza es accesible en el sults in a warrant for the arrest of sitio web de la ciudad: City of the violator being issues. Houston Codes and Ordinances, Chapter 10, Article X. La ordeNPC is "Neighborhood Protection nanza declara que estacionar en el Corp," also commonly referred to jardín reduce significativamente as "311." All Houston neighbor- los valores de propiedad y causa hoods are under the jurisdiction of una degradación en la apariencia NPC for enforcement of City of estética de la residencia. Houston Codes and Ordinances, Chapter 10, Articles I - XIX. Cualquier persona que viola cualquier provisión de este artículo The most common violations are: será culpable de un delito menor heavy trash placed on the curb too y, al ser convicto de lo mismo, se far in advance of pick-up or the castigará por una multa que no wrong items placed out for pickup; debe exceder $150. Cada día que storage of inoperable vehicles on una violación de ese artículo conthe driveway; failure to mow and tinua constituirá una ofensa disedge lawns or trim hedges; garbage tinta. Falta de pagar la multa recans left at the curb after pickup or sulta en una orden de detención improperly stored; "junk" stored in contra el violador. front or on the side of residences visible from the public right of way. También se refiere al Cuerpo de Fines for Neighborhood Protection violations vary depending on the violation. VERY IMPORTANT FACT: Failure to pay the fine for a citation isJuly, 2012

protección de vecindades como "311". Todas las vecindades de Houston están bajo la jurisdicción de este cuerpo de ejecución de los códigos y ordenanzas de la Ciudad de Houston, Capítulo 10, Artículos I - XIX. Las violaciones más comunes son: la basura pesada puesta al bordillo demasiado antes del recogimiento o artículos equivocados puestos para recogimiento; almacenaje de vehículos inoperables en el camino de entrada; falta de cortar el césped o el borde del césped o de recortar setos, botes de basura dejados al bordillo después del recogimiento o almacenado inapropiadamente; trastos almacenados enfrente o al lado de residencias visibles al derecho del vía pública. Multas por violaciones de la Protección de Vecindades varían dependiendo de la violación. UN HECHO MUY IMPORTANTE: Falta de pagar la multa por una citación emitida por el estacionamiento prohibido en el jardín o el cuerpo de protección de vecindades resulta en una orden de detención emitida para la persona nombrada en la citación. Esto puede aparecer


Helen Guillory Real Estate Helping neighbors with homes in Glenbrook Valley since 1970

By Appointment 713-643-4611 or 713-825-7088 (cell) hguillory1@aol.com 713-644-1343


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inconsecuente pero si usted está parada por una violación de tráfico y su nombre está puesto en el sistema, la orden se mostrará y un arresto es inminente.

Website for Locating Towed Vehicles Do you remember the popular movie, "Dude, Where's My Car?" The Houston Police Department (HPD) helps answer that question at www.FindMyTowedCar.com, a website that helps a driver determine where his/her vehicle is stored in the event that it is towed from a location without consent.

www.FindMyTowedCar.com provee información actual mucho másrápidamente que el sistema viejo basado en el teléfono. El sitio web permite que el público haga consultas en tiempo real acerca de vehículos remolcados. Adicionalmente, propietarios de lote de almacenamiento pueden realizar seguimiento a la recepción y salida de vehículos inmediatamente y electrónicamente.

Para más información visite www.FindMyTowedCar.com o visite www.houstonpolice.org y haga clic en el enlace “Find My Towed Car”. También puede llawww.FindMyTowedCar.com pro- mar a la sección de los distribuivides up-to-date information much dores auto de HPD al 832-394quicker than the old, telephone- 4800. based system. The website allows “HEAT EXHAUSTION” the public to make real-time inquiries into towed vehicles. AdditionHeat Exhaustion is caused by over ally, storage lot owners can track exposure to high temperatures the receipt and release of vehicles usually combined with high huimmediately and electronically. midity and strenuous physical acFor more information visit tivity. If not treated immediately, www.FindMyTowedCar.com or heat exhaustion can lead to heat visit www.houstonpolice.org and stroke which can cause organ failclick on the "Find My Towed Car" ure, brain damage and death. link. You may also call the HPD In most cases, you can treat heat A u t o D e a l e r s D e t a i l a t exhaustion yourself by following the tips listed here. 832.394.4800. 1. Rest in a cool place. Getting Sitio web para into an air-conditioned building is best, but at the localizarvehículos least, find a shady spot. Rest on Remolcados your back with your legs elevated ¿Se acuerda de la película popular, higher than your heart level. “Dude, Where’s My Car?” El De- 2. Drink cool fluids. Stick to water partamento de policía de Houston or sports drinks. Don’t drink any (HPD) ayuda a contestar esa beverages that have alcohol or p r e g u n t a e n caffeine, either of which can conwww.FindMyTowedCar.com, un tribute to fluid loss. sitio web que ayuda a un conductor 3. Apply cool water to your skin. a determinar dónde su vehículo está If possible, take a cool shower or almacenado en caso de que esté re- soak in a cool bath. Don’t use almolcado a un lugar sin consenti- cohol on your skin. miento. 4. Loosen clothing. Remove any cont’d p. 5 July, 2012


It’s never too late to support your neighborhood!

All residents of Glenbrook Valley are encouraged to Join the Civic Club Reinvest in your property! Invierta de Nuevo en su propiediad! Protect & support your neighborhood! Proteja y apoye su vecindario! Join the Civic Club! Júntese con el club cívicio! $35.00 per year! $35.00 el año! $25.00 for seniors $25.00 al año la gente de mayor edad Pay Online www.GlenbrookValley.org and click “Dues” button to pay online via PayPal Pague en línea www.GlenbrookValley.org y haga clic en el botón “Dues” para pagar

___________________________ Name as you want it to appear on the newsletter / Nombre ___________________________ Address / Dirección ___________________________ Telephone number / Teléfono número

Mail to : / Envie a : Glenbrook Valley Civic Club P.O. Box 262164 Houston, TX 77207-2164 Page 3

July Yard of the Month Winners

Yard Of the Month

Community Calendar Thursday, July 12



Jamie Oyler 7911 Santa Elena

7:00 p.m. 8300 Mykawa Everyone is welcome!

Southeast Celia Guerrero 7930 Glenbrae

Southwest I Allison & Ryan Kennedy 7735 Glenbrae

Southwest II

Council Member Stephen Costello

7703 Meadville

Ask a Council Member

Northwest Carol & George Avouris 8106 Colgate

All residences are eligible to win the “Yard of the Month!”

¡Todas las residencias son elegibles para ganar "Jardín del Mes!"






ADVERTISE with us! Spaces available Call

713-643-7643 or


I’m Stephen Costello, your AtLarge, Position 1 Council Member and I’d like to hear from you! Have a question about local drainage projects? Wondering how the city balances the budget every year or how ordinances are passed? In partnership with the Glenbrook Valley Civic Club, I am excited to announce the latest feature in your neighborhood newsletter, Ask a Council Member, a monthly column where I will be answering your questions regarding city issues effecting Glenbrook Valley. Submit your questions to atlarge1@houstontx.gov and look for my response in the next newsletter! Council Member Stephen Costello, first elected in 2009, is chair of the Budget and Fiscal Affairs Committee. Costello is also an engineer with an expertise in drainage and flooding, and former chair of Memorial Park

Mark your calendar.. SEPTEMBER 20 Annual Covered Dish Dinner & Bingo Game Free for Civic Club Members

Curbside Recycle “Green” Cans Tuesday, July 10 Tuesday, July 24 Tuesday, August 7

Second Thursday TREE WASTE

July 12 TREE WASTE To report problems or Code Violations—311

July, 2012


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unnecessary clothing and make sure your clothes aren’t binding. If you don’t begin to feel better within a half-hour using these treatment measures, seek prompt medical attention. You may be given intravenous (IV) fluids to help you rehydrate. Immersion in cold water, misting your skin, and placing yourself in front of fans or using cold or ice packs and cooling blankets are some of the techniques that may be used to bring down your body temperature.


Glenbrook Valley has 12 new members of Citizens On Patrol. Officer Trenisha Harris conducted the Certification Class. It’s never to late to join! Contact Dolores Thacker, 713-645-1886, if you would like to help protect your neighborhood!

Up to the Minute Fire and ción corriente acerca de llamadas para servicio de los bomberos o la Police Reports The web site everyblock.com is a free source for "current" information on fire and police calls for service. EveryBlock gives information on what's happening in your area, active incidents, crime reports, business reviews, area events, and new real estate listings. It is free and sends a report daily.

Reportes al corriente de los bomberos y la policía

policía. EveryBlock da información acerca de lo que está pasando en su área, incidentes activos, reportes del crimen, revisiones de negocios, eventos del área, y nuevos anuncios de bienes raíces. Es gratis y envía un reporte diariamente. You are the eyes and ears of the neighborhood S t o p, L o o k Report Problems!

El sitio web www.everyblock.com es una fuente gratis por informa Handyman Simple repairs/plumbing Power-washing se habla español Mario Lozano: 832-689-5676

Ustedes son los ojos y oídos de la vecindad. P á r e n s e, M i r e n ¡Informen de problemas!

Hobby Area Estate Sale Service Liquidation/Sale of Contents House, Garage, Attic & Storage Experienced, Friendly Service

June 12, 2012

Crime Statistics for April, 2012 Murder:




Robbery 0 Assaults: 8300 Glen Valley (Road, street, or sidewalk)

Burglary: 8200 Glen Valley Theft:

7500 Rockhill 7900 Glen Prairie 8200 Glencrest 8700 Glen Loch

Auto Theft: 7900 Glenlea Narcotics: 0 DWI:


Statistics collected are for Glenbrook Valley residential only and exclude apartments, shopping centers and peripheral businesses. This data is reported as supplied by H.P.D. Crime Reports.



Phone/Fax: 713-649-9545



July, 2012


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Historic Glenbrook Valley Newsletter DATED MATERIAL!


Deliver Promptly, Do not hold.


Don’t forget to vote! Primary Run-offs

July 31

Curb Appeal - does your home have it?? Lawn mowed . . . . √

Curb edged . . . . √

Shrubs trimmed . . √

Paint in good shape.√


PM &



TOOL’S PLUMBING 713-991-1732 MPL# 16153

713-644-9285 6734 Rupley Circle

Plumbing Repairs Gas Tests New Installations Water Heaters Water-Sewer-Gas Lines Sewer & Drain Cleaning

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