November 2009

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2009 Officers President Ann Collum 713-645-0241 Vice President Shannon McNair 713-847-6685 Recording Secretary Alsine Ryan 713-641-3670 Membership Secretary Norma Navarro 713-645-3409 Treasurer Vicky Schoppe 713-643-7643

Directors at Large Robert Searcy (NE) Roxanna Ramirez (NW) Saundra Hughes (SWI) Hazel Carney (SWII) Gilbert Martinez (SE)

832-279-5332 713-644-5860 713-645-7617 713-641-5373 713-643-1735

Section Directors 1. Karen Guerrero 713-645-4625 2. Jamie Oyler 713-645-5936 3. Raymond Crow 713-847-6153 4. Emma Valdes 713-644-0858 5. Larry Rucker 713-649-3535 6. Robert Searcy/Interim 832-279-5332 7. Karen Carpenter 713-640-1336 7X. Bob Johnston 713-644-4212 8. Jessica Morrell 713-641-0477 9. Dolores Thacker 713-645-1886 10. Billimarie Gannon 713-644-8110 11. Don Browne 713-256-7475 12. Mike Smith 832-656-5665

Helpful Numbers Deed Restrictions Karen Carpenter 713-640-1336 Or Any Director Citizens-on Patrol 713-641-5373 HPD Broadway Storefront 713-847-4155 - 8751 Broadway Non-Emergency Police 713-884-3131 Heavy Trash Pick-up 2nd Thursday of each month Southeast - 713-928-4101

Neighborhood Protection/ Public Works 24 hour number - 311

Airport Noise 281-233-3900

Glenbrook Valley Civic Club “Glenbrook Valley Is A Deed Restricted Neighborhood” November


November 19, 7 p.m. Civic Club meeting

19 de noviembre, 7p.m. Reunión del Club cívico

Glenbrook Methodist Church 8635 Glen Valley @ Wilmerdean

Glenbrook Methodist Church 8635 Glen Valley @ Wilmerdean

(enter church parking lot from Wilmerdean) Justice of the Peace Jo Ann Delgado will be our special guest. Learn how our JP Court can help you resolve disputes, how the Legislature’s last session impacted the Court.

(Entre el aparcamiento de Wilmerdean.) La Juez de Paz Jo Ann Delgado será nuestra invitada especial. Aprenda como nuestro tribunal puede ayudarle a usted para resolver disputas, y como la última sesión legislativa impactó en el tribunal.

We will have “improvised” lighting ¡Tendremos luz “improvisada” en on the parking lot this month! el aparcamiento este mes! Help us say, “Thank you!” As you plan your holiday baking, please remember to add extra for our annual “thank you” to the HPD officers and HFD firemen that serve and protect Glenbrook Valley. Bring your “goodies” Saturday, December 12; 10 a.m. to the Park Place Regional Library, 8145 Park Place Blvd. Thank you in advance for your support and holiday spirit!

Ayúdenos a decir, “¡Muchas gracias!” Mientras que planea su cocina de los días festivos, por favor recuerde añadir un poco extra para nuestras “gracias anuales” a los policías de HPD y los bomberos de HFD que sirven y protegen a Glenbrook Valley. Traigan sus hornadas el sábado, el 12 de diciembre; 10 a.m. a la biblioteca Park Place Regional, 8145 Park Place Blvd. ¡Muchas gracias de antemano por su apoyo y espíritu festivo!

Street light problems - 311 District Council Member James Rodriguez 832-393-3011 E-mail:

State Representative Dist. 147 Garnet Coleman 713-520-5355 E-mail

State Senator Dist. 6 Mario Gallegos 713-678-8600 E-mail

Christmas Past

La Navidad pasada

Once upon a time Glenbrook Valley was known through out the city as the neighborhood with beautiful Christmas decorations. Many families made a tradition of driving through Glenbrook Valley to see the lights

Había una vez que Glenbrook Valley se conocía por toda la ciudad como la vecindad con decoraciones navideñas hermosísimas. Muchas familias tradicionalmente manejaban por Glenbrook Valley para ver las luces y las

Glenbrook Valley Civic Club

and unusual decorations. Let’s renew 713-256-7475, or Michael Smith at the tradition! Just think what it would 832-656-5665. be like if every house had lights up, or even a wreath with the porch light on!★ Se necesitan voluntarios

Thank all of you that have signed in support of our efforts to have Glenbrook Valley declared a historic neighborhood. Thanks in advance to those of you signing and sending in Necesitamos voluntarios para ayu- your petitions this month.

decoraciones extraordinarias. ¡Renovemos la tradición! Solo piense ¡cómo sería si cada casa tuviera luces, o aun una corona, con la luz del porche puesta! ★

Historic Petition Block Walk Volunteers will be in Southwest Section 7 on Saturday, November 14 from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. asking residents that haven’t signed the petition seeking a historic designation for Glenbrook Valley to do so.

Caminando las cuadras con la petición histórica Algunos voluntarios estarán en la sección 7del suroeste el sábado, 14 de noviembre de las 10:00 a.m. hasta las 3 p.m. pidiéndoles firmas a la gente que todavía no han firmado la petición buscando la designación histórica para Glenbrook Valley.

Volunteers Needed

dar con nuestros esfuerzos de hacer firmar las peticiones históricas. Especialmente necesitamos voluntarios de habla española. Por favor llame a Don Browne, 713256-7475 o Michael Smith, 832565-5665. ★

We need volunteers to help in our efforts to get historic petitions signed. • We especially need Spanish speaking • volunteers. Please call Don Browne at


protecting the neighborhood from insensitive development. keeping appraisal values stable. providing yourself a tax break if you fully restore your home to its original condition.

If you haven’t signed your petition, you will find another in this newsletter. Please sign and return it to the post office box listed on it.

November, 2009


Helen Guillory Real Estate Helping neighbors with homes in Glenbrook Valley since 1970

By Appointment 713-643-4611 or 713-825-7088 (cell)

for information call


Al corriente histórico

Cada mes nos acercamos más a nuestra meta de tener firmas de 51% de los dueños de casa para la designación histórica de Glenbrook Valley. Al moHistoric Update mento tenemos 65% de las firmas neEach month we are closer to our goal cesarias. of 51% of homeowners signing the petition to the City of Houston for the ¿Qué puede hacer usted para ayudar? historic designation of Glenbrook Si ya ha firmado anime a sus vecinos Valley. We currently are at 65% of para que firmen ellos. Si usted alquila o renta la propiedad, déle la petición al the needed signatures. dueño y anímelo que firme él. Si neceWhat can you do to help? If you’ve sita una petición, visite nuestro sitio already signed, encourage your Web,, o llame a neighbors to sign. If you lease or rent un funcionario o director del Club cíviyour residence, pass the petition on co…..Se la entregaremos! and encourage the property owner to ¿Por qué querría firmar? sign. If you need a petition, visit our Por firmar la petición va a: website,, or call • proteger la integridad de la arquian Officer or Director of the Civic tectura de la vecindad Club……we deliver! • promover el orgullo en la vecindad • proteger la vecindad de la indusWhy should you want to sign? trialización By signing the petition you will be: • mantener estables los valores tasa• protecting the architectural integdos rity of the neighborhood. • proveerse la oportunidad de pagar • promoting neighborhood pride. •

Advertising space

Please help us in our efforts to make 2010 historical!

713-644-1343 Page 2

menos impuestos si restaure su casa too careful. A truly safe neighbora su condición original. hood is one where residents work


together watching and reporting Tenga cuidado con alguien que toque en la puerta y quiera discutir asuntos afectando Glenbrook Valley. Puede ser que no tenga los intereses mejores de la vecindad como junta directiva la motivación de su presentación. El Club Cívico Glenbrook Valley es un grupo de vecinos que ofrecen CUALQUIER cambio propuesto… su tiempo gratis para proteger la ordenanzas de la Ciudad, leyes, o integridad de nuestra vecindad. ¡No principios legales gobernando nueshay ningunos empleados pagados tra vecindad se reportará primero a en el Club Cívico Glenbrook Va- usted por el boletín. Después de esta noticia inicial, el asunto o los lley! asuntos se discutirán en las reunioLos nombres y los números de telé- nes del club cívico o de la comunifono de los funcionarios y directo- dad. ★ res actuales se listan en la primera página del boletín de cada mes. Por Reinvest in your property! Invierta de Nuevo en favor guarde una copia para que pueda verificarlo si alguien se presu propiediad! senta como funcionario o director Protect & support your del Club Cívico Glenbrook Valley.

Si no ha firmado la petición todavía, things that don’t “feel” right! encontrará otra copia con este boletín. Por favor fírmela y devuélvala al aparFuncionarios y la tado de correos listado en la petición. Muchas gracias a todos los que han firmado en apoyo de nuestros esfuerzos para que Glenbrook Valley se declare una vecindad histórica. Gracias de antemano a ustedes que están firmando y enviando sus peticiones este mes. Por favor ¡ayúdenos en nuestros esfuerzos para hacer histórico el año 2010! ★

Civic Club Officers and Board of Directors

Glenbrook Valley Civic Club is a group of neighbors volunteering their time working to protect the integrity of our neighborhood. There are no paid employees in the Favor de siempre estar consciente de los extranjeros en la vecindad y Glenbrook Valley Civic Club! reporte actividad sospechosa a uno The current Officers and Directors de los 22 miembros de la junta dinames and phone numbers are rectiva. Nunca podemos tener delisted on the front page of each masiado cuidado. Una vecindad month’s newsletter. Please keep a verdaderamente segura es una doncopy so that you may use it as veri- de los residentes trabajan juntos fication if someone presents them- vigilando y reportando cosas que no selves as Officer or Director of les parecen bien. ★ Glenbrook Valley Civic Club.


neighborhood! Proteja y apoye su vecindario! Join the Civic Club! Júntese con el club cívicio! $35.00 per year! $35.00 el año!

___________________________ Name as you want it to appear on the newsletter / Nombre

Please always be aware of strang___________________________ ers in the neighborhood and report Beware of anyone knocking on Address / Dirección suspicious activity to one of the 22 your door wanting to discuss matBoard members. We can never be ters affecting Glenbrook Valley. ___________________________ They may not have the best interest Telephone number / Teléfono número of the neighborhood as a motive for Mail to : / Envie a : their presentation. Glenbrook Valley Civic Club P.O. Box 262164 Mario N. Ramirez, LUTCF ANY proposed changes…City OrExclusive Agent Houston, TX 77207-2164 Auto, Property, Life, Business dinances, laws, or legal policies Allstate Insurance Company governing our neighborhood will 8876 Gulf Frwy., Suite 100 You are the eyes and ears of Houston, TX 77061 first be reported to you in the newsBus. (713)944-4990 the neighborhood FAX (713)944-5997 letter. After this initial notice, the S t o p, L o o k issue or issues will be discussed in E-mail— Report Problems! civic club or community meetings. November, 2009

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Can Placement There will be 2 cans on your curb on recycle Tuesdays, the black one and the green one. There must be at least THREE (3) feet between the cans. If the cans are not 3 feet apart, the “arms” can not maneuver properly to pick the cans up and empty them. The green can lid MUST be down for 2 reasons. The recycle materials have to stay dry and the can can’t be properly emptied if it is overfilled.

Crime Statistics for August, 2009 Murder:




Robbery 8600 Glen Valley Assaults: 8800 Dover Burglary: 7500 Rockhill 7600 Glen Prairie 7800 Broadview 7800 Santa Elena 7900 Glen Vista

Burglary of Motor Vehicle: 7600 Montglen 7700 Wilmerdean

La colocación de los cubos de basura Habrá 2 cubos de basura a su bordillo los jueves del reciclaje; uno negro y el otro verde. Debe haber por lo menos TRES (3) pies entre los cubos. Si no están a tres pies, los “brazos” no pueden hacer las maniobras apropiadamente para levantarlos y vaciarlos. La tapa del cubo verde tiene que estar cerrada por 2 razones. Los materiales para el reciclaje tienen que estar secos y no se puede vaciar el cubo apropiadamente si está demasiado lleno.

2 in 7800 Broadview 7900 Glenheath 8100 Glencrest 8600 Glen Valley 8800 Glen Loch

Your Neighborhood





November, 2009

We had 2 calls about the mistake before 5 p.m. on newsletter delivery day.

Curbside Recycle “Green” Cans Tuesday, Nov. 3 Tuesday, Nov. 17 Tuesday, Dec. 1


Auto Theft: 0 Narcotics: 0 DWI:


Statistics collected are for Glenbrook Valley residential only and exclude apartments, shopping centers and peripheral businesses. This data is reported as supplied by H.P.D. Crime Reports. Nota de la editora -los errores

Bruce A. Matson ___D.D.S.__

Editor’s Note – mistakes Each newsletter goes to the printer with the illusion that it contains no mistakes! Unfortunately, more often than not, there are mistakes. The outstanding mistake in the October newsletter was the recycle dates were correct but not the day! Tuesday is the correct day, but the day listed was Thursday!

¡Cada boletín va a la impreso-

ra con la ilusión que no tiene errores! Desafortunadamente, más que nunca, sí hay errores. El error destacado en el boletín de octubre era que las fechas del reciclaje eran correctas, pero el día, no! El martes es el día correcto, pero el día listado era jueves! Recibimos 2 llamadas acerca del error antes de las 5 p.m. en el día de reparto del boletín. ¡Sigan con el trabajo bueno de corrección!

Tree Waste

Nov. 12 TREE waste ONLY To report problems or Code Violations—311

Signature Selection Interior Design Update or redecorate within your budget!

Call for a FREE in home consultation! Call Angela or Saundra 832-851-7776 or 713-203-0585 website:

Page 4


Glenbrook Valley COP news A huge THANK YOU to everyone that participated in Glenbrook Valley’s National Night Out celebration October 6th!

ages in the trunk where they are out of sight; be aware of your surroundings; park in lighted areas. If you have any qualms at all about walking out into a parking lot, get security to see you safely into your car. Cut up large boxes that contained expensive items such as TV’s, computers, entertainment centers, etc. and put them in the green recycle can. Keep the doors to the house and garages locked. Watch out for your neighbors; if you see someone lurking around notify the police.

All Glenbrook Valley residents are invited to our next COP meeting, which will be on November 23 at 7 p. m. at Park Place Regional Library. Requirements to become a Have a safe and happy holiday seapatroller are simple, you just have son! to be 18 years of age or older, have a valid Texas drivers license, complete the application for HPD and To report problems, call participate in a short training your Section course. Glenbrook Valley is a great Director, Director-atplace to live and by joining the paLarge, or an Officer. trollers, you can contribute to the We are all volunteers. effort of keeping our neighborhood Should it take longer safe. than you feel is necessary to receive an anThe holidays are rapidly approachswer to your question, ing, so please take special care. please call back or call While out shopping, put your packanother Board member. Thank you for your The safest cooperation!

communities are the ones where the people are involved! Hobby Area Estate Sale Service Phone/Fax: 713-649-9545

E.T. Unlimited Home Repairs

281-332-4568 E.T. Baty, III, Craftsman November, 2009

Community Calendar Thursday, Nov. 12 P.I.P. 7:00 p.m. 8300 Mykawa All residents welcome!

Thursday, Nov. 19 Civic Club Meeting 7:00 p.m. 8635 Glen Valley

Monday, Nov. 23 (one week later than usual) C.O.P. 7:00 p.m. Park Place Regional Library 8145 Park Place Blvd. All residents welcome!

For updates on the Community Calendar, visit our web site

George’s Pizzaria And

Italian Cuisine Buon Appetito!

Dr. Clay McCreary Bellfort Animal Hospital 6633 BELLFORT HOUSTON, TX 77087

Grooming & Boarding Clinic: 713-643-2626 Emergency:713-941-8460 M-F: 8-12:00am 2-5:30pm Sat.: 8am-1:00pm

7430 Park Place

Houston, TX 77087 713713-644644-3223



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Glenbrook Valley Newsletter



DATED MATERIAL! Deliver Promptly, Do not hold.


General Meeting Thursday, November 19 7 P.M. 8635 Glen Valley Have you signed your petition?

Robert Searcy TEXAS REAL ESTATE & Co. 832-279-5332 direct


PM &



TOOL’S PLUMBING 713-991-1732 MPL# 16153

713-644-9285 6734 Rupley Circle

Plumbing Repairs Gas Tests New Installations Water Heaters Water-Sewer-Gas Lines Sewer & Drain Cleaning

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