November 2012

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Officers President Ann Collum 713-645-0241 Vice President Shannon McNair 713-847-6685 Recording Secretary Alsine Ryan 713-641-3670 Membership Secretary Norma Navarro 713-645-3409 Treasurer Vicky Schoppe 713-643-7643

Directors at Large Jamie Oyler (NE) Roxanna Ramirez (NW) Saundra Hughes (SWI) Dolores Thacker (SWII) Gilbert Martinez (SE)

713-645-5936 713-644-5860 713-645-7617 713-645-1886 713-643-1735

Section Directors 1. Yvette Miles 2. Billimarie Gannon 3. Robert Searcy 4. Emma Valdes 5. Larry Rucker 6. Dianne Punch 7. Allison Kennedy 7X. Emma Valdes 8. Karen Kemper 9. Bunnie O’Brien 10. Karen Carpenter 11. Cy Clark 12. Elizabeth Gomez

713-818-8987 713-644-8110 832-279-5332 713-644-0858 713-649-3535 713-641-4420 713-855-4812 713-644-0858 713-641-1469 713-880-3187 713-640-1336 713-855-8100 832-651-3943

Helpful Numbers Deed Restrictions Karen Carpenter 713-640-1336 Or Any Director Deed Restriction Hot Line 832-393-6333 Citizens-on Patrol 713-645-1886

Historic Glenbrook Valley Civic Club “Glenbrook Valley Is A Deed Restricted Neighborhood” November

2012 COP


A Salute to the Unsung "Heroes" of Glenbrook Valley

Un saludo a los “héroes” desconocidos de Glenbrook Valley

We take many things for granted in our lives, but that doesn't mean the are right. One of the things GBV residents have come to consider an automatic is the Citizens On Patrol members driving through the neighborhood looking out for our property.

Puede ser que tomemos muchas cosas por dadas en nuestras vidas, pero eso no quiere decir que es correcto. Una de las cosas que los residentes de GBV han llegado a considerar como automáticas es miembros de Ciudadanos en patrulla manejando por la vecindad cuidando de nuestra propiedad.

It's past time to recognize the loyalty of some of our residents to the Glenbrook Valley Citizens on Patrol! Glenbrook Valley C.O.P. was established in 1991. Don Kemendo, Kent Gillum, Lillie & Paul Futch, and Emma & Ray Valdes have patrolled since the beginning, or close to it - that is 20 years! James Luckett has patrolled 16 years.

HPD Reports www.hpdsoutheastcom Non-Emergency Police 713-884-3131 Heavy Trash Pick-up 2nd Thursday of each month Southeast - 713-928-4101

Thank you for your loyal, dedicated service and unfailing pride in our neighborhood.

Neighborhood Protection/ Public Works

The first case of the West Nile virus has been verified and reported in Glenbrook Valley. There is a "green" swimming pool next door to the person with the illness, and it is strongly believed that the pool is a likely source. It's definitely a breeding ground. "Green pools" need to be reported the City of Houston Health Department at 832-939-5100.


Airport Noise 713-845-6901

Street light problems 713-207-2222 District Council Member James Rodriguez 832-393-3011 E-mail:

State Representative Dist. 147 Garnet Coleman 713-520-5355 E-mail

State Senator Dist. 6 Mario Gallegos 713-678-8600 E-mail

Glenbrook Valley Civic Club

West Nile Virus

We are working with the Department of

Ya es tiempo para reconocerla lealtad de algunos de nuestros residentes Ciudadanos en patrulla de Glenbrook Valley! C.O.P. Glenbrook Valley se estableció en 1991. Don Kemendo, Kent Gillum,Lillie & Paul Futch, y Emma & Ray Valdes han patrullado desde el principio, o cerca de ella– es decir¡20 años! James Luckett ha patrullado 16 años. Graciaspor su servicio leal y dedicado y su orgullo indefectible en nuestra vecindad.

Virus del Nilo Occidental El primer caso del virus del Nilo Occidental se ha sido verificado y reportado en Glenbrook Valley. Hay una piscina “verde” al lado de una persona con la enfermedad, y se cree fuertemente que la piscina probablemente es la fuente. Definitivamente es un caldo de cultivo. Las “piscinas verdes” necesitan ser reportadas al Departamento de salud de la Ciudad de Houston en el 832-939-

Neighborhoods and the Legal Department to identify and eliminate the green pools in our neighborhood.

tions? Keep the tradition alive, decorate your home for the holidays!! One string of lights on every house in Glenbrook Valley would transform our neighborhood into a bright star for a night time satellite view of Houston. Please make your contribution to the spirit of the season.

If you see violations in your neighbor's back yard, please call 311 and report it. The reports are confidential, but you do not have to give your name, you may remain anonymous. Glenbrook Valley is divided into five sectors for the selection of 5100. award winning yards, Northwest, Northeast, Southeast, Southwest I, Estamos trabajando con el Departa- and Southwest II. Broadway is the mento de vecindades y el Departa- north-south dividing line and Bellmento legal para identificar y elimi- fort is the east-west dividing line. nar las piscinas verdes en nuestra The Southwest section has the vecindad. largest number of homes so it is Si usted ve violaciones en el jardín divided into subsections. Southde atrás de su vecino, por favor lla- west I includes Section 7 and Secme a 311 y repórtelo. Los reportes tion 7 Extended. Southwest II is son confidenciales: no necesita dar section 9. su nombre; puede quedarse anóni- The judges are volunteers. They mo. graciously give their time, and gasoline, in selecting the winning Christmas Traditions residences. Their decision is final. Holiday Decorations The judges are looking for creativity and effort. A theme is good. “Tis the season to light up The award winning categories are Glenbrook Valley!” All “Most Beautiful,” “Most Origiresidents are encouraged to deco- nal,” and “Honorable Mention.” rate their homes for the holiday season. For over 50 years Glenbrook The Glenbrook Valley Civic Club Valley has had outstanding holiday honors those homes that have decorations. How many times have been continuous award winners by you told someone you live in Glen- declaring them to be in the “Hall brook Valley and their first com- of Fame.” To become a member ment is about the Christmas decora- of this elite category requires five consecutive years of winning in any of the categories. The “Hall of Fame” sign is placed in the designee’s yard each year the yard continues to be decorated.

The judges will be making their decisions on Tuesday evening, December 18. Please have your lights turned on as close to 5 p.m. as possible. Winners are required to have their displays lighted through the end of the year.

Tradiciones de la Navidad Decoraciones de los días festivos ¡Es la temporada de encender las luces de Glenbrook Valley! Se anima a todos los residentes que decoren sus casas para la temporada festiva. Por más de 50 años Glenbrook Valley ha tenido decoraciones festivas sobresalientes. ¿Cuántas veces le ha dicho usted a alguien que usted vive en Glenbrook Valley y la primera cosa que dice trata de las decoraciones navideñas? Mantenga la tradición viva; ¡¡decore su casa para los días festivos!! Un cordón de luces en cada casa en Glenbrook Valley trasformaría nuestra vecindad a una estrella brillante para una vista satélite de Houston. Favor de hacer su contribución al espíritu


Helen Guillory Real Estate Helping neighbors with homes in Glenbrook Valley since 1970

By Appointment 713-643-4611 or 713-825-7088 (cell)

Recyclebank November, 2012


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de la estación. Glenbrook Valley se divide en cinco sectores para la selección de los jardines que ganan premios, noroeste, noreste, sudeste, sudoeste I, y sudoeste II. La Broadway es la línea que divide el norte del sur y la Bellfort es la línea que divide el este del oeste. La sección sudoeste tiene el número mayor de casas, de modo que se divide en sub-secciones. Sudoeste I incluye la Sección 7 la Sección 7 extendida. Sudoeste II es la sección 9. Los jueces son voluntarios. Nos regalan su tiempo y su gasolina amablemente para seleccionar las residencias ganadoras. Su decisión es final. Los jueces buscan la creatividad y el esfuerzo. Un tema es bueno. Las categorías premiadas son “Más bonita”, Más original”, y “Mención honorable”. El Club Cívico Glenbrook honra las casas que han recibido premios continuamente por declararlas en el “Salón de Fama”. Para ser miembro de esta categoría élite exige 5 años de ganar en cualquier de las categorías. El letrero “Salón de fama” se pone en el jardín designado cada año que el jardín sigue estar decorado.

Los jueces harán sus decisiones el jueves por la noche, el 18 de diciembre. Favor de tener sus luces encendidas tan cerca de las 5 p.m. como le sea posible. Se requiere que ganadores guarden sus demostraciones iluminadas hasta el fin del año.

Ayúdenos decir, “Gracias!” Otra tradición de Glenbrook Valley es proveer “dulces de los días festivos” para los agentes de policía y bomberos que sirven y protegen nuestra vecindad. Traiga sus “goodies” cocidas en casa sábado, el 8 de diciembre a las 10 a.m. a la Iglesia Glenbrook Methodist, 8635 Glen Valley @ Wilmerdean. ¡Muchas gracias de antemano por su apoyo y espíritu festivo!

Cooler Months Are Ahead. Remember: Space Heaters Need Space. Quoted form HFD’s “Civic Safety Chain Neighborhood Newsletter”

As we begin to experience the cooler weather it is important to remember there are dangers involved when you use space heaters and other means to heat your home. The Houston Fire Depart-

Another Glenbrook Valley tradition is providing "Holiday Sweets" for the police officers and firemen that serve and protect our

ment would like to offer some tips to help keep you safe and warm for the cold months ahead. Have your heating system inspected by a certified technician. Space Heaters: • Space heaters need their space! Allow at least three feet of space around your space heater. • Always place your space heater on the floor away from combustible materials like drapes and furniture. • Never use extension cords with a space heater because they can easily overheat and start a fire. If the cord you are using feels hot, turn off the heater immediately and unplug it. • Never leave a child alone with a space heater • Never overload your fuses or breakers • Clean all of your heaters regularly Gas Heaters: Glenbrook Valley Architectural Review Board P. O. Box 262164 Houston, TX 77207-2164

Certificate of Appropriateness Historicpreservation 713-837-7963

Glenbrook Vision Dr. R. J. Malik

Help us say, “Thank you!”

November, 2012

neighborhood. Bring your home baked "goodies" Saturday, December 8 at 10 a.m., to Glenbrook Methodist Church, 8635 Glen Valley @ Wilmerdean. Thank you in advance for your support and holiday spirit!

Therapeutic Optometrist 7640 Bellfort 713-645-3035

50% discount on building permits with a C of A 50% descuento en permisos de construcción con una C de A Building Permits City of Houston Permit Center 1002 Washington Ave 832-394-9000 Page 3

• If you use gas to heat your home, purchase a carbon monoxide detector • Always provide adequate ventilation by opening a window approximately 1 inch. • Light the match before turning on the gas. Fireplaces: • Have your fireplace and chimney inspected and cleaned annually by a certified chimney sweep. • Minimize creosote buildup in the chimney. • Make sure your fire fits your fireplace. A fire that burns too hot or is too large can crack your chimney. • ALWAYS use a fireplace screen. • Clear the area around the fireplace of debris. • NEVER overload the fireplace and NEVER use the fireplace to burn trash. • Keep a fully charged fire extinguisher on hand. •Dispose of ashes in covered metal containers placed outside in a non-combustible area. Enjoy the cool weather! It won't last long in Houston!

Los meses demásfrio nos enfrentan. Recuerde: los calefactores de espacio necesitan espacio. Citado de “Civic Safety Chain Neighborhood Newsletter” de HFD, y traducido

Mientras que comenzamos a experimentar el tiempo más fresco importa recordar que hay peligros cuando se usan calefactores de espacio y otras maneras de calentar la casa. El Departamento de Bomberos de Houston quisiera ofrecer algunos consejos para ayudar que usted se mantenga

ses del frío que vienen.

JANUARY, 2013, 7 p.m.

NEW HEAVY TRASH PICK UP DAY THIRD WEDNESDAY!!! El día NUEVO de la recolección de la basura pesada es el TERCER MIERCOLES del mes. November garbage collection Veteran's Day and Thanksgiving Day pick ups not affected

La colección de la basura en noviembre

seguro y caliente durante los mespara calentar su casa, compre un El Día de los Veteranos y el Día detector de monóxido de carbono. de Dar Gracias no se afectan. November, 2012


Haga inspecciones de su sistema de Calendar calefacción por un técnico certificado Thursday, Nov. 8 Calefactores de espacio P.I.P. • ¡Los calefactores de espaci 7:00 p.m. necesitan su espacio! Debe haber 8300 Mykawa por lo menos tres pies de espacio Thursday November 15 alrededor de su calefactor. Valley Civic Club Glenbrook • Siempre coloque su calefactor Meeting de espacio en el suelo alejado de materiales combustibles como las 7 p.m. 8635 Glen Valley cortinas y los muebles. Glenbrook Methodist Church • Nunca use alargadores porque fácilmente calienten demasiado y Saturday, December 8 enciendan un fuego. Si la cuerda Cookies Collection que usa le parece caliente apague el for HPD & HFD calefactor inmediatamente y desen10 a.m. chúfelo. Glenbrook Methodist Church • Nunca deje a un niño solo con 8635 Glen Valley @ un calefactor. Wilmerdean • Nunca sobrecargue sus fusibles Tuesday, December 18 o “breakers”. Holiday Decoration • Limpie todos sus calefactor reJudging gularmente. Calefactores de gas: Next C.O.P meeting • Si usted usa calefacción de gas

Curbside Recycle “Green” Cans Tuesday, Nov. 13 Tuesday, Nov. 27 Tuesday, Dec. 11



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Siempre prevea ventilación adecuada por abrir una ventana aproximadamente 1 pulgada. • Encienda el fósforo antes de encender el gas. Chimeneas: • Haga inspecciones y limpieza de su chimenea y su cañón anualmente por un deshollinador certificado. •Minimice la acumulación de cresota en la chimenea. • Asegúrese que el fuego cabe en la chimenea. Un fuego que quema demasiado caliente o que es demasiado grande puede rajar su chimenea. • SIEMPRE use una pantalla de fuego. • Despeje el área alrededor de la chimenea. • NUNCA sobrecargue la chimenea y NUNCA use la chimenea para encender basura. • Mantenga a mano un extintor totalmente cargado. • Deshágase de las cenizas en recipientes cubiertos de metal puestos afuera en un área incombustible. ¡Disfrute el tiempo fresco! ¡No durará mucho en Houston! •

The safest communities are the ones where the people are involved! Handyman Simple repairs/plumbing Power-washing se habla español Mario Lozano: 832-689-5676 Hobby Area Estate Sale Service Liquidation/Sale of Contents House, Garage, Attic & Storage Experienced, Friendly Service Phone/Fax: 713-649-9545

November, 2012

November Civic Club Meeting The next general meeting of the Glenbrook Valley Civic Club will be Thursday, November 15,

7 p.m. at Glenbrook Methodist Church, Agape room. The church is located at 8635 Glen Valley at Wilmerdean. The parking lot is on Wilmerdean and the Agape room is in the building at the back of the lot. At this time we don't have a confirmed guest speaker. Last month the speaker that was reported in the newsletter canceled. Former city council member and "Better Houston" director Peter Brown spoke to us about the many possibilities for revitalizing Broadway.

scaping; P. O. Box 262164; Houston, TX 77207-2164 or "Landscaping" on Glenbrook Valley's Pay-Pal account - membership and click donation.

Make time to volunteer!

Crime Statistics for AUGUST, 2012 Murder:




Robbery 7900 Glen Prairie All residents and neighbors are welcome to attend our general meetings. We're going to try to get someone from the Harris County Mosquito Control District to speak to us. As soon as a guest speaker is confirmed we'll post the name on our web site

Love Your Block Grant Work Day Saturday, October 20 over 20 neighbors gathered to mow, edge, rake, and plant 15 oleanders on the lot at Stony Dell Ct and Glen Dell Ct. A huge THANK YOU to everyone that gave physical and moral support to this project!! There are 6 stumps that need to be ground. Unfortunately we do not have the funds to accomplish that. If you would like to make a donation to help get rid of the stumps, please send a check to GBV

Assaults: 0 Burglary: 7700 Morley 7700 Wilmerdean 8500 Glencrest Theft:

7800 Broadview 7800 Santa Elena 7900 Glenheath 8100 Colgate

Auto Theft: 7700 Rockhill Narcotics: 0 DWI:


Statistics collected are for Glenbrook Valley residential only and exclude apartments, shopping centers and peripheral businesses. This data is reported as



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Historic Glenbrook Valley Newsletter



DATED MATERIAL! Deliver Promptly, Do not hold.


Thursday, November 15

7 p.m. 8635 Glen Valley

Honor our Veterans Happy Thanksgiving

Plan your Holiday Decorations Now and start your preparations Judging categories: Most Original Most Beautiful Honorable Mention


PM &



TOOL’S PLUMBING 713-991-1732 MPL# 16153

713-644-9285 6734 Rupley Circle

Plumbing Repairs Gas Tests New Installations Water Heaters Water-Sewer-Gas Lines Sewer & Drain Cleaning

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