Officers President Ann Collum 713-645-0241 Vice President Shannon McNair 713-847-6685 Recording Secretary Allison Kennedy 713-855-4812 Membership Secretary Norma Navarro 713-645-3409 Treasurer Vicky Schoppe 713-643-7643
Historic Glenbrook Valley Civic Club “Glenbrook Valley Is A Deed Restricted Neighborhood” October
Directors at Large Yvette Miles (NE) Roxanna Ramirez (NW) Saundra Hughes (SWI) Dolores Thacker (SWII) Gilbert Martinez (SE)
713-818-8987 713-644-5860 713-645-7617 713-645-1886 713-643-1735
Section Directors 1. Cathy Sessums 2. Billimarie Gannon 3. Dianne Punch 4. Emma Valdes 5. Larry Rucker 6. Leticia Hernandez 7. Penny Frierson 7X. Fernando Cardoza 8. Karen Kemper 9. Bunnie O’Brien 10. Karen Carpenter 11. Cy Clark 12. Lorena Gomez
713-882-1624 713-644-8110 713-641-4420 713-644-0858 713-649-3535 713-359-9140 281-804-6231 713-643-6645 713-641-1469 713-880-3187 713-640-1336 713-855-8100 832-651-3943
Helpful Numbers For Deed Restriction questions call any Officer or Director City Deed Restriction Hot Line 832-393-6333 Citizens-on Patrol 713-645-1886 HPD Reports Non-Emergency Police 713-884-3131 Broadway Storefront 713-847-4155 Heavy Trash Pick-up 3rd Wednesday of each month; Report problems to 311
Neighborhood Protection/ Public Works 311
Airport Noise 281-233-1557
Street light problems 713-207-2222 District Council Member Robert Gallegos 832-393-3011 E-mail:
State Representative Dist. 147 Garnet Coleman 713-520-5355
Fire Fest October 4 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Val Jahnke Training Facility 8030 Braniff (just south of Hobby Airport)
This charitable event is dedicated to the "Firefighters Helping Firefighters" fund, a most worthy cause. A group of firefighters established the non-profit organization whose goal is to support active HFD firefighters and their families experiencing a tragic event. Admission is free!! Activities, demonstrations, and events include: Live Fire & Rescue demonstrations, Kid's Zone, Antique Cars & Fire Trucks, vendors and exhibitors with a huge assortment of food and fun! This is Houston's largest fire safety education event, as well as the largest Firefighters BBQ cook-off.
National Night Out Tuesday, October 7 6-8 P.M.
State Senator Dist. 6 Sylvia Garcia 713-923-7575
Turn on your front porch lights to say, “We are a crime fighting neighbor-
Festival Fuego 4 de octubre 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Val Jahnke Training Facility 8030 Braniff (un poco al sur de Hobby Airport)
Este evento caritativo se dedica al fondo “Bomberos ayudando a bomberos”, una causa sumamente digna. Un grupo de bomberos estableció la organización sin fines de lucro que tiene como meta apoyar a los bomberos activos HFD y a sus familias experimentando un evento trágico. ¡La entrada es gratuita! Las actividades, demostraciones, y eventos incluyen: demostraciones vivas del rescate del fuego, una zona para niños, carros y autocamiones de bomberos antiguos, vendedores y expositores con una diversidad tremenda de comida y diversión. Este es el más grande evento de Houston tratando de la educación para seguridad contra incendios, también como la más grande competición de bomberos cocinando.
La noche afuera nacional Martes, el 7 de octubre 6-8 P.M.
Glenbrook Valley Civic Club
neighborhood,” and to sup- men,” y para apoyar a los Ciu- Agente Harris en la estación poliport the Glenbrook Valley dadanos en patrulla Glenbrook ciaca de Telephone Rd., 713-991Valley. 350 y ¡ella arreglará una visita de Citizens on Patrol. National Night Out was established in 1984 to heighten awareness and strengthen participation in local crime prevention efforts. Awareness and unity are two important tools to fight crime in our neighborhood. Show your Glenbrook Valley Unity by turning on your porch light from 6 - 9 p.m. on October 7 to show the world we're unified in working to keep crime out of our neighborhood. C.O.P. will hold "The Big Block Party" on the Lewis Elementary School parking lot, 6745 Tipperary. JOIN US! Come meet your neighbors, HPD Officers serving GBV and our elected officials. OR plan a "Block Party" for your street! Let Officer Harris at the Telephone Rd Storefront, 713991-3504, know where it will be and she'll arrange the HPD visit for you! cont'd. p. 1
Encienda las luces de su porche de enfrente para decir, “Somos una vecindad que batalla el cri-
HPD para usted! La noche afuera se estableció en 1984 para aumentar la conciencia y fortalecer la participación en los General Meeting esfuerzos locales para prevenir el Please join us crimen. La conciencia y la unidad Thursday, son dos instrumentos importantes para batallar el crimen en nuestra October 16, 2014 vecindad. Muestre su unidad 7:00 p.m. Glenbrook Valley por encender la Glenbrook United luz de su porche de las 6 – 9 p.m. el 7 de octubre para mostrarle al Methodist Church mundo que somos unificados en 8635 Glen Valley trabajar para impedir el paso del Mark your calendar. crimen dentro de nuestra vecindad. A Civic Club meeting is a great place to catch up on happenings in C.O.P. tendrá “La fiesta grande and around Glenbrook Valley and de la cuadra” en el estaciona- catch up with neighbors. You are miento de la escuela Lewis Ele- receiving your newsletter earlier m ent ar y, 6 7 4 5 Tip p erar y. than usual this month so that we ¡REUNASE CON NOSOTROS! may keep you informed of upcomVenga a conocer a sus vecinos, los ing activities that are taking place agentes de HPD sirviendo a GBV at the beginning of the month, Fire y a nuestros oficiales elegidos. Fest and National Night Out. We are having some difficulty lining O ¡planee una “fiesta de la cua- up a speaker for the October 16 dra” para su calle! Déjele saber a Civic Club meeting, so join us and la Agente Harris en la estación be surprised!! We always learn policiaca de Telephone Rd., 713- something. 991-3504, dónde estará, y a la
10% Off All Products (with code GB2014)
Neighbor Owned and Operated Select Caskets of Texas
713-645-5000 Funeral Pre-Planned also Available
Helen Guillory Real Estate Helping neighbors with homes in Glenbrook Valley since 1970
By Appointment 713-643-4611 or 713-825-7088 (cell) 713-644-1343
October, 2014
Page 2
Reunión General Favor de reunirse con nosotros El jueves 16 de octubre, 2014 7:00 p.m. Glenbrook United Methodist Church 8635 Glen Valley ¡Marque su calendario! Una reunión del Club cívico es una manera tremenda para ponerse al día con los acontecimientos dentro y alrededor de Glenbrook Valley y con sus vecinos. Está recibiendo su boletín más temprano este mes para que podamos mantenerlo informado de las actividades que toman lugar al principios del mes, Festival Fuego y la Noche Nacional Afuera. Estamos experimentando algunos problemas encontrando un locutor para la reunión del club cívico el 16 de octubre, de modo que reúnase con nosotros y ¡esté sorprendido! Siempre aprendemos algo.
store it someplace other than his/ Los jardines y los caminos her home. Utility trailers are not to de entrada no son para el be stored within Glenbrook ValALMACENAMIENTO ley, unless they are kept in a location which is totally concealed Almacenar un RV, un bote, un from view. tráiler, o vehículo(s) en su propiedad, visible del derecho de vía púThe Glenbrook Valley deed re- blica, es un detrimento al valor de strictions were written in the mid su propiedad, y es un detrimento 1950’s. That was a time that no al valor de todas las propiedades one would ever consider storing que rodean la suya. Artículos alboats, RVs, etc. at ones home. We macenados como tales pueden have consulted the Civic Club's causar que nuestros valores de attorney, and were told that the propiedad disminuyan por todo open storage of items such as Glenbrook Valley. RV’s, boats, trailers, junk cars, etc., is often considered a nuisance El consenso general es que si una and an annoyance by the court persona puede permitirse poseer system. un vehículo recreativo de algún tipo, esa persona debe poder perPlease be advised that open stormitirse almacenarlo en algún lugar age of these items within Glen- otro que su casa. Los tráileres de brook Valley will not be tolerated. utilidad no se deben almacenar en Community Standard violation Glenbrook Valley, a menos que se notices have been sent to proper- mantienen en un lugar completaties not in compliance. We are mente ocultado de la vista. asking neighbors to cooperate and to immediately seek storage locations (outside of Glenbrook Valley). Your cooperation will be most appreciated.
Yards and Driveways Are Not for STORAGE Storing an RV, boat, trailer, or vehicle/s on your property, visible from the public right of way, is detrimental to the value of your property, and it is detrimental to the value of all of those properties which surround yours. Stored items such as these can cause our property values to decrease throughout Glenbrook Valley. The general consensus is that if a person can afford to own a recreational vehicle of some sort, that person should be able to afford to October, 2014
Glenbrook Vision Dr. R. J. Malik Therapeutic Optometrist 7640 Bellfort 713-645-3035
Las restricciones escritas de Glenbrook Valley se escribieron a mediados de los 1950. Esa era una época cuando nadie consideraría almacenar botes, RVs, etc., en su casa. Hemos consultado al abogado del Club cívico, y nos dijo que el almacenamiento abierto de artículos tales como RV’s, botes, tráileres, carros chatarra, etc., frecuentemente se considera una molestia e irritación por el sistema de corte.
Business Cards “Today” - Hoy!, Etc. 3909 Dover • Houston, TX • 281.935.6395
DJ & Karaoke For All Occasions Will Lopez Karaoke
281.935.6395 Page 3
planear sus decoraciones de afuera para los días festivos. Siguiendo nuestra tradición de más que 50 años, el Club cívico Glenbrook Valley presentará premios para los jardines juzgados “más bello”, Noticias de una violación de los “más original”, y “mención honoestándares de la comunidad se les rable”. Los jueces buscarán un han enviado a las propiedades que tema general, la creatividad, y no están en cumplimiento. Les cuánto pensamiento y esfuerzo fue pedimos a nuestros vecinos que puesto en la presentación. cooperen y que busquen ubicaciones de almacenamiento (fuera de Esperamos que cada residente se Glenbrook Valley) inmediatamen- juntará con el espíritu de la estate. Su cooperación será muy agra- ción y participará. Una guirnalda decido. en la puerta de enfrente con la luz de porche puesta, o unas cadenas de luces en la casa o matas. Holiday Decoration ¡Ayude a hacer que su cuadra se Planning aparezca la más brillante! It’s not too early to plan your yard decorations for the Holiday Sea- Se debe poner las decoraciones no son. In keeping with our tradition antes que la semana del Día de of over 50 years, the Glenbrook Dar Gracias. Se debe removerlas Valley Civic Club will be present- para el fin de semana 10 de enero. ing awards for yards judged “Most ¡¡Feliz planificación!! Beautiful,” Most Original,” and “Honorable Mention.” The judges Report Streetlight will be looking for an overall Problems theme, creativity, and how much thought and effort went into the We have some really old and ugly presentation. light poles in Glenbrook Valley. It We hope every resident will join is a monumental task to report the spirit of the season and partici- them all. Will you join the team to pate. A wreath on the front door locate and report this blight to our with the porch light turned on, of neighborhood? CenterPoint Ena few strings of lights on the ergy is responsible for maintainhouse or shrubs. Help make your ing streetlights throughout the City. If a light is out, a pole leanblock the brightest! ing or rusted, please report it to Decorations should be put up no CenterPoint. It can be reported earlier that Thanksgiving week. through the website, They will need to be removed by, or the weekend of January 10th. call 713-207-2222 or toll free 800332-7143. Happy planning!! Por favor aconséjese que el almacenamiento de estos artículos dentro de Glenbrook Valley no se tolerará.
Planear las decoraciones para los días festivos No es demasiado temprano para October 2014
You will be asked to provide: • a pole number for the nonfunctioning or problem lights to be reported
Community Calendar Saturday, October 4 Fire Fest 10 - 5 8030 Braniff
Tuesday, October 7 National Night Out 6 - 8 p.m. 6745 Tipperary
Thursday, October 16 Glenbrook Valley Civic Club Meeting 7 p.m. Glenbrook Methodist Church 8635 Glen Valley @ Wilmerdean
Monday, October 20
Early Voting Begins 8 a.m.
Curbside Recycle “Green” Cans Tuesday, Oct. 14 Tuesday, Oct. 28 Tuesday, Nov. 11
Otober 15
• contact information (incase more information is needed to locate a streetlight.) • If you want feedback regarding your repair request, use your e-mail address the number of streetlight you would like to report The system will guide you through the steps.
store it someplace other than his/ her home. Utility trailers are not to be stored within Glenbrook Valley, unless they are kept in a location which is totally concealed from view.
The Glenbrook Valley deed restrictions were written in the mid 1950’s. That was a time that no one would ever consider storing Remember, a well lighted area is boats, RVs, etc. at ones home. We deterrent to crime. Reporting have consulted the Civic Club's streetlights out is tool in crime attorney, and were told that the open storage of items such as prevention! RV’s, boats, trailers, junk cars, Informe acerca de proble- etc., is often considered a nuisance mas con las luces de la calle and an annoyance by the court system. Tenemos unos postes de luz muy viejos y feos en Glenbrook Valley. Es un quehacer monumental reportar todos. ¿Usted se juntará con el equipo para localizar y reportar esta plaga en nuestra vecindad? CenterPoint Energy es responsable para mantener las luces de calle por toda la ciudad. Si una luz no se enciende, o un poste se inclina o está oxidado, favor de reportarlo a CenterPoint. Se lo puede reportar por el sitio red,, o llame al 713-207-2222 o llamada gratuita al 800-332-7143. Se le pedirá que provee: • un número de poste donde la luz no funciona o tiene problema • información del contacto (por • si se necesita más información para localizar la luz) • Si quiere reportaje del result Hobby Area Estate Sale Service Liquidation/Sale of Contents Home, Garage, Attic & Storage Experienced, Friendly Service
Please be advised that open storage of these items within Glenbrook Valley will not be tolerated. Community Standard violation notices have been sent to properties not in compliance. We are asking neighbors to cooperate and to immediately seek storage locations (outside of Glenbrook Valley). Your cooperation will be most appreciated.
Contact Information Senate District 6 Senator Sylvia R. Garcia East End District Office 5425 Polk Street, #125 Houston, TX 77023 (O): 713-923-7575 (F): 713-923-7676 Sylvia.Garcia
Cell: 281-455-2863
October, 2014
Crime Statistics are STILL NOT Available!! HPD has a new computer system that is incapable of combining the old and new. Therefore we are uninformed on locations where crime was committed in Glenbrook Valley. With luck, maybe they’ll figure it out and we’ll have them next month!
Always call HPD when you see any-
thing suspicious, better to be safe than sorry! Planning a project? Start here
Glenbrook Valley Architectural Review Board P. O. Box 262164 Houston, TX 77207-2164
Certificate of Appropriateness C of A Historicpreservation 713-837-7963
Building Permits City of Houston Permit Center 1002 Washington Ave 832-394-9000 HEATING & Air CONDITIONING TACLB28564E
Page 5
Historic Glenbrook Valley Newsletter DATED MATERIAL! Deliver Promptly, Do not hold.
Many activities in
October! Check the calendar on page 4!
Robert Searcy Properties “Glenbrook Valley’s #1 Realtor!”
832-279-5332 direct
PM &
713-644-9285 6734 Rupley Circle
TOOL’S PLUMBING 713-991-1732 MPL# 16153
Plumbing Repairs Gas Tests New Installations Water Heaters Water-Sewer-Gas Lines Sewer & Drain Cleaning