Communication in the English Learning process Course: promoting communication in the EFL classroom
Diagnostic activity Read the following questions and reflect on the answers 1- What does communication have in common with the learning process? 2- What are the most important elements to consider when communicating?
3- Can learning take place without communication? 4- What is netiquette? 5- Do students need to know about netiquette?
Objective Recognize the importance of communication in the English as a foreign language teaching and learning process.
Learning process • “Learning is an active constructive process, it is the result of a social interaction” • “A person learn with others and from others, in this interaction develops practical and reflexive intelligence, in this way, the person is able to internalize new knowledge in his life” (García, 2007)
Communication as a process (Prozesky, 2000)
Important elements in the communication process • Feedback from the receiver • Coherent structure • Guidance
Netiquette Proper way to communicate online. 1- Respect other people time and bandwidth
2- Forgive other people errors 3- Choose your words to avoid rudeness
4- Know where you are in the cyberspace
Netiquette 5- Check your spelling and orthography before sending your messages 6- Respect other people privacy 7- Avoid using capital letters 8- Be polite
References •
Prozesky, D. R. (2000). Communication and Effective Teaching. Community Eye Health, 13(35), 44–45.
García M R. Interacción y comunicación en entornos educativos: Reflexiones teóricas, conceptuales y metodológicas”. Revista da Associação Nacional dos. Programas de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação Interacción.2007.
Mintu-Wimsatt, A., Kernek, C., & Lozada, H. R. (2010). Netiquette: Make it part of your syllabus. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 6(1), 264.