Petrea KING Quest for life Tap into
Intuition Hypnosis Unleash The Power of Your Mind
Wholeness, Wellness & Wellbeing
tel: 02 4342 0434 • Email: • 31 Chambers Place, Woy Woy 2256
Alexander Herget Specialist Bioresonance Practitioner Mon/Thurs/Fri/Sat
Using the concepts of homeopathy and acupuncture, Alex offers a non invasive way to bring your body back to balance. Allergies, toxins, candida, bacteria and viruses are among the stressors which disrupt the body’s signalling system. Finding the cause and rebalancing is at the heart of Bioresonance therapy.
Megan Clarke Medical Herbalist, Nutritionist, Iridologist, Haemaview Practitioner Mon/Thurs/Fri/Sat
Megan began her career as a registered nurse in 1987 before she re-qualified as a Herbalist and Nutritionist. She works with clients to look for the root cause of their imbalances to restore them to optimal health. Specialises in autoimmune, digestive and women’s hormonal health. Most health funds apply.
Stefan Hafner Acupuncture, TCM
Acupuncturist specialising in the gentle Japanese Toyohari style. Stefan treats most health conditions with this ancient drug free holistic system. He also provides Leech therapy and Shonishin – Japanese Paediatric Acupuncture. Registered with all major health funds.
Tanya O’Casey Dual Diploma Mind & Body Medicine (MBM) & Kinesiology Thurs/Sat by appt.
MBM focuses on how mind-body interactions can produce disease provoking behaviours, whilst Kinesiology identifies factors which can block the body’s natural healing responses. Tanya combines these modalities to treat a wide range of physical and emotional conditions.
Wayne Carroll Bowen Therapy, Emmett Technique, Reiki Wed/Thurs/Fri
Advanced Diploma Bowen Therapy & Reiki Teacher & practitioner. Wayne uses gentle moves over muscles, ligaments and tendons to release and reset muscle tension. This relieves joint pain and dysfunction returning the body to balance and harmony. Amazing results. Health Fund Rebates.
Karin Holyman DRM Clinical Laser/Trigger Point Massage Therapist Sat/other days by appt.
Cold Laser is pain relief for any condition related to inflammation i.e. neck, back, shoulder, hip, knee, muscle pain, arthritis, bursitis, joints, headaches, scars, bruising. Karin also offers Anti-aging laser full depth lifting. 20 year qualified Trigger Point remedial massage specialist. Rebates most Health Funds.
Erin Aiyana Massage, Cranial Sacral Balancing, Reiki, Reflexology Tues/Sat by appt.
With 20 years’ experience in the field of natural therapies, Erin specialises in Cranial Sacral balancing, Therapeutic massage, Reflexology and Reiki. She practices these physical and energetic modalities either separately or combined, to promote optimum wellness through freeing the body.
Carolyn Richards Pain Management, Remedial Massage, Hawaiian Bodywork , Naturopath Mon/Wed & alt Sun
Carolyn has 20 years experience working extensively with chronic pain, acute and chronic injuries and fibromyalgia using physical therapy and Frequency Specific Microcurrent to reduce inflammation and resolve trauma. She is also a registered Naturopath, Herbalist and Nutritionist. Most health fund rebates apply
Gina Mitchell Holistic Beauty, Hot Stone/ Relaxation/Lomi Lomi Massage Sat & some Thurs
With an Ad. Dip in Beauty/Spa therapy, Gina offers luxurious facial, body & massage treatments to relax and rejuvenate. This combines with a passion for creating powerful healing and anti-ageing products, using rare and exotic flowers and organic herbs and oils, for the perfect holistic mind & body experience.
Brian Flyod Child, Adolescent & Family Counsellor & Therapist Mon G
Qualified and experienced Child, Adolescent and Family counsellor and Psychotherapist who helps his clients to develop ways to overcome their difficulties and to build on their own resources. It’s okay to ask for help. For more information go to
understand what motivated them – why they accepted the things that they did. Then see them as your own imagineishow the nostic Corner, likeancestors, the entire universe, continuing evolve. Thetime Corner expands changes that to came with had an influence andthem contracts a similar fashion to how wethe 21st on andineventually you end up in individually inhale and exhale. century in your own life. You might be able to would have noticed as you visit the Corner seeYou that the threads of influence through time over the years there have been many changes. change what is acceptable behaviour. Sometimes a new business appears to join the Thingsand thatwork we for once as absurd ng collective thethought common of benefit. Then or ridiculous nowaseem so farhas leftdisappeared. field when eel on another visit valuednot member It’s all part some invisible divine processalong and the see theofinfluences that happened f view we we gracefully allow the flow. We have learned to to lead us to our current understanding. their way be excited about change it’sjudged only when things for And remember we willasbe by others aybe change that they can improve. our limited views also. ode Gnostic Magazine has been publishing for Everyone is doing theare best they is can all wed seven years. The issue you holding theat result times, given theco-operation limitationsand they have that are etely of co-ordination, compromise. byanything fears, doubts and lack ofthese undernostics caused To achieve worthwhile in life ingredients are essential. The final results of our standing. flict endeavours reveal blood,that sweat and tears When wenever accept thethe things influence mixed with inspiration and the occasional ‘aha’ we other peoples’ ethics, morals and principles with moments that it takes to reach a goal. can live without conflict. And when we realise ow Enjoy the articles and marvel at the behind-thethat ours are based on opinions we might even now scenes determination that once again brings this be prepared let them change with time. al publication toto you! step Mary Holstein – Co-owner of Gnostic Namaste, ples Forest and Gnostic Bunch. Examining Mary rent my own ethics every time travel to a
the e s. our on on stand eir
different culture.
EDITORS: Mary and Emily Holstein DESIGN: Justin Archer • COVER PHOTO: Ben Dearnley photography ADDITIONAL IMAGES: Advertising: Mary Holstein Advertising enquiries to Mary at: Published by Gnostic Magazine ©2017 Gnostic Magazine is proudly printed on recycled paper by Rothfield Printing. We welcome your feedback and suggestions, please email: Disclaimer: The information contained within Gnostic Magazine is given in good faith, obtained from sources believed to be accurate. The views expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the publishers who do not expect or invite any person to act or rely on any statement, opinion or advice contained herein. Interested persons should rely on their own enquiries.
READ US online at
Gnostic comes from the ancient greek word gnosis, which means knowledge gained through personal experience.
inside: INTERVIEW/PEtrea King.................................. 5 HYPNOSIS..................................................................... 6 SPRING CLEAN ......................................................... 8 YOGA/WHAT IS IT?................................................. 9 PERSPECTIVE/Infinite possibilities...... 12 ZEN/THE BIRD...........................................................13 TRAVEL........................................................................ 14 ON THE CORNER......................................................16 VILLAGEWEAR/SPRING........................................19 CROW/WALK OF EGO............................................. 21 ORGANIC ESSENTIAL OILS............................... 22 WORDS..........................................................................23 MANA/GRILLED CHICKEN CURRY..................25 MIND/INTUITION....................................................26 Astrology...............................................................30 Readers......................................................................31 G
Gnostic School of Higher Learning Monday 10-11am: Meditation You are exactly where you are meant to be every second of every day – so learn to relax and enjoy the journey. Experienced meditation teacher. Gold coin donation. Gnostic Forest 4344 5251
Wednesday 1.30-2.30pm: Meditation A gentle meditation with Loretta who has many years of experience in metaphysical fields. Explore your inner self and see benefits in the outer world. Cost $10 Gnostic Forest 4344 5251
Monday 11.15am-12.15pm: Energy Medicine Class Learn to trace the meridians to keep in optimum health. $10 Gayle 0439 666 636
Wednesday 7-8pm: Active Meditation Allowing you to move using sound crystal and Angelic beings to help focus the mind. See the benefits of this practise in your daily life. Please bring along your favourite crystal. $15 Saanvi 0412 498 597
Monday 7-9pm: Philosophy A casual discussion group considering the physical and spiritual processes of life. Know thyself and explore the world in a deliberate creative way, rather than as a reactive emotional response. $10 Gnostic Forest 4344 5251 Tuesday Drumbala Ladies Drumming 10.30–11.30am Come along and have some fun being uplifted while awakening and expanding your inner rhythm. $15 Katy 0423 548 540 Wednesday 10am: Free Talk Join us for an informal presentation. Each week we have a different presenter covering topics such as health, life experiences and how to find your place in this world. Come along and meet some new friends, experience our community at work. Gold coin donation
Saturday 11am: Meditation Explore the inner world and transform your experience of life. Regular meditation rebalances your energy and allows dealing with life to become easier. $10 Elissa 0426 274 412 Sunday monthly 1.30–3.30pm: Exploring Tao Studying the Tao Te Ching. Explore the way and virtues as explained by the ancient Chinese saint Lao Zi. Chantal 0438 266 582
Contact Gnostic Forest for other courses and workshops 4344 5251
WORKSHOPS Monday 2-4pm: – Beginning 25th Sept 6 week course w John Martin Learn how to unlock and develop your psychic abilities in order to connect to your spirit guides, angels and your higher self. Through series of guided exercises, individual attunements, and spiritual energy shifts. $200 early bird, $40 per session. Gnostic Forest 4344 5251 Sunday Nov 12th 1–3pm: Medicine Crow The Shaman’s Path Learn how to overcome the obstacles that stand in your way to personal power and freedom. Gain an understanding of the Shaman’s principles as a guidance system and take a 3rd Level journey (active meditation) to meet your spirit guides. Medicine Crow provides a relaxing healing atmosphere by combining the use of flute, drums, rattles, gongs and other percussion instruments. Cost: $40 Gnostic Forest 4344 5251 Sunday Dec 10th 1–3pm: Medicine Crow Life Path and Direction Most of us allow ourselves to be guided by our parents, peers and media when we simply should allow ourselves to be guided by Spirit. “If you are on your path, what’s the hurry?” Chief Medicine Crow explains the nature and cause of Dis-ease. Learn to be still, listen to Spirit, contact your inner self and follow your path in the right direction.Cost: $40 Gnostic Forest 4344 5251
It is our intention to offer space for the distribution of knowledge. Each facilitator shares their opinions and students receive through their own interpretation taking full responsibility to discern their own gnosis.
INSPIRE is determined by what we eat, drink, how we exercise, the quality of our sleep, the toxins in our environment and the neurotransmitters that correspond to our emotional state. Knowing that we can influence this environment makes us active co-contributors to our health rather than helpless victims of our genetic predispositions. Gnostic: How is the Centre funded and staffed? Petrea: The Quest for Life Centre is staffed by amazing people who love what they do – making a positive difference in people’s lives. We rely on donors, fundraising and bequests in order to subsidise people’s attendance on our programs as many people are financially stressed when living with anxiety, grief, loss, trauma, cancer, QUEST FOR LIFE chronic pain or many other chronic illnesses. We are very grateful to Blackmores, our major Gnostic: How did your personal involvement corporate sponsor who provide a good deal start with the Quest for Life? of our administrative costs. We subsidise all Petrea: I established the Quest for Life Founattendees on our programs and money donated dation to provide services for people living with goes directly into supporting people to attend some of life’s greatest challenges as I had surour programs. vived several of these same challenges myself. Gnostic: What can people expect when they These included nearly dying from leukaemia, visit the property at Bundanoon? grieving for my brother who had taken his own Petrea: People feel deeply cared for when life, years of hospitalisations and surgeries as they attend a program at Quest. They feel safe, well as many other difficulties and traumas in nurtured, respected and supported during my early life. When you nearly die, and then their time with us. Some people dissolve into you don’t, you discover that happiness is not tears when they arrive as they feel they’ve about the ‘stuff’ of life. Happiness is found in our finally arrived somewhere where they don’t relationships and in being of some small service have to ‘get it right’ for anyone else or protect to other people. others from how they might be feeling. They Gnostic: Cancer effects so many in Australia, sleep in very comfortable ensuited rooms, are more every year – do you have any understand- served delicious, nutritious food some of which ing on the reasons for the increase? comes from our own gardens and the grounds Petrea: We are living lives that are often so and gardens provide many places for quiet disconnected from nature. Many people eat reflection or reading. Most people say they’ve foods that are overly processed, they don’t sleep never been anywhere where they felt so loved! or exercise well, they may be lonely or isolated During our residential retreat, Healing Your or their relationships are in tatters and they are Life, we offer an experience of being cared for ill-equipped to deal with stresses when they and nurtured along with teaching that offers a occur. practical ‘recipe for peace’. Cancer is largely a lifestyle disease and only For more information on the programs at Quest for Life 5-10% of cancers originate through our genes. contact them on 1300 941 488 for a confidential chat. You The environment around the cell determines can also read more in Petrea’s recently published memoir, whether genes will be expressed, modified or Petrea King. Up Until Now available in the Quest for Life shop. suppressed. The environment around our cells
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Unleash the power of your mind with
Hypnosis in its various forms has been around for thousands of years. It is one of the most ancient forms of healing and ritual known to man.
he first person to attempt integrating hypnosis into modern medicine was charismatic Viennese physician Franz Anton Mesmer (1734–1815), hence the term ‘Mesmerise’. Hypnosis is a very gentle, yet extremely powerful therapeutic tool that allows us direct access to our wonderful garden bed of the mind… our subconscious. Whilst the conscious mind is deliciously out to lunch, we hypnotherapists get to work removing the weeds that are no longer serving us, and planting the seeds that we really want. It takes 28 days to reprogram our mind so a good hypnotherapist will send their clients home with a personalised recording that they listen to at home every night for 28 days, to reinforce the clinic visits with your hypnotherapist. We humans only use 5–10% of our brains capacity, so can you imagine the potential that is caged by limiting beliefs and self-doubt and criticism in that other 90%? We believe that the only limits are those we put on ourselves. Our job as hypnotherapists is to locate those limiting belief systems that are no longer serving us and reframe them into what we actually want.
People of note from the past who were powerful supporters of hypnotherapy were Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Ferdinand Lamaze (Lamaze Birthing Technique), Lord Tennyson Alfred and our modern day celebrities who swear by hypnotherapy, Orlando Bloom, who used hypnosis to overcome a chocolate addiction, Lily Allen, Ashton Kutcher, Ellen DeGeneres to name just a few. Ever since Matt Damon went on national TV and told Jay Leno that using hypnosis was “the greatest decision I ever made in my life” it seems that everyone in Hollywood is now trying hypnosis. Hypnosis isn’t the underground therapy it was 20 years ago... hypnosis is becoming cool! Hypnosis tackles everything from Weight Loss, Quit Smoking, Self-Esteem, Body Confidence, Achieving Goals, Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, Anger Issues, Spiritual Direction and Guidance and many more. Try it for yourself and feel the difference it makes to your thinking, your emotional wellbeing and your life. Kaz Field Anderson is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Counsellor & Trainer at Hypnotherapy Training Australia.
Reclaim your life with renewed confidence
If you are living with depression, anxiety, PTSD, anger, grief, despair or some other challenging emotion, we can help. Healing Your Life is a 5 day residential program at the Quest for Life Centre in Bundanoon, NSW designed to meet the needs of people seeking peace and healing after a difficult experience or life event. Our nationally acclaimed programs change people’s lives in practical and positive ways. You will be nurtured, nourished and restored with the confidence to embrace the world again. 2017 Program dates: • 25 – 29 September • 16 – 20 October • 6 – 10 November
• 4 – 8 December
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or visit A not-for-profit organisation and NDIS Provider @questforlifeaus le at Availab
Gnostic Forest G
Quest for Life Foundation Petrea King, CEO and Founder
oga is one of the six systems of Indian Philosophy known as darsana. Yoga has its origins in the Vedas, systemised in the Yoga Sutra by Patanjali around 400 BCE. The word translates from Sanskrit to mean ‘to join, or union’. The purpose of Yoga is defined in sutra 1.2 as citta vritti nirodah which translates as ‘Yoga is the ability to direct the mind exclusively toward an object and sustain that direction without any distractions’. This translation of the sutra by Desikachar lets us know one thing that yoga is NOT, and that’s a form of exercise. The purpose of Yoga is to control the fluctuating state of the mind, a definition which is very direct but at the same time very broad and open to a wide range of interpretations. In the materialistic modern world we live in the word “Yoga” has been dissolved and watered down to such a degree that in some cases bears little resemblance to the original ancient teachings. All you have to do is mention “yoga” in a general conversation and listen to the wide range of responses, people might ask about contortion of the body, levitation, vegetarianism, hippies and orange robes anything but clearing the mind. There’s a lot confusion between the monastic class and the householder yogi.
I’m a realist. I understand that in modern life householder yogis can’t simply renounce the world and dedicate their entire being to a spiritual path, not everyone wants to become a monk or a nun, it’s a calling and I’m very respectful of those who choose a monastic life. The householder yogi is a person just like you and I, someone who works, pursues an education, raises children, accumulates and lives in the real world but is dedicated to a yogic lifestyle. Yoga is becoming another commercial commodity in the west, another money making opportunity which is being exploited by some intelligent marketing minds. I do acknowledge that Yoga Studio’s need to be profitable and Yoga Teacher’s need to make a living, those points are absolutely essential. What I disagree with is the movement away from the source, a movement away from the purity of a 5000 thousand year old philosophy. I can’t understand the need for yoga to change other than for market share and the all mighty dollar. Yoga has well and truly stood the test of time. John Wilson, au. John is a true local, having been a resident of the Woy Woy Peninsula for 30 years and has offered Yoga classes for over 10 years.
SPRING CLEAN Spring is a wonderful time for purification and self-care rituals. This is a season that supports new ideas and self-development.
Foot Heaven
This is a self-care ritual that has been practiced for thousands of years in ancient folklore medicine for the treatment of infection, fever and chronic illnesses.
Enzyme Mask
This mask actively works to dissolve dead skin cells and brighten and efficiently improve a fatigued complexion.
1/2 C epsom salts 2 T nettle leaf 1 T green clay 2 d lemon or grapefruit essential oil
2 T yellow clay 1 t vitamin C powder 2 T pineapple juice 1 d ylang ylang essential oil
Combine all ingredients into a small dish and thoroughly mix using a clean teaspoon. Apply by massaging into clean damp skin and leaving for ten minutes before removing with warm water and a soft facial sponge. Applying a thin layer of evening primrose or rosehip oil straight after the enzyme mask will contribute to additional skin radiance.
Add all ingredients to bathtub or foot spa, along with plenty of warm water. Soak the hard working feet for as long as desired. It is important to drink an alkalising drink after a detoxifying therapy. A glass of warm lemon water with a pinch of turmeric powder is a great choice. Rita Balshaw is an author and Natural Therapist. See more at
pend over $100 in a single transaction this September and you will receive the Gnostic Repeat Offenders Card.
Present your card to receive 15% off all transactions over $100 until 31/12/2017.
off all single transactions over $100 until 31st Dec 2017
Save on Christmas Shopping!
Offer valid for Gnostic Forest, Bunch, Rocks and Village Wear. PH (02 ) 43 42 44 66 • NAME:
G 11
The Infinite Possibilities created by your Thoughts W
e have somewhere between 50,000 and 80,000 thoughts per day. What you think about, you bring about. The Universe is recording your every thought and emotion, no matter how “good” or “bad” no matter how generous or stingy, and no matter how helpful or hurtful they may be. Everything recorded will be played back for you as some type of physical manifestation in time and space. Discovering your Infinite Possibilities is about working with your thoughts and becoming aware of them. When you think about what some of your past thoughts were and what happened as a result of thinking them, you will notice that many have already manifested in your life. Some people think that thoughts are just observations, but they’ve actually helped create your reality What do you think about now in relation to your life, yourself, and the world? Are these thoughts positive or negative, empower or limited, loving or fearful? We all have them, it means you are normal. Even more important than understanding how your previous thoughts have created your past is understanding how your current thoughts are creating your present and future Most people think their beliefs come from their life experiences. But where do our life experiences come from? They come from our thoughts! Although beliefs are usually invisible and hard to detect, you can discover beliefs by paying attention to your thoughts, listening to yourself talk with family and friends, and observing your own behaviour. Instead of searching for invisible, limiting beliefs, try some reverse engineering. Begin creating change first with your thoughts, words, and actions – which are much easier
for us to control and be aware of. By changing what we think, say, and do we will gradually change our life experiences, which will in turn change any underlying limiting beliefs. We are creators. Our thoughts have an energy all of their own, our thoughts are alive, aware and active. Thoughts are like gravity, they don’t discern or judge what you’re thinking; yet they immediately go to work, and as worrying thoughts are like praying for what you don’t want, it’s up to you to choose your thoughts wisely. Carol Koenig is an Infinite Possibilities certified trainer and author of Made of the Light Stuff – Your Consciousness is Eternal.
nce there was a wise old woman and a smart little boy. The boy desired to expose the wise old woman as a fool and he had a plan. He captured a small, fragile bird in his hands one day. Cupping it in his hands, he approached the elderly woman asking, “What do I have in my hands?” To which she would reply, “A bird, my son.” Then the little rascal would ask, “But is the bird alive or is it dead?” If the wise old one replied that the bird was dead, the smart boy would open his hands and allow the bird to fly off back into the forest. But if she replied that the bird was alive, the smart boy would crush the bird inside his cupped hands. killing it. Either way she would look a fool and be wrong. Gleefully and full of self importance he ran to her. “Old woman,” he challenged. “What have I got in my hands?” Whereupon she responded knowingly “A bird.” The boy pressed her “But is it alive or dead?” She raised her kindly old eyes and replied simply but gently, “The answer is in your hands, my son.” In needing to be right we often disappoint ourselves gleefully. “See, I told you she would do that.” The joy we have for being right will outstrip our wish for the reality of the situation. We can often enjoy our “rightness” so much that we don’t endeavour to improve a situation or interaction with different behavior. Things can shift and change even when we change our preconceived ideas of how someone will react. What can you change in your life when you realise the answer is in your hands? E.H. G
hen you step out of your comfort zone it seems to activate synchronicity and unusual things can happen. It was January 2015, we were on our way home from 2 weeks in Cambodia. It had been a fun holiday with lots of laughs, an unusual mystery tour through the ancient ruins of Ankor Wat, the largest religious monument in the world spanning over 160 hectares. Then an unexpected detour to Vietnam to be the guests of our friends Mr and Mrs Lucki in Hoi An, and sharing a few days with my neighbour whose path we happened to cross 4,000 miles from home. Hoi An is one of the most culturally beautiful cities in Sth East Asia. There are remnants of influence from the Portuguese and Chinese settlements during the 16th and 17th centuries, a time when this city was one of the major trading ports along what was to become known as the Southern Silk Road. Hoi An was listed by UNESCO in 1999 as a World Heritage Site. We had briefly sampled both the similar and contrasting aspects of each culture and were now patiently waiting 5 hours in Kuala Lumpa airport for the final leg of our flight home. Michelle, my travel buddy, had wandered off to forage for recognisable food, and I was holding a rare, precious table at the lounge bar while other tired tourists prowled close by. There never seem to be enough air-conditioning, chair space or electricity ports in stop over lounges. I noticed a guy sitting behind me who seemed edgy and disturbed He was alone and taking numerous phone calls that were impossible not to overhear. Through his heavy Irish accent, I could tell something significant had happened and he was clearly traumatised. Way out of my depth, I felt I had no choice but to strike up a conversation. “I’m sorry but I couldn’t help over hearing, is everything OK?” Turned out his brother had been in an accident and he was trying to get to Perth in time to be with him. The last phone call was to say he had just died.
G 14
We ordered beer and he began to tell his story. Frankie had been on a working Visa in Australia from Ireland while Dermot had been teaching Irish English in Vietnam. They had planned to meet up in just a month or two, however, on Australia Day there was a fight and Frankie was injured. Michelle returned with the food and by now the tears and stories were flowing, lubricated by the alcohol and the rushing emotions. We spent three more hours with a stranger and shared one of the time-stopping moments of his life. Before we boarded we offered our seats to a couple of tired backpackers, and of course they were going to Perth on Dermot’s flight. As we hugged and said goodbye they were sharing a beer and the stories continued to flow. You never have any idea who is beside you and you can never imagine what page of their story they are on. If we all have the courage to reach out, we can help smooth out the rough times and make lasting friendships. – MH
Adult Drumming Courses Ladies Drumming @ Gnostic Forest • Drumming Courses In Schools • Community Drum Circles – Monthly • Birthday Drumming Parties – All Ages • Holiday Drumming Play Shops • Weddings, Events,Team Building • Quality Drums & Accessories For Sale
For info & bookings call KATY & WARREN: (02) 4342 1112 or 0423 548540
Elizabeth Geyson Dip Couns. opens the way to a fabulous new life. Become more intuitive and empowered. See more. Feel more. Hear the Unsaid… Available on Amazon/ Kindle/ Ebook Email: Books sent by post also.
Grow your mind! Inspiring Speakers on Wednesday mornings 10am at Gnostic Forest Chambers Place, Woy Woy
Flowers at Market prices
Open & Delivering 7 Days Ph (02) 4344 5251 CHAMBERS PLACE, WOY WOY G 15
Vintage Brass & Metal clutch bags Direct from India. 3 sizes from $45.00. Be quick – there aren’t many! Gorgeous Scented Spring Flowers Posy Bouquets from $25.00 Arrangements from $35.00 We have our own courier and local delivery is from $12.00.
Available at Gnostic Villagewear, T: 4341 0544
Available at Gnostic Bunch, T: 4344 5251
The Roasted Burger Beef, Lettuce, Tomato, Red Onion, Roast Capsicum and Basil Salsa with Smokey Aioli. $16.
Antique Reproduction Binoculars A stylish practical gift sourced by Gnostic Forest on last year’s Indian Expedition. $75.00. Available at Gnostic Forest, T: 4342 4466
Available at Gnostic Mana, T: 4344 1444
Functional Art – Mouse Mats Round or rectangular these are inspired by ancient rug designs from the Middle East. From $25.00. G 16
Available at Gnostic Forest, T: 4342 4466
ON THE CORNER Ornate Metal Lace Timber Furniture Chairs, Tables, Corner Stands – from $165.00 Available at Gnostic Forest, T: 4342 4466
Palo Santo or Holy Stick Used for centuries by South American Shamans to purify. Gives off a lovely Frankincense and Citrus type aroma. $3.50 each or 6 for $15.00 Available at Gnostic Forest, T: 4342 4466
Nepalese Bags Gnostic VillageWear has many designs, sizes and colours.
Bottles of Gems Delightful little crystals – Quartz, Agate, Amethyst and more in a sweet bottle. For the crafter, fairy or gem lover in your life. $5.50 in bottle or $2.00 for a small bag. Available at Gnostic Rocks, T: 4342 9982
Available at Gnostic Villagewear, T: 4341 0544
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Available at
Gnostic Forest
VILLAGEWEAR/BAMBOO The Drape Dress with short sleeves compliments all figures. Bamboo has the amazing qualities of UV Protection and is a natural insulator. Bamboo is the environmental choice this Spring. RRP $149.00
Bamboo Dress Another loose fitting stunning dress from the Bamboo range. A great accessory to the modern wardrobe can be dressed up or worn for a casual spring afternoon. RRP $94.50 Chambers Place, Woy Woy Tel: (02) 4341 0544
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Gnostic Coffee Company BLEND New enu! gM i rn Sp
When Life Becomes a Walk Of Ego
iving and working with others offers many lessons. Sometimes you must take much care in how you choose your responses to another. It can have long lasting side effects. There are so many power struggles in a family, why? We need to learn of our medicine and try to walk in it. It will give you a better understanding of yourself and bring more peace. We have covered ourselves in many false emotions that are controlling every step in our life with not so pleasant outcomes. We cannot control others around us so we need to change our actions to get a more peaceful walk for our self. Long ago we watched how the animal world lived and we patterned our lives after them. We saw that in order to survive there had to be communication between all. There was always one in the group who seemed to lead and the rest would follow. There was rank and file, so to speak, but it was always done for the survival of all. As man changed so did our intention of rank and file. He no longer started to lead out of survival but he began to lead with his ego. This left him open and vulnerable to the emotions of greed, jealousy, anger, feeling of entitlement just to name a few. We no longer led out of the best interest of others, but led to fill our own needs and wants. It is like this in many families and places of work. There is no one set answer anymore. Man kind has become so lost in it’s own self purpose that we put our ego before the structure of family, or those near or aroud us. My needs! My wants! My feelings! My priorities! In the process we lose what should be most important, ourselves. We become our egos. Our emotions rule us and it leaves us open to function not with
a clear mind, now we respond with hurt, anger, jealousy, fear, hate and wanting what others have. Now we can be hurt by another’s words because they touched on an emotion that has become important to us through our ego. We start to judge our value in life and what is important to us not by Creator’s words but by what has become important to us. We go so deep into our wants, needs and material things that we tend to get lost in the big, “I” “ME” and “MINE” it is no longer a world of “YOU” “US” and “OURS”. What was once a walk of working together and sharing our survival has now become a walk of power struggles with many side effects. This is an old Cherokee probverb that may sum it all up… An old Cherokee told his grandson, “My son, there is a battle between two wolves Inside of us all. One is evil. It is anger, arrogance, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies and ego. The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy and truth.” The boy thought about it, and asked, “Grandfather, which wolf wins?” The old man quietly replied, “The one you feed.” FOOD FOR THOUGHT • Be aware of your actions and taste your words and thoughts before you do or say them.. • Always keep in mind the ego is for creativity and inspiration, not to protect or bully.. • Always remember our job at all times is to remain the neutral observer.. • Are you seeking attention, craving status and glamour or social approval.. • Is this a false unblanced desire to appear important to others.. • Are you afraid of exposing your true feelings.. • Is your lower self attached to wealth, social standing, and physical body.. • Is this a fear of exposing true feelings, or creating a false persona in group situations to win social approval.. • Do you have a false religious identity or allegiance, due to fear of censure or criticisim.. • If your ego is not your amigo then you know it stinks! Dr. Medicine Crow is a Chief of the Sand Hill Band of Indians who are CherokeeDelaware Descendants. Email: G
organic Essential OilS
rue Essential oils are completely botanically derived. This means the oil is extracted from only plant matter (leaves, wood, peel, flowers, seeds, roots, etc.) using methods such as cold pressing or steam distillation. Essential oils are very concentrated and powerful and therefore must be diluted before use in aromatherapy. The Australian Certified Organic Standard prohibits farmers from using synthetic pesticides, fungicides and herbicides. This minimizes impact on the surrounding environment by reducing run-off into nearby waterways. Organic farming practices also focus on biodiversity protection and land regeneration. Crops are grown without GM and made without nanotechnology. The Australian Certified Organic Standard upholds the principles of fair trade. Australian Certified Organic auditors look for evidence that its certified businesses use fair workplace practices. Some consumers are unaware that cheap goods come at a cost to people and the environment. Certified organic products provide a healthy and ethical alternative. Choosing to support certified organic means supporting organic farmers, producers and processors who are doing the right thing for our environment as well as building a sustainable future for all Australians. Gumleaf Essentials Organic oils are 100% pure and true to botanical – See the range at Gnostic Forest.
THe Most beautiful jeWellery on eaRth TEl: (02) 4342 9982 • CHAMBErS PlACE, WOY WOY
G 22
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WORDS The Dress
I wore the dress you gave me today. It clung to my body in all the ways you knew it would.
I covered its shapeliness in all the ways you hoped I wouldn’t. But I was happy to have your thoughtfullness on my skin.
To be wearing the sunshine and gentle ease of that day. As we wandered the markets I had spotted it but assumed they wouldn’t have my size. You didn’t care. You saw the light in my eyes as I revelled in its colour. Hollow voiced doubts were ignored.
You did not allow my hesitation for reasons that were excuses. Too tight, too much, I didn’t need it.
You bought it as I protested and handed it to me. As we walked I continued to enjoy its colour slung over my arm.
That I might be worthy of its richness. Depth. Beauty. Even as I sit now in the evening light the deep red soothes me in a way I haven’t allowed myself to be soothed in so long.
We recoil from small things that bring joy. We attempt to fill ourselves up with more of everything or quick fixes rather than listening to the gentle deep yearnings. A simple love of colour lights me up.
This is not a dress so much as a feeling. An expression of love through thoughtful observation.
A heeded watchfulness of that which excites. One that I shall now give myself: To move to that which calls me. To add some whim. That I may give to my senses and self in kind ways. For no reason. Because I can see my value like you can. Because I can lean into my wants in healthy ways. Not replacing, distracting or harming. But seeing, appreciating and enjoying. It is not in having the dress. It is in having the lesson. Thank you love.
The environmental benefits of
Cleans the air. Bamboo gives us clean air to breathe, consumes carbon dioxide and, because bamboo forests are so dense, returns 30% more oxygen to the atmosphere than trees. Some bamboo sequester up to 12 tons of carbon dioxide from the air per hectare. Requires less energy, water to grow. It takes much less energy to grow and sustain bamboo than other similar trees and plants used for fiber production. Bamboo plantations require very little maintenance. Bamboo also requires very little water and can survive drought conditions as well as flooding.
Reclaims land. Because of its rapid growth and root structure, bamboo can, in a very short time, reclaim land destroyed by overgrazing and over-building and clean the soil of toxins.
Can be grown without pesticides. Bamboo can be grown without pesticides or chemicals because of it’s own anti-bacterial agent.
Can be harvested sustainably. Bamboo is one of the fastest growing plants on the planet, making it a high yield renewable resource. It can be selectively harvested annually and is capable of complete regeneration without need to replant.
100% biodegradable. Unlike synthetic fibers which incorporate petroleum additives, bamboo clothing is safe for municipal disposal programs, whether by landfill or incineration.
&RPLQJ WR WKH &HQWUDO &RDVW A One-Day program based on the New York Times best-selling book, Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams by author, Mike Dooley and facilitated by Certified Trainer, Carol Koenig. This empowering and life enriching program encourages people to examine beliefs and thoughts that have been limiting them. You discover ways to redirect those limiting beliefs and thoughts, understanding and working with them, your words, attitudes, beliefs and actions to learn the truth of your own innate ability to shape your life and live your dreams. Seats are limited so book early to secure your place. The program is being held at Avoca Beach Hotel & Resort and includes Workbook, Lunch and Refreshments for only $215 per person.
Phone: 0406 996 916
SEPT: 17 | 20 | 27 OCT: 8 | 11 | 22 | 25 NOV: 8 | 19 | 22 G 24
Coconut Vegetable Curry with Grilled Chicken Breast
• 1 cup (200g) Long Grain White Rice • 1 teaspoon Olive Oil
• 1 Zucchini
• 1 Brown Onion • 1 Carrot • 1 head of Broccoli • 1 Red Capsicum • 2 cloves of Garlic (crushed) • 1 small knob of Ginger • Fresh Coriander • 800ml Coconut Milk
• Dice / slice the vegetables about 1.5cm • Heat oil in a frying pan over medium
heat. Add onion and carrot and cook until it softens.
• Add the grated ginger, garlic, curry powder and remaining vegetables, stirring, until lightly browned.
• Add coconut milk and stir to combine. Simmer for 5 to 10 mins until the vegetables are cooked.
• Grill the chicken breasts on a hot grill until cooked.
• Serve the curried vegetables on top of
the rice. Slice the chicken breast and place on top of the curry. Garnish with a sprig of coriander. G
Tap into your
Today our decisions provide us with more opportunities – yet more potholes and cliffs to fall down – than ever before. Having the ability to be clear of spirit, mind, heart and body can help you make better and ‘more right’ decisions – intuitive decisions that are best for you. So, what is intuition?
Intuition connects us to who we truly are more than anything else. Intuition is a range of experiences including the five senses and even our sixth sense. The obvious one is the sense of feeling, and intuition can be a deep and allknowing feeling in your gut that something is wrong. You may not know exactly why, but you know to listen and to trust that feeling of danger. Conversely, intuition also can be warm, glowing feeling in your heart, and a sense of knowing that everything is going to be okay. Intuition includes heightened touch, sight, smell, taste and feeling. Shaking someone’s hand when you meet them for the first time, you may get a feeling on whether you trust this person or not.
How can intuition help us make better personal decisions?
Removing your blocks Removing your blocks requires you going where you have not been before. The unknown is where all your gifts and treasures lie. When you are having a tough moment or a tough day what do you do then? Almost all of us are blocked in some way most of the time. It is not about seeing being blocked as a problem but as an opportunity. If your mind is stressed, why is that? Are you working to hard or just over thinking? The more you can be in the moment accepting what is and what is not, the more you can do something about it. Life is not about what happens to you but how you react to it. Slow down, take your time and move past it. Less ego Holding our opinions and Judgements by truly listening to our spirit, our body and other people is a very wise skill. Ego tends to come up when G 26
we are feeling vunerable, insecure and not good enough. As you catch your ego earlier you will find yourself becoming less opinionated and judgemental about others and of yourself. Now you are less reactive and more present in making all of your decisions. Starting small Use your intuition to make small decisions at first. That way, you have nothing to lose and only something to gain. Intuition is a journey of improvement, not perfection. Take it one step at a time. Decide wether you are going to have a cup of coffee, or does it feel better to have green tea? Is it is better to call your friend today or next week? Have fun with it. Before you know it, you will be using your intuition more to make really important decisions. Making better decisions and keeping them Each and every day we are constantly making innumerable decisions, consciously and unconsciously. Becoming more conscious of ourselves and our decisions, we have the opportunity to make better decisions. Aligned with our heart, spirit. Having access to loving and making heart-based intuitive decisions is a game changer. It is hard to make a wrong decision when you are coming from a loving place. For example, how long should you spend helping your child with his homework tonight? Trust yourself. That way you are doing not only what is best for your child but also best for yourself. Living in truth Living by our values we can make more unattached decisions. If your partner asks you to go to a party and you really feel like you don’t want to go, it may be best to trust your intuition and say no. You could go and make your partner happy, or you can honour your intuition. You end up not going to the party and finding out that the party rained out and was a disaster for everyone. It’s time to stop second-guessing yourself. Back your intuition and be able sleep with a clearer mind and heart at night. Craigh Wilson is an experienced medical and business intuitive. A sought-after author, intuitive, mentor and international key note speaker, he offers smart, realistic and powerful transformational solutions Find out more about Craigh and his new book, Intuitive, at
New Fragrances
Gnostic Mana Cafe features monthly exhibitions from the Central Coast’s leading artists. OCTOBER: Rainbow C. Thunderstorm 777 This exhibition expresses my spiritual emergence over the last decade. I use art as a deeply nourishing way to channel and express emotions. My art brings me peace, joy, clarity and freedom. Through art I express my intense emotional experiences from the quiet place within my heart. I love playing with colours, they lift my spirit. I feel I channel the loving and beautiful energy of spiritual beings when I draw. I have gone through a dark night of the soul. During this phase my art soothed me and ignited the fire within. From the darkness my art gave me hope and a way to express what I had no words for, to express beyond words. This art is an expression of my heroines journey. In my art I connect to the Divine and it brings me faith and the ability to see the spark of light in the darkness. I pray that my art brings joy and hope to others. Namaste!
Gnostic Coffee Company is
now producing and serving its own unique full bodied blend, known and loved @ Gnostic Mana Cafe. Single Origins also available.
Tel: (02) 4344 1444 E: gnosticmanacafe@ House Blend available for $30 for 1kg or $10 for 250g, Single Origin $13 for 250g G
REVIEWS Intuitive RRP $34.95 • Author: Craigh Wilson • Available @ Gnostic Forest
How many times have you had a gut reaction to something – a person, a job, or a situation – that didn’t quite feel right? Did you follow it? Our intuition forms a vital part of how we make decisions in life, yet many of us don’t know how to properly tap into it – and when not to. Author and medical intuitive, Craigh Wilson, provides a practical guide to understanding and using your intuition in both professional and personal circumstances. With over a decade of experience helping thousands of clients from the everyday person through to Fortune 500 leaders, Wilson provides unique insights into how to maximise and leverage your intuition in an increasingly demanding world. – MH
Magickal Spellcards RRP $34.95 • Author: Lucy Cavendish • Available @ Gnostic Forest
Lucy Cavendish is one of our favourites! This new deck will not disappoint you. Each spell is sacred and purposeful, harnessing the energy of love and light, always for the highest good of all and of our planet. Allow these life-changing spells to bring love and healing magick into your life, as well as the lives of those you love. Includes 45 Magickal Spellcards and an indepth, easy-to-understand guidebook on spellcasting, moon phases, magical correspondences and fascinating background information for each. – MH
Songs of the Forest RRP $24.95 • Artist: James Wild • Available @ Gnostic Forest
70 minute recording of forest birdsong, featuring the striking, melodious singing of the Grey Shrike-thrush. This bird has an extensive repertoire of sounds and song which will transform your mood. – MH
habits, all things that no longer service you. TheOCTOBER Dark Moon is a time when the veils beNOVEMBER tween the worlds are thinner than other times expectations of Recognise opportunities your ambiInfluences of theRealising lunar cycle and we haveHigh an opening to e all know the magick of a Full Moon. loved ones may be too and makeMany the most tions, your flexibility for September, OCTOBER tap into the Ancestors, The Gods, your guides, or of us tap into her energy andofbask in her high as your personal them through your and high energy, makes &magick NOVEMBER 2017 whomever may connect with to gain somein desires are driven whether it be standing outside underpersonal relationships, it easyyou to be successful. of guidance Trustand yourassistance. connections excess. You will not be neath her light or simply lighting aincluding groups candle in seeupon clearly what people which can bringIt iswith older/wiser people, a sacred time where youable cantocall the gratitude for all that we have. is real or fantasy. Taking connections to help you accept assistance with Darker Goddesses for guidance and assistance Many of us also connect with the New Moon, appropriate action and to expand and grow.for example people Hecate in authority or The Morrigan. They have tapping into the energy to manifest change and having realistic ideas of Bringing a professionif needed, and trust in wisdom and guidance to share. your own capabilities to add energy to any new balance between much your own responsibilwill helpto you to have a Moon find some time meditate, However not many people knowsecurity of or realise and a need for On the itiesDark and formalities. healthy disposition and connect with it is you connectand Jennifer has been an Astrologer the beauty and magick that can beexpansion, worked onyou thehavebe stillReaping rewards andwhom refor 27 years (FAA Certificate) and with. ceiving benefits for all a renewed sense of rethe confidence to climb Dark Moon. sponsibility. Embracing of ayour hardand work will is atThis Gnostic onthe Fridays. candle sit, get comfortable and condarkForest time of lunar cycle mountains is the day to success. Light new and exciting enable to achieve focus on youryou breath. Within your eyeasee ceptsminds can bring totally before the New Moon when there Although at is no moon the to same time, learning to comyour goals around as doorsa fire with new them sense and of direction. yourself sitting conAsbe theseen yearinmoves on,Itthe the sky. is aearth time to be promise quiet and still, is important. open to pursue and Many doors willyou open nect. Ask for guidance and help with issues to go within andaround seek guidance. continues its orbit the A physical illness may change the shape your for you which will give within your life. A time to step into the beautifulslow darkness and but are sun. This natural progression you down, thishaving personal destiny. Beyou an exciting new them and listen. Take inof their advice will help ing alert with a clear recognise things about ourselves thatyou weto searchSit with changes ourthose position in relation way life with it is time to return, write your guidance more meaningful mind, your mental amazing adventures hidden in shadow. To focus onfor your inner self, and when tokeep the other planets and the pursuits which can agility will help you ahead. within a journal. also known at times as the Shadow Self, and can following influences occur… help you to assess your to solve any situations be a time of personal transformation. A time to Magick & Wyld. future and your trueNiki from at hand. complete your waning moon magick to banish Jump over to my website for dates for this year’s lunar purpose. harmful thought patterns, addictions, fear, bad cycles at
The Dark MoonSEPTEMBER Planetary
Beautiful clothes from around the world TEL: 4341 0544 THE BOULEVARD, WOY WOY G
26 G 30
Gnostic Forest offers readings daily from 10am – 4pm. phone 02 4344 5251 Bridget – Mon Experienced intuitive Palm Reader. The lines on the hand are a directory to the personality and events both past and future. By understanding these influences you can make conscious choices about your future direction. John – Tues International Psychic, Tarot Reader and Intuitive Healer, John Martin delivers precise visions, accurate numbers and professional service. John communicates with spiritual guides, archangels and ascended masters. Barbara – Wed Barbara uses her Medium-ship and Psychic abilities along with Psychometry and Intuitive Tarot to assist people to cope with life’s problems. Loretta – Wed With 50 years experience, Loretta is a skilled Tarot and Psychic reader and teacher. She incorporates Numerology and Palmistry for assisting self knowledge and to guide your journey. June – Thurs & Sun Uses psychometry (jewellery reading) Psychic and Mediumship skills to contact those in spirit. Authentic guidance for your life now and into the future. A master Feng Shui practitioner (30 years experience) understand how energy moves and the art of placement to guide you towards ease. Carol – Thurs Psychographer (automatic writing) and psychic intuitive. Carol provides clarification from spiritual/eternal consciousness. Answering questions and providing guidance from source. Michelle – Fri & Sat Michelle works with your dream images and the tarot to help enable you to develop a higher self-awareness. Jennifer – Fri & Sat Genuine and honest, Jennifer uses tarot, astrology and numerology to give specific and accurate information about now and timing for future possibilities. Rania – Sun Tarot Reader, Transe Psychic, Medium, Shaman, Healer. Rania channels messages from Mother Mary, Archangels and Ascended Masters. You will receive accurate guidance and advice in the most gentle and soothing way. Glenda – by appointment Years of life experience give Glenda the ability to read the signs and understanding the symbols of the tarot she provides accurate guidance.
Readers offer their interpretations of the situation and possible outcomes. As this is the world of free will you always have the power to change outcomes and determine your own future.
G 31
Gnostic Forest 4342 4466 | Gnostic Rocks 4342 9982 Gnostic Mana Cafe 4344 1444 | Peninsula Yoga 0427 442230 Gnostic Healing Centre 4342 0434 | Gnostic Village Wear 4341 0544 Gnostic Bunch 4344 5251