The urban forums RIGHT TO THE CITY held in Shkodra for the first time and they are extended in 8 cities of Balkan Region. These top events of the first 6 months on 2017 emphasized the participatory planning approach through informal education of the local community. The second Tourism Conference in County of Shkodra has created tradition in the region –in a strong partnership with two other NGOs (VIS and COSPE). Another step remains the Suatainable Urban Mobility Plan of Shkoder Municipality, as the first SUMP in Albania.
New Statute of Sustainable Urban Planning Organization GO2 March
VISION Better quality of life for our communities. MISSION GO2 contributes on built and natural environment through sustainable development models of land use. FIELD OF ACTIVITIES For fulfilling the mission of GO2: • To incite sustainable urban development through projects and plans linking the systems of public spaces, multi-modal transport and buildings; • To incite the ability of communities, institutions, businesses and urban systems to be resilient against shocks of natural and anthropogenic catastrophes; • To promote sustainable transport through plans and community awareness regarding their behavior; • To incite sustainable development models in the tourism sector by creating and offering tourist services; • To incite the strengthening of local democracy through community engagement. Strengthening the accountability, responsibility of decision-makers and policymakers. Monitoring, advocacy, and concrete actions on the manner of public service delivery at urban level; • To spread awareness among citizens about their contribution and rights for a more livable and comprehensive city in decision-making; • To establish networks and collaborate with educational organizations, institutions, professionals, public and private partners in similar fields of activities. To accomplishe relationships between public and private sector, civil society sector and the citizens; • To organize research projects and scientific works, data processing and technical expertise in the fields of activities; • To inform and educate the public through the preparation and publication of materials in all multimedia formats for its fields of activity; • To organize conferences, public hearings, trainings, lectures and practices in the field of GO2 activities, as well as in other areas of importance for the sustainability and success of the work of civil society representatives, the public and private sector.
Love Nature for yourself, for all March
In the framework of the project Eco Nord ‘Public Awareness for Protected Areas’ was held the activity ‘Love Nature, for myself, for all’ at school “Azem Hajdari”. The event was a continuity of the Informative Meeting held on 28 February 2017 in this community. The aim of the first meeting was to provide information and raise awareness on Protected Areas as schools and habitants of this community are located near Shkodra Lake (Category IV, Protected Area). During today’s activity pupils presented various manual works done with recycled materials transmitting messages in protection of natural resources, not damaging biodiversity and flora and fauna of Shkodra Lake.
Parking Measurements SUMP March
In the framework of the project “Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan� there are done parking measurements from 06:00 am to 20:00 pm, with 35 observant, students with Economic Faculty and responsibilities of GO2 NGO. The observant were trained how to do parking measurements, equipped with their Identity Card and the modules to fill, they have signed the type of the car and the license plate. They registered the type of cars, their license plate, the length of stay and its superficies. The license plates of the cars and the type of the cars have been confident and used only for study reasons. The data collected are needed to calculate the shift coefficient of the cars in every 15 min in 14 hours of measurements. This scientific European methodology is realized with the consults of the parking and traffic experts. The results from these measurements are going to be used for the drafting of the SUMP Shkoder Municipality.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jS8BZeIoTVY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_GeiCcmujs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJZsGNq80e4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GljkI6E7PY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGql8DZ_67k http://www.syri.net/sociale/53180/foto-shkodra-q https://www.facebook.com/pg/GO2-441072575963
qyteti-i-pare-qe-planifikon-parkimet/ 3389/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1396888090381828
media coverage
Right to the City April-May
Open forums. A cycle of 8 debates about the CITY and the COMMUNITIES in Balkan Cities have been hold by GUEST SPEAKERS, as urban planners, architects, writers, politicians, sociologists, artists and activists from their respective cities: KOTOR TIRANA MITROVICA BELGRADE PRISTINA PRIZREN SHKODRA SKOPJE The forum aimed to present the dynamics of cities through integrated planning policies and instruments that manage urban growth and economic development. Urbanization is the phenomenon of this century and for the first time in history, more than half the world’s population lives in urban areas. Between 2000 and 2030 in developing countries, the urban population is expected to double, and all built-up areas are designed to be tripled if the current trends continue on this way. This rapid transformation of spatial demographic could prove to be difficult for cities in developing countries, especially small and medium towns, where the capacity to cope with major urban challenges is usually insufficient. These challenges include climate change, natural resource scarcity, informal buildings or slums growth, disparities in economic development and efficiency of cities, security, etc. Urban growth for Cities provides a synthesized approach and an analysis of policy-making. It will be explored in several ways, like: economic, philosophic and social forces. Different countries have different approaches to the alignment of policies, such as: policy development and urban regeneration; local economic development through interventions in transport, public squares, innovation and entrepreneurship, tourism, food and rural development, environment and natural resource degradation, etc.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJLViB2YG9Y&list=PLWWyu49RGG_zI0encFLIxFgAFjUZjOaFv&index=1 https://www.facebook.com/441072575963389/photos/gm.1863113127299911/1356460251091279/?type=3&theater https://www.evensi.com/right-to-the-city-shkoder-albania/201318049 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9c1ivBHYdJM http://calendar.al/event/right-to-the-city https://www.facebook.com/pg/GO2-441072575963389/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1408528575884446 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ju8skR48W7E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hddN__KDlNI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZf9pHjdJII https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpMZy36eLBs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEC1x_c3mhQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JepvMrKOgVQ http://calendar.al/event/right-to-the-city-2017-04-15 http://www.kohajone.com/2017/04/15/fatos-lubonja-profesionistet-u-shiten-te-pushteti/ http://www.gazetatema.net/2017/04/16/fatos-lubonja-arkitektet-i-shkaterruan-qytetet-tona/ http://www.lajme.al/lubonja-ne-nuk-kemi-ministra-sepse-edi-rama-eshte-mbi-gjithcka/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_wrc9-Ef3E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PARsGe95w4Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JbYd0bB59o http://www.kohajone.com/2017/04/21/ura-e-ibrit-me-e-famshmja-ne-bote/ http://www.starplus-tv.com/aktualitet-star-plus-tv-shkoder/item/26254-mitrovica-renia-e-nje-qyteti-ne-forumin-e-trete-urban https://www.facebook.com/NTV.Television/photos/a.665414336821977.1073741826.665414260155318/1611180138912054/?type=3&theater http://dritarjaonline.net/?p=54923 http://www.tetovasot.com/2017/04/spahiu-ura-e-ibrit-me-e-famshmja-ne-bote-tragjike-per-qytetaret-e-mitrovices/ http://gazetainfopress.com/aktualitete/ura-e-ibrit-e-famshmja-ne-bote http://www.citynews.al/2017/04/ura-e-ibrit-me-e-fameshmja-ne-bote-tragjike-per-qytetaret-e-mitrovices/1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qhbwni4OzAM https://www.facebook.com/pg/GO2-441072575963389/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1436832986387338 http://www.mjedisisot.info/index.php/te-tjera/aktiviteti-njerezor/3116-profesori-i-universitetit-te-famshem-gjerman-te-arkitektures-ligjeron-te-premten-ne-shkoder http://www.botasot.info/shkodra-shqiperia/690983/profesori-i-universitetit-te-famshem-gjerman-te-arkitektures-ligjeron-te-premten-ne-shkoder/ http://calendar.al/event/right-to-the-city-2017-04-29 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yu9Orxp_j9Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqJsD5HW4Xg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SU2jrunOCcI http://www.koha.net/metro/17002/rrefimi-i-eliza-hoxhes-per-prishtinen-ne-shkoder/ http://www.kosovapress.com/sq/lajme/rrefimi-i-eliza-hoxhes-per-prishtinen-ne-shkoder-113223/ http://www.almakos.com/rrefimi-i-eliza-hoxhes-per-prishtinen-ne-shkoder http://telegrafi.com/rrefimi-eliza-hoxhes-per-prishtinen-ne-shkoder/ http://www.botasot.info/prishtina-kosova/697011/rrefimi-i-eliza-hoxhes-prishtina-po-rritet-nen-hijen-e-vet/ http://www.kolona.info/rrefimi-i-eliza-hoxhes-per-prishtinen-ne-shkoder/ http://www.gazetatema.net/2017/05/07/rrefimi-i-eliza-hoxhes-prishtina-po-rritet-nen-hijen-e-saj-pse-e-braktisa-arkitekturen/ http://www.starplus-tv.com/sociale/item/26904-right-to-the-city-ne-shkoder-go2 http://time.ikub.al/Lajme/17-05-07-Rrefimi-i-Eliza-Hoxhes-per-Prishtinen-ne-Shkoder.aspx http://www.tetovasot.com/2017/05/eliza-hoxha-prishtina-po-rritet-nen-hijene-vet/ http://calendar.al/event/right-to-the-city-2017-05-06 http://gazetaliria.com/rrefimi-i-eliza-hoxhes-per-prishtinen-ne-shkoder/ http://www.eetimes.al/index.php/sociale/3493-rrefimi-i-eliza-hoxhes-per-prishtinen-ne-shkoder http://time.ikub.al/Lajme/17-05-08-Rrefimi-i-Eliza-Hoxhes-per-Prishtinen-ne-Shkoder.aspx http://www.nekohe.com/lajme/rrefimi-i-eliza-hoxhes-per-prishtinen-ne-shkoder https://www.gazetaere.com/rrefimi-i-eliza-hoxhes-per-prishtinen-ne-shkoder/ http://www.intexit.xyz/lajm/rrefimi-i-eliza-hoxhes-per-prishtinen-ne-shkoder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVnAMVKp84I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jF0BARAzK10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kLtzKZ8KXw http://calendar.al/event/right-to-the-city-2017-05-13 http://www.starplus-tv.com/sociale/item/27203-e-drejta-mbi-qytetin https://www.facebook.com/pg/GO2-441072575963389/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1461137417290228 http://calendar.al/event/right-to-the-city-2017-05-20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWUTyNLR6zc http://calendar.al/event/right-to-the-city-2017-05-27 http://www.starplus-tv.com/sociale/item/27776-right-to-the-city-vjen-ne-takimin-e-tete-dhe-te-fundit https://www.facebook.com/pg/GO2-441072575963389/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1474823502588286
Right to the City 1 8th April
1st Forum, Kotor Guest speaker: Mrs. Aleksandra Kapetanović Conservation architect Topic: Community challenges and activities in a World Heritage Site – case of Kotor Aleksandra Kapetanović is a conservation architect, a coordinator of Cultural Heritage Sector and one of the founders of NGO EXPEDITIO Center for Sustainable Spatial Development, Kotor, Montenegro. Through working in NGO sector since 1997, she has gained experience in implementing projects in the fields of cultural heritage, sustainable architecture and spatial planning, which aim, through multidisciplinary and participatory approach, to contribute to the overall development of civil society. The first urban forum RIGHT TO THE CITY hosted Mrs. Aleksandra Kapetanovic, who presented the challenges of Kotor city as a World Heritage site. The urbanization of the last 20 years has severely affected the natural and urban landscape, biting the green areas of the surroundings. The community and the professionals face the violation of law which has put pressure from UNESCO to draft the Hrotage Impact Assessment. The large number of visitors causes the loss of local community identity within the historic center of the historical city, causing overcrowding, chaos in mobility, the loss of small craft shops turned into Chinese souvenirs, the noise of nightclubs. Various projects featured community engagement through theater performances, parking day, cultural night festival in protected areas etc. One of the most interesting initiative undertoken by EXPEDITIO (about 20 years old NGO which operate in Kotor and Sandra is one of the founders) was the social theater called CITY BELONGS TO US.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9c1ivBHYdJM http://calendar.al/event/right-to-the-city https://www.facebook.com/pg/GO2-441072575963389/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1408528575884446
Right to the City 2 19th April
2nd Forum, Tirana Guest speaker: Mr. Fatos Lubonja Writer & Journalist Topic: Tirana, my ruined city Fatos Lubonja. Founder of “Përpjekja” magazine. Winner of: Prince Claus Fund Award, Sergio Vieira de Mello Award, Premio Colomba d’Oro per la Pace, Premio Archivio Desarmo, Human Rights Monitor Award, Premio Alberto Moravia, Herde Price for literature, SEEMO Award etc. “There are many places in Tirana that I don’t visit anymore, because I want to keep them in mind just as I had in my childhood when walking with my dad.” – opened the second urban forum ‘MY ruined CITY’ the city writer/journalist Mr. Fatos Lubonja, held on 15th Apr 2017 in Shkoder by GO2 organization. The keyspeaker brought other experiences from the preservation of city centers all over the world, linked with renowned names, such as: Marc Chagall, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Rem Koolhas, Imre Kertész, etc. According his story, Tirana has lost the human dimension and his accusation belongs to the powers. The power uses the city by serving its ideology, while adapting the citizen into an irresponsible and unprotected creature. The dictatorship transforms the man in a child. He drew the layers of the city – starting by the Ottoman style, King’s power turned into function of Western claims and the center city of Tirana with the complex of ministries (fascist architecture style) which was preserved by the communist dictatorship that ruled for 50 years in Albania. In contradictory, that power collapsed by destroying the Old Bazaar of Tirana in order to construct the Palace of Culture. The most vital part of the capital and the human memory of many generations forever died. This memory has died forever, and it can’t be inherited” said Fatos Lubonja.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ju8skR48W7E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hddN__KDlNI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZf9pHjdJII https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpMZy36eLBs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEC1x_c3mhQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JepvMrKOgVQ http://calendar.al/event/right-to-the-city-2017-04-15 http://www.kohajone.com/2017/04/15/fatos-lubonja-profesionistet-u-shiten-te-pushteti/ http://www.gazetatema.net/2017/04/16/fatos-lubonja-arkitektet-i-shkaterruan-qytetet-tona/ http://www.lajme.al/lubonja-ne-nuk-kemi-ministra-sepse-edi-rama-eshte-mbi-gjithcka/
Right to the City 3 21st April
3rd Forum, Mitrovica Guest speaker: Prof. Dr. Nexhmedin Spahiu Mathematician and politicologist. Topic: Mitrovica - fall of a city Spahiu was a professor of University of Tirana (Albania), University of Tetova (FYROM), University of Pristina (Kosovo), and the University of Hamburg (Germany). Author of 8 books and a numerous political analyses published in international media. ‘The Fall of a Town’ was the theme of the third Urban Forum on 21st April 2017 in Shkoder. Prof. Nexhmedin Spahiu (Lecturer at the AAB University of Prishtina) was the invited key speaker. He started the story from the symbol concept of the city - while bridges are a symbol of connectivity and communication, the Iber Bridge in Mitrovica has become a symbol of division the northern city of Kosovo. Spahiu said that during the Brussels negotiation, the bridge was part of the agreement, which was redesigned in the form of an orthodox cross, and not of the way which connect the two sides of the city. Prof. Spahiu guesses although 70% of housing in Mitrovica was bombed by Serbs during the War, the worst damage came from local community itself – by destroying all urban lines and causing chaos in occupying the green areas. The biggest industrial city, with the gold mine of Trepçe is shrinked due to the fall of economic development and migration of the active community for work –in the late ‘80s the mine industry provided $ 300 million profit per year, while nowadays the entire budget of the Municipality of Mitrovica is not more than 13 million Euros/year.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_wrc9-Ef3E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PARsGe95w4Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JbYd0bB59o http://www.kohajone.com/2017/04/21/ura-e-ibrit-me-e-famshmja-ne-bote/ http://www.starplus-tv.com/aktualitet-star-plus-tv-shkoder/item/26254-mitrovica-renia-e-nje-qyteti-ne-forumin-e-trete-urban https://www.facebook.com/NTV.Television/photos/a.665414336821977.1073741826.665414260155318/1611180138912054/?type=3&theater http://dritarjaonline.net/?p=54923 http://www.tetovasot.com/2017/04/spahiu-ura-e-ibrit-me-e-famshmja-ne-bote-tragjike-per-qytetaret-e-mitrovices/ http://gazetainfopress.com/aktualitete/ura-e-ibrit-e-famshmja-ne-bote http://www.citynews.al/2017/04/ura-e-ibrit-me-e-fameshmja-ne-bote-tragjike-per-qytetaret-e-mitrovices/1
Right to the City 4 28th April
4th Forum, Belgrade Guest speaker: Prof. Ivan Kucina Architect Topic: Commoning the Uncommoness - Developing Urban Commons in the Post Socialist City Ivan Kucina (1961) is a professor at Dessau International School of Architecture, Anhalt University. He worked at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade. He was a guest professor at the Parsons The New School for Design, New York, Polis University, Tirana, KTH Stockholm, Faculty of Architecture University of Podgorica, GUTech, Muscat, Oman. The fourth urban forum RIGHT TO THE CITY continued with Belgrade, where the next key speaker was Mr. Ivan Kucina as ex-professor from University of Belgrade, actually at the University of Dessau, Germany. Savamala, a neglected industrial area behind Belgrade’s central station speared by some of the city’s most polluted throughways. This area located on the river bank of Sava started changing from an abandoned neighborhood in a creative quarter by redefining a wider image of the city. One of Savamala’s most prominent venues is Mikser House, a design centre and performance space occupying a vast wood-floored warehouse. This engine space is like a big organism that’s growing all the naighborhood. After the big endevour, Mr. Kucina as professional and part of this big transformation of Savamala states that nothing is ever straightforward in Serbia. The decision makers exercise power and they built up physical cities, not at all social one. He introduces photos by Belgrade Waterfront project, part-funded by €3bn from Dubai-based construction firm Eagle Hills, the project will stretch right along the Sava riverbank and include a vast shopping mall, hotels and luxury apartments. And, in that phallic style so typical of Middle Eastern developments, its centre piece will be a shimmering 200-metre glass tower. It could take a decade to complete, if it ever is. The project which was unveiled on Jun 2015 has drawn criticism from corruption watchdogs as well as architects, urban planners and residents who have been largely excluded from the investor-led planning process.
https://www.youtu https://www.faceb http://www.mjedis http://www.botaso http://calendar.al/
ube.com/watch?v=Qhbwni4OzAM book.com/pg/GO2-441072575963389/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1436832986387338 sisot.info/index.php/te-tjera/aktiviteti-njerezor/3116-profesori-i-universitetit-te-famshem-gjerman-te-arkitektures-ligjeron-te-premten-ne-shkoder ot.info/shkodra-shqiperia/690983/profesori-i-universitetit-te-famshem-gjerman-te-arkitektures-ligjeron-te-premten-ne-shkoder/ 42/~abc24/profesori-i-universitetit-te-famshem-gjerman-te-arkitektures-ligjeron-te-premten-ne-shkoder/ /event/right-to-the-city-2017-04-29
Workshop on Protected Areas 3rd -7th May 2017
One week workshop on the Protected Areas of Shkodra Region realised with 20 students from the University of Shkodra (Economic, Tourism, Biology, Social Work, Psychology, Geography etc faculty) at Rozafa Castle. It was chosen Rozafa Castle as it is very important for its natural and cultural values that it has. The agenda was a combination of the topics on the cultural heritage and Protected Areas. There were invited experts and trainers giving lessons on how to write a project proposal, so their ideas and their needs to convert to real projects. Trainers were Mr. Helidon Sokoli (Archaeologist, Regional Directory of National Cultural Shkoder, DRKK), Mrs. Eltjana Shkreli (Urban Planner), Mrs. Oresta Saliaj (Environmental Biologist from Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment in Albania NGO) and Mr. Edvin Pacara (Environmental Expert). Students had the possibility to do bird-watching near of Shkodra Lake. During the training, the group of students did brinstorming for themes related to the PA and worked in groups to drafting projects to apply for funds and to be as start-up. It was organized also a field trip along Shkoder Lake and Buna river, including seacost, to see closer the different environmental-friendly initiatives, problematic, and their values in the region. At the end of the workshop all the participants got a Certification for being Active Participant. It is very important to work with the young people, because they need to learn early in the age about the environment where they live. We believe in their future strength, in their human potential in conservation and good management of those areas –they will introduce a good example to their parents, their teachers, their peers and they will react against the unfair decision which will make efforts to damage their protected area.
Right to the City 5 6th May
5th Forum, Pristina Guest speaker: Mrs. Eliza Hoxha Urban planner & artist Topic: Women and the City Architect, urban planner and artist graduated in Prishtina, Belgium and Austria. Engaged to the universities of Prishtina and Tetovo. Author of urban diary “City and Love”. Winner of many prices and participant in many personal and collective exhibition of visual arts in different countries of the world. Successful performance on national music festivals. Member of the European Cultural Parliament. It is relevant to decentralize the debate on cities and rights to the city, and not being held only in Tirana and Pristine, -claimed by the urban planner / artist Eliza Hoxha at the fifth urban forum with the theme "Women and City", organized by GO2 in Shkoder. Mrs. Hoxha revealed the 12 points of the European Charter of Women’s Rights on the City, a document launched on 1994 which recognizes women roles in the city as much as for men, but it remains unfortunately on paper. Meanwhile the law on Local Government and public administration require women to be 30% compliant statistics, in some cases it remains ineffective. She introduced her own book “City and Love”, emphasizing the great contrast that exists in Pristina, especially after the war, between the colorful life of people and the development policies of the city . According her opinion, it happens due to the people and especially women who are half the society, are not getting involved in drafting these policies. Pristina is growing in its shadow, because many neighborhoods do not have light anymore from the construction density. She denounced the vicious experience of local government in drafting different Urban Plans from the offices without going into the field.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yu9Orxp_j9Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqJsD5HW4Xg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SU2jrunOCcI http://www.koha.net/metro/17002/rrefimi-i-eliza-hoxhes-per-prishtinen-ne-shkoder/ http://www.kosovapress.com/sq/lajme/rrefimi-i-eliza-hoxhes-per-prishtinen-ne-shkoder-113223/ http://www.almakos.com/rrefimi-i-eliza-hoxhes-per-prishtinen-ne-shkoder http://telegrafi.com/rrefimi-eliza-hoxhes-per-prishtinen-ne-shkoder/ http://www.botasot.info/prishtina-kosova/697011/rrefimi-i-eliza-hoxhes-prishtina-po-rritet-nen-hijen-e-vet/ http://www.kolona.info/rrefimi-i-eliza-hoxhes-per-prishtinen-ne-shkoder/ http://www.gazetatema.net/2017/05/07/rrefimi-i-eliza-hoxhes-prishtina-po-rritet-nen-hijen-e-saj-pse-e-braktisa-arkitekturen/ http://www.starplus-tv.com/sociale/item/26904-right-to-the-city-ne-shkoder-go2 http://time.ikub.al/Lajme/17-05-07-Rrefimi-i-Eliza-Hoxhes-per-Prishtinen-ne-Shkoder.aspx http://www.tetovasot.com/2017/05/eliza-hoxha-prishtina-po-rritet-nen-hijene-vet/ http://calendar.al/event/right-to-the-city-2017-05-06 http://gazetaliria.com/rrefimi-i-eliza-hoxhes-per-prishtinen-ne-shkoder/ http://www.eetimes.al/index.php/sociale/3493-rrefimi-i-eliza-hoxhes-per-prishtinen-ne-shkoder http://time.ikub.al/Lajme/17-05-08-Rrefimi-i-Eliza-Hoxhes-per-Prishtinen-ne-Shkoder.aspx http://www.nekohe.com/lajme/rrefimi-i-eliza-hoxhes-per-prishtinen-ne-shkoder https://www.gazetaere.com/rrefimi-i-eliza-hoxhes-per-prishtinen-ne-shkoder/ http://www.intexit.xyz/lajm/rrefimi-i-eliza-hoxhes-per-prishtinen-ne-shkoder
Annual Conference “Sm
12th - 13
GO2 in collaboration with VIS Albania Tourism Conference in Shkodra Cou conference took place at the Profess Bushat-Vau- DejĂŤs an The goal of the C To establish a network between differ to Objec To encourage young people for entre To promote the exchange of products, in the te Facilitating the cooperation between holders for the development and pro The conference was a continuity of the realized in Shkoder last year and aim themes, the real difficulties and prob opening up a It was the opportunity to transform an providing qualified assistance in deve nities to better develop their entr
https://www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com http://zadrimatokajone.al/sm https://businessmag.al/konfer https://www.facebook.com/ https://issuu.com/go2a https://www.alb
mart Start up Tourism”
3th May
and Cospe has organized the second unty-“Smart Start Up Tourism” This sional High- School “Ndre Mjeda” in nd was long two days. Conference was: rent stakeholdres in the tourism secor. ctives: epreneurship in the tourism sector; , ideas, capacities and existing capital erritory; n local government and other stakeomotion of the region’s tourist offer. e first Informative Tourism Conference med to highlight, through focus group blems that young people face today in new venture. n innovative idea into an enterprise by eloping the idea and training opporturepreneurship in tourism sector.
m/watch?v=mRH_BashxPc m/watch?v=GI6wjIgLpb8 m/watch?v=aGAm0R4Wi5M mart-start-up-tourism-bushat/ renca-2-smart-start-tourism/ /events/220116165152577/ albania/docs/vija_9_ok baniantravel.info
The first day:
The topics of the four rounds Tables created were: 1. Accommodation & Gastronomy Introducing two success models with max. 10min (hotel + guest house + apartment) 2. Events & Innovative Attraction Introducing threesuccess models with max. 8-10min (In Museum + Nature Tourism + Cultural Tourism) 3. Management & Marketing Facilitator. Brand of destination and tourist products and tire marketing. 4. Tourit Guide & Operators Types of guides and networking with tour operators. Innovative tourism packages.
The second day:
It was organized a study trip to Koman in order to explore the assets and opportunities to promote sustainable development in this area. The participants had the possibility to know and to visit to the Episcopal Church (excavation site from the Albanian-French mission), the necropolis, St. George’s Church and to know the project “Komani Speaks”.
Right to the City 6 13th May
6th Forum, Prizren Guest Speaker: Mr. Hajrullah Çeku Civil society activist Topic: Their Prizren and Our Prizren Hajrullah Çeku works at EC Ma Ndryshe, a community based civil society organization in Kosovo that promotes sustainable and inclusive city planning and development and local democracy. He holds a master degree on local governance and development. Hajrulla has over 15 years of experience in civil society and has published extensively on governance, activism and cultural heritage. EC’s advocacy and watchdog work has improved transparency and accountability practices in a number of Kosovo municipalities. The sixth Urban Forum RIGHT TO THE CITY brought ‘Their Prizren, Our Prizren’ introduced by Mr. Hajrulla Ceku, an activist and professional from local NGO ‘ Ec ma Ndryshe’. He started the presentation by relating the pressure of construction sector mafia with the attempted attack of the head of urbanism in Prishtina commune Mr. Luzi, in 2000 – immediately after the war of Kosovo. After 17 years, nobody knows who exactly executed, but we surely guess it was the message for all of us ‘don’t dare to dispute for the construction permission. We are the power’. Mr. Ceku tells about the database system, which came to conclusion that 44% of monuments of culture need emergency interventions and this is an alarming figure. If we compare the figure, in 2006 we had 121 monuments listed in this center, today 31 monuments are decayed and only 47 ones still remain on the list. So, as it is seen, the difference is big enough. While referring to the traditional houses there were about 382, while today only 155 houses rest. Another relevant topic tackled by the the keyspeaker has been the involvement of the community in the work they do. The 'comprehensive city' methodology aims to bring citizens into urban planning and decision-making. They have even created a link www. mahalla.info where they update all the daily meetings. He tells the endeavor to provide a vision for certain neighborhoods, such as: the Marin Barleti road, where the degradation of the cultural heritage, their preservation and intervention have been taken into account by revitalizing this area through the restoration and inciting entrepreneurship. Or the green space model between the palaces in Ortakoll where it was worked together with the residents and the professionals. A petition has been drafted by residents, approved by the municipal council and still pending to be a viable plan.
https://www.youtu https://www.youtu https://www.youtu http://calendar.al/ http://www.starpl https://www.faceb
ube.com/watch?v=iVnAMVKp84I ube.com/watch?v=jF0BARAzK10 ube.com/watch?v=1kLtzKZ8KXw /event/right-to-the-city-2017-05-13 lus-tv.com/sociale/item/27203-e-drejta-mbi-qytetin book.com/pg/GO2-441072575963389/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1461137417290228
Right to the City 7 20th May
7th Forum, Shkodra Guest Speaker: Prof. Zef Çuni Architect & Vice Minister Topic: Shkodra, the city over and under the water Architect & Deputy Minister of Culture. He is well educated in Albania and Denmark. Ex-director of Directory of Monuments of Culture Shkoder, rastaurator of Rozafa Castle, traditional house of Oso Kuka etc. Decorated with title ‘Naim Frashëri’. Shkodra, which expected 7 urban forums, it would lose the opportunity to speak for itself. Despite the very interesting topic ‘Shkodra, the city over and under water’, the next forum would be canceled due to the central elections campaign and the political engagements of the Deputy Minister of Culture, Mr. Zef Cuni, the keyspeaker.
Right to the City 8 28th May
8th Forum, Skopje Guest Speaker: Ms. Artan Sadiku Theorist and activist Topic: Struggles of Skopje: Solidarity and modernism against the ethno-baroque Artan Sadiku is a theorist and activist from Skopje and holds a PhD in political philosophy. His primary interests are theories of the subject, feminism and radical practices in politics and arts. He works at the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities in Skopje, where he lectures at the Social Philosophy Department and is actively involved with the Leftist movement Solidarnost and the Cultural Club Syndicate. His latest publications include “Provocation to a final resistance of truth: ethics of a heretical discourse” and “Contracting a radical democracy in the Balkans: The ‘return of the people’ as a possibility for feminist inauguration of politics. The eighth and last Urban Forum invited Skopje, the capital of Macedonia – as key speaker the activist and philosopher Mr. Artan Sadiku, the Lecturer at University of Skopje. The focus of the forum highlighted the Project SKOPJE 2014 and the loss of the modernism architecture. Mr. Sadiku brought in mind the 1963 murderous earthquake which ruined ¾ of the city and many foreign famous architects and many studios from ex-Jugoslavia worked on the project of prominent Japanese Kenzo Tange. Nowadays some of them are nostalgic and they overwhelm the pressure of this reactionary ‘political vellum’. As contradictory, SKOPJE 2014 is designed to revive antiquity and stimulate a sense of 'national identity' based on Great Alexander's Macedonia. Mr. Sadiku claims the sum of project budget which has captured the value of 1.3 billion euros, the same amount of one year national budget. The downtown buildings are lined with stucco curtains and converted under a neoclassical style. Everything is done fast, and at low quality and even so expensive concerning the quality and esthetic. Despite the copyright law, none of the architects (authors of the downtown buildings) has been consulted. Considering the project "beyond the kitch’ and comparing it with 'Las Vegas', it also denies the parallel with the textbooks in the school - that after the 'new' national identity will be transmitted not only through urban identity but also through history and reflection in the past. This has led to a complete overthrow of the academic world. On 2014 architecture students' got in massive protests, which resulted in a hit fired by the entire University of Skopje. This was the biggest move that blocked the entire education system for a month and brought the government's appeal to their demands. Coming in power of the leader of the opposition, Mr. Zaev (Prime minister) it is open the debate about the abolition of this project… it is not easy at all, because it is going to cost a lot, and it will last a long time as process.
https://www.youtu http://calendar.al/ http://www.starpl https://www.faceb
ube.com/watch?v=xWUTyNLR6zc /event/right-to-the-city-2017-05-27 lus-tv.com/sociale/item/27776-right-to-the-city-vjen-ne-takimin-e-tete-dhe-te-fundit book.com/pg/GO2-441072575963389/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1474823502588286
International Biodiversity Day 22nd May
International Biodiversity day was celebrated at the elementary school “Gjergj Vat Martini” at Velipoja, Shkodra Municiplaity. GO2 in collaboration with the teachers staff realized a workshop with the pupils. The workshop included informing the pupils about the basic concepts of biodiversity, group work to identify the human effect on the ecosystem and the protective measures to be taken in case of damage etc. On this occasion, it was also formalized the donation of 4 informative tables for this school, prepared in the framework of the project “Public Awareness on the Protected Areas of Shkodra Region”. Two of the tables are about “Buna-Velipoja River” Protected Terrestrial Aquatic Landscape” Protected Area, while two others about the Albanian Alps, Protected Area. https://www.facebook.com/pg/GO2-441072575963389/pho tos/?tab=album&album_id=146946948312368
European Day of Parks 24th May
European Day of Parks was celebrated with an outdoor activity organized by GO2 and NGO part of the Eco Nord Forum on the banks of the River Buna. In addition to the numerous students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Shkodra, representatives of the ALCDF participated in the event, while Professor Aurora Dibra spoke to the participants about the importance of the Protected Areas, specifically the Lake of Shkodra. During the activity, students and citizens were provided with information material, such as a leaflet on Protected Areas, the VIJA journal, and finally a symbolic cleansing of the surrounding area. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGtPgqy0JLE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2fiVM6bouI https://www.facebook.com/pg/GO2-441072575963389/photos/?tab=album&album_ id=1472042266199743
Informative meeting May
Informative meeting with the elementary school “Reshit Hysaj” Zogaj, Municipality of Shkodra which is located at the Shkodra Lake, part of Ramsar Convention and Managed Nature Reserve. This activity was within the Econord Project “Public Awareness on Shkodra Protected Areas”. On this occasion, we donated two Information Tables on Protected Areas. One is about National Park Albanian Alps and the other informative table is about Shkodra Lake and River Buna - Velipoja were officially announced in this school. During the meeting they also discussed the characteristic flora of the area, while the students presented herbarium prepared with the help of biology teacher Aurora Zylaj. The last issue of the protected area’s newspapers - VIJA, and leaflets with information on Shkodra Regional Protected Areas were distributed to students.
Lumi | The river - animated movie 4th - 9th June
In the framework of the project ‘Pollution of Drini River basin from Urban Waste’ cross border CRESSIDA project in between (AL) (KS) was realized the Animated Movie “River”. The animated movie was realised to raise awareness of the community for the protection of the rivers and their natural values. The film has a simple plot, children who are playing near to the river, doing sunbath, swimming until the river bank start being dumped by hazardous waste. These causes an over flow of the river, causing floods and damaging the buildings. However, the movie has a positive end, because turning to the previous state, nature smiles to the children, inviting them to play with the water. The movie was realised in one week, where 16 children from 8-14 years old were involved in making the movie. The workshop was done at GO2 office. The children were supervised by three filmmaker, one psychologist, and two assistants. The plot of the movie was done by the children. They were involved each phase of the filmmaking as scenarios, directors, video editors, cameraman etc. In order to reflect this one-week work of children throughout all stages of work, along with the movie "River", a "backstage" film was also worked. This backstage movie, entitled "Making OF", was displayed at the Millennium Cinema in Shkodra, during the premiere of the movie "The River".
http://www.mjedisisot.info/index.php/te-tjera/aktiviteti-njerezor/3452-lumi-filmi-me-i-ri-vizatimor-qe-ndergjegjeson-femijet-mbi-ndotjet-e-lumenjve https://www.facebook.com/pg/GO2-441072575963389/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1491694970901139 http://www.senior-a.al/index.php/lajme/101-lumi-filmi-me-i-ri-vizatimor-qe-ndergjegjeson-femijet-mbi-ndotjet-e-lumenjve https://issuu.com/go2albania/docs/vija_10_ok
First Day The first day was an introduction and presentation with animated film, introduction with the theme and methodology of the work, as well with the phases of the film making. Mr. Artan Maku presented some cartoon movies to make more concrete the work to be done from the children. There were also the creation of the team work as ; scenarios team, decoration team, characters team etc and it was begun with the immediate work Second Day The second day was focused on film-making and the realization of the movie characters. The scenarios team presented the scenario, the development and the sequence of events determining the number of the characters and objects that were part of the film. Third Day On the third day, children were involved in the construction of movie decorations, and plasticized the characters and objects of the movie drown by them. The plasticized work stimulated children's creativity and was very attractive and funny at the same time. Forth Day continued with the ending of the plasticine and movie decorations. In the second part of the day, children were involved in the filming and editing process, which they experienced a great enthusiasm as being a first experience. Fifth Day was dedicated to conclude the film registration and of the montage. The children were actively involved in the whole project of film making "The River", being screen players, directors, shooters and editors. The film will compete at the Animated Film Festival. The premiere of this film was shown on the 9th of June 2017 at the Millennium Cinema Shkodra. The movie got the attention and the interest of the parents, teachers, students, friends, family and community of Shkodra who honoured us with their participation by filling the cinema seats. In the activity, after the welcome speech, Mr Mihallaq Qirjo from REC Albania honoured us, bringing to the children the symbol of Drini as the biggest river in Albania and how we should be careful to protect it from pollution and urban waste. Mr. Jose Zambrana (EPA), thanked the children for the message that they brought. Also Mr. Lek Kadeli, World Bank representative shared his emotions with children, parents and all those present at the cinema. The activity continued with the distribution of the certificates for the children that were part of the workshop in the film making. The event ended with the screening of the movie "The River", which received many applauses, congratulations, and request to do another activity like this.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZntDD2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FawrrHQ https://www.ata.gov.al/femijet-e-shkodres-r http://www.mjedisisot.info/index.php/te-tjer https://www.facebook.com/pg/GO2-4410725 http://www.senior-a.al/index.php/lajme/101 https://issuu.com/go2albania/docs/vija_10_o
2RhPA Qs4XU realizojne-nje-film-vizatimor-ne-ruajtje-te-mjedisit/ ra/aktiviteti-njerezor/3452-lumi-filmi-me-i-ri-vizatimor-qe-ndergjegjeson-femijet-mbi-ndotjet-e-lumenjve 575963389/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1491694970901139 1-lumi-filmi-me-i-ri-vizatimor-qe-ndergjegjeson-femijet-mbi-ndotjet-e-lumenjve ok
Publication of VIJA Journal, Nr. 5 January
VIJA 5: Contents ‘Government is irresponsible on the management of the Protected Areas‘ ‘Albania remains the last country to make decision about Albanian Alps as National Park’ ‘Albanian Alps as a tourist destination: country of eagles and legends’ ‘VIS Albania – an association that supports a northern community in progress’ ‘Highland Marathon Gjakova - Bajram Curri, on the crown of the Albanian Alps’ And the Editor’s invitation to collaborate with the journal LINE
Publication of VIJA Journal, Nr. 6 February
VIJA 6: Contents ‘Census of January confirms the relevance of Albania on water birds‘ ‘The results of water bird census, January 2017’ ‘The average number from Census accounts 165.000 water birds in Albania’ ‘What is Census of Water Birds’ ‘For the first time swans appears on Fierza Lake, Kukes’ ‘Activities from NAPA and RAPA Shkodër, Lezhë, Kukës and Dibër’ ‘The rich biodiversity of Shasi Lake’
Publication of VIJA Journal, Nr. 7 March
VIJA 7: Contents ‘The greatness of Albanians can be judged by the way its animals are treated’ ‘Munella Mountain: The last lynx house in Albania remains vulnerable and adrift’ ‘Stress and immediate change temperatures, the main cause of massive fish deaths in Fierza Lake’ ‘In Shkodra are adopted 360 street dogs within 5 years’ - by Mrs. Oli Pero Public Awareness for the Protected Areas in Shkodra continues with activities ‘Love nature, for you, for others’ .
Publication of VIJA Journal, Nr. 8 May
VIJA 8 Contents: SMART START UP TOURISM: Conference 2: Tourism in Shkodra Region. Lake, a source of life for the habitants of Shkodra, by Alkida Prodani (National Coordinator). Management and improvement of the functionality of the lake shore area of Prespa Lake, Ohrid Lake and Shkodra Lake. Fish monitoring across borders based on the European Standard EN 14757 for sampling fish in lakes. Found dead a sea turtle in the Lagoon of Vilun. The Albanian Parliament approves the Law on Protected Areas.
Publication of VIJA Journal, Nr. 9 June
VIJA 9 Contents: Conference 2: Smart Start UP Tourism, an initiative that is becoming a tradition for Shkodra County For the first time in Albania: Municipality of MalĂŤsia e Madhe expects the Professional Fishery High School in the Freshwater Enjoy Tarabosh Mountain in the southwest, on Shkodra Lake - by Mr. Kastriot Faci Numerous activities on the Biodiversity Day and the European Day of Parks in all the northern counties The history of the Tourism Conference in Shkodra County
Natural Resources in Development
Publication of VIJA Journal, Nr. 10 June
VIJA 10 Contents: The animated movie ‘River’ - entertainment and education for children in the protection of the rivers Drini, the giant of Balkans Tulip tAlbanian hat grows only in Kukes - by Mr. Besart Halilaj An approach to the Waste Management Challenge in Gjakova - by Mrs. Nora Efendija Gola (Executive Director for the Regional Waste Company (RWC) “Çabrati” JSC, Gjakova) Identification and mapping the polluting factors of the Drin River in Shkodër and Vau Dejes - by Mrs. Alminda Mema (Aarhus Shkodra Information Center) Istog springs and rivers as a tourism attraction - by Mrs. Elfete Blakaj (Environment Manager, Municipality of Istog, Kosovo) Waste situation and management in Diber - by Mrs. Antike Torba (Waste Management Sector, Municipality of Debar) World Environment Day with RAPA activities in the country
Natural Resources in Development
Nr. 10, 2017
Drini gjigant i Ballkanit Tulipani shqiptar që rritet vetëm në Kukës Qasje ne sfidën e menaxhimit të mbetjeve në Gjakovë Identifikimi dhe hartëzimi i faktorëve ndotës të Lumit Drin në Shkodër e Vau Dejës Burimet dhe lumejtë e Istogut si atraksion turistik
Filmi vizatimor "Lumi" - argëtim dhe edukim për fëmijët në mbrojtje të lumejve
Kuadër nga filmi “Lumi”
“Lumi” është titulli i filmit më të ri vizatimor, të realizuar nga vetë fëmjët për ndërgjegjësimin e komunitetit për mbrojtjen e lumenjve dhe vlerat natyrore të tyre. Filmi ka një fabul të thjeshtë: Fëmijë që lahen, luajnë dhe i gëzohen çdo ditë lumit të tyre, deri ditën kur në shtratin e tij nis hedhja e inerteve dhe mbeturinave të tjera të rrezikshme. Këto mbeturina e inatosin lumin, i cili shfryn ndaj kësaj padrejtësie që i bëhet natyrës, duke përmbytur dhe duke marrë me vete edhe ndërtimet në shtratin e tij. Megjithatë, filmi ka përfundim pozitiv, sepse kthimit në gjendjen e mëparshme, natyra u buzëqesh përsëri fëmijëve, duke i ftuar ata të luajnë me lumin. Premiera e këtij filmi u shfaq paraditen e 9 Qershorit 2017, në kinema Millennium Shkodër. Shfaqja e tij ngjalli interesin e prindërve, mësuesve, nxënësve, miqve, familjarëve dhe komunitetit të Shkodrës që na nderuan me pjesmarrjen e tyre duke mbushur sallën e kinemasë. Në aktivitet, pas fjalës së mirëseardhjes, nderuan me përshëndetjen e tyre z. Mihallaq Qirjo nga REC Shqipëri, i cili solli te fëmijët simbolin e Drinit si lumi më i madh në Shqipëri dhe sesi duhet të jemi të kujdeshëm për ta ruajtur nga ndotja dhe mbetjet urbane. Më pas, përshëndeti përfaqësuesi i Agjencisë Amerikane të Mjedisit (US EPA) z. Jose Zambrana, duke përcjellë falënderimin për fëmijët në mesazhin që sollën. Gjithashtu z. Lek Kadeli, përfaqësues i Bankës Botërore, ndau emocionet e tij me fëmijët, prindërit dhe gjithë të pranishmit në sallë. Aktiviteti vijoi me shpërndarjen e çertifikatave për fëmijët pjesmarrës në punëtorinë një javore për kontributin e tyre ne realizimin e filmit. Aktiviteti përfundoi me shfaqjen e filmit “Lumi” i cili mori shumë duartrokitje, falenderime, fjalë përgëzuese dhe një dëshirë për të realizuar të tjera punëtori të tilla. Si u bë filmi “Lumi” Punëtoria me fëmijët u mbajt në ambientet e GO2 dhe zgjati rreth 60 orë. Aty morën pjesë 16 fëmijë, 3 kineastë e profesionistë, grupi i asistentëve dhe 1 psikologe. Fëmijët u trajnuan dhe u udhëhoqën nga kineastët profesionistë për realizimin e vizatimeve, si dhe morrën pjesë në të gjithë procesin e realizimit të filmit vizatimor. Procesi ka kaluar disa faza: skenari, dekori, xhirimet dhe montazhi, ku të gjitha janë realizuar nga vetë fëmijët. Pikërisht për të pasqyruar këtë punë njëjavore të fëmijëve përgjatë të gjitha fazave të punës, krahas vetë filmit “Lumi” është punuar edhe një film “prapaskenë”. Ky film prapaskenë, me titullin “Si u bë filmi Lumi” (“Making of Lumi”) u shfaq në Kinema Millennium në Shkodër, përpara premierës së vetë filmit “Lumi”. Dita e parë ishte një hyrje dhe prezantim me filmin e animuar, njohje me temën dhe metodologjinë e punës si dhe fazave të realizimit të tij, e cila u shoqërua me shfaqjen e filmave vizatimor përzgjedhur nga z. Artan Maku. Gjithashtu u bë dhe ndarja e fëmijve në grupe pune si: grupi i skenarit, grupit i dekorit, grupi i përsonazheve dhe duke vijuar me punën e menjëhershme. vijon në faqen 5
Situata dhe menaxhimi i mbetjeve në Dibër Dita Botërore e Mjedisit me aktivitete të AdZM në vend
CRESSIDA është një program rajonal në Shqipëri, Bosnje Herzegovinë, Kosovë, Mal i Zi, Maqedoni dhe Serbi, i implementuar nga REC e mbështetur nga US EPA.
NDOTJA E BASENIT TE LUMIT DRIN NGA MBETJET URBANE Projekti ndërkufitar shtrihet në Kukës, Dibër, Gjakovë dhe Istog me qëllim parandalimin e mbetjeve urbane në Basenin e Lumit Drin.
Sustainable Urban Planning Organization 1 Rruga “Marin Barleti” Pallati 167, H.2, Ap.3 Shkodër, Shqipëri (Albania) Email: info@shkoderbybike.al www.shkoderbybike.al 2 Rruga ‘Gjergj Fishta’, Nd 60, H 3, Ap 27, 1023, Tirana, Shqipëri (Albania) Mob. +355 69 55 90 290 +355 69 67 28 877 Email: info@go2albania.org www.go2albania.org Youtube: GO2 ALBANIA Twitter: GO2 ALBANIA Facebook: GO2 ALBANIA Issuu: GO2 ALBANIA Skype: GO2 ALBANIA