It is important for all DNA orders to arrive at the lab with proper paperwork. Neogen receives roughly 20,000 orders a day. Without paperwork, Neogen staffers do not know what customer the order belongs to.
Barcodes are important. Barcodes are the unique ID for the DNA sample throughout the entire testing process. This ensures that the sample does not get misidentified or put in the wrong account for results.
Be sure to include the full barcode number in DNA orders. Not including the full number, or shortening it to the unique last digits, will delay orders from the beginning processing at the lab. This delay on barcode identification can back up an order up to a week, dependent on volume intake.
Extra samples that arrive at the lab slow down an order. Do not mail in extra samples that are not included on your association order. All samples must be input at the association level with a DNA order form. Additionally, inform the breed association if any samples are missing, as missing DNA also slows down the testing process.
October 2021
Can I register an animal if I don’t know the sire of the animal?
Yes, breeders can register an animal so long as they know the sire options. First, create a multisire group (MSG) that lists the potential sires. Rather than registering the calf to a sire, choose the MSG as the sire of the animal.
Q: A:
When do I create a DNA order?
Breeders create a DNA order form after they have collected the DNA samples and are ready to put the samples in the mail in the following day.
Where can I find the DNA order form?
The DNA order form can be found in the member portal in the IBBA Regstr system. Click “DNA” then click “new order.” All animals must be registered prior to submitting DNA.
Q: A:
Who do I include on a DNA order?
The DNA order should include all animals that are being submitted on a sample. All animals should be listed in the online Regstr order form.