God Speaks - Vol I

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GOD SPEAKS Gloria Dharmapalan

GOD SPEAKS - VOL I info@godspeaks.in www..godspeaks.in Designed by Kingston Abraham © Beracah All rights reserved © Cover Design , by Kingston Abraham © Paper Back Design, by Kingston Abraham Distributed under license Creative Commons First Edition, April 2016

God Speaks - VOL I God Speaks are messages given by God to Gloria Dharmapalan, My mother, from 1990 to 2001. As commissioned by the Lord Jesus these messagesgiven during prayer are, for all to read and be blessed. They are a source ofencouragement. They open our eyes to many truths and deep meanings of the Word of God. On March 22nd , 1990 the Lord said, “Little by little you are learning things from Me. Because your understanding is small, I speak to you of simple things. Because like Mary you sit at My feet to hear Me speaking, I speak to you, My children. As I teach you, you must teach these things to others. Speak to them about the things I teach you. It is not only for yourselves I tell these things. It is so that others may also hear them from you and benefit from it. I will teach more things in the days to come. You will receive My blessings when you do it.� These messages are in simple spoken English so that anyone who reads them can understand them.Those who read these messages are sure to hear His voice saying, I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not.(Jeremiah33:3) Read on and be blessed.

Praise the Lord.







1. TOUCH THE LORD “The crippled man bore his sickness for thirty eight years.(John5:1-9) Many cannot bear the sickness for trial even for one year. But people cannot bear the trial. They want it to disappear in a minute. Many desire that I should touch them. They pray that I should touch them. When I was going to pray for the child – that woman (Matthew 9:18-22) desired to touch My garments and as she touched Me she was healed. Even today I come and stand near you. You can reach out and touch Me. Most people desire that I should touch them, but only children desire to touch Me. When I walk in the meetings many children see Me and touch Me.They are innocent and their faith is stronger than the elders’ faith. Try to touch Me.It will be a greater blessing if you reach out and touch Me. Desire to touch Me. I have touched you many times. I am a God of power. When you touch Me, some of that power will come to you. The blessing you get from this will be a great blessing.”


2. THE LIVING GOD “I am the Lord of heaven and earth, but I humbled Myself when I came as a man. I put on the flesh of man. Therefore I understand the hearts of men. I moved among men. I talked to the people. Even today I come down among the midst of the people. I talk to them. Those who listen to My voice hear Me. I talk through My servants. This is a blessing I give to many.�


3. LILIES “Consider the lilies of the field. (Matthew 6:28) Why have I created them? Why have I created the flowers? Their only work is to look beatiful. In everything that I have created there is a lesson. The lily is a delicate flower. It cannot bear the hot sunlight. It grows in cool shady places. Although it is only white in colour it looks beautiful and it has a pleasant sweetsmell. It grows of itself. It does not need man to plant it. I want My children to be like the lilies, doing their work quietly, humbly, depending only on Me with faith, that I love them and care for them. These are the children who work for Me out of love for Me, not for the sake of name or fame or money, but I reward them openly. They are beautiful to Me like the lily and they come to Me as a sweet smell.�


4. SHEEP AND GOATS “The Bible says – He was led like the sheep to the slaughter.(Isaiah 53:7) Why like a sheep and not like a goat? When the goat is to be slaughtered it makes a lot of noise. It bleats in a loud voice, but the sheep goes quietly. The goat is a wayward creature. It frequently strays away from the fold. It is disobedient. It is greedy and selfish; but the sheep is a quiet, gentle creature. Even when taken to be slaughtered it does not resist, but goes quietly. Its fleece is white. The sheep hears the voice of the shepherd and follows him. The people in the world today are like these two creatures; some like the goat and some like the sheep. Those who do not hear My voice or obey Me and follow Me; who live in their own way that they think is right – are like the goats and others who have faith in Me and believe Me and hear My voice and follow Me in the way that I lead them are like the sheep. On Judgement Day. I will divide the sheep from the goats – one to eternal life and one to eternal darkness.”


5. SECOND COMING “When I come the last time to the world there will be thunder and lightning”; (Revelation 16:18) just before My coming, just as there was at the crucifixion.The mountains and rocks will break up. There will be storms in the sea. The dead will all come to life. (Revelations 20:13) The unbelievers and idolworshippers will call upon their gods to save them. At that time all the temples and places of worship will crumble and fall down and the idols will also break and fall down. Then the people’s eyes will see Me coming with all My glory with hosts of angels.(Matthew 25:31) Only then they will fall on their knees and they will shout that Jesus is Lord. Only then they will know the true God, but it is too late for them. (Philipians 2:10,11)”


6. INNER BEAUTY “I, the Lord do not see the outward appearance of a person, but I look at the inward heart, the thoughts, and the words of an individual. (I Samuel 16:7) Leah had no outward beauty which Rachel had, but Leah was more blessed than Rachel. Leah was a good wife and a good mother, whereas Rachel was vain and selfish. She coveted Jacob’s love and she would have been a hindrance to his spiritual life if she had lived long. I blessed her children. They were good, but it was through Leah’s son Judah, that the kings of Israel descended. The generations of the Israelites was counted from the descendants of Judah. People give more importance to outward appearance in the world and neglect the important qualities. Even then there are those who have good looks and yet they serve Me faithfully. I am able to use them in My service. Those who do not have good looks and who truly love Me and serve Me have inner beauty in them which shines in their faces, so that others do not notice the lack of outward beauty. All those who love Me are lovely in My sight.”


7. SECOND COMING II “Even as I have said – Behold I come quickly (Revalation 3:11) . What I say to you I say to all believers; to the whole earth I say – Be strong; watch and pray. The time is short. All old things shall pass away and everything will be new.(II Corinthians 5:17) The heavens will be rolled away like a scroll and every eye will behold the Lord coming–coming to judge the earth.(Revalation 6:15,16) But there is no place for them to hide.They have to see the glory of God and confess – falling on their knees ; they will confess that He is the true God and no other that they worship is the true God. The faithful will rejoice at My coming. All their trials will be over. They will know what they waited for so long to see the glory face to face at last has been revealed to them. They know the children of God that the time has come for them to receive what they waited for.(Revelations 3:5) They will receive the crown of glory. Look unto Me. I will open your eyes to see the wonders, to understand what is in the Word of God. You will get a revelation of what is to happen in the days to come.Before it comes, you will prepare yourself for that day. I am even now making ready My children, preparing them for the day of My coming.They will hear the sound of trumpet and they will be caught up in the air with Me, (I Corinthians 15:51,52) and when I come the second time, they will come with Me to judge the world.(Revelations 20:6)”


8. BLINDNESS “There are many kinds of blindness in the world. I open the eyes of many physically blind people.(John 9:1-7) But worse than this, there are spiritually blind people.(II Corinthians4:4) Who is so blind as he who does not do his master’s will? Those who go in their own ways – they are blind and they will fall on the way, because they cannot see the obstacles that are in the way. I have said - anoint your eyes with eye-salve (Revelation 3:18), that you may be able to see better. The eye salve is the Holy Spirit of God. Those who do not have the Holy Spirit cannot understand the Word of God when they read it. That is why I say they are blind. Those blind people blind preachers try to teach the Word of God to other blind people like themselves and when the blind leads the blind both will fall into the ditch.(Matthew 15:14) That is why I say be filled with the Spirit, that you may be able to see well and understand the Word of God and His kingdom.”


9. WALL “The city has walls around it to protect it from its enemies. But people build all kinds of walls around themselves and make themselves prisoners. Some build walls around themselves with their riches; walls of pride, walls of self-righteousness, walls of anger and frustration. These are walls which keep away others from coming near them and helping them. Unless they breakdown these walls they cannot enter into the kingdom of God. The walls I build around you who are the children of God are for the protection from the evil forces of darkness. By the fire of the Holy Spirit I put a wall of fire around my children to protect them from the evil forces.(Zechariah 2:5) Pray that you may be surrounded by the walls that I build.�


10. HOLY SPIRIT I “The way is long and difficult. Those who are weak in spirit cannot travel on that way. That is why I say, you must be filled with the Spirit. You must be filled with the Holy Spirit. Those who are not filled but saved only, every now and then they will fall and again and again get up. They go a little steadily, but the Spirit is not in them, again they fall and rise up again. If you are filled with the Spirit, though the temptations may come, you will have the power to resist them. You will overcome and be blessed.�


11. FIRE OF GOD “The fire of the Lord is the fire that comes from heaven. The fire comes in many forms. The fire is the glory of God. It is the fire that Moses saw in the burning bush which did not burn the bush.(Exodus 3:26) It is the pillar of fire which went in front of the Israel people.(Exodus 13:21,22) It is the tongues of fire that hovered over the apostles’ heads.(Acts 2:3) It is the Fire of the Holy Spirit. There is also the Fire of the Wrath of God. It is the fire which killed those who sinned in the camps of the Israelites.(Leviticus 10:2) It is the fire which fell on Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:24,25). It is the Cleansing Fire, which burnt up the offerings that Abraham and Elijah offered (I Kings 18:38). It is the fire of cleansing that burns up our sins. The fire of the Holy Spirit is a wall of fire around the children of God. It is a Protective Fire which does not allow any evil force to come near the children of God. It protects them in their homes, this wall of fire – and this is the fire I put around you- My children. I send the angels also with flaming swords of fire to fight for My children against the evil forces. Keep yourselves always within this Protective Fire, the Cleansing Fire and the Fire of the Holy Spirit. The last fire is the Fire of Hell – a fire of brim stone where the worm does not die (Mark 9:44), and it is an everlasting fire. It is a fire reserved for the devil (Matthew 25:41), and those who have followed the devil. It is a terrible fire. Warn the people how to escape from this fire. I have given and showed the way of salvation in My Word – how the people may escape from this fire. Tell them to read the Word of God, and follow the way of salvation to life eternal.”


12. DESERT “The desert is a place where there is no plant or trees. There is no water. There is only sand – miles and miles of sand. It was through the desert the Israelites walked for forty years, and yet I gave them food and water there. (Exodus 16) It was in the desert that I gave water for Hager and her son.(Genesis 21:19) Even today in that same desert there is no water. But the people have found something in the desert, that to them is more precious. It is the oil which makes them rich. If they believe in Me I will give them water also there. But they bring the water artificially from other places. Men’s lives are like the desert, barren and dry, loveless and godless. But even such barren lives when I give them the Water of Life to drink, which I pour into them, they blossom and become fruitful (John 4:13,14) like the oasis in the desert which is a cool place with springs of water and trees and flowers,where people may rest. Around you, you will see these barren people. Tell them that I am the source of water of Life from which they can drink and flourish.”


13. STARS “Look at the stars in heaven. Can you count them? I know you cannot. But I know everyone of them and each one has a name.(Psalm 147:4) I have allowed man to recognize a few of them and call them by their names. He has made some artificial stars and sent them up. It amuses Me to see them up, which is a poor imitation of My creation. It is a plaything for man, but he thinks it is a great invention – it is a great creation that he has done. As My coming draws very near, some of the stars will fall from the sky (Matthew 24:29) and along with them the artificial man made stars will all fall down. When this happens they must know that it is the end of the time. Even then some will not believe. So again and again I say – watch and pray and be prepared to meet Me when I come.”


14. PRESENCE OF GOD “When I come into a house I bless it. The whole house is filled with My presence. Some do not recognize who I am; whereas those who believe in Me, even though they cannot see Me, they know that I am there with them. I sometimes go to houses where I am not invited by the people who do not welcome Me, but there may be one soul in that house who would have called Me and because of that one soul I go there. I go unseen into some houses and I watch the members of that house. I find out the reason why they are unbelieving. I try to help them. I give them opportunities to hear the Word of God and be saved. At the same time supernaturally I appear in many houses because there are many people in many houses who call unto Me in prayer. I hear the prayers of these people and answer them. I enjoy the pleasure of staying with the families where they pray together. I sit with them and listen to their conversation and I bless them.�


15.CLOUDS “The sky is hidden by the darkness of the clouds. The beauty of the blue sky is hidden because the clouds that have formed are dark black clouds. But it is those dark clouds that are full of moisture. When these dark clouds full of moisture come into contact with the cold wind, they drop the heavy refreshing showers of rain and they pass away and the clear sky is seen again. They go again to absorb the moisture and fall as rain. The white fleecy clouds are beautiful to look at. But there is no moisture in them. They move about whichever way the wind blows them. They are of no use. People who stay close to Me, who spend their time in My Presence and learn My Words, they absorb My personality and they are useful to Me to do My work. They are useful to others also. They change the lives of the people they come in contact with in every place , and they go on, to do the same work in other places.These people are like the dark clouds. The people who only care about the worldly things, seeking worldly pleasures here and there are like the empty white fleecy clouds. They are of no use to Me, and they are of no use to others.�


16. GOD SEES “From the heavens God looks down upon the earth.(Psalm 14:2) He sees everything. Nothing can be hid from Him. Everything is revealed to Him. (Hebrews 4:13) He is grieved at heart by the sins of the people He sees. He is grieved by the idol-worshippers. The Christians also grieve Him by their lack of faith and love for Him. Like for the Jews of Jerusalem, He weeps for these Christians, who worship Him with their lips but their hearts are far away.(Isaiah 29:13) At the same time the all seeing eyes look upon the children of God – labouring for Him in the vineyards to save the souls and bring in the harvest of souls – sacrificing in the Lord’s work. He sees the children of God faithfully praying on their knees . When He sees His chosen ones – His beloved ones – His heart is filled with joy, because for the love He showed them, they love Him in return. They will receive their reward in the kingdom of God.”


17. WARNING AND JUDGEMENT “Isaiah and Jeremiah spoke of the Saviour who had to come to the world to save the people from their sins.(Isaiah 7:14 ; Jeremiah 23:5,6) Daniel, Ezekiel and John they saw the judge who is to come to the world to judge the people. (Daniel 7:9,10 ; Revelation 20:11,12) Warn the people of that day of judgement. They cannot escape that day. They cannot hide in the deep sea. They cannot go into the ground. Even today, there are some who are building underground homes to hide there and take shelter there. But no one can escape because every eye must behold Him and every tongue must confess that Jesus is Lord.(Philipians 2:10;11) Only the saved of God would have already escaped from this day, on the day of the secret rapture of His coming.(I Corinthians 15:51,52) There is no condemnation of those children of God. But those on the earth who have rejected the true God and had given their allegiance to the false God of the world and to satan, - they will be judged and punished for their deeds. Who will warn them of this? Those who know the truth from the Word of God they must warn them. This is the Word I give you.�


18. AMBITIONS “Man has many ambitions from the beginning of the world. He wants to rise higher and higher. He wants more knowledge. He wants to do great things. He tries to compete with Me. He is guided by satan in some of his ambitions. This was the first sin in the Garden of Eden. (Genesis 3:6) They disobeyed Me.They started to build the tower of Babel in disobedience of My Words, against My Will. So I put an end to it.(Genesis 11:1-9) I gave Solomon wisdom and knowledge.(I Kings 3:11) He used it for good. I help those who work with good ambitions. Those who use their knowledge with faith in Me, I help them with their experiments. But there are those who do things contrary to My creation. These are helped by Satan. I could have prevented man from landing on the moon. But I helped these people because they were God-fearing and they believed in Me and gave Me the glory in everything. I have said in My Word – In the last days knowledge will increase (Daniel 12:4) and I bless My children with knowledge.”


19. GOOD SHEPHERD “I am the good shepherd.(John 10:11) I lead My sheep into green pastures and quiet waters.(Psalm23:2)I love My sheep. They love Me and hear My voice and follow Me. I know every sheep by its name because they are mine, and they belong to Me.(John 10:14) There is one shepherd and one fold. I am gathering all the sheep. Even if one strays away, I gather it and bring it back into the fold.(Luke 15:46) Even if the wolf tries to take him away I try to rescue him. Only when they choose to follow satan they are lost. Even then I keep calling them to come back to the fold. I give them every chance to come back. One day I will gather all My sheep together into My kingdom where they will be with Me forever.�(Matthew 25:33,34)


20. DOOR OF HEAVEN “I am the only door of the sheepfold. The only entrance of the sheepfold, and those who come through Me are My children. (John 10:7-9) None can enter by any other way because I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.(John 14:6) Those who try to enter by any other way – they are thieves and robbers (John 10:1) and they will be destroyed. Many people say they can enter My kingdom in different ways – by their gods that they worship, the false gods who lead them astray into wrong ways. They can never enter into My kingdom. They will be destroyed into everlasting fire. But if they turn from their wrong ways and hear My voice alone and follow Me alone, they will be saved and allowed into My kingdom. I am always calling out inviting the people to come to Me. I am giving them every opportunity to be saved because it is not My will that they should perish and it was for their sake I gave My life. If any man hears My voice He can enter into My kingdom.”


21. CHILDREN OF GOD “In Isaac shall thy seed be called.(Geesis21:12) That is the promise I gave Abraham. I made them a great nation – the descendants of Isaac – I love them very much. They were a chosen generation. But in spite of all I did for them, they turned away from Me and lusted after the false gods and the pleaures of the world. I punished them and scattered them over the face of the world.(Psalm 106:35-42) But I have not forgotten them. I have brought them back to their land. I am still gathering them there. Many of them have repented and turned to Me. They are doing great service for Me in furthering the kingdom of God, in taking the Gospel to other nations . My hand is with them today, and I am blessing them as a nation, and as My people – these Jews of Israel – according to My promise to them. Ishmael was of Abraham’s seed according to flesh, but Isaac was the seed according to the promise. I pitied Hagar the mother, and gave her the promise that I will make a great nation of the descendants of her son Ishmael.(Genesis21: 13,18) If they had followed Me truly , I would have blessed them also. But they didnot believe in the salvation I gave to the world by giving My life for them. They do not believe that the way to God the Father is the way through the Son. They have rejected the Son. They try to enter the kingdom by their owns means and ways like a thief. So they have lost My blessing. Even among them, there are some; I have chosen to show them the true way -and those who are converted – I bless them. Today the Islam nations are the chief enemies of Israel. They are the


descendants of Ishmael. But they profess to be the descendants of Isaac. They are liars and theives. I have rejected them, though they are a powerful nation. (Jeremiah 50) Today My children My true children – are chosen from all the nations of the world. In large numbers, the Gentiles have accepted Me as the true God. I am building My church from every nation in the world. All those who believe in Me, as the Saviour of mankind, are My children, and they will enter into My kingdom and be with Me forever.’’(Romans 9:24-26)


22. HUMILITY “Real humility comes when you truly realise that you have been saved by grace and not by your works, and it is a gift of God.(Ephesians 2:8,9) If man was saved by his works he will become proud and boast, but when he realises that I suffered in his place for his sins, he humbles himself.(Roman 5:6 -11) Salvation is a gift given to those who acknowledge in My presence, that they are sinners and humble themselves and repent for their sins.(Romans 10:9,10) Like the Pharisees of those days, even today there are people who think highly of themselves that they lead good lives and do good works of charity. By their good lives and good works they cannot enter the kingdom of God. Idol-worshippers also do good works and lead good lives. But they cannot enter My kingdom. The way of the cross is the only way to heaven.(Matthew 16:24) I humbled Myself even to the death on the cross.(Philippians 2:7,8) You must accept that everything you have received is a gift from Me and when you come with humility into My presence I bless you. People take pride in their possessions; in their positions in the world; in their riches - without realising that all these things can disappear in a moment. Pride caused the downfall of Lucifer (Isaiah 14:12) and his followers; and those who are proud will also fall. Humble yourselves and I will lift you up.�


23. VOICES “From the beginning of creation I am speaking to mankind. I spoke to the two in the garden of Eden with love, but they spurned the voice of love and obeyed the satanic voice that spoke to them.(Genesis 3:1-9). Throughout the ages I have been speaking words of love, words of command, words of pleading, words of sorrow and words of joy. Even when I speak words of command and anger it is with love. I say the words to correct the people who are going in the wrong way. The world and the people in it are My creation and I so loved the world that I sent My only begotten Son to the world to die for the people so that they may be saved.(John 3:16) But many people turn away from My voice and hear the voice of satan and follow his ways. At the same time there are others who eagerly and lovingly hear My voice and obey Me and do My will. Sometimes I speak in a loud voice, like the thunder and sometimes I speak in a still small voice (I Kings 19:12) and sometimes I speak through the written Word. Throughout the ages even till today, those who love Me hear My voice speaking to them. It is a blessing to them. All nature hears My voice and obeys Me. The birds and animals – they know My voice. I love to hear the different voices of nature – the voice of the sea, the voice of thunder, the voices of the animals and birds. There is music in all these voices which is pleasing to Me. But man’s voice does not always please Me. Wicked and bad words, cunning words, deceiving words all come from the evil hearts of men who are under the control of satan.(Mark7:20-22) At the same time words and songs of praise and love to Me and to others, words of prayer to Me give Me great pleasure.(Ephesians 5:19) These words are from the children who love Me and I bless them.”


24. FROM DARKNESS TO LIGHT “The thieves and the robbers and the adulterers - they all love darkness. They wait for the darkness to do their evil deeds. They cover themselves with darkness. Darkness sorrounds these people. Their very thoughts are dark; their minds are dark and their deeds are dark. They live in the spiritual darkness. All their deeds are deeds of darkness. (John 3:19,20) But they need not always be in this darkness. I am the Light of the world. If they only believe in Me and call upon Me I will bring them out of the darkness into My light.(John8:12) I give them every opportunity to come out of their darkness into My glorious light. There are many who have obeyed and they testify of their deliverance from the darkness into the Light.�


25. WAY OF THE CROSS “I taught My disciple to be long-suffering – to be patient. Out of all of themPeter was the impetuous one.(John 18:10,11) Sometimes I had to restrain him. He did things out of love for Me.(Matthew 14:24-32) I know, but it took time for him to know that My ways are not like his ways. The same thing I teach you. In the spiritual life, long-suffering and patience are important.(Galations 5:22) They waited forty long days before the Spirit was sent to them and they were all changed after that.(Acts 2:1-4) The spiritual life along which you are walking is a life of forbearance. People will make you angry; satan will bring so many difficulties to you. So many troubles will come. You have to bear up all this. The way you are walking is not an easy road. The way of the cross is never easy. I walked along that way in the world, and those who follow Me must also carry their crosses and walk in the same way.(Matthew 16:24) Most of the suffering that you may have to bear, I have already borne it for you and I give you the strength and courage to carry your cross and bear the suffering that comes your way. Keep close to Me as I walk with you on this way and you will never go wrong. You will learn to be long-suffering and patient and you will have all the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22,23) that I give you. I tell you this because you are beloved in My sight. All those who do My will are My disciples – who serve Me – and as I have said –I will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5) to walk along this way of the Cross.”


26. BARREN TREE “A barren tree is of no use to anyone. It is fit to be cut down and cast into the ocean. It may grow by the side of a stream. It receives the water from the stream. It receives the rain. It receives the sunlight, but still it is barren and unfruitful. By the side of the barren tree is another tree full of fruits useful to others.(Psalm 1:3) Today there are people like this in the world. There are christians in the world like the barren tree. They have all the opportunities to lead a fruitful christian life. They have the Word of God. They have the churches to which they go regularly. They have the servants of God to preach to them. But still they choose the pleasures of life.They live in sin. They are selfish. Their lives are of no use to anyone. Their lives are barren. On the judgement day they will be sent into eternal punishment. The fruitful trees are those who are My children – who truly love Me; who seek to do My will; who seek to save others who are lost; who help the downtrodden; who are a blessing to others. They are the fruitful trees and they will oneday find a place in My kingdom.”


27. ACCIDENTS “Many people nowadays are dying in accidents.Some accidents are caused due to man’s carelessness. Man has made vehicles that go faster and faster. He tries to make them perfect and when there is a flaw in the man-made machines, there is an accident. Some accidents are caused by satan himself. In some accidents many people die, and sometimes only one or two die. Nothing that man makes is perfect. But I protect My children from such accidents. I bless your going out and coming in.(Psalm 121:8) So you are safe under My care.”


28. GETHSEMANE “The prayer that I prayed at Gethsemane was it only for Me that I prayed? Was it for Me that I shed sweat-drops of blood? No, it was for all mankind that I prayed to the Father. I prayed for the deliverance of all mankind from sin. I shed the blood drops of sweat for man – for the whole world.(Luke 22:44) With your human minds and human feelings you cannot imagine what I was undergoing in the garden of Gethsemane.The deepest pain in My heart caused by the sin of man was a burden on My soul at that time. With the deepest pity and love for the people I prayed to the Father to save them. I knew that I had to bear the sins of the whole world of people and that I will have to give My life for them, that they might be saved. But in great sorrow I knew, even though I bore the sins of the whole world and died for them, there would be people who would not believe in this great truth; and there are many today who have died without believing in the salvation I give to them and there are also those today who do not believe. But I say today – blessed indeed are those who believe and are saved.”


29. SALVATION “Even as the serpent was lifted up in the wilderness, so was the Son of Man lifted up on the cross, so that all those who look at the cross and see the dying form of the Saviour and believe that He died for them – they are saved. (John3:14,15) “Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me for My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.(Matthew11:28-30) Whoso calleth upon the lord, shall be saved. “Behold I stand at the door and knock. If any man hear My voice and open unto Me, I will come unto him, I will enter in. I will commune with him.(Revelation3:20) I will bless him.”


30. WORKS OF SATAN “The wickedness in the world today is such that there never was even in the days of Noah. The imaginations of their wicked minds make them do things that the children of God cannot imagine. These things are being done in dark places with the help of the satanic forces; and these are the people completely dominated by satan; who have allowed themselves and put themselves under the control of satan. They had the opportunity to follow the way of salvation, but they preferred to choose the way of satan. They will receive their punishment on the Judgement Day.�


31. IDOL- WORSHIP “There is a huge tree growing in a forest. It has many branches in which the birds come and nest. It gives a lot of shade under it. Sometimes people used to come and sit under its shade. But one day some men came and cut down the tree. Its branches were cut off. Its trunk was cut up and sent to a distant place where the wood was used to build a church. One of the men who cut the tree took home some of the branches. From those branches he chose one branch and shaped it into an idol. He put it in an important place in his house and worshipped it. The rest of the branches he used for burning in his oven to cook his food. He did not have the sense to realise what he burnt and what he worshipped was the same wood from the same tree.(Isaiah44:14-19) There are many senseless people like this. From the same mud with which they make pots, they make idols and worship them. Others make idols of gold and silver but all are the same. They are the gods that cannot see or hear. They cannot move about.(Psalm 115:4-11) There is no life in them. They cannot hear the prayers of those who worship them. Yet there are many who prefer to worship these idols rather than worship the living God, who created the heaven and earth and all that is therein.�


32. MINISTRY “Spread your nets on the other side. Bring in the fishes. With their own effort though they toiled all night the disciples caught no fish. But when I came there and told them to cast their nets again they gathered in, a heavy load of fish.(John 21:6-11) Even in the ministry without My help and My presence, without the help of the Holy Spirit, no ministry will succeed. Those who do the ministry must often come into My presence and get My help and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Some evangelists do the ministry only for the gain they get out of it. Others are very busy going here and there and doing this and that, that they have no time to pray. They may be able to save few souls by the ministry; but there is no power in such ministry, and after a time they give up. Those who do the ministries with My help and guidance will be steadfast and successful and they will receive My blessings.�


33. HARVEST “The grain is ripe and ready for the harvest. The fields are full of ripe grain. (Revelation 14:15) But there are not enough labourers to harvest the grains and bring in the sheaves. I am sending out many workers to work in the fields butstill it is not sufficient.(Matthew 9:37) The field is the world. The labourers are the evangelists. Many evangelists confine themselves to one place. They must spread out. Two people are enough to do one work. If they spread out they can bring in more souls. The places which need more workers - there – there are only few – because few are willing to go to those places and work; as they have to face hardships there and they do not want to leave their comforts, which they cannot get in those places. It is their lack of faith. Those who have gone there realise the blessings I give them; and the miracles that I have performed there; and I bless their ministry there.(Mark16:17,18) In the days when there were no modern conveniences and modern transport, My disciples and other servants of God risked their lives and suffered in many ways to take the Gospel to unknown dark regions of the world. These are the saints who stand around the throne of God. Today I am searching for such people who are willing to say, Here I am, send Me Lord. Pray that I may find such people to do My work.”


34. DRAGON “In the garden of Eden satan took the form of a serpent. He did not need any physical strength to fight against the two people in the garden of Eden. He needed only cunningness to cheat the only two people in the world at that time. As the woman was the weaker of the two, with his cunning words he cheated her. With his lying words he made her to sin and her husband followed her.(Genesis 3:1-6) Since then in different forms and in different ways he influences the people and causes them to sin. He turns them away from worshipping the true God. He is the personification of every kind of evil and he influences the people to follow and obey him. But there have always been some people who have not listened to his voice, but have been faithful in worshipping the true God and obeying Him alone. They have resisted and turned away from the temptations of satan. He was daring enough to tempt even Me, the Son of God.(Matthew 4:1-11) Since I came into the world and laid down My life to save the people, the power and influence of Satan became less. After I left the world, the Holy Spirit of God was sent into the world. (Acts2:1-4) The Gospel is being preached everywhere. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, miracles are taking place and millions of people are being saved. Satan knew he is being defeated. He has to work harder and he needs morestrength to fight against the Holy Spirit. So now instead of the form of the serpent, he needs the strength and the power of the dragon.


He has the scales of the dragon to protect him when he is attacked. He has the wings of the dragon to move swiftly from one place to another. He has the tail and the claws of the dragon to use as a weapon, and fire comes out of his mouth to fight against the fire of the HolySpirit. But the fire that comes out of his mouth disappears as smoke as soon as it leaves his mouth and does not harm anyone. God has given His children a full armour and a sword to protect themselvesand to fight against the dragon.(Ephesians 6:11-17) So in spite of all hisstrength and weapons, as a dragon, he is powerless against the children of God filled with the Holy Spirit. In the end the dragon will be completely defeated and thrown into the bottomless pit.(Revelation 12:7-9)


35. HONEY “The bees are busy insects. They go from flower to flower to gather honeywhich is full of sweetness to those who eat it. But a lot of effort is put by the bees to collect the honey and store it in the honey comb. A lot of effort is put in. The Word of God is a beautiful flower full of honey, full of sweetness, but those who want to take that honey - they have to spend a lot of time. The honey is sometimes hid deep in the flower and those who search for it have to search deep. The more they search they find it. The bee has a natural mouth, a tube trough which it sucks honey. It puts it deep into the flower and sucks out the honey. The tube for the chiildren of God is the Holy Spirit which will help them find the mystery, the commands and promises, and great many things that are in the Word of God. Those who seek them often, who learn from Me, those who are filled with the Holy Spirit it is they who can search out this honey and enjoy it from the Word of God. Those who read it as a habit and duty may not get much out of it. Even as Solomon asked for wisdom, if you ask for wisdom to understand the hidden meanings of the Word of God, I will give you the wisdom of understanding. Even then you cannot understand everything.There are somethings which will be revealed when you enter My kingdom. There are some proud, too proud to acknowledge that they cannot understand.So they give their own interpretation to what they read and create confusion in the minds of others. Humble yourselves and learn from Me and I will teach you because you are beloved children who serve Me and love Me.�


36. DAY OF THE JUDGEMENT “The day of judgement is a terrible day,(Malachi 3:2,3) a wonderful day. In these days of grace , the believers, they come boldly into My presence to praise Me and worship Me and make their requests. But on the day of judgement, the believers as well as the unbelievers have to come into My presence and everyone will have to give an account of himself and herself and their lives in the world.(Romans 14:12) In these days I am the mediator and the interceder. (Hebrews 7:25) but on the day of judgement I will be the judge. There will be no one to mediate or intercede. Each one has to speak for himself or herself. The believers and the unbelievers will give their account and they will be separated at that time – the believers on the right side and the unbelievers on My left side. The Book of Life will be opened(Revelations20:12) and the names will be read out. These are the names of the believers(Revelations21:27) who stand on My rght side. Those whose names are not found in the Book of Life(Revelations20:15) will stand on the left side. Those who stand on the left side will try to defend themselves with all kinds of excuses and lies; but it will be of no use to them. I will say to those on My right side – Enter into My kingdom and receive your reward for ye are blessed; and I will say to those on the left side –Depart from Me into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his followers.(Matthew 25: 34-46) No one can change this judgement. Those who wish to escape the judgement of the everlasting fire should even now turn from their evil ways and accept the salvation I am offering to everyone, in these days of grace. I am the Way the Truth and the Life.(John14:6) Only those who believe in Me can enter into My kingdom.”


37. LIGHT OF THE WORLD “I am the light of the world. Those who walk in My Light shall never walk in darkness.(John 12:46) Many people see this light. Moses has seen this light. (Exodus3:2) Jacob has seen this light.(Genesis28:12) Paul has seen this light. (Acts 9:3-6) All those who see My light are blessed. Those who walk in darkness cannot bear the light. They do not desire the light, because their evil deeds of darkness will be exposed in the light. The children of light rejoice to walk in the light.I will give the opportunity to everyone to walk in My Light. But there are those who turn away from the light and prefer to walk in the darkness, because their deeds are evil. I say unto you - See My light and live in the light.�


38. PRAISE “The praises of God’s people break the strongholds of satan. The evil one is jealous when the children of God praise the Almighty. The more the Lord is praised satan becomes weak and cowers in fear. As the praises of God’s children rise up to the very gates of heaven, the forces of darkness recede further and further back. The evil power is lessened. It becomes harmless to the children of God.(Acts16:25,26) Praise is a powerful weapon against the evil one.The praises go up and open the doors of heaven to allow the blessings to come down.The praises go up to the Lord as a sweet savour and He blesses the people who praise him.”(Psalm 50:23)


39. FEET “How beautiful are the feet of those who carry the Gospel of peace and loveto the nations.(Isaiah 52:7) They climb over the mountains(Nahum1:15); they go across the plains; they cross the rivers and seas; they fly from place to place to carry the message of the Gospel to those who have not heard it. They use their feet and hands and their eyes, their ears, their lips – to take the Gospel; whereas there are others who use their feet to run here and there to perform evil deeds.(Proverbs1:16) Their feet run to places of pleasure and sin and to places of idol-worship. It is to these people the Gospel has to be preached. I say unto you – Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Dedicate it to the glory of God. (I Corinthians 3:16;6:19)


40. CREATION “I am the Word. All things were created by Me and for Me, and without Me was not anything created that was created.(John1:1-3) My creation was perfect and good; beautiful and pleasing to the eye. The vegetation, the living things on the land and in the water were perfect. The two humanbeings I created were perfectly formed and they were beautiful to look at. They were also endued with a soul and a mind and spirit which I did not give to the lower creatures.All My creations were perfect and I found great pleasure in them till the day that sin entered the world. (Genesis1,2) It grieved Me that the beings I created in My own image listened to the voice of My enemy.(Genesis 3) Today there are freaks in nature and mankind. Things that were once perfect – perfectly created- are now crooked and stunted and distorted. Many of the outwardly beautiful people are the most wicked and many of the outwardly ugly people have beautiful souls and minds. Outward beauty of form has nothing to do with goodness. When those who are beautiful outwardly dedicate this beauty to Me, I am able to use their beauty to win souls for Me. Those who love Me, if they dedicate everything they are, and have – like their beauty, talents, possessions – to be used by Me for My glory, I will bless them more and more in all ways.”


41. TEMPLE OF JERUSALEM “Where is the temple of Jerusalem? Did I not say there shall not be one stone left upon the other?(Mark13:2) Those Jews in those days did not believe Me when I said that. Even today they do not believe Me. Though every stone was razed to the ground they have a part of some wall that did not belong to the Temple of Jerusalem – which they call the wailing wall – where they lament the destruction of the temple. They do not lament that they killed the Son of God who came to the world to save the lost souls. But they lament and cry for the destruction of the buildings of the Jerusalem Temple. Today there are other people also , even those in the ministry, who give more importance to the worldly possessions and care more for the things of the world than for the souls that have to be saved before they perish. Did I not say – Have no thought about what you shall eat or drink or put on, because I who am your Lord and God, knoweth what you need and I shall supply all your needs because I care for you – if you will but trust Me.”(Matthew6:25-34)


42. COLOURS “I created this world, full of colours pleasing to the eye. I created the beautiful rainbow with its colours.(Genesis 9:13) In My creation there is a purpose in the colours, besides being pretty to look at. The green of the leaves gives a cooling effect. Every living creature is coloured to suit its surroundings and to give pleasure to those who look at them. All people do not have the talent to use colours so that they blend properly and are not glaring and discordent to the eyes. A life of sin and pleasure is like an ugly picture where the colours do not blend. If I had created a world without colours it would look drab and ugly and barren. So is a life that does not pray and worship the living God. The lives of those who love Me and come frequently into My presence are like a beautiful picture where all the colours blend together.�


43. LEADERS “Everywhere there are leaders. There are leaders in the government; leaders in the churches; leaders in the society; and leaders in the families. There are some world leaders also. But the greatest leader of all is the Lord who created the heaven and the earth. In all spheres there are good leaders and corrupt leaders. When the leader is good those under him look up to him and respect him and he leads them in the right and proper way. But there are also wicked and corrupt leaders who would have come into their position by crooked means. He is ruled by satan. The people who obey him do so out of fear. Those who follow him will fall with him and be destroyed. The pastor is the leader of the church. He has a great responsibility as a leader, not of the bodies but of the souls of the people in the church. One day he will have to give an account of his leadership. The father specially is the leader of the home. His actions have to be such that his family can follow him and emulate him. The mother also has a responsibility as a leader of the family. Those who look up to Me as their Lord and leader and follow Me and obey My Words, can never go wrong in their leadership. With My guidance they will make good leaders.�


44. HARVEST TIME “The message of love I give to you, I give to others. The time is short. Thework has to be done in the time left.There is still much work to be done. I am quickly sending out many to do the work. I use all kinds of people to do the work. The harvest must be gathered in quickly. The fields are ripe.(Luke10:2) This harvesting must be done by the servants of God, whom I have appointed to do the work. But there will be another harvest in the last days. At the end of the world there will be another harvest. This will be done by the angels.(Revelation14:15,16) The harvesting that is now being done by the children of men, is to bring in the souls into salvation, but the harvest at the end of the world that will be done by the angels is to separate the good grains from the tares, to bring the souls into Judgement,at the end of the world.(Matthew13: 38-43) I am the Lord of both the harvests.�


45. SECOND COMING III “Yes, I am coming very soon. Be prepared to meet Me. Prepare yourselves to meet Me – to meet Me not as your Judge and Master, but to meet Me as your Lord and Saviour. Look forward, I say – to seeing Me face to face. It is your privilege – those of you who have been washed in My blood to look forward to see Me as I am; to touch Me; to taste of My love; to enjoy My presence and to revel in My kingdom with Me in the place that I have prepared for you. For those who have not accepted My salvation in this world; for those who have rejected Me; for those who have indulged in the evil pleasures of this world; for those who have not repented for their sins – My coming is a day of darkness and gloom. It is a day of condemnation for them. Even though they have been warned when they were in the world, they did not repent. I come to them as a Judge to mete out to them the punishment they deserve. While there is time in these days of grace, warn them and if they do not repent, I will judge them.”


46. PRAYER “I never say idle words. Even the smallest prayer reaches Me. Even a child’s prayer reaches Me. But I have said, ‘according to My will’ because I know what is best. I have said – My thoughts are not your thoughts; my ways are not your ways.(Isaiah55:8) According to this I answer prayers. Some prayers are answered at once, immediately, according to the wishes of those who pray to Me because that is My will also. But some prayers are held up to be answered later on or not answered because it is not My will. People whose faith is shallow, who do not love Me sincerely, who pray only for worldly things, who do not have the patience to wait for an answer – they lose what little faith they have and even turn against Me. It is those who have deep faith in Me and sincerely love Me, know that all things work together for good to those who love God.(Romans8:28)


47. NARROW WAY “Straight and narrow is the way that leads into the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew7:14) Many people are hearing the truth and are believing. They are leaving the broad way and are entering the narrow way because they know that the broad way leads them into destruction.(Matthew 7:13) The evil one like a roaring lion is seeking whom to devour(I Peter 5:8) because he knows his time is short. At the same time the power of the Holy Spirit is working in the hearts of men to turn them away from the broad way into the narrow way. I am showering blessings on My people who follow Me. But to receive the blessings they must first turn to Me and walk in My way and obey Me alone. To receive the crown, they must come to the cross. It is the only way to salvation and blessings.�


48. STEPS TO HEAVEN “Jacob saw the ladder reaching from the earth into heaven. The angels were on the ladder.(Genesis28:12,13) In the christian life there are steps going up. Some who are saved spend all their lives in the last step. They are satisfied with their salvation alone. They do not have the desire to climb any higher in their spiritual life. Others climb one or two steps. They receive the Holy Spirit but do not climb higher. They do not spend much time in prayer. It is those who wish to climb higher and higher and grow more in their spiritual life , who keep on climbing till the end of their lives - these are the people who receive the gifts of the spirit – by spending much time in prayer, witnessing for Me and doing the ministry to save the unsaved souls. The steps are before you. As you climb up you will receive more blessings.”


49. SPIDER “The spider spins her web in the lowest hut upto the king’s palace.(Proverbs 30:28) There is no place where the spider is not found spinning a web. Even in the forest there are different kinds of spiders spinning webs. The main purpose of the spider’s web is to trap the insects for its food. All the insects that are foolish and careless get caught in the web. Satan also sets traps for God’s children. Those who are already under his control - he is not concerned about them. But it is for the children of God that he sets his traps. These children who are always watchful in their spiritual life and strong in their faith will not fall into satan’s trap. It is only those who are not steadfast and strong in their faith that fall into satan’s trap. Even then, they can resist him and cry unto the Lord for help. He will deliver them. But there are some believers when they fall, they think that all is lost. They despair and give in to depression. They allow satan to take full control of them and turn away from the Lord who wants to help them.”


50. SHIPS “There are modern ships that are built like big palaces. They are built strong enough to withstand all kinds of weather and storms at sea. They look beautiful and majestic as they sail on the sea. The people on those ships feel secure and safe as they sail . They have all the pleasures to enjoy. They indulge in eating and drinking and dancing without any care. They live in a small world of their own. But there is a small crew of believers. Suddenly this huge ship strikes a hidden rock or iceberg, and the ship begins to sink in the middle of the sea. Although they send out messages of help, before the help arrives this huge ship will sink. Now their only way to escape are the small life-boats. Quickly they are cast into the sea, and all those who get into them are safe. But there are some who do not like to leave the comforts of the big ship and get into the life-boats. They keep hoping that help will come to them before the ship sinks. Although those in the life-boats call out to them to leave the sinking ship, to get into the life-boats, they do not listen and they sink with the ship, as it suddenly goes down. That ship is the world and the life-boat (JESUS) is the only means of salvation offered to the world. Those who cling to the pleasures of the world will one day be destroyed with the world and their souls will go to hell. But like those on the life-boats, who repented for their sins – they will be saved and enter the kingdom of heaven. I am the Way the Truth and Life.(John14:6)”


51. LIGHT AND DARKNESS “My first creation was light. Where all was darkness I created light. I separated the light from the darkness.(Gensis 1:3,4) I hung the world in space (Job26:7) and allowed the light to shine on it. I created the light of the sun, the moon and the stars also.(Genesis 1:14-16) Man cannot live without light. I plagued the Egyptians with darkness.(Exodus10:22,23) The darkness of the night that follows day was created so that all the creatures of the earth may take their rest. But after sin came into the world man had to work sometimes during the nights also or some part of the night. So men made artificial lights to help them to work during the night. At the end of the world also the day will become like night when darkness will cover the face of the earth once again.(Acts2:20) Those who have not accepted the Gospel of Salvation and those who worship idols and other gods will undergo this darkness. At this time the light of My blessings is moving in the world. The light of the Gospel is spreading everywhere. Those who see this light and believe in this light will be saved. Before the light is taken away from the world and the days of darkness cover the earth – Let the people be warned and allow the light to enter into their lives. Believers who are My children sometimes pass through priods of darkness. The darkness that believers pass through is the darkness that satan puts around them. These are the trials and temptations and afflictions that come into the lives of My children. When I was in this world I also passed through this type of darkness.The saints of God also have passed through this darkness. Even through the dark


ness, My children will see My Light shining. It will penetrate through the darkness and it will drive out the darkness also. Your faith will be strenghtened after you go through this experience.�


52. EYES “The Light of the body is the eyes. If there is light in your eyes, the wholebody is full of light. If your eyes are evil, the whole body is contaminated. (Luke11:34) God created man’s eyes to enjoy the beauties of His creation. But the first woman sinned when she cast covetuos eyes on the forbidden fruit. (Genesis3:6) A man may be physically blind; but spiritually his eyes are open to the truths of God’s Word. Today there are many evil sights in the world. Many find pleasure in seeing these wicked things and what they see makes them to do evil works. They are enticed by satan in this. The eyes of God’s children turn away from the wicked sights in the world. Their eyes are a blessing to them. But the eyes of the wicked will lead them to eternal destruction.”


53. WORD OF GOD “The Word of God shall go forth and accomplish and it shall not return void.”(Isaiah55:11) It shall go to the darkest corners of the world and accomplish its purpose, The Word of God enters into the dark heart of man. It begins to enter into him and behold! His life is changed. The Word of God is swift and powerful like a double edged sword.(Hebrews4:12) No evil force can stand before it. Satan is defeated by the Words that come from the living God. There are hidden treasures in the Word of God. Those who seek and dig deep into it will find the treasures hidden there. Even a casual glance at randomof a few Words has changed the lives of many unbelievers. The whole world was created by the Word of God.(Hebrews11:3) It is like an army going forth to conquer an evil foe. It is a powerful weapon to defeat the enemy. Words of praise,words of command, words of caution, words of pleasure, words of knowledge and intellect and much more are found in the Word of God. Those who spurn the Word of God; those who do not obey its commandments; those who do not believe in it till the end - will receive eternal punishment. The way of salvation and truth is found in the Word of God. Those who diligently read it and follow the Words of God will be abundantly blessed and at the end they will receive eternal life in My kingdom.”


54. CLAY AND POTTER “Even as the clay in the potter’s hand, so are My children in My hands. (Jeremiah18:6) Clay is a material that can be moulded and shaped according to the will of the potter. It is a soft and pliable material. With simple tools the clay can be made into a simple vessel or in to a beautiful work of art. If it is marred it can be remade or thrown away. The clay is rotated on a wheel while the potter’s skillful fingers mould and shape the clay into a vessel according to his will and pleasure. Those who yield themselves into the Lord’s hands – who is a master craftsman as seen by His creation - will be moulded and made into useful vessels for the Master’s use. This may be a painful processs. Even as the clay is rotated on the wheel and pressed and pinched and patted into shape, we will have to go through the trials of life to become a vessel worthy to be used by the Lord. Those who are unwilling to undergo this, will be like the marred vessel that is thrown away because it is of no use. In a house full of costly things the clay pot is a humble but useful vessel. In the final stage of pot making the pot has to be put in a furnace and heated so that it becomes strong. The children of God will also have to pass through the furnace of affliction (Isaiah8:10), so that they may come out strong and firm in their faith and ready to be used by the Master. These are the children whom I choose for My own to do My work, who will be richly blessed by Me.”


55. MINISTRY OF THE GOSPEL “I promised Abraham that his seed will be numerous that they cannot be counted.(Genesis13:6) But even more than this, will be the ransomed children of God who cannot be counted, even as the sand on the shore cannot be counted. But I who am the Creator know the exact number. All this multitude of people who have been washed in the blood of the Lamb will enter into My kingdom.(Revelation7:9) Even at this time all over the world millions are being saved by the preaching of the Gospel. Though satan is also working very fast to gather people for his kingdom, still every soul that is saved is a defeat for him. As the souls accept the Saviour of the world there is great rejoicing in the courts of heaven,(Luke 15:7) while the evil forces groan and gnash their teeth in anger. The Holy Spirit and the evil spirit are both working vigorously in the world one against the other. So many souls are plucked out of the fire and satan’s hands, even at the last moment. The time is such now that every word that is spoken for the kingdom of God, even the smallest ministry – every individual who loves the Saviour and brings even one soul to Me – is precious in My sight. There is no ministry that is insignificant in My sight. According to the willingness and according to the ability, I am able to use the people. This is the work of the Holy Spirit. But the days will come when the Holy Spirit will not be in the world and the work of salvation will be very difficult and many will die for the sake of this work. Satan will be free to do his work at that time. It is the tribulation period. (Matt24:21,22) Let the people be warned how they can escape this terrible period by accepting the salvation and acknowledging the Holy Spirit even now”


56. LAST DAYS I “The Word of God says that all these things (murders and wars) should come to pass. The prophesies should be fulfilled. Nations against nations and families against families and broken families – all show that the end is near. (Matthew24:7) Even all these things have come to pass. Pray for these people and places. More blood will flow . You will see the signs being fulfilled and you will know the end is near. The only peace in the world will be the peace that I give and those who want peace will get it only by coming to Me.(John14:27) Soon all eyes will turn towards Jerusalem to watch the incidents there. Even as people look for peace, destruction will come. Those who hear and understand, those who see and understand, those who take heed in time – they will be saved from all this.”


57. LAST DAYS II “More disasters will come – there will be disasters everywhere; accidents every day. The Word of God says – the chariots will jostle each other in the streets.(Nahum 2:4) Hundreds die in these accidents. More pestilences will come. Floods, earthquakes, fires, storms, all kinds of sicknesses, darkness, famine – are all signs of the last days.(Joel 2:10; Matthew 24:7) Before My coming millions will die. Through all these disasters I protect My children. The Word of God is being preached everywhere throughout the world.(Matthew 24:14) This is also a sign of My coming. Every one has to be given a chance to know the truth and to accept it or reject it. Even though in some countries they are persecuted for preaching the Word of God, they are under My care and I give them the strength and courage to suffer and bear the persecution and to carry on the work in spite of the persecution.( Matthew 5:10; 24:9) They will receive their reward in My kingdom. The living conditions of the world are such that many people’s hearts fail them, even as it is written in the Word of God.(Luke 21:26) They live a life of anxiety, troubles and fear. In the last days man’s knowledge is increasing(Daniel 12:4) even as the Word of God says. He makes all kinds of inventions, some of which are destruction. Man may destroy man with his modern weapons, but only those who have the spiritual weapons can fight against the evil spirits.(II Corinthians 10:4) Those who accept the Saviour and obey My commandments will be saved from all the disasters that will come to the world before My coming.”


58. SALVATION II “Salvation is of the Lord.(Psalm37:59) Salvation is in no other name but the name of Jesus.(Acts 4:12) Salvation means you are saved from your sins. You are set free from the bondage of sin. People seek salvation in different ways. They bathe in rivers to wash away their sins. They injure themselves and walk on fire. But they do not get salvation by these means because again and again they do the same rituals. Salvation is being saved once and for all. Your sins are forgiven when you repent and believe in Me – that I have borne your sins on the cross for you so that you may not suffer for your sins. I have suffered for you. No river water can wash away sins. Only My blood that was shed for you on the cross can wash away your sins. (I John1:7) Believe in this truth and all your sins will be forgiven and you will be saved forever. You will find a blessed assurance of Salvation and Peace and Joy such as the world cannot give you.”


59. SONGS IN THE NIGHT “Who sings songs in the night? King David sang songs in the days as well as in the night. The angels sang the songs in the night at the birth of Christ. (Luke2:13,14) Children of God hear the angels singing songs in the night. Paul and Silas sang songs in the prison at night. (Acts16:25) Mothers sing songs(lullaby) for their children at nights. The songs of praise and glory to God reach the doors of heaven. Hymns of love and praise that are sung in the churches are beautiful to hear. Songs of redemption and salvation make the heart glad of those who sing it. Songs that are prayers reach the throne of God. Those who sing these songs from their hearts will find peace and joy and happiness such as is not found in the world. There are songs that are composed by the devil also, who makes the worldly people sing them. These are sensual songs, vulgar and detestable to those who do not sing them. Through these songs the devil draws many people into his net. If they do not repent they will be punished. Those who have been saved will not sing such songs, which will defile them for I have said – Be ye holy even as I am holy.(I Peter1:16)


60. HEAVEN “The courts of heaven are filled with the saved people of the earth. They are all saints now. They all have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb, on the earth and now they are clothed in pure white raiment. They are the ransomed of the earth. They wave the palms in their hands and sing the song of redemption.(Revelation 7:9) The angels cannot join them in singing this song. But the courts of heaven ring with songs of praise and glory sung by the angels as well as the saved children of God. They shout and sing in beautiful voices, Hallelujah! Holy,Holy,Holy; Glory to God in the highest; Praise the Lord and more such praises. The courts of heaven are paved with gold. There are pillars made of gems and precious stones. Every thing is in harmony. There is not a single discordant note.Even if a description is given man cannot imagine such a place. It is more beautiful than can be imagined. There is no suffering there of any kind. Peace, joy and happiness abound there. Every soul is happy. There are many kinds of beautiful places, pleasant places for the children of God to enjoy. The pleasures of the earth are nothing compared to the pleasures of heaven. Those on the earth who have accepted the Lord Jesus as their Saviour will enjoy the greatest blessing and pleasure of seeing their Lord face to face and being in His company. Even the worst sinner can come to this place if he repents for his sins and accepts the salvation offered to the whole world through the blood that I shed on the Cross for mankind.�


61. PROVIDER - JEHOVAH JIREH “The young lions do lack and are hungry; but they that put their trust in the Lord shall never want for anything.(Psalm34:10) I the Lord have created the flowers of the field and clothed them in beautiful colours. Every animal , bird and fish have their own means to get their food. Even so the flowers and crops dry up for want of rain and the living creatures fail to find the food they need. It is within My power to feed and clothe the children of men and I supply all the physical needs of those who put their trust in Me and believe that I will never fail them nor forsake them. I have shown the way for them, so that they want nothing. I have said – Seek ye the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.(Matthew 6:33) Those who wish to receive the material blessings from Me must first desire and search for the spiritual blessings and I will bless them with both, the spiritual blessings as well as the material blessings. Those who spend all their time seeking for worldly wealth – who do not find time to pray, who do not care for their souls, but only for their bodies – will not receive anything from Me and even what they have they will lose. I have said ask and you will receive and those who believe in Me and ask according to My will, will receive the blessings that I have for them.(Matthew7:7-11)


62. SIGNS OF THE TIMES “The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth His handiwork.(Psalm19:1) When I created the heavens and the earth, I made everything perfect in harmony. When sin came into the world in the beginning, disharmony was found in nature. Trees and plants dried up. Hatred was seen among the living creatures which once lived in peace with each other. Even so it shall be in end-time. It will rain out of season, and it will not rain in season. The crops will be destroyed. The trees will not yield their fruits in season. Animals and human beings will behave contrary to their nature. The sun’s heat will increase and diminish and create confusion in the seasons. The seas will come into the land and the rivers will dry up. There will be earthquakes in places where it had never occurred before. There will be changes in the mountains. In spite of man’s artificial means of family planning, the population of the world will increase and multiply and be the cause of famine. There will be many changes towards the end in the heavens and heavenly bodies, so that you will know that the end has come.(Acts2:19,20) Last of all as I have said in My Word – the heavens shall be rolled away like a scroll.” (Revelation6:14)


63. PARABLE OF THE SOWER “When I was in the world I told the parable of the sower and the seed and explained it to My disciples.(Matthew13:2-8) These are the last days and the time is short. The seeds cannot be afforded to be wasted. The birds who swallow the seeds by the wayside, fly to far-off places and pass out the seeds in the droppings, where they take root and grow. So the Holy Spirit helps My servants to carry the Word of God to far off places where it has not been preached. Some seeds fall in the thorny places which are the troubles of the world for some people. But with the help of the Holy Spirit the Word of God is strong in them and in spite of their trials and troubles the seed in them grows and brings forth fruit. Some seeds fall in the rocky places where there is no earth for them to grow. These rocky places are the barren souls. But the Holy Spirit changes these barren places into a fertile place for the seed to grow and so the barren soul and life is changed into a fruitful one. The seeds that fall on the good ground bring forth not only hundreds and thousands, but millions and millions of souls are saved and the work of the Holy Spirit is powerful and mighty with signs and wonders and mircles which go to every corner of the world. In the last days, I have said – I will pour out My Spirit everywhere, so that the power of the evil forces is curtailed.(Joel2:28) Thus the Word of God spreads everywhere.”


64. CHILDREN “I have said – Suffer the children to come unto Me, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.(Luke18:16) The sight of little children gives Me great pleasure. I often reveal Myself to the children who are guileless and innocent. The Word of God says – Even a child is known by his doings whether they are good or not.(Provebs20:11) No child is born wicked. When a child grows up in an atmosphere where it is surrounded by evil deeds and words, it also gradually learns to do wicked things. A child who is brought up in a godless way will also be godless, until or unless a strong outside influence turns him towards God. Where there is love there is God. A child who is brought up in a home where there is no love searches for love outside the home. When he comes in contact with the love of God to which some one may lead him, his whole life is changed. Even a child who is surrounded by wickedness in the home, may be a good child. There are many children like this, whom I protect and love, so that they may become My children; so that the evil atmosphere of their home in which they live and grow, does not affect them because they have My love. In the last days satan attracts the children by worldly pleasures towards him. I give such children protection from the evil forces. I also give them every opportunity to escape from the devil’s influence but some children stubbornly insist on going the wrong way and it is these children who fall and get hurt. I have said in My Word – Bring up your children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.(Ephesians6:4) From the young age teach them the love ofGod. The children of parents who pray for them and dedicate them to Me are under My care and love. I will use them for My kingdom and I will bless them in many ways.”


65. TWO MASTERS “No man can serve two masters.(Matthew 6:24) Many in the world try to do this. When they know the truth about who is their master - even as I have said – Love thy God with all thy soul and heart and mind,(Mark12:30) there can be no place or love to give to any other master. The world and its pleasures are the gods of many people. It is their master and they are slaves to it. When they come to know the truth, they try to make a compromise. They try to share their love between the true God and the world. I will never accept such a love. In the end it is the world that will conquer them and their second state will be worse than their first state. Some idol-worshippers even when they know the true God, are not willing to fully give up their idol-worship and accept the worship of the true God. They worship the true God along with their idols as another god. I will never accept this kind of worship. They must completely leave the worship of their idols and give all their devotion only to Me. Those who try to worship other gods as well as the true God will be drawn into satan’s powers because even after knowing the true God they do not want to give up their idol-worship.They become frustrated and turn against the living God with the help of the evil forces. That is why I say – No man can serve two masters. He must find out who is the true master and serve Him alone.”


66. HAIL STONES Job 28:22,23. “In the last days hailstones will fall upon the earth from heaven. They will not be like the hail stones that fell upon the Egyptians.(Exodus9: 24-26) They will be like big stones that will burst like bombs when they fall upon the ground. When the hail stones fall the wicked people will run here and there to escape; but those who believe in the Lord will stay in their homes and pray, and they will be protected from the hail stones. Some of the unbelievers will get into their vehicles and try to escape, but when the hail stones fall on their vehicles, they will burst into flames and consume them. Some hail stones will fall in the fields and destroy the crops with fire. The heathen will run into their tempes and pray to their idols to protect them but the hail stones will fall on the temples and destroy them. Even then they will not believe in the true God and they will rebuild the temples. The nations which are at war with each other will not believe that the hail stones are dropped from heaven, but will accuse each other of dropping the hail stones as bombs, and they will fight with each other. There will be great confusion in the world but this is not the end.�


67. CHARIOTS “Elijah was taken up in a chariot of fire.(II Kings 2:11) The Word of Godspeaks about many chariots. The chariots are used for different purposes. Therich use their chariots to go about and for their sport and pleasure. In the oldendays they were used in times of war to fight the enemy. The Israelites in Egypt had no chariots. They only had slow-moving carts. The Egyptians came in full speed behind them in their chariots. But these chariots were the cause of their death in the Red Sea.(Exodus14:26-28) The Word of God says – In the last days the chariots will jostle against eachother in the streets.(Nahum2:4) These are the modern day vehicles which have taken the place of the chariots of old. The streets are full of them and are the cause of many accidents. The rich as well as the poor own vehicles. During the time of war vehicles like the tanks and planes are used to destroy each other. I, the Lord, protect My children from being hurt by these vehicles on the streets. Those who believe in Me and put their trust and faith in Me, though they may be in a vehicle which is involved in an accident caused by satan, no harm will come to them. Though bombs may be dropped from planes, I will save My children. Many of My children will be able to testify, how I have saved them miraculously from being hurt in accidents involving vehicles, for I have said – I will bless your going out and your coming in.(Psalm 121:8)


68. FAITH “Be it unto thee accoding to thy faith.All people do not have the same kind of faith, though all those who believe in Me have some faith.Without faith no one can believe in Me. I have said – Faith can move mountains(Matthew21:21) but it is very few who have this faith. I know the weakness and understand the weakness of humanbeings. So I ask of them to have faith as a grain of mustard seed.(Matthew17:20) But many do not have even this little faith.When I walked on the earth some had faith that if they touched Me they would be healed.(Luke8:43,44) Others had faith that if I spoke the word it is enough.(Luke7:7) I had to lay My hands on some to give them the faith to be healed.(Luke4:40) I commanded some to do what they could not do and in an instant their faith was exercised and they did the impossible.(John5:5-9) Some who did not have any faith were also healed so that the name of God may be glorified and so that others who were seeing this will receive the faith. Even today all these instances of faith are occuring when the people pray to Me. All those who pray to Me do so because of their faith in Me. I understand in times of stress and difficulties the faith of the children may become less to some extent, but they will not lose it completely. There are many true believers whose faith in Me grows stronger in times of troubles and difficulties and trials. I have said – I will never fail or forsake all those who put their trust in Me even though their faith may be small.(Hebrews13:5)”


69. WARNING I “In the last days satan uses many weapons. He does not use the weapons that man uses. With his cunningness he turns man against man. Little by little he sows the seeds of hatred, jealousy and resentment among people. He does it easily with the unbelievers because their hearts are ready to accept such thoughts. He does it in the highest level in the governments of the world. You are seeing the results of these acts of satan in the different countries of the world and in your own land. You have asked Me again and again why do these things happen? I have said in My Word – Nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom; (Matthew24:7) the members of the family against each other; man against man. Gradually the seeds of hatred and jealousy are sown in the people’s hearts, where they grow and take root and create chaos and confusion and bloodshed. Even among the believers, divisions and quarrels take place in the churches and in the families. As you hear all these things, I warn you to take care not to allow even an incident to happen in your families, in your churches and among the believers. Even as you watch the events and the bloodshed that is taking place in the wotld, realise that the end is near and tell this to others.”


70. GOD’S HELP “Meekness and patience are virtues that I look for in My children. The children of God have trials, through which they have to go, even as sometimes you are passing through. I want you to be patient and meek in your trials. Ask of Me when you pray, ask for patience and meekness in your trials and I will give you these virtues. I have said – I will fight your battle for you.(Exodus 14:14) So there is no need for you to fight your battle yourself. Be calm and patient and everything will work out for your good and turn away the darts that satan throws at you,so that they do not harm you. He will go back defeated. He will try to work through other people but they will also be defeated. Put your trust and faith in Me and I will always be with you. I had the intention of taking the people of Israel through the shortest route into the promised land. But they were impatient and unfaithful. They did not trust Me and murmured. So they roamed and roamed for forty years without entering the promised land.(Numbers14:33) Even today when the people have troubles and trials in their lives, instead of trusting in Me and being patient, they run here and there looking for a way out of their troubles. They murmur against Me and blame Me and run after other gods to help them; and cause their destruction. They go through different paths which they think are easier to enter into the kingdom of God. But I say unto you - the way of the Cross is the only path into the kingdom of God and those who wish to enter the kingdom should walk on this path alone, which may not always be an easy path but when you walk on this path, I will walk with you and I will help you and even carry you over the difficult places and I will be with you till the end.(Isaiah 46:4)”


71. SECOND COMING IV “Even as the lightning flashes across the sky and is seen by everyone, so shall be the coming of the Son of God.(Matthew24:27) Every single person all over the world will see him. Those who have prepared their hearts to meet Him, those who are eagerly awaiting to meet Him, they will be overcome with joy and gladness when they see Him coming in all His glory with the hosts of angels.(Matthew25:31) The children of God will shout and praise Him. They will jump with joy and gladness. They will fall on their knees and worship Him. They will be overcome with joy and happiness at this wonderful sight. The day for which they were preparing themselves – the day to which they were looking forward with eagerness and longing, while doing their work and waiting patiently – that day had come at last. All their labours are over. All their suffering and pain and toil are over. They are ready to meet their Lord and enter with Him in His kingdom. But alas! For those who are not prepared; those who were living in sin and enjoying the pleasures of the world; those who were worshipping God with their lips while their hearts were far away from Him (Matthew 15:8)) – they cry out to Him in forgiveness. They are Christians who had no time for the spiritual things –no time topray, no time to read the Word of God – as all their lives were spent in the worldly things. For namesake they might have gone to some church, but they did not repent for their sins. They were not washed in the Blood of the Lamb. The Cross had no meaning for them. But now they cry and plead for forgive ness and claim to be the children of God, but it is too late. There will be a large number of others who were worshipping other gods


or who had no gods at all. These people, even at this moment will run to their gods and cry out to them to help them, which is of no use. Then they will run to the mountains and caves to hide themselves, but the mountains and rocks will break to pieces and fall. There will be no place for them to hide.(Revelation6:15-17) At last they will fall on their knees and plead for forgiveness and confess that Jesus is the true God.(Philipians2:10,11) But alas! For them also it is too late. While they were in the world they were given opportunities to hear the Word of God, but they spurned it, they rejected it and clung to their false idols and gods. Now is the time of salvation; now are the days of grace when the people can be saved. Those who accept Me as their Lord and Saviour will rejoice at My coming, but the others will cry and wail. Let the people be warned.�


72. FATHER’S MESSAGE “The heaven is My throne, the earth is My footstool.(Isaiah66:1) Humble yourselves before Me. What is man? All the glory and honour and power belong to Me. Even the biggest devil has to bow down before Me. They use My name in vain. He uses My name to justify himself. In a second I can destroy him. But I did not create man to destroy him. In spite of all his wickedness, I made a way for him to escape the punishment I keep for the wicked. If he accepts the way of salvation I have given the world, through My beloved Son, Jesus, he will be saved. But that is the only way and there is no other way. (John14:6) Those who do not accept My way, will be punished. Let him be warned and humble himself and give Me the glory and honour that is mine.”


73. TEARS “I told the mothers of Jerusalem –Do not shed your tears for Me, shed themfor your children.(Luke 23:28) Even today I say the same. Mothers and fathers, shed your tears and pray for your children. Children, shed your tears and pray for your parents. Husbands, shed your tears and pray for yor wives and wives do the same for your husbands. Shed your tears and pray for all the members of your family. Shed your tears and pray for the people of the world the followers of satan; the governments of the world. It is not enough if you are saved. The time has come now to be concerned about the unsaved; to shed your tears and prayfor them and to tell the truth so that My purpose in making you My children may be fulfilled. Even as I mourned over the lost sheep of Israel, you also cry and pray for those who were once My chosen people. Your prayers and your tears will open the windows of heaven and the blessings will come down upon you.”


74. TWO GATES “The gates of heaven are kept closed so that the unworthy and the wicked may not enter in. The gates of heaven will be opened to the saved and ransomed children of God. Those who have repented for their sins and been washed in the blood of the lamb (Revelation 7:14) and have lived a true life pleasing to God – will be able to enter in. Those who have been true to their Lord and Master and have truly loved Him; those who hear His voice, read the Word and live by it – these will enter into the gates of heaven. There are others who will try to enter in. They will say – Lord we have served you(Matthew7:21,22) but at the same time they have served the world also. They tried to serve two masters during their lives.(Matthew6:24) They will repeat all the good deeds they did and hide all the evil deeds for which they did not repent. The gates of heaven will be closed to them, and the gates of hell will open to receive them. Others also who worshipped other gods and served them; who denied the true God; the wicked and those who listened to the voice of satan and followed him and all the other wicked people mentioned in the Word of God(Revelation21:8) – to all these the gates of hell will be open to receive them and the gates of heaven will be closed to them. There is only one way to enter into the gates of heaven and those who walk in this way only will enter in, and that is the Way of the Cross.”


75. HOLY SPIRIT II “The spirit of God moved over the waters of the flood in Noah’s time. The Spirit of God moved the Old Testament saints to do His will. Nowadays also the Spirit of God dwells among His children. It is the Spirit of God which is the Holy Spirit,(John 14:16) which fills the believers and makes them do the works that once the Lord did on the earth.(Mark 16:17,18) In the last days the Holy Spirit moves everywhere in the people, to preachthe Gospel, to save the souls and to do wonders and miracles, so that the unsaved souls may be saved before the end of the world. Many people do not understand the work of the Holy Spirit or the power of the Word of God.(Joel 2:28) Those who read it with open hearts and minds will understand it. There is no need for anyone to explain to them. Those who really desire to know the truths about the Holy Spirit must pray in earnest and read the Word of God prayerfully and the Holy Spirit will make them understand it.(I John 2:27) even as they read and pray. It is so simple to those who really desire to know the truth about the Holy Spirit. But the time will come when the Holy Spirit will be taken away from the world. Let the people be warned about this so that they may escape from that time. Blessed indeed are those who have received and understand the power and work of the Holy Spirit.”


76. GRATITUDE “Oh give thanks to the Lord; for He is good: for His mercies endureth forever.(Psalm 107:1) Ingratitude is one of the weapons used by satan. Though I love the world and its people that I was willing to die for them, yet the people are ungrateful. The Israel people were not grateful for bringing them out of Egypt. They murmured and as a result many died. (Psalm 106:17,18 25) Even in the Word of God there were ungrateful people. These things were written so that you may learn to be grateful for the mercies given to you.(I Corinthians10: 6,11) When I walked on the earth I did many miracles for the people, but they were ungrateful and unbelieving and turned against Me. Out of the ten lepers who were healed only one turned back to thank Me.(Luke7:12-19) Pride is one of the causes of ingratitude. Even today people take the blessings I give them for granted - that it is because of their goodness and works that they receive these blessings. They do not realise that every good gift is from above.(James1:17) They do not humble themselves and thank Me and so they lose many blessings also. But there are others who love Me and come into My presense with grateful and thankful hearts. They thank Me even for the smallest blessing. Their praises and thanks are sweet to Me and they will receive more blessings from Me.�


77. UNBELIEVERS “The sheep know its master. It hears his voice and follows him.(John10:4,5) As for My people who call themselves by My name, they shut their ears to My voice. Though they see the miracles and wondrous works of the Holy Spirit, they harden their hearts. Some who have received this blessing rejoice for a time, but then they go back to their old ways and lose the blessings they have received and once again they become unbelieving. They are full of doubts and questions. They follow a formal religion which satisfies them. They think they have done their duty to Me. They look down on people who are deeply spiritual. They easily go astray and fall into sin. They may have material blessings, but they cannot enter into My kingdom. Even so, when they are in trouble, if they repent and turn to Me, I receive them because I am a loving God. Do not spend much time in trying to convince them with arguments. Pray for them. Tell them the truth and allow the Holy Spirit to do His work.�


78. CHURCHES “My Father’s house shall be called the house of prayer. But ye have made it a den of thieves.(Mark 11:17) These words were said about the Jerusalem Temple once. But today all over the world it grieves Me to see the misuse of the Churches. In some countries beautiful Churches - where once the people worshipped Me – are now being used for other purposes, other than prayer and worship. In some churches they worship other gods; whereas these churches were built for the purpose of the true God. There are churches where even satan is being worshipped. There are churches where all kinds of diabolical rituals go on. There are churches which are full of idols which are worshipped by the heathen. In some churches they worship Me with their lips, but their hearts are far away from Me.(Isaiah29:13) The church has become, in many places, where worship has been given second place and business and politics have taken the first place. There are divisions and quarrels and fightings taking place in the church.(I Corinthians 3:3,4) But still all over the world there are big churches as well as small churches where they worship Me with reverence and love for Me, and in spirit and in truth.(John4:24) My presence is found in these churches and they receive My blessings.”


79. KNOWLEDGE “Man builds bridges across the rivers and seas. But I parted the waters of the seas and made dry land to appear and made a path to appear through the middle of the sea for the Israel people to pass through.(Exodus14:21,22) Man thinks his achievements are great but he never remembers it is because of the intellect I have given him. He takes pride in his intellect even to defy Me, even as the people who built the Tower of Babel.(Genesis11:4) I am allowing him to go on, and do great things using his intellect, because from the beginning it had to be so. But I allowed him only little by little to advance. Age by age his intellect developed. Even as I have said in My Word - in the last days man’s knowledge shall increase.(Daniel 12:4) But he also misuses the intellect,for which he suffers. Even great men and wise men who think they have done great things, become fools when, even though they see My creations, do not acknowledge that I am greater; whereas the simple true hearts can look at My creations and wonder and praise Me and say – How great thou art! But the day will soon come when even the greatest inventor will have to humble himself and fall on his knees (Philipians2:10,11). But I am glad that I have many children in this world, who even at this time fall on their knees before Me and humble themselves and confess that I am their Lord, their God and their Master. These children of Mine will receive My blessings and reward.”


80. WARNING “There is a crisis coming shortly. The world is coming to a crisis. Where are the sowers of the seeds? Where are the reapers to reap the harvest that is ripe? Where are the watchmen? Where are the evangelists? Keep awake! Watch and pray.(Mark14:38) No time! Time is running out. Where are My people? What are they doing? Who is going to the lost sheep of Israel?(Matthew10:6) The danger is approaching Israel. Keep awake Judah!Lift up your eyes to the hills from where your help comes. Your help comes from the Lord.(Psalm121:1) Do not depend on your own strength. Your strength will fail you. Who arethose people running to and fro? What are they searching for? What are they seeking? They will not find it by running to and fro. They will find it in My Word. They will find it if they look to Me. They will find it if they call unto Me and I will answer them. But they refuse to believe though others tell them. They run in vain. Put on your armour. Now is the time to put on the full armour that I have given you.(Ephesians6:11-17) The evil forces are making their preparations. They are getting ready. They have started their work already. I am the mighty stronghold. I will put you in the cleft of the rock and cover you there with My hand;( Exodus33:22) so no danger can come near you. Trust Me. I am your refuge and I am your strength.(Psalm46:1)�


TESTIMONY OF SIS. GLORIA DHARMAPALAN “… I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction”. (Is. 48:10) I praise the Lord for the furnace of affliction, through which I was saved by the blood of Jesus and my family was blessed. From that day I never looked back but went forward growing in my spiritual life. I continued to have a very close relationship with my Lord and Saviour Jesus speaking to Him. He has spoken, guided and upheld me in my daily life. In 1975 I received the anointing of the Holy Spirit with the manifestation of praising and speaking in tongues. As I progressed I experienced miracles and visions while praying at home and in church. The Lord used me to serve Him by ministering to others. There were instants when the Lord has told to pray specifically for unknown people, even mentioning their names at times. Thus I could see the gifts of the Holy Spirit being operated. I give all the glory to Him. From 1990, while praying with my daughter Helen Solomon, the Lord has given visions and messages on many topics which Helen has written down what I repeated as the Lord told me. On 06.03.1990 the Lord said, “I give you the privilege of having a relationship with me which is more than any human relationship because you are my beloved children. Desire for this relationship and I will give it to you, as you grow in your spiritual life”. On 21.03.1990, the Lord said, “The special gift of the Holy Spirit you have from above, is more precious than gold. Guard it. You will know how to use it in time that my Name may be glorified among the heathen. As commissioned by the Lord Jesus, these messages were written for all to read and be blessed and for the Glory of God. Alleluia! Mrs. Gloria Dharmapalan

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