God Speaks - Vol XII

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GOD SPEAKS Gloria Dharmapalan

GOD SPEAKS - VOL XII info@godspeaks.in www..godspeaks.in Designed by Kingston Abraham © Beracah All rights reserved © Cover Design , by Kingston Abraham © Paper Back Design, by Kingston Abraham Distributed under license Creative Commons First Edition, April 2016

God Speaks - VOL XII God Speaks are messages given by God to Gloria Dharmapalan, My mother, from 1990 to 2001. As commissioned by the Lord Jesus these messagesgiven during prayer are, for all to read and be blessed. They are a source ofencouragement. They open our eyes to many truths and deep meanings of the Word of God. On March 22nd , 1990 the Lord said, “Little by little you are learning things from Me. Because your understanding is small, I speak to you of simple things. Because like Mary you sit at My feet to hear Me speaking, I speak to you, My children. As I teach you, you must teach these things to others. Speak to them about the things I teach you. It is not only for yourselves I tell these things. It is so that others may also hear them from you and benefit from it. I will teach more things in the days to come. You will receive My blessings when you do it.� These messages are in simple spoken English so that anyone who reads them can understand them.Those who read these messages are sure to hear His voice saying, I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not.(Jeremiah33:3) Read on and be blessed.

Praise the Lord.




1. YESTERDAY, TODAY AND TOMORROW “Yesterday is past and the yesteryears are all past- but some people still cling on to the memories of yesterday. This is what the Israel people often did when I brought them out of Egypt. They forgot the sufferings of bondage and remembered the flesh pots, the leeks and cucumbers that they ate in Egypt. They began to murmur. They lost their faith and sinned. They brought more sufferings on themselves.(Ex 16:3; Num11:5) Sometimes believers also do the same. When troubles and trials come to them, they compare the pleasures they enjoyed in the past with the sufferings of the present. Instead of trying to overcome their problems through prayer with My help, they lose their faith and try to solve their problems by their own efforts. Some people blame their troubles for their past sins though they have been saved by My death and resurrection. I have said- I have blotted out your sins and do not remember them,(Is 43:25) but the people keep brooding on the past and make themselves more miserable. Yesterday is gone, but today is here. Today is the present. Count your blessings and offer your praises. Seek Me early in the morning. Today is a new day. Come into My Presence and I will meet you. Commit the day into My hands. Read the Word of God and follow it and each day try to grow in your spiritual life. Think of the good you can do today and the souls you can save by taking


the Gospel to them. If you are not saved from your sins by coming to the Cross, I say to youNow is the accepted time. Today is the day of salvation.(II Cor6:2) Do not put for tomorrow what you can do today, because today will pass away. For some people, tomorrow is the future. They live only for today. These are the worldly people who say-let us eat and drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die.(ICor15:32) They live for the pleasures of the world. They don’t believe in a life after death, or they may believe in some false God. Satan encourages them in their sinful life. The Word of God says-Every man shall give an account of his actions in the world.(Matt12:36; Heb4:13) They are recorded in the books in My kingdom and I will judge them at the end of the world.(Rev20:12) For some children of God who are undergoing some sorrow in their livestomorrow never comes. Like Job they say-When shall I arise and the night be gone?(Job7:4) But the Word of God says-The sorrow of the night passes off with the day.(Ps30:5) Those who believe in Me and pray will feel My comfort and My Presence in their time of sorrow and trouble and a tomorrow will come when they will be strengthened because of their faith. They will receive more blessings like Job. Before I left the world I said – I will send the comforter – the Holy Spirit. He will guide you. Tomorrow is another day. For some people the future is something to


fear- It is the unknown. They don’t know what is going to happen. For some it iswhat shall we eat tomorrow or wear tomorrow? I have said – Take no thought for tomorrow. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.(Matt 6:33) If you trust Me I will supply all your needs. There are many prophesies about the future. Those who believe in Me and read the Word of God will understand that man’s life on the earth does not end with his death. I came to the world as the Saviour to save man from his sins. The Word of God has everything about man’s yesterdays, todays and tomorrows. If you are saved from your sins by My blood that I shed on the cross for you, and you live a holy life, your past sins are all forgiven and forgotten. Your present life is in My hands, and you will live be guided by Me every day. In the future, at the end of the world, you will live forever with Me in My kingdom.”


2. NEWS “The happenings in the world today are very important in people’s lives. News is carried all over the world from one place to another through newspapers and other modern inventions. Many people spend their time in discussing the latest news. The media persons are sent to even remote places of the world to get the news of something taking place there. The newspaper is the most common way to publish news. But these are the last days and in other ways news is spread every hour because something or other calamitous is happening frequently. In these days those who read the newspapers will realise that there are more disasters and bad news than good news. But the believers who believe in Me and My Words, would have read in the Word of God that in the last days there will be wars, earthquakes, floods, famine and other disasters. (Matt24:6,7) Even as the world is soon coming to an end satan knows his time is also short. So he instigates man to create war and hatred in the hearts of people. Even the heads of some nations are under his power. There is also news about murders, thefts and cheating. The hand of satan is there in all this. The Word of God says – In the last days the love of many will grow cold.(Matt24:12) It is this lack of love in the families that takes away the peace even in the believers’ families. I have said - love your God with all your heart, soul and mind and love your neighbour as yourself.(Matt22:37,39) But all don’t follow this and so even the


innocent members in the family suffer because of the unsaved souls. But I have also promised –My peace I give to you not as the world gives. (John14:27) It is a peace that passes understanding.(Phil4:7) My children will have this peace in their lives whatever may happen. In the church and among the common people there are gossipmongers who spread scandals and such news. I have said- Set a watch over your mouth. (Ps141:3) Read the Word of God where it talks about the tongue and the evil it can do.(James3:3-6) but those who do such things dig a pit for themselves. I protect My children from these things also. The best news in the world is the good news of the Gospel of Salvation. It is the greatest miracle in a person’s life. I have said – In the last days the Gospel will be preached all over the world and then the end will come.(Matt24:14) In spite of persecutions, mass executions and hindrances the Gospel has reached and is reaching multitudes of people throughout the world. They are believing in this good news of the salvation and forgiveness of their sins by My death on the cross and My resurrection. Even today in the newspapers there is news of persecution of the believers and churches and the ministry but only the Christian magazines give the news of the spreading of the good news, The Gospel, far and near and the multitudes who are accepting Me as their Lord and Saviour. Today this is the best news and the only good news. But in spite of all the bad news taking place in the world those who accept Me as the Lord and


Saviour will be protected and in one day will find a place in My kingdom. Pray for others. The world needs much prayer. This is the time for it. Read the Word of God and pray that many souls may be saved before the disasters take their lives.�


3. HEART God is showing a vision. Jesus is standing in front of a door and is knocking at it. He looks so pure in all His holiness. “Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens to Me the door of his heart, I will enter in.(Rev3:20) Many have been opened to Me. The doors of some hearts are closed because of sorrow. The doors of some hearts are closed because they think that I could have prevented the sorrow and I did not do it. But I have promised never to leave or forsake a child of God.(Heb13:5) When you are in sorrow or joy I will be with you. If you are a child of God when sorrow or troubles come to you- believe what I have said-that all things will work together for good to those who love Me.(Rom8:28) Some close the doors of their hearts again, and this allows satan to take advantage of them and he brings them more problems and troubles. The life blood flows from the heart to all parts of the body. Some people hear Me knocking. They hear My voice. But their love for the world does not allow them to obey My voice and allow Me to enter their hearts. The Word of God says- Good thoughts as well as wicked thoughts all proceed from the heart.(Matt12:35) Those who allow Me into their hearts and into their lives will have good thoughts and they will do good deeds also. But those who close the door of their hearts to Me will have evil thoughts and their deeds will also be evil.


These are usually the young people-(who may even be the children of believers) who want to enjoy the pleasures of the world. They don’t realise that in these last days many young people die of diseases and accidents. If they are not saved their souls will go to hell. But there are also young people who at some time have realized this and opened their hearts to Me. Their lives have been changed and they are living testimonies to bring other young people to Me. There are children who from a very young age have opened their hearts to Me. I guard these children and keep close to them. I begin to use them from a very young age to bring other souls to My kingdom. Samuel was such a child whose mother dedicated him to Me. Children who are born through much prayer are dedicated children- provided the parents realise this and bring them up as the Word of God says-Bring up your children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.(Eph6:4) This is for all Christian parents. Parents who have opened their hearts and homes to Me will have their children brought up in a spiritual atmosphere. These last days satan uses the evil attractions in the world to draw even children away from Me. Such children have evil thoughts in their hearts. That is why the Word of God says –Even a child is known by his doings whether they are good or bad.(Pro 20:11) It is not My will that any soul should perish.(Matt18:14) So I patiently keep knocking at the doors of many hearts. I use the servants of God to help Me in this. This is how even many idol-worshippers and those who worship other


gods open their hearts to Me. Some people try to open half of the door to their hearts. They give Me a small place in their hearts, and the rest to the world. I do not accept such love, because My love is such that I gave My life for mankind. I want those who open their hearts to Me to love Me with all their heart, soul and mind.(Matt22:37) Those who do this and open their hearts to Me will receive all the blessings that I have for them.�


4. ANSWERED PRAYERS “I have said-Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened unto you.(Luke 11:9) The Word of God is filled with people who have prayed to Me and have been faithful to Me. I have answered their prayers. Abraham’s prayers were answered and I blessed him. I heard Hagar’s prayer. I heard Jacob’s prayers. I heard Hannah’s prayers and I heard the prayers of all the prophets. When I came to the world many sick people, blind people, lepers and others were healed when they believed in Me and came and requested Me for their healing. Even others like Jairus, the Sirophenesian woman who were unbelievers of the true God, in the time of trouble and distress, they came running to Me with faith that I could help them. Their requests were granted and their lives were changed. At that time these people made requests in faith but they also worshipped Me. This was their prayer. At the request of My disciples to teach them how to pray, I taught them a prayer. After I left the world and sent the Holy Spirit to the world not only My disciples but all those who believed Me when I was in the world knew how to pray. But even when I was in the world I taught the people that when they ask


they should ask according to My will because sometimes what they ask may not be good for them. Their prayer may not be answered according to their thinking. But it will be answered when they pray in faith. I have said – My thoughts are not your thoughts and My ways not your ways. Even people who worship some other god but may have heard about Me when an affliction or a crisis occurs in their life and their prayers to their gods is not answered – as a last resort they may pray to Me. I have answered such prayers also and many of these people have left their false gods and accepted Me as their Lord and Saviour. People have prayed to Me for material things and according to My will I have supplied these needs also but I have said –Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matt6:33) I am the God who supplies physical, material and spiritual needs. I love the prayers of those who pray for their spiritual needs.Salvation is the most important spiritual need. Many of those who believe in Me and those who are serving Me, pray for their spiritual growth to be filled with the Holy Spirit to understand the Word of God and to preach to others; and to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit to do the ministry and to save the souls for My kingdom. Those who ask will receive these spiritual needs, when they seek they will find the answers and when they knock at the doors of heaven it will be opened to them and My blessings will come down upon them.


Call upon Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things.�(Jer33:3)


5. EXCUSES “All people at some time or other give excuses for some reason or other. There may be a real cause for an excuse, or it may be a lame excuse, or the excuse may be a deliberate lie to cover up a misdeed. Even children know to give excuses, when they dislike to do something or go somewhere. The Word of God says-Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure and whether it be right.(Pro20:11) In the Word of God, people who have given excuses for their misdeeds are mentioned. In a parable about the kingdom of God I told the people about the rich man who prepared a supper and sent his servants to call those who were invited. But one person gave the excuse that he could not attend the dinner because he had bought a piece of land and he had to go and see it. Another said that he had to attend to some business and a third person said that he was newly married and he wanted to spend the time with his wife. These excuses made the rich man angry and he sent his servants to bring in people from the streets as guests for his supper.(Luke14:16-20) These are people who do not know their priorities. They give more importance to worldly matters than to the spiritual. What I meant when I told the parable was that the Jews who were the chosen people – given the first opportunity to hear the Truth of the kingdom of God- did not accept Me as the Son


of God, the Messiah who came to the world to save the people from their sins. They rejected Me and turned against Me. But the Gentiles, publicans and sinners believed in Me. I told the Jews-The publicans and harlots go into the kingdom of God before you because they believed in Me and repented for their sins.(Matt21:31) Before I left the world, I told My disciples- Go to all the world and preach the Gospel.(Mark16:15) From that time, the Gospel of salvation is being preached throughout the world. Some accept Me as their Saviour and others reject Me. The man who gave the excuse that he had to go and see the land that he had bought are the people who spend their time in acquiring property. The man who bought the oxen are those people whose sole aim is to make money in some work or business. The third person who was newly married are symbolic of people who indulge in worldly pleasures most of the time. All these people do not have time to worship Me and bring souls for My kingdom. They will not find a place in My kingdom at the end of their lives. There are also people in the world who know the Truth and worship Me outwardly. But at the same time they cling to the worldly things. They worship Me with their lips, but their hearts are far away from Me.(Matt15:8; Is 29:13) They may go to church and read the Word of God – all as a ritual, but they also spend much time in world activities and their desires are on acquiring wealth and material things. I have said- Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.(Matt6:33) Those who spend more time in sincere prayer, reading the Word of God and in


serving Me, will find that all their material needs will be met by Me. These are the people who will find a place in the kingdom of God- My kingdom – at the end of the world.�


6. BLIND, DEAF, DUMB “Physical blindness is a terrible affliction. Some are born and others become blind due to illness, accidents or old age. However it may be it is a sad, pitiable condition to be a blind person. Doctors with their knowledge are able to cure some types of blindness, but not all. My creation was light. But the blind people see only darkness all the time. They cannot see the sunshine though they can feel its heat. I also created the beautiful flowers, birds and animals- which the blind can only feel with their hands and hear the sounds. When I did My ministry in the world, I healed many blind eyes. These people like blind Bartimaeus had the faith that I could heal them.(Mark10:4652) Even today people are healed when they pray with faith in Me. A worse type of blindness is the spiritual blindness. There are people who worship idols and other gods. When they hear the gospel of salvation and repent and turn from their idol worship to worship only Me, their spiritual eyes are opened and their souls are saved. There are others, though they have heard the gospel of salvation, they have not accepted it and continue in their own doctrines and rituals and works. They are blind like the Pharisees of those days. They do not accept the Truth in the Word of God that I alone am the Way,


the Truth and Life.(John14:6) They are blind guides and when the blind leads the blind both will fall in the ditch.(Matt15:14) Some people are blinded by the god of this world- satan.(II Cor4:4) They live in their sins and indulge in the sinful pleasures of the world. Unless they repent and accept Me as their Saviour, they will die in their sins and their souls will go to hell. Those who are deaf are usually dumb also. It is difficult for them to communicate with others. When I was in the world I healed such people who came to Me in faith. Some are born deaf and dumb, but some of those I healed were possessed with a deaf and dumb evil spirit. When the spirit was cast out the deaf heard and spoke.(Matt12:22; Mark 9:17) These people can be healed through prayer. The knowledge of the doctors also helps in some cases and by the use of manual aids. The spiritually deaf and dumb are those who refuse to hear and accept the Gospel Truth of Salvation through My blood. They are ready to listen to evil and worldly gossips and conversations and talk on such subjects also. The Word of God says many things about controlling the tongue. (James3:1-13) Those who believe in Me will spiritually see and hear and talk even though they may be physically blind or deaf and dumb. I will be their eyes and ears and mouth. They will see My Light and they will hear Me speaking to them and they will speak to Me and they will hear My Words and speak the words


of Truth and Life. When they die they will be with Me in My kingdom where everything is perfect. There are no blind or deaf or dumb people there. Come to Me and I will heal you and open your eyes and ears, loosen your tongues physically and spiritually and I can use you to bring other souls to Me.�


7. GOD’S LOVE – GOD’S ANGER “The Word of God says- God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have an everlasting life.(John3:16) I am a God of love. I loved everything that I created in heaven and in earth. I loved the angels that I created in heaven but when Lucifer and his followers rebelled against Me I became angry and cast them out of heaven. I loved the two people I created. But they disobeyed Me and sinned though I was loving to them and gave them the beautiful garden with all its living creatures to keep them occupied in taking care of them and enjoying their company. I communicated with them every day. In spite of this they stirred up My anger by sinning. They brought the curse into the world; but I still loved mankind. I did not leave them. They had the option of obeying Me or obeying satan who was also in the world. When they disobeyed Me and made Me angry I punished them. Cain made Me angry and as the people in the world increased though they knew My love for them they preferred to follow the evil ways of satan. When the wickedness of the people increased to such an extent they made Me so angry that I destroyed them in the flood. I gave them opportunities to repent. But they did not. I saved Noah and his family who alone were faithful to Me.


Once again I allowed the world to flourish and the people in it increased. Against My wishes they began to build the tower of Babel. I spread them all over the world by confusing their languages. I did not do this in anger but out of love for them. I chose the Israel people as My people and brought them out of the bondage of Egypt. They saw the miracles I did and I gave them good leaders like Moses, Aaron and Joshua. But they sinned against Me many times and I punished them each time. I sent the prophets and priests to lead and guide the people in the right way, but they sinned. At last I sent My own Son to the world to offer himself as a sacrifice so that whoever believes in the death and resurrection of My Son Jesus will be saved from their sins. The servants of God are preaching this Gospel throughout the world. They have the written Word of God also to show them the right way into the kingdom, and to keep them away from sin by obeying My Word. The temptation of satan has increased in different ways and many people are following him. The world will be coming to an end soon and I will come as the judge of the people of the world. Till then I am showing My love for the people to give them an opportunity to resist the evil of satan and follow My way into My kingdom. I am reserving My anger for the end of the world, when satan and all his followers will be cast into the fire of hell to live there eternally. Those who have been true to Me will come to live with Me in My kingdom eternally.


Do not stir up My anger by following the false gods of satan which will take your soul to hell. Accept My love; accept Me as your Saviour and follow My way and you will live with Me eternally in My kingdom. Make your choice today.�


8. THE GLORY OF THE LORD “The prophets of old prophesied that the glory of the Lord is risen on mankind. This glory of the Lord as mentioned in the Word of God was taken away from the world when the first people sinned and brought sin into the world. But when I came into the world to give My life and to save mankind from sin and everlasting death the glory which is My glory came back to the world. But only those who believe in Me, who confess their sins and repent and receive the salvation through My death and resurrection- they are the people who will partake of My Glory. My glory is a heavenly glory; and everything about Me is glorious. But there is also an earthly glory. The earthly glory can be seen in the beauty of nature and in some of the living creatures. These are all outward glories which are pleasant to see. But however mankind may try and decorate himself there is nothing glorious about him because of the sin that came into the world. Mankind has no glory of his own. That is why I said- Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not; neither do they spin. And yet Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.(Matt6:28,29) No one can see Me in all My glory. Human eyes and human understanding cannot see or understand the fullness of My glory. Moses requested to see this glory. But I covered him with My hand and allowed him to see only a small


portion of My glory. He would have been consumed if I showed him all of My glory. Herod put on all his costly robes and sat on his throne for the people to admire him. The attraction of his robes made the people to admire him though his heart was wicked. The people even worshipped him as god and gave him My glory. He died there itself.(Acts12:21-23) The first commandment I gave mankind is to worship Me alone as God and not to give My glory to anything or anyone in heaven or on the earth. (Ex20:4) But still mankind disobeys Me and they worship different idols and even human beings like dead ancestors as gods. Many times they have been punished for this. But I have given them the Word of God and the way of salvation to escape the punishment and to come into My kingdom to be with Me forever. Before I left the world- and went back into My kingdom after My resurrection. I gave the disciples a glimpse of My glory at the time of My Transfiguration, when they saw Me going into the heavens. The sight was so glorious, it dazzled their eyes, that they fell down on the ground and worshipped Me. Those who want to see Me in all My glory must believe in Me and in My death and resurrection and be saved from their sins. They must continue to live their lives according to My Word and to worship Me and to serve Me.


At the end of the world they will enter My kingdom where they will see Me in all My glory seated on the throne. This is a blessing for eternity which nothing in the world can give mankind. Accept Me as your Saviour and receive this blessing.�


9. MY THOUGHTS AND MY WAYS “I have said- My thoughts and My ways are not your thoughts.(Isaiah55:8) When I created mankind I had wonderful plans for mankind to live in perfect peace and joy in the world that I have created. But he went in his own way and according to his own thoughts - induced and encouraged by satan. As in the old days people sometimes cannot understand My thoughts and My ways, in many instances because they are far above their understanding. Those who read the Word of God also sometimes cannot understand why I allowed certain things to happen and why I did certain things also. When everything was perfect in the garden of Eden they cannot understand why I kept that tree of knowledge and good and evil in the middle of the garden which was the cause of the downfall of mankind. But at the same time the real children of God, the believers in Me can understand My reason. I had My own purpose when I destroyed the world with flood and saved Noah and his family. Abraham was sincere and faithful to Me and I blessed him with riches. But I gave him a child only when he was a hundred years old. Although he did not understand he believed in Me and was faithful to Me. Job did not understand why he had to suffer, but he submitted himself to Me and he had a double blessing of everything. When I came to the world My disciples could not understand when I talked of My death and resurrection and sometimes they blundered. But when I left the world and the Holy Spirit came


they understood everything. Salvation through My death and resurrection is so easy to understand. Although it is My thought and My way to save mankind even children are able to understand and be saved from their sins. When suffering comes into the lives of the believers and they pray about it they may even feel that their prayer is not answered according to their thoughts and their ways - but when I answer the prayers according to My thoughts and My ways they will realise that this was much better than what they expected. I have promised in My Word that I will answer your prayers when you call upon Me but according to My will. You will receive more abundantly than what you expected. Don’t get discouraged if your prayer is not answered as you wanted. Remember that I have said My thoughts are not your thoughts and My ways are not your ways, but they are far better than yours and have faith in Me.�


10. PRIORITY “Many people in the world suffer because they do not know their priorities. They give more importance to unimportant things and neglect the important things in their lives. There are Christians also who are like this. Although I have said –Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you(Matt6:33) – they give importance first to the material and worldly things, and their spiritual lives become formal and ritual. Cain’s offering was rejected because he took pride in his labour of the products of the field though a sacrifice is by shedding blood. Abraham, Noah and Moses knew their priorities. They sought My will and obeyed Me in everything that they did. I did so many miracles for those Israel people. But they forgot this and remembered the flesh pots of Egypt. Food and drink and the lust became their priority. They sinned in this and they were punished. Sometimes fear makes people lose their faith and I have to remind them of their priorities to bring back their faith. Fear of Jezebel made Elijah to hide though he was a powerful prophet. I lifted him up and he did mighty things for Me. Jonah’s priority was to preach to the people of Nineveh. But he tried to run away to Tarshish, but I brought him back again.


My disciples were all working men, but when I called them it was more important to follow Me than to continue in their work. They immediately left whatever they were doing and obeyed My voice and followed Me. They knew their priority even though they may have to suffer by following Me. Today even the believers sometimes forget their priorities. When they are in trouble this happens. Some Christians forget the importance of paying their tithes for the furtherance of My kingdom. They first count all their expences for their material needs and then try to keep something for the Church or the Gospel. They don’t receive any blessing by doing this. I have said – I will supply all your needs according to My riches in glory. (Phil4:19) Do not worry what you will eat or drink or for clothes. Do not worry about tomorrow. They wake up in the morning and immediately in their minds they think of all the duties of that day and even forget to pray and read the Word of God. For some their employment is the most important thing in their lives. It is their first priority for them. They give all their time and energy and mind for this. They don’t have time for the spiritual things. So their prayer and other spiritual duties become ritualistic and formal. In spite of their earnings they are always in want of something or other because it is not blessed. I used to visit the house of Lazarus and his sisters. It was Mary who knew her priority and chose the better part to sit at My feet and listen to My words. For Martha her housework was more important. The woman who put in the two coins as an offering which was all that she


had knew her priority. She was richly blessed. Those who give first place in their lives for Me to do My will in prayer and in obeying the Word of God and serving Me are the people who first seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Their spiritual lives will be blessed. I will supply all their material needs, more abundantly even above what they ask. They will be a blessing to Me and to others. Their lives will be a testimony to bring others into the salvation that I offer to all mankind. Remember always to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.�


11. FRUITS AND TREES “You shall know them by their fruits.(Matthew7:16) Fruits are one of My most beautiful creations. I created the Garden of Eden, full of lovely fruit trees, with tasty and nutritious fruits. The two people did not need any other food to keep them healthy and strong. Although there were so many other fruits, the woman was tempted to eat the forbidden fruit. Like this people are attracted to the sinful pleasures of the world, though they can find more pleasure in the spiritual realm. There are also other material blessings which I give them to enjoy, even as I have said-Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these shall be added unto you. (Matt6:33) I gave certain commandments one of which was to dedicate the first fruits to Me, because the first fruits are the best. But some did not obey even this. They sacrificed the weak and deformed as an offering to Me. Some people fail in paying their tithes and offerings. They spend most of their earnings on their material needs and pleasures and as a ritual give an offering. They lose the blessing that I have for them.(Malachi3:10) After sin came into the world the tall, beautiful fruit-bearing trees also suffered. Some grew warped and stunted and deformed. They did not produce any fruit. Though grown some were barren. Children are the fruit of the womb. Man was created in My image – a perfect being. But after sin came into the world- imperfection set in. Children


were born stunted, crippled, weak and deformed. Some became deformed due to illness or accidents. But some such children have drawn close to Me in their spiritual life and I can use them to serve Me. I heal them also. Zacchaeus was so short that he climbed the sycamore tree to see Me. His encounter with Me changed his life.(Luke19:2-10) I have healed many defective and crippled people who are leading fruitful lives. There are trees which produce poisonous fruits also though they may look very attractive. Like this there are people who may look handsome and beautiful outwardly, but they may be full of evil in their minds and hearts. A good fruit will be pleasant to taste and nutritious also. The Word of God says- You shall know them by their fruit.(Matt7:16) Believers’ lives must be fruitful in bringing souls for My kingdom. The best fruit is the fruit of the Spirit.(Gal5:22,23) All these qualities are in one fruit- in one person. Even so a believer’s life must be a testimony of the characteristics mentioned in the fruit of the Spirit. Many souls will be saved by the life of those who have the qualities of the fruit of the Spirit. This is a fruitful life for which they will be rewarded in My kingdom.”


12. PAIN “Man did not know the meaning of pain till sin came into the world. There are three kinds of pain- physical, mental and spiritual. Physical pain can be more or less. It is caused by disease and wounds. All pain comes through satan. I did not create pain but sometimes I allow the people to suffer pain to test their faith or to strengthen them in their spiritual life so that I can use them for My glory and My kingdom. When Job was tested, he suffered all the three pains but he came out victorious and received a double blessing for being faithful. There are people- specially the unbelievers- who try to put an end to their pain by wrong methods or by taking their own lives. But this is not the solution. A person who takes his life for any cause will find more suffering when his soul goes to hell, than in the world. Physical pain can be relieved by medical treatment. Those who believe in Me will get relieved and healed through prayer also. This was one of the ministries I did in the world and today My servants are also doing it. I have promised –By My stripes you are healed.(I Peter 2:24) Mental pain comes by worry. No one is free from worries as long as they are in the world. I have said- Cast your burdens upon Me. I care for you.(I Peter5:7) Bring your worries and problems to Me and I will help you to overcome them. When I called My people to follow Me I said – Carry your cross and


follow Me.(Matt16:24) Salvation through My blood does not bring freedom from all pain and worries; but I give you the strength and courage to bear up and overcome this pain caused by worry. Spiritual pain is suffered only by believers. When they are persecuted for their faith they suffer. When they hear My name being blasphemed they suffer. Even I suffer with this pain. I have said – Do not grieve the Holy Spirit. (Ephesians4:30) Even people who call themselves Christians grieve Me and cause this pain by preaching wrong doctrines and twisting the Word of God. These are the false pastors and false teachers and false prophets who grieve the Holy Spirit. Warning is given about them in the Word of God so that the people may not be deceived by this. This is also a spiritual battle against the evil forces of darkness because it is he who causes this pain. The true servants of God must spend time in the presence of the Holy Spirit, in reading and studying the Word of God and praying and preaching the truth of the Word. There is no pain whether physical, mental or spiritual that I cannot heal. When I was in the world I suffered all the three pains at different times. But it was on the cross that I suffered all the three pains at the same time. I had physical pain when I was whipped and from the crown of thorns and the nails. The mental pain was there when I prayed for the Jews who cruicified Me. The worst pain was the spiritual pain when I bore the sins of the whole world


and I cried out “ My God, My God, why has thou forsaken Me?” If you believe in Me and call upon Me in your suffering and pain I will give you the strength to bear it or to heal you. Do not get discouraged and depressed. Wait for My answer with patience because I have promised when you call upon Me I will answer you and deliver you from your pain.(Ps91:15) Have faith in My Word.”


13. ACCEPTANCE AND DENIAL “This is a very deep subject of which even the believers cannot understand fully, though I have said – Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find knock and it will be opened unto you. It does not mean that everytime and for everything that you ask you will receive; and everytime and for everything you seek you will find; and whenever and at anytime you knock it will be opened to you; because there are times when you are asking or seeking or knocking it will be accepted or denied. But if you are a child of God with faith in Me, you will know, you will be able to accept even the denial with faith. If only Eve had asked Me whether she could believe what satan told her about the forbidden fruit, she would have known the truth and obeyed Me. Abel’s offering was accepted but Cain’s was denied. Abraham was not given an heir till he was hundred years old. Though he could not understand he was faithful to Me and waited patiently till Isaac was born. Those Israel people wanted everything they asked for immediately. They were not willing to suffer hardships with faith till they reached the promised land. When trials come to believers and sometimes they suffer, though they pray for deliverance they lose their faith and do not wait for My time to deliver them but try to solve the problems by their own efforts which makes the situations worse. As long as things go well with them they are strong in their faith.


I have said- My thoughts are not your thoughts nor My ways your ways because My thoughts and My ways are too deep and too high for you to understand.( Isaiah 55:8,9) Even when I was in the world when I told My disciples about My death and resurrection they could not accept it because it was too deep for them to understand it at that time. That is why in the Garden of Gethsemane they deserted Me and Peter denied Me. When he repented he was forgiven and they were all there at the cross when I was crucified. The empty grave was a proof of My resurrection to them and when they saw Me after that they believed Me except Thomas who was not there to see Me. That is why I said- More blessed are those who do not see and yet they believed. (John20:29) When you pray believe that your prayers are accepted though you may be denied what you ask for. After the Holy Spirit came to the world the same disciples who were so weak in their faith became strong to accept persecution for the sake of the Gospel. Paul prayed three times that the thorn in his flesh may be removed. I accepted his prayer. Though the thorn was not removed I said – My grace is sufficient for you.(II Corinthians 12:9) If you are a believer and pray in faith- ask for the Holy Spirit and you will receive the power of the Holy Spirit which is given to all who ask-you will


then understand. When you pray for specific things which may be accepted or denied, you will really understand and accept it and I will say –My grace is sufficient for you.�


14. REJOICE “The Word of God says-Rejoice in the Lord always.(Phil4:4) When I created man he did not know sadness. Adam and Eve knew only happiness and joy. They rejoiced in the creation in the garden. They rejoiced in the beauty of the creation. They rejoiced in the fruits that they ate. They rejoiced in the animals they named and played with. But most of all they rejoiced in Me. They rejoiced to talk to Me and hear Me talk to them. But alas! When they sinned their rejoicing turned into sadness and guilt. They hid from My presence. They brought mourning and sadness instead of rejoicing into the world. But I still loved the people that I created. I instructed them how to make atonement for their sin. When the Israelites came out of Egypt, out of the bondage they rejoiced as Miriam led the women in dance and praised Me. But as soon as the problems came they lost their faith and began to murmur and mourn. Instead of rejoicing in Me they began to rejoice in sinning and idol-worship. But there were always some who were true to Me and rejoiced in the Lord. The worldly people rejoice in sinful pleasures and worldliness of which there are plenty today. The Word of God says-A man may live many years and rejoice in them. Yet the days of darkness will be many which he will remember. (Ecc1esiastes 11:8) Many young people have the wrong idea – even among the Christians- that they can enjoy the pleasures of the world in their youth. But the Word of God says-Rejoice young man in your youth and walk in the ways of your heart and in the sight of your eyes: but know for all these things God will bring you


into judgement.(Ecclisiastes11:9) Festivals are the time of rejoicing. The believers, the unbelievers and the idol-worshippers all have festivals in which they rejoice. The unsaved Christians celebrate My birth specially in worldly ways of eating and drinking and worldly pleasures. They mourn in rituals as they remember the day of My death. But the true believers celebrate their birthdays by rejoicing in their spirit and also by showing My love to others. They also rejoice in remembrance of the day of My death and resurrection because they understand that the motive behind this rejoicing, is the salvation that they have received when I was born in the world and died and rose again. No rejoicing is permanent. The Word of God says- There’s a time to weep, a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance.(Ecc3:4) Those who rejoice in worldliness will become depressed in times of sorrow and trouble and some may even take their lives. I say unto you that those who rejoice in Me will find peace and joy in their hearts always. Even in times of trial and distress I have said- Come unto Me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.(Matt11:28) Accept Me as your Lord and Saviour and you will be able under all circumstances to rejoice in the Lord.�


15. CHILDREN “Suffer the little children to come unto Me for theirs’ is the kingdom of heaven.(Matt19:14) Unless you become like a little child you cannot enter the kingdom.(Matt18:3) Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings praise is perfected.( Matt21:16) When I was in the world I told all these words at different occasions. I love the children because small children and babies are innocent. Since sin came into the world the Word of God also says-That even a child is known by his doings whether they are good or evil.(Pro20:11) All babies are born innocent. I send My angels to protect the babies and small children. Many times they have been saved from disasters. As the children grow satan is there also to put evil thoughts in their minds and make them do wrong things. It is then that they get into trouble. Those who believe in Me will try to bring up their children to know Me and to be obedient and spiritual. Satan influenced even the first child in the world, Cain, who became a murderer. When the children grow big they have their own minds and know the difference between good and bad, the right and the wrong. Hannah dedicated her child Samuel to Me. Hagar did not bring up her son Ismail to know Me and to love Me. She was concerned more about the material things.


I have said- Bring up a child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. (Ephesians6:4) When I was in the world as a child My parents did their best to bring Me up as a holy child. But they soon knew that I was not human but divine even when I was young. But they were very loving and kind to Me. Parents who bring up their children according to the Word of God and show them love and kindness in the home will have good children. The home atmosphere and surroundings influence a child. Some parents think their duty is done with supplying the material needs of the child and spend more time in their own interest, some of which are worldly. When the children go in the wrong way they begin to lament and cry to Me. I hear their cries and help them. The mothers of Jerusalem knew the importance of bringing their children to be blessed by Me. Dedicating a child in the church is important. It is not a ritual. The child has to be taught My love and to go in the right way. The Word of God says-Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.(Pro22:6) Sometimes even such children when they grow up may go in the wrong way because of outside influences and temptations like the prodigal son. Much prayer and love will bring them back to the right way. There are instances of ungodly idol-worshipping parents and those who worship other gods, who have children, who hear the Gospel from some other


source than their home and are saved. In spite of persecution in the home and from others they remain true to Me. Some of them become famous servants of God. There are many in the world today preaching the Gospel who come from such backgrounds. Like My apostle Paul I choose such children to serve Me. The lives and testimony of such children influence others among whom they move and many souls are saved. Even small children from ungodly families hear about Me through their Christian friends and believe in Me. These children because of their innocence see the angels and sometimes I also appear to them. When I made a triumphant entry into Jerusalem all the little children shouted and praised Me as they came running after Me. The elders told them to keep quiet but they could not stop them. It was then I said-Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings praise will be perfected.(Matthew 21:16) Little children are innocent. They have no guile, pride or other sins. That is why I say-Unless you become like a little child you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.�(Matthew18:3)


16. GOD’S CARE “The Word of God says-The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament show His handywork.(PsalmS 19:1) It also says –What is man that thou art mindful of him? Thou hast made him a little lower than the angels. (Psalms8:4,5) Yes, I made man little lower than the angels but in spite of that I use the angels for ministrying man because I care so much for the mankind I created. The angels do what I tell them. When Lucifer and his angels rebelled against Me I cast them out of My kingdom; but they are free to roam about till I come again into the world the second time. The animals and other creatures that live in the world are also under My love and care. They don’t deliberately do harm to each other, but only what their instinct tells them to do. I love those creatures also as My creation. I care about them. I said –Even when a sparrow falls I see it. But how much more I care for man .(Matt10:29,30) I said that I care for the sparrow and the grass that grows in the field.(Matt6:2628) I care not only for his body but his soul and spirit are very important to Me. They are precious to Me. The body will die, but the soul and the spirit live on. I want that soul to come back to Me because it belongs to Me. That is why even though man sinned against Me, to bring his soul back


to Me, I came to the world and gave My life to save him and bring him to My kingdom. Satan is also waiting to take that soul. I care so much that I give man every opportunity to deliver his soul from sin. I have said –Cast your care upon Me for I care for you.(I Peter5:7) I care even for the hairs of your head which I can count.(Matt10:30) When you are sick I heal you. When you are burdened with cares and sorrows I said –Come to Me. I will give you rest.(Matt11:28) When satan tempts you I make a way for you to escape.(I Cor 10:13) For every situation in your life there is a word of advice and council and comfort. I care even for your material life. I own the whole world. So I have said-Out of My riches I give you. When you are in need I supply it.(Phil4:19) I am the God who supplies your spiritual, physical and material needs. Believe in My love and care for you. It is beyond your understanding to understand how much I care for you and how much I want to help you in every situation in your life. Just believe in My love and care for you and trust Me. All your prayers will be answered if you believe I care for you.”


CONCLUSION On October 31st, 1997, during prayer God spoke thus:“Heaven and earth shall pass away but My words shall never pass away. The words you hear are the words you write. They will never pass away. They will go out and accomplish My purpose. They will not return void. I told My prophets – ‘Write what I tell you” and they wrote it. Even today I tell My chosen prophets , chosen servants of Go to write what I tell them because the written word will go to many places which the spoken word may not be able to reach. This is one purpose for which I say – Hear and write. The written word will be translated into many languages and will reach people who speak different languages. I have My own way of doing this. Even as the Bible goes all over the world, the books of those whom I have chosen to hear My voice and write will also go to different places. I choose people to translate the book in different languages because it is My will that the words I have spoken must reach the people of different languages so that they may read and understand what I have spoken. All those who are involved in this ministry wil receive My blessings.” I sincerely believe that these messages have led many into salvation and also a closer walk with our Lord. In accordance with God’s plan, if you are stirred in your heart and if God leads you to translate these messages into any language,


you are welcome to do so with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. May the Lord guide you. I am sure you will be blessed abundantly. In His service Helen Solomon.


TESTIMONY OF SIS. GLORIA DHARMAPALAN “… I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction”. (Is. 48:10) I praise the Lord for the furnace of affliction, through which I was saved by the blood of Jesus and my family was blessed. From that day I never looked back but went forward growing in my spiritual life. I continued to have a very close relationship with my Lord and Saviour Jesus speaking to Him. He has spoken, guided and upheld me in my daily life. In 1975 I received the anointing of the Holy Spirit with the manifestation of praising and speaking in tongues. As I progressed I experienced miracles and visions while praying at home and in church. The Lord used me to serve Him by ministering to others. There were instants when the Lord has told to pray specifically for unknown people, even mentioning their names at times. Thus I could see the gifts of the Holy Spirit being operated. I give all the glory to Him. From 1990, while praying with my daughter Helen Solomon, the Lord has given visions and messages on many topics which Helen has written down what I repeated as the Lord told me. On 06.03.1990 the Lord said, “I give you the privilege of having a relationship with me which is more than any human relationship because you are my beloved children. Desire for this relationship and I will give it to you, as you grow in your spiritual life”. On 21.03.1990, the Lord said, “The special gift of the Holy Spirit you have from above, is more precious than gold. Guard it. You will know how to use it in time that my Name may be glorified among the heathen. As commissioned by the Lord Jesus, these messages were written for all to read and be blessed and for the Glory of God. Alleluia! Late Mrs. Gloria Dharmapalan

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