God Speaks - Vol III

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GOD SPEAKS Gloria Dharmapalan

GOD SPEAKS - VOL III info@godspeaks.in www..godspeaks.in Designed by Kingston Abraham © Beracah All rights reserved © Cover Design , by Kingston Abraham © Paper Back Design, by Kingston Abraham Distributed under license Creative Commons First Edition, April 2016

God Speaks - VOL III God Speaks are messages given by God to Gloria Dharmapalan, My mother, from 1990 to 2001. As commissioned by the Lord Jesus these messagesgiven during prayer are, for all to read and be blessed. They are a source ofencouragement. They open our eyes to many truths and deep meanings of the Word of God. On March 22nd , 1990 the Lord said, “Little by little you are learning things from Me. Because your understanding is small, I speak to you of simple things. Because like Mary you sit at My feet to hear Me speaking, I speak to you, My children. As I teach you, you must teach these things to others. Speak to them about the things I teach you. It is not only for yourselves I tell these things. It is so that others may also hear them from you and benefit from it. I will teach more things in the days to come. You will receive My blessings when you do it.� These messages are in simple spoken English so that anyone who reads them can understand them.Those who read these messages are sure to hear His voice saying, I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not.(Jeremiah33:3) Read on and be blessed.

Praise the Lord.





1. MOUNTAINS “A city that is set on a hill, cannot be hid.(Matthew5:14) Mountains are found everywhere. Mountains are very useful for man. They cause rain to fall in some places and they prevent the rain from other places. Those who have studied about the mountains know all about them and their uses. Everything I created was for the good of mankind only. When man misuses or destroys My creations it causes suffering.He has learnt to climb even the highest mountain in the world. Wherever man sets his foot he causes pollution and destruction. I talked to Moses on the mountain for forty days. To the people it looked as though the mountain was on fire. (Exodus19:18) The mountain was a holy place like Mount Horeb and Mount Zion and other mountains like Mount Carmel and Mount Hermon mentioned in the Bible. I have spoken to other holy men on the mountains. It was a place where I used to meet those chosen ones with whom I wished to converse. I used to walk on those mountains and look down upon the children of men. Solomon’s Temple was not built upon the mountain. It was built according to My instructions where I wanted to build it. It is not My desire or will that places of worship should be built on mountains. But the idol-worshippers and others who do not worship as I desire have built their places of worship and temples on mountains. I created some caves in the mountains as places of shelter for man and beasts. But even these caves in some places have been misused by man and made into places of worship. Some children of God when they were persecuted by the heathen took refuge in the caves. It grieves Me that every creation of mine is misused by man and defiled by man. My beautiful mountains have


been defiled and desecrated. When I come again there will be earthquakes and other signs of My coming. To escape from these disasters the people will run into the caves in the mountains to hide.(Revelation 6:12-17)They will run into the temples on the mountains to hide and to call upon their gods to help them. But the mountains will also shake and crack and move out of its place and all the temples on them will crumble and fall down and break into pieces. Because I will appear on the mountain, the Word of God says – lift up your eyes unto the hills from whence cometh thy help.(Psalm121:1) When I come again I will plant My feet upon the mountain which will break into two and move in different directions.(Zechariah 14:4) Those who wish to escape from the disasters of the last days should read the Word of God carefully and all that is written about the mountains; take heed ; be warned before it is too late. Now is the time to be saved so that none of these disasters affect those who obey Me, love Me and serve Me.�


2. GOD’S PROTECTION “Did I not tell Abraham if there was one soul faithful to Me I woul not allow that soul to be destroyed when I destroy that city? I am the God who saved Noah’s family during the flood; the God who saved Lot and his family; the God who saved Rahab – and in the days to come when the earth will be destroyed - I will save My children. Before the days of tribulation come to the world, I will take away all My children from the earth. Both the dead and the alive will come to be with Me, so that they will not undergo the sufferings of the tribulation period.(I Corinthians15: 51-54) Every time from the beginning I protected and saved those who were faithful to Me. When the whole world was destroyed by flood, I saved Noah and his family. When Jericho was destroyed I saved Rahab.(Joshua 6:24,25) I saved My prophet Elijah from being murdered by Jezebel.(I Kings19) I saved Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego when they were thrown into the fire.(Daniel 3) They were not burnt. I saved them alive to be witnesses for Me. Those who read the Word of God carefully, will read and understand all the circumstances where I protected and saved My children, My servants, My loved ones, My faithful ones - from being destroyed. Remember that God, who is your God, the true God – is greater than the god of the world, who is the evil satanic force of darkness. How I loved those Israel people who were the descendants of My son Jacob! I protected Joseph from being destroyed by his brothers and I brought Jacob and all his descendants to Egypt. When My people were being persecuted, I brought them out of Egypt and saved them. I fed and clothed them and gave them riches. I protcted them from all harm and danger because I loved them


so much but they were ungrateful and went after other gods of the heathen, forgetting Me and what I have done for them.(Psalm 106) But among them also there were always some who were faithful to Me. Even today, in the world, those who are faithful to Me are always under My protection and guidance. I will never fail or forsake them as I have promised. They will receive their reward in My kingdom when the wicked will be sent to eternal punishment. He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.�(Psalm91:1)


3. PHARISEES “Where two or three are gathered in My name I am in their midst.(Matthew18: 20) Today I am in your midst because I want to talk to you – because you are My beloved.You are few. I have filled the room with angels and saints to hear My message. It is My desire to talk about the Pharisees – not the Pharisees of those days long ago. There are pharisees in the world today also. I have said – except your righteousness exceeds that of the Pharisees, no one can enter My kingdom. (Matthew 5:20) Long prayers that come from the lips and not from the heart make Me weary to hear them. Rituals wothout meaning do not please Me. I do not mean all rituals, because there are rituals thar please Me also. The rituals of Baptism and Communion; the ritual of Dedication to Me and other meaningful rituals that the church practises - they are pleasing to Me. The pharisees of old followed many rituals according to the Law of Moses. But they were all outwardly done even as I said – they wash only the outside of the vessels while the inside of them were left with dirt, unclean. They wore long white robes and hung the ten commandments round their necks, but their hearts under their white robes were unclean, full of sin and they broke many of the commandments. Even today there are such people in the world, even among the ministry. Outwardly they appear in clean white robes and white dress, but their hearts and deeds are full of sin. They lead two lives, a double life – outwardly one life and secretly another life of sin. But I am glad such people are few. Most of those who wear the white robes and white dress are true to My calling, and serve Me faithfully and lead lives of sacrifice, even as in those days there were


some pharisees who believed in Me and were true to My calling. It is not only those who are in the ministry, but even among the believers there are those to whom their religion has become a ritual. These are the people who worship with their lips, while their hearts are far away.(Matthew 15:8) T he saddest thing about these people and the ministers is - they don’t realise that the wrong things they do is sin, and they even quote the Word of God to support their acts and deeds. Because I am a God of love, and because I came to the world to save sinners , I give them opportunity to repent and be saved and to serve Me truthfully and faithfully. Those who hear My voice and if they repent, they will be saved and they will receive the blessing that I have for all My children. Those who are washed in My blood will be cleansed and purified by the Holy Spirit.�


4. CARRY YOUR CROSS & FOLLOW “This message is not only for you. It is for everyone. Many will read it and will be blessed by it because I say unto you – carry your cross and follow Me.(Mark 8:34) How many people understand the meaning of these words and how many people are doing it? What does the cross mean to you? To the unbelievers it is the symbol of Christianity – the religion. To some it is just an ornament to be worn round the neck. It is not wrong to do this. It is not wrong to place the cross in the church. But it is wrong to worship it so that it becomes an idol. That was the mistake the Israel people did. The worshipped the golden serpent which those who were bitten by the fiery serpents were instructed to look at. The sacrificial animals were worshipped as idols by those people even as the heathen do it today.(Numbers 21:5-9; II Kings 18:4) Many people never think of the cross and its significance throughout the whole year except for forty days. The true believers must remember the significance and meaning of the cross at all times. I was nailed to the cross and shed My blood for all mankind. Those who look at Me on the cross and repent for their sins will be washed and cleansed by My blood that I shed on the cross. Those who believe in this will receive the salvation that I give them freely by shedding My blood on the cross. There are some people who only see Me dead on the cross and cry for Me and My sufferings on the cross – without repenting for their sins. They forget that on the third day I rose again and today I am a living God, not a dead body on the cross to be mourned forever. People do not understand what I mean when I tell them - Carry your cross and follow Me. My disciples did this. All those who believe in Me , who truly


love Me, will understand this. It means to be true to Me and serve Me faithfully , to work for Me, to live a godly life in spite of trials, temptations and tribulations which they have to bear when thy become My disciples. Are you willing to do this for Me? Those who are willing to do this, those who carry their cross and follow Me, will be blessed and receive their reward in My kingdom�


5. WOMEN “Eve was the first woman I created. Though I created man directly from the dust of the ground, I created woman from the rib bone of man, so that she may be a companion and a helpmate to him. I did not give her the physical strength of the man. Instead I gave her beauty. The first man and woman were perfect in all ways. But satan found it easier to deceive the woman than the man. By her disobedience sin came into the world. The man loved his wife more than he loved Me and he listened to her voice. As mankind increased and wickedness increased in the world, both men and women were equally wicked. The man’s sins were equal to the woman’s sin. But there are also good men and good women in the world. I loved both equally. When I saved Noah I saved all the women in his family also. Though Sarah did not have the faith Abraham had, I loved her also. Because of the curse that was put on the woman, in many ways she became weaker and dependant. I pitied Hagar. Many women were useful to Me. It was Miriam who loved Moses and took him back to his mother as a baby. Though once she displeased Me, she was faithful to the end. Though Rahab was a harlot, she had a good heart and I saved her. Among the wicked women, Jezebel was the worst and I punished her. Though Michal was Saul’s daughter she was true to her husband and she loved him(David) and saved him when Saul wanted to kill him. Among the Israel women there were many who were pure and did not worship the idols.When I came to the earth as a man, there were many women from Jerusalem and other cities where I travelled and preached and healed the people, who knew that I was sent from God in the form of man. They knew that I was the son of God. Even My earthly mother Mary knew


this. Besides My beloved disciples who loved Me, their sisters and mothers and wives also loved Me as the Son of God and ministered to My physical needs. Such were Mary and Martha and their brother Lazarus. I have the same judgement for man as well as woman. That is why I did not condemn the woman who was taken in adultery. Even the sinful women who came to Me, like the Samaritan woman - their lives were changed and they were saved. When I was taken to be crucified many women wept for Me. Some of them were those who brought their children to be blessed by Me. In the crowd who followed Me and listened to My preaching there were many women. Many women stood at the cross and wept, when I hung on the cross. On the resurrection morning it was the women who came first to the grave and knew that I was resurrected. Among the one hundred and twenty in the Upper Room who were filled with the Holy Spirit, was Mary who was My mother.(Acts1:14) Today in the world there are wicked men and wicked women as well as good men and good women. In the ministry also many women are working side by side with the men for th furtherance of the gospel.I am able to use many women according to My will to do My work. It is only mankind who makes different laws for men and women, who thinks that man is superior to the woman and he has the right to ill treat the woman and judge the woman differently. In some countries there are such laws. But when I come as the Judge there will be no difference in My judgement between man and woman. I give My blessings also equally to all who love Me and serve Me and are faithful to Me whether they are man or woman. (Galations 3:28)�


6. OBEDIENCE “Obedience is better than sacrifice.(I Samuel 15:22) The first sin that man committed was disobedience. I hear people in the world even today saying that –if I had not kept the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the middle of the Garden of Eden, man would not have sinned by eating the forbidden fruit. I did not create man like the animals. Man cannot understand My reasons for keeping the tree there. My fellowship with man and love for him was far above that of an animal and his for Me. One of My reasons for keeping the tree there was to expect the two people to obey Me out of love for Me. I knew satan also had access to them. But knowing Me and My love for them and as their Lord and Creator they should have obeyed only Me and rejected the voice of satan. Since then disobedience to My word is man’s greatest sin. Disobedience turned Lot’s wife into a pillar of salt. The Israelites suffered and many died because of their disobedience to Me. Throughout the Word of God the disobedient people suffered and brought punishment upon themselves. The first king that I chose for the Israelites, King Saul disobeyed Me and it was the cause of his downfall. I never asked the people to obey Me in difficult things which are beyond their ability to do. But even in small matters the wicked people would not obey Me. Though outwardly they appeared to keep the ten commandments, the pharisees and such people actually broke many of the commandments. Many people in the world today follow the rituals of the church. They do not obey Me when I have said to love thy God with all thy heart and soul and mind and to love thy neighbour as thyself.(Matthew 22:37-39) Those who obey these commandments follow the true religion and only those who know


and love the true God with all their hearts can obey His commandments. Many people want blessings of God, but they are not willing to obey the words that go with the promises.Some people think that because I am a loving God, I should not punish them whatever they may do. If they repent for their sins and obey Me, I am always willing to forgive them. People call unto Me in time of trouble and I help them, but when all is well with them they forget Me. The heathen people appease their gods with sacrifice and pilgrimage and offerings and other rituals. They suffer physically and even punish themselves to be cleansed of their sins. So again and again they sin and again they do these things. But those who believe in Me – the living God who created heaven and earth – cannot be cleansed of their sins by such means. They cannot offer any sacrifice to Me because I have already offered Myself as a sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. Those who believe in Me and repent for their sins and obey Me will not commit the same sins again and again. Their lives are changed and as My children they live in obedience to Me – who am their Father, Lord and God. Sacrifice can never take the place of obedience. That is why I say unto you – I desire obedience and not sacrifice.”


7. FRIENDS “There is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.(Proverbs 18:24) A friend who is close by is better than a brother who is far away in time of trouble.( Proverbs 27:10) Greater love hath no man than he that layeth his life down for his friends.(John 15:13) Yes, all these verses are from the Word of God and there are many more besides, about friendship. Seek them out and read them and you will be surprised at the beautiful meanings there, even though you might have read them before. The Word of God speaks about some beautiful friendships like that of David and Jonathan. But alas! There are also false friends. There are many instances where people have been betrayed by false friends. Even today, in the world, almost everyone goes through this experience. Many young people have been led astray in evil ways by these false friends. They entice innocent people with sweet flattering words and make them surrender their money to enjoy the pleasures of the world. Many people in time of calamity have found out who are their true friends and false friends. Those who are in high positions and have wealth will have many so-called friends, and when disaster strikes them, when they lose their wealth and position – the false friends will leave them and only the true friends will stick to them. That is what happened to King David when he was betrayed by king Saul and Absalom, his own son. My disciples were more than friends to Me. Out of the twelve only Judah was a false friend. Though Peter denied Me, and the other disciples ran away when I was arrested, it was only human weakness and human fear which


made them do so. In their heart of hearts they were all true to Me and sincerely repented for what momentarily they did. They loved Me very much and served Me faithfully till the end. Many of them died a martyr’s death for the sake of the Gospel. Throughout history – the history of Christianity – I have such friends and there are some who lay down their lives for My sake. Till the end of time there will be such martyrs. Today, those who believe in Me are not only My friends, but they are My children and brother and sister and everythingelse to Me and I am also to everyone the best friend they can have and more than a friend if they could trust and believe in Me. There are some in the world who profess to believe in Me and at the same time they cling to the pleasures of the world and the idols. These are the false friends. Young people should be very careful in choosing their friends. Those who spend their time usefully and in fellowship with true believers and with prayer and service, will have no time for the fellowship of the world since the friendship of the world is enmity with God.(James4:4) I have said – I lay down My life for My friends, which means everyone in the world because I am a Friend to the good as well as to the bad. Those who accept My friendship, by My death and resurrection will enter into My kingdom. Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends,(John 15:13) which I did to save mankind from sin and eternal destruction. I am your truest friend who will never leave or forsake you till the end.”


8. TEN SILVER COINS “The woman who had ten silver coins was very distressed when one coin was lost. Though she had nine coins, she could not rest until she found the one coin that was lost. She lit a lamp to search in the dark corners of the room and she took a broom and she swept every part of the house and she cleaned it. She rearranged everything in the room as she searched for the coin. In this way she not only found the coin but at the same time she had cleaned the house of all the dirt and unwanted things and cobwebs. She had much to rejoice about and be glad. The ten coins belonged to a set and if one coin is lost, the set is incomplete. In a family where all are spiritual except one, the saved members of the family are distressed about the one unsaved person who leads a life of sin and causes sorrow and trouble for the rest of the family. This makes the other members of the family to spend more time in prayer on their knees and to pray with tears for the soul of the wayward member of the family. In this way, by their prayers, the saved members of the family grow more in their spiritual life and work together to bring other souls into salvation, and the whole family is blessed. When the woman lit the lamp all the dark corners of the house became bright. When My Light enters a soul all the darkness will flee away. She used the broom to clean every place. In the same way the Word of God and the Holy Spirit work in the lives of the people to enlighten them and guide them and clean up their lives and make them holy. All the unwanted things in their lives disappear and their lives are orderly, rearranged, neat and clean. Spiritually a person who is saved is a completely changed person. The old things are removed and everything is new. When a soul is saved there is


rejoicing not only among those known to that person, but there is rejoicing in heaven also. Every soul is precious to Me and every soul causes defeat to satan. I came to the world and gave My life and shed My blood to save the sinners.�( I Timothy 1:15)


9. FAMINE “The seven thin ears of corn devoured the fat ears of corn and still they were thin. The seven thin cows ate up the seven fat cows and still they were thin.(Genesis41:1-7) This was the dream the Pharaoh saw in his time. But today and in the days to come the same things are going to take place. You are now living in the days of the fatted ears of corn and cows – the days where there is plenty of everything. The places which have famine are only created by man. At present there is no dearth of food or water for anyone. Even in the desert people live like kings. They are among the richest people in the world now. As far as the material things are concerned the good as well as the bad are clothed and fed. The believers as well as the unbelievers have all their needs. Money flows like water in many places. Spiritually also, the Holy Spirit is being poured out everywhere. Never in the history has the Word of God spread so abundantly all over the world. The water of life is gushing out and people are eagerly drinking it everywhere. The Gospel is being preached in every corner of the world in many ways – by the written word, the spoken word and the modern inventions of man – are all being used for the glory of God. These are the days of the latter rain which is pouring down upon the world, though satan is also, on his side, working very vigorously in many ways, such as was never heard before. But these are the days of plenty – the flourishing days , the days of the Holy Spirit where everyone is given the opportunity to eat his fill of the bread of life which is being given without measure. But even as the seven years


of plenty came to an end and the years of famine came, these days of grace will come to an end, and the days of famine and tribulation will come to the world. You are witnessing the days of plenty of spiritual food and water. I have said – I am the bread of life.(John 6:35) and I am the water of life and those who eat the bread and drink the water that I give, will never hunger and never thirst.(John4:14) You are witnessing how the unbelievers and idolworshippers are turning away from their gods and accepting the spiritual food and water that I give them. Before the years of famine come – those who have accepted Me as their Lord and Saviour, those who have eaten the bread and drank the water that I gave them will be taken out of the world at the sound of the trumpet, in the twinkling of an eye,(I Corinthians 15:52) before the days of famine comes to the world. The Holy Spirit will also be removed from the world. Alas! For those who are left behind to face those days of famine.There will be many kinds of famine in those days. But the Word of God says – The worst famine will be the famine of the Word of God.(Amos 8:11,12) People will run here and there seeking for the Word of God, for the word of prophesy, for the gospel. But alas! It will be very difficult for them, and many of those who hunger and thirst for the spiritual word will have to give their lives for it. Material food will also be lacking and many will die of physical hunger also. In those days of tribulation, of spiritual and material famine, people will suffer terribly. Do not take this messege lightly. It is a warning. You who have heard My voice –think what a great responsibility you have to pray and warn people, of the days of famine that are going to come. Pray for the members of your family – your husbands, your parents, your children, your wives, your uncles,


aunts and everyone. Pray that they should not be left behind to face the days of famine and whenever you have the opportunity, warn them. My beloved ones - think this is a great privilege. To speak to you and tell you these things- it is a blessing to you that, I have chosen you to pray and warn other people. I will help you in this when you do it. This is not a time for the believers to be complacent. The days of plenty are the days when the children have to work for Me to feed the Word of God to others and pray for them and warn. As you do this My blessing will be upon you.


10. SERVANTS OF GOD “A servant is not greater than his master.(John 13:16) Though I came into the world as the Lord and Master of mankind, though I own the whole world as I was the Creator of the world – I came to the world to serve mankind. Though the disciples called Me Master and they obeyed Me, I taught them many practical lessons in humility. That is why I washed their feet. I became a servant to mankind, though I was their Lord and Master. I wanted My disciples – all those who called themselves as servants of God – to be servants of mankind also. The Word of God says – the Gospel will be preached to the poor.(Matthew11: 5) In this way you serve mankind when you preach the gospel and you become servants of God. It is not only those who stand in the pulpit of churches or before a good crowd of people to preach the gospel, but even the weakest person who tells the gospel to one or two souls at a time, is a servant of God.Those who are willing to serve Me and be My servant in any capacity that I choose, are true servants of God. Today and in the past there are many servants of God who have started their ministry in a very humble way. Trusting in Me, they have set out and gone to distant places enduring all kinds of hardships, with faith in Me, serving Me faithfully as My servants in preaching the gospel to the barbarians and uncivilized people and illiterates. I have lifted them up and blessed them in their ministry and blessed them with spiritual and material gifts also. I am able to use them to preach to multitudes of people, even as I used to preach to thousands who followed Me. Most of these servants of God have been faithful to Me till the end, even though I made them rich and blessed their ministry also.


But some when they were lifted up in their ministry and received the material blessings also, when riches came to them, fell into satan’s temptations, and instead of serving Me became the servants of satan. But I am glad that such servants are only few in number. Most of the servants of God serve Me faithfully whether they are rich or poor. There are others who call themselves servants of God, are in name only. They are proud of their positions as ministers and their preaching is not from the Holy Spirit. They give their own interpretations to the Word of God. They became the tools of satan. Only those who dedicate themselves to Me fully; who know how to hear My voice and obey Me and do My will; those who know I have chosen them for the ministry and have accepted them as My servants – these are the true servants of God. Once a person is saved and is filled with the Holy Spirit - he must commit himself to become a servant of God to be used by Me, to work for Me. I will use each such person who has dedicated himself and herself to Me, according to My will. Those who acknowledge Me as their Master will do the work that I give them and be obedient to Me. I cannot use a disobedient servant or a proud servant. I cannot use a servant who wants to go in his own way. Those who wish to be My servants must acknowledge Me as their Lord and Master to do My will, to go where I send them, to talk what I want them to talk and to be submissive to My will. Such are the true servants of God whom I bless.�


11. YOUTH Ecclesiastes 12.“Remember thy Creator in the days of thy youth.(Ecclesiastes12: 1) The youth is the best time of one’s life. I created the first people as youth. They were neither babies, nor middle age nor old people. The beauty of a flower is not seen in a bud. When it first blossoms a flower is most beautiful. At that time it smells the sweetest. As the days pass the flower gradually loses its beautiful apearance and its sweet smell. The petals begin to fade and dry up and drop off. In the same way is a man’s life. Though a baby is beautiful to look at, it is not complete in its beauty. From the time of maturity onwards, before middle age, a person is in the youth of his or her life. The worldly people have the wrong impression that they should spend their youth in enjoying the pleasures of the world. Alas! For those who do this. Very soon before time they lose their youth and beauty. They look old before their time and more important, they lose their souls. Satan takes advantage of them and cheats them by showing the attractions of the world and its sinful pleasures. It is to warn the people that the Word of God says – Remember thy Creator in the days of thy youth, before the evil days come. Many youth have the wrong impression that they can change their lives and seek their Maker in their old age, after they have enjoyed the pleasures of the world. Alas! for such people. Those who do not seek their Lord and Saviour when they were young will find it very difficult to do so as they grow older, because by that time satan would have got his hold on them and will not easily let go. What a pitiful state they will be in their old age if they are not saved when they are young. All their faculties have become weak and they can no


more enjoy the pleasures of the world and neither are they able to understand the spiritual truth. They are unable to give up their addictions and bad habits. Those who die in their youth unsaved have lost their chance of salvation. In these days of grace there are instances of people being saved in their old age. But these are rare instances. All My disciples were young men and young women when I was on the earth. Some like John were teenagers. Because of his very young age I had a special affection for John and even today I have a very special affection for teenagers and youth who reject the pleasures of the world and turn to Me and love Me as their Lord and Saviour. In these days of the movement of the Holy Spirit in the world many young people reject the pleasures of the world and sin- and commit their youth and strength of their lives for My service.These young people who love Me and serve Me are very beloved to Me. Every young person is given the opportunity to choose between Me and satan – whether they will follow Me or the devil. No one can do both. The Bible says – No man can serve two masters.(Matthew 6:24) Some young people try to enjoy the pleasures of the world and try to be religious at the same time. I will not accept those people. In these last days the knowledge and the intellect of the youth have increased very much and even from a young age they are able to understand the difference between the good and the bad and to make a choice. Even children are able to do this. It is My desire that people should accept the salvation I am giving them and be filled with the Holy Spirit even from a young age. Time is short and all the worldly pleasures will die with the end of the world. But those who have rejected Me will live in eternity with suffering. I plead


with all the young people to remember their Creator, their Maker, their Lord and Saviour in the days of their youth and to follow and serve Me and love Me even as I love them.�


12. WAIT ON THE LORD “Tarry in Jerusalem until you receive the power from on high, from heaven. (Luke 24:49) Even as I told My disciples to wait for the power of the Holy Spirit to fall upon them I tell My people of the world today, the believers and all those who call upon My name today to tarry and wait for the answers to their prayers. Abraham waited for twenty five years to get Isaac. Jacob waited for fourteen years for Rachel. Joseph suffered and underwent many trials before he was lifted up to a high position in Egypt. The Israelites tarried in Egypt four hundred years before they were brought to Canaan. Long before that, Moses spent forty days on the mountain without eating or drinking before he was given the ten commandments. But those Israelites did not have the patience to wait even for those forty days for Moses to come down from the mountain. They committed sins and idol -worship and were punished. People are willing to wait patiently for material blessings which they are sure will come to them. But when they pray for a purpose they want an immediate answer to their prayer. They are unable to wait for My time to give them what they want. The Word of God says – Wait on the Lord. (Psalm27:14) This means to tarry and wait in the presence of the Lord in prayer and supplication. Peter, James and John could not spend one hour in prayer in the Garden of Gethsamane. But after My death and resurrection only, they fully understood their vision in life. After that all My disciples and believers used to spend days and nights in the Upper Room in prayer. They learnt how to pray and wait for My answer. They learnt how to hear My voice speaking to them


and to obey Me. They learnt how to preach the gospel and to do the miracles after they were filled with the Holy Spirit by waiting in prayer for long hours in My presence. Even today, those of My servants who tarry in My presence in prayer are filled with the Holy Spirit and are able to do their ministry with power. Even the believers do not realise the importance of waiting in prayer in My presence. They are more eager to go about doing some ministry or the other. Without tarrying in prayer there can be no successful ministry. Those who know how to do this get many spiritual blessings and are blessed in other ways also. There are ministers in the world today for whom the ministry is a means of earning a living. One day they will have to give an account of their ministry. Those who wait on the Lord in prayer will know the blessing of this. Those who love the Lord will find that tarrying in My presence is joy to them.�


13. DEATH “Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. I will fear no evil, for Thou art with Me.(Psalm 23:4) This is the promise for those who die in the Lord. Every person in the world has to face death. I told Adam and Eve that the day they disobey Me and eat the forbidden fruit they will die. I have created man with body, soul and spirit. It is not My intention to reveal to man what would have happened to mankind if Adam and Eve did not eat the fruit. Everything was perfect in My creation before sin came into the world. Adam andd Eve did not know what evil and sin was till they ate the fruit. They knew only goodness and love and truth. From the beginning the devil is a liar. He lied to them and told them that they would not die. The day they ate the fruit, their innocence and goodness died- and sin and wickedness was born in the world. Death came to the world and its inhabitants, its living creatures and plants and trees. I cursed mankind and the world and everything in it was cursed. Death was the curse on mankind. Death came to the plants and the trees and they dried up. Rivers dried up and died. Animals killed eachother and died. People and animals died of starvation and sickness. Wickedness became more and more rife in the world till I destroyed mankind in the flood, except Noah and his family. But, since I have created man with a body, soul and spirit it was only his physical body that died. To defeat the devil whose intention was to take the souls of mankind, in many ways I spoke to the people – through My servants - to teach them the right way to escape the final death, the spiritual death of their souls. The


priests and the prophets and the judges warned them and taught them the right way. Those who listened to them were saved. As the people in the world increased and spread all over the world, I knew that the only way to save mankind was to send My own beloved Son to the world to bear the sins of the world and to sacrifice His life and shed His blood so that all those who believed in Him will be saved. I loved the world that I had created that I was willing that My own Son should suffer and give His own life for the world and be resurrected on the third day. (John3:16) Even as My Son conquered death and rose again on the third day, all those who believe in Me will also conquer death and sin and will live forever in My kingdom. The people of the world all have fear of death. Many old people specially spend their life in fear of death. But noone can escape death. For the unsaved, this is a real fear, because only their bodies die and their souls will live in torment and suffering.But those who believe in the true God and Saviour who came into the world, who died on the cross to save mankind, will not fear death , because they have gained a victory over death and sin. Life after death will be a glorious life with the Saviour and God in whom they believed. The death that was brought into the world by Adam and Eve was conquered by the way of the cross which leads into everlasting life. The Word of God says –I am the Resurrection and Life and whosoever believes in Me will live with Me forever in My kingdom.�(John11:25)


14. KING OF KINGS “A king sits on a throne in a palace. Thrones are made for kings to sit on and they are found only in palaces. They are made of the costliest materials. Gold, silver and gems are used for the king’s throne. When a king comes in all his majesty and sits on his beautiful throne, it is a wonderful sight. His majestic appearance gives a sense of awe, respect and obedience in people. They humble themselves and bow down. A king on the throne is full of the power and dignity of his position. His word becomes the law. He is the judge of the land over all other judges of the whole country. He is the chief judge. No one will oppose to dare what he says. This power and authority and influence over the people is given to him from God.(Romans 13:1) If he uses it properly the people he rules are blessed. When a worldly king can be so powerful and great when he sits on a worldly throne, how much great is the King of kings and Lord of heaven who sits on a heavenly throne. Yet this great King cast off His kingly robe and left His throne in heaven to come down to the world not as a king but as a common man. Though He was known as the King of the Jews, he humbled himself to save mankind by His death and resurrection. For the poorest man, even his hut is his palace and the mat he sits on is his throne and the members of his household are his subjects. Even though the King of kings lived as a man for some years the peoplecould see the kingship and lordship in Him. That is why when he rode on a donkey they hailed Him and treated Him as a king. Some even tried to force Him to become a worldly king but He told them that His kingdom was not an earthly kingdom. It was a heavenly kingdom.(John18:33)


After His resurrection the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords went back to His heavenly throne, seated on the right side of the Father, from where one day He will judge the world. It is now a throne of grace for the inhabitants of the world. Those who believe are free to approach the throne of grace where sits the King of Kings. With great love and compassion the Lord hears the prayers of those that come to the throne of grace. Even now the King of Kings leaves His throne and walks among the people. He comes down to them to heal them, to save them from their sins, to help them in their troubles and sorrows and to wipe their tears. He is the wisest as well as the most compassionate and loving King. He is the Lord and Saviour of all the world. All those who accept Him as King and Saviour; those who worship Him as King of Kings and Lord of Lords; those who bow their knees to Him and humble themselves before Him; those who have been washed in the blood of the Lamb; those who have been filled with the Holy Spirit – will one day sit on thrones and rule with Him. (Revelation1:6) But alas! For all the others who do not at this present time, in the world, acknowledge Him as the King, Lord and Saviour of the world – they will see Him as their Judge at the end of the world. He will be seated on the throne with all His glory and majesty as the King of Kings – when the whole world will come before Him in judgement.(Revelation 20:11,12) Now is the day of salvation. Now is the time to bow the knee to the King of Kings who sits on the throne. Those who neglect to do this now will do it when it is too late for them – when they see with their own eyes the King of Kings and Lord of Lords in all His glory.”


15. PILLARS “The pillars of the building are among the most important construction in any building. Those who have constructed their house know this. A strong building must have strong pillars. The Temple of Jerusalem had many beautiful pillars in it. The pillars support the wall and the roof of a building. The importance of the pillars is seen in the story of Samson. The roof of the building rested on two strong pillars. When Samson pulled down those pillars the whole roof collapsed and thousands of people on the roof died. (Judges16:23-30) Many buildings which had pillars were not only built with strong pillars but also the pillars were beautifully decorated. If the pillars are not strong the building will collapse. Very old buildings which are in ruins can be seen and recognised by the pillars which stand for centuries, even though the other parts of the building may have collapsed and lie in ruins. Some pillars beautifully carved are a work of art. The idol-worshippers build their temples with such pillars. The temples with beautiful pillars may look grand but they are the abode of satan. In these days people build pillars so strong using metal rods also so that they can support many storeys built one upon the other. The members of a family are the pillars of a home. Like a building with strong pillars these members also are strong in their faith and spiritual life, and love for each other and for others. That home is a beautiful home. It will stand strong against the evil forces of darkness. The leaders and members of a church are the pillars of a church. If these pillars are strong in their faith and worship Me in spirit and truth, their church will be blessed and will wthstand the attacks of satan. It is from such


churches that I will finally build My church. Though the Temple of Jerusalem was built with strong pillars and was beautiful to look at , it was completely destroyed. In the last days there will be earthquakes and many buildings however strong they may be, will crumble and fall down. Man also destroys strong buildings with his bombs. My children stand in the world like strong pillars which satan will not be able to destroy because they are reinforced with the Holy Spirit. Troubles and trials may beat against them, but they cannot be shaken and they will not break and fall because their foundation and reinforcement is in Me. These are the true children of God, and I desire that all those who believe in Me should stand firm as reinforced pillars.�


16. TWO SONS “I will arise and go to My father - said the younger son, when the whole world deserted him and he had nowhere else to go. The prodigal son is a story , a parable known to most people – not only the Christians but even those of other religions. He is the son who left the security of the father’s home to enjoy the pleasures of the world. The father had two sons. Both were brought up together with the same affection, loved and cared for – but their natures were different. The elder son was a reserved person without much attachments. He also had friends but he did not care much about them. If he had, he would not have told his father that he did not give him even a kid to enjoy with his friends. He knew that he had a share in the father’s property like the younger son, and even more being the elder. He had the rights of an elder son . He was proud of his position as the eldest son. He was dutiful to his parents and carried out his duties as a son. He did not love his brother and was not much affected by his brother’s leaving the house. He cared more for the property that the brother took with him when he left. He was not glad when his brother returned and was jealous of his parents’ rejoicing and celebrating their younger son’s return. Any time this elder son could have asked his father for anything he wanted and he could have received it and even more, and yet he blamed his father for not giving him even a kid to enjoy with his friends. Today also in the world there are people who do not have the faith to ask their heavenly Father - who loves them more than any earthly father for their needs. I have so much of blessings, spiritual & material to give to My children and those who ask in faith receive the blessings that I shower on them.


The Word of God says – Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened unto you. He that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and those who knock, it will be opened unto them.(Matthew 7:7,8) There are people who do not care to ask, or they are too proud to ask. Yet they expect everything to be given to them and when they do not get what they want they are jealous of those who have humbled themselves inMy presence and have asked from Me and received their blessings. The younger son was a wayward child. He loved the worldly things. He wanted to enjoy life. He did not know how to choose his friends. He was not satisfied with the comforts and security of his home. He was tempted by satan and attracted by the evil pleasures of the world. He demanded and took his share of wealth from his father against his advice. Even at home he spent his time and wasted it with his friends, who cared only for his money and not for him. Such people are easily a prey for satan. He squandered all his money in riotous living till he becaame a beggar and all his friends left him. He did not learn to do any kind of work while he was at home. So he had to starve. Only then he came to his senses and repented. He remembered his father’s love and the comforts of his home. Though he came back in rags, having wasted all his money , the father’s love for him did not change. Every day he waited for his son to come back. He welcomed him with open arms and kissed him and celebrated his home-coming. Like the two sons, there are two types of people. Some are like the selfrighteous, proud, elder son – who expect their place in heaven as their right because they think they are good. But unless they repent for their sins and confess they are sinners and humble themselves – they can never enter into the kingdom of heaven.


There are others like the second son – many of whom are now doing My ministry – who have repented with tears and sorrow and humility and have been washed in the blood, of all their sins. The Word of God says – though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.(Isaiah 1:18) There is more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over many selfrighteous people who do not repent.”(Luke 15:10)


17. BOOKS “Books are found everywhere in the world. The Word of God says – in the last days knowledge shall increase.(Daniel12:4) As knowledge increases more and more books are written and the books also increase. The first written messege of God was given to Moses on the mountain. They were the ten commandments. They were written by the finger of the Almighty God on two tables of stone. As the Lord gave more and more instructions to Moses, Moses later on wrote down all the instructions and all that God spoke to him and all the events that happened from the creation of the world. In spite of all these instuctions the Israel people did not follow them. From the beginning of history God gave man knowledge to read and write and all kinds of books were written by all kinds of people. Today in the world which is full of sin and man’s imagination and mind has been corrupted with the help of satan, some people write evil books full of wickedness, filthy and vulgar. Satan tempts the young people usually to read such books which corrupt their minds and thoughts and makes them to do wicked things. At the same time there are very good books written by good people for the good of mankind to improve his knowledge, to give him good thoughts and actions.The children of God – those who have accepted Me as Lord and Saviour – will read only the good books and reject and spurn the evil books. Parents have a responsibility in this. From a young age they should encourage their children to read only good books so that they develop a taste for the good books from which they will learn the difference between the


good and the bad- and choose the good which will give them pure minds and pure actions and a pure heart. Though millions of different books have been written the greatest of all from the beginning is the Bible – the Word of God. It is the Book that is found throughout the world and the greatest number of copies have been printed more than any other book in the world. Even those who worship other gods have to acknowledge this. Those who are seeking the truth, when they read the Bible they will find the truth. Many have testified to this. It has changed the lives of many people. It has been praised throughout the world for its greatness and richness. Even those who do not believe in Me,quote verses from the Bible. This can be found in the ordinary magazines and newspapers. Many servants of God are moved by the Spirit of God. Even as in the old, those who wrote the Bible were moved by the Spirit of God and guided to write all the books of the Bible.(II Timothy 3:16) Even so today the Holy Spirit of God uses the servants of God to write books and messages to touch the hearts of the people and lead and guide them to salvation, to a richer, purer and holy life. I speak directly to many children of mine and make them write down messages that I give them, so that the messages will be read by many to be a blessing for them. There were many books written in heaven. Daniel and Job were given visions and they were directed to wrire them down, and some of the prophets were also used in this way. The books in heaven are written by the angels under My direction. On the Judgement day these books will be opened and read out. The deeds of


the people on earth are recorded in heaven in books. The Word of God says – Those whose names are not found in the Book of Life on the day of judgement will be sent into eternal punishment.(Revelation20:12-15) Those who desire to have their names written in the Book of Life, even while they are on the earth must believe in the true God and worship Him alone. They must repent for their sins and be washed in the blood that I shed for them on the cross and receive the salvation that I offer to everyone in the world, through My death and resurrection. I am the way, the truth and the life. (John 14:6) Those who believe in Me and love Me and follow Me only they will have their names written in the Book of Life and they will be rewarded and enter My kingdom, where they will live eternally.�


18. WHERE DO YOU GO? “What went ye to see? This is the question I asked those who saw John the Baptist.(Matthew 11:7-9) Some of those who saw John the Baptist only saw his outward appearance. They saw his camel skin dress and his wild appearance. They despised him. They expected to see a person dressed in fine clothes preaching to them words, pleasant words that they liked to hear. They did not like the fiery preaching of the truth and so they lost their salvation. But many others did not care about his outward appearance. They were captivated by his powerful message. They responded to his call for repentance and were convicted of their sins. They were saved and baptised. Today in the world also people go to different places with the intent of seeing something there, or someone. Some go to see and enjoy the sinful pleasures of the world. They cannot see and enjoy even the beauties of nature. It has no attraction for them. Some go to see and flatter people of high positions and rich people. They have no eyes or pity for the poor suffering humanity. They despise them. There are Christians who go to see and hear preachers who give them pleasant sermons flattering their ego. They criticise the preachers who speak the truth and rebuke them for their sinful ways. They do not like preachers who tell them to repent for their sins and to be washed in the blood of the lamb and be saved. The do not like preachers who tell them to be filled with the Holy Spirit. They do not like preachers who point out their sins. I have created many beautiful things in the world for My children to see and enjoy. In the world there are innocent and good pleasures also. The children of God – specially those who are filled with the Holy Spirit, know


how to choose the good things and reject the bad. They see and read the Word of God and hear the preaching of the Word of God by My chosen servants and ministers. They are saved and grow in their spiritual lives and spend their time in praying and they will enter into My kingdom.�


19. STORMS “Peace be still.(Mark4:39) With these words I stilled the storm and waves that were dashing over that small boat on the sea. Those beloved disciples of Mine, though they loved Me so much did not understand at that time that I was the Creator of heaven and earth; and the elements were subject to Me. With their own strength and effort they tried to row the boat through the storm and the waves. They did not want to disturb My sleep. When they thought that the boat would sink with all of them in it, they cried aloud and woke Me up. Being human, fear came into their hearts. When they saw the storm subside and the waves become still, only then they realised My divinity and fell down at My feet and worshipped Me. Today also when people are in physical danger of their lives wherever they may be- on the land, on the sea, or on a mountain or in a forest – they cry out to Me to save them from the terrible situation they are caught in. At that moment they realise that only I can save them after they have tried other means with their own effort to save themselves. Some of these people are unsaved people though they are Christians. But when a disaster strikes, they realise their position and at that critical time they look to Me for help. I have promised in My Word –Call upon Me in your trouble and I will save you.(Psalm 50:15) I hear even the faintest whisper of My name by those who call Me and I save them from the danger in which they are. Even those who worship other gods - if they call upon Me – I will hear their prayers and save them. Tribulations and trials come like storms in the lives of the people. They are tossed to and fro without knowing where to turn for help. Those who do


not have faith in Me and those who do not believe in Me, try to escape and get out of their troubles by different means. Unable to bear the trials some take their own lives. At this time satan tries to influence them and he leads them into deeper waters of trial and troubles. But those who look to Me for help - and Me only, and not any other god – I will deliver them out of their tribulation and calm the storms in their lives. Though the storms may rage and the billows are high in a person’s life, he or she will find a calm retreat, a shelter from the storms of life, in Me. A true believer’s life will have trials but in the midst of the storm they will find peace and calmness in their faith and trust in Me. I have said – Come unto Me all ye that are burdened and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.(Matthew 11:28) I will give you peace that passes all understanding that the world cannot give. When you call upon Me in trial, trouble or danger, I will deliver you.”


20. MY ROD AND MY STAFF “Thy rod and staff, they comfort Me.(Psalm 23:4) The rod and staff can both be made of the same material, but they have different uses and they are made for different purposes and they are of different thickness and length. A rod is an instument for correction. People use rods on others for punishment. Parents and teachers use the rod on the children to correct them when they go wrong and when they are disobedient. But those who use the rod have to be very cautious in using it, becaause punishments by rod are not always beneficial. Prisoners are also punished with lashes from the rod. The Word of God says to use the rod to correct a child(Proverbs23:13) and it also says – though a fool is beaten with a rod, he will not be corrected.(Proverbs 17:10) So the rod cannot always be an instrument of correction. Moses used the rod to do the miracles. When he struck the rod in obedience to Me, the water came out from the rock for the people to drink, and yet the second time when he struck the rock for water, it was in disobedience to Me and he was punished. The rod is a symbol of punishment. Cruel people and wicked authorities misuse their positions in punishing others. Wh y does the Word of God say Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort? Because when I use the rod, when I give a punishment, I do it out of love to correct My children. I use the rod only for My children not for the wicked people. In this way I corrected Adam and Eve, Moses, Jacob, David and many others, even some of My disciples. Those of My children whom I correct – it is for their own good. That is why it is a comfort for them. For the wicked, I have other ways of punishment.


The staff is an instrument for the weak, old and tired people – to lean on and help them walk. Those who mind sheep and cattle usually carry a staff with them. They do not use it to beat these animals – just to prevent them from going astray. They guide them with the staff. The weak, the lame and the very old use the staff to walk and it supports them. My staff is a symbol of love I show to My children. I am a staff on which they can lean. When they go through their journey in this life, I am the staff who prevents them from falling into sin, dangers and troubles. I am the staff which comforts My people . I also guide them and prevent them from straying from Me. Those who lean on Me will find the joy and blessing and comfort only I can give them. Those who believe in Me will understand when the Word of God says –Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort Me, because My rod and My staff are both necessary for a true believer in this life.”


21. JEHOVAH JIREH “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.(Matthew 4:4) Even as I resisted the evil one by using the Words of the Holy Book, I give you the authority to overcome satan by the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. Food and drink are necessary for man to live. I created lovely, sweet and luscious fruits in the Garden of Eden and pure water for drinking. In spite of this satan tempted the woman to eat the forbidden fruit which was not their food and the man did the same. Till today people sin in the matter of food and drink. Though there are so many different kinds of wholesome, tasty and nutritious food and pure water for man to drink, he lusts after the harmful food that destroys his body by illness. By taking unnatural food and alchoholic and poisonous drinks, he destroys both his body and soul. When I brought the Israel people out of Egypt they sinned in the matter of food and drink by murmuring. Though I did miracles and showed My might, they did not have the faith that I could indeed furnish a table for them in the wilderness. For forty years, though they murmured against Me and I had to punish them, I fed and clothed them and gave them pure water to drink. I sent them food directly from heaven – the manna that they ate for forty years. Besides the spiritual needs of the people, I understand the physical and material needs also. Out of compassion only, I fed the five thousand people who followed Me to hear My voice, with five loaves and two fishes. I am the God who provides food, clothing and shelter for man. The ungodly rich people give much importance to the material things.


They gorge themselves with the richest food. They dress in the richest clothes. They live in mansion-like houses. They enjoy all the worldly pleasures. Yet they have no peace or happiness. They run here and there seeking for peace and happiness from different gods in different places, but they never find it. The ungodly poor also spend their lives in search of food, drink,clothing and shelter. They live from day to day. The Word of God says – Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.(Matthew 6:33) The riches of the godly are a blessing for them. They use their riches wisely and for the glory of God. The godly poor are satisfied with what they have and live in peace and happiness. I hear their prayers and grant them material blessings also, so that they shall not be in want of anything. Though they may not be rich they will have sufficient food, drink and shelter. Greed and gluttony are sins with which satan tempts even the believers. Even in matters of food and drink, let it be done for the glory of God.(I Corinthians 10:31) Food is important for man’s body, to keep him alive. To seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness, the Word of God is more important for His soul, because the body will perish and die, but the soul does not die. Those who long more for the spiritual blessings will receive the material blessings also.�


22. TEACHERS, PROPHETS & PASTORS “The Word of God says – in the last days there will be many false teaches and false prophets. False doctrines will be preached by the false pastors.(II Peter 2:1) The false teachers will interpret false meanings to the Word of God. They will try to turn away the minds of the young people, the youth and the children by misinterpreting the Bible verses, by giving false and wrong meanings on the pretense of teaching the Word of God. These people belong to the church. They are leaders in the church, but they are the tools of satan. Satan uses them to put wrong ideas into the minds and hearts of the young ones and the youth. I give the gifts of the Holy Spirit to those who have been washed in the blood and saved and have received the anointing of the Holy Spirit. These are My servants who do their ministry sincerely and faithfully. When they minister to others the Holy Spirit puts the words in their mouth to talk to the people. I used the prophets of old to warn the people of the dangers. I also use the prophets to guide the people to do My will. I spoke to the people through the prophets and taught them many things. Even today I have chosen prophets and filled them with the gifts of the Holy Spirit to prophesy to individuals, to warn them. To guide them and comfort them. When they pray for others the gifts are operated and miracles take place. Secrets are revealed and people are healed also. But in the last days, as predicted in the Word of God, there are false prophets, who for the sake of money minister to the people through the word of prophesy. I have not given them the gifts of the Spirit. They are unsaved people, the tools of the devil who works through them. They say words to


their liking, untrue words, according to their circumstances. They speak and falsely say – the Lord says so when I did not say(Jermiah14:15) for their own gain and to mislead the people and for fame - they do this. Foolish people are deceived by them, but the true believer will recognise them as false prophets and will not believe them. Then there are false pastors. What a terrible responsibility they have to answer to God! They are in a high responsible position in the church. They are like the pharisees of old – these false pastors. For worldly gain and name they have chosen a career as pastor. It is a profession to them. They use the church to make money for them in crooked ways. They misuse the money of the church. Worse than that, they preach false doctrines from the pulpit to the congregation. These pastors are also the tools of the devil. They turn the people away from the truth by their lies. Like the money-changers and those who sold in the Jerusalem Temple , these pastors use the church for merchandise. They are the cause of divisions in the churches because of the wrong doctrines they preach. They twist the Word of God and preach messages that are pleasing to the people. They reject the truth. Those in the church who are believers will easily recognise such pastors. They will leave the church where people worship only with their lips and not from their hearts. Because of the ministry of the false pastors, these believers will go for fellowship with other believers where they worship Me in spirit and truth - where the pastor ministers to the flock under his care; a pastor filled with the Holy Spirit whose messages and sermons come directly from above. They realise their responsibility for the church. The church that has a true pastor will grow in all ways and be blessed. The true teachers, the true prophets and the true pastors will receive their reward in My kingdom, when I shall say to them –Well done thou good and


faithful servant.(Matthew 25:21) The false teachers, the false prophets and the false pastors will be judged and condemned. They will give excuses and try to justify themselves that they worked for Me and served Me in the world. But I will reject them and cast them into the outer darkness along with their masters, the devils whom they served on the earth. Be warned! Learn to recognise who are the true teachers, true prophets and true pastors. You can do this only through the Holy Spirit and through prayer.�


23. NAME ABOVE ALL NAME “His name is Wonderful, Councellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.(Isaiah 9:6) His name is Emmanuel.(Matthew1:23) His name is Jesus.(Matthew 1:21) These are some of the names to Me in the Word of God. By the Holy Spirit many preachers have preached on this subject. To those who believe in Me, all those have deep meaning in them. They understand I am Wonderful to them. My creations are wonderful to them. My love is wonderful to them. The blessings I give them are wonderful to them. Everything about Me is wonderful to them. I am a wonderful God to them. My children when they are troubled and in distress look to Me for councel. I am their Councellor. When they are perplexed I councel them how to act. When they pray to Me for guidance I lead and guide them. I speak to them through the Holy Spirit. Those who obey My counel will never fall into satan’s traps. But alas! for those who turn away from My councel and obey satan! I am the Mighty God who created heaven and earth and all that is therein. I am the Mighty God seated on the throne on the right hand of My Father. I am the Mighty God before whom the angels fall and bow down. I have shown My might and power to mankind so that they will believe in Me and worship Me alone as the true God. In spite of this some people turn away from Me to worship false Gods who cannot speak or see or hear them. My might and power is revealed in the Word of God to those who read it. The elements of nature obey Me. They are under My control. Even to the birds and animals I am The Mighty God - the one who shut the mouth of the lions when Daniel was thrown into the lions’ den. I am the God who


sends thunder, lightning and rain. I am the God who made the dumb ass to speak. But there are people in the world who do not acknowledge Me as the Mighty God. At the end of the world they will know Me as the Judge and the Mighty God. My peace I give to you not as the world gives.(John14:27) I am the Prince of Peace and the peace I give you is the peace that passes all understanding. (Philipians 4:7) When a sinner is saved he gets this peace in his heart. The life of a believer may be full of sorrows and trials, but he will have My peace. The whole world may be full of troubles, wars and bloodshed, but My children will have this peace. Riches cannot give this peace. There are so many rich people in the world who have all the pleasures of life but they have no peace. Money, fame, property, riches and wealth, and high positions cannot give peace. Those who have everything must look for that peace to Me alone because I am the Prince of Peace. I am the Everlating Father to all My children. I created mankind and I am their Father – Father of all mankind. But the people of the world, like the prodigal son, they left the Father and went astray. Earthly Fathers may be very loving and kind to their children, but they are fathers to them only as long as they live. I am their Father from everlasting to everlasting. There are also earthly fathers who do not love their children, who are cruel to them and wicked. They also die and pass away. But I am a loving Father forever to My children. My name is Jesus because I am the Saviour, the only Saviour of the world. I came into the world to give My life for the people. When I was born in the world I was named Jesus – He who saves. He is the Saviour of the people. Yes, I had to be born in this world , and grow up as a man to bear the sins of mankind, and give My life and shed My blood on the cross, so that man


may be saved from his sins. Those who believe in the salvation that I offer so freely, will be saved from their sins when they repent and accept Me and know Me as their Saviour. I am the only Saviour of the world –Jesus. Wherever My children are I am with them. I am Emmanuel to them. That is why I said – Where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am in their midst.(Matthew18:20) I am present everywhere. Those who call upon Me in their trials and distress and troubles and in their sorrows – I am with them. Many have experienced this in their lives. I am a living God who hears My children’s cries, their prayers – who sees them and who walks with them forever. If they are faithful to the end, they will be with Me and I with them and in the world also I am the God with them –Emmanuel.”


24. SACRIFICE “The blood of the bull and goats can never wash away sins.(Hebrews 10:4) There are many reasons why the people of the world shed blood. Man’s life is in his blood. That is why the Word of God says – when creatures are killed for food, the blood must be allowed to fall on the ground. The blood should not be eaten because the life is in the blood.(Leviticus 17:14) Only after man sinned blood was shed. Animals had to be killed to provide food from their flesh and clothes from their skins. As an atonement for their sins, people were instucted to kill their animals, shed their blood and sacrifice them by burning them in the fire. Abel’s blood was the first human blood that was shed by his brother Cain who killed him. As the people increased and sin became rife in the world, human blood was shed. Those who were true to Me and follwed My instructions offered the animals in sacrifice according to My instructions for an atonement for their sins. But when I came to the world, there was no need to shed the blood of animals as sacrifice because I bore the sins of the whole world and offered Myself for a sacrifice. I shed My blood on the cross for an atonement for the sins of the whole world. The idol-worshippers offer the sacrifices of the animals to their gods – not for their sins but to appease the gods of whom they live in fear, so that these gods do not do any harm to them. They even offer human sacrifice. Sometimes even witout killing the humanbeings or shedding their blood, they burn them alive as sacrifice to the gods whom they fear, as an appeasement of their anger against the people. These people are influenced in this by the devil, and the gods they worship are devils which demand the lives of the


people and the blood which is the life of the people. I am a God of love and it was this love which made Me offer Myself as a supreme sacrifice for mankind once and for all. I do not demand any kind of blood or sacrifice. The blood of bulls and goats can never wash away sins. Today I am alive and those who believe in My death and resurrection and are washed and cleansed in My blood of all their sins and are saved, will live with Me forever in My kingdom.�


25. GARMENTS “When Adam and Eve ate the fruit and sinned they realised that they were naked. To cover their nakedness they sewed fig leaves together and wore them as a garment and hid themselves from Me.(Genesis 3:7,8) The fig leaves only covered their nakedness. It did not cover their sins. They could not hide themselves from Me. When they left the Garden, animals had to supply them with their skins as garments. People learnt to weave cloth in different materials to wear as garments. Because of the sin that came into the world, people needed garments for their protection from the climate as well as to cover their bodies. They learnt to make beautiful and attractive garments. As man’s knowledge increased there is no limit to the variety of garments they create. Some of the garments they wear are an abomination to Me. They are the devil’s creation. None of these garments can cover their sins. The Word of God says to be clothed with the garment of salvation.(Isaiah 61:10) Those who are washed in the blood of the lamb are clothed with the garment of salvation and in My kingdom they will wear white raiment. The Word of God says to wear the robe of righteousness.(Isaiah61:10) Man’s righteousness is only filthy rags in My sight.(Isaiah64:6) When he humbles himself in My presence and comes to Me in humility, I will take away his filthy rags and clothe him with the robe of righteousness so that he may be acceptable in My sight and I hear his prayers. When I was in the world, many were healed just by touching My garments because of their faith in Me. The pharisees used to wear long robes to show that they were holy but their hearts were full of wickedness. Even today, some people wear clothes which outwardly show they are holy but inwardly


they may not be so. I do not see the outward dress of the people. I see into their 63 hearts and judge them. Those who are invited to come to My feast will be given a wedding garment. (Matthew 22:11) Only those who come by the right way into My kiingdom will be given the wedding garments. I am the Way, the Truth and the Light.(John 14:6) Those who enter My kingdom through Me will be given this wedding garment and those who try to enter in any other way will not have the wedding garment and will be cast out into utter darkness.(Matthew22:12,13) John was given the vision of the multitudes of the ransomed people in heaven who had been washed in the blood of the Lamb and they were clothed in white raiment such as was never seen in the world.(Revelation 7:9) Fine clothes and garments are of no use to people unless they are clothed with the garments of truth, righteousness, salvation and they are filled with the Holy Spirit. Those who touch My garment in faith will be healed of their diseases. Desire to wear the garments that I have provided for you and lust not for the costly garments of the world.� 64


TESTIMONY OF SIS. GLORIA DHARMAPALAN “… I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction”. (Is. 48:10) I praise the Lord for the furnace of affliction, through which I was saved by the blood of Jesus and my family was blessed. From that day I never looked back but went forward growing in my spiritual life. I continued to have a very close relationship with my Lord and Saviour Jesus speaking to Him. He has spoken, guided and upheld me in my daily life. In 1975 I received the anointing of the Holy Spirit with the manifestation of praising and speaking in tongues. As I progressed I experienced miracles and visions while praying at home and in church. The Lord used me to serve Him by ministering to others. There were instants when the Lord has told to pray specifically for unknown people, even mentioning their names at times. Thus I could see the gifts of the Holy Spirit being operated. I give all the glory to Him. From 1990, while praying with my daughter Helen Solomon, the Lord has given visions and messages on many topics which Helen has written down what I repeated as the Lord told me. On 06.03.1990 the Lord said, “I give you the privilege of having a relationship with me which is more than any human relationship because you are my beloved children. Desire for this relationship and I will give it to you, as you grow in your spiritual life”. On 21.03.1990, the Lord said, “The special gift of the Holy Spirit you have from above, is more precious than gold. Guard it. You will know how to use it in time that my Name may be glorified among the heathen. As commissioned by the Lord Jesus, these messages were written for all to read and be blessed and for the Glory of God. Alleluia! Mrs. Gloria Dharmapalan

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