God Speaks - Vol IV

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GOD SPEAKS Gloria Dharmapalan

GOD SPEAKS - VOL IV info@godspeaks.in www..godspeaks.in Designed by Kingston Abraham © Beracah All rights reserved © Cover Design , by Kingston Abraham © Paper Back Design, by Kingston Abraham Distributed under license Creative Commons First Edition, April 2016

God Speaks - VOL IV God Speaks are messages given by God to Gloria Dharmapalan, My mother, from 1990 to 2001. As commissioned by the Lord Jesus these messagesgiven during prayer are, for all to read and be blessed. They are a source ofencouragement. They open our eyes to many truths and deep meanings of the Word of God. On March 22nd , 1990 the Lord said, “Little by little you are learning things from Me. Because your understanding is small, I speak to you of simple things. Because like Mary you sit at My feet to hear Me speaking, I speak to you, My children. As I teach you, you must teach these things to others. Speak to them about the things I teach you. It is not only for yourselves I tell these things. It is so that others may also hear them from you and benefit from it. I will teach more things in the days to come. You will receive My blessings when you do it.� These messages are in simple spoken English so that anyone who reads them can understand them.Those who read these messages are sure to hear His voice saying, I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not.(Jeremiah33:3) Read on and be blessed.

Praise the Lord.





1. GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT “The gifts of the Holy Spirit are not given to everyone who desires. Only I choose the people to give them the gifts. Certain gifts are given to many when they pray in earnest. It may not be a gift but it is an answer to a prayer. Sometimes when a person prays for a person who is sick I hear the prayer and heal that person.It is not a gift. Those who pray in faith receive the answer to their prayers.(Mark 16:17) Believers must know to distinguish the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Those who are in the ministry receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit usually. But others also receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit so that I can use them in whichever place they are. The gift of knowledge has been given to those who are filled with the spirit and write books and messages and those who preach. The gift of knowledge and prophesy can be misused. So these gifts are given only to those who I know will not misuse them. Those who are filled with the Holy Spirit and who are strong in faith will be able to use the gift of discerning spirits and casting out evil spirits. All those who are filled with the spirit may receive the gift of tongues. But not all will have the gift of diversity of tongues and interpretation of tongues. Those who spend long time in My presence praying together will have these gifts. Those who are really in earnest to serve Me will be able to operate the gifts of the Holy Spirit wherever they are. Pastors and preachers and evangelists who are filled with the Holy Spirit operate the gifts of the Holy Spirit also. The gifts of the Holy Spirit will be operated according to the situation wherever the necessity comes.There are larger gatherings in the spiritual meetings than in the worldly meetings.


Through the gifts of the Spirit souls are saved. When the Holy Spirit is poured out people are warned; they are guided in their actions; the evil spirits are driven out of those who are possessed and they are saved. The churches grow in spirit and truth and in members. When the gifts of the Spirit are operated satan is defeated. All saved people who have been washed in the blood , who believe and are baptised and filled with the Holy Spirit, should desire to serve Me (Pray for others), and I will give them the gifts of the Holy Spirit.�


2. THE EARTH “Where there was only water I made the land to appear and thus I created the earth. I made the plants and trees to grow on the earth and the flowers and the fruits – all to beautify the earth. I created a beautiful earth in preparation for man and his generations, whom I would create. The animals, the birds and the creatures of the sea were also created for mankind. After creating all this, I created man and gave him authority over the earth and the creatures in it. I was pleased with what I had created. I loved to come to the earth and talk to the humanbeings that I created. Everything I had created was perfect and beautiful, but the day they disobeyed Me and sinned everything began to change. The curse came upon the earth and its inhabitants. Even then I sent the rain to water the ground so that the crops may grow. The lightning and thunder were also My creation. Even as death came to mankind the vegetation grew and died. The animals and other creatures also died. As mankind increased on the earth sin also increased. Satan was free to roam on the earth. Though I also frequently spoke to the people many listened to satan’s voice and followed his deeds. I punished them. But still they sinned, though there were always some who were true to Me. The beautiful earth that I created lost its beauty. It was mankind who was responsible for this. Out of his greed he destroyed the forests and this was the cause of deserts forming in some places. Volcanoes erupted and earthquakes and storms and floods and such disasters took place on the earth. In spite of man’s disobedience I still loved him and according to the Father’s plan I came to the world to die for mankind to bear his sins, to shed My blood for his sins so that all those who believe in Me may be saved at the


end of the world. As it is written in the Word of God – this once beautiful earth which I created will be completely destroyed and I will create a new earth.(Revelation 21:1; Isaiah65:17) Before that happens the people have the choice of being saved by believing in Me, from being condemned by following satan. The signs of all this – about the changes that will take place before the end of the world are written in the Word of God. Those who seek the truth and read the Word of God faithfully will understand when they see the changes taking place on the earth. They will know My Second coming is very near. I created other planets also which man with his knowledge tries to explore but only the earth was created for man to live on. Those who believe in Me, will understand all that is written in the Word of God, about the earth and mankind, and they will know Me as their Creator and Saviour.”


3. SERVE THE LORD “The word I told My disciples before I left the world – Go ye into the world and preach the Gospel.(Mark 16:15) Lo! Even so, I am sending My disciples to every corner of the world today. I choose the people and send them. Some I choose in the mother’s womb; some I choose later; some I choose through tribulations. Still I am seeking and searching for those who will say, “Here I am. Send Me.”Anyone, young or old , who is willing I choose and use them. Those who are willing to serve Me, should stir up others also. When you give the message anywhere stir up the souls to serve Me. Some think they are backward to surrender for service. Some have all kinds of doubts in their mind. These are the saved souls but have fear to surrender themselves for service. They are too weak to go forward and they are satisfied with their salvattion. But every soul should be a testimony for me. They become My servants in the world to serve Me. The fields are ready to be harvested but the labourers are still not enough. I want more labourers. Wherever you tell the Gospel, give this message.”


4. HIGH POSITIONS “The fields are ripe. There are so few labourers. Labourers are not enough. The young people do not want to work for Me. They want worldly positions in the world. They want high positions in the world. Only I can lift them uo. Those who seek high positions without My will, will lose the heavenly blessings. Let every child of God – the children whose parents are believers – dedicate themselves to work in My fields. They must surrender themselves to My will. I have given intelligence and wisdom to so many of them. When they ask for it, freely I give it to them. They also work hard for it. They shine in their studies but they wish to be lifted up to high positions in the world. These young people work for the riches of the world. They spend their time and energy to work for high positions and riches in the world. They forget it was My help that made them shine in their studies and I bless their hard work too. If only they had dedicated all that knowledge and their glory and proficiency to Me, I would bring them more blessings than their worldly positions would bring them. There are some who have dedicated themselves to Me that I raise up to high positions in the world so that I can use them there. The Word of God says – If you offer a blemished offering to the governor will he accept it?(Malachi 1:8) The worldly people who wish to please someone in a high position offer costly gifts which they may not be able to afford even. There are some of My people who offer only the worst child or children in


the family to serve Me because these children are too lazy to study and come up in the worldly position. They send the best children to work for the worldly riches. Such children cannot serve Me faithfully either. They become a prey for satan, though there may be some who humble themselves and repent and serve Me faithfully. I see the hearts of the people and choose My servants. Those who love Me sincerely and faithfully and offer themselves to serve Me, though they may be illiterate or uneducated because of their circumstances, I lift them up in their service to Me and give them many spiritual blessings as well as material blessings. All are equal in My sight. I see the heart and the minds of the people and I choose and use the willing heart and hands to do My work in the fields. I am always looking for those who will say,� Here I am, send Me,�and for those who are willing to offer the best of their lives and of everything they are and have. Many such people are needed to work in My fields as the time is short, the grain is ripe and ready to be harvested. Pray that more workers may offer themselves to do My service for the salvation of souls.�


5. CRIPPLED PEOPLE “Arise and take up your bed and walk.�(John 5:8) You are no longer lame because I have healed your lame legs and you can walk . That was how I healed the lame man who had been crippled and lame for years together. When I healed him and spoke these words, with faith without any doubt in his heart, he got up, took his bed and walked away. He implicitly obeyed My commanments because of his faith in Me. In that moment he was saved also. He was physically healed and spiritually saved at the same moment. He was not only lame in his legs, but his whole body and his hands were bent and crippled. For years he lay on that bed in that state. Even today, in the world there are many people - crippled and crooked in their bodies, their minds and their souls. They are in a helpless state. They are bed-ridden. They cannot move about even in a wheel chair. The only way they can be moved is for someone to carry them. These are the hopelessly lost souls, full of sin from head to foot. Satan has complete control of them. Day after day they are in the same state till someone brings the Gospel to them. This messege of salvation penetrates into their hearts and souls and minds. In a moment by faith they are saved and made whole. The healed man did not need the bed anymore. His hands were healed and he could carry the bed and take it away. Some people are lame only in their legs. The legs are the cause of their sinning. It takes them to evil places. As the Word of God says, they run to do mischief.(Proverbs 6:18) When these people are saved, their feet carry them to different places to preach the Word of God.


Those who sin with their hands, who do mischief with their hands to cause hurt to others, to steal and destroy – even they can be saved. When they surrender their lives to Me , they use their hands to serve Me in different ways. When the crippled man was healed he used his hands to carry the old bed to take away as he didn’t need it any more. Those with crippled bodies are those who indulge in sins of drinking, gluttony and drugs, which destroy their body and soul. When they are saved, their bodies are healed in a moment and they are able to keep away from their sins by following My Word. Their bodies and souls are cleansed and washed in My blood of all their sins. All those who follow the worldly pleasures and sins, who worship other gods are like crippled people, confined to their beds and wheel chairs under the control of satan. When they are saved they throw away their beds and wheel chairs where satan has kept them and they are freed from all their sins and they are fully restored to health and purified by the Holy Spirit. They now lead new lives with faith in their Lord and Saviour who healed them and saved them.�


6. SOULS “I formed man from the dust of the earth. But there was no life in him till I put My breath into him and gave him life. I formed woman from the rib bone of Adam and gave her also life. I formed the birds and animals and other living creatures but I didn’t put My breath into them to give them life. The life of human beings is different from that of the other living creatures. I created man far above other living creatures because with his life I gave him also a soul which would never die, even when his body dies. The animals and other creatures have only bodies and no souls. With the death of their bodies they are gone forever, but the souls of man lives on even after his physical death when only his body perishes. There are people in the world who do not believe this and cannot understand it. There are others who worship other gods though they believe that the soul lives on. They have all kinds of superstitious beliefs and wrong beliefs regarding the soul. The Word of God mentions Me as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, many years after the death of these men. I am not the God of the dead but of the living. (Mark 12:26,27) The soul lives on till eternity. Man’s life is very important. It is the life that I gave him. What does he do with the life that I have given him in the world? Whom does he serve with his life? Many waste the years of their lives in sin-worldly pleasures, in searching for wealth, power and fame- and yet they do not find the happiness they seek for and often feel that their life in this world is a waste. They come to a state where without thinking of their souls they try to find


peace in death by taking their own lives. Only then they find their souls in a place of torment which is worse and where they suffer more than the life they lived in the world. I am the God who gave the life to man and no one has the right to take that life which was given by Me. Some of those who worship other gods try to lead good lives and do good works in the hope that the gods they worship will reward them after their death in the world. But those false gods are powerless and the souls of those people will also go down to the place of torment because they did not believe in the true God and follow Him during their life in the world. I came to the world as a man, to give My life so that men may receive new lives and their souls may be saved. Those who believe in Me and repent for their sins and are washed in the blood I shed for them, will receive a new life even when they are in the world. All their old ways of living will be changed. They will give first place for Me in their lives and live accordingly. Though they may have to live their secular lives also, they will live a new spiritual life and find pleasure in reading the Word of God and prayer and fellowship with believers. They will have no desire for worldly things. They will look forward to My coming. They will have no fear of death of their bodies because they have the glorious hope of entering My kingdom in new bodies where they will live with Me forever. From the beginning when I gave life to man, I loved him and I wanted him also to love Me. When sin came into the world, instead living the perfect life with which I created him, he brought about his own destruction, not only of his body but also of his soul. I have given the people the choice to live their lives for satan and the


world or to live the new life that I offer man by My death and resurrection and follow Me and serve Me till the end of his life in the world. Man’s body may die and perish but his soul never dies. He is given the choice of where he is to spend eternity - either in hell with satan or in heaven in My Kingdom with Me.�


7. GOD’S WILL “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.(Luke11:2) That is how I taught My disciples to pray and that is how I want My people to pray. Many want their prayers to be answered according to their own will. Of course I do answer sincere prayers according to the will of the believer who prays; but because it is My will also. It was My Father’s will that I had to come to the world and lay down My life. It was with great heaviness in My heart that I prayed in the Garden of Gethsamane. I prayed if it was possible that the Father would take away the cup of bitterness, that suffering I had to undergo – but only if it was My Father’s will. (Matthew 26:39) It was My Father’s will that I had to die for the sins of the world. I had to suffer agony and accordingly I obeyed My Father’s will for the salvation of the world. The Word of God says - there were many widows in Zarephath but it was the Lord’s will that, that particular widow of Zarephath was chosen to feed Elijah.(I Kings 17:9; Luke 4:25:26) It was God’s will to save Lot and his family and Rahab and her family. It was My will that Paul should have a thorn in his flesh, though he prayed many times that it should be taken away. The Word of God has got many instances where My will has to be done. Some people think that certain incidents have happened by chance, but the true believers know that it was My will that these things should happen. Those who truly love Me, who believe in Me, who trust Me, will understand when I say, not a hair shall fall from your head without My will.(Luke 21:18) This is a promise to My children.


Even sorrow and loss of a dear one, troubles, trials that a child of God has to undergo, are , because I allow it according to My will. I have said – My thoughts are not your thoughts nor are your ways My ways.(Isaiah 55:8) You cannot understand My ways or My will now but oneday everything will be clear to you. To strengthen the faith of the disciples I allowed the storm to toss the ship in which I was sleeping. After I calmed the sea their faith was strengthened. That is how sometimes I allow suffering to come into a believer’s life to strengthen their faith, but during this suffering they have to realise and surrender to My will. That is how My servant surrendered himself to My will during his suffering. When a person in his suffering surrenders to My will and endures the suffering patiently, satan is defeated. He tries to draw them away from Me and turn them away from Me in their grief. He shows them false ways to escape from their grief which will only lead them into deeper troubles. But those with faith and trust in Me, cling on to Me in their sorrows and grief, trials and tribulation - will come out of it purified and sanctified like gold that is purified and refined in fire. Many great servants of God have been called to serve Me through the furnace of affliction. Let every request be made according to My will and those who submit themselves to My will in everything will surely be blessed.�


8. IT IS FINISHED “The purpose for which My Father sent Me into the world was finished when I hung on the cross. The sacrifices of goats and bulls were finished once and for all. No more blood of animals are to be shed because when My blood was shed on the cross,the work of sacrifice was finished forever. I have completed the work of salvation by which men can be saved. People need not struggle to keep the commandments given to Moses because when they believe in My death and resurrection and are saved from their sins, they will obey the commandments. The Jews who crucified Me thought that their work was finished when they nailed Me to the cross; but My death was the beginning of the Gospel that was to be preached throughout the world. What I finished on the cross was the beginning of new life for those who were dead in their sins.Their old sinful lives were finished. The years of My life as a man were finished on the cross. After My resurrection though I showed Myself to some of My disciples I gave them the commission to preach the Gospel throughout the world. I sent the Holy Spirit to help them in the ministry. I successfully finished the work My Father sent Me to do in the world. It was a defeat for satan. He thought he could rule the world. Today by the power of the Holy Spirit, My children are continuing the work I did in the world. This work will be finished only at the end of the world. The Gospel is being preached everywhere throughout the world. Man cannot save himself by his works in any way. No one can save mankind. No other false Gods also can save man. Man cannot find salvation in any other way or name because the way of salvation and the work was completed and finished by Me on the cross.


Those who believe in My death and resurrection and are washed in My blood, will receive the salvation freely given to them and they will enter My kingdom.�


9. GOSPEL “Every day somewhere a soul is perishing without being saved. Every soul that is lost is a loss for the kingdom of God. In these last days every soul is precious. Every soul is a soul to be saved. A soul needs salvation. So many souls could have been saved if only someone had spoken the right word at the right time to that person and if they could have prayed for that soul. My greatest concern for the world is that the Gospel should be preached to every creature. People pray for many things but they don’t pray for lost souls which perish without hearing the Word of God. Why should these souls perish? People are dying in murder and accidents without being saved. Death comes suddenly to them.Why could not someone have told the Gospel and prepared them? They might have been saved. Still people don’t understand that it is the great necessity of the hour to preach the Gospel. Though many are doing the work in different ways, still the labourers are not sufficient. There are many who have the health and strength, who know the truth, who have the facilities, but they do not want to bear the hardships to preach the Gospel. They give some money here and there and think they have done their duty. Only those who are willing, who have the desire to do My work – it is those people that I call and choose. I separate them from their secular work and use them. I choose others and use them in the places where they are working. I even choose some to sit in their homes and do the ministry and pray. But there are others, though I choose them they are not willing to put


themselves out even in a small way for the Gospel. Have concern for the souls that are dying without being saved because someone didn’t take the trouble to tell them. Many people pray for so many things. They pray for peace in the world, they pray for the sick bodies, they pray for the empty stomachs, but they don’t pray for the souls. There are many sincere people,who have given up everything,like My disciples, to seve Me and take the Gospel to unreached places.Some have even given their lives for the sake of te Gospel. They will all receive their reward in heaven. I use different people in differnt ways. I bless them in different ways also according to their necessities. The ocean is a vast mass of water. It is shallow near the shore and very deep in some places. Some people catch the fish in the shallow water. Others go to the deep waters to catch the fish there. They need more equipment and strong boats. Those who catch huge fish like whales in the icy cold waters need still more equipment. Those who dive into the waters for the oysters and shell fish also need diffeent type of equipment. In the same way I equip the people who do the ministry according to the ministry I have chosen them and the places to which I have sent them. Some have to suffer more hardships and receive more blessings also. I know the abilities of the people also whom I choose and use them accordingly. Many people cannot understand My ways even though I have said, My thoughts are not your thoughts and My ways are not your ways.(Isaiah 55:8) I am not a partial God, yet some accuse Me of partiality because they cannot understand My ways. They murmur against Me.


They are dissatisfied with their ministry because they think I have not given them all that they expect. They cannot save many souls and do not get the blessings also because they do not do the ministry according to My will. Even a small ministry that is done in obedience to My will, will be blessed. There is rejoicing in heaven over one soul that is saved even as the same as thousands of souls being saved. Those who hear My voice and do My will and obey My calling will be blessed in their ministry and they will receive their reward in My kingdom.�


10. FRUITS “Ye shall know them by their fruits.(Matthew 7:16,20) In the garden of Eden there were many beautiful sweet tasty fruits – fruits of different colours, shapes, sizes and tastes. They were created as food for Adam and Eve and the other living creatures. The only fruit that was forbidden to them was from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. It was kept there as a test of their obedience and faithfulness to Me. They failed in this test and ate the forbidden fruit when tested by satan. Today there are many different kinds of foods for man to eat, among which fruits form an important part of his diet. Although people have different kinds of liking for different kinds of food, everyone likes fruits which grow everywhere. Many animals and birds also live on fruits. Like the flowers, fruits are a beautiful and important creation for the benefit of mankind. But even the fruits are misused when their juices are made into intoxicating drinks. In the Word of God the grapes and the figs which grow abundantly in these regions were mentioned. Wine which was made out of grapes was a common drink and it is symbolic of the blood that flowed from the cross. The figs were used for the healing of a king on his death bed.(II Kings 20:17) The fig tree was cursed because it did not give the fruits when I wanted them. With his knowledge man has learnt to make the trees produce fruits of very good quality by artificial methods. There are also trees and plants that produce poisonous fruits. Some of them will look beautiful but will cause death if eaten. By instinct animals and birds avoid these fruits. People also do not eat these fruits.


Every sin that man commits is a forbidden fruit, whenever he breaks the commandment of God. Just like the poisonous fruits which man avoids cause his physical death, the sinful fruits which he eats will cause his spiritual death. But still he is tempted by satan to eat those forbidden fruits which would take his soul to hell. These sins are mentioned in the Word of God.(I Corinthians 6:9; Galations5:7; 9-21) The fruits of the Spirit are mentioned in the Word of God.(Galations5;22,23) Man is compared to a tree which brings forth fruit. Like a tree which does not receive proper water or soil cannot bring forth good fruits, even so the good deeds of a spiritual man are his good fruits and his wicked deeds are the bad and poisonous fruits. Those who work for salvation of souls will reap a rich harvest of fruits for My kingdomand they will receive their reward in heaven. Today many young people are attracted by the poisonous fruits of the pleasures of the world which will take their souls to hell. It is very important to save these people . The Gospel has to be preached to them and those who preach the Gospel should have the fruits of the Spirit in them.�


11. JUDGEMENT “The first judgement was given by Me in the garden of Eden when the two people sinned. I judged them and the serpent, and I meted out their punishments also. I did not condemn them to an eternal punishment. For sometime in the world when there were few people in the world I was their judge. During Noah’s time except for Noah and his family all the other people were wicked. I did not judge them this time. I destroyed them. Through Noah and his family once again the population began to increase in the world. There were always some who served Me faithfully. I chose Abraham to be the father of My chosen people and I spoke only to these chosen few people. I made them the judge over the others. I spoke to Moses and taught him how to guide and lead the people of Israel. I gave them the commandments and the laws and also the punishment for those who broke these laws. As there were too many in number for Moses to judge them, I told him to choose good men to help him to judge the people. Sometimes these judges and Moses gave the people punishments for breaking the laws. When the people diabolically disobeyed Me and lusted after the heathen gods, idols and their property I Myself judged them and punished them with pestilences and famine and with the sword of the enemies and in other ways also. When they repented for their sins I forgave them and again I blessed them. After the death of Moses and Joshua, I gave the Israel people other judges, to help them overcome their enemies and to keep the laws and commandments. But even all of these judges were not faithful to Me till the end. I sent them prophets and priests to rule over them and judge them. Some of them


disobeyed them and they wanted a king to rule over them. I gave them kings also according to their wish. But all the kings were not faithful to Me. The kings themselves broke My commandments and led the people into idolworship. I always had true prophets to speak to the kings, the words that I told them. As a judgement of their unfaithfulness I scattered the Israel people throughout the world and they lost their land. But I also gave them the promise that oneday I will bring them back to their land. It was not a final judgement for them. Sin and worship of false gods spread throughout the world as it is even today.I realised that man was too weak to resist the evil forces of darkness to save himself and to keep all the commandments. So I sent My only beloved Son to the world to shed His blood and give His life for the sins of mankind so that whoever believes in Him is saved from eternal death into everlasting life.(John 3:16) Though I was Son of God I came to this sinful world as a man not to judge the world but to give My life and save mankind. The pharisees and the levites in My time in the world used to break many commandments themselves. But they used to give their own judgement as they liked and punish the people who sinned. Even in small matters I pointed out their sins to them and tried to correct them. But they turned against Me also. Even in the days of the Old Testament there are the recordings of the prophets who were instucted to write down the happenings of the last days and the final judgement. When I was in the world I often spoke to My disciples and to the multitudes of people about the last days and the final judgement. I told them also so many parables about this so that anyone who reads the Word of God can


easily understand the way of salvation to escape the final judgement. I came the first time to the world to give My life and shed My blood to save the people. After I returned to My kingdom I sent the Holy Spirit to the world which is working in the world today in the hearts of the people. Many servants of God have been chosen to tell the Gospel to the people. But those who read the Word of God will realise that many of the prophesies have been fulfilled and My second coming is near at hand. The first time I came as the Saviour of mankind and the second time I will come as the Judge of the world. Today in the world, there are courts, lawyers and judges some of whom are true and faithful to their calling, but some are crooked. There is no true justice in the world today. In every department there is injustice being done. The true judgement will be done on the day when I’ll come as the judge. All the books of records will be opened and the Book of Life will also be opened and all the people will be judged according to their deeds.(Revelation 20:12) Those who have believed in Me and been faithful to My words will receive their reward in My Kingdom.But the others will be condemned to eternal punishment.�


12. FALSE ACCUSATION “Be glad when you have trials. Be glad when you are falsely accused. Any trial you undergo I have undergone.Be glad and rejoice. False accusations will not do harm to anyone. It will harm those who falsely accuse others. When they brought Me to trial they brought false witnesses to give false accusations against Me. They could find no reason to put Me to death, except their false accusations against Me. In the last days many of My servants and children will be falsely accused of things they did not do, to put them in shame. This is one of the trials that the true believers have to undergo. Some of My disciples and servants who did My ministry had died a martyr’s death after being falsely accused. In the days to come also many will die this death. My children will be accused even by their own people – even their own family members. It was My people who accsed Me and killed Me. One of My own disciples betrayed Me. In the vision that I gave Peter regarding the gentiles I told him to call not unclean what I have cleansed. When I have blotted out the sins of a person, once and for all they are gone and no one has the right after that to accuse a person of his old sins. He is now a new person washed and cleansed in the blood that I shed for him. Those who are truly saved and washed and cleansed will not go back to their old sins. But they will grow in their spiritual lives and become holier and purer as the days pass. One of the ways in which satan cheats people and causes disturbances in the country, in the churches, in the families is by srirring up false accusers. Satan will be defeated if those who are accused believe in Me and trust Me. Through such trials many of the idol worshippers are turning to Me and are \


converted. All the false accusers who do not repent will be judged by Me at the end of the world.�


13. OUTWARD APPEARANCE “Solomon built a beautiful temple. He did it according to My wish and according to My instructions. It was a magnificent temple and I blessed it. Those who came to pray in the temple went back blessed and with their prayers answered. In spite of this the people worshipped other gods and idols. Even Solomon’s heart was turned away by his wives to worship other gods. The temple was desecrated as the days went by and I allowed the enemies to come and break the temple and rob the temple utensils and other things of gold and silver and precious stones. When the people repented and worshipped Me I allowed them to repair the temple and worship there. This happened many times. Even when I was in the world the temple becme a place of merchandise as well as a place of worship. Even as I prophesied in those days, in the later days the temple was destroyed so that one stone was not left on the other.(Luke 21:5,6) As the Word of God spread throughout the world many beautiful churches were built. Some governments like the communists desecrated the churches. But the Gospel has to be preached everywhere, many of the beautiful churches are being used again for worship. The church is not a building only made by hands. Beautiful buildings do not make a church. Wherever people worship I am there in their midst. (Matthew 18:20) These last days the Gospel has to be preached through the church, which is useful in supplying funds for the Gospel – every church big or small, beautiful or not. There are false Christians as well as true Christians. Unless the church is


consecrated to My service, the beautiful building is of no use. Those who are born with a beautiful appearance but wicked hearts are like these churches. There are huge trees which give shade to people and birds but sometimes the interior of the trunk gets rotten and the tree dies after a while. Thuogh for sometime the tree will keeep its beauty, after sometime it will rot and fall down. A wicked heart is like the rotten tree and the wickedness will be the fall of the person. For sometime they may flourish and profit by their wicked deeds but a terrible end will come to them. People are deceived by outward appearances. Many tombs and graves have beautiful appearances but inside there are only rotten dead bodies and bones. Those who are true in their worship and faith and those who are filled with the Holy Spirit, who have a close communion with Me will not easily be deceived by outward appearance. They will look for the inner beauty and their lives will also have that beauty which comes with spiritual and holy life. Those who read the Word of God faithfully will discover the beauty and truth in it. Even if a Bible is very old and does not look attractive outside, the words of life are inside it. Those who read the Word of God will find the treasures in it which will be a blessing to their lives.�


14. SINNERS “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.(Romans3:23) None of them is righteous; no not one (Romans 3:10) – thus says the Word of God and that is why I said, -He that is without sin let him cast the first stone.(John 8:7)It was not only My words that convicted them of their sins but they were able to read what Iwrote with My finger on the ground. The words were clear to their sight and what I had written convicted their hearts and they went away. They forgot all about the woman they brought to Me. Many of them went home, fell on their knees, repented for their sins and cried for forgiveness. Their souls were saved on that day. Many in the world are more concerned to point out the sins and faults of others without repenting for their own sins. They cover their sins and point out the sins of others. By doing this both the souls will go to hell unless they repent. I warned the people to remove the beam in their eyes before they tried to remove the mote from their neighbour’s eyes.(Matthew 7:3-5) Even preachers who are unsaved do this. Unless their lives are saved their preaching will not save others. Out of jealousy and envy and malice there are some people who take pleasure in the fall of others. They enjoy gossiping about it and exaggerating. They do not think for a moment that at any time their fate can be worse. Those who have been washed in the blood and filled with the Holy Spirit, whom I have anointed and chosen as pastors and preachers have the authority to point out the sins of the people and lead them into salvation. I came to the world not to call the righteous but to call the sinners for


repentance, as no one is righteous. All are sinners. All have to repent for their sins and be wahed in the blood and they will receive the assurance of salvation. Each individual has to search his and her heart and find out if there is any wickedness in them. If they repent and pray to Me I am ready to save them from their sins and give them peace. Look to the cross for your salvation.�


15. MANTLE “The Lord covers his children with His mantle. He spreads it over them to give them protection and power. His mantle is long enough to cover the whole earth, but many don’t stay under it. Elijah and Elisha used their mantles to separate the waters of Jordan. It protected them from the sun’s heat, cold and rain also. But there was power also in the mantle – power to do the miracles. The power came from God. The mantle was an important part of the clothing of the people of that generation. They will not go out without it. But for the ordinary people it was only a part of their garment and very useful, a neccesary garment. Today the wicked cover themselves with different kinds of mantles to hide their fears and their sins. They disguise themselves to hide their works of darkness by using the mantle. On the last day, even as the curtain in the Holy Temple of Jerusalem was torn into two, every sin will be revealed. Even the children of God, sometimes, cover themselves with fear as with a mantle when their faith becomes weak – like Peter walking on the sea and when he denied Me. Jonah used the mantle of disobedience and ran away to Tarshish. Some servants of God also, do not want to do the ministry where I send them, but they want to go to places where they like and wish to go. Such a ministry will not be blessed unless they realise their mistake and come back. Elisha received Elijah’s mantle with a double portion of blessing and power because he earnestly prayed for this.(II Kings 2:9-14) Isaiah saw the vision of the Lord’s mantle filling the new Jerusalem Temple. I spread My mantle over every church – over the people in the church. But


some do not want to stay under it, and so they lose the blessings. I spread My mantle of LOVE over the whole world and those who respond to it will come and take shelter under it. No harm will come to those who stay under the protection of My mantle because satan will not dare to come near this mantle. I spread My mantle of PEACE and those who believe in Me will get the peace that the world cannot give them. I spread the mantle of JOY and happiness which only the true children of God can enjoy. Sometimes the believers may leave this protection but they usually come back to it. Those who keep themselves under My mantle will be blessed in this world and the next.�


16. LOVE YOUR ENEMIES “I have said –Love your enemies. Bless those who hate you and curse you. (Matthew5:44) By enemies I meant the humanbeings. The greatest enemy of man and even My greatest enemy is satan – the forces of darkness. This enemy you should hate. I give you the power and authority to command him to go - to drive him away and resist him and the works of darkness. To do his deeds of darkness he sometimes uses the wicked people. He has no power over the good people – the saved children of God. But those who are willing to be used by him and those who use him for evil purposes – pray for these people for their salvation, for their release from the power of satan, though they may be against you. Love the sinner but hate the sin in the sinner. At the same time use your wisdom in dealing with such people. Be careful with your words and deeds because it is not only the people who are doing the evil deeds. They have the guidance of the satanic forces. The evil power has no power over the Holy Spirit. In the end those who have the guidance of the Holy Spirit will overcome those who have the guidance of the evil spirit. I am the God who fights the battles for you. When you commit everything into My hands in prayer - constant prayer – the evil forces of darkness and those who are influenced by them will be overcome. When they are defeated in their wicked plans they will repent and turn to Me. If they do this they will be saved. You must pray for their salvation. If they persist in their evil ways then I will punish them. When they are punished the power of satan will also disappear. If they are still hard-hearted even after I punish them, they will have a horrible end – condemned to everlasting punishment.


Love your enemies and pray for their salvation, but condemn their wicked deeds they do under the influence of satan. You must do all this through prayer only. I am the Lord who hears prayers and answers them. When dealing with wicked people, I have said – Be wise as serpents but harmless as doves.�


17. JOY OF THE LORD “The joy of the Lord is your strength.(Nehemiah 8:10) Where can this joy be found? It can only found in the presence of God. This is not the joy that can be found in the earthly things. It is not a joy that can be enjoyed by everyone, anywhere. Those who seek this joy can find it. It is not a worldly joy. Those who indulge in worldly pleasures think that they are joyful as they enjoy it. But that feeling lasts only for a little while. After sometime it only brings them bitterness and unhappiness. The joy of the Lord is an everlasting joy. It is an everpresent joy in the heart of a believer. Even in the midst of trials and temptations, even in sorrow, this joy will be there in the hearts of the true children of God. Those who spend much time in My presence, who love Me so much that being in My presence is a joy to them – are the people who have this everlsting joy in their hearts. In any situation, in any adverse circumstance in their lives, this joy will still be there. It is their strength in their weakness. It is their riches in their poverty. It is their joy even in their sorrow. Those who trust Me, those who seek My face in all circumstances will find this joy. When people undergo a great trial in their lives, satan takes advantage of them. He makes them try and forget their trials – shows them a way to escape from their depressig situations – by drawing them into the worldly pleasures. That is why even believers lose their faith in Me and are drawn away in their times of trials and sorrow. Men specially try to drown their troubles in drinks and drugs and other vices. They ruin themselves in this way. They


only find bitterness which is worse instead of sweetness and joy that they sought for. The joy that I give is a divine joy. It is different from the happiness that the world gives. It is the fulness of joy which overflows in the heart of the true child of God. It lifts them out of their sadness and depression. There is sweet rest in the joy of the Lord. I have said – Come unto Me all ye that labour and are heavy-laden and Iwill give you rest. Take My yoke and learn of Me for My yoke is easy and My burden light.(Matthew 11:28-30)


18. FISHING “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of Men.(Matthew4:19) Among My disciples whom I chose, some were learned. They were in high positions in the government, and had high professions. But some were lowly fishermen like Peter, James and John. Some of My parables and messeges could not be understood even by the learned men till I explained them. In the spiritual life their education and professions did not count. Once they became My disciples all were equal. Though I sometimes used simple examples in My messeges all had deep meaning in them. Fish abounded in the sea of Galilee and fish was the favourite food of the people there. When I was on the earth I also loved to eat the tasty fish. On two occasions the multitudes who follwed Me to hear My messages, were fed with a few loaves of bread and a few fishes. That day I gave them spiritual food as well as physical food. I am the God who supplies food for the soul as well as the body. Those who eat only the physical food, who care only for the food for the body, will have hunger and thirst. Those who eat the bread of life and drink the water of life,which is the spiritual food, will find satisfaction for their souls. When the fisherman casts his net in the sea he brings all kinds of fishes. Some of the fishes are not edible and he throws them back into the sea. In the world there are different kinds of people, but even as the fisherman separates the good and the bad fishes, at the end of the world, the saved and the unsaved will be separated. The saved will go into life eternal and the unsaved into everlasting punishment.


Even the very big fishes, man has learnt with his modern instruments to catch them. Man can learn anything by studying these creatures of the deep waters. But even the learned men cannot understand and have not seen all the creatures that live in the water. I mentioned this to Job, (Job38:16, 41:2,7) so that man can understand how insignificant he is in My sight. I used the whale to teach Jonah a lesson. When I told the disciples to cast their net into the deep waters on the other side, they caught many fish. It was to teach them that in their ministry they had to do it with My help. Only those who do the ministry in obedience to Me, to My words, will be blessed in their ministry. When the net is thrown into the sea some fishes escape from being caught in the net, and some jump out of it. In the same way there are people though they hear the Word of God and the truth, they prefer the worldly pleasures. They prefer satan’s net to My net. Another way of catching fish is the line and the hook. The fish that is caught with the hook suffer severe pain. In the same way some souls are saved through suffering. In these last days I need many fishers of Men and those who hear My voice and follow Me are willing to serve Me and I will make them fishers of men.�


19. DEFECTS “The first mankind that I created(Adam and Eve) were the only humanbeings who were perfectly formed at the time of creation. There was no blemish or defect in their physical form. There was no sin of any kind in their thoughts, words or deeds. They had all the good qualities that I intended man to have. They were created perfect humanbeings. But after sin came into the world by these two people, the perfection in creation disappeared and defects began to appear. All the other creations were also perfect at the time of creation. But after sin came defects appeared in nature also. The crooked and freak plants and trees grew and defects appeared in all the living creatures also. Some were stunted in growth; some were gigantic abnormally; some part was missing in some; and some extra unwanted parts were found in some. People were born with defects at birth itself –crooked bodies, misshaped heads and limbs, blind,deaf and dumb and other such defects. Some became defective later by sickness or by accidents and old age. Some defects are the result of sin. The sinful life of man causes defects in the body, soul and mind. Even those who appear physically beautiful and handsome have some defect or the other. Since sin came into the world no one is physically perfect. The Word of God says – All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.(Romans 3:23) There is no one righteous, no not one. (Romans 3:10) Perfection disapeared when sin came in. The Word of God says –Man is conceived in sin and iniquity.(Psalm 51:5) But in spite of all these defects there were people who loved Me , who were true to Me and though not perfect, they were good men and women. Whom I chose, I used to fulfill My


purpose. I saved Noah and his family from the flood. I chose Abraham as the father of the Israelite nation. I chose his son Isaac. I chose Jacob. Though there were defects in Jacob the twelve tribes of Israel came from him. Moses was timid and had a defect in his speech. But I was able to use him mightily. I chose David and his generations as the kings of Israel. There were defects in all these people I chose even as there were in My disciples also. But basically they were good people and they loved Me. They were willing to serve Me and when they did anything wrong I corrected them and they repented and asked forgiveness from Me. There were many women also who were useful to Me whom I loved, though there were defects in them also – Sarah, Miriam, Deborah, Rahab and others in the Word of God. Though Mary, My mother was a humanbeing only, she was the chosen vessel to conceive by the Holy Spirit and bring Me forth into the world. With Joseph her husband, as a human child , they brought Me up. But even when I was at a young age, they realised that I was divine and not an ordinary human child. There were many women in Jerusalem who were true and faithful to Me and served Me –like Mary and Martha, Mary Magdalene, and even the Samaritan woman. They all had defects in them. But they realised their defects and came to Me and knew Me as their Lord and Saiour. Many other such women are also mentioned in the Word of God. There were physically defective people in those days also and when I was in the world I healed many of their diseases, defects, deformities and sicknesses. I drove out the evil spirits out of many also. Long before this also, people were healed by miracles. Isaac’s birth was a mircle and people were cured of diseases. Today also in the world somethings happen. I am the same


God yesterday, today and forever. I never change. I use the same power today to make straight crooked bodies, to heal diseases, to open blind eyes and do all the mircles. Those who seek Me in faith and in truth and believe that I alone am the true God, can receive the miracles even today when they pray to Me. But as the Word of God says - all requests should be made according to My will with faith and thanksgiving.(Philipians 4:6) Even the servants of God have defects in them and whenever necessry I correct them. I lead and guide them and I am able to use them to bring souls for My Kingdom. I need many more servants in these last days, to preach the Gospel and to pray – to pray for others who are in need of prayers for their bodies, for their minds and for their spirits. I am the God who hears the prayers of the faithful people and I do the miracles and I use them for My glory.�


20. CHOSEN VESSELS “I have chosen you from your mother’s womb. I have called you by your name. From the beginning of time I have been choosing people for My work and I have been calling people by their names. I chose many people for different and various reasons. Most of those I chose were faithful to Me. Those who read the Word of God carefully and faithfully will remember those I choose and the reasons why I chose them. I chose Abraham to be the father of the twelve tribes. Joseph was a chosen vessel, but Judah was chosen out of all the tribes to keep the generations of the Israelites. I chose Moses and Joshua to lead and guide the people. When the floods came I saved Noah and his family. All these people were men with human weakness, but they fulfilled My purposes. I chose Saul to be the first king of Israel but he was not true to Me like David was. I chose Solomon to build the Temple of Jerusalem. As sin increased in the world I chose the prophets to speak to the people, as I told them. From a young age I prepared these chosen vessels as they had an important part to play. I prepared them – Samuel, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Daniel – all the prophets were chosen from the womb. They kept themselves pure and holy. So I spoke through them to the people. When I came to this world Ichose twelve disciples. They were handpicked by Me and except Judas, they were faithful to Me and fulfilled My purpose. I chose all these people and prepared them. Today all that they have recorded as I spoke and guided them is written in the Word of God. Even today I chose many people. I call also many by their names. Al


though Paul was not one of the twelve disciples I chose him and he served Me faithfully till the end. If you study the lives of all those people that I chose, in the Word of God, and the different roles they played, you will understand the deep meaning of men chosen by God. Of course there were women also whom I chose and who also did their part for the kingdom of God. Even today there are chosen men and women who are serving Me faithfully under different circumstances. In these last days I do not pick and choose as in the olden days. I am ready to use all those who willingly offer themselves to Me and there are many who do so today. I love young people specially who reject the world to do My work. I call them by their names and am always calling people, but some respond and some do not. This is a challenge to you. Are you willing to be a chosen vessel for Me? The people I chose were from different situations and they had faults and weaknesses. Some were unlearned; some were highly educated; all that did not matter. All those willing to serve Me are My chosen people aand the Holy Spirit will do the work through them. Will you hear My voice and offer yourself to serve Me faithfully to the end? Those who do this will receive their reward in My kingdom.�


21. SEEING GOD “The Word of God says – The pure in heart shall see God.(Matthew5:8) It also says No man can see God and live.(Exodus 33:20) Adam and Eve heard My voice in the garden.(Genesis 3:8) But they did not see Me. Moses desired to see Me and as a privilege I allowed him to see only My back. If he looked at My face he would have died. When I came to the world in the form of a man thousands of people saw Me in the streets of Jerusalem and other places. But only some knew I was God and followed Me and worshipped Me. Few of these people, like My disciples, are mentioned by name. But there were many others - like those who were headed, those who saw the miracles - who believed in Me and worshipped Me as God. But there were others – though they saw Me with their eyes, though they saw the miracles I did – yet they were blind because they saw Me only as man and not as God. After My resurrection only those who were dear and close to Me saw Me again in My human form. At that time I told Thomas and others - blessed are those who believe though they have not seen.(John20:29) Since that time I appear to many people in different forms in time of need and according to the circumstances. I appear to people who call upon Me. Many testify this. All those who love Me, who come into My presence often, who hear My voice see Me with their spiritual eyes. In these last days I reveal Myself to My children in different ways. That is how they see God. The true and faithful believers, pure in heart shall see


God. Be ye holy even as I am holy.(I Peter 1:16) The promise is given in the Word of God : those who have been washed in My blood, when they die in the Lord, they shall see Me face to face as I really am, in My kingdom. Also on the day of rapture, the living and the dead, true believers will see Me when they are taken up into My kingdom.(I Thessalonians 4:14-17) At the end of the world, the Word of God says Every eye will behold Him(Revelation 1:7) and every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord.(Philipians 2:10,11) Yes, when I return to the world again to judge the people in the world, the good as well as the bad and the wicked, the dead will rise up and with the alive , they will see Me. The saved and ransomed who saw Me as their Saviour, who loved them and gave His life for them, will see Me with great joy as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. But alas for others who did not believe in Me!They will now believe that I am the true God and worship Me. But it is too late for them. They will be judged and sent to eternal punishment. Those who love Me and do My will in the world will see Me and live with Me forever in My kingdom.�


22. IN GOD’S PRESENCE “I am glad that you have come into My presence. Those who come into My presence are blessed. There are many in the world who do not like to come into My presence because their hearts are full of sins. There are others who cannot find time for Me, to come to My presence because they spend all their time in the worldly things and still others just for namesake as a habit say a formal prayer , just as out of habit they go to church. Only those who really love Me, who love to come into My presence however busy they may be - will find the opportunity and the time to spend in My presence. At the same time they do their secular duty also. Young people under the control of their parents have many duties in their home and in their studies. Some young people spend their spare time in the worldly things, but there are others who neglect their duties and studies, with a wrong impression that if they spend those times in the spiritual things - though they may neglect their duties they are not in the wrong - they would be blessed. But this is a wrong impression of these youngsters who do like this. Every person has a purpose in life which they have to fulfill. Those who are true will know how to do their duties properly and also find time to spend in My presence. I have said -where two or three are gathered in My name I am there in their midst.(Matthew 18:20) Those who pray in spirit and truth will feel My presence and hear My voice.�


23. JEWS AND SAMARITANS “ The Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans and yet You who are a Jew ask a drink of water from Me a Samaritan.”(John 4:9) This was what the Samaritan woman told Me at Jacob’s well. In those days the Jews considered themselves a high caste and the Samaritans a low caste of people. It is the same everywhere in the world today. Everywhere in the world the rich look down on the poor, the fair skinned people despise the dark skinned people and there are all kinds of different classes and different castes all over the world in every nation and in every country. The powerful nations conquered the smaller countries and made slaves of those people. This is what happened in Egypt to the Israelites. As the people increased, sin and idol-worship also increased. But a faithful few still worshipped Me as the true God, like Noah and his family. Abraham was very faithful to Me and that is why I chose his descendants as My people. I guided and spoke to these Jews as favoured people and at that time they were the only nation who knew Me as the true God when all the other nations worshipped idols and other false Gods. That is why when I came to the world I was born as a Jew. Many times these Jews were punished for their disobedience. But many of them were faithful to Me. The disobedient Jews intermingled with the idolworshippers and worshipped idols and other false gods. Those who were born of these marriages were the Samaritans. They were looked down upon and despised by these Jews. There were many good people among the Samaritans and there were many wicked among the Jews. It was to illustrate this that I told the parable of the


Good Samaritan.(Luke 10:30-36) The Jews were known as God’s people only for the sake of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, King David – to all whom I had given the promise. Different castes, creed, social status, position, racial differences – all these are created only by man. High caste or low caste, rich or poor, high status or low status, white or black skin – all are equal in My sight. At the end of the world all these man-made differences will perish and be of no account. When a person dies his position, caste, riches –all perish. Even in the church satan has brought in these differences. Pride in position, status or caste or riches, is a sin that is found even in believers. Those who worship Me as their Lord and Saviour must be humble even though they may be rich or in a high position. Remember the parable of the rich man.(Luke 12:16-20) Riches and position will all perish at any time. Those who believe Me and have been washed in My blood, who read the Word of God faithfully – will be rewarded and others will be judged accordingly at the end of the world.”


24. FEAR OF THE LORD “The angel of the Lord encampeth around those that fear Him.(Proverbs 9:10 ) The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.(Psalm 9:10) The fear of the Lord is a holy fear. Those who love the Lord have fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord is the fear to do wrong, the fear to sin, the fear to disobey the Lord, the fear to talk unholy things, the fear to see unholy things, the fear to do wrong – it is a holy fear. The children of God have this fear in them. It is a fear that comes from the Holy Spirit. There are those who fear satan and yet they obey him. They have no fear of doing wickedness of any kind. They even put themselves in dangerous situations to show off to others that they are very brave. They bring disaster on themselves. Those who have the fear of the Lord are very cautious in their thoughts, words and deeds. The Holy Spirit guides them and the angels often protect them from dangers and disasters. There are many instances of the children of God who have been protected and miraculously saved during accidents, floods, earthquakes and other disasters because they have the fear of the Lord.Those who have been saved will fear to sin but the wicked who have no fear of any god, are tools of the devil. Those who worship idols have a fear for their gods that they will punish them and so they try to lead good lives. But sometimes out of fear for these gods to appease them they do all kinds of cruel things like human sacrifice. They punish themselves by scourging and other horrible deeds. I am a God of love. I bore the scourging and sacrificed Myself for the sins


of the people because I love them. I want the people to acknowledge Me as the true God and worship Me alone and have a godly fear of Me because I am the great and mighty God who created the whole universe. Heaven is My throne and earth is My footstool.(Isaiah 66:1) The fear of the Lord is to have reverence for Me as the mighty God. As already stated those who have the fear of the Lord will fear to sin. They have no fear of the devil and will resist him when he tempts them. Even the devil fears Me because he cannot stand before My holy presence. He is afraid of Me and he is also afraid of My servants who are filled with the Holy Spirit. That is why he flees when they cast him out in My name. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.(Proverbs 9:10) Those who fear the Lord will be wise. The fear of the Lord gives them the wisdom to act and say the right words at the right time. It gives them the wisdom to avoid places of danger and to protect themselves in times of trouble.Only the true children of God who love Me, know the true meaning of the fear of the Lord. They are blessed indeed.�


25. TRUMPET “When the trumpet sounded the Israelite people broke up their camp and moved forward. The trumpet was one of the first musical instruments mentioned in the Word of God. Because the Israelites were so many, they were spread out over a vast area. Whenever Moses wanted to summon them all, he told the priest to blow the trumpet, at the sound of which they immediately gathered together in one place to hear what Moses had to say to them. When they had to travel also, the trumpet was blown as soon as the cloud over the Tabernacle was taken up. The trumpets were usually blown by the priests only. When they wentt to battle also the trumpets were blown. At the sound of the trumpets the people, on the seventh day, shouted and the walls of Jericho fell down.(Joshua 6:20) Trumpets are of different sizes and they make different sounds. Some are of high pitch and some are deep. Even today soldiers use the trumpet. They listened to the voice of the trumpet but they did not listen to My voice. The tambourine was used by the women to dance. It had no other use. David was a skillful player of the harp. As he minded the flocks of sheep, he played beautiful music on the harp and composed and sang the Psalms. The soothing music of the harp drove out the evil spirit from Saul. The trumpet and the harp are used by the angels also. In the book of Revelation it says – When the angels blew the trumpet many signs took place. (Revelation 8:6-13; chapters 9-11) When I come in secret to take away My children (the believers) out of the world before the tribulation period, the trumpet will sound;(I Corithians15: 51-52) but only the saved children of God will hear it. Those who are watchful and prayerful, who are waiting for My Kingdom to come, even those who are dead in the Lord will hear the trumpet sound. No one knows the day or the hour when this will happen. But it is near at hand. So watch and pray and wait.


At the end of the world when I come with a host of angels, the trumpet will sound very loudly and every eye will see Me at that time.(Revelation 1:7) It will be a wonderful sight. Some will be glad to see Me. But others will tremble with fear – those who had not accpted Me as their Lord and Saviour. Man has invented and still is inventing different kinds of musical instruments. The worldly people use them as an accompaniment to worldly songs and dances. But the believers use these musical instruments to accompany the beautiful hymns and spiritual songs that are sung in the churches and other spiritual meetings of the children of God. I give this talent to many people so that it will be used for My glory. Even some who played the worldly songs as a profession, after they have been washed in My blood and saved, they use their talent of playing music for the furtherance of the Gospel. Those who dedicate their talents of music to Me will be used by Me to serve Me and they will receive My blessing.�


26. CELEBRATIONS “When the Israelites crossed the Red Sea and escaped the Egyptian armies, they celebrated it with joy and gladness. They offered sacrifices and worshipped Me. They sang songs of praise and thanksgiving. Miriam led out the women in dances also. (Exodus 15:1-12) This was a celebration of the end of their bondage. But when they came to the desert they forgot all this and murmured. When Moses came up to the mount for forty days to speak to Me, they made and worshipped the calf and celebrated in eating, drinking and dancing before the idol. They came back to their senses after they were punished. The first was a holy celebration and the second was an unholy celebration. I gave them specific days of celebration like the Passover, the Feast of the Tabernacle, the Feast of the Weeks, the Harvest Festival and the Jubilee Year. These were all days which they should celebrate in a holy manner and at the same time it gave them pleasure also. These were days of Feast for them. But some of them lusted after the idols of the heathen and joined their celebrations. It was a great sin that they did. When I helped them to win the battles against the heathen nations, I allowed them to celebrate their victories. When the Temple of Jerusalem was built, the people came on specific days to give offerings and worship Me. These were festival days for them. After My death and resurrection, there was no need for these old festival days. When Christians gathered together and followed My instructions to break bread have communion and fellowship together, the idol-worshippers continued to celebrate different festivals and worship different gods. Today the Christians celebrate My birth and My resurrection and other holy days. They have churches where they go regularly for worship and communion. I bless all


the Christian churches and bless the festivals they celebrate in a holy manner. But there are christians who celebrate the festivals in unholiness – in eating, drinking and dancing only. They forget the spiritual meaning of the festival. Like the heathen people and idol-worshippers they eat and drink and make merry in a worldly manner. They bring shame to My name. Some of these Christians join with the idol-worshippers and celebrate their festivals also, even as the idol-worshippers celebrate some of the Christian festivals. There is no meaning in their celebration. It is just a eat, drink and be merry in a worldly manner. The true Christian believers should glorify My name even in the celebrations so that others may see and understand the spiritual meaning behind their celebration. Let your light so shine before men that they see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.�(Matthew 5:16)


27. GOOD SHEPHERD “I am the good shepherd who lays down His life for the sheep.(John 10:14,15) A shepherd who is good will care for the sheep under his care.Even if he had a hundred sheep and if one little lamb is lost out of it, he will go in search of that lamb, till he finds it and brings it back safely.(Luke15:4,5) To bring home that sheep safely, while searching for it the shepherd may have to go through many dangerous places on the mountains and walk on thorns and stones and go through thorny bushes. He would receive many wounds before he finds his sheep. But the very sight of the lost sheep makes him forget all his trouble and pain he went through. When he brings the sheep home he rejoices over it and feels, what he suffered was worth it. Even so I am that good shepherd. Every soul in the world is precious to Me. It is not My will that even one soul should perish and it is for the lost souls that I was wounded and bruised and lay down My life. For every soul who is washed in My blood and saved from his sins, I rejoice. All the heavenly hosts rejoice with Me in heaven.(Luke 15:10) The sheep that was lost, in its search for greener pastures lost its way. He ran here and there bleating loudly, searching for a way to come back to the flock. It also received wounds from the thorns and rocks. It might have even been chased by a wolf. It becomes so helpless and tired that at last it stands or lies down in one place and cries loudly so that the shepherd may hear its voice and come and rescue it. A sinner also in search of worldly pleasures , indulges in bad habits and addiction and other sinful pleasures of the world. He does not realise that it is the devil who entices him and leads him into all these sins. At last when he loses his health, money and everything else he realises that the devil has cheated him


and in desperation he cries out to Me, the living God. He repents for his sinful life and cries for forgiveness. I hear his cries (prayers) and I rejoice to help him. His life is completely changed now and he finds more pleasure and joy in his new life as a child of God, than he ever had in his old life. He recovers his health and all that he has lost. I am the Good Shepherd and all those who hear My voice and come to Me are My sheep. Some shepherds may not be the owner of the sheep. He works for wages only – a hireling. He will not have that love for the sheep that an owner has. (John10:12) He may be careless in looking after the sheep. He won’t bother to put himself out to find fresh green pastures for them. If a sheep gets lost he may go a little way without exerting himself too much in search of the sheep. If he finds it, well and good. He will bring it back. Otherwise he will not bother about it. The poor sheep may be lost for ever. If the shepherd is always vigilant he will see the wolf coming to catch the sheep when it is some distance away and he will chase it away or if he is a good shepherd like David he may kill the wild animal also. Some hired shepherds are even cruel to the sheep under their care and punish them when they stray. The pastors of the churches are also shepherds and the people in his church are the flock under his care. Like a good shepherd there are good pastors who are true to their calling. They are sincere, prayerful and faithful to Me. They realise the responsibility they have as a pastor. They are responsible for every soul under their care. They care for every soul - specially those who are unsaved and those who are in sorrow and difficulties. He ministers to the people through the Word of God and tries to bring in more souls. He works for the kingdom of God. He realises that I am his Master and works for Me.


Unfortunately all pastors are not like this. There are those for whom their work is only a profession – a way to earn money or because they did not get any better job they became pastors. With their worldly knowledge and education they preach sermons to the congregation. Though they may not practise what they preach they try to be a minister of God and at the same time enjoy the worldly pleasures. They do not try to build the church and some may be partial towards the rich people in the church and neglect the poor. They do not care about the souls of the people.The do not have the time to pray and study the Word of God. Their master is the devil and unless they repent they will receive their punishment. I am the Door of the sheepfold because I am the Way to the kingdom of God . No one can enter in any other way because I am the Good Shepherd who laid down My life for the sheep.�


28. HOLINESS “Be ye holy even as I am holy.(Leviticus 11:44) I am a holy God and those that worship Me should worship Me in the beauty of holiness.(Psalm96:9) The angels in heaven worship Me in holiness and purity. I created man as a holy being also. But when Adam and Eve sinned they became unholy and unholiness came into the world. Many times the Israelites brought unholiness into the camp and I had o punish them and cleanse the camp; they had to purify themselves and regain their holiness. I am a holy God. I hate unholiness. As I often walked among the people I told them to keep their surroundings clean. The other Gods that people worship are not holy and those that worship them also do not think it wrong to live unholy lives. But My people are different. I want them to be holy in all spheres of their lives.(Titus 1:15,16) The devil is the personification of unholiness. He causes the people to sin. He brings unholinesss into the churches even and into the homes. In these days the world is full of unholiness and wickedness. They sing unholy songs and dance unholy dances. The books are full of unholiness. The minds, bodies and souls of people are corrupted by unholiness. Even the children of God sometimes fall into the sin of unholiness.Their children are exposed to unholy surroundings and unless the parents are godly and holy they cannot correct their children from indulging in unholy talks, songs and dances and books of all kinds of unholiness.


The Word of God says, a small fly in the ointment is enough to spoil it. It causes the whole ointment to stink.(Eccliastes 10:1) A little leven leaveneth a whole lump of dough.(I Corinthians 5:6) In the same way if a little unholiness is allowed to come into a life, the whole life is ruined. I have said in My Word – if your eye causes you to sin pluck it out; or your hand cut it off; because it is better to enter into the kingdom of God maimed than to go to hell with the full body.(Matthew5:29,30) A few unholy members in the church can ruin the church. I cast out those who were selling in the Temple of Jerusalem because My house is a holy house of prayer, but they were making it a den of theives.(Matthew 29:13) Even today churches are used in all kinds of unholy ways. Woe to the servants of God who lead unholy lives. They are wolves in sheep clothing. They try to serve Me and at the same time enjoy the worldly pleasures. There are people in the world who call themselves by My name but lead unholy lives. When the church and the home is kept clean and holy My presence will always be there. Children of God who are holy in their lives will be filled with the Holy Spirit always. They will be able to resist the devil’s unholy temptations. Those who spend time in reading the Word of God and in prayer will be able to keep themselves holy in My sight. The worldly unholy things will not attract them in anyway. Put away unholiness from you and be ye holy as I am holy.(I Peter 1:16)”


29. CROWDS “Where the dead body is there the eagles will gather.(Matthew 24:28) When I created man I told him to bring forth and multiply. Today the world has become almost over populated. With his knowledge man is trying to control the population from increasing. But he has not succeeded. Man has learnt to live on mountains, in the very cold places, in the very hot dry places for want of space. As soon as the news of a treasure or gold or something by which man can make money is heard of, even in some far off lonely place, immedidtely crowds reach there and exploit the natural resources. Many forests have been depleted and made barren. Armies are formed to fight against enemies. This is a disciplined crowd of people. When an accident takes place immediately a crowd gathers there, out of which only a few are willing to help those injured in the accident. The others callously look on out of curiosity. In these days as in the olden days people crowd around any speaker. A clever speaker can sway the crowd and influence them by his speech. Sometimes they are led to murder, theft and destruction by wicked leaders.The mentality of a crowd is such that when they are together they feel bold , but they are not bold enough to stand up to authority and discipline. Even children form crowds and do mischief. At the back of all the wicked crowds and criminal gangs satan is there. He instigates them. Sometimes even good people get caught in these crowds and they get into trouble because of their curiosity.


There is a different crowd of people also. When I was in the world crowds of people followed Me everywhere to hear My messages and to be healed of their sicknesses and diseases. There were some in the crowd who followed Me to find fault with Me like the Pharisees and the Sadducees.

Many of those in the crowd believed in Me; but there were others who only temporarily believed. There was no depth in them. There were people who will be swayed by any leader’s words. That is why I told the parable of the sower and the seeds.(Matthew 13:3-8) It was this crowd of people who had once listened to My words, who were later on influenced to shout and demand My crucifixion. The Word of God is being preached everywhere and there are many preachers who draw huge crowds of people. Through these Holy Spirit filled preachers crowds of people are being saved and the Holy Spirit is being poured upon them. The majority of these crowds are people with a longing for salvation and freedom from their sins, diseases and troubles. Those who attend these Gospel meetings return home with blessings. Their lives are changed and they become witnesses for Me. The young people are usually influenced by crowds. In these last days of grace many churches which were once empty are now crowded with people. Everywhere in the world there are two types of crowds; one crowd goes to do wickedness and to follow false gods and the other crowd goes to do good and worship the true God. At the last trump, crowds of the dead-in –Lord will arise and those who have been washed in My blood and saved from their sins will be changed and caught up in the air and will disappear from the world in the twinkling of an eye to be forever in My kingdom.(I Corithians 15:51,52)


The courts of heaven will be filled with crowds and crowds of ransomed people who will shout and sing and praise and rejoice with Me in My kingdom. (Revelation 7:9,10)


30. BLESSINGS AND CURSES “The Lord will bless thee and keep thee. The Lord will make His face to shine upon thee. The Lord will lift up His countenance and give thee peace. (Numbers 6:24-26) This is the greatest blessing a person can have. People of all religions give blessings in different ways. The Word of God is full of the promises and blessings of God for His children and for all mankind also. Even the most wicked people want blessings in many ways. For some people, wealth and position and luxuries and worldly pleasures are considered blessings by them; but these very things can become curses to them. Even as there are blessings the curses are also there in the Word of God. (Deueronomy 28) When Adam and Eve disobeyed Me, the world itself was cursed. All mankind was cursed to suffer. When I created Adam and Eve I blessed them, but they spurned My blessing, rejected it and brought the curse upon themselves and into the world. To remove this curse from man, the curse of eternal death and suffering, I came into the world and took the curse upon Myself when I hung on the cross to save mankind from the curse of eternal punishment.(hell) Even in the olden days, in spite of the curse in the world and the wickedness of the people, many times I saved the good people and blessed them. I blessed Noah and Abraham, Moses, Isaac and Jacob and all who were true to Me. I blessed them with riches and in other ways. They were useful to Me to fulfill My purposes. I blessed Solomon but in his old age he was not true to Me like his father David.


The riches I give to My children will be a blessing to them,(Proverbs 10:22) and they will not misuse it. Even position and fame can be a blessing if used properly. Children are born as a blessing to parents. In the Word of God I have given the instruction on how to bring up the children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.(Ephsians 6:4) But even children can become a curse to their parents. To prevent this parents must be prayerful and holy and dedicate their children to Me. Even poverty is sometimes a blessing. There are many true poor people who are more blessed in their lives than others.. The love, joy and peace that come from Me are greater blessings than material ones. Even trials and tribulations sometimes come as a blessing because those who go through this – the children of God – are renewed and become stronger in their spiritual lives and I am able to use them for the glory of My kingdom. The greatest blessing is the blessing of salvation. The ransomed souls who have been washed by the blood that I shed on the cross, are more blessed than the unsaved. Like the Israelites whom I saved from bondage, there are Christians who only think of their hardships which are fewer than the blessings I have given them. Some people see the wicked people who are flourishing in the world and murmur when they have to bear hardship or trial. I have promised to open the windows of heaven and pour out the blessings.(Malchi 3:10) But those who wish to receive this must be obedient to Me and do My will. The anointing of the Holy Spirit and the gifts are among the greatest blessings for a Christian. My own disciples had many sufferings in the world. But at the same time they rejoiced because they were blessed even in this, because the sufferings of this world are nothing compared to the blessings the children of God will get in heaven.(Romans8:18)


Those who do not wish to be cursed and sent into eternal punishment should read the Word of God carefully and follow the truths in it and receive the salvation and the blessing of being with Me in My kingdom; which is the greatest blessing of mankind because only the true children, the true believers in Me, can receive this blessing.�



TESTIMONY OF SIS. GLORIA DHARMAPALAN “… I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction”. (Is. 48:10) I praise the Lord for the furnace of affliction, through which I was saved by the blood of Jesus and my family was blessed. From that day I never looked back but went forward growing in my spiritual life. I continued to have a very close relationship with my Lord and Saviour Jesus speaking to Him. He has spoken, guided and upheld me in my daily life. In 1975 I received the anointing of the Holy Spirit with the manifestation of praising and speaking in tongues. As I progressed I experienced miracles and visions while praying at home and in church. The Lord used me to serve Him by ministering to others. There were instants when the Lord has told to pray specifically for unknown people, even mentioning their names at times. Thus I could see the gifts of the Holy Spirit being operated. I give all the glory to Him. From 1990, while praying with my daughter Helen Solomon, the Lord has given visions and messages on many topics which Helen has written down what I repeated as the Lord told me. On 06.03.1990 the Lord said, “I give you the privilege of having a relationship with me which is more than any human relationship because you are my beloved children. Desire for this relationship and I will give it to you, as you grow in your spiritual life”. On 21.03.1990, the Lord said, “The special gift of the Holy Spirit you have from above, is more precious than gold. Guard it. You will know how to use it in time that my Name may be glorified among the heathen. As commissioned by the Lord Jesus, these messages were written for all to read and be blessed and for the Glory of God. Alleluia! Mrs. Gloria Dharmapalan

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