God Speaks - Vol XI

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GOD SPEAKS Gloria Dharmapalan

GOD SPEAKS - VOL XI info@godspeaks.in www..godspeaks.in Designed by Kingston Abraham © Beracah All rights reserved © Cover Design , by Kingston Abraham © Paper Back Design, by Kingston Abraham Distributed under license Creative Commons First Edition, April 2016

God Speaks - VOL XI God Speaks are messages given by God to Gloria Dharmapalan, My mother, from 1990 to 2001. As commissioned by the Lord Jesus these messagesgiven during prayer are, for all to read and be blessed. They are a source ofencouragement. They open our eyes to many truths and deep meanings of the Word of God. On March 22nd , 1990 the Lord said, “Little by little you are learning things from Me. Because your understanding is small, I speak to you of simple things. Because like Mary you sit at My feet to hear Me speaking, I speak to you, My children. As I teach you, you must teach these things to others. Speak to them about the things I teach you. It is not only for yourselves I tell these things. It is so that others may also hear them from you and benefit from it. I will teach more things in the days to come. You will receive My blessings when you do it.� These messages are in simple spoken English so that anyone who reads them can understand them.Those who read these messages are sure to hear His voice saying, I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not.(Jeremiah33:3) Read on and be blessed.

Praise the Lord.




1. THE NEW MILLENNIUM “The old year has gone and the new year has come. The old millennium has passed and the new millennium has begun and nothing untoward has seemed to have happened. This is the thought that came to the minds of those who were awaiting the dawn of the new millennium with fear and an expectation of some disaster taking place. They even think that it is their gods who prevented the world from coming to an end or any disaster taking place. Only the true believers who read the Word of God know that the end indeed is very near. If they follow the incidents taking place in the world- they will realise that every day as predicted in the Word of God-more disasters, natural and man-made are taking place and lives are being lost. That is why the people are warned to believe in the True God and be saved from their sins, and be prepared for the end by being constantly prayerful and watchful. Those who spent the last night of the old millennium and the dawn of the new millennium in a fever of eating, drinking and reveling in sinfull pleasuresas if it was going to be their last chance to enjoy all this- now they feel it was just another night where they wasted their time and money. All the excitement has subsided and life with all its problems has to go on. The Word of God says –All the deeds of the people are recorded by the angels


and all the people have to account for their deeds on the Judgement Day. (Heb 4:13) Those who have not repented for their sins and have not been washed in My blood will be condemned and punished to spend eternity with satan.(Rev 20:12-15) The indifferent and unbelieving are given opportunities to hear the Word of God and believe that I am the Way, the Truth and Life and the Saviour of the world. The Word of God says –The Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness to all nations and then shall the end come. (Matt24:14)This is being done today. I am the God who loves all the people-rich and poor- and can supply all their needs. Believe in Me and I will help you and take care of you and lead you into My kingdom to live with Me forever. Those who believe in Me and My Word – will be able to follow the events taking place in the world that are according to the prophesies in the Word of God. Preach this Word to the fearful, the worldly, the unbelieving and the poor.Tell the people that they are living in the last days and the end is indeed very near-even at the very doors.(Matt24:33) Behold I come quickly. Hold fast that you have, that no man may take your crown.�(Rev3:11)


2. THEN AND NOW “When I chose My disciples they had no knowledge of what I wanted them to do by following Me. They were good men. They listened to the preaching of John the Baptist and had repented of their sins. Some of them had hardly any education being fishermen. In the beginning I used them to help Me in My ministry like distributing the food when I fed the 5000 with bread and fish. So they walked with Me from place to place. They began to learn many things. They did not have much faith even in the beginning as was seen when the storm came when we were in the boat. By hearing My preaching and obeying it and seeing the miracles I did, their faith grew. I could now give them more responsibilities. I began to talk about the prophesies of My death and resurrection and also about the future of the world the last days and the end. To make them as well as the ordinary people understand – I used many parables in My preaching. At first I spoke about the ordinary things in life; like food and clothing and living good lives. So I told them parables from nature like the flowers, grains, birds and animals. But later on I went to deeper things like life after death, the kingdom of God and heaven and hell. I needed the help of My disciples to do My ministry also. They had grown


in their spiritual knowledge now and they had more power of My Spirit to help Me. Sometimes I sent them to some places to do the ministry but they still could not understand the prophesies of the future. It was only after My death and resurrection when they received the Holy Spirit that they could understand and also preach about the last days and the end of the world. Today the servants of God who are doing the ministry have everything in writing in the Word of God. They have more understanding than My disciples had and most of all the Holy Spirit is there to help them to preach, to teach and do the miracles by prayer. I told My disciples one day when they could not catch any fish - though they had toiled the whole night- Cast your nets into the deep waters. When they did this they caught so many fishes that the net almost tore. This is what I say to you- Fish in the deep waters. You are now fishers of men. Knowledge has increased in the world and even children know what is right and what is wrong and what is good and what is bad. They listen to satan and choose to do the wrong and the bad things knowingly. Those who dig deep in the Word of God for hidden deep things will find the treasures hidden there and they will understand most of them, though some are to be revealed only in My kingdom. There are also false preachers, false teachers , false prophets and false pastors in the last days who misguide and mislead the people. They do not preach


the deep truth to warn the people of the signs that are taking place and will take place at the end of the world. These are the deep things that the true servants of God must preach nownot only to the believers or in the churches but to also those who worship other gods. Some words in the scripture may have a simple meaning; but at the same time there will be a deep meaning there. Reading the Word of God and praying will help you to understand the deep meaning with the help of the Holy Spirit and to preach it the others. This is what I want those who are serving Me to preach and explain the deep meanings to those to whom you minister. I will be with you and help you and hear your prayers and bless you. “


3. SIGNS “Signs are given to the people as a lesson to teach them something or as a warning. Signs can also be a promise of help in time of trouble, an answer to a prayer and it can be a covenant that I make with the people of the world. The rainbow was a sign of a covenant that I will not destroy the world with flood. But some of the people did not believe in it and they began to build the tower of Babel to protect them from another flood. Even believers sometimes pray for deliverance from a problem but without faith in My promise to help them they try to solve the problem with their own efforts and they make matters worse by this. When Abraham’s servant went in search for a wife for Isaac he came to a well. He prayed for a sign from Me that the girl who gives him water and gives water for the camels also should be the chosen wife for Isaac. That is what Rebecca did and she was chosen. Sometimes people who arrange marriage for their children and even others who choose their own spouse fail to be very prayerful in this important matter.They concentrate on the outward aspects of the match and fail to pray according to My will. That is why sometimes problems come in the married life of people. I had chosen Moses to lead the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt. To talk to him about this I showed him the sign of the burning bush when he was


minding the sheep. I choose many servants of God by the signs of the Holy Spirit. It speaks to them and directs them in their ministry. Gideon felt he was not capable to lead the army of Israelites against the enemies even when I told him to do so. To confirm that he was chosen by Me he asked for a sign (Jud6:36-40) by putting out the dry fleece and the wet fleece. After this sign he was convinced and he fought for the Israelites. Moses and Gideon were both humble and thought that they were not capable to do what I wanted them to do. Some servants of God may not be well qualified to do the ministry. But I know their sincerity and faithfulness and hardwork. So I choose them and they are blessed and lifted up. That is how I chose the poor fishermen as My disciples and they brought glory to My Name without counting the cost. When I was born in the world the star was a sign to the shepherds and the wisemen which brought them to the place where I was, to worship Me and to testify about My birth. Even in these days astrologers see the signs of the stars and do their predictions. The astronomers invent modern instruments to study the stars. When I was in the world I preached about the kingdom of God. Some of those who did not believe in Me asked for a sign. I told them –the only sign for them was the sign of Jonah . Because they did not believe in Me they did not understand that even as Jonah was in the whale’s stomach I would be in the grave and as the whale spewed out Jonah from its mouth unto the land I would resurrect and come out of that grave.


Though there are prophesies and miracles in the Word of God those who do not believe will not be able to understand the truths that are there. Those who are saved by My death and resurrection and read the Word of God carefully and believe in Me, will understand the truths that are written there. The old prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel and others have predicted about the signs of the last days, the end of the world, My second coming and the final judgement. Some of these prophesies have been fulfilled, some are being fulfilled and some are to take place in the future. There are signs for all these prophesies. The Word of God says knowledge will be increased .(Dan 12:4) Man’s knowledge has increased to certain extent that he tries to interfere even in My creation. The other signs are, there will be famines, pestilences, wars and rumours of wars. Nation will be against nation and kingdoms against kingdoms. There will be no peace even in the families. There will be fighting with one another. In the churches also there will be divisions. All these are taking place now. But the children of God are protected from this because they are true to Me and I have promised them the peace that passeth understanding. Other signs that the end is near are the earthquakes, floods and storms which are worse than have happened before. The Word of God also says that the Gospel will be preached throughout the world.(Matt24:14) This is also a sign of the end. Let the people believe in the Word that is preached and accept


Me as their Lord and Saviour and take a warning from their signs. One of the last signs will be the destruction of the world. The Word of God says – The heavens will be rolled away like a scroll (Rev6:14) and the Son of God will come to the world the second time to judge the world.(Matt24:27,30) Those who have been warned by the signs and have prepared themselves to meet Me when I come again will not be condemned in the judgement. Those who do not believe in the signs and are not saved from their sins will be judged and sent to eternal punishment in hell. Today is the day of salvation. Accept Me as your Saviour and live a holy life and wait for My coming.�


4. FLESH POTS “When the Israelites were in Egypt under bondage and they cried to Me to deliver them I heard their prayers and brought them out of Egypt. But as soon as the temptation came to them in the wilderness they fell. They forgot the sufferings in Egypt and they thought only of the flesh pot and cucumbers they ate there.(Exo16:3; Num11:4,5) The miracles I did for them was not so important for them now. They lusted after the worldly things. It was not once that they angered Me and I forgave them; but many times they sinned against Me and murmured. The believers today also sometimes hold on to some worldly things. They have not fully surrendered themselves to Me. There is something in their lives which they cannot give up which is a hindrance to the blessings I have for them. That generation of people who came out of Egypt never saw the land of Canaan, the land flowing with milk and honey. For the sake of the flesh pots of Egypt they lost My blessings. It grieves Me when My children hold on to some worldly thing which they make more important in their lives and at the same time they pray for My blessing. To give them this blessing I will have to take away what is preventing them from receiving the blessing. They are still My children whom I have promised never to leave or forsake.


For some people their relationships are important. They are always worried about their families though they cannot help them. For some the job is the most important thing in their life because of the pride they have in that. Satan makes these things appear in their eyes so important that they even feel what they are doing is right. They forget their priorities though I have said –Seek ye first My kingdom(Matt6:33) and love your Lord with all your heart and soul and mind. (Matt22:37) It is My desire to bless My children. Release your hold on what you think is more important than anything else in the world. Humble yourselves in My presence. Confess it. Know your priorities. Give Me first place in your lives. If it is My will I will even give you what you desire if you are willing to let go your hold on it and give it an unimportant place only as a duty in your lives. I have said –Cast your burden upon Me (Ps55:22). Cast your cares upon Me. I will give you rest for I care for you.(I Peter5:7) But some believers – they pray and at the same time they hold on to their burdens, cares and sorrows. I have said- in all circumstances pray with thanksgiving.( Phil 4:6) Release the burdens and the problems will be solved themselves. These problems should not take an important place in your life. It will be a hindrance to the spiritual life of prayer and ministry. When you do according to as I have said, the troubles will cease, the hindrances will go away and the blessings will come.”


5. DESTRUCTION “When I created the world, everything in it- the trees, plants and all living creatures were all beautiful. The most unique and beautiful was man, because he was created in My image. Even the most gigantic and tiny animals and other creatures were beautiful. Satan also was beautiful (Ez28:13) till he turned against Me and I had to throw him and his followers out of heaven.(Is14:12-15) His beautiful appearance was destroyed when he was cast out of heaven because of his wickedness. Satan did not care much about My other creations, but when I created man, satan plotted to turn man against Me to join him. The two people in the garden were innocent of evil. There was only love among all the living beings I had created. They all loved Me and they loved each other. There was harmony and peace everywhere, and I loved all My creations and I still love them. But alas! Satan came into the world and brought destruction. If satan had come in his own form, the woman would not have been deceived. She would have turned away in abhorrence from his ugly form. But he was cunning enough to know this. So he took the form of a serpent which at that time was also a beautiful, harmless creature. She who knew no evil sinned in eating the forbidden fruit. That fruit in the middle of the garden was just like the other beautiful fruits in the garden, but satan by his cunning words made it appear more attractive than the other fruits and she was tempted to eat it.


It was her disobedience - in disobeying her Creator and listening to the words of satan in the form of one of My creations. I created man with intellect which I did not give to the lower creations. I communicated with them and they with Me. If for a moment she had used her intellect she would not have obeyed satan. Sin came into the world and brought destruction with it. From then till today satan tempts people with the sinful pleasures of the world. The good fruitful ground was polluted and destruction came to the plants and trees. The loving, gentle nature of the animals was destroyed and to get their food and otherwise, they attacked other animals. Man also had to destroy plants and animals for his clothes, shelter and food; so the animals turned against man also. They used claws and fangs and poison to protect themselves and to feed themselves. Man had to work hard to feed himself and his family. He had only primitive weapons to defend himself from the wild animals and to kill them for food. Some of the animals were enormous in size. They were also strong and powerful. These were carnivorous as well as herbivorous animals. They required a lot of food. As the human population increased, the animal population also increased. I realized that the very huge, enormous, ferocious animals would soon destroy whole forests of trees and plants , other smaller animals and attack man also who would not be strong enough to defend himself against these animals. I loved the world and all My creations and I did not wish to destroy what I had


created. It was sin which brought the destruction to the world. So I sent those enormous, grotesque animals away to very far-off uninhabited placesaway from other living creatures and man- where they gradually became extinct as I did not allow them to procreate. Modern man has found some fossils of these creatures and given them names and he is studying them. They were so huge in size and needed such a lot of food, that Noah would have found it difficult to accommodate them in the Ark, if they had existed at that time. In spite of warnings, the people continued to sin, and as the people in the world increased sin increased. They still obeyed satan’s words, though I had communicated with them through Noah who was faithful to Me. So, for the first time I brought destruction to the living things in the world through the flood. I saved Noah and his family and two of every species of other living creatures.(Gen6;17-22) I knew that as long as satan is in the world he will tempt the people and some will be true to Me and others will fall. I still loved the world I created and to prevent mankind from being destroyed by satan, the Master Plan was formed to make a way for mankind to resist satan and be true to Me.(John3:16) So I came to the world to die for the sins of man and to be resurrected, so that whoever believes in My death and resurrection will be saved from their sins and from destruction. I have given them the Word of God to help them to lead holy lives. I have sent the Holy Spirit to the world also to lead and guide the people to lead holy


lives. There are servants of God to teach them and to preach to them and to lead them in worship. The last destruction will come at the end of the world.(Rev.21:1) All the signs of the coming destruction and renewal are given in the Word of God. Those who believe in Me and follow the Word of God faithfully will understand all this.(Matt24) I created man with body, soul and spirit. At death, only the body dies. But the soul and spirit cannot die. At the end of the world all the dead will come back to life and be judged and they will be either eternally rewarded in heaven or eternally punished in hell.(Rev.20:10-15) I am a God who creates and saves, and it is only satan who destroys. He cannot create. So decide to follow Me as your Creator and Saviour and resist the destroyer satan, and you will be saved from destruction.�


6. EMPTY HANDS “When you are born you are born with empty hands and when you die you die with empty hands. The people who do not believe in Me, specially some kings like the Pharoahs and rich people, are buried in their tombs with treasures and even food and other things that they liked in the world so that they can take their worldly things with them into their next lives. But the children of God know that they cannot carry any worldly things with their death, into My kingdom. That is why I said –Lay up your treasures into heaven while you are alive.(Matt6:20) While you are in the world these treasures will accumulate in My kingdom. These are the good thoughts, good deeds, the good words that came from you to help others , to comfort them and to save the souls for My kingdom. The Gospel you preach to others, your meditation, your prayers and your holy life will all be recorded in heaven. When you leave the world and come to My kingdom these things will be there before you. After you die you cannot bring anything with you. When I bring you to life again you will receive a new body because your old sinful body is of no use to you. So if you want to lay treasures in heaven even while you are in the world be cleansed from your sins, lead a holy life, think good thoughts, speak good words, do good deeds, read the Word of God and pray; and also tell the Gospel


to others that they may also be saved and come to My kingdom. These people who do this are My beloved children who are gems to Me because they are precious to Me.�


7. ARISE AND BUILD “In the beginning when I created the world, there was no need to build anything in the Garden, because everything was perfect for the human beings and the other living creatures. But when sin came into the world, everything changed. Mankind and the other living creatures, now needed shelter and protection from the elements and from each other. So in different ways all creatures began to build shelters and live in them. Even the tiny birds built nests in the trees. It now became a necessity. Noah built the Ark according to My instructions, but the people who began to build the Tower of Babel did it against My will. So I put an ending to their building. The Tabernacle and the Temple of Jerusalem were built according to My word and My instructions. The children of God who build homes and churches should do so with prayer and dedication to Me. These homes and churches will be blessed by Me. You must build your lives also on a strong foundation according to the Word of God. I have said – Whosoever hears these sayings of mine and does them is like a wise man who built his house upon a rock. Though floods and storms came and beat upon that house, it did not fall, because it was founded upon a rock. Those who hear My words and do not live accordingly are like the foolish man who built his house upon the sand. When the floods and storms came and beat


upon the house – it collapsed and great was the fall of that house. (Matt7:2427) I am the Rock of Salvation and if you build your life on Me and My words, though temptations and the trials of life assail you, your faith in Me will uphold you and you will overcome your trials and stand firm. If like the foolish man –you build your life on the world and its attractions – when troubles and temptations come, you will give room for satan to pull you down and ruin your life. When the Israelites sinned and worshipped idols I allowed their enemies to destroy the city and the Temple of Jerusalem. But when they repented I sent My prophets to gather My people to rise up and rebuild the temple.(Nehemiah2: 18,20; Ezra3:8-10) This happened many times. When I was in the world I told My disciples that the day will come when there shall not be left one stone upon the other that shall not be thrown down.(Luke 21:6) This prophesy of the last days has been fulfilled and today there is no temple of Jerusalem. This is one of the signs that the end of the world is near. Let the people be warned. Big cities and buildings and factories, and bridges and dams, vehicles and weapons and many other things are all built by man. A building is coming up in the world which is not made by human hands and materials found in the world. I am the Master builder of that building which is the Church.


The workers who help Me in building this church are the servants of God who preach the Gospel and save the souls. Before I left the world I commanded My disciples to go into all the world and preach the Gospel.(Matt28:19,20) My church is being built up of the souls who believe in Me as their Saviour. They believe in My death and resurrection and have been washed and cleansed of all their sins by My blood that was shed on the Cross.(Acts 20:28) All those who are saved from their sins are committed to help Me in building My Church, even as they are part of this church. My commandment to you is –Arise and build My Church. I am also the Builder of the mansions in heaven. Before I left the world I said- In My Father’s house is many mansions. I go to prepare a place for you. I will come again and receive you unto Myself that where I am you may be also. (John14:2,3) These mansions in My kingdom are built for those who have been saved from their sins, who believed in Me and till the end of their lives they lived according to My Word. Again I say to you-Arise and help Me to build My church and at the end of the world you will live in a mansion built for you in My kingdom.”


8. TRUTH AND LIES “I am the WAY, the TRUTH and LIFE.(John14:6) I am the very personification and embodiment of TRUTH. Those who believe in Me and follow Me will live a life of truth in their thoughts, words and deeds. Abraham was known as My friend.(James2:23) If you accept Me as your friend , like Abraham you will walk in truth. The Word of God says-You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. (John8:32) When you accept Me as your Lord and Saviour you will know what is truth, because I am Truth. People try to find this truth in other gods and different ways, but they will fail till they come to Me. Truth will set you free from your bondage of sin, suffering and cares. Like My disciples you will lead a life of truth and obedience to Me. I can use you to bring souls to My kingdom. Truth will be a shield to you.(Ps91:4) It will protect you from the darts of satan. With truth you will overcome and conquer the evil forces because your weapons are not carnal, but they are mighty.(II Cor10:4) If you are filled with the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth will guide you into all truth.(John16:13) You will receive many spiritual blessings. The fruit of the Spirit is in Truth.(Eph5:9) You will grow and grow in your spiritual life. The prophets of old like Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel and others had the Spirit of Truth


in them. Joseph suffered because he was truthful, but I lifted him up. Job was persecuted by satan because he was true to Me. I delivered him and blessed him. Shadrach, Mesach and Abednego were thrown into the furnace because they were true to Me and would not worship the idol. I delivered them miraculously from burning so that even the heathen king acknowledged that I was the true God. Some of My disciples and followers died as martyrs because they stood true to their faith in Me. As in the old days even today and in the days to come there will be martyrs who will die for the truth. But these martyrs will receive their reward in My kingdom. Lie is the very opposite of truth. The Word of God says-The devil is a liar and the father of lies. He abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie he speaks of his own.(John8:44) He tempted the first two people to sin by telling them that they will not die if they ate the forbidden fruit. It was his biggest lie that brought sin into the world. To save mankind from his sins and death and to conquer satan’s lie I came to the world as the Truth and rose from dead and I am alive today as the Truth of salvation for mankind. Those who lie suffer by it. A small lie can lead to bigger lies and sins and even criminal deeds. The Word of God says-The little foxes spoil the vines. (Songs2:15) A poor man is better than a liar.(Pro19:22)


When I asked Cain where Abel was he tried to cover up his crime with a question without telling the truth of the fact that he had murdered his brother. Some people try to disguise their lies in indirect ways. Even in court cases some witnesses and even lawyers do this. But no lie can be hidden from Me. Instigated by his mother Rebecca, Jacob lied to his father that he was Esau, to get his blessings. But Jacob loved Me and repented whereas Esau was worldly and had no love for Me or for the spiritual life. Because of their worldly desires, people fall into sin and lose their blessings. Those who sincerely repent for their sins and come to Me will be forgiven. When I told the Samaritan woman to bring her husband to hear My Word she answered that she had no husband though she was illegally living with a man. When I revealed the truth of her sinful life, she repented and was saved. Through her the whole village was saved. Those who are saved from their sins must bring other souls into the Truth of Salvation through My blood that was shed on the Cross. For fear of his life Peter lied that he did not know Me when I was arrested and brought for trial before Pilate. But immediately he bitterly repented. The lie did not have control over him. He became a strong warrior for My kingdom. He stood up for the Truth till the end and died a martyr. If a lie is not overcome by repentance and the truth, sin will take control of the spiritual life of the believer. The whole life must change. Annanias and Sapphira died because they were unrepentant when they lied to Peter. The lie was not their only sin. They conspired together to lie though


they were believers. It was not a lie to save their lives. It was their worldly desire and lack of faith. They willfully told a deliberate lie to Peter who had the gifts of the Spirit to immediately discern the lie. The servants of God are given the gifts of the Spirit to serve Me. In these days there are false prophets who prophesy lies.(Jer14:14) The Word of God says –In the last days there will be false prophets, false teachers and false pastors.( Matt24:11,24) They are all liars. Their very life is a lie. The Word of God says – All liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone.(Rev21:8) Be warned and take heed. I have said- I am the God of Truth.(Deut32:4) Reject the devil and his lies and follow Me and live a life of Truth. I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.(John14:6) If you walk in My way you will walk in Truth and receive the eternal Life that I have for you in My kingdom.”


9. SEEING “When I created the world and everything in it- I saw that it was good. When I saw the man and woman that I had created, it looked very good to Me. I created man with eyes to enjoy the beautiful sights of My creation. That is how the first woman was tempted by satan to eat the forbidden fruit. She saw that the fruit looked good to eat. I am the God who sees everything. Nothing can be hidden from Me.(Heb4:13) I saw Cain when he killed Abel.(Gen4:10) No crime is hidden from Me. I saw Hager crying in the desert, and gave her water for her child. (Gen21:19) I see suffering humanity and help them when they call upon Me. I saw Hannah and answered her prayer for a child. I saw the Israelites suffering in bondage (Exo 3:7) and brought them out of Egypt. But they were not obedient to Me. I saw their sins and punished them but I did not forsake them. When those who sin, repent and cry to Me for forgiveness, I forgive them because I am a long-suffering and merciful God. That is how I forgave King David when he sinned. I often use people to serve Me to bring souls to My kingdom when they have sincerely repented for their sins and forsaken them. I gave mankind to see and choose the good things in the world and live a


righteous life. Those who read the Word of God in the right perspective will believe in Me as the Saviour of the world. Their spiritual eyes will be opened to follow Me in the way to My kingdom. Joshua and Caleb went to survey the land of Canaan along with the ten others chosen by Moses. When they returned with the samples of the flourishing fruits of the land, Joshua and Caleb who had seen that the land was good and fertile—brought a good report of the land. But the others brought a bad report that the people of the land were like giants and they were too strong to conquer. They discouraged the people with their bad report. That is how people reject the good and see only the bad. Even believers when trials come, they exaggerate their troubles and forget the blessings they have received. I have said - All things work together for good to those who love God.(Rom 8:28) In every circumstance- in the life of a child of God – they must learn by faith to see the good that can come out of it. After My resurrection – when I appeared to My disciples, during the absence of Thomas-he said that he would not believe that they had seen Me, unless he touched Me and put his finger into My wounds. That is why I said – Blessed are those who do not see and yet they believe.(John 20:29) When I returned to My kingdom I sent the Holy Spirit to help My childrenthose who believe in Me to see the mysteries of the Word of God with their spiritual eyes. The same miracles that I did in the world are happening when the servants of God pray for the sick and others in troubles. But the greatest miracle is when a sinner repents for his sins and his spiritual eyes are opened to see the Truth and accepts Me as his Lord and Saviour.


Those who read the Word of God faithfully will see the signs of the times that are taking place, and they will be able to discern that the end of the world is near. At the end of the world I will come a second time to the world, when every eye will behold Me and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord.(Phil 2:11) Yes, the good and bad- those who believed in Me as God, and those who did not- will all see Me and realise that I alone, am God. But it is too late for those who did not believe in Me when they were in the world. They will be judged and condemned to spend eternity with satan and his followers. Those who are saved from their sins and are washed in My blood and live holy lives will be taken into My kingdom to live with Me forever. You can see the miracles and the signs and hear the Gospel and read the Word of God and be saved, or without seeing , by faith you can believe in the salvation I have offered you through My death and resurrection.�


10. SEA “God called the dry land Earth and the gathering together He called Seas. (Gen1:10) The sea covered the whole earth till I separated the land from the seas. Everything I created was for the good of mankind. Those who worship Me will know how to admire, appreciate and enjoy the beauties of My creation. The Psalmist did and My servant Job also did it. For his selfish gains – man misuses many of My creations and spoils the beauty of it. He does this even to the sea. He pollutes the sea by letting out poisonous effluents from his factories into the sea. The idol-worshippers – after worshipping the idols – pollute the sea by dumping the idols into the sea. They also throw partially burnt dead bodies and ashes into the sea. The living creatures and plants in the sea are wonderfully made of different varieties, sizes, shapes and colours. Using his intellect man is still exploring and discovering new species and new wonders of the sea. He also knows to exploit the treasures of the sea. The lowly fishermen- like My disciples- who earn their living by fishing, know something about the sea by experience. Sometimes man is able by his knowledge to predict a storm in the sea, and


on this information those who sail in the ships, take precautions. But sometimes storms occur without warning and even huge ships get shipwrecked and many lives and property are lost. Satan also sometimes creates such storms like he did when I was sleeping in the boat of My disciples on the sea. I protect My children from such disasters. It was thus I revealed to My Apostle Paul about the occurring of a storm when he was taken as a prisoner. His presence in the ship and prayers saved all who were in the ship.(Acts27:10-25) With his knowledge man invents ways to protect himself from the elements, but there are times when no invention can be a safeguard except My intervention in answer to the prayers of My children. The trials and troubles in your life will be like a sudden storm, but you can always find in Me an anchor that holds your ship from drifting and sinking and a safe haven of rest. Even as I stilled that storm long ago I shall say to you –Peace be still and you will find that peace that passes understanding , that the world cannot give you. Come unto Me all ye that labour and are heavy-laden and I will give you rest.�


11. CALL UNTO ME “Call unto Me and I will answer thee and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not.(Jer33:3) There are many times when people call upon Me in different situations in their lives. Even in the lives of the worldly people who rarely pray and to whom prayer is a ritual or a duty they call upon Me when they are in need of something. When they are in danger of their lives –even the atheists, without knowing who I am – call upon Me as God, to save their lives. In such times, the unbelievers and those who worship other gods call upon all their gods to save them. When there is no answer from them, as a last resort they call Me by name and I hear their prayer and save them from the danger in which they are. Many times these people realise that so long what they were worshipping were not true gods, and they believe in Me when they see the miracle by which I save them. There are the people who bear My name and go to church but are not deep in their spiritual lives. These are worldly people who call upon Me to satisfy their worldly desires, and there are some who pray for help in their sinful acts also. I will not hear and answer such prayers. Some believers believe in half of this verse, that when they call upon Me I will answer them. They are satisfied with this.


To be shown great and mighty things that even the world does not know and they don’t know- the believer has to have a deep longing and thirst for the Word of God and love Me with all their heart, soul and mind. Such were My disciples and today there are many such servants of God. I told My disciples – Cast your nets into the deep waters. Those who wish to serve Me and those who are serving Me, must have the desire to see the great and mighty things that I can show them in the spiritual realm. It is not enough to ask and receive. The children of God must also seek and search and find the hidden truth. They must also knock on the doors of heaven to be opened to receive the blessings from there. A child of God who is lazy to do this- to spend time in prayer and reading the Word of God will not receive all the blessings that I have for him. I cannot use such people for My ministry. The woman who lost the coin had to light the lamp and sweep the room to search for the coin. Then she found it. The shepherd whose sheep was lost had to go over mountains and thorny places to seek the lamb. With much difficulty he found the lost sheep. With many such parables in the Word of God I have shown how to receive the rewards in My kingdom. I have said - those who put their hand on the plough and turn back cannot serve Me.(Luke9:62) In these days, as the end is near, satan is also near doing his work to draw away the children of God from Me. To receive the answers to your calling and


to be shown great and mighty things that you know not, perseverance in prayer is needed. I have said - Pray constantly without ceasing (I Thes5:17) and read the Word of God and I will hear you when you call and answer you and show you great and mighty things that you know not. You will bring others to My kingdom where you will have a place with Me.�


12. WALKING WITH GOD “This is the way, walk in it.(Isaiah 30:21) I want you to walk in My way, so that I can walk with you. When I created Adam and Eve, I gave them specific instructions that they must obey to walk with Me. These instructions were not difficult to obey. I kept them always close to Me. I used to walk with them in the evenings. They were happy in My company as long as they obeyed Me, and I was happy to walk with them and to talk to them. But when they disobeyed Me and sinned, they left My path and got into satan’s path. When I came to walk with them, they hid from Me. It was only through suffering that they came back to My path. Abraham walked with Me. He was My friend.(James 2:23) I also walked with him and talked to him. Moses also was My friend with whom I walked and talked.(Ex33:11) Enoch walked with Me. I was pleased with him. (Gen5:24; Heb11:5) When you read the Word of God you will understand how some walked with Me and others did not. King David walked with Me. Once when he strayed away from Me, I punished him. He repented and came back to walk in My path. If as a child of God you are tempted by satan and leave My way, if you sincerely repent, I will forgive you and help you to come back to My path.


There is a difference between your walking with Me and My walking with you. The Word of God says-If you walk in My statutes and keep My commandments and do them, I will be with you and walk among you and I will be your God and you shall be My people.(Lev26:3,12) As long as the Israelites walked in My path with Me, I blessed them. I walked with them and talked with them and helped them in their sufferings. Walking with Me is a lifetime experience for a child of God. It is a continuous process. Those who believe in Me and live a life of testimony according to the Word of God, and those who serve Me- are walking with ME. They are always conscious of My Presence. They understand what it is to walk with Me and talk to Me and to hear Me talk to them. Their spiritual eyes are opened to see the great and mighty things that I show them.(Jer33:3) I am able to use them to save souls for My kingdom. Others can see Me in their lives. I find it a pleasure to walk with the true children of God- who walk with Me in My path. But satan is not pleased with those who walk with Me. He tries to draw away the children of God to walk in his way. They must take up their cross and follow Me to walk in My way. (Matt16:24) Satan tempts them and if they resist him, he creates storms of distress in their lives and brings troubles and sorrows to them. The Word of God sayssatan walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.(I Peter5:8) This is what he did to Job because he walked with Me. But Job never left My way and satan was defeated.


The Word of God says-Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with Me.(Ps23:4) Yes, if you walk with Me, I will walk with you, even unto the end. I will give you strength and courage to bear your sufferings and overcome satan. My disciples walked close to Me and suffered many things for My sake, but I was always close to them, even unto death. Today also, I am walking with those who walk with Me and serve Me - who live holy lives according to My Word. I will never leave you or forsake you even in your trials and I will walk with you and bless you if you walk with Me in My path and in My way.�


13. DOORS “The door of one year is closing and the door of another year is opening. This has gone on for ages and the unbelievers think that this will go on forever. But the day is soon coming when time will be no more and the world will come to an end when there will be no more doors that will close to one year and open to the next. Doors have two functions- to open to allow people in and to close to keep people out and for their protection. Many doors are mentioned in the Word of God. When the Israel people were in Egypt the last plague was the death of the first-born in every home. The Israelites were told to put the blood of the sacrificial lamb on the door-posts of their house and to stay inside their homes and to shut their doors, so that there will be no death of the first-born in their houses.(Ex12:12,13) The blood was their protection. Today I am the sacrificial lamb and it is My blood that saves the people from their sins. I have said – I am the door of the sheepfold, through which the people who enter in will be saved. No one can be saved by entering through any other door, other than through Me.(John 10:7,9) I am the only door to My kingdom. The Jews received salvation for their souls through animal sacrifices. But after My death and resurrection all the people can receive salvation by believing in Me. The door of faith in Me is open to all mankind.(Acts 14:27)


I have told many parables about the doors of heaven and the doors of helllike the parable of the ten virgins. The wise virgins who were ready entered through the open door into the feast of the bridegroom, while the door was shut to the foolish virgins who came late.(Matt 25:1-13) This will happen at the end of the world when the doors of heaven are open to those who have believed in Me and were saved from their sins. For the others the doors of heaven are closed and the doors of hell will be open to receive them. Behold I stand at the door and knock. If any man hears My voice and opens the door, I will come into him.(Rev.3:20) This is the door of your heart. But there will come a time when I will stop knocking . Before that happens, open your heart to Me and accept Me as the savior of your soul. That is the end of the world when I will come again to judge the world. But no one knows when that will happen, but I warn you that it is very near-even at the doors.(Matt24:33) I have said when the Gospel of My kingdom is preached all over the world, the end will come.(Matt24:14) From the days of My Apostles to whom I first gave this commitment, the Gospel is preached all over the world by the servants of God. Though some countries shut their doors to the Gospel, it has entered even these countries, and into countries which are opening their doors to the Gospel. The Word of God is like a double-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner


of the thoughts and intents of the heart.(Heb4:12) No door can keep out the Gospel of Truth whether they are brass or iron. (Is 45:4) I am the Way the Truth and the Life.(John 14:6) In spite of closed doors and persecution the Gospel was and is preached everywhere throughout the world. Read the Word of God faithfully and you will realise that you are living at the very end of the world. The doors of heaven are still open for you to enter in. Believe in Me and pray. I have said—enter into your room and when you have shut the door, pray to Me in secret and I will reward you openly.(Matt6:6) Your prayers will enter the doors of heaven and reach the throne of Grace.�


TESTIMONY OF SIS. GLORIA DHARMAPALAN “… I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction”. (Is. 48:10) I praise the Lord for the furnace of affliction, through which I was saved by the blood of Jesus and my family was blessed. From that day I never looked back but went forward growing in my spiritual life. I continued to have a very close relationship with my Lord and Saviour Jesus speaking to Him. He has spoken, guided and upheld me in my daily life. In 1975 I received the anointing of the Holy Spirit with the manifestation of praising and speaking in tongues. As I progressed I experienced miracles and visions while praying at home and in church. The Lord used me to serve Him by ministering to others. There were instants when the Lord has told to pray specifically for unknown people, even mentioning their names at times. Thus I could see the gifts of the Holy Spirit being operated. I give all the glory to Him. From 1990, while praying with my daughter Helen Solomon, the Lord has given visions and messages on many topics which Helen has written down what I repeated as the Lord told me. On 06.03.1990 the Lord said, “I give you the privilege of having a relationship with me which is more than any human relationship because you are my beloved children. Desire for this relationship and I will give it to you, as you grow in your spiritual life”. On 21.03.1990, the Lord said, “The special gift of the Holy Spirit you have from above, is more precious than gold. Guard it. You will know how to use it in time that my Name may be glorified among the heathen. As commissioned by the Lord Jesus, these messages were written for all to read and be blessed and for the Glory of God. Alleluia! Mrs. Gloria Dharmapalan

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