God Speaks - Vol IX

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GOD SPEAKS Gloria Dharmapalan

GOD SPEAKS - VOL IX info@godspeaks.in www..godspeaks.in Designed by Kingston Abraham © Beracah All rights reserved © Cover Design , by Kingston Abraham © Paper Back Design, by Kingston Abraham Distributed under license Creative Commons First Edition, April 2016

God Speaks - VOL IX God Speaks are messages given by God to Gloria Dharmapalan, My mother, from 1990 to 2001. As commissioned by the Lord Jesus these messagesgiven during prayer are, for all to read and be blessed. They are a source ofencouragement. They open our eyes to many truths and deep meanings of the Word of God. On March 22nd , 1990 the Lord said, “Little by little you are learning things from Me. Because your understanding is small, I speak to you of simple things. Because like Mary you sit at My feet to hear Me speaking, I speak to you, My children. As I teach you, you must teach these things to others. Speak to them about the things I teach you. It is not only for yourselves I tell these things. It is so that others may also hear them from you and benefit from it. I will teach more things in the days to come. You will receive My blessings when you do it.� These messages are in simple spoken English so that anyone who reads them can understand them.Those who read these messages are sure to hear His voice saying, I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not.(Jeremiah33:3) Read on and be blessed.

Praise the Lord.





1. TEMPEST “Why did those disciples get upset and afraid when their boat was caught in the storm in the sea? Were not Peter, Andrew, James and John hardened fishermen, who faced many storms when they went out to the sea to fish? But on that day though I was sleeping in the boat they became distressed and fearful when the boat got caught in the storm. Every time they went out to catch fish in the sea in that same boat they went out at the risk of their lives. They battled many a storm and brought the boat back safely to the shore. But on that day they became fearful and could not control the boat. That day they were not battling only the storm in the sea. From the day they began to follow Me, My chief enemy satan became their enemy also. The storm that day was the same storm they faced on the sea at other times. But the forces of darkness shook the boat and created sounds of an unearthly kind. Satan thought he could get rid of Me and the disciples at the same time. It was these unnatural sounds and rocking of the boat that frightened the disciples. They lost control of the boat and that is why they woke Me up. I just said – Peace Be Still ! I calmed not only the sea and the storm but I commanded the forces of darkness also to become quiet. The sea and the devils obeyed My authority to command, and peace and calm was restored in the sea and in the disciples’ hearts. I reprimanded them for their lack of faith, even as I strengthened them in their faith because they had to fight many battles


against satan during their ministry. In the lives of the people in the world different types of storms come up. In the government among the ruling people, storms of jealousy and anger and fraud create confusion. Storms between the countries create confusion in the world and war. There are also storms in the churches and petty storms in the families and tempests in the individuals’ hearts. From the top to the bottom all these tempests are the work of satan. By causing these storms from the top to the bottom satan creates confusion , frustration and anger in the people’s hearts and minds and it becomes easy for him to deceive them and get them on his side. From the happenings in the world today those who believe in Me and those who read the Word of God faithfully will understand that the end of the world is near and all the tempests and storms in the people and in nature have been recorded in the Word of God. Let the people be warned and take heed that only by turning to Me with faith they can overcome the tempests in their lives, in their families, in their churches, governments and countries. Even as on that day when the disciples cried to Me I calmed the storm, today also I hear the cry of those in distress, who call unto Me and I still the tempest in their lives and bring peace and calm.


I have said –My peace I give to you : not as the world gives. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.(John 14:27) When the tempest comes into your lives look unto Me and I will say- Peace be still. You will get the peace that passes understanding that comes only from Me. No other God or man can bring this peace to the world. The tempest may rage and the storms may blow but you will find this peace if you come to Me. Even today I say- Come unto Me all that are burdened and heavy laden and I will give you rest.(Matt 21:28)


2. FEASTS “The people in the world love to celebrate feasts. Feasting is a time for them, of eating and drinking and of giving gifts. Idol worshippers offer sacrifices to their gods and celebrate their feasts in eating, drinking and dancing. The common people of all religions celebrate feasts on certain anniversaries and days like birthdays and marriages and festivals. The rich people celebrate their feasts in a grand manner with many guests. But the poor are not able to afford such celebrations. The true children of God who worship Me alone celebrate their festival days in prayer and thanksgiving to Me for the blessings they have received to celebrate these days. These feasts are blessed by Me. When I brought the children of Israel out of Egypt, I told them to celebrate the Passover as a feast day. It was a solemn day. When they were brought out of bondage from Egypt into freedom it was also a day of gladness and joy. When I came to the world and gave My life for the sins of the people as a sacrificial lamb there was no more need to celebrate the Passover because I was the sacrificial lamb who bore the sins of the people to bring them out of the bondage of sins into eternal life. In the last supper with My disciples, in remembrance of this I instituted the breaking of bread and wine, which I told all My followers to continue to do. But even today the Jews who do not believe in Me and the followers of Ishmael continue to celebrate the Passover by killing the sacrificial lamb as in


the old days. These people do not believe in My death and resurrection to save the world from their sins. The Holy communion that I instituted is not a feast of eating and drinking. It is a symbolic feast of My death and resurrection to save the people from their sins. It is a Holy Ritual which the true believers follow. When the Israelites came out of Egypt I called Moses up to the mount to give him the Ten Commandments and other laws. At that time the people made the golden calf and worshipped it. They indulged in feasting and sinful pleasures. They were punished for this. Those who believe in Me must be truthful in their church fellowship, reading the Word of God and prayer. Otherwise they will be drawn away into the sinful pleasures of the world. I have said –Do not be unequally yoked with the unbelievers.(II Cor 6:14) Believers who have close friendship with unbelievers will be drawn away in celebrating the festivals of the unbelievers who worship the satanic forces in the form of idols. Those believers who do this will have a lot of troubles in their lives. The other festivals I gave to the Israelites were the Festival of Weeks, the Festival of Harvest and the Festival of the Tabernacle. All these were holy days. The Harvest Festivals are the days when the people had to bring their tithes and offerings to the church. Those who bring their tithes and offerings regularly will be blessed. I have said – I will open the windows of heaven and bless them.(Mal 3:10)


The day of Pentecost on which the disciples assembled together in the Upper Room when they received the Holy Spirit was the day of the Feast of Weeks given to the Israel people.(Num 28:26) From that day of Pentecost whenever the disciples and the children of God assembled together and prayed the Holy Spirit came upon them. Those who believe and pray in spirit and truth will be filled with the Holy Spirit and will receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit to do the ministries. It is not a day of feasting. It is a day of fasting and prayer. Believers can have feast days which I bless. Marriage days and birthdays can be celebrated in a holy manner with My blessing.�


3. BUILDINGS “When I created the Garden of Eden I did not build any homes for the creatures living there because there was no need as the whole garden was a home for them. They did not need any kind of protection from the elements or from each other. All was in peace and tranquility. Only after sin came into the world, the need for building shelters was there. The very elements changed. The people and the living creatures needed shelter from the heat of the sun, rain and cold. Satan brought enmity also in the world. So the people and the creatures needed shelter to protect them also. I gave them wisdom to do this. Even the living creatures built their own homes. The birds built their nests. The wild animals lived in lairs and dens. Some lived underground in holes and caves. Even the creatures of the sea built homes. Some of the homes of these living creatures are marvelous and wonderful and many children of God praise Me for the wonders of nature. It was My love for My creatures that made Me give the wisdom to man and other creatures to build the homes for their protection and safety. Man learnt to make tools to help him in his buildings. According to My instructions Noah built the ark to protect him and his family and the living creatures from the flood. In spite of My love for mankind the people turned against Me and listened to satan and became so wicked that


I destroyed them in the flood. Even after the flood as the people increased in the world once again they started their buildings. But they grieved Me by their wicked lives. They lost their faith in Me even though I promised not to destroy the world with flood. But there were some faithful ones true to Me. Some of the wicked people joined together and started to build the tower of Babel. They wanted to build it so high that no flood could destroy it in future. To stop them from this I confounded their language. They separated and went to live in different places.(Gen 11:4-9) Abraham was a faithful friend to Me. He had herds of sheep and cattle. So he moved from place to place. He and his family and servants lived in tents. As I promised him I took him and his family and his generations to the land of Canaan. I chose the Israel people as My people. I gave them riches. They built fine houses and lived in prosperity. But they were never all true to Me. They built idols of gold and silver and wood and stone. They built temples for these idols and worshipped them. This is how man misuses the blessings I give him. Solomon built the beautiful temple of Jerusalem but it was desecrated and I allowed it to be destroyed. People build churches to worship Me. But in these last days many such churches are desecrated and misused for other purposes. They build temples for satan where they worship him.


As knowledge has increased in the world the buildings have increased in length, breadth and height. As predicted in the Word of God , in the last days there will be earthquakes and wars and disaster.(Matt 24:6,7) You are seeing these things happening today. Many buildings are destroyed and thousands of people die. These are the signs that the end is near. I provide My children with good homes and protect them from these disasters. I have said you shall see them with your eyes but they will not come near you.(Psalms 91:7,8) Those who dedicate their lives and homes to Me their buildings of business or work will be blessed. I have said- Where two or three are gathered together in My name I will be in their midst.(Matt18:20) The houses that are open to prayer, the churches where they worship Me- from the heart and not from their lips and- in spirit and truth are all blessed buildings. My presence will be found in these places. They are under My protection. There are buildings in heaven also. Before I left the world I said- In My Father’s house there are many mansions. I go to prepare a place for you so that where I am there you may be also.(John 14:2,3) Those who believe in Me as their Lord and Saviour, are true to Me and serve Me till the end will live with Me in the mansion in heaven. Those who follow the evil forces of darkness may be rich in the world and live in mansion-like houses but in the end they will be condemned to live with satan and his followers. Choose today where you wish to spend eternity. If you choose Me you will have a mansion in My kingdom.�


4. KINGDOMS “The Word of God says- Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.(Matt6:33) There are three kingdoms- the kingdom of heaven which is the kingdom of God- My kingdom; there is also the kingdom of the world and the kingdom of satan. Before the kingdoms of the world and satan were created there was only one kingdom. This is My kingdom. It is the kingdom of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and we are one.(I John 5:7) This kingdom of God has no beginning and no end. It is from everlasting to everlasting. The angels were created to worship and praise the God who created them and to do His bidding. Lucifer was the leader of these angels. He became proud and wanted to be equal to Me. He rebelled against Me with some of His followers. So he and His followers were thrown out of heaven.(Eze 28:13-16) I created the kingdom of the world and everything in the world-including mankind. The Word of God says- All things were created by Me and for Me.(Col 1:16) I was in the world and the world was made by Me.(John 1:10) Every thing I created in the world was perfect including the man and woman. They were to have dominion over the world and all the living creatures and


to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth.(Gen 1:26-28) They were to worship Me and obey Me and to rule over the kingdom of the world. But satan also had access to the world and alas! he caused man to sin and brought the curse to the kingdom of the world and its inhabitants. As mankind increased in the world, under the influence of satan, wickedness also increased in the world. But there were always some who did not obey the voice of satan. They were true to Me. Satan and his forces are always battling against those who have chosen Me as their king and Saviour.(Eph 6:12) To save the world and mankind from satan I came to the world to give My life for the sins of the people. The Word of God says – Whosoever is born of God overcometh the world and this is the victory that overcometh the worldeven faith. Who is he that overcometh the world but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God.(I John 5:4,5) When I was in the world I preached about the Kingdom of God so that people may understand and be saved from their sins. I told the parables of the sower, the lost coin, the pearl of great price and I preached many other sermons on the kingdom of God. Those who read the Word of God will understand the way to the kingdom of heaven. Those who give first preference in the world to Me by praying, reading the Word of God and living according to the Word will receive other blessings also- material and otherwise as well as spiritual. This is what it means when I say- Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and its righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.(Matt 6:33)


Before I left the world I commissioned My disciples to go to all the world and preach the Gospel of salvation and the Kingdom of God. Today many servants of God and those who believe in Me are doing this. The world will soon be destroyed and there will be only two kingdoms left. One is the kingdom of God and the other is the kingdom of satan. While man is alive he has the choice in which of the two kingdoms he is going to spend eternity- the kingdom of heaven or the kingdom of satan in hell. The kingdom of hell is the place reserved for the devil and his followers. These are those whose names are not written in the Book of Life. Hell is an everlasting lake of fire.(Rev 20:15; 21:8; Mark 9:43-48) Read Revalations 21 to know about the kingdom of Heaven and the kingdom of Hell. Make the choice while you are alive in the world, where you will spend eternity because there is another life for you after the physical death of your body. You are born with a soul and body and spirit, which do not die when your body dies. Your life in the world is only a temporary life. Your life does not end with the physical death of your body. You must spend eternity in one or the other of the two kingdoms- either with Me in the kingdom of heaven or with satan in the kingdom of hell. Make your choice now. Believe in Me and come to My kingdom.�


5. FREEDOM AND LIBERTY “Freedom and liberty have many meanings and interpretations and they can be used and misused and misinterpreted. Freedom and liberty also have restrictions. A person may be free to do something but sometimes with restrictions. When I created man I gave him the liberty to eat of all the fruits in the Garden of Eden but with a restriction that he should not eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which stood in the middle of the garden. This restriction was for his own good.(Gen2:16,17) All the plants and other living creatures were all under his control. I gave him the freedom to name them as he liked. He had the full freedom to move all over the garden and spend time as he liked. I used to talk to him and he used to talk to Me freely. But he disobeyed Me in eating the forbidden fruit. The Word of God says – The truth shall make you free.(John 8:32) The man was not true to Me and put himself under the bondage of sin. All people want to be free from bondage of any kind. It is a privilege given to man. When he misuses his freedom he gets into trouble. Even children want to be free to do as they like. They cannot be allowed to do this. Unless they are corrected and disciplined by the parents they will bring harm to themselves. The Word of God says- Bring up your child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.(Eph 6:4) Train up the child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.(Pro 22:6) A child must be given freedom and at the same time restricted from doing wrong.


Joseph was sold as a slave by his brothers to Egypt. But even in his bondage he was true and faithful to Me and to his masters. He was lifted to a high position and given full freedom because of his trustful nature. The Israelite people were in bondage under the Egyptians for forty years. I brought them out of the bondage of slavery into freedom but they misused the freedom I gave them. They murmured and turned to idol-worship. They were punished for this. Other nations conquered them and many times I delivered them when they repented. This happens everywhere in the world. Stronger nations conquer the weaker nations and put them under their control. But many times the weaker nations rebel and fight for their freedom. When they get the freedom they begin to fight among themselves for power. Sometimes a nation has a cruel leader who makes laws to restrict the liberty of the people. So in truth they are not really free. All countries make laws for people to obey. It is for the good of the people. Those who break the laws will be punished. Freedom and liberty with restrictions is always good for man. I gave man the commandments to keep him from sinning but satan often made him break these commandments. John the Baptist taught the people to repent for their sins and to be baptized. The Word of God says- I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.(John 14:6) Those who believe in Me will have the real freedom from their sins because


only the truth shall make you free.(John 8:32) They will be free from their sins because I bore their sins when I gave My life on the Cross. In spite of persecution and imprisonment, those who believed in Me were free in their spirit because the Word of God says- Where the spirit is there is liberty.(II Cor. 3:17) I gave the Gospel of Salvation freely to the world. Those who accept the salvation or freedom from their sins must preach this salvation to others also. This only is true freedom. Freely you have received, freely give.(Matt10:8) Believe in Me and accept this freedom that I give . If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed�.(John 8:36)


6. PREACHING “Before I left the world I told the disciples – Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel for Lo! I am with you always even unto the end of the world. (Matt 28:19,20) Before I came to the world and gave My life to save the people from their sins there was no Gospel of salvation to be preached. But from the time I created mankind I spoke to them directly and gave them the commandment not to eat the fruit of the tree of good and evil. They disobeyed Me and sin came into the world. From that time I spoke only to certain people and they were to instruct others. I chose Noah to preach to the people to turn from their evil ways but they also did not listen and I destroyed them. I gave the ten commandments and the laws of Moses. He was the preacher for the children of Israel. Aaron and his generations were chosen to be priests. In spite of this the Israelites also did not obey the laws and they sinned. But there were always some who were obedient. Those who sinned were punished and those who obeyed were blessed. Then I chose the prophets to preach to the people. Among them Elijah and Elisha were outstanding prophets. There were always prophets as well as priests to minister to the people and turn them away from sinning. Even the kings had to listen to them. Some obeyed and some did not. There was no lack of preaching even in those days to turn the people from


their evil ways. Those who preached spoke only the words I told them to speak. They were chosen by Me. Those like Jezebel who worshipped the idols had their own prophets who were under the control of satan, during Elijah’s time. Elijah proved to the people that they were false prophets and they were destroyed. For this he was persecuted but I protected him. When I told Jonah to preach to the people of Nineveh to repent for their sins, he tried to run away. But I brought him back and made him to preach and the people of Nineveh were saved by his preaching. This shows the importance of preaching to the people because people are ignorant of the truth and the consequences of sin. Though some may not obey many will be saved by preaching. Sacrifices became a meaningless ritual which could not save the people from their sins. So My Father sent Me to the world to preach to the people the way of salvation for eternal life in the kingdom of God. Before I began My ministry John the Baptist was sent to preach the repentance of sins and baptism. He also preached that I was to be the sacrificial lamb who would take away the sins of the world.(John 1:29) He used fiery language and pointed out the sins of the people so that they may repent. Self- righteous people like the Pharisees and those living in sin – who did not want to repent – did not like his preaching. Such was Herod’s wife who caused John the Baptist to be killed.


In these days also some people do not like preachers who point out the sins of the people and who preach like John the Baptist. They are self- righteous and do not want to give up their sins and be saved. They like sermons that flatter their ego and quote the blessings in the Word of God. When I began My ministry I preached many sermons in different places and in different ways. Even today the Sermon on the Mount is a classic example of a wonderful sermon. I preached in parables so that even the unlearned people may be able to understand. I condemned the sins of the people in strong terms. I preached such sermons to the Pharisees, the tax-gatherers and the public servants. Some of them were convicted of their sins and repented like Zacchaeus. There were others who turned against Me and plotted to kill Me. The Word of God says- The blood of bulls and goats cannot save the people from their sins.(Heb 10:4) I came to the world to give My life for the sins of the people. I was resurrected and I am seated at the right hand of the Father to intercede for the people. Before I left the world I preached about My second coming also and the Judgement that will take place at the end of the world. Everything is written in the Word of God so that people may read and preachers may preach on it. That is what I instructed My disciples before I left the world. They went to different parts of the world to preach the Gospel. As the days are coming nearer to the end – according to the Word of Godthe Gospel will be preached everywhere.(Matt 24:14) This is being done today.


Young and old are preaching the Gospel and even children. I sent the Holy Spirit into the world after My departure and according to Joel second chapter, the Holy Spirit is being manifested in many ways, wherever the Gospel is being preached, through signs and miracles. There is also a warning in the Word of God that in the last days there will be false prophets, false pastors and false teachers. With the instigation of satan these people will preach false doctrines and false sermons. There will be satanic rituals and cults. Those who read the Word of God carefully and pray constantly will not be cheated by these false preachings. Those who believe in My teachings will be saved and enter into My kingdom because I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.�(John 14:6)


7. TONGUES “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity, I am become as a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal.(I Cor 13:1) Speaking in tongues is a manifestation of the Holy Spirit. No one can fully understand the meaning or operation of speaking in tongues. Those who are filled with the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues while praying will find it to be a wonderful experience. There will be a new dimension to their prayer life and an overflowing joy that comes from deep within their hearts. Those who read the Word of God carefully and compare different instances where the people spoke in tongues will understand the beauty and wonder and miracle of speaking in tongues. It is a real blessing to them. When the Apostles received the anointing of the Holy Spirit while praying in the Upper Room, cloven tongues of fire rested on their heads.(Acts 2:2,3) The Word of God mentions the tongues of men and angels.(I Cor. 13:1) This is what the Apostles spoke and what the people who are filled with the Holy Spirit in these days also speak. They speak in languages of other races, though they have never learned the language or heard it spoken. That is why on the day of Pentecost when the Apostles spoke, the people of other foreign nations could understand them. But at the same time the Apostles also spoke languages unknown to the people because they spoke the language of angels. That is why the Apostles were accused of being drunk. (Acts 2:13) When the Apostles laid their hands on others


and prayed for them, the other people were also filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues.(Acts 10:44-46) Signs and miracles took place. Peter explained about the gifts of the Holy Spirit according to Joel 2:28,29. These are the signs of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the last days. The Word of God says that those who speak in unknown tongues speak to God, which man cannot understand. In their spirit they speak mysteries.(I Cor. 14:2) They are edified. The other gifts also are operated and miracles take place. The Word of God says that the hour will come when true worshippers shall worship in spirit and truth. God is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and truth.(John 4:23,24) Apostle Paul said that he will pray with the spirit and he will pray with the understanding also; and he will sing with the spirit and he will sing with the understanding also.(I Cor. 14:15) Praying with the Spirit is praying in tongues. When people pray together and someone speaks in tongues another person with the gift of interpretation of tongues interprets what is spoken in tongues. This is also a gift of the Holy Spirit. The Word of God says- Ask and you will receive. Your heavenly Father will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him.(Luke 11:9-14) So those who ask in prayer with a thirst and longing for it will be anointed with the Holy Spirit and they will speak in tongues. If a man thirst let him come unto Me and drink, he that believeth on Me, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living waters.(John 7:37,38) For some people speaking in tongues becomes just a ritual. They backslide and do not live righteous lives of goodness and charity. Their speaking in tongues is now just blabbering without meaning.


Outwardly they may continue to be spiritual but really they become like sounding brass or tinkling cymbal making only some noise. They even grieve the Holy Spirit because other people judge them by their uncharitable lives. (Eph.4:30) Sometimes those who are not filled with the Holy Spirit blabber in tongues imitating others. This is the work of the unholy spirit. Those who are washed in the blood and saved from their sins, who are really holy in their lives, pray continuously and read the Word of God and live accordingly—will be anointed with the Holy Spirit. They will speak in tongues and receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The gifts will operate when they do the ministry and souls will be saved and miracles will take place. They will be blessed in this world and the next.�


8. TWO DAYS “ The people who walk in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the shadow of death, upon them the light shine.(Isa 9:2) The shepherds saw the light and came to Bethlehem to worship the baby who was born to be the light of the world. When I was in the world I said – I am the Light of the world and those who believe in Me will walk in My light all their lives.(John 8:12) When sin came into the world, darkness came into the world. But from the day I was born, the light has come into the world. Even till today it is the day of light. On the day I was crucified, the light of the sun was hidden and the day became dark. There was thunder and lightning. This was only a sign. On seeing this sign many people believed in Me. The darkness was there only for a few hours. I rose from the dead. I am still the light of the world and I draw people from the darkness into My light of Salvation. The day of light will not be there forever because a day of darkness is going to come soon. This is known as the day of the Lord. The Great Day of the Lord is near. It is near and hasteth greatly, even the voice of the day of the Lord: the mighty man shall cry there bitterly. That day is a day of wasteness and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness.(Zeph 1:14,15)


The day of the Lord cometh for it is nigh at hand. A day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness.(Joel 2:1,2) The prophets of old have prophesied about both the days: the day of light as well as the day of darkness. My first coming to the world as the Saviour was the day of Light, when the people are given the opportunity to believe in Me, to repent for their sins and to be saved. The day of Darkness depicts the end of the world. There is no more opportunity for salvation. It is the day of Judgement.(Matt25:31,32; Malachi 4:1) The Word of God says that all the people will stand before God and they will be judged according to their deeds.(Rev20:12) Even when I was in the world I warned the people to be prepared for this day. I told of the many signs that will come as a warning that the day of darkness is fast approaching.( Matt 24:3-14) I love the world that I created and the people in the world. That is why I gave My life to save the people from their sins. Even as I told My disciples to go into all the world and preach the Gospel, today also the Gospel is being preached throughout the world so that every soul will have an opportunity to be saved and escape the day of darkness. It is not My will that any soul should perish. But those who reject the Gospel of Light will have to face the darkness. Before the day of darkness comes, all those who have accepted Me as Saviourwhether dead or alive-will be taken out of the world to live with Me. (I Cor 15:51; I Thes 4:16,17)


Those who are left behind will have to face the period of tribulation. This is a period of famine not for food but the Word of God.(Amos 8:11) The light of Gospel and the Holy Spirit will be taken out of the world. Those who believe in Me during this time will die as martyrs. Make your choice today. Which of the two days are you going to choose? The time is short. Will you choose Me as your Saviour, the Light of the world? If you reject Me you will face the day of darkness to live eternally with satan, the ruler of darkness. Whoever you may be I am calling you to come to Me, to be My child and to live with Me forever in My kingdom.�


9. WORK “ Man goeth forth unto his work and to his labour until the evening.(Psalms 104:23) When I created the world and everything in it, I created the Garden of Eden and put man in it. Before he sinned his work was to tend the garden. He also named the other living creatures and cared for them. This was not a difficult work for him. It was a pleasure. Everything was peaceful in the garden. It was a beautiful place. After man sinned everything changed. I cursed the ground. Thorns and thistles grew and the ground became hard. Man’s work became more difficult. He had to plough the hard ground, remove the thorns and weeds, water it and sow the seed. To feed himself and his family, he had to work hard by the sweat of his brow. From morning to evening he laboured. The woman also had to work to look after the family. As the population in the world increased, people built towns and cities. They invented machines to do some of the work. But still they had to work in some way or the other to earn their living. As sin also increased in the world, people tried to earn money by crooked means. In the present world people are not satisfied with food and clothing. Those who work hard and honestly and those who believe in Me will receive My blessing. I have said –Come unto Me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.(Matt11:28)


There are also lazy people who do not like to work. The Word of God says to such people- Go to the ant thou sluggard. Consider her ways and be wise. By laziness poverty shall come upon you.(Pro 6:6-11) Those who try to earn money by crooked means like fraud and stealing will be punished. The Word of God says- God shall bring everywork to judgement- every secret thing, whether it be good or whether it be evil.(Ecc 12:14) I have chosen many people to do My work. The twelve disciples I chose were all hardworking men. Peter, Andrew, James and John were fishermen. They left their jobs and followed Me. Matthew was a tax-collector and Luke was a doctor and the others were also doing different works. Paul was a tent-maker as well as an apostle who took the Gospel to many places. But by leaving their jobs to follow Me their families did not suffer any want. They were all blessed. Some of the other seventy whom I chose did the gospel work and also their jobs. Lazy people cannot do the gospel work. Some people use the ministry as a profession to earn their living. When they face hardships they leave the ministry to find some other job. The Word of God says- No man having put his hand to the plough and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.(Luke 9:62) Such people will not find a place in My kingdom. In these days many do their secular work as well as the gospel work. They are true believers. They receive My blessing. According to My will I choose some of them to leave their jobs and do the full time ministry. Those who are working and do the ministry also should not give up their


jobs unless I tell them to do so. They must seek My will in everything. I use many people in the places where they work. I have saved criminals and used them to save other criminals in the jail. I use doctors in the hospitals where they work, to do the Gospel work also. In many offices people working there do My work also. If you are willing to be used by Me, I will speak to you when you pray and when you read the Word of God. In these days I need many whether old or young. The harvest is plentiful and the labourers are few. Pray ye therefore that the Lord of the harvest will send forth labourers into His harvest.(Matt 9:37,38) Those who do the ministry will have to undergo hardships and opposition from satan. I will not leave them or forsake them and I will bless them in many ways. Choose today to serve Me, to work for Me and you will receive your reward now and in My kingdom.�


10. SEEING AND BELIEVING “ I had told Adam and Eve that if they ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil they would die. When satan tempted the woman to eat the fruit and said that she would not die if she ate it, she looked at the fruit and saw that it was attractive and looked good to eat and she was tempted to eat it. She did not believe what I told her but she believed satan’s lies. She convinced her husband also to believe satan’s lies and he also ate the fruit. Thus they brought the curse and sin into the world.(Gen 3) This is how people fall into temptations and sins by believing the lies of wicked people and by the sinful pleasures of the world by which satan attracts them. I told Abraham in his old age that I would give him a child. But Sarah did not believe when she did not see any sign at once. So she made Abraham get a child through Hagar and thus created confusion by the birth of Ishmael.(Gen 15,16) Sometimes people pray for something specific and expect an immediate answer to their prayer. When this does not happen they lose their faith and make things worse. I have said- Call unto Me and I will answer you.(Jer 33:3) But I will sometimes answer prayers in My own time according to My will. Pray and believe and wait for the answer. I did many miracles in the sight of the Israel people when I brought them out of Egypt, but as soon as some trial came in the wilderness they lost their


faith. I gave them manna to eat. Yet they murmured- Can the Lord furnish a table in the wilderness? (Psalm 78:19) They lusted after the food they ate in Egypt. For forty years I fed and clothed them and gave them water in the wilderness. Yet they did not believe in Me and worshipped idols. Many times I punished them and forgave them when they repented. Though they saw the miracles I did, they often lost their faith and did not believe in Me. The crowd of more than 5000 people also saw the miracle of the five loaves and two fishes which they ate; yet some of them joined the crowd and clamoured for My death. Today also some believers are like that. As long as everything goes well with them they are happy and go to church and read the Word of God and pray. But when some disaster comes in their lives they turn against Me. They blame Me and give up their spiritual lives. I have not promised that the life of a believer will be without trials. I have said that those who believe in Me must take up their cross and follow Me.(Luke 9:23) Satan hates the children of God and like he tempted Job he brings trials in the lives of God’s children also. But I have promised those who believe in Me that I will never leave them or forsake them. I will be with them in their trials. (Heb 13:5) When I was in the world some of those who did not believe in Me when


I went about preaching and healing, at the time of crucifixion when they saw the signs that took place believed and said “Truly He is the Son of God.”(Mark 15:39) After the resurrection when I appeared to My disciples the first time Thomas was not with them. When they told him that they had seen Me, he said that he would not believe that I was alive unless he saw Me himself and put his finger in My wounds. So the next time when I appeared and Thomas was there, I told him to put his finger in My wounds. I said- Because you have seen Me you have believed but blessed are those who have not seen Me and yet have believed. (John 20:29) Today in the world there are millions who do not see Me with their physical eyes and yet they believe. After I left the world, I sent the Holy Spirit to the world.(Acts 2:17-21) Apostle Paul saw My Light and heard My voice on the road to Damascus and he believed. As I commissioned My disciples, many servants of God are preaching the Gospel throughout the world. Signs and miracles are taking place and many souls are saved seeing these signs.Those who believe in Me and read the Word of God will understand by the signs that My second coming and the end of the world is very near. Satan closes the eyes of others and hardens their hearts with unbelief. The Word of God says- When I come the second time to judge the world, every eye shall see Me, every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord.(Phil 2:10,11) But it is too late for some. Blessed are those who have not seen Me and yet they believed.”


11. SABBATH “ The Sabbath was made for man and man was not made for the Sabbath. (Mark 2:27) I created the world and everything in it in six days and I rested on the seventh day. This seventh day was known as the Sabbath. It is a holy day. I commanded the people to observe the Sabbath as a holy day and a day of rest. When I gave the Laws to Moses for the Israelites they were told to observe the Sabbath and not to do any work on that day. They were to spend that day in holiness and prayer. Even the manna did not fall on the Sabbath day. But there were always some who did not obey, even as they broke the other commandments. As time went on, the Sabbath became a ritual. Even the priests did not observe it in holiness. When the Temple of Jerusalem was built the sacrifices and offerings became a trade and ritual. Many times I warned the people about observing the Sabbath as a holy day. The Word of God says—If thou turn away thy foot from the Sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on My holy day; and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honourable; and shall honour Him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it.(Isa 58:13,14) Some of the people were true in observing the Sabbath and others were


not. The sacrifices also became a ritual which did not save the people from their sins. So My Father sent Me to the world to give My life as sacrifice for the sins of the people. The priests, the Pharisees and the Sadducees observe the commandments only outwardly. I came to the world to change all this. On Sabbath day I preached to the people on the true meaning of the Sabbath that it was more important to do good than to observe rituals. The priests and others in the temple hated Me for this and tried to find fault with Me. I drove out the traders from the temple and told them that My Father’s house is a house of prayer but you have made it a den of thieves.(Matt 21:12,13) When I healed people on the Sabbath and when My disciples plucked the ears of corn and ate them, the Pharisees immediately criticised Me that I broke the Sabbath. It was then that I told them that the Sabbath was made for man and man was not made for Sabbath. (Mark 2:27) After My death on the cross for the sins of the people I rose again on the first day of the week. The old laws and commandments could not save the people. But when they believed in My death and resurrection they were saved from their sins and their lives were changed. After I left the world the Holy Spirit came to the world to teach and guide the people in their lives and worship. The disciples and believers gathered for fellowship to break bread and worship on the first day of the week which was the day of My resurrection.


As the Gospel spread throughout the world and churches were built people gathered for worship in the churches on the first day of the week. Even the countries throughout the world which do not believe in Me, observe the first day of the week as a day of rest. It is a holiday though it may not be a holy day for these people. The unbelievers spend the day in enjoying the pleasures of the world. The true believers observe it as a holy day_ a day for fellowship in the church, prayer meetings, Holy communion and a day of rest from their secular work. Some Christians go to church as a ritual and spend the rest of the day in worldly pleasures. Only outwardly they are Christians. The unsaved Jews and a group of people still observe the seventh day as the Sabbath. Like the Pharisees of old, outwardly they are spiritual in observing rituals of the Sabbath. They do not preach the Gospel of salvation through the blood I shed on the cross. They give importance only to the Sabbath day which cannot save them from their sins. Those who read the Word of God carefully will understand that I am the way of salvation. Those who believe in Me and are saved from their sins will enter My Kingdom.�


12. WORSHIP “ From the time I created the people in the world satan’s aim was to draw them away from worshipping Me. He used many cunning devises in doing this. The people worshipped some of My creations in nature and other living creatures. They made idols of different forms and worshipped them. In Noah’s time except for Noah and his family I destroyed all the people in the flood. But again as the people increased in the world they were deceived by satan to worship other gods, but some were faithful to Me. I chose Abraham and his generation as My people. I called them the Israelites. I brought them out of bondage from Egypt. I chose Moses as their leader. I did the miracles for them and spoke to them through Moses. To keep them faithful to Me I gave them the commandments. The first commandment was – Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down to them or serve them.(Exodus 20:3-5) Besides the commandments I gave them ordinances and how to worship Me. They were to offer sacrifices of animals and birds for their sins. As time went on some of them turned from worshipping Me to idol-worship. They even sacrificed their children to the idols. Many times I punished those who did these things.


But always there were some who were faithful and others who worshipped false gods. The sacrifices were of no use to them. The blood of bulls and goats could not save people from their sins.(Hebrews 10:4) So I was sent to the world by My Father to offer Myself as a sacrifice and I shed My blood for the sins of the people. The first commandment that I gave them was – Love your God with all your heart, soul and might. (Matthew 22:37) If they loved Me they cannot love anything else as god and worship any other god. Today in the world – like the Israelites who sinned- there are people in the world who worship all kinds of gods. They worship the creature and the creation. They make sacrifices of animals and in some places they sacrifice humanbeings also. There are many different kinds of religions and cults. All these are under the control of satan who is being worshipped in these ways. There are even churches for satan-worship, and there are priests in these churches to conduct the worship. To teach the people the truth before I left the world I commissioned My disciples to go into the world and preach the Gospel of salvation from their sins and worship Me as the true God. After My Resurrection I went back to My kingdom. The Holy Spirit came to the world to guide the people in their worship. Today there are My servants in the world in the world to preach the Gospel.


The people have the Word of God – The BIBLE- To teach them to lead good lives and worship the true living God alone. But the Word of God also says- In the last days there will be false pastors and false teachers and false prophets who teach false doctrines to deceive the people. (Matthew24:11,24) Beware of these false preachers. Those who love Me with all their heart, soul and mind will never worship any other god. They will bring other souls to worship Me and at the end of the world they will live with Me in My kingdom.�


13. THOU SHALT NOT STEAL “When I created the living creatures and the two people in the Garden of Eden there was perfect peace and love. But when Adam and Eve sinned and brought the curse to the world killing became a necessity as well as a crime. To clothe the two people the innocent animals had to be killed so that their skins could be made into clothes. Some animals become carnivorous and killed other animals for their food. I introduced the sacrifice of animals by shedding their blood for the sins of the people. When sin came into the world jealousy and hatred caused Cain to kill his brother Abel. This was the first murder. Cain was punished for this. Since then people killed the animals for sacrifice and for food. People also killed each other for various reasons. Since that day till today killing goes on in the world. Sometimes even good people become so angry and kill someone else. This is what Moses did and fled to Midian. He thought he did it for a good cause. I met him in the wilderness of Midian and brought him into Egypt to lead the Israel people out of Egypt into Canaan. It was on the way that I gave them the Ten Commandments. Thou shalt not kill – was one of the commandments. This was so that they should not kill each other out of enmity, jealousy and hatred. But I allowed them to kill the heathen nations in Canaan and take their lands. Even today they are fighting with other nations who have occupied their lands and I am


helping them in this. All over the world there are wars between the nations. The people use different ammunitions to kill masses of people. I am watching all the events in the world and I know the nations under the control of satan. In these wars even I will protect My people because I have promised them that even one hair cannot fall from your head without My will. In spite of all the sacrifices of animals the people continued to sin. So My Father sent Me to the world as a sacrifice to shed My blood for the sins of the people, so that those who believe in Me will be saved from their sins and will keep the commandments. When I preached to the people in the world I told them – If you hate your brother or anyone you have already committed murder in your heart. I preached the Gospel of love. When they came to arrest Me in the Garden of Gethsamene Peter tried to protect Me by cutting off one of the ears of a soldier. But I healed his ear and told Peter- Put up your sword, for those who take up the sword shall perish by the sword.(Matthew 26:52) I protect all My children in the world from the evil forces of darkness. I do not allow satan to kill them even as I did not allow him to kill Job. But I warn My people when there is danger in their lives and when they listen to My warning they will be saved. The modern vehicles invented by man kill many people on the roads. Sometimes satan also causes some accidents and many times My children have been miraculously protected.


Killing the animals for food is not a sin though certain so called religions forbid it. Killing animals for sport or out of cruelty is a sin. The government also has laws and punishments for those who commit murder. I have said to obey the higher authorities and the laws of the land. (Romans 13:1-5) Certain countries have their own religious laws. From the past centuries Christians have been persecuted and killed in different ways. They have been thrown to the lions and they were killed by torture and some were burnt by the stake. In these days also they are executed for preaching the Gospel. Those who die as martyrs will be rewarded in My kingdom. Those who are true believers in Me will obey the law Thou shall not kill as preached by Me in the Word of God.�


14. ADULTERY “ THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT ADULTERY.(EXODUS 20:14) This is one of the ten commandments that I gave to Moses on Mount Sinai. Even as Moses was talking to Me on the mount for forty days, the Israelites made the golden calf and worshipped it and indulged in eating and drinking and adultery, as they worshipped the golden calf. When Moses came down from the Mount this was how he found them. This angered Moses and it also angered Me and I punished them. Adultery is one of the earliest sins of mankind. I created man and woman in the Garden of Eden as husband and wife and I told them to procreate and fill the earth. I blessed them to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it. They committed the sin of disobedience by eating the forbidden fruit. As people increased in the world satan tempted people to commit other sins also, one of which is the sin of adultery. Because of their sins except for Noah and his family, I destroyed all the other people by flood. Even as I gave Adam a wife, I instituted marriage so that each man would have his own wife to satisfy his desires and prevent him from committing adultery. But in spite of this people are tempted by satan and the married and unmarried commit adultery. Even the servants of God fall into this temptation. There are many verses in the Word of God specially in the book of Proverbs to warn people against this sin. In a moment of weakness even King David fell into this sin. But he repented and I forgave him.


Some people think they are very strong and are proud that they will not fall into this temptation. But the Word of God says – Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.(1 Cor 10:12) The people of Sodom and Gomorah were destroyed because of their sexual sins. The Word of God says that the last days would be as in the days of Noah and that is how it is today. (Matt24:37) When the Israel people left the worship of the true God and indulged in idol worship I compared it to adultery. Some people who call themselves Christians make idols and worship them. Today the young people in the world are attracted by satan in different ways to tempt them to commit adultery. Much of the so called entertainment that the people indulge in is vulgar and promiscuous. When I was in this world I modified and amplified this commandment. I said – Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.(Matt5:28) There are some countries in the world who follow the Jewish customs of punishment for adultery. Like the Pharisees they punish the woman even with death and allow the man to go free. By law the man is allowed to have more than one wife. When the Pharisees brought the woman who committed adultery to Me for punishment I told them that whoever has not sinned can cast the first stone at her.(John8:7-11) There was no one to accuse her after that. She repented for


her sin and I forgave her. Though Joseph was a handsome young man, when Portiphar’s wife tempted him he resisted her. By her false accusation he was sent to jail. But I delivered him and lifted him up. I have said – Resist the devil and he will flee from you. (James 4:7) There is always a way to escape from temptation. I came to the world to save the sinners. I forgave King David, the woman brought by the Pharisees and Mary Magdalene when they repented and were true to Me afterwards. Those who commit the sin of adultery and continue in it without repentance are punished in many ways. They lose not only their money and position but most of all they lose their health by this sin. Sometimes they die of these diseases also for there is no cure. I have said – Though your sins may be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow when they are washed by the blood I shed on the cross (Isaiah: 1: 18) Those who repent for their sins and come to Me and believe in Me as their Lord and Saviour will be forgiven of their sins and healed of their diseases.”


15. STEALING THOU SHALT NOT STEAL . (Exodus 20:15) “ Although this is one of the commandments of Mosaic Laws, it is also a law according to the government of the countries. Those who steal and are caught are punished according to the law of the land. When I was in the world I gave the commandment- Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. It also means that you will not indulge in stealing also which is a crime against others. Thieves break open and enter homes with an intention of stealing wealth. They make different implements and use different methods of stealing. They have made stealing into an art. Satan helps them in this. Every day newspapers carry news of stealing and robbery and even murder to escape from being caught. The Word of God says that satan is a thief and robber.(John 10:1) He steals the minds and souls of the people. He puts evil thoughts into their minds to make them do evil things so that their souls will come to him. The Word of God says Absalom, the son of David, stole the hearts of the people (11 Samuel 15:6) to get his father’s throne. The worldly attractions steal the hearts of the young people and make them to sin. Sometimes even small countries are stolen by the armies of the bigger countries who make slaves of them and rule over them. This was what


happened to the Israel people when they sinned and went after the worship of idols. The Babylon kings ransacked the beautiful temple of Jeusalem that Solomon built. They stole all the sacred gold and precious vessels. When king Balshazar and his guests were drinking out of these vessels the handwriting on the wall appeared and according to it he was punished.(Daniel 5) The Word of God says –Among the sinners, thieves and robbers also cannot enter the kingdom.(1 Cor. 6:10) Even for them there is a way by which they can enter in; Because though their sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow when they are washed in My blood. (Isaiah 1:18) That is why I came to the world - to save the sinners. While I was in the world I taught the people to live good lives. I forgave many who repented of their sins. When I was crucified on the cross, two thieves were crucified on either side of Me. One thief repented for his sins. He believed that I was the Son of God and asked forgiveness. I told him- Today you will be with Me in Paradise.(Luke 23:43) The other thief mocked Me and died in his sins. Whatever may be your sin, if you repent and believe in Me I will forgive you and you will find a place in My kingdom. Those who do not repent for their sins and allow satan to control them will receive their punishment in Hell. Choose today where you are going to spend eternity after your death. You may be a thief or a robber, but there is a place for you in My kingdom when you accept Me as your Lord and Saviour.�


16. COVETOUSNESS “THOU SHALT NOT COVET.(Exodus 20:17) “ To covet is to desire something forbidden. That is what Eve did and she sinned by eating the forbidden fruit. Covetousness leads to sin. The Word of God says – Thou shalt not covet anything that is thy neighbour’s. (Exodus 20;17). When a person sees something that is forbidden with covetous eyes, he is drawn into sin by satan. That is why I said –If your right eye offends you, pluck it out and cast it from you. For it is better for you that one of your members should perish and not that your whole body should go to Hell. (Matthew 5:29) This is the sin that King David committed when he coveted Uriah’s wife, Bathsheba. The sin of adultery is committed because of covetousness. Many crimes in the world are committed because of the sin of covetousness. Jealousy, theft, murder and other sins are committed because of covetousness. Wars are caused because one nation covets the land of another nation. Covetousness and stealing go together. King Ahab coveted Naboth’s vineyard and when Naboth refused to sell it to him, in order to steal it, Jezebel arranged Naboth’s murder and took the vineyard. They were punished for this. (1Kings 21:1-19) When the enemies of Israel defeated them, they stole away the Ark of the Tabernacle. But when they were punished with diseases they returned the Ark.


In these days it is not only the poor people who covet the riches of others and steal them. The same sins are committed by the rich people for more riches, and politicians for name, fame and riches. I have said – In the last days nation will be against nation and there will be no peace in the families and in other places. Nations compete with each other in scientific knowledge and in making destructive instruments of war. They send spies to steal the knowledge from each other. The Word of God says – Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work is pure or whether it be right.( Proverbs 20:11) Children sometimes covet the toys of other children and take them by force or steal them. The Word of God says – Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.(Proverbs 22:6) Covetousness and stealing are two sins that are found everywhere among all ages. I came to this world to save mankind from all his sins because by his own efforts man cannot refrain from committing sin. But when he believes in Me and repents for his sins, I will wash and cleanse him by My blood from all his sins and he will lose the desire to covet or steal or commit any other sin. Those who do this will lead a new life of joy and peace and on their death they will enter My kingdom.”


17. FATHER AND MOTHER HONOUR YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER THAT YOUR DAYS MAY BE LONG UPON THE LAND WHICH THY GOD GIVETH YOU. (Exodus 20:12) “ I am the Father of all creations in the world. But all children have an earthly father and an earthly mother. Since I created Adam and Eve, they had the unique distinction of having only Me as their Father. I loved them very much. But they sinned by disobeying Me and they brought sin into the world. Their first son became a murderer. They did not honour My Word. The Word of God says – Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right.(Ephesians 6:1) The father and mother have the responsibility of bringing up the children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.(Ephesians 6:4) Those parents who obey My Word and bring up their children according to the Word of God will receive many blessings in their family life. The father is the head of the family and the mother and children have to honour him as such. The father is the bread winner of the family. But nowadays mothers also go out to work. Young children spend more time with the mothers than with the fathers. It was the mothers of Jerusalem who brought the children to Me to be blessed. I can be Father and mother to My children.


The Word of God says – As a mother comforts you so will I comfort.(Isaiah 66:13) A family who believes in Me and spends time together in My presence to pray and read the Word of God will receive the spiritual blessings and material blessings. Eli was a good servant of God. But he did not bring up his children spiritually as a good father should. His sons were wicked and I punished them. Noah had good sons and their wives were saved. Parents should not show partiality between their children. Isaac and Rebecca each favoured a son and caused Esau to hate his brother. Jacob favoured Joseph more than his other sons and created the jealousy of his brothers towards Joseph. As a heavenly Father all My children are precious to Me and I give My blessings to all who love Me and are true to Me. I give them the privilege of calling Me Abba, Father when they are in distress and they pray to Me. (Galatians 4:6) As the Son of God when I came to the world, I used to pray to My Father in heaven. It was only on the cross, because I had the sins of the whole world on Me that My Father turned His face away from Me and I felt forsaken and I cried out- Father why hast thou forsaken Me?( Matthew 27:46) When I rose out of the grave I returned to My Father and I am seated on His right hand interceding for My children. Today in the world there are many orphanages for the children who have been forsaken by their parents or whose parents have died. I have many blessings for widows who have fatherless children. The Word of God says – Leave


thy fatherless children. I will preserve them alive; and let thy widows trust in Me.(Jeremiah 49:11) Fathers and mothers who bring up their children according to the Word of God and dedicate them to Me; children who honour their fathers and mothers and obey them; those who look to Me as their heavenly Father – to them I give the promise that I will never leave them or forsake them and they will receive My blessings.�


18. FALSE WITNESS THOU SHALT NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS AGAINST THY NEIGHBOUR.(Exodus 20:16) “ It is a crime to give false witness in the court of law. Those who commit this crime of perjury, if it is proved- will be punished. But still this is a common crime. In order to get Naboth’s vineyard Jezebel set up false witnesses against Naboth and got him murdered. The high priests and the Pharisees brought false witnesses to Pilate to sanction My crucifixion. When I was asked by My disciples – Who is My neighbour? - I told them the parable of the Good Samaritan. To be a neighbour one has to show affection to him, even as I gave the commandment to-Love thy neighbour as thyself. (Matthew 22:39) The first commandment is to –Love thy God with all your heart, and soul and mind.( Matthew 22:37) If you love Me you will love your neighbour also and you will not do harm to him like giving false witness against him. Sometimes in a family for the sake of wealth and property even brothers and sisters go to the court and bear false witness against each other. I have said- Cast your burden upon Me.(1 Peter 5:7) Sometimes even believers go to the court to solve their problems though I have said – I will fight your battles for you. If you believe in Me and trust Me I will help you and no false witness against you will prevail; because when I am on your side only the truth will prevail in spite of false witness.


So come to Me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.(Matthew 11:28) Seek My help and trust in Me and even a hair shall not fall from your head without My will in spite of false witness. From the earliest times true children of God have been martyred for their faith. Miraculously I save many also. When Daniel was thrown in the den of lions and Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown into the furnace of fire for their faith in Me- I saved them. Those who die for their faith in Me will receive their reward in heaven.�


19. THE NAME THOU SHALT NOT TAKE THE NAME OF THE LORD THY GOD IN VAIN.(Exodus 20:7) “ I am known by many names in the Word of God. When Moses talked to Me in the burning bush he asked Me My name. I told him – I am that I am and to tell the Israelite people that My name is I am because I am the God who brought them out of the bondage of Egypt and I am the only God that they should worship. Before I came to the world as a man I was known as Jehovah. Even today people know Me as Jehovah Jireh – The Lord who provides all the needs of the people. I am also known as Jehovah Rapha – the Lord who heals the people of all their sickness. Then I am Jehovah Nissi – The Lord whose banner over My people is love. I am Jehovah Shallom – The Lord of peace that passes understanding. I am Jehovah Rufah – The Good Shepherd who laid down His life for His sheep. Those who believe in Me are My children because I am their Father. I am the Lord of all creations because all things in the world were created by Me and for Me and without Me was nothing created. (Colosians 1:16) But there are people in the world who do not believe Me as their Creator and believe in atheistic doctrines and scientific theories which have no proof. Many of these people know the truth at the time of their death. But some have also realized their false beliefs and repented and accepted Me as their Lord. Before I was born in the world My earthly parents were told to name Me JESUS and that is how all the people in the world know Me. The people of


other religions also know Me by this name. The Word of God says – Whoever takes the name of God in vain the Lord will not hold him guiltless.(Exodus 20:7) The unsaved Christians and nonchristians use this name as an exclamation in anger and even abusive. Those who do this will be punished. People who pray with their lips and not from their hearts are taking My name in vain. They don’t know the power that is in My name.(Jeremiah 10:6) Those who call upon My name when in distress, I will surely help them. Those who call upon Me when they are troubled by satan will find a refuge in Me. The Word of God says – The name of the Lord is a strong Tower. The righteous run into it and are saved.(Proverbs 18:10) I am the Rock.(1 Cor.10:4) Those who build their lives on this ROCK will not be moved by their trials and troubles. I said – I am the Light of the world and those who walk in My light will be safe from the darkness of the evil forces. I am the Name above all names(Phil. 2:11) and the Saviour of the world to save the people from their sins. Those who know My name JESUS – Saviour of the world – and do not accept Me as such are taking My name in vain. I am the Judge who will come again to the world to judge the people. I am the King of kings and Lord of lords seated at the right hand of My Father in My kingdom where those who believe in Me in this world will come and be with Me forever.


I am the way the truth and the life.(John 14:6) Those who walk in My way and believe in the truth which I have given in the Word of God, will receive this life in My kingdom.�


20. RIGHT PLACE, WRONG PLACE “The Word of God says – There is no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able, but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it.(1 Cor. 10:13) The Word of God says – Resist the devil and he will flee from you.(James 4:7) Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man.(James 1:13) Many people fall into temptation because they are in the wrong place. When Adam and Eve were forbidden to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they should have kept away from the vicinity of the tree. But Eve stood under the tree and looked at the fruit. She was in the wrong place, so it was easy for satan to entice her to eat the forbidden fruit.To sin was not in the fruit. It was in her disobedience by being in the wrong place and she sinned by falling into the temptation to eat the fruit. In the same way some people think they are strong enough to resist any temptation, though they may go with bad friends to sinful and worldly places. This is the sin of pride in them. The Word of God says – Let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.(1 Cor. 10:12) Noah and his family were safe from the flood because they were in the right place in the ark. And they were safe because they were true to Me and did not indulge in the wickedness of the other people. The Word of God says – He


who dwells in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.(Psalm 91:1) If you are true to Me and do not indulge in the wickedness of the world, you will find a safe place – a refuge in Me – which is the right place where you will be protected from the floods of sin and trouble. Abraham chose the right place to dwell in Canaan, but Lot was attracted by the outward appearance of Sodom. Lot was saved because he kept away from the sins of the people there. You may sometimes be attracted by some worldly pleasure thinking there is no harm in it. But soon you will realise the danger there. Before you indulge in it if you call upon Me to help you out of it, I will save you. I will take you out of the wrong place and put you back into the right place, though you will have to suffer some loss. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were carried away as captives into the heathen land, Babylon, which was a wrong place to live in. But by their faithfulness to Me, the king and some of the idol-worshippers there believed that I was the true God. The lion’s den and the furnace can also become the right place If you are undergoing trials in your life, and you remain faithful in prayer and in reading the Word of God and you put your trust in Me, then the furnace of affliction is the right place for you so that you will be strengthened in your spiritual life. I will deliver you and use you to bring souls into My kingdom. When Moses was a baby, the basket made of reeds in the river Nile was the


right place for him, so that he could be taken to Pharoah’s place to be trained to lead the army of Israelites out of Egypt. Sometimes I will put you in a place where you have to be trained for the ministry. But like Moses did not allow the glamour of Pharoah’s place to distract him from his status you also should be stedfast in equipping yourself for service to Me in spite of distractions. Moses was in the right place at the right time in the wilderness where I could speak to him from the burning bush. There may be a wilderness in your life. If you are a child of God, it is in that wilderness that I will commune with you and direct you to the right place at the right time to do My will and fulfill My purpose in your life. When Naomi left the land of Canaan to go to Moab, she left the right place to go to the wrong place. That is how some people are. When some difficulty comes in their life, they lose their faith and try to get out of their problem by their own effort. Like Naomi they get more sufferings. In Moab, Naomi lost her husband and both her sons.She now realized her mistake and came back to Canaan where I could bless her again. She came back from the wrong place to the right place. When you cannot get out of your troubles by your own effort and realise that because you are in the wrong place where I cannot bless you and you cry for Me to help, I will hear your cry and bring you back to the right place and bless you.


Samson’s parents were given clear instructions that from the womb to his death, he was to be pure and holy and to be brought up as a Nazerite to God. His parents obeyed Me and did so. Samson was to be a judge of Israel. So he was given special physical strength to overcome the Philistines. My spirit was also with him. In the beginning he obeyed Me and defeated the Philistines. But his weakness for the Philistine women was the cause of his downfall. My spirit left and he lost his physical strength. He was in the wrong place in Delilah’s lap. When he repented in his sufferings I heard his last prayer and forgave him before his death. This is the weakness of some servants of God and believers. Even though they are saved and anointed by the Holy Spirit when they are tempted by lust, they fall and lose their anointing. This is because they allow themselves to be in the wrong place. There are many warnings in the Bible for such people. When they suffer for their sin and repent I forgive them but I cannot use them anymore. King David was in the wrong place at the wrong time, on the terrace where he took rest. His army was in the front of the battle fighting the enemy but he was idling his time on the palace terrace and he fell into the sin of adultery and murder. But he repented when I punished him. I forgave him. The small sin of idleness will lead to many big sins. The Word of God says – Dead flies cause the ointment to stink. So does a little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honour.(Ecc.10:1) A little leaven is enough to leaven


all the dough.(1 Cor.5:6) It is so called small sins that lead to big sins. All sins are sins whether big or small. The Word of God says – The devil is a big liar and the father of lies.(John 8:44) So be careful of even the so called small sins. It is the little foxes that destroy the vineyard.(Songs 2:15) Jonah was instructed by Me to go to Nineveh and preach to the people to repent for their sins so that they may not be destroyed. But instead of obeying Me, he tried to run away to Tarshish which is the wrong place for him to go. I had to create a storm and a big whale to bring him back to Nineveh the right place to preach repentance to the people. They repented and were saved by Jonah’s preaching. Zacchaeus wanted to see Me. He climbed a sycamore tree but at the same time he did not want Me to see him hiding in the tree. I am the Omnipotent and Omniscient God who knows and sees everything. I saw Zacchaeus in the tree and went to his house and saved him and his family. Sometimes servants of God like to go to places of their own choosing instead of seeking My will and obeying Me. They look for places where they can get physical comforts and wealth. I am the God who knows the hearts of everyone. Such a ministry will not be a blessing to them or to those to whom they minister. I came to the world to give My life to save the sinners. A servant of God must know My will for him and go to the right place where I want to send him. I will speak to him and instruct him as to which is the right place where he has


to do My ministry, when he spends time in My presence and seeks My will so that his ministry, he and his family may be blessed. The road to Damascus was the right place and the right time where I could meet Paul and change the direction of his zeal to serve Me. In spite of many sufferings all My disciples were true to Me and went wherever I sent them. They were always in the right place at the right time where they could preach the Gospel and bring many souls for My kingdom. The temple of Jerusalem was the right place for Peter and John to pray for the healing of the lame man who came at the right time to receive his healing. Peter preached the Gospel to the people who marveled at the miracle healing of the lame man. Many souls were saved there. The prison was the right place for Paul and Silas to be so that the jailor and his family were saved. If you are in the right place you will escape and be able to overcome satan’s temptations. Avoid the wrong places where it is easy for satan to tempt you. If you are always in My presence you will be in the right place. I have said – Put on the whole armour of God so that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.(Eph.6:11) You will be protected from the attacks of satan and you will lead a victorious life in this world and I can use you to bring other souls into My kingdom. You will receive your reward for being in the right place at the right time to do My will.”


21. GOD’S HELP “The Word of God says – God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in the time of trouble.(Psalm 46:1) When people are in trouble and they look to Me for help I am always there to help them. The Word of God also says – Your help cometh from the Lord who made heaven and earth.(Psalm 121:2) When people are in trouble, in distress and trial they look for help from some source or the other. But there are times when man’s help fails them. They try to get out of their troubles by their own efforts. But in that also they fail. When the troubles go over their heads, it is then that some people realise that only I can help them. Without My help Noah could not have built that ark and without My help Moses could not have brought out the Israelites out of Egypt. Many times I helped those Israelites to win the battles against the enemies. But sometimes they were not grateful to Me for My help. When people are in distress and they cry out to Me I help them. But when they get over their troubles they go back to their worldly lives and they are not grateful to Me. Those who worship other gods, when they are in trouble they pray to their gods and give all kinds of offerings and sacrifices to their gods. But when there is no reply from them, as a last resort they call upon Me. Some of these people believe in Me from that time on as the true god and


are grateful to Me for saving them and they worship Me alone. But others go back to their idol worship. Such people won’t find peace. When Jezebel wanted to kill Elijah, I helped him to hide from her and I fed him. In time of persecution I help the servants of God to go to a safe place. I use them wherever they go. When Hagar cried to Me for help in the desert I heard her and saved her and her son from death. When mothers pray for their children I hear them. That is why I said – Suffer the children to come to Me for of such is the kingdom of heaven.(Matthew19:14) Mothers need help in bringing up their children, specially to help bring up their children spiritually. When the children are dedicated to Me by their parents, I will help them to bring up those children in the right way. Many times people are in danger of their lives in time of physical disasters like earthquakes, floods and storms. When the disciples were in the boat when the storm came they cried to Me to help them in their distress. I got up from My sleep and commanded the storm to be still. In times of such disasters I protect My children. They find a hiding place in Me when they look to Me for help. Many people testify of how I help them. Many souls have been saved when they cry to Me for help and I save them from death. Those who read the Word of God faithfully will realise how I help the people in different situations of danger, distress and troubles. Sometimes I


send My angels to help the people. When Paul and Silas were put in the prison I sent an angel to open the prison doors and set them free. I send angels specially to help people escape from accidents. I help the servants of God in their ministry . But they must pray much to do the ministry with My help so that the ministry will be blessed. When troubles and sorrow and distress come into your life call upon Me for help. I will deliver you and give you the peace that passes understanding. COME UNTO ME ALL YE THAT ARE BURDENED AND ARE HEAVY LADEN AND I WILL GIVE YOU REST.�(Matthew 11:28)


22. MARRIAGE The Word of God says – The Lord caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and as he slept, the Lord took one of the man’s ribs, made a woman and brought her to the man. Adam said –This is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman because she was taken out of man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh.(Genesis 2:21-24) Thus I created the first husband and wife and the first family came into existence. I created both the man and the woman as equals but because the woman was the first to sin and made her husband also to sin by eating the forbidden fruit, I punished the woman that her desire will be to her husband and he will rule her.(Genesis 3:16) The Word of God says – Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands as unto the Lord, as the husband is head of the wife.(Ephesians 5:22,23) It is also written – Husbands, love your wives.(Eph.5:25) If these rules are followed there will be peace and harmony between the husband and wife. This is the true relationship between a man and his wife. But since sin came into the world the same satan who encountered the woman in the Garden and deceived her still works in the families and creates disruption and separation between the husband and wife. Today, divorce has become common in the world. In some countries the laws are such that a man can easily divorce his wife, even for no fault of the woman. But a woman cannot divorce a man.


The sins of the days of Noah and the sins of the Israelites are found in the world today also. Husbands and wives are not faithful to each other. The sin of adultery and fornication is rife in the world today. Many children suffer in unhappy homes because of the quarrels between the father and mother. Such children are prone to indulge in addictions and crimes. The Word of God says - Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing and obtaineth favour of the Lord.(Proverbs 18:22) I love the families. I bless the marriages that are arranged with prayer. I did My first miracle in the world in a wedding in Cana. I visited the families of My disciples and others. I blessed the children when the mothers brought them to Me. Those who don’t have children, when they pray to Me like Hannah, I hear their prayers and give them children. Due to certain circumstances some men and women do not marry. Such people are prone to fall into temptation unless they are true believers who desire to serve Me without any distraction with their whole heart. The Apostle Paul was such a person. He says in the Word of God – I would that all men were even as Myself. But every man has his proper gift of God, one after this manner and another after that. I say therefore to the unmarried and widows- it is good for them if they abide even as I. But if they cannot contain let them marry. For it is better to marry than to burn.(1 Cor. 7:7-9) The curse of sin that came to the man and woman was abolished when I gave My life on the Cross to bear the sins of the world. I am now building My Church which is to be My bride. The Word of God says – Christ also loved


the Church and gave himself for it, that He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word that it should be holy and without blemish. (Ephesians 5:25-27) The relationship between a man and his wife should be holy even as My relationship with the Church. Believers in Me should not marry idol-worshippers and unbelievers. The Word of God says – be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers, for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord has Christ with Belial, or what part has he that believeth with an infidel?(II Cor.6:14,15) A believing family should spend time together on reading the Word of God and in prayer. They should bring up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord spiritually.(Eph.6:4) The Word of God says – At the end of the world there will be a marriage feast. It is the marriage of the Lamb of God and the Church which has been cleansed and is ready to be the heavenly Bride.(Rev.19:7,9) A great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds , and people, and tongues, stood before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands: And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.(Rev.7:9,10) Who are the members of this church and who are the guests? These are the people who repented for their sins and believed in Me as the Lamb of God and Saviour of the world who gave His life for them. I am the heavenly Bridegroom and if you believe in Me, you can be My heavenly Bride and you can live with Me eternally in My kingdom.”


23. THE END I have no beginning and no end. I am from everlasting to everlasting.(Psalm 90:2) I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the ending, the First and the Last.(Rev. 1:8; 21:6; 22:13) I am the Eternal One – JEHOVAH.(Psalm83:18; Isaiah12:2; Isaiah 26:4) But everything I created has an end. When Lucifer and his angels rebelled against Me, it was the end of their stay in heaven.(Isa.14:12-15) When Adam and Eve sinned it was the end of their stay in the Garden, and the end of life of all mankind. When the flood came, it was the end of all living creatures in the world except for those who were in the ark. Before its completion the building of the tower of Babel came to an end when I created confusion in their language and scattered them over the earth. Abraham’s stay with his forefathers came to an end when I sent him to Canaan so that I could bless him. Those who obey Me and go where I send them will be safe from danger like Noah and blessed like Abraham. Those who do not believe in Me, are like the people who began to build the Babel, to protect themselves from future flood. They relied on their own efforts. Their lives will be confusion. Though Joseph’s stay in his father’s house came to an end in his young age – because of the jealousy of his brothers – I lifted him up and blessed him in


Egypt till the end of his life. Those who suffer their trials in life patiently and are true to Me like Joseph will receive many blessings from Me. The Israelites’ days of bondage in Egypt came to an end after four hundred years when I led them out of Egypt to go to the land of Canaan. But many times they were not true to Me. So I could not bless them in the land of Canaan and they were scattered throughout the world. I hear the prayer of those who cry to Me in their suffering and help them out of their distress. But some people are ungrateful like the Israelites and their blessings come to an end and once again they suffer. I made Saul the first king of Israel but he became proud and jealous of David and was not true to Me. So I made an end of his rule and gave the kingdom to David. Many heads of governments and their rules come to an untimely end because of their wickedness. The fishing business of Andrew and Peter came to an end when they followed Me and I made them fishers of men. In the same way the other disciples’ employment in the world also ended when they began to do My work, except Paul who did both. Till this day many servants of God are called to leave their secular work to do their ministry. But unless their calling is such they can do the secular work with which I have blessed them and do the ministry also. When I came to the world to die for the sins of the people, many things came to an end. The sacrifice of the bulls and goats for the sins of the people


came to an end, when I offered My life on the Cross as the supreme and only sacrifice for the sins of the people. Though My life in the world ended, I rose from the dead and I am once again living in My kingdom. The people’s sins and diseases come to an end when they believe in Me and accept Me as their Lord and Saviour. Though their lives in the world may end in death, they will receive a new life and live with Me in My kingdom. When I come to the world again, the old world will be destroyed and come to an end and I will create a new heaven and a new earth where only those who accepted Me as their Saviour will live forever without end.�


TESTIMONY OF SIS. GLORIA DHARMAPALAN “… I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction”. (Is. 48:10) I praise the Lord for the furnace of affliction, through which I was saved by the blood of Jesus and my family was blessed. From that day I never looked back but went forward growing in my spiritual life. I continued to have a very close relationship with my Lord and Saviour Jesus speaking to Him. He has spoken, guided and upheld me in my daily life. In 1975 I received the anointing of the Holy Spirit with the manifestation of praising and speaking in tongues. As I progressed I experienced miracles and visions while praying at home and in church. The Lord used me to serve Him by ministering to others. There were instants when the Lord has told to pray specifically for unknown people, even mentioning their names at times. Thus I could see the gifts of the Holy Spirit being operated. I give all the glory to Him. From 1990, while praying with my daughter Helen Solomon, the Lord has given visions and messages on many topics which Helen has written down what I repeated as the Lord told me. On 06.03.1990 the Lord said, “I give you the privilege of having a relationship with me which is more than any human relationship because you are my beloved children. Desire for this relationship and I will give it to you, as you grow in your spiritual life”. On 21.03.1990, the Lord said, “The special gift of the Holy Spirit you have from above, is more precious than gold. Guard it. You will know how to use it in time that my Name may be glorified among the heathen. As commissioned by the Lord Jesus, these messages were written for all to read and be blessed and for the Glory of God. Alleluia! Mrs. Gloria Dharmapalan

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