GOD SPEAKS Gloria Dharmapalan
GOD SPEAKS - VOL X info@godspeaks.in www..godspeaks.in Designed by Kingston Abraham © Beracah All rights reserved © Cover Design , by Kingston Abraham © Paper Back Design, by Kingston Abraham Distributed under license Creative Commons First Edition, April 2016
God Speaks - VOL X God Speaks are messages given by God to Gloria Dharmapalan, My mother, from 1990 to 2001. As commissioned by the Lord Jesus these messagesgiven during prayer are, for all to read and be blessed. They are a source ofencouragement. They open our eyes to many truths and deep meanings of the Word of God. On March 22nd , 1990 the Lord said, “Little by little you are learning things from Me. Because your understanding is small, I speak to you of simple things. Because like Mary you sit at My feet to hear Me speaking, I speak to you, My children. As I teach you, you must teach these things to others. Speak to them about the things I teach you. It is not only for yourselves I tell these things. It is so that others may also hear them from you and benefit from it. I will teach more things in the days to come. You will receive My blessings when you do it.� These messages are in simple spoken English so that anyone who reads them can understand them.Those who read these messages are sure to hear His voice saying, I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not.(Jeremiah33:3) Read on and be blessed.
Praise the Lord.
1. BEGINNING “In the beginning the heaven and the earth were created.(Gen1:1) In the beginning there was the WORD and the WORD was with God, and the WORD was GOD. All things were made by HIM and without HIM was not anything made that was made.(JOHN1:1-3) I am The Word of God and all things were created by Me and for Me. The World is mine and its fullness. But from the beginning satan is also in the world. He lied to the first two people and as from the beginning he is a liar and the father of lies even until this day. That is why the Word of God says- “Put on the whole armour of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil, even as in the beginning he is the ruler of the darkness of this world , the spiritual wickedness in high places (Eph 6:11,12) Beware of the wiles of the devil. I am the Light of the world. He that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the Light of Life. (John8:12) Those who do not walk in My Light and follow Me will walk in the darkness of satan. In the beginning the Israel people were faithful to Me when they cried to Me to deliver them from their bondage of Egypt. I heard their cry and brought them out of Egypt, but they were ungrateful, murmured against Me and indulged In fornication and idol worship. I punished them. In the beginning of their lives some children will lead good spiritual lives because they are brought up in spiritual surroundings, but when they grow
up and go out into the world -like the prodigal son- they are led astray by bad companions and indulge in sinful pleasures. But when they get into serious trouble or fall ill they will cry to Me to save them. If they are sincere in their repentance and change their lives and look to the Cross of Calvary, I will lift them out of their distress and save them from their sins. Some idol worshippers also who turn from their idol-worship and have accepted Me as the true God- in the beginning of their salvation, are faithful in their worship to Me. But when troubles come or under the influence of their relatives , they indulge in some of the rituals of the idolworshippers and lose their faith and holiness. Most of them are soon made to realise their faults and backsliding and once again repent and come back to their faith in Me. In the beginning King Saul was faithful to Me in everything , but his jealousy of David brought about his downfall. King Solomon also was true to Me in the beginning but his idol-worshipping wives drew him away from Me by building altars and idols for his heathen wives. The Word of God says – Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers; for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath the temple of God with idol? for ye are the temple of the living God. (2Cor 6:14-16) From the beginning of their bondage in Babylon, Daniel, Shadrach,
Meshach, and Abednego were pure and holy and kept themselves from idol worship even at the cost of their lives. But I did not leave them to suffer but saved them and lifted them up even in the idol worshipping land . The same truth and faithfulness was found in Joseph also. In spite of temptations , those who lead holy lives and resist the devil , even from the very beginning of his temptations, will be richly blessed in this world and the next. From the very beginning of their salvation - the children of God who are called by name – should keep themselves pure and holy. The idol is not an image made of wood or stone or gold or silver. Anyone or anything on which a person dotes or wastes his or her time becomes an idol. That is why I said - Be ye holy even as I am holy. (1 Peter 1:16) Walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. ( Gal 5: 16 ) Know your priorities. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you.(Matt 6:33) Those who follow My Word from the beginning and spend time in My presence will serve Me to bring others to Me and receive the blessing and reward that I have for them in this world and the next.�
2. MY CHURCH “The disciples laid the foundation of My church. I have said I will establish My church and the gates of hell cannot shake it. (Matt 16: 18) Before I left this world I said—On this rock will I build My church and the forces of darkness shall not prevail against it. In these days that is what satan is trying to do. He is trying to shake the very foundations of My church. He does not think that My church is built on rock and not on sand. But from the beginning of the Apostles’ times the church has been growing. When the temple of Jerusalem was built by Solomon it was not a church. It was a place of worship. I blessed it. The people came to worship and they brought the animals for sacrifice- the innocent animals whose blood was shed for the sins of the people. The worship there , during My times became a meaningless ritual. But still they were people who sincerely came there to worship, who sincerely repented for their sins. I have said in My Word – The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief corner stone.( Mark 12:10) Even though the priests were not true to their calling , many times previously the temple was desecrated by their enemies. It was broken down and rebuilt. Even when I was in the world the temple was defiled.
Simeon who dedicated Me as a baby was a true priest. After his death the priests used the temple as a place of rituals and trade. But still it was also a place of worship. I preached to the people in the temple even when I was a boy of twelve years. It was my Father’s house. Before My death and resurrection I prophesied there will not be one stone upon another and so it is today. There is no temple of Jerusalem. There is no need for the sacrifice of animals by shedding the blood for the sins of the people, because I made the supreme sacrifice for the sins of the people by shedding My blood on the Cross. Today I am building My Church not with stone and mortar but by the people who are washed in My blood , saved from their sins, who believe in Me and worship Me. These are the people of whom I have said - Where two or three are gathered in My name there am I in their midst. Matt (18:20) That is how I build My church. It is built of the souls of people who are true to Me. They may gather in a beautiful building to worship Me, to sing the praises, to obey My ordinances that I have established. I will be there in their midst. They may be in thousands in one place or there may be a few people in a small building or even in a home – all these people are part of the church that I am building.
Every saved soul is a stone or a pillar in the church. I am the chief corner stone. In these last days I have many builders to help Me to build My church. They are chosen vessels who work for Me and who work with Me in building the church. I am working very fast even as I am urging My servants to work fast because the time is very short, and the day will come when man can work no more. But remember, on his part satan is also working fast to break up and destroy My church to prevent it from growing. He also has his servants to do this. Even as you are seeing the signs of the opposition and destruction being caused by satan in breaking and destroying My church, in persecuting My people who are working for Me, you must know that the end is very near. Every soul who believes in Me has a part , a responsibility to help Me in building My church. The church when it is ready and completed will be My bride ready to be taken up into My kingdom to live with Me forever. Whoever reads this even if you do not believe in Me, I entreat you now to accept Me now as your Saviour, to dedicate your life to Me and become a part of My church. I will surely bless you if you do this.�
3. SOMETHING OUT OF NOTHING “Where there was nothing where there was only a void I created the heaven and the earth.(Romans 4:17) and where the earth was also empty I created the trees and plants and the living creatures on the land and seas. Where there was no one to look after these things that I created, I created man. Where there was no way for mankind to increase and fill the earth I created the woman to procreate and bring forth the generations of the people. When I saw the wickedness of the people of the world and decided to destroy the people of the world by a flood and there was no way to save the righteous Noah and his family and the living creatures , I helped Noah to build the ark and save himself and his family and the living creatures. When there was no other way at that time to save the people from their sins , I gave them the ordinance of animal sacrifice by shedding its blood. I promised Abraham that his generation would increase like the stars in the sky. But there was no sign of his wife conceiving a child at that time because both of them were very old. But I am the God who creates something out of nothing, and in her old age, even as I promised, Sarah conceived a child and brought forth Isaac. Even today those who have no hope of deliverance from their barrenness and they feel their wombs are dead , I can give them a child when they believe in Me that I am a miracle working God who hears their prayers when they cry
to Me in faith. When Hagar & her son were in the desert almost dying of thirst because there was no sign of any water in that desert - but where there was no water in the desert I created a well of water for Hagar and her child to be saved. When the Israel people also had no hopes of being delivered from their bondage I saved Moses and trained him up in Pharaoh’s palace to lead the people out of the bondage of Egypt. When they were passing through the desert where there was no water or food for the people, I sent the water out of the rock & sent the manna from heaven. When they cried for meat I sent them quails. All through the 40 years that they were travelling to Canaan, when there was no means of providing themselves with clothes and footwear. The clothes and footwear they already had never grew old or worn out. When Elijah was escaping from Jezebel’s wrath - when he was hiding in the desert or caves where there was no means for him to get food or water- I created a stream for him & the ravens to feed him. During t he t ime of famine t he poor widow fed h im and her flour and oil lasted her and her family throughout the days of the famine. Sometimes the servants of God go to difficult places to do the ministry among uncivilized and unreached people. The people there also may be so poor, living from hand to mouth in these places. But where there is nothing, My servants who are doing My work there are fed and clothed. I use them to bring the light of the Gospel to those people and they are also fed and clothed and educated and uplifted.
There are many testimonies of how I have done miracles in places where there was nothing with which to provide the people with their needs and to bring the light of the Gospel to places where all was darkness. When Joseph was thrown into the pit and Daniel into the lion’s den and Shadrach, Meshak and Abednego into the furnace of fire and - there was no hope of deliverance for them – I lifted Joseph out of the pit to become a high official in Egypt and to feed the people during the famine; I shut the mouth of the lions so that they did no harm to Daniel and seeing Daniel alive king Darius believed in Me; when Shadrach, Meshak and Abednego were in the fire and I was with them and no harm came to them Nebuchadnezaar also believed that I was the true God who creates something out of nothing. When I came to the world I had compassion on the people who had no hope of being saved from their sins and their sicknesses. I gave sight to those who were born blind with no hope of seeing. I healed the crippled who had no hope of ever walking again. I brought dead Lazarus to life when Mary and Martha had no hope of seeing their brother alive again. When the storm came and the disciples had no hope of being saved from the storm I created stillness in the sea and the wind and the storm subsided. When there was nothing except the five loaves and two fishes to feed the five thousand people the little there was increased and all the people were fed. When the commandments and the laws and the sacrifices of animals became meaningless rituals, I shed My blood on the cross so that whoso believes in Me and in My blood to wash away their sins and those who follow the
words of My book and live accordingly will experience the miracles of receiving something out of nothing in their lives that I can do for them. If you are a child of God or a servant of God, if you are true to Me and have faith I will supply all your needs whatever may be your condition. I am the God who heals you from all your sicknesses even though the doctors may have given up hope of any cure. If in some way you find yourself in a critical situation from which there is no hope of deliverance for your life or your soul , when you call upon Me in your time of need and suffering, I have promised to hear and answer you and deliver you. When there is a nothing in your life, a void in whatever area of your life it may be, remember I can always do the miraculous something, to help you in whatever situation you need help. To get this help you have to believe in Me as the true God who creates something out of nothing, who can deliver you from your sins and make you a new person. For this you must read the Word of God carefully and claim the promises there and pray ceaselessly. Remember I have said- Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.�(Matt 6:33)
4. MY BLOOD MY BLOOD HAS POWER TO SAVE “ I came to the world to shed My blood on the cross as a sacrifice for the sins of the people. The blood of bulls and goats cannot save the people from their sins.(Hebrews 10:4) So God the Father who so loved the world that He sent Me , His only beloved Son to die on the cross for the sins of the people, so that whoever repents for his sins and believes in My death and resurrection is washed in My blood and saved from his sins. He will not perish but have eternal life in My kingdom. (John 3:16) My blood has the power to heal.I have said – By His stripes you are healed. (1Peter2:24) If you are saved by My blood , when you pray in faith for your physical healing by the power of My blood , you will be healed. I am Jehovah Rapha – the God who heals . (Exodus 15;26) There is protection in My blood. When the angel of death passed through the land of Egypt, those who had sprinkled the blood of the lamb on the doorposts of their houses were protected from the death of the firstborn. They were under the protection of the blood. Today My blood has the power to protect My children from harm and danger, by the evil forces of darkness. Keep yourselves under the protection of My blood that was shed for you. When you are in danger claim the protection of the blood of the Lamb of God. The evil forces cannot harm you when you are protected by My blood.
The Word of God says—The life is in the blood. (Lev 17:11) With his scientific knowledge man has discovered many facts about blood. He does different kinds of experiments with blood. Many murders and court cases have been solved by examining the blood. Diseases are cured by finding out what particular germs are in the blood and accordingly proper treatment is given. People who lose blood in accidents and operations are given blood transfusions to save their lives. But only the blood of a person with the same group can be used for transfusion to save another person. Inherited characteristics are discovered by examining the DNA and gene cells in the blood. The blood that I shed on the cross was human blood. But if it had been examined by the modern scientists, they would not have found any blood group or DNA or gene cells in My blood. It was pure, holy blood – untainted and unspotted in any way. My blood can be used by anyone and everyone to save their lives and their souls. I shed it freely for all mankind. Believe in My blood –the pure, holy, precious, unspotted blood that can protect and heal your body and soul.”
5. WINE AND OIL “I brought the Israelites out of Egypt into the land of Canaan. I told them that Canaan was a land flowing with milk and honey, a flourishing fertile land. (Lev 20:24) Moses sent out the heads of the tribes to spy out the land. Among them were Joshua and Caleb who brought a good report of the land; and it was flourishing even as I told them. But the others did not see the goodness there. So they brought an evil report that the people there were strong and mighty and they could not conquer them. Only Joshua and Caleb said that with My help they could conquer the people and take the land which was My will to give them. The Israelites believed in the evil report rather than the good report .They murmured and wanted to go back to Egypt, but I encouraged Moses to conquer the land. That is the attitude of the people even today. Some are more inclined to follow the bad ways than the good ways. Even in the good things they try to find the dark side of it than the bright side. They are pessimists. Even when they read the Word of God when they are in trouble they become depressed and do not cling to the promises that are there to overcome their problems. The fruits that Joshua and Caleb and others brought from Canaan were bigger and juicier than those from other lands. One of these fruits was the grapes. Wine is made from the juice of the grapes.
Wine can be a refreshing drink as well as an intoxicating drink .To some people it is a refreshing drink good for their health , but to others it is an intoxicating drink , to make them drunk in which they find an unholy pleasure. Even in the Word of God there are instances and warnings on getting drunk of wine. The fresh juice of the wine is not intoxicating, but when it is preserved it is fermented and becomes intoxicated. Even the preserved wine if drunk moderately will not do any harm, because it is made to be drunk only as a restorative. Those who like intoxicative drinks use a different method to make the wine. In the marriage at Cana when the wine gave out , I turned the six jars of water in to wine .The people who tasted My wine knew the difference and remarked on it . There was nothing intoxicating in the wine I made. It was cool and refreshing and they could drink any amount of it without getting drunk. It had a taste that no other wine had. Everything I do is good. This is seen in all of My creations. The Word of God says – All good things come from above .(James 1:17) I give only good things to My children who believe in Me. Only because of their unbelief , satan gives them bad things . Those who go deep in their spiritual life will be like the new wine that I made on that day in the marriage of Cana. Oil is used everywhere in the world .Oil is made from different kinds of seeds and used for different purposes .From the earliest times people knew the value of oil and the methods of extracting the oil . Oil is a mollifying agent, good for the hair and the skin. The Word of God
says – Oil makes the face of man to shine. (Psalm 104:15) It makes food also tasty. It is used also for burning lamps. Those virgins who did not have oil in their lamps could not meet the bridegroom because the lamps went out without oil to keep them burning. Those who are not filled with the Holy Spirit – their lives will be like the lamp without oil. By constantly reading the Word of God and prayer they will be full of the Holy Spirit and they will follow the Word of God in their lives. They will be like the lamps full of oil shining brightly. Like the oil was used for anointing purposes, these are anointed people whom I can use to do My work. Even as the oil in the lamps has to be constantly replenished, to make the lamps burn continuously , the spiritual lives of the children of God must be constantly replenished by fresh oil and live according to the Word of God and prayer . When the Good Samaritan found the wounded traveller on the road to Jericho he poured in oil and wine on his wounds .Wine is also a cleansing agent and oil is a healing agent. Wine is poured to cleanse and disinfect the wounds of the dirt and germs and oil is poured in to heal the wounds. To get the wine and the oil for cleansing and healing the grapes as well as the oil seeds have to be crushed. My blood also is for cleansing and healing. My body was wounded and crushed to shed My blood for the sins of the people. When people come to Me and repent for their sins I cleanse them with My blood and make them clean
like the wine. Those who are in sorrow are filled with the oil of gladness (Isa 61:3) and the oil of joy to comfort them. As they continue to believe in Me and worship Me I anoint them with the Holy Spirit and use them for My service. When they are sick and pray to Me I heal them of their diseases also. By My death and resurrection I cleanse them of their sins, anoint them with the fresh oil of the Holy Spirit and prepare them to come to My kingdom.�
6. SACKCLOTH AND ASHES “Sackcloth is the cheapest type of cloth. It is not made to be worn as a dress. It is useful only as a packing material to be used and discarded. In the olden days as a sign of deep mourning or when a calamity befalls someone, or also as a sign of piety and humility people wore sackcloth. When King David heard the news of Abner’s death he wore sackcloth as a sign of mourning for him. When there was danger for the kingdom some kings humbled themselves, wore sackcloth and prayed.At the news of the coming destruction of the Jews Mordecai wore sackcloth. Nowadays some so called holy men who are idol worshippers wear a cheap form of dress instead of sackcloth. Inwardly they are not holy but some people see their dress and respect them. There are women also who dress like this. Those who go on pilgrimage to the temples to worship the idols and do some rituals, only during the days of pilgrimage, they try to keep themselves holy and then they go back to their unholy ways. Dust is found everywhere in the world. It is of no value. I created man out of the dust of the earth and when he dies he returns to the dust and becomes dust. When the people in those days were in sorrow and mourning they sat in the dust. This is also an outward sign. To show their humility they smear the dust on themselves. When they curse someone also they throw dust on them. They give importance to the dust which is of no value.
Ash is the residue of something that is burnt. It is also of no value. When the sacrificial animals were burnt the ashes were thrown outside the camp. In the olden days the people sat in the ashes in their sorrow and as a sign of humility. Even nowadays the idol worshippers smear the ash on their bodies as a sign of piety though they may not be so. When Job lost all his property he sat in the ashes. In those days the people wore sackcloth, sat in the ashes and smeared dust on themselves as a sign of mourning and humility. All these outward signs do not proclaim the true heart of the person who does them. Wearing coarse clothes or smearing dust and ashes are only outward signs of piety or humility. When I came to the world I did away with all these outward signs. I condemned the Pharisees for wearing long robes and living impious lives. I taught the true holiness and humility. I said when you fast do not let others know by your outward appearance. (Matt 6:17) When you are in sorrow or distress humble yourselves and pray in secret and your prayer will be heard and you will receive your reward in heaven. I said –Even when you do your alms do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. (Matt 6:3) Outward appearance is deceptive. Holiness, piousness and humility must come from the heart. To wash a man from his sins and make him holy I died on the cross and rose again.
Those who believe that they are saved from their sins by my death and resurrection will learn how to live holy lives and to be humble. There’s no need any more for sackcloth, dust and ashes.�
7. TRUE MINISTRY “ A river starts from its source. It trickles like a small stream. It comes down the mountains. It passes through forests and it keeps flowing on and on. As the river flows forward it gathers speed. In some places it falls like a waterfall. As it grows broader it becomes deeper. Sometimes it passes through barren lands. But because of its width and depth it does not dry up and even in those places the people use it for drinking and for their crops and other uses. It flows on as a blessing to the people who use its fresh water. At last it comes to the end of its journey where it enters the sea. The last place is a very fertile place which is the delta where it joins the sea and becomes one with the great waters. This is your ministry and also the ministry of many servants of God. They are true servants of mine who have dedicated their lives to serve Me, not for name or fame or for money but from their hearts. Such ministries start in a small way. This is how My disciples followed Me when I told them to carry their cross and follow Me. As the river passes over the mountains and forests and barren places the ministry will have problems from satan who tries to put hindrances. But the river does not dry up. Even so in spite of the hindrances and discouragement brought by satan the true servants of God do not give up. They overcome with My help their difficulties and the ministry grows
gradually and brings blessings to others. In spite of many problems they look up to Me in faith to help them. They believe in My promises that I will never forsake them or fail them and that I will be with them till the end. Even as the river becomes broad and deep and is useful to the people through these ministries the people will drink of the water of life that I have offered to all the world. The rain from heaven replenishes the river, cleanses it and purifies it, even as My Holy spirit does the same to the ministry. In the end where the river enters the sea the land is very fertile and the river gets submerged in the sea. As they do the ministry the true servants of God, grow in their spiritual life and the ministry spreads out to reach people in different ways. Those who are true to Me and do My will in obedience to Me for the glory of My kingdom are submerged in My love and the blessings that I give them and their ministry, till the end.�
8. HIDING PLACE “At some time or other, every person needs a hiding place. Small children find a hiding place when playing a game. All people have the habit of hiding things so that someone else does not get at it. Usually treasures are hid. In olden days people used to hide treasures in underground places. Such treasures have been discovered even after centuries. In modern days banks have become hiding places for people to keep their treasures and money. Wherever people may try to hide their treasures, they are liable to be stolen. No hiding place in the world is safe. The Word of God says—Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor dust will corrupt, and where thieves do not break through and steal.(Matt 6:20) If you believe in Me as your Lord and Saviour and live according to My Word, you will know how to lay up treasures in heaven. Children who have offended their parents by their wrong doing sometimes run away from home but they often get into distress and suffer. Criminals also find hiding places after committing a crime, but usually get caught by the authorities searching for them. There is no hiding place for mankind in the world. When Adam and Eve sinned they also found a hiding place when they heard Me walking in the garden. Before this they used to come running to meet Me and talk to Me.
The Word of God says – They hid themselves from the presence of God among the trees of the garden. (Gen 3:8) There is no hiding place in the world where anyone can hide from Me. When I told Jonah to go and preach to the people of Nineveh to repent from their sins, to run away from Me he tried to find a hiding place on a ship to Tarshish. But I brought him back. (Jonah 1) No one can hide from Me. The Word of God says – The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good. (Pro 15:3) People need a hiding place in time of fear, troubles, sorrow, distress and persecution. The Word of God says – You are my hiding place. You shall preserve Me from trouble.(Psalms32:7) Those who come to Me in their sorrow, troubles and persecution will find a relief and a secure hiding place in Me. I have said—Come unto Me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.(Matt 11:28) In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence and His children shall have a place of refuge.(Pro 14:26) My disciples and My children who are persecuted for their faith find a hiding place in Me. The days are very near for the end of the world. All the signs for this are being fulfilled according to the Word of God. There shall be famines and pestilences and earthquakes and great tribulation.(Matt 24:7) But before the end those who have accepted Me as their Lord and Saviour and worshipped Me alone will be taken out of the world into My kingdom.(I Thes 4:16,17) All people are given an opportunity to escape the terrible times of the end because the gospel is being published among all the nations. Fear God and give glory
to Him for the hour of His judgment is come. Worship Him that made heaven and earth and the sea.(Pro14:7) Those who have no gods, or believe in other gods or worship idols and followed satan will realise that there is no protection for them from the terrible times that are going to come. They will run here and there searching for a hiding place. They will run into rocks and caves and into their places of worship to hide, but they will all break and fall. The Word of God says—From the richest and greatest to the poorest will hide themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains. But it is too late, for the great day of the wrath of the Lord has come and who shall be able to stand? (Rev6:14-17) Those who want to escape that day must choose today- before it is too latehow to escape that day. He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide in the shadow of the Almighty.(Ps 91:1) There is only one way and I Am the way, the truth and the life.(John 14:6) Find your hiding place in Me and you will find a shelter from the storms of life. You will not need a hiding place in the next life because you will live with Me eternally in My kingdom.�
9. SIN “Where did sin begin? It had its origin at a time when I had not created anything in the world. It started from Lucifer whom I had created as a beautiful being.(Ez28:13-15) He became jealous of Me, the Son of God. He wanted to be greater than Me or at least equal in relationship to the Father. The sin of jealousy and pride led to rebellion. He influenced some of the other angels. So they had to be thrown out of heaven.(Is 14:12) When I created the world, satan had access to the world and also to heaven. (Job1:6,7) He made the two first people in the world to disobey Me and sin. The whole world was polluted by sin. But I did not cut off My connection with mankind. I loved My creation and made My plan to save mankind from satan. Man was given intellect and a free will to obey Me or to obey satan. I spoke to the people to keep them from sinning. I taught them to worship Me and to offer sacrifices to Me. Those who listened to Me kept themselves from sinning while those who listened to satan fell into sin. There came a time when the whole world was corrupted with sin except for Noah and his family. So I decided to destroy all the living creatures in the world by flood except for Noah and his family and a male and female of the other creatures.(Gen6:5-8)
As the people once again increased in the world, sin also increased. They worshipped idols and created their own Gods. Of course there were always those who obeyed Me, were true to Me and worshipped Me alone. I chose Abraham and his generation as My people. Through Moses I gave them the Ten Commandments and other laws to follow to keep them in the right way. When they sinned they could offer birds and animals as atonement for their sins. I forgave them. But after a time everything become a meaningless ritual. Without repenting they continued in their sins and offered the sacrifices. The Word of God says –The blood of bulls and goats cannot take away sin.(Heb10:4) I came to the world as a man and shed My blood on the cross as a sacrifice for the sins of man so that those who repent and come to Me will be washed and cleansed in My blood from their sins and their life will be changed. The Word of God says-Christ died for all, that they who live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto Him who died for them and rose again. Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things are passed away. Behold, all things are become new.(II Cor5:15,17) Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow. Though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. (Isaiah I: 18) I have said in My Word that the last days will be as in the days of Noah. (Matt24:37) Man has become so corrupt in these days by listening to satan, that he commits the most abominable and diabolical sins and crimes that were not done even in the days of Noah.
He has left the worship of the true God and Creator and indulges in all kinds of diabolical cults and practices of satan worship. Satan is very active in these days in drawing people to his side because he knows his time is short. The devil is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. (IIPeter5:8) Man is now standing on the very threshold of the end of the world. All the signs given in the Word of God are being fulfilled. But no one knows the exact day and hour, not the angels of heaven, but the Father only.(Matt24:36) Even those who don’t believe in Me can know about these happenings in the daily news and other means of modern inventions. Even as I sent My disciples to preach the Word of God to be saved from their sins, today there are churches and pastors, evangelists , preachers and prophets to warn the people of the end of the world, when man will be judged for his deeds in the world. Those who believe in the Word of God will know that they can be saved from their sins by believing in Me as the Saviour who died on the cross and rose again and is living and will come to the world again to judge the people. It will be too late for those who did not accept Me as their Saviour and instead followed satan. Although satan is working vigorously on his side the Word of God is going throughout the world like a double edged sword.(Matt24:14),(Heb 4:12) The gospel is being preached everywhere and the Holy Spirit in the world says that the true God is mightier than any evil spirit. The Word of God says to those who believe in Me—He that is in you is
greater than he that is in the world.(I John 4:4) Satan is a liar and the father of lies. He is a defeated foe. (John 8:44) Do not believe him. He who commits sin is of the devil.(IJohn 3:8) Those who follow him and live in sin will be condemned to burn forever with him and his followers in the hellfire prepared for them.(Matt25:41) But those who follow Me and obey My words will live with Me forever in My kingdom. The Word of God says – Resist the devil and he will flee from you. (James 4:7) Millions are accepting My way and rejecting satan’s way. Heaven will be filled with thousands and thousands and ten thousand times ten thousands of people praising God- a numberless crowd. (Rev 5:11; 7:9) In spite of oppositions and persecutions the gospel is preached and people are repenting of their sins and worship of false gods and accepting Me as their true God to join the crowd in My kingdom. Repent for your sins and believe in Me as your Lord and Saviour for I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.” (John 14:6)
10. THRILLS “A thrill is described as an exciting experience. This feeling is experienced in different ways by everyone. Children are thrilled when they receive presents, or are taken out somewhere, or when they win a game. Even adults are thrilled by these things which may be innocent pleasures which give thrills. Those who worship Me find thrills in seeing the wonders of My creation and cannot refrain from praising Me. The Word of God says—In the last days man’s knowledge will be increased. (Dan12:4 ) So with his increased knowledge man also created many inventions by which he is thrilled and gives thrills to others also. But alas! All of these inventions are not for the good of mankind. Some of them are destructive and some are done with satan’s help. Addicts find thrills in their addiction, but it ruins the body and soul. Some people find thrills in secret sinful pleasures. As long as they are in it they feel the thrill of it- an ecstatic state, a kind of rapture, but this state does not last and it brings only suffering at the end. The Word of God says- Stolen waters are sweet and bread eaten in secret is pleasant. But the dead are there and it leads their soul to hell.(Proverbs 9:17,18) Those who believe in Me and have accepted Me as their Lord and Saviour and live according to the Word of God will find many thrills in their spiritual life. Many have testified about the miracles in their lives.
When I was in the world – the blind, the deaf and dumb, the crippled and the lepers were all thrilled when I healed them and saved them from their sins. Salvation is a thrilling experience. My disciples found their lives full of thrills when they followed Me. Even today the servants of God are experiencing this in their ministry when they save the souls for My kingdom and miracles take place. When those who worship other Gods and idols and those who live in sin come to Me, they know the thrill of being saved from their sins and worshipping the true living God who hears and answers prayers.(Jeremiah33:3) The Word of God says- Now is the accepted time. Today is the day of salvation.( IICorinthians6:2) All the signs of the end of the world as predicted in the Word of God are taking place. People are dying in different ways without time to repent for their sins and come to the cross to be saved. The greatest thrill of all is soon going to take place. But this wonderful thrill or rapture is only for the believers of the true God- those who have repented and been saved from their sins by the blood I shed on the cross and who believed in My Resurrection and worshipped Me and lived according to the Word of God. This rapture is clearly described in the Word of God.“ In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet, the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed. (I Corinthians 15:52) If you believe that Jesus died and rose again, even those who died in Jesus
will He bring with Him. For the Lord Himself shall ascend from heaven with a shout , with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then those (My believers) who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so shall they ever be with the Lord.(I Thes4:14-17) This rapture is soon going to take place. But no one knows the exact day or hour, not the angels of heaven, but the Father only.(I Thes5:2; Matt24:36) Those who believe and are prepared to meet Me will be thrilled on that day. But woe to those who are left behind. They have to live under the rule of the Anti- Christ who will take control of the world because the Holy Spirit will not be in the world. This period which is called the Tribulation Period is also described in the Word of God. Read the Word of God and follow the truth in it; and prepare yourself for the thrill of seeing Me on the day of Rapture and living with Me forever in My kingdom.�
11. RAPTURE AND THE TRIBULATION “The Word of God says that when the dead in Christ and those who are living in faith of the living God and according to the Word of God – will be taken out of the world –those who are left behind will have to live in the period of tribulation. When the trumpet sounds and I come to the world to take My children to My kingdom, only those who believe in Me will hear the sound of the trumpet and their names called, which the others will not hear. Even if they are sound asleep or if they are dead, My believers will hear this sound and rise up into the air in a new body.(IThes 4;14-17; ICor15:51,52) Alas! For those who are left behind. I have said in the Word of God-There shall be two men in one bed. The one shall be taken and the other left. Two women shall be grinding together. The one shall be taken and the other left. Two men shall be in the field. The one shall be taken and the other left.(Luke 17:34-36) No one knows when this will happen. It will take place suddenly at any time. (IThes 5:2; Matt24:36) Imagine the confusion that will prevail in the modern day. If the pilot of an aeroplane or the driver of a vehicle is taken up in the day of Rapture, how many accidents will take place? People doing dangerous or important work in factories will disappear and terrible things will happen there. People will run here and there searching for their missing relations and
friends. It will take some time for them to understand the real situation. But not all will understand. Some will believe and others will not. Those who heard the gospel and did not accept will now realise what has happened. The tribulation period will now begin in the world. No one can preach the gospel.(Amos 8:11,12) This is the reign of the Anti-Christ. He is already making his preparations with the help of satanic forces. I have said in My Word - for then shall be great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, nor ever shall be.(Matt24:21) The Word of God says about the Anti –Christ (also known as the beast) who rules –he causeth all both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond to receive a mark on their right hand or in their foreheads. No man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. The number of the beast is the number of a man, and his number is six hundred and sixty six.(Revelations13:16-18) The people in the world make all kinds of guesses and surmises about this person’s name.Some out of fear and others who do not believe in Me will worship the Anti-Christ and take his number so that they can live comfortably. Those who do not do this will suffer terribly. But even then there will be those who realise the Truth of the gospel and repent for their sins. They will refuse to take the mark or worship the beast. They will remain true to Me and worship Me in secret. They will suffer terribly because they cannot get even food without taking the mark. They will be killed as martyrs. They will enter My kingdom and receive their reward.(Rev15:2-4)
Read the Word of God frequently and study the prophesies and live a holy life and follow Me. If you do this you will not have to face the tribulation period. You will be taken up in the Rapture and you will be with Me in My kingdom. The Word of God says-Blessed is he that readeth and that hear the Words of this prophesy and keep those things which are written therein for the time is at hand.(Rev1:3) Be warned and repent for your sins and be washed in My blood and accept Me as the living God and Saviour of the world so that you will be taken into My kingdom before the tribulation period. Behold I come quickly and My reward is with Me, to give everyman according as his work shall be.�(Rev22:`12)
12. HEAVEN AND HELL “People in the world have their own ideas, notions, imaginations, conceptions and so on about heaven and hell, and those who do not believe in heaven and hell - these people have all propagated their beliefs also. The Truth is found in the Word of God. Man was created with a body, soul and spirit. At death, only the body dies.(I Cor15:35-44) The soul and spirit of man has to find a permanent place. Physical death of the body came because of the curse that came to the world when man sinned.(Gen2:17) At the end of the world the dead come back to life to be judged with the living and sent to one of the two places—either heaven or hell to spend eternity. For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ; that everyone may receive the things done in his body according to what he had done – whether it be good or bad.(IICor5:10) It is difficult for people to understand this. That is why visions of eternity were given to the prophets and apostles of old and they were told to write them down. This is the Word of God which was written by the inspiration of the only true God who is the Way, the Truth and Life. All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. (II Timothy 3:16,17) So that no one should think that this message is from human ideas, all the facts
about heaven and hell are given only from the Word of God. There is no other name under heaven given among men where by man must be saved, but the name of Jesus Christ. (Acts4:12) For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved we have a building of God-an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. (IICor5:1) Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’ house are many mansions. I go to prepare a place for you. I will come again and receive you unto Myself, that where I am, there you may be also.(John 14:1-3) The old heaven and old earth dissolved and the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together.(II Peter 3:12; Rev 6:14) (The description of the new heaven is given in Revelations 21:10-27 and Revalations22:1-5) A throne was set in heaven and One sat on the throne.(Rev 4:2) Every creature which is in heaven was heard saying-Blessing and honour and glory and power be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne. (Rev5:13) A great voice of much people was heard saying-Alleluia, salvation and glory and honour and power unto the Lord our God.(Rev19:1) God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying. Neither shall there be any more pain. For the
former things are passed away. And He that sat upon the throne said- Behold I make all things new.(Rev 21:4,5) Come unto Me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.(Matt 11:28) . The other place known as the hell is for the devil and his followers,(Matt25:41) and those who did not worship the true God and those who have not repented for their sins and have not been saved from their sins by My blood that was shed on the cross for all mankind. Their names will not be written in the Book of Life. On the judgment day multitudes that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake – some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt.(Daniel12:1,2) Whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.(Rev20:15) The judgement was set and the books were opened. (Daniel7:10; Rev20:12) The fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone.(Rev21:8) The smoke of their torment ascendeth up forever and ever and they shall have no rest day or night. (Rev14:11; Mark9:43 -48) Those who have believed and been saved but have fallen in sin again will also go to hell.(Heb6:4-6) For after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than
the beginning. For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than after they had known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered to them.(II Peter 2:20,21) Many shall be purified and made white and tried, but the wicked shall do wickedly and none of the wicked shall understand. (Daniel 12:10) Those whose names are written in the Book of Life will go to heaven (Rev3:5) and those whose names are not written in the Book of Life will go to hell.(Rev20:15) So this day you have the time and chance where you will spend eternity –in heaven or hell, because after death, there is no chance. Now is the accepted time. Today is the day of salvation. “(IICor6:2)
13. THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN MATTHEW 13 “It is not everyone who can understand about the kingdom of heaven. I have said in My Word - It is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.(Matt13:11) Those who believe in Me will understand and those who have the desire to believe in Me will understand what I spoke in parables about the kingdom of heaven. I told the parable of the sower who went to sow the seed. Those who have faith in Me are like the seed which fell on good ground and brought forth fruit. They live according to My Word and bring other souls to My kingdom. These people belong to the kingdom of heaven. Some of the others are like the seed which fell on the wayside and was eaten up by the birds. These are the unbelievers. The seed which fell on the stony ground could not grow because there was no soil. These are the careless people who know the truth but don’t bother to follow it. The seed which fell among the thorns grew but was choked by the thorns and died. These people believe the Word is true but have no time to follow it and grow spiritually because they are occupied by the worldly things in their lives.(Matt 13:3-23) That is why I said-Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.(Matt6:33) The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field but
the enemy came and sowed tares among the good seed while those who had to watch were sleeping. If the children of God are not prayerful and watchful, the enemy – the devil will take advantage of them.(Matt13:24-30) In the world the good people who believe in Me will have to live among the unbelievers and sinners. The kingdom of heaven is like a net which was cast into the sea and was brought up full of various fishes. The good fishes were gathered into vessels and the bad fishes were thrown away.(Matt13:47,48) The good grain and bad grain grow together and will be separated at the harvest time. The good grain will be taken and the bad grain will be destroyed. Those who have been true to Me are the good grain and the good fishes. The tares and bad fishes are the unbelievers and the sinners. The good people who believed in Me will enter the kingdom of heaven and the unbelievers will be thrown into satan’s kingdom which is a furnace of fire where there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.(Matt13:49,50) The kingdom of heaven is also like leaven which, when mixed with flour makes all the dough to become leavened.(Matt13:33) The kingdom of heaven is compared to a grain of mustard seed which was sown in a field. Though it is a small seed it became a tree where the birds could take shelter.(Matt13:31,32) A servant of God may have a very small ministry. But if he is sincere in bringing souls into My kingdom it will grow into a large ministry where many souls will be saved and miracles will take place.
The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hid in a field about which when a man knew, he sold all his property and bought that field.(Matt13:44) The kingdom heaven is also like a pearl merchant. When he found the most precious pearl, he sold all that he had and bought it.(Matt13:45,46) The Word of God is full of treasures. Those who read it faithfully will know the value of it and will follow it. It is the way to My kingdom. I have saidIn the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. I am the Word of God.(John1:1) Those who diligently study the Word of God and believe in Me will understand the meaning of the kingdom of heaven and will also get deep and new insights about the kingdom of heaven. They will teach others also about the kingdom of heaven. The Word of God says-Every scribe who is instructed into the kingdom is like a man who brings forth out of his treasure things new and old.(Matt13:52) Study the Word of God about the kingdom of heaven and teach others the way into My kingdom and you and they also will enter into My kingdom, which is the kingdom of heaven, at the end of the world.�
14. FOUR HORSES “The Word of God speaks about the vision of the four horses.(Rev.6:2-8; Rev.19:11-16; 19-21) The word of God says – He who sat on the White Horse wore a crown and He went forth to conquer.(Rev.6:2) Yes, I am the rider on the white horse. I wear a crown because I am the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.(Rev19:16) I am dressed in a robe dipped in blood(Rev19:13) because I shed My blood to save mankind from his sins. I am also the Word of God by which all things were created.(Rev19:13) I am the Word which leads people into the path of righteousness, so that they can escape from satan’s temptations. The Word of God is living and active and sharper than any double edged sword. It penetrates even to the dividing of soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.(Heb4:12) Those who read the Word of God and follow it will lead good lives of holiness and do My will. My Word is a lamp to your feet a light to your path to keep you from the darkness of sin.(Psalm119:105) I am also the Judge who will come at the end of the world.(Rev19:19-21) There are other riders on white horses dressed in fine clean linen. These are the people who are washed in My blood from all their sins and filled with the Holy Spirit. They help Me to fight against the devil and his followers and to defeat them.(Rev.19:14;19-21)
A fiery Red Horse is the second horse whose rider had power to take peace from the earth.(Rev6:4) This is what is happening in the world today. There is no peace in the world in these last days. I have said-Nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom.(Luke21:10) Every day you read in the newspapers about wars and rebellions and revolutions in different countries. There is no peace in the home also. I have said-The father shall be against the son, and the mother against the daughter and so on.(Luke12:52,53) There is no peace even in the churches. As it was in the old days there are divisions in the churches.(I Cor 1:11-13) There are also politics and different doctrines. All this disturbs the peace of the church. But in many churches there are also true believers who worship Me in spirit and in truth and live according to the Word of God. In spite of all this disturbance in the world, I have promised My children the peace that passes understanding. I have said – My peace I give unto you, not as the world gives, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid.(John14:27) The third horse is a BLACK HORSE whose rider had a pair of balances in his hand.(Rev6:5,6) This denotes famine taking place in the world. In spite of plenty of food and money, prices keep going up. In some parts of the world people die of famine due to natural disasters like storms, floods and earthquakes. There are man-made famines also. The destruction of forests and rivers upsets the balance of nature. Due to war also there is scarcity of food.
I have said in My Word –Behold the days come that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread or water, but of hearing of the Words of the Lord. They shall run to and fro to seek the Word of the Lord and shall not find it.(Amos8:11,12) This will happen during the Tribulation Period,(Matt24:21) when the AntiChrist will rule the world.(Rev13:15-18) Those who are taken up into My kingdom in the Rapture will escape this period.(I Thes4:16,17) The fourth horse is a Pale Horse.The name of the rider who sat on him was Death, and Hell followed him. Power was given him over the fourth part of the earth to kill with sword and hunger and with pestilence and with the wild beasts of the earth.(Rev6:8) The Word of God says that the last days shall be as the days of Noah. (Matt24:37) Sin abounds in the world and is the cause of unnatural death in different ways as mentioned. Those who believe in Me and are washed in My blood and saved from their sins will escape this death and the hell which follows the unsaved dead. My children who believe in Me and worship Me will enter My kingdom to live with Me forever. All those and more are written in the Word of God. These sayings are faithful and true to show the things which must shortly be done. Behold I come quickly. Blessed is he who takes warning, keeps the sayings of the Word of God-My Word- and worships Me. My reward is with Me to give to every man, according as his work shall be.�(Rev22:6,7,12)
15. HOLD FAST “Behold I come quickly. Hold fast which you have that no one may take your crown.(Rev3:11) I tell you to hold fast what you have because it is what I have given you that you have. Though I have said - Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and its righteousness and all the other things will be added unto you, I am not talking about the material things now; but I speak about the spiritual blessings that I have given you. That is what satan wants to pluck from you. Hold fast your Salvation. When material blessings come some believers take their salvation for granted. They are satisfied with their spiritual lives. They think they are strong now. But when satan tempts them they will fall. Salvation is not a one- time experience. It is a growing process- a life time experience. Constant prayer and reading of the Word of God and living accordingly will enable a believer to hold fast to his salvation. Otherwise it will give room for satan to pluck it from him. Hold fast to your Faith. In times of troubles and trials sometimes believers find it difficult to hold fast to their faith. It was Job’s faith in Me that satan wanted to pluck from him. I allowed him to test Job, by taking away all his material blessings. Last of all he touched his body also; but I did not give him permission to take his life. In spite of all his suffering Job held fast to his faith till the end. I rewarded
him spiritually and materially with a double blessing. If you are a child of God or a servant of God who is faithful to Me, you may also have to undergo some trials in your life brought by satan. If you are strong and hold fast to your faith in Me and like Job you are patient in your trial you will receive My blessing. I have said -Not a hair can fall from your head without My will.The Word of God also says-You will not be tried beyond your limit(I Cor10:13) because I will not allow satan to do this. Before I left the world I told My disciples that I will send the Holy Spirit to take My place. My disciples received this anointing in the upper room. This changed their lives and their ministry. Today also I give the same anointing to those who ask for it. But even this anointing can be lost. That is why I say hold fast to your Anointing of the Holy Spirit. I have said –Be filled with the spirit and you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.(Gal5:16) Satan cannot take this anointing from a child of God unless he gives room for it and grieves the Holy Spirit.(Eph 4:30) Even some anointed servants of God whom I used powerfully, I lifted up, became proud and worldly and lost their anointing and became a tool in satan’s hands. Be warned. Hold fast to your anointing. I will bless you with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and use you to bring souls for My kingdom. Pray in the spirit constantly and live a holy life, so that the Holy Spirit may dwell in you. He will
guide you, lead you and comfort you till you enter My kingdom. Satan is like a roaring lion in these days because many souls are being plucked out of his hands, by the gospel which is being preached everywhere. It is the spiritual lives of the people that he wants to devour. I have said-Resist the devil and he will flee from you.(James 4:7) If you hold fast to your salvation, faith and anointing of the Holy Spirit and serve Me satan will be defeated. If you are true to Me till the end you wear an invisible crown which I put on your head in the world. There are many rewards in My kingdom also for those who hold fast what I have given them. I have said –I am coming quickly. Time is short. Work fast for My kingdom and I will be with you always untill the end.�
16. SIGNS “When I was in the world I preached about many things. I did many miracles and told many parables specially about the kingdom of God and the last days. In spite of this some understood and some did not. Those who believed in Me –they understood most of what I preached. Even My disciples sometimes did not understand, but when I explained to them they believed and understood. To catch Me in their trap the Pharisees questioned Me. They wanted Me to show them a sign from heaven. I replied that they could discern the weather by looking at the sky. But being hypocrites they could not discern the signs of the times about which I preached. I told them-There will be no sign for the wicked but the sign of the prophet Jonah. On another day I told them a parable of the fig tree. When the branch is yet tender and puts forth leaves it is a sign that summer is near.(Matt 24:32) This is for the present generation also because it is a parable of the signs of the last days. The disciples asked Me what shall be the sign of My coming and of the end of the world? What I told them is happening now. Many shall say I am Christ and deceive the people. There are followers today of such people though they may come in different names. They practice cults and do miracles also by the help of satan.
But the true children of God will not be deceived. It is the duty of the servants of God to preach and warn the people of these things. I also said –There will be wars, famines, pestilences and earthquakes. These are also taking place in different places. But I protect My children from all these. I have said-Thousands shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy right hand but it shall not come near you.(Psalm 91:7) There will be no peace in the world, in the homes and even in the churches. But I promised My children before I left the world –Let not your heart be troubled. My peace I give to you , not as the world gives.(John 14:1,27) Another sign is that the gospel will be preached in all the world for a witness unto all the nations.(Matt 24:4) In spite of oppositions and persecutions the Gospel is being preached everywhere in the world. I have promised-Without My will not a hair shall fall from your head. Some servants of God have to die as martyrs. But that is also a witness for Me and souls will be saved there also. The Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.(Heb 4;12) No human or devil can stop the Word of God from reaching even into the darkest places of the world. I send My angels to protect the servants of God who go to the dangerous places to preach the Word of God. There are many other signs which will take place before the end. Those who believe in Me will know that my second coming is near.
When I left the world I sent the Holy Spirit to take My place in the world. Those who preach the Word of God filled with the Holy Spirit, take the Gospel of salvation to all parts of the world. Through the Holy Spirit signs of miracles and answered prayers take place in their ministry. Those who believe in Me and are saved will be taken up into My kingdom on the day of Rapture. But the others will be left behind to go through a terrible period of tribulation. As the disciples were watching Me ascend into heaven the angels told them that even as I was going into heaven in the same manner I will return.(Acts 1:9-11) This time I will come as the Judge. It is the duty of the children of God to preach the Word of God to the people about the second coming and the day of judgement after which the saved will live eternally and the unsaved will be condemned to live with the devil and his followers in hell. Let the people see the signs that are taking place in the world today according to the Word of God and be warned that the end of the world and My second coming is very near.�
17. SEVEN CHURCHES “The revelation of the seven churches and the visions given to My disciple are all applicable to the churches of today. All the churches which believe in Me and where My Word is preached as given in the Word of God are all good churches. It is the people in the churches who are not all good. That is why I sent My angels to point out to the seven churches all the good peoples’ deeds and the bad peoples’ deeds. Those who were good received My praise and reward. But those who are bad will be condemned to the darkness of hell unless they repent before My coming. My warning is there for those who do not follow the truth as given in the Word of God. Those who are true to Me till the end are promised a reward in My kingdom at the end of the world. The people of the church of EPHESUS did good works with faith because works without faith is dead works.(James2:14-18) No one can be saved only by works. Even the idol worshippers do good works. The good people in the church will also labour with patience for the uplift of the church and its ministries. They are filled with the Holy Spirit which is not able to tolerate the unholy acts of the bad people, though these people also pretend to be holy. These unholy people were those who were once saved but have backslided
being tempted by satan. They have left their first love that they had towards Me and have become wordly. But even these people have something good in them. They do not leave the church and hate the worship of idols and cults. To those who are true to Me and those who repent for their backsliding and come back to the first love they had for Me, I have promised to give them to eat of the tree of life in My kingdom. The people in Smyrna also are people who do good works with faith, though they undergo tribulation and poverty in material things but are rich in spiritual things. The tribulation they undergo are brought by satan and when they overcome all the sufferings and are true to Me till the end will receive a crown of life in My kingdom. The church in PERGAMUS also has people who do good works in spite of tribulation brought by satan to make them to deny their faith in Me. Some of them may die as martyrs. At the same time there are other people who fall to the temptations of satan and are under the control of satan. They follow the rituals and cults of idol worshippers and are immoral in their lives. But these people are still in the church. So I warn them to repent quickly, or else I will punish them. To those who are true and overcome the temptation of satan I will give to eat of the hidden manna in My kingdom. I will also give them a white stone on which a new name is written which no man knows except those who receive it. Like the good people in the church of Ephesus, the people of the church
of Thyatira good works with faith and love and they also serve Me with patience in many ways. The bad people in this church are the false prophets and the false teachers, whom the devil uses to seduce the servants of God and to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed to idols. If they do not repent I will punish them with great tribulation. Their children will die. This punishment will warn the other churches that I will search the hearts of the people and not their outward deeds and I will give to them according to their deeds. Those who hold fast to their salvation, faith and anointing and are true in their works I will give them power to rule over the nations; and I will give them the morning star.(Rev2:26,28) Except for a few people in the church of SARDIS, the others are not fully true to Me. Their works are dead works without faith. They are careless about their spiritual lives and their deeds are not perfect. If they are not watchful and don’t repent I will come suddenly and punish them. Those who are true to Me in this church will be clothed in white raiment and their names will be found in the Book of Life. Most of the people in the church in Philadelphia are true to Me. They walk in My ways and keep My Word. They have not denied My name in spite of temptation. When I opened the doors to serve Me , in spite of difficulties they do My ministry. Those who pretend to be My children but are really the followers of satan
will be punished and will then come back to the truth and will know My love. Those who are true to My Word will be protected from the temptations of satan which comes to all the people. Remember I am coming quickly; so hold fast to your salvation, faith and anointing. They will be given a crown and will be a pillar in My kingdom on which I write My name. The people of the church of Laodicea are lukewarm people in their spiritual lives. They have material things and are proud but really in their spiritual lives they are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked. I counsel them to buy of the spiritual gold tried in the fire so that they may be rich in their spiritual lives They must cover themselves with a white raiment of purity and anoint their eyes with eyesalve so that they may see the truth in the Word of God and follow it. If they do not obey Me and repent, I will reject them and they will not enter My kingdom. I love all the people in My church- whom I have chosen to be My Bride. That is why I rebuke and punish those who are going out of the way so that they may repent and become worthy to enter My kingdom, where they will receive the reward I have for them. Behold! I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with Me in My throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with My Father in His throne.�(Rev.3:20,21)
18. COUNSEL “Long before I was born in the world, the prophet of old has prophesied that My name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father ,The Prince of Peace.(Isaiah 9:6) From the time man was created he needed counseling as to what was the right thing he should do and he was also warned of the punishment he will get if he did not obey the counsel I gave him. I counseled Adam and Eve that they could eat all the fruits in the garden except the forbidden fruit and I also warned them that they would die if they did not obey this. But they did not heed My counsel and listened to the lies of satan and brought sin and death to the world. As the population increased and the people became wicked I used the servants of God who were true to Me to counsel the people and warn them. When the people did not listen to the counseling and continued in their sins, I punished them like in Noah’s time. I used Moses to counsel and guide the Israel people. Even Joseph became a counselor for Pharoah in Egypt who saw the piety and wisdom I had given Joseph. At that time Egypt flourished because of Joseph’s counseling. Daniel also was a counselor for Nebuchadnezzar which made his enemies jealous. Like this I used the prophets of old like Isaiah, Jeremiah and others. When I came to the world and chose My disciples before I sent them to preach
to the people, I often used to counsel them as to what they should do and say in their ministry later on. Even when they went out and came to Me with problems I counseled them as to how they should act and how they should counsel others who had the problem. When the rich man came to Me for counsel as to what he should do to enter My kingdom I told him to sell all that he has and follow Me. But he went away sadly because he did not want to give up his riches. Giving advice to people in critical situations is also a form of counsel. Even the unbelievers do this. Sometimes their counseling may be correct and profitable, or may be disastrous. In these days I also use the servants of God not only to preach the Gospel but also to counsel the people who come with problems. Servants of God cannot help the people in trouble in practical ways sometimes. But they can always counsel them as to what they should do and to pray for them. This counseling must be done with prayer and the guidance of the Holy Spirit which will direct them to say the right word while counseling at the right time according to the situation. This is the difference between the counseling of the believers and unbelievers. In some cases where possible a servant of God can render practical help besides counseling and praying for them, but they must be careful at the same time that they do not get involved in criminal or court cases. Their peace of mind and ministry will get affected and satan will try to take advantage of them. Such cases need a lot of prayer. For all problems there is a solution in the Word of God.
When counseling the servant of God must refer to My Word and use the words given there. Even when the children of God have problems I have said to call upon Me and I will answer you and cast all your care upon Me and bring your burdens to Me. There is no counselor in the world as great as I am and My counsel will always be the best to solve all problems. That is why I said –pray and court from the Word of God when counseling others. With the help of the Holy Spirit and prayer I will solve all the problems because I have said- Is there anything too hard for Me?�
19. MOTHER’S PRAYERS “Suffer the little children to come to Me and forbid them not.(Matt19:14) Not only the little children, small children but the big children also have to come to Me. The mothers of Jerusalem brought their young children to Me to be blessed. These mothers were praying mothers like My mother Mary who believed in Me, but they knew it was not enough to pray for them. They had to bring them also to Me, so that I could lay My hands on them and take them in My arms and bless them. From that day those children were blessed indeed till the end of their lives. They were true to Me and as they grew big they dedicated themselves to Me so that I could use them. Today even the believers’ children and the children of the servants of God are growing up and living in a world full of sin and evil pleasures and attractions invented by satan and his forces. That is why it is necessary for all mothers to be praying mothers. Fathers also have this responsibility. Some mothers think it is enough if they do their duty to their children in seeing to their material wants, education and comforts. I am talking about the Christian mothers who believe in Me as their God and worship Me and not the mothers that worship other gods. As the head of the family the father has his own responsibilities and also
leads the family prayer. A good father will also be concerned about the childrens’ spiritual welfare and conduct. Even though in these days mothers also work outside the family to supplement the family income still it is she who has a closer affinity with the children. It is to her that the children come running when they are hurt or sad. Eli was a priest in My sanctuary, but he neglected to discipline his children who followed the ways of satan. Hannah was a praying mother who brought her first-born child to serve Me. This was a precious child to her, a very beloved child who was born after years of tearful prayer. But she loved Me more and had the faith that her child will be more blessed by Me if she gave him to Me. I gave her other children in return because she gave Me her best. From a child Samuel heard My voice and served Me faithfully till the end of his life. Some mothers who are in the ministry with their husbands neglect their family duties and their spiritual duties as a mother to their children. When other mothers come to them with problems about their children they pray for those mothers and those mothers in return pray for their children and these children will be saved. But sometimes the children of the servants of God become like Eli’s children because the mothers and the fathers also have no time to bring up their children spiritually. When it is too late they realise that their children have gone in the wrong way. I am speaking mainly to the mothers, because I know a mother has more influence on a child than a father. I know what is a mother’s love. That is why
I said – As a mother comforts you so will I comfort you.(Is66:13) Many mothers have sacrificed in many ways for the sake of their children. I love mothers’ prayers for their children. Even when the child is in the womb dedicate the child to Me as Hannah did. Pray for each child. I will help you to bring up your children in every way spiritually and materially. Not only your children will be blessed but your whole family will be blessed. When the mothers of Jerusalem brought their children to Me to be blessed on that day not only the children but the mothers and the whole family received My blessings. Be a praying mother. I will hear your prayers and bless your children and your whole family.�
20. HOLY SPIRIT vs EVIL SPIRIT “The Holy Spirit is manifested in the Bible (which is only the true Word of God) from Genesis to Revelation. To understand this a person needs to study the Bible deligently and deeply, prayerfully from the beginning to the end. In the Old Testament I tell directly to some chosen ones only, because of the sin that came into the world. Prophets and others were used to do the work by the power of the Holy Spirit. Even before I created mankind the evil spirits which rebelled against Me in heaven were thrown out into the world. So it is from the beginning – there is always the evil spirit working against the Holy Spirit. That is why I had to come into the world in person to teach the people by My life how to overcome the temptations of the evil forces of darkness. From My birth in the world, till I returned to My kingdom ,I also as a man had to overcome the temptations of the evil forces. Though I was sinless I took the baptism of repentance from John, the Baptist. I fasted for forty days. At the time of My Baptism the Holy Spirit descended on Me and after the days of fasting when I was weak physically the evil satan came to tempt Me in different ways. But the Holy Spirit that was in Me gave Me the spiritual strength not to succumb to any of his temptations and at the same time rebuke him from the Word of God. With the strength and power of this Holy Spirit in Me I did My ministry. I chose My disciples and blessed them with some of My power so that they could
help Me in My ministry in the world. Before I left the world I told My followers that I will go and send the Holy Spirit in person in My place who will fill them with the same power and strength and the gifts to do the ministry and teach the people as I did in the world. The 120 people in the upper room received this anointing of the Holy Spirit with all its manifestation. They went out to different parts of the world to preach the Gospel, baptize the people and pray that they also may be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit so that in turn they may continue to spread the Gospel of salvation and truth which is found only by believing in Me as the true God. The days are drawing close for the end of the world. Satan knows this. Study the Word of God and see the signs in it about the end of the world and you will understand that according to these signs it is very near, even at the very doors. Many people don’t like to acknowledge that the evil spirit is working in this world. There are even some who worship him and they have churches for this. He also manifests power in people and he uses the false priests, false teachers and false prophets to do his work. They deceive the people. There are people who propagate that there are no evil spirits, hell and heaven and so there are many religions, cults and doctrines and so called gods, miracle workers to deceive the people. But I have promised all My children even before I left the world Let not your heart be troubled. Believe in God and
believe in Me. I go to prepare a place for you in My Father’s house that where I am you may be also.(John 14:1-3) I will never leave you or forsake you.(Heb13:5) Remember I also said that the Holy Spirit that is in you is greater than the evil spirit that is in the world.(I John4:4) His powers are limited. No child of God can be tempted beyond his strength to resist and there is always a way to escape and overcome the temptation and defeat the evil spirit. (I Cor10:13) Only those who allow the evil spirit to influence them will come under those powers. Don’t give him any importance by fearing him or exaggerating his powers. There is constant war going on in the world between the Holy Spirit and the evil spirit. But the last war will be in the heavenlies between the Holy Spirit and the evil spirit, when satan will be completely defeated and sent everlasting into hell and those who follow him in the world will also be with him there. By the power of the Holy Spirit, in spite of the opposition of the evil spirit, the Gospel is successfully being preached everywhere and countless number of souls are plucked out of his hands to join the children of God in worshipping Me and doing My work in the world. So, whoever reads this I say to you –Join this army of believers and work for Me by reading the Word of God deligently and praying , and bring other souls for My kingdom.
Once again I say to My believers –Repent for your sins and believe in the salvation I give you. Be baptized and anointed with the Holy Spirit and go forth to conquer satan. Remember –The Holy Spirit that is in you is greater than the evil spirit that is in the world.�
21. MILLENNIUM “As the end of another millennium is drawing close, and the beginning of a new millennium is soon approaching, the people of the earth are gripped with different attitudes and surmises as they look forward to the new millennium. Some are filled with a millennium fear, some with a sort of millennium excitement, and of course some are indifferent in their attitude or they are too ignorant to understand what it is all about. Those who are filled with the Millennium Fear are the superstitious peoplethose who worship idols and other false gods, and those who indulge in cults and satanic forms of worship. These people intend to flock to their places of worship to greet the new millennium. They think that their gods will protect them from whatever disaster may take place at that time. Alas for them if such a thing happens! None of their gods can protect them in any way. These people keep counting the days as the new millennium draws nearer. They live in a state of fear and expectation from day to day- as to what may happen. They run to the astrologers and magicians who cheat them with all sorts of false predictions to get money out of them. To add to the fear of these people, the newspapers and magazines also publish all the different views about the approaching millennium. Those who are filled with the Millennium fever of excitement are usually
the young people. It is a disease. They are always on the look-out for some new enjoyment or exciting event to happen. They spend their leisure hours revelling in different kinds of entertainment filled with violence, and unholy excitement of some kind or other. Under the influence of satanic forces and addictions, they may also indulge in such acts. So they look forward to something extra thrilling and exciting to enjoy when the new millennium dawns. The places of worldly entertainment and pleasure also advertise their programmes in very attractive ways for the people to spend the last night of the old millennium and the dawn of the new millennium in orgies and revelry. The people who do this don’t care about the future of their souls. All they care for is to eat, drink and be merry. Some of the children of the believers and others think that they must enjoy their youth in the pleasures of the world. This is a wrong idea given by satan. They are also filled with a fever of excitement and thrill as they look forward to something new to enjoy in the new millennium. Alas for them also! They don’t think that they may not even be alive to greet the new millennium. The Word of God says-Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, because when you grow old your natural faculties become weak. You can neither enjoy the worldly pleasures nor can you live a holy, spiritual life. (Eccl12:1) There is also another type of people whose attitude to the new Millennium is INDIFFERENCE. These are the illiterate poor and ignorant people who live from day to day. They may hear some gossip about the new millennium
but they may feel that it does not concern them in any way. They may believe in some god whom they may worship or blame for their troubles. The other type of indifferent people are the atheists. They do not believe in any god or in life after death. They also live from day to day, because for them life ends with death. A new millennium is the same for them as just another year in the calendar. Last, but not least are the true believers-My children who believe in Me as their Lord and Saviour. They have repented for their sins and are washed in My blood that I shed on the cross for them. They live holy lives of prayer and meditation in the Word of God. They may also serve Me by telling the Gospel of Truth to others. These people do not have any millennium fear, or millennium fever of excitement, neither are they indifferent to the new millennium. They are familiar with the prophesies of the Word of God which they diligently read and study. The children of God know by the signs that are taking place every day in the world that the Day of Rapture of the believers and the end of the world is near. They are not in a fear or fever of excitement or indifferent as to what will happen when the new millennium dawns, because they are prepared for whatever happens, or even if nothing happens they will not be worried in any way. The children of God go on with their daily lives doing their work and at the same time they are watchful and prayerful even as I have told them to be. They are in the world, but they are not of the world. They are ready for My coming
at any time to take them out of the world in to My kingdom, to be with Me.(I Thes.4:16,17; I Cor.15:51,52) As the days draw near for the end of the year, most of the people in the world are looking forward to the end of one year and one millennium and the beginning of a new year and the new millennium-whatever god they may or may not worship. The whole world has to acknowledge that the approaching millennium is calculated from My birth in the world-the birth of Jesus Christ who is the only Saviour of the world. It could not happen by chance that the history of the whole world and events are calculated from before My birth and after My birth in the world. Believe in Me as your Lord and Saviour and that I am the True Way to Life into the heavenly kingdom. You will be delivered from your millennium fear, fever of excitement and millennium indifference. You will be saved and taken into My kingdom to live with Me forever.�
TESTIMONY OF SIS. GLORIA DHARMAPALAN “… I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction”. (Is. 48:10) I praise the Lord for the furnace of affliction, through which I was saved by the blood of Jesus and my family was blessed. From that day I never looked back but went forward growing in my spiritual life. I continued to have a very close relationship with my Lord and Saviour Jesus speaking to Him. He has spoken, guided and upheld me in my daily life. In 1975 I received the anointing of the Holy Spirit with the manifestation of praising and speaking in tongues. As I progressed I experienced miracles and visions while praying at home and in church. The Lord used me to serve Him by ministering to others. There were instants when the Lord has told to pray specifically for unknown people, even mentioning their names at times. Thus I could see the gifts of the Holy Spirit being operated. I give all the glory to Him. From 1990, while praying with my daughter Helen Solomon, the Lord has given visions and messages on many topics which Helen has written down what I repeated as the Lord told me. On 06.03.1990 the Lord said, “I give you the privilege of having a relationship with me which is more than any human relationship because you are my beloved children. Desire for this relationship and I will give it to you, as you grow in your spiritual life”. On 21.03.1990, the Lord said, “The special gift of the Holy Spirit you have from above, is more precious than gold. Guard it. You will know how to use it in time that my Name may be glorified among the heathen. As commissioned by the Lord Jesus, these messages were written for all to read and be blessed and for the Glory of God. Alleluia! Mrs. Gloria Dharmapalan