God Speaks - Vol VI

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GOD SPEAKS Gloria Dharmapalan

GOD SPEAKS - VOL VI info@godspeaks.in www..godspeaks.in Designed by Kingston Abraham © Beracah All rights reserved © Cover Design , by Kingston Abraham © Paper Back Design, by Kingston Abraham Distributed under license Creative Commons First Edition, April 2016

God Speaks - VOL VI God Speaks are messages given by God to Gloria Dharmapalan, My mother, from 1990 to 2001. As commissioned by the Lord Jesus these messagesgiven during prayer are, for all to read and be blessed. They are a source ofencouragement. They open our eyes to many truths and deep meanings of the Word of God. On March 22nd , 1990 the Lord said, “Little by little you are learning things from Me. Because your understanding is small, I speak to you of simple things. Because like Mary you sit at My feet to hear Me speaking, I speak to you, My children. As I teach you, you must teach these things to others. Speak to them about the things I teach you. It is not only for yourselves I tell these things. It is so that others may also hear them from you and benefit from it. I will teach more things in the days to come. You will receive My blessings when you do it.� These messages are in simple spoken English so that anyone who reads them can understand them.Those who read these messages are sure to hear His voice saying, I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not.(Jeremiah33:3) Read on and be blessed.

Praise the Lord.





On 6:1:1995 at 2:15 pm my mother and I were praying. My mother had avision. The Lord Jesus not only showed the vision but He also gave us the meaning of the vision. The vision:. There was a big forest ; a path was going through the forest. There is darkness everywhere. There are trees on both sides. There is light only on this path. It is a beautiful path of a wonderful colour-reddish brown. The Lord says:- ‘That is the path of your life on which you are walking. It is a lighted path in the midst of the forest- a dark world in which you live. There may be satanic forces there, but the path on which you walk is lighted. The evil forces inside the dark forest will not come to the lighted path and those who keep on walking in the lighted path, no harm will come to them. When they step out and put their foot into the darkness, only then the evil will come to them. There is all kind of wickedness in the darkness. Idol-worship is there. Specially those who have come out from the idol-worship to walk on this path of light, they are sometimes tempted to put their foot on the darkness and they get attacked by the evil forces. They should not turn and look into the darkness they have come out from. Those who have come out from the darkness of sin into the light, should keep their eyes on the lighted path and should not look into the darkness. Those who look into the lighted path and walk straight on it will come to a more bright light at the end of the path and will enter into the kingdom of heaven in the end.’ I hope these messages will help us not to turn to the right or to the left, but walk as children of the Light. I thank the Lord for this privilege. I will guide


thee, will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go; I will guide thee with mine eye (Ps.32:8) is God’s promise. The God who promised is faithful and He shall do so. May the Lord bless you. Helen Solomon.


1. THE FIRST AND THE BEST “Seek ye first you.(the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.(Matt.6:33) Only when there are many or even only two there can be a first. If there is only one to choose from there is no choice at all. The first has to be chosen from others and the first is always the best. That is why I said bring the first fruits as your offering; because the first crops grow on virgin soil; on rich soil; and the harvest is plentiful and of very good quality. As the God of heaven and the earth and the Creator, only the best is good enough for Me. The first child is also to be dedicated to Me. That was what I told the Israel people.(Exo.13:12) I chose the first male child and in those days for most of them the first child was a male, but from the beginning the first child was not always a good child. Cain was a first child. Jacob had many sons before Joseph was born. Out of Joseph’s sons I chose Ephraim before Manasseh. Moses was not a first son. David was not a first son and even Solomon was not a first son. So among the children of men all are precious to Me. Every child should be a dedicated child by the parents- dedicated to Me. From the beginning I have been speaking to mankind; instructing them, guiding them and leading them. But the people are disobedient and did not


listen to Me and follow My leading and instructions. The first people I chose as My people – the Jews- turned away from Me. The Gospel was first preached to them. They did not accept Me or My teachings. So the Gospel was preached to the gentiles and today the Gospel is being preached in every part of the world and whoever accepts the Gospel of Salvation, is accepted by Me as My child. I said- Seek ye first the kingdom of God.(Matt.6:33) People have to know their priorities. There are people who give more importance to worldly things. The drunkards begin the day with drinking. People give importance to the first day of the year and make all kinds of new resolutions which they fail to keep as the days go on. The sinners resolve on that day to give up their sins by their willpower and after sometime like the pig that is washed goes back to the mire they go back to their old sins. Only those who repent for their sins and believe in Me, and are washed in My blood, will not go back to their old sins. Every day of the year is the same. They can repent on any day and receive the salvation. The children of God gather together to praise and thank Me for the blessings they receive each year. This is acceptable to Me as they gather on the first day of each year to offer their praises and thanks. But there are others who make it a day of eating and drinking and indulging in worldly pleasures. Today the first fruits of offering are the tithes and the offering that the children of God offer to Me. This is a blessing for them. I have promised to open the windows of heaven and shower the blessings on those who regularly


give their tithes and offerings to Me.(Mal.3:10) Those who wish to be blessed by Me should give first priority to the kingdom of God and His righteousness which is done by prayer and reading the Word of God and other spiritual matters to which they should give more importance than to be always thinking of other worldly matters and material things. I have said that- all things will be added to those who first seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness.(Matt.6:33) Those who look to Me for everything in their lives , who follow the Word of God and live according to it, will find blessings in their secular work and whatever they need, when they ask in prayer, in faith, according to My will, they will receive. I have said- Remember thy Creator in the days of thy youth.(Ecc.12:1) because that is the best part of a person’s life, when they are strong and healthy; when all their faculties are strong. Those who live for Me in their youth, who turn away from the worldly pleasures and lead pure and holy lives – they give Me great joy and receive many blessings from Me. Even children nowadays know how to dedicate their lives to Me because these are the days of grace and time is short. These are the days of latter rain. (Hosea6:3) Whether in childhood or youth or middle age or oldage or even on the deathbed, those who repent for their sins and accept Me as their Saviour will be blessed and can enter into My kingdom. But man’s life is uncertain and those who pray and read the Word of God carefully will know how to seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness


and give first place for it and receive other blessings because I have said Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.�


2. FAR AND NEAR “As far as the east is from the west, so far have I separated your iniquities and I have forgotten them. As high as the heaven is from the earth so great is My love for you.(Psalm 103:12) Can you imagine this? Meditate on these words and think on it and imagine what it is like. If you have faith like a mustard seed and you have repented for your sins even as I have forgiven and forgotten them, you should also forgive yourself and forget them. When I created man he was so near and dear to Me. It was only sin which separated Me from Him.(Isaiah59:2) I am not a God who is far away. I have said- Draw nigh to Me and I will draw nigh to you.(James4:8) I am nigh to all those who call upon Me.(Ps.145:18) I am always available. I have no specific working hours. I am a God who neither slumbers nor sleeps.(Ps.121:4) I am always awake. I am always waiting to hear the voice of My children. Those who wait in My presence will hear My voice even as I am now speaking to you. The Word of God says-The voice of the Lord can be heard in the thunder,(Job40:9) and in the storm, but at the same time I am the still small voice that spoke to Elijah. (I Kings19:12) The sinner feels I am far away from him. But actually it is he and his sins that keep him far away from Me. Like the father of the prodigal son I am always waiting for the child who has gone far away from Me, that one day he will return to Me. There is no measure to My love.


The true believers for whom heaven is their home, will feel in the world, as if they are pilgrims in a far away country. Life in the world may seem like a long journey, but it is not really so. The Word of God says- The days of a man are three score years and ten,(which is seventy years) and by reason of strength he may live another ten years or more.(Ps.90:10) In this short time of his life he has to decide where he will spend eternity. Heaven and hell are both far off places as long as he is in the world. But as soon as he dies he will know whether he is going to heaven or hell. I came down from heaven and lived for about thirty three years in the world. During this time I proved to the people that I was the Son of God who came down to earth to save mankind from his sins. After My death and resurrection I went back to My Father in heaven to intercede for My children and to hear their prayers. Though far away I am still near to those who call upon Me. I have saidWhere two or three are gathered together in My name I am there in their midst.(Matt.18:20) I even appear to many who have seen Me. I am Omnipresent, Omnipotent and Omniscient. I can be seen and can be touched by those who have the faith and they can feel My touch. I speak to My children. I am not a God who is far away. I am always near and close to those who love Me; who believe in Me and who have faith in Me.�


3. ASK, SEEK AND KNOCK ‘Ask and it shall be given unto you; Seek and ye shall find;Knock and it shall be opened unto you; for he that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth and unto him that knocketh it shall be opened.(Luke11:9-10) From the time a child learns to talk, one of the first things it does is to ask. When it is hungry it asks for food and if it does not receive what it wants – it cries. As it grows older its wants become more and it asks for different things like toys and dresses. Some children do not give up asking and pestering till they receive what they want from their parents. Children who do not get proper affection and attention from their parents react in different ways and somehow try to get the attention they want from their parents. Even the elders try to get what they want in some way or other. They have so many material desires. Even the poor man has desires for things beyond his reach. Some work hard and earn enough money to buy what they want; even luxuries but it does not give them happiness and satisfaction. That is why I have said to be like a child because innocent children ask their parents and look to them to give them their desires. I have also said- Whatsoever ye shall ask in My name and according to My will, you will receive. (John14:13) Those who believe and trust in Me know how to ask Me for their wants and desires. I know the needs of everyone. A father or mother finds pleasure when a child asks for something that is within their means to give to their child and which will not do any harm to their child. In the same way I am also pleased in a child of God who looks to


Me and asks Me for all his needs and desires, whether spiritual or material. There are two conditions for asking.(1) Whatever you ask you must do it in My name and (2) you must be submissive to receive it according to My will. I know what is best for you and accordingly I will give it to you. Sometimes what you ask may not be good for you and I will withhold it. But more than all the material things ask for the spiritual blessings. Ask for wisdom and knowledge to understand the Word of God. Ask to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to be used by Me. In time of trouble call on Me and ask for My help and I will help you.(Ps.50:15) All these I have promised in My Word. Man is always seeking for something. He is never satisfied with what he has. (always seeking for more) He is seeking for more wealth; more pleasure and yet he is not satisfied. Some try to get what they want by hardwork and others by illegal means and yet they are not satisfied. These are the worldly people. But the Word of God says-Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and its righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.(Matt.6:33) Those who read the Word of God faithfully will find the treasures hidden there. There are more treasures and blessings in the spiritual life than in the material life. Those who give more importance and seek the spiritual things will also be blessed materially. Those who seek for salvation will receive their salvation and they will find the way to enter the kingdom of heaven. Behold I stand at the door and knock. If any man hears My voice and opens the door, I will come to him and will sup with him and he with Me.(Rev.3:20) Yes, I am still knocking at the door of many hearts. I stand outside the door of your heart and knock at it. But only if you open the door of your heart to Me I can enter it.


Even hearts that are full of sin; hard hearted hearts, stubborn hearts-if they open to Me, I will cleanse their sin, their hard heartedness and stubbornness, with My blood I shed on the cross and I will enter in and dwell with them. I have said-When two or three are gathered together in My name I am there in their midst.(Matt.18:20) I don’t have to knock on any door here to enter in because by their prayers they have opened the doors of their house and hearts and have invited Me in. Those who open their hearts to Me in their sorrows, trials and troubles will find comfort in My presence as I have promised to help them in their distress and need. I am a patient God and I wait for the people to ask and receive, to seek and find and to knock the doors of heaven to be opened to them. Continuous prayers and supplication, in asking,(Luke18:7) seeking and knocking in faith in Me, will find the doors of My kingdom opened to them.�-


4. WALKING “When you hear a voice saying this is the way, walk in it, turn not to the right or to the left; (Isaiah30:21) obey that voice. Sometimes to confuse you the evil one may say, this is the right way and turn you aside into the wrong way. Even believers have to be careful where they walk and how they walk and why they walk. When I created that beautiful garden I loved to walk in it. I instructed the two people where to walk and where not to walk. But the woman disobeyed Me and turned aside from the path I showed them and fell into sin and the man also sinned because they obeyed the voice of satan. Walking is a good exercise, a healthy exercise. Some find pleasure in it. But the lazy people do not like to walk. These days the big cities are so full of traffic and though there are broad roads it is dangerous to walk in safety. Those who are very alert and careful escape, but the careless get into accidents. It is important to see where the people walk. Some people’s walk in life takes them to the sinful pleasures in the world- to places of disreputation, unholy places. I will never walk in these places and no one can find Me in these places. I told those Israel people to keep all their surroundings clean because I used to walk in their camps.(Deut.23:14) Those whose walk in life leads them to holy places, who walk in a prayerful life; who walk to do My work-I will be a companion to them and walk with them in their life, even when they go out on duty or harmless pleasures, where they are always mindful of Me and My presence because I am going with them wherever they go.


The wicked people who go to rob and steal and murder and sin, use the night to do their walking. They move about in the nights in the dark so that their evil deeds may not be seen. The Word of God says- Work for the night is coming when man shall work no more.(John 9:4) Walk in the light.(Eph.5:8) I am the God of light and those who walk in My light will not come to any harm.(John11:9) Satan is the evil force of darkness- the personification of darkness who walks with the evil people and helps them in their evil deeds. How should a person walk? A Christian should walk carefully. The voice will guide him in his walk in the world. On the right and the left satan is waiting to catch him, draw him away from the right path in which I guide him. If he hears My voice guiding him and does not turn to the right or the left, though satan may throw stones or thorns in his path, they will not do much harm to a believer who walks in the way of righteousness. Those who listen to satan and turn aside from walking in the right path will stumble and fall into satan’s pits and traps. The way of the cross leads home into My kingdom. This is the reason why a person should walk in the way of the cross. I carried the cross all the way to Calvary. Those who do not walk in this way of the cross can never enter into My kingdom. Their walk with satan will lead them into the eternal darkness of hell. But those who carry their cross and walk with Me, who listen to My voice without turning to the right or the left-their walk in this life will lead them into eternal life and light of My kingdom to be with Me forever.�


5. STRENGTH “Those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength like eagles. (Isaiah40:31) Why should they renew their strength like an eagle and not like a tiger or lion which are also strong animals? When the lion begins to lose its strength it does not recover. It becomes weaker and dies. But the eagle again and again renews its strength and grows strong. The eyes of the eagle are very sharp and from a great height it can see its prey. Its wings are very strong. It can fly for long distances without becoming tired. It grows new feathers when the old ones fall off. It uses its sharp claws and beak to tear its prey and eat it. It lives on high rocky places and swoops down to catch its prey. Those who wait upon the Lord in constant prayer and who do My work, I will give them the physical, spiritual and mental strength, that they need for their work. When I created man he did not need much strength in the Garden of Eden because he did not have to do any hard physical work. But after sin came and he was cursed, he had to till the ground and sow the seed. He had to rear the flock of sheep and cattle. So he needed the strength to do these. Man gives much importance to physical strength. People admire a strong body. Competitions are held to test the strength of those who compete in different skills. Many spend a lot of time in exercises to attain physical strength. Those who pass many exams and and earn many degrees and become famous


in the world are also admired. These people also spend much time in studying and planning to become rich and famous. But spiritual strength does not need a strong body or a strong mind. It comes from above. A crippled person in a wheel chair or bed-ridden or physically defective, or old and feeble people can be spiritually strong. Like the eagle’s sharp eyes which sees its prey, their spiritual senses are sharpened and their minds are able to understand the Word of God and to hear God’s voice speaking to them. When they wait on Me in prayer and reading the Word of God, like the eagle’s sharp claws and beaks, they have the spiritual armour to fight against the evil forces of darkness. When troubles and trials come to them, like the eagle casts off the old feathers and grows new feathers, they cast off the depression brought by satan and come into My presence to renew their spiritual strength and carry on their work. Even when a servant of God continues his work in the old age, I will give him the physical strength to continue to do My work with the same energy he did in his younger days; and even as the Word of God says- He will run and not be weary, he will walk and will not faint.(Isaiah40:31) Among the believers who serve Me, there are also physically strong people whom I am able to use and whose physical strength is a blessing to them. Among the mentally strong people there are highly educated people in high posts and famous people who also serve Me. Those who believe in Me; who love Me and serve Me will get their strength


from Me and when they are tempted or become weak in faith or physically weak they will renew their strength and do My work with new energy and vigour.�


6. HUNGER AND THIRST “I was hungry and ye gave Me meat. I was thirsty and ye gave Me drink: I was a stranger and ye took Me in:Naked and ye clothed Me: I was sick and ye visited Me: I was in prison, and ye came unto Me.Then shall the righteous answer Him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee hungry and fed thee? Or thirsty, and gave thee drink?When saw we thee a stranger and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison and came unto thee?(Matt.25:35-39) Today there are many people in this world who follow these instructions. There are unbelievers who do many works of charity; not because they care for the poor or sick. But for name or fame or in the wrong belief that good works will take them to heaven. Food, clothing and medical help is not sufficient for a person. The Word of God says- They that hunger and thirst after righteousness shall be filled.(Matthew 5:6) Those who have hunger and thirst for worldly pleasures, luxuries, will never be filled. Even the poor are not satisfied with food and clothing and shelter. They too want more of the worldly things. Though I have said- Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you (Matt.6:33); even those who call themselves as believers sometimes have more desire to get worldly blessings than spiritual blessings.


When I was hungry you fed Me. By doing this according to My will they satisfy My hunger. The true servants of God who preach the Gospel do the good works also side by side. The Word of God says-The Gospel shall be preached to the poor.(Luke4:18) But the poor have material needs also, like food and clothing. The rich may have food and clothing and material things, but they have other needs also. When they are sick and have troubles and sorrow in their lives, they need comfort and consolation, along with the Gospel from the Word of God. The Gospel has to be preached to those who are in prison. Ministry among the prisoners is not liked by many, because it is not an easy ministry. Criminals in the jail are hard-hearted and wicked, though there may be some who are not so. But the Word of God is a powerful two edged sword which can pierce the hardest heart.(Hebrews4:12) When the Gospel is preached by the true servants of God to the prisoners the Holy Spirit will work in them and they will be saved. But this ministry also must be done with love. When I fed the Israel people with manna from heaven they were not satisfied with it. Still they murmured. The Word of God is the true manna from heaven which satisfies a person who hungers and thirsts after righteousness. When I was in the world the crowds who came to hear My words were hungry, along with the spiritual bread I gave them physical bread also. (Mark6:35-40) The Samaritan woman gave Me water from the well to drink and quenched My physical thirst and in return she and the people she brought from the


village drank to their fill of the spiritual water that I gave them and their thirst and My thirst and hunger for their souls was satisfied. The Gospel is also being preached by some out of envy, jealousy, pride, wealth, for name and fame. Some souls may be saved by this also. But My hunger and thirst cannot be satisfied by such a ministry and it is to such people who think that they can also enter My kingdom, I will say to them- I know you not.(Matthew7:23) Those who do the ministry according to My will, filled with the Holy Spirit and guided by My guidance in humility out of love for Me and love for those to whom they minister I will say to them- Even as you did it to one of these little ones you did it to Me.�(Matt.25:40).


7. SERVANT “Well done thou good and faithful servant.(Matt.25:21) All those who work for others are servants. There are different classes of servants from the highest to the lowest. Even the man in the highest position in the government is a servant of the government. He may have lot of wealth and riches and property, but still he is a servant of the government. The meanest slave is also a servant though he may not receive wages for his service. Some people think that being called a servant is despicable. They don’t like to be called servants. But because they work for someone in some field or the other- even though he may be highly educated and qualified he is still a servant for the master for whom he works or for the concern for which he works. Those who have their own business, whatever it may be with many people working under them may think they are only masters and not servants. These people work day and night to make more money, earn more riches and they are on duty for 24 hours of the day because they have no specific working hours. Such people are their own servants because they work for themselves and some make slaves of themselves. Their business is their master and they are enslaved to it. Now there are different kinds of servants. Some servants are lazy, unfaithful, dishonest and corrupt, while others are the opposite. The servant who received the five talents was a faithful servant. Though he had more responsibilities he did his duty well and earned a profit for his master who had gone


away to a far off place. The servant who received one talent was a lazy man. He had no respect for his master and failed in his duty.(Matt.25:14-18) Sometimes the servant may be a good man but the master he is work ing for may be wicked, corrupt and cruel. A true child of God cannot work under a master who wants him to do corrupt practices to get more profit. In these last days, in all aspects everywhere, bribery and corruption is rampant and it is difficult for the children of God to work in such places and to be good servants. Those who believe in Me and put their trust in Me and pray to Me for guidance, I will help them out of such situations without their having to indulge in any malpractice and at the same time be a good servant under My protection. Sometimes he may have to leave his job but I will not leave him or forsake him and he may even get a better position. Some believers even have the wrong impression that to be a good servant they have to obey their bad master by compromising and indulging in malpractice or corruption. They will not prosper if they do this and I cannot help them. Those who preach the Gospel are servants to the kingdom of God. I have many servants to work for Me. All over the world from the king’s palace to the lowest hut there are My servants. They are chosen from the richest to the poorest. Even in the high positions in the government or in other concerns, in every field, in every vocation, in every profession there are servants who work for their earthly masters and who also work for Me. They are blessed in their secular work as well as their spiritual lives. Those who are faithful servants to


Me will also be faithful in the places where they work. Anyone can be a servant of God. Whether he is highly educated or illiterate, if he is willing to work for Me I can use him for the glory of My kingdom. Some are called and chosen to be full time servants for the kingdom of God. Each child of God has a calling to which he must be a true and faithful servant. Those who are true and faithful servants till the end of their lives- I will say to them-Well done thou good and faithful servant. Enter thou into the joy of the Lord.(Matt.25:21)�


8. GOOD AND BAD PEOPLE “When I created the world with its oceans and seas and the whole universe with the planets, sun, moon and stars but without the trees and the plants and the beautiful flowers and fruits, the earth was incomplete. So I created all these on the earth and it looked good to Me. After I created the animals and the birds and the creatures in the sea it was even better. But still the earth was incomplete. So I created man in My own image and I found that all My creation was very good and complete. The plants and trees were good and gave their fruits and flowers regularly and made the earth look beautiful. The living creatures on the land and in the water were also good and behaved well. The human beings I created were also good till they allowed the wicked devil to cheat them and make them sin. Till then there was only goodness everywhere. But after sin came into the world badness was also there. The good and the bad were seen everywhere and in everything side by side. Even in the elements in nature the good and the bad could be seen- the good weather, the bad weather; the good seasons and bad seasons; good winds and bad winds. The trees gave good fruits and bad rotten and poisonous fruits. The good flowers smell sweet and bad flowers stink. The earth sometimes brought forth good crops and sometimes bad. There was good land which was fertile and pleasant to walk on and the bad land where there was no water and where sometimes it was dangerous to walk on. Even among the animals and other creatures there


were the good and the bad. At the time of My creation everything was very good, but only after sin came into the world the bad things also came in. As the people increased there were always the good people and the bad people. In Noah’s time except for Noah and his family all the people were bad and so except for the eight good souls I saved – I destroyed all the bad people in the flood because they made Me angry with their wicked lives. After the floods though I had promised not to destroy the people by flood, the bad people did not believe My words and they tried to build the Tower of Babel. I created confusion in their language and scattered them over different parts of the world. (Gen.11:4-9) In this way the wicked people of Sodom and Gohmorah also made Me angry. I saved Lot and his family and destroyed the wicked bad people in the cities.(Gen.19:24,25) But My love for the people and the world I created never changed. The people who listened to My voice and kept My commandments loved Me (the good people like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses). I chose the Israelites as My people. But many times they made Me angry with their wickedness. Throughout history there were good kings and bad kings; good people and bad people. The same is in the world today. Still I love the world and its people and that is why I came to the world and gave My life to save the people so that even the bad people, the worst sinners may believe in My love and follow the way of truth that I show them, into My kingdom.


The Word of God says- Let the unrighteous man turn from his unrighteousness and walk in the way of righteousness.(Isaiah55:7) It is for this cause that the Gospel of truth , the Gospel of the living God is being preached everywhere so that the bad people and those who worship other Gods may become good people who worship the true God. Being good alone will not take a person into heaven. They have to believe in Me, that I am the true God; Because only those who believe in Me, who worship and obey Me can live with Me in My kingdom. At the end of the world the angels will gather all the people in the world. I will judge them and separate the good people and the bad people. The good will live forever with Me in My kingdom and the bad will be sent into the fire of hell to live forever with the devils whom they followed. These are the days when there is still time for the bad people to repent and accept Me as their Saviour. Be warned as the time is short before the end of the world comes.�


9. FELLOWSHIP “Light can have no fellowship with darkness. Those who are in the light can have no fellowship with those who are in the darkness.(IICor.6:14) People of the world cannot understand the word –‘fellowship’. Fellowship and communion with others is a wonderful relationship when it is between the right kind of people. I never created man to be alone and that is why I created the woman. (Gen.2:18) They had fellowship with each other and they communed with Me. It was a beautiful relationship in that garden, till satan entered and broke the relationship because the woman communed with satan. From the beginning I separated the light from the darkness.(Gen.1:4) Noah and his family kept their communication with Me because they had no fellowship with the other wicked people in the world. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were true to Me and often communed with Me. Although Lot lived in Sodom he had no fellowship with the wicked people there. That is why I was able to save him. As the number of people in the world grew everywhere there were good and bad people. The good people have to move with the bad, but there is no need for them to have a close fellowship with the bad. There are young people from good god-fearing families who think they are strong enough to keep themselves pure no matter what company they move. Slowly they begin to have close fellowship with the addicts and wicked friends and soon they are drawn into all the wickedness of the bad friends. There are many warnings in the Bible about this kind of fellowship.(Pro.1:10- 16).


Those who walk in the light should not have fellowship with those who walk in the darkness. God’s children may be friendly with those who worship other gods and the worldly people. But there can be no fellowship between them. Believers sometimes to please their worldly friends indulge in a close relationship with them which draws them away from My presence. They have no time to commune with Me, to read the Word of God and to do the ministry. There can be no fellowship between a believer and an unbeliever. This does not mean that they should hate those who are not believers. When they get an opportunity they can tell them the Gospel and bring them into the fold. After I left the world and the Holy Spirit was sent, the disciples had a close fellowship with each other. Thousands of people were added to the church through the preaching of the Gospel.(Acts1:13,14; 2:41,47) I warned the Israel people about having fellowship with those who worshipped other gods. But they disobeyed Me and married those people – because of which they were punished. The Word of God says- What fellowship has light with darkness? Do not be unequally yoked with the unbelievers.(II COR.6:14) Even today believers are drawn away from satan into marrying unbelievers and unless the unbeliever is saved and becomes a believer the child of God will be drawn away from his faith. Such marriages are not blessed. A church can grow when the members have constant fellowship with each other and worship in Spirit and in Truth. My presence will be felt and seen in such churches. There should be fellowship among the members of the family also, as well as communion with Me. Such a family is blessed. Where the


people are of one mind and lead spiritual lives – only then the true fellowship will be there. Fellowship among Christians is important for the spiritual growth of the individual and the church.�


10. BOAZ AND RUTH “During a time of famine, in Judah(God’s land) – Naomi’s husband Elimelech took his wife and two sons to dwell in the land of Moab – a heathen country where his sons grew up and married heathen wives. To better their prospects and earn more money, believers are drawn away to places where they cannot grow in their spiritual life. Elimelech died in Moab and his sons married heathen wives – Ruth and Orpah. After sometime, the sons also died. Naomi was left with her two daughters – in- law.(Ruth1:1-5) Naomi was a faithful woman and it was only in obedience to her husband that she came to Moab. She was kind to her daughters- in – law and they also loved her. But being in a heathen land it was difficult for her to grow spiritually. So she decided to go back to Judah. People who live without spiritual fellowship cannot grow in their spiritual life, though they may be regular in their prayer life and reading the Word of God. Orpah was worldly-wise and went back to her heathen people and their gods. Ruth took the good decision of going with Naomi because she knew that the God of Naomi was the trie God. She was ready to leave everything and follow her mother-in-law. When the Word of God is preached many people who worship other gods realize that I alone am the true God and willingly give up all their worldly good pleasures to follow Me and go where I send them. Many times both


Ruth and Orpah would have heard about Me from Naomi. But only Ruth was faithful and accepted Me as her Lord also. There are some, (though the Word is preached to them), are not willing to accept the truth, and give up their old lives. After Naomi and Ruth returned to Judah, Ruth was guided by Naomi to go and glean in Boaz’s field. Naomi got her guidance from Me. I use the servants of God to guide the believers in their spiritual lives and I am able to use the obedient believers to do the ministry for Me. Boaz had heard about the faithfulness and goodness of Ruth and he told the reapers to willfully drop handfuls for her to glean.(Ruth2:15,16) When a child of God is humble and obeys Me in a ministry which may be difficult and not very profitable financially I lift him up and bless him after sometime. After she had gleaned she was fed with bread and vinegar. This showed she was accepted as Boaz’s relation. When I broke the bread and offered the vine with the bread to My disciples at the last supper- I offered Myself as a sacrifice for the people and instructed them to partake of the bread and wine in remembrance of My death and resurrection -- those who believed in this were saved and have the close relationship of being My children. Next Ruth was guided to lie down at the feet of Boaz. Those who serve Me have to surrender themselves to Me and spend time in My presence in prayer to get the blessings. Gleaning in the fields of Boaz was the beginning of a deeper relationship between Ruth and Boaz. When she got up in the morning Boaz filled her shawl with grains which she took to her mother-in-law and told her


that Boaz will make arrangements to marry her.(Ruth3) Those who sit in My presence at My feet in prayer and reading the Word of God, will get a deeper relationship with Me and more blessings in their ministry and in their material life. The marriage of Boaz and Ruth brought blessings to Naomi also and she regained the happiness she had lost. The child born to Ruth and Boaz was an ancestor of king David and My earthly father Joseph. Those who serve Me faithfully and have a close, deep relationship with Me, will receive abundant blessings which will even pass on to their children. This blessed relationship between Me and My children can be understood only by those who love Me and are true to Me.�


11. PERSECUTION “In the last days many lives will be lost for the sake of the Gospel. According to the Word of God the Gospel has to be preached everywhere before the day of rapture and this is what is happening all over the world. On his side satan is working vigorously to oppose this. From the day Lucifer rebelled against Me,(Isaiah14:12-15) he and his followers are still working against Me and he hates those who are true to Me. At the time of the flood there were only eight souls who were faithful to Me.(Gen.7:12,13) When Noah preached to those wicked people they mocked him. I protected Lot and his family from those wicked people in Sodom.( Gen.19:15,16) The Israel people who worshipped Me were persecuted by the Egyptians, but I delivered them.(Exodus1:8-14) I protected Elijah also when he was persecuted by Jezebel.(I Kings19) There are many old saints in the Word of God like Daniel, Shadrach, Meshak, and Abednego who were persecuted for their faith by the idol worshippers. I did the miracles and protected all these people and saved them. When I came to the world I was persecuted and killed by My own people who profess to worship the true God. I came to the world and died so that those who believe in Me may have eternal life.(John3:16) Before leaving the world I told My disciples that some of them will have to die a martyr’s death. After they received the anointing of the Holy Spirit the disciples became strong in their faith and began to preach the Gospel boldly without fear. They were ready and willing even to give their lives. Stephen was


one of the first to die a martyr’s death.(Acts7) At that time in spite of persecution Peter and Paul and many others took the Gospel to many parts of the world. Many heathen countries became Christian countries and these countries sent out their missionaries to the heathen lands. To preach the Gospel of Salvation these missionaries were dedicated to their calling and in spite of different kinds of suffering and persecution they willingly went to those lands and preached the Gospel there. Some of them were killed as martyrs. The efforts of these people and the result of their preaching the gospel can be seen even today in many countries. I blessed their ministries very much and gave them many talents. The beautiful hymns they composed are being sung even today in the churches. Out of love for the uncivilized people – living in all kinds of darknessthose missionaries not only preached the Gospel but they provided them with food, clothes and medical aid, as they preached the Gospel to them and gave them education also and civilized them so that their lives were completely changed, and they became true Christians. These people in return did the same for others and so the Gospel began to spread everywhere. Even history has recorded how the Christians in those days suffered persecution – some were burnt, some were thrown to wild animals, some were put in prisons and tortured and some were killed by the sword. But in spite of all this the Gospel continued to spread and more and more people were converted to the truth.


Though satan stirred up the wicked people against My children and some died, there were others to rise up and take their place and so the preaching of the Gospel became a continuous process. I came to the world to save sinners and it is My will that all people should be given an opportunity to be saved from their sins by My blood I shed on the cross. Today the people are living in the last days- the end of time- as can be seen by the signs taking place- that have been predicted in the Word of God. Before the end the Gospel has to be preached to every nation.(Matt.24:1-14) The Holy Spirit is poured out; everywhere the Gospel is preached and more and more people are rising up to preach the Gospel. To prevent this satan works through the governments also. He sets up atheist governments in some countries and fanatic governments in others to prevent the Christians from preaching the Gospel. Persecution by torture and death sentences of Christians take place in these countries. Some of these governments have fallen and the Gospel is being preached and legally accepted by many people in these countries. Many miracles take place in these places and many testify of their faith. Millions of people are being saved everywhere. But satan suppresses this information. Even small children and others of every age up to very old people are My witnesses in these last days. There are people who are persecuted by their own family members for their faith in Me because they have left their heathen Gods and accepted Me


as their Saviour and worship Me. But in spite of persecution I often protect My children and give them many blessings. Through the Holy Spirit those who are persecuted are strong in their faith and continue to do their ministry and are true to Me. The Word of God saysRejoice when you are ill-treated and persecuted for the sake of the Gospel for great will be your reward in heaven,(Matt.5:11,12)�


12. WEEP “I told those mothers of Jerusalem- Weep not Me but for your children. (Luke23:28) Even today many are weeping for Me. They are wasting their tears weeping for Me. Those who have tears to shed, shed it for those who need your tears. All around you, you can see those who are suffering. But people’s eyes are blind to see the sufferings of others. Some are always weeping only for themselves. They have tears only for their loved ones. They do not weep in repentance of their sins. They weep out of their selfishness for their selfish desires. Throughout the Word of God there have been those who have shed their tears – who have wept from their anguish and from the depth of their hearts. Hagar wept for her child and I wiped her tears. Hannah wept and I fulfilled her need for a child. David wept in repentance of his sin and I forgave him. Martha and Mary wept for their brother Lazarus. I wept with them and gave back their brother to them alive. In the streets of Jerusalem people wept for their sickness. The widow wept for her dead son. These are tears that were shed in grief, anguish and sorrow that I understood. It was to wipe the tears of the people that I came to the world – to wipe the tears of repentance for their sins. Today I weep with those who weep; I rejoice with those who rejoice. But I see the tears that come out from a broken heart.


Many in the world in these last days shed their tears. But there are also others who shed crocodile tears. Those who come into My presence have to pray with anguish and sorrow from their hearts for the sins of the world; for the unsaved lost souls, for the sufferings of the people. I am the God who wipes the tears and comforts those who weep.�


13. IMAGE OF GOD “I created the world and all the creatures in it. Some of My creatures were inanimate and some were living. All these creatures had their own beauty of shape, size and colours. The living creatures had a body but they had no soul. They were all created with a purpose. They grew, they lived and they died and became dust and that was the end of them. Others took their place and it went on. But man alone was created in the image of God. He was created with a body , a soul and spirit, which is symbolic of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Only man’s body died but his soul and spirit went back to his Maker. People make all kinds of images of what they see around them in the world because they had the talents of sculpture and painting. But they misused this talent when they made images of idols and worshipped them. They wanted to worship something material, which they could see with their eyes and touch with their hands and so they began to make images which they call gods and worship them and this is what the Israel people did when they made the calf and worshipped it.Till today the idol worshippers and some Christians also worship images of different gods, though I have said- you shall not make any image of anything on earth or heaven and you shall not bow down to them and worship them.(Exo.20:3) When man was made in the image of God he was perfect and sinless. When I told him that when he disobeys and eats the fruit of knowledge of good and evil- he will die. I did not mean his physical death only but I meant the spiritual


death of his soul. Satan misinterpreted this and cheated the woman by telling her that they would not die. But since I have made man in My own image I loved him and did not want to destroy his body, soul and spirit. So as the beloved Son of God I had to come to the world in the image of man, to give My life as a ransom to save mankind from the spiritual death he deserved because of his sin. This was the master plan to defeat satan and expose his lie and save the people from the spiritual death of their souls. It is only the true believers who can understand what is meant to be created in the image of God. The idol worshippers make all kinds of weird images which resemble the satanic forces and they worship them. Of all the living creatures only man is created with a mind to think and invent, to acquire knowledge and with his hands to work and do many wonderful things. The Word of God says- Man was wonderfully made.(Ps.139:14) Even the scientists cannot understand all the intricacies of the human body and mind. All their knowledge and skill is limited. I told the Samaritan woman that God is a spirit and those who worship Him must worship him in truth and spirit.(John4:24) Those who wish to be in the very image of God who created them will follow the truth of salvation and worship the living God in spirit and in truth. Though man’s body dies, because his soul and spirit live, he will be resurrected with a new body at the end of the world. Those who are My children


who worship Me as their Lord and Saviour will bear My image in their lives so that others will see Me in them and they will live with Me forever in My kingdom at the end of the world. Even as you have been created in the image of God, let the image of God be seen in your lives by others. Realise the blessing of being created in My image even as the Word of God says- Man was created in the image of God to be like Him, to serve Him and live for Him in the world so that he can be with God forever.�


14. LOVE AND COMPASSION “Talitha cumi – Little maid arise. I took the hand of the little maid and brought her alive from death.(Mark5:41) It was a physical death. It was the father’s faith that brought Me there. But the father came to Me when the child was still alive so that I may heal her. But even when he came to Me I already knew that the child was dead. I had compassion on that poor father who was full of sorrow for his child whom he loved dearly. When he brought Me into the house – though the other people told him that the child was already dead and there was no need for Me to come there – he still had the faith that I could do a miracle for his child. I brought their child to life from death. It was the love and faith of that father and it was My love for them and compassion which made Me do the miracle there.(Mark5:35-43) Lazarus come forth! And with these words Lazarus who was dead for four days came back to life from the grave where he was buried. Here also it was love that worked the miracle. Lazarus and his sisters loved Me very much. They believed in Me that I came from God. In different ways they showed their love for Me and I also loved them. With human feelings I wept with the sisters of Lazarus out of My love and compassion and then as the Son of God I brought back Lazarus to life.(John 11:32-45)


When I saw the widow of Nain weeping and wailing for her only son who died- (as the body was being taken for burial) – though that mother did not ask for anything of Me, as I was just passing that way – her tears for her son moved Me to compassion and made Me do the miracle and I gave her back her son alive. The grateful mother fell at My feet and worshipped Me.(Luke7:11-15) God so loved the world that He gave His only beloved Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.(John3:16) Imagine the scenes in the three instances. There are crowds of people; some who sincerely mourned with the relations of the dead; some came there out of curiosity; some out of formality attended the funeral. But on those three days many repented for their sins and were saved. Many believed that I was sent from God because I not only do the miracles but I also preach to the people the way to the kingdom of God through Me. It was My Father’s love that sent Me to the world and it was because of My love and compassion that I came to the world to heal and save. But there were always some who did not believe and so it is today. I am the God who never changes.(Heb.13:8) I do the same miracles today for those who love Me and whom I love. People run here and there when they are in trouble and sorrow and some are so desperate that unable to bear their sorrow they even take their own lives without realizing that, that is not the end of their sorrow, I have said in My Word- Call upon Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things that you know not.(Jer.33:3) I will also do great and mighty things for you when you call upon Me. Cast your care upon Me for I care for you.


(I Peter5:7) Come unto Me all that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.(Matt.11:28) These are the words of love and compassion that I offer to all mankind and those who believe in My words will feel My love and will receive My comfort and consolation and their souls will be saved.�


15. ISRAEL PEOPLE I led the people of Israel through the wilderness for forty years. But so many times they backslided. They offended Me. They worshipped the idols. But I took pity on those people. I loved them in spite of their faults, in spite of their backsliding. I took care of them and fed them. When they wanted meat I gave them meat. When they wanted water I gave them water. But they were never satisfied. I brought them out of Egypt. They were all descendants of Abraham, Isaaac and Jacob. I brought Abraham into the promised land. He was well off where he was. But it was not My will that he should stay there among the heathen people. I had a better place for him – the land flowing with milk and honey. He could have had so many doubts about leaving the place where he was staying. He was comfortable and well-off there. I was blessing him there because he believed in Me and had strong faith in Me. Even when I tested him to sacrifice his son he did not lose his faith in Me. He set out in full faith to the promised land with all his family, servants and animals and everything that belonged to him.(Gen.12:1-5) Are you comfortable where you are? Are you satisfied where you are? Let it be your home or your work! Of course I am blessing you where you are. If I ask you to set out and go somewhere else and show you a better place- step out in faith.


As I had promised Abraham I blessed his son also. Esau only longed for the blessings of his father Isaac. He was not interested in seeking My blessings. He was more interested in worldly blessings than in spiritual blessings. That is why I chose Jacob because he cared more for the spiritual blessings. Although he also had his faults, he was sincere and gave Me respect and wor46 shipped Me as God. Today also the people are like these two sons. Their prayers are mostly for their material blessings , though I have said to seek the kingdom of heaven and its righteousness first and the material blessings will be added.(Matt.6:33) I am the God who feeds and clothes all the people and even the other living creatures. Will I not care for My own and supply all their needs?(Matt.6:25-30) Look unto Me in faith and ask without murmuring and dissatisfaction like those Israel people. The twelve tribes of Israel came from the twelve sons of Jacob. When the famine came - according to My will I took Joseph to Egypt and put him in a high position there. But before that Joseph had many sufferings and trials though he was innocent, true and faithful to Me. I filled him with My spirit and gave him visions and interpretation of the dreams of others. When trials and temptations and sufferings come, people become depressed and some try to get out by their own means. The worldly people do all sorts of things. But the children of God will be like Joseph and they will be blessed like Joseph.


For some generations the Israel people (the twelve tribes) lived a peaceful life in Egypt. But after that the sufferings and trials began. While they were in Egypt they bore their sufferings patiently and at the same time they cried to Me for help. So I chose Moses to bring them out of Egypt. When they came out they did not come empty handed. They came out with riches. They thought all their sufferings were over and from now on they expected life to be a bed of roses without their having to exert themselves in any way. They became more worldly in their thoughts, words and deeds. I had promised to take them back to their own land. But I had to prepare them before that. They were a multitude of people. In Egypt they followed the laws and rules laid down by the Egyptian kings. But now they have to follow My laws and commandments for them. But before that they indulged in sinning, worldliness and idol worship. They forgot all the miracles I did in Egypt and the Red Sea. When Moses came to the mountain to receive the commandments and laws they sinned. Often I had to correct them by punishment.(Ps.106:7-46) If the children of God do not spend time in prayer and constantly reading the Word of God and meditating on it and being in fellowship with the true believers satan will tempt them and they will fall. They must keep close to Me and resist the devil. There are always those who are faithful to the end. Even in that multitude of Israel people there were those who did not follow the idol worshippers and sinners, but were true to Me. They had so many blessings. Their clothes never


became old.(Neh.9:21) Their shoe never wore out. They had food but still they were not satisfied. They longed for luxuries even in the desert.( Ps.78:18,19) Today also it is not only the poor who want more but even the rich are never satisfied, and to get more they even resort to criminal acts. Those who are satisfied and thank Me for what I give them, will be blessed in many ways. The handful of flour and the little oil was sufficient to feed the widow and her son for many days.(I Kings17:16) I fed the five thousand people with five loaves and two fishes.(Luke9:16,17) After they reached the promised land the Israelites wanted a king to rule over them. Many times though they disobeyed Me stil I loved them and gave them what they asked. I was still close to them. But it was they who went away from Me. Before the kings I gave them judges and prophets to lead and guide them. I am always close to My people and those who call upon Me will hear Me and will get an answer to their prayers. All the kings also were not faithful to Me and they misguided the Israel people. Saul was chosen by Me but he did not obey Me . David and Solomon loved Me very much and I blessed them. There were different people scattered all over the world and I loved all those people also and it was for the sins of the whole world that I came to the world to give My life a ransom to save the people. Many times, even during the times of the Israel kings, because of their sins and disobedience they were captured and taken as slaves by other kings and


always they were ruled by other governments. Even when I came to the world they were under the rule of the Roman government. People became slaves in different ways because of their sins. They lose their liberty and freedom . The Word of God says – The truth shall make you free (John8:32), and only those who are saved from their sins by My blood are truly free. It was My own people – the Jews – the Israel people who did not believe Me as the Messiaiah and they crucified Me. But those who believe in Me know that I came to the world to die for the sins of the people, and I am alive, and still love all the people of the world and I live to save them. Because of this sin the Israel people were scattered all over the world and for many generations there was no Israel nation. They were persecuted and massacred in some of the countries where they lived. Most of them have repented and believe in Me. As a sign that the end of the world is near, according to the prophecy the Israel people will come back to their land, today there is an Israel land and an Israel nation. Many signs are taking place there to show that My second coming is near. The Gospel is being preached. It was first preached through My disciples and now throughout the world through all My children. The Israel people were a chosen generation and were known as God’s people. But they rejected Me. Today all those who believe in Me, in My death and resurrection; who are washed in My blood – it is those people today, who are now known as God’s people; My chosen generation beloved of Me and whom


I bless and who will live with Me forever in My kingdom. If you are a child of God, if you love Me, if you believe in Me – be faithful to Me, obey Me and keep close to Me – you will receive the blessing of being God’s chosen people.”


16. DREAMS AND VISION “Where there is no vision the people perish.(Pro.29:18) One of the ways I used to talk to the people was through dreams and visions. When Jacob slept on the way to his uncle’s house he had the dream of the ladder reaching upto heaven with the angels ascending and descending on it.(Gen.28:12) When he left his mother’s house he went with a heavy heart because he had deceived his brother and made him angry. But after the dream he knew and felt My presence with him and he continued his journey with a light heart. There was a turning point in his life because of the heavenly vision. Joseph was called a dreamer by his brothers because of the dreams he received and told his brothers.(Gen.37:5,9,19) Even at that young age I gave him a vision of the future through his dreams. When he grew up, I also gave him the gift of interpreting the dreams of others and it was this that lifted him up to a high position in Egypt, so that he could give food for the people and his family during the famine.(Gen.41:1-44) This was the beginning of the Israel people’s sojourn in Egypt. Though I spoke to chosen people, I also used dreams and visions as a means of communicating to the people. The prophets were also given visions to instruct and guide the people. When the Israelites were taken away captive, it was through the visions that they got, that, the prophets instructed the people to rebuild the city and the temple.(Ezekiel40-42) Daniel interpreted the dreams of Nebuchadnezzar. I also gave Daniel the visions of the future days and told him to write them down, which are to be


found in the Word of God. He was also given visions of the last days. Isaiah prophesied about My birth(Isa.11:1; 9:6,7) as well as my death (Isa.53) in the world. When Zacharias was ministering in the temple, in a vision, he was instructed about the birth of his son, John the Baptist.(Luke1:5-17) My earthly mother Mary was told about her being chosen as the vessel to give birth to Me.(Luke1:27-33) In a dream Joseph was instructed to accept Mary as his wife;(Matt.1:18-21) and in another dream when Herod destroyed the babies, Joseph was instructed to carry Me away to Egypt.(Matt.2:13,14) When I was baptized by John the Baptist, many saw the vision of the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove above My head. When I began My ministry I preached the Gospel of Salvation through My death and resurrection. I also spoke of the signs and wonders that will take place in the last days before the end of the world. I spoke about My second coming also. At that time even My disciples sometimes could not understand what I meant. But after My death and resurrection as they gathered together to worship and pray, the Holy Spirit filled them all. As a sign of this they all saw the vision of the tongues of fire above them.(Acts 2:1-4) It was after this anointing of the Holy Spirit, that they clearly understood all that I had told them when I was in the world. Filled with the Spirit they now set out to preach the Gospel and do the ministry. John was given the revelation about the last days in the world, the secret


rapture, My second coming and the judgement of the world. The apostles have written all these in the Word of God. Those who read the Word of God prayerfully, regularly will understand. Even in these days – being the last days, the Holy Spirit is poured out and those who desire are filled with the Spirit. The same power is there as it was in the apostles’ days. Those who sit in My presence in prayer are given the gifts of the Spirit to do the ministry. I still speak to the people, through visions and dreams. The servants of God who are faithful ministers to the people do the miracles through the visions I give them. Sometimes even those with little faith, who are sincere are led by dreams and visions. But sometimes the devil also tries to cheat the people in this way. The true children of God will not be cheated like this because they are faithful in reading the Word of God and in prayer.�


17. TEMPTATION “Let no man say – I am tempted of God. I tempt no man. Man is tempted because he allows satan to tempt him. He falls into temptation because of his lust, his sins, his greed and his evil nature.(James1:13-15) To cover up this – in his times of trials and temptations he blames Me. He says –Why is God tempting Me like this? Why does God allow Me to suffer like this? But it is clearly said in the Word of God – God tempts no man. If he looks deep into his heart and searches the cause of his troubles and trials he will realize that it is his sin which is the cause of all his troubles. There are times when I allow certain people to go through their trials and troubles because I have a purpose for them. To test Abraham’s faith I told him to sacrifice his only beloved son Isaac. But I did not allow him to do it and he proved his faithfulness by being willing to do anything for Me- even to sacrifice his only child. How many are there in the world who love Me so much? Adam and Eve brought all their troubles and sufferings by their own sin. But no one can blame Adam and Eve for each one’s troubles. Each person is responsible for his and her own trials. Sometimes innocent people also suffer because of the wickedness of others. That is how Joseph suffered. But I allowed him to go through those trials so that I could fulfill My purpose. Those who suffer for the Word of God like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and Daniel and even My own disciples and many other servants of God in the world even today; and those who die as martyrs for the Word of God – are all


blessed people who will receive the reward I have for them in My kingdom. Those who worship idols and other gods believe that the gods are angry with them and punish them with troubles and sorrows and so to appease the anger of those gods they punish themselves and give all kinds of offerings and sacrifices. They blame other people also for their sufferings and try to punish them. Even among them there are many who lose their faith in those gods and turn to Me (the living God) for help and they find peace and joy in My presence as My children. Those who read the Word of God carefully will understand how to come to the cross to be washed of their sins and how to be patient and longsuffering as they look to Me for help and consolation in their sorrows and troubles. I have said – Come to Me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and learn of Me and I will give you rest.(Matt.11:28) Those who do this – who frequently come into My presence with all their burdens – will find the peace and joy and comfort that only I can give and they will be able to bear the trials and I will help them to overcome and to seek a way out of their problems. This is the only way for a child of God who has heavy burdens, sorrows and troubles. Those who trust Me in these times will find Me true and faithful as I have said – I will never leave nor forsake you.(Heb.13:5) Many have testified of how I have lifted them up and set them on their feet and blessed them in many ways.


My servant Paul prayed many times that the thorn in his flesh may be removed But I told him My grace is sufficient for you.(IICor.12:9) Sometimes I may say this to you also. People may try in many ways to overcome their problems. But remember that My way is always the best way and that My ways and My thoughts are not like your ways and your thoughts.�(Isa.55:8).


18. FAITH AND WORKS “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.(Matt.5:16) As the body without spirit is dead, so faith without works is a dead lifeless faith.(James 2:26) When sin came into the world love grew cold. Hatred and jealousy and strife was instilled in the heart of man by satan. Cain was jealous of Abel and hated him. Esau and Jacob had no love for each other. As the population in the world increased, people had to interact with each other in different ways – in the family, in the society and in the work places. They worshipped different gods in different ways. In time of trouble they looked to these gods and put their faith in them, but they were disappointed. Those who were faithful to Me and put their trust in Me found Me faithful and I helped them in their time of calamity and troubles. When I brought the Israel people out of Egypt I gave them the commandments and different laws to follow; to teach them how to lead good lives and to worship Me alone as God and how to live peacefully with each other and to love others as themselves. I spoke to them through Moses also. But still they broke the laws and disobeyed Me and worshipped other gods. I gave them judges and kings to guide them and rule over them. But some of the kings themselves were as wicked or even worse than the unfaithful people. According to My Father’s plan to save mankind I came to the world so that


whosoever believes in Me shall not perish in their sins but be saved and have everlasting life.(John3:16) I put all the laws and commandments into two commandments – Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, soul and mind and love thy neighbor as thyself.(Matt.22:37-39) The Pharisees and Saducees claim to keep the Mosaic Laws but they only outwardly did it. I have said-If you cannot love your brother whom you have seen how can you love God whom you have not seen?(I John4:20) When My disciples asked Me who was their neighbour I told them the parable of the Good Samaritan. ( Luke10:30-36) I not only preached to the people but I also healed the sick bodies and fed the hungry five thousand people with the five loaves and two fishes.(Mark6:3542) People who profess to love God but will not raise a finger to help someone in need – they cannot have real love for God. Those who worship other gods, to impress people, do all kinds of ceremonies and sacrifices and fasting and works of charities for the poor. But none of this is done out of love for god or the people. They expect the gods they worship to reward them for this. It is a dead faith and empty works without love. There are Christians also like this. As they were in those days, they go to church and give tithes and offerings and think they have done their duty to God. They have no love for the people with whom they move and work and those who are in need. Except for their own dear ones they cannot love anyone else and there are some who are so selfish, they do not love even their own, because they love only themselves.


The Word of God says – If you see someone in need of food and clothes, suffering and you pray for him and tell him to have faith in God without helping him, how can he have faith?(James2:14-16) That is why it is written – Faith without works is a dead faith.(James2:20) The prayers of those who have faith without works will not be heard and answered. Those who do good works for the sake of name or fame will not be blessed either. Sincere faith in the true living God and good works done out of love for God and mankind will bring the real blessings to those who follow this and in this way their light will shine before men who will see their good works and glorify God in heaven.(Matt.5:16) Both the giver and the receiver will be blessed. In this way lives will be changed and souls will be saved for the glory of My kingdom.”


19. PETER AND PAUL “After My baptism I went to the wilderness to fast and pray for forty days, where satan had the audacity to tempt Me – the Son of God. By the replies I gave him he was defeated and left Me.(Matt.4:1-11) From this time I began my ministry. As I walked along the shores of Galilee I saw Peter and his brother Andrew in their fishing boat. I called them to be My disciples. Peter and his brother had heard the sermons of John the Baptist and they had repented for their sins and they had been baptized by John. They were present on the sea shore at the time of My baptism also. That is why they were ready to follow Me. They were full of joy when I called them – specially Peter.(Mark1:16-18; Matt.4:18) From that moment he loved Me very much and was willing to obey Me. He was a real Jew in every sense of the word – kept all the Mosaic laws and commandments faithfully, not outwardly. He was a humble fisherman and worked hard to support his family whom he loved. Yet when I called him he was willing to leave even his beloved family and follow Me. Such was his love for God to whom he gave the first place in his heart and life. How many ministers of God in the world are willing to sacrifice home and family attachments to serve the true God? Even for a bachelor this is difficult. But Peter was a married man with a family. Though he was not highly educated he could understand the true meaning of the Scriptures and the laws and commandments which were read on the Sabbath days in the temple. He had all the qualities to be a disciple of mine.


Those who are sincere in their faith do not need much education to understand the Word of God. The missionaries of old also left their homes and comforts and went to the distant heathen lands to take the Gospel to the heathen-wild people who did not know their right hand from their left. Some missionaries were killed by these people. But others lived among them and out of love they taught them the Word of God and made them Christians. In these days there are conveniences and conveyances that they did not have in those days. In some ways Peter was childish and he had some fraility also. This can be seen when he tried to walk on the sea to come to Me. But human fear took hold of him when he looked at the boisterous waves.(Matt.14:25-32) Before My death he denied Me three times.(Matt.26:69-75) In the garden of Gethsamane he was ready to fight for Me with a sword. But his human weakness let him down. He repented bitterly for his weakness and I forgave him. I do not expect perfectness in My children. I understand their human weaknesses. If they are sincere in their faith, they have the Word of God and the Holy Spirit to guide them in the right ways. I will not condone willful wickedness and wrong doings in a Christian. Peter became confused and depressed after My death. He felt lost without My presence and guidance. This is how a child of God will become if he is not faithful in his spiritual life and in prayer. When Peter saw Me after the resurrection he was strengthened. It was Peter who gathered all the disciples and their families of 120 people in the Upper


room where they received the anointing of the Holy Spirit and he preached his first sermon on that day to the multitude which came there.(Acts2) He was a great leader and a fiery preacher filled with the Holy Spirit. There was no sign of any kind of human weakness to be seen now, that was there before. Peter is the founder of the first Christian church. There are preachers today who do the ministry today without being filled with the Holy Spirit. They easily become a prey for satan. As many miracles took place in Peter’s ministry , I have promised the same to all those who do the ministry ,filled with the Holy Spirit and as in those days thousands of souls were saved by Peter’s ministry, the same thing happens today in the ministry of the true servants of God. As a man Paul was of a totally different calibre from Peter. He was highly educated and proud of his Jewish ancestry,(Acts22:3) whereas Peter who was also of the same – was humble. Paul also kept all the laws and commandments being a Pharisee.(Phil.3:4,5) Like Peter he was zealous in his faith. But unlike Peter he did not believe in Me. Though highly educated and versed in the scriptures he could not discern that I was the Messiah, like the little educated Peter could. But I chose Paul also because I knew if his eyes were opened to the truth that I was the Saviour of the world he could become a strong and faithful disciple and I knew, I could use him as a missionary. I chose Peter to minister to the Jews and I chose Paul to minister to the gentiles, as I could send him to different countries, to people of different languages, many of which he had studied.


Like Paul before his conversion on the road to Damascus, there are people who are proud of their status, nationality, education, position,etc., which blinds them to the truth of the scriptures, which simple uneducated folk are able to understand. When I met Paul on the Damascus road he realized who I was and how blind he had been not to understand that before. That is why before he did the ministry the scales had to fall from his eyes when Ananias prayed for him. He was completely changed. He now put all his previous zeal into spreading the Gospel of salvation and we read in the Word of God how he suffered persecution, imprisonment and beatings. He was willing to give his life even. When a person is converted and saved he becomes humble and realizes that nothing in this world is more important than the preaching of the Gospel and the salvation of the souls. When I preached the Word in the world the Jews did not accept Me or My preaching except for those who believed in Me. When Peter also preached to the Jews there were some who believed and some who did not. Even today there are some among the Israel people - the Jews – those who do not believe. But there are others who believe and are doing the ministry like Peter and Paul – not only among their own people but among others also. Both Peter and Paul wrote Epistles in the Word of God. There are Christians in the world today who are Christians only in name. But their lives are full of sin and worldliness. There are others who think if they lead good lives outwardly they will go to heaven. All Christians must realize that they must be washed in My blood of their sins and be saved and that they have a duty to save other souls also.


Those who dedicate themselves to Me and My service – I will use them like Peter and Paul regardless of their status in the world. Let those who read this dedicate themselves even now and receive My blessing.�


20. TRAVEL “When I created man and the woman I placed them in a beautiful garden, with the animals and birds for company and to keep them occupied. All their needs were met within that garden. I did not leave them alone. I also used to walk there and talk to them. There was no need for them to go out of the garden into the world. But when they sinned I sent them out. Now they had to find a place to live and to work for their living.(Gen.3) When Cain murdered his brother Abel I banished him to a far off place and Cain became the first traveller.(Gen.4:12) After the flood though I promised that I would not destroy the world with flood, the people did not believe in Me and they began to build the tower of Babel. To stop this I created confusion among them in their language. These people now dispersed to different parts of the world speaking different languages.(Gen.11:1-9) Those who had herds and flocks like Abraham, lived in tents and moved from place to place to find grazing grounds for their cattle. But they did not leave their own country. I gave the land of Canaan to Abraham and his descendants till they went to Egypt because of the famine. But I promised to bring them back to their own land. I kept My promise and brought the Israel people out of Egypt. But because of their disobedience to Me I made them travel for forty years in the wilderness, before bringing them to Israel.(Numbers14:33-35)


In those days people travelled on donkeys, camels and in bullock carts. They also learnt how to make boats and sailing ships. These were mostly used for fishing and to sail short distances. When I was in the world I have sat in a boat and taught crowds of people on the sea shore.(Matt.13:1,2) Sometimes I also travelled in a ship with My disciples on the sea of Galilee. Before I left the world I commissioned My disciples to go into all the world and preach the Gospel.(Matt.19,20) Paul was the first missionary who went to other countries to preach the Gospel.(Acts13:1-5) Many times in his travels he suffered ship wreck and other hardships.(II Cor.11:24-27) Other disciples also like Thomas went to far off places to preach the Gospel and some died as martyrs there. Without the modern conveyances of travel the Gospel was preached and souls were saved. As man’s knowledge increased his desire for travelling to distant places also increased. So he began to use his knowledge and built modern vehicles in which he could travel comfortably and safely. But no vehicle is safe because accidents occur. People travelled to get wealth and fame. Some travelled for pleasure. Even the poor people somehow travelled by spending what they could afford. Travelling has become a part of man’s life. For the sake of adventure even at the risk of their lives people invent vehicles and travel in them. It is man’s thirst for knowledge that made him travel into space even upto the moon. But he can only go as far as I allow him. In these days as the end is very near these modern vehicles are useful for the servants of God to travel quickly from place to place to take the Gospel. They are able to go to the high


mountains, into deep forests and rocky places to preach the Gospel. Those who serve Me faithfully – I will bless them in their travelling and give them vehicles in which to travel. I also protect them on their journeys. Even like some of My disciples some servants of God are chosen to do the ministry wherever they are. Some have to travel to different places to preach the Word of God. Some are chosen to live in a foreign land and do the ministry there. Man’s life in the world is a long journey, the end of which will lead him to either heaven or to hell. Some live only to enjoy the pleasures of the world and they believe that their life’s journey ends with death. Others try to live good lives and worship different gods who, they believe will reward them in another life in some way or the other without knowing what or where they will be. Those who believe in Me – who are faithful to Me and live for Me in the world and worship Me alone- will realize that their life in the world is only a pilgrimage. They are pilgrims travelling to a far off land. In this life’s journey they will undergo trials and troubles and sorrows as children of the living God. But at the same time they will have My blessing and My presence always with them. They will have a joy and peace that the world cannot give them. At the end of their lives’ journey and travelling they will reach their eternal home in heaven where they will be with Me forever.”


21. GOD’S WILL “Father if thou be willing remove this cup from Me, nevertheless, not My will but thine be done.(Luke22:42) I prayed this in My agony in the garden of Gethsemane. I knew the suffering and torture I had to undergo. But I was willing to bear it according to My Father’s will. When I taught My disciples to pray I taught them to say – Thy will be done in the earth as it is in heaven.(Matt.6:9) This is the example I set for the people when I was on the earth. From the day sin came into the world people want to act according to their own will and pleasure. Many lost My blessing because of this. I rejected Cain’s offering because it was against My will.(Gen.4:5-7) Esau sold his birthright against My will and lost the blessings of the first born.(Gen.25:29-34) Though Joseph had to suffer everything that happened to him it was according to My will and purpose, and in the later days I lifted him up and blessed him, because in spite of suffering he was subject to My will. Though at first Moses resisted My will for him to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt it was because he felt he was incapable to do so – but he bowed to My will and obeyed Me.(Exodus.4) The first generation of Israelites who came out of Egypt did not reach the promised land, according to My will because of their sins.(Num.14:27-35) I rejected king Saul who wanted to rule according to his own will and not mine (I Sam.15) and I put King David in his place who always consulted My will,


through the prophets before taking any important action. I rejected the unsuitable sons of David and according to My will I chose Solomon. I raised up many prophets to teach the people what was My will for them and to obey it. When I came to the world I often preached to the people on how to live according to God’s will. I spoke through parables so that they will be able to understand. The faith of many increased by My preaching. To test the faith of the Syrophenician woman I told her it was not My will to heal those who were not Jews. When I said that the children’s food should not be thrown to the dogs she was so humble and her faith was so much that she replied that the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the children’s table. Her daughter was immediately healed, because seeing her faith and humility this was My will for her.(Mark7:25-30) The faith of the leper was such that he knew that if I had the will to heal him I could. So he prayed for his healing according to My will and he was healed.(Matt.8:1-3) I was willing to save the soul of the thief on the Cross because at that moment he repented for his sins.(Luke23:39-43) The Word of God says – Whatsoever you shall ask in My name according to My will you will receive.(John16:23,24) It is important that prayer requests must be made in My name and according to My will.(I John 5:14,15) Such a prayer will be answered though it may not be according to the will of the person who prays. The Word of God says – All things work together for good to them who love God, to them who are called according to His purpose. (Romans8:28)


Some people want their prayers to be answered at once according to their will without considering whether it would be good for them or not. I do answer some prayers at once because at that time it is My will for the good of that person. If a prayer is not answered at once, do not despair. That is why I told the parable of the judge who answered the widow’s request because of her continuous asking.(Luke18:1-7) Those who have faith, will be importunate in their prayer life. They will keep asking till they receive according to My will. They will ask for My will and knock at the doors of heaven till it is opened to them without giving up hope. These are the true believers . Pray in My name according to My will and you will receive My answer with My blessing.�


22. UNDERSTANDING GOD “My thoughts are not your thoughts and My ways are not your ways. (Isa.55:8) Who can understand My thoughts and My ways? No man can do it and I do not expect it from man because his understanding is so small in comparison to mine. As far as the east is from the west and farther even and deeper than the deepest sea, are My thoughts and My ways.(Isa.55:9) Though man may not understand he is to obey Me; because I am his Lord and Master and Creator. The two people in the garden did not understand why they should not eat the forbidden fruit. So instead of obeying Me they listened to satan and fell into sin.(Gen.3:1-6) Though Noah also did not understand what I meant when I told him that I would destroy the world by flood because he had never seen a flood in his life – still he obeyed Me and built the ark and thus saved himself and his family. The Israelites also sinned because they did not understand My thoughts and My ways of leading them out of Egypt into the promised land and so the first generation that came out of Egypt never reached the promised land. All through the Word of God there are those who believed in Me and obeyed Me blindly in faith and also those who disobeyed Me because they did not understand Me and lost their faith in Me. Though Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were taken into captivity, their faith was strong and they were willing even to die for Mysake. They did not need to understand My thoughts or My ways, even though they had to suffer.


Sometimes even My disciples could not understand, specially when I told them about My sufferings, death and resurrection.(Mark8:31-33) Thomas had to see with his eyes before he believed. That is why I said – Blessed are those who do not see and yet they believe.(John20:24-29) Before I left the world I instructed My disciples to tarry for the Holy Spirit before they did their ministry.(Luke24:49) With My resurrection their faith was strengthened and now though they did not understand what I meant when I said the Holy Spirit would come to them – still they believed and waited in the upper room in constant prayer till they were all filled with the Holy Spirit on the day of Penticost.(Acts2) From then onwards in spite of much sufferings and privation they took the Gospel to different places even though they knew they may have to die for the sake of the Gospel. Paul prayed three times that the thorn in his flesh should be removed. But when I told him that My grace was sufficient for him, he was willing to trust Me though he could not understand why he had to suffer that thorn.(IICor.12:7-9) Today there are different types of people in the world and different types of suffering. Those who worship other gods will do all kinds of sacrifices and penance and offerings to their gods to get relief from their sufferings or sickness. But when their prayers to these gods are not heard they curse their gods and stop their worship. Sometimes Christians also do like this. Soldiers in an army are taught to obey their superiors implicitly without asking - why? Even though a king may be wicked and pass cruel laws his


subjects obey him--though sometimes they rebel, like the Israelites bore the sufferings in Egypt till I chose to bring them out. The Word of God says – There were so many widows in Zarephath but one particular widow was chosen to feed Elijah.(Luke4:25-26) In their anguish believers cry out to Me – Why? Why? Why? Do I have to suffer like this? Why should this happen to me though I am your child? Why should I go to that place to do My ministry? My reply to them for all this is to comfort and console them and remind them of My promises to be with them and that I will never leave them or forsake them in any circumstance,.(Heb.13:5) though I may not make them to understand why they have to suffer. Those who trust Me will find the peace that passes understanding and comfort even in their sufferings, sorrows and trials,(Phil.4:7) because I have said to them that My thoughts are not your thoughts and My ways are not your ways.(Isa.55:8) The Word of God says – Give thanks in all circumstances .(IThes.5:18) Rejoice in the Lord always.(Phil.4:4) Those who know Me as their Lord and Saviour will understand that everything will be made clear to them when they enter into My kingdom and all their sorrows and trials are over.” (ICor.13:12)


23. PURITY Vision:- A Bible is open to Matthew 5th chapter (Matt.5:8). Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. When I spoke to the people on the mount, I told them so many things. But now the first thing I want to say is – Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.(Matt.5:8) I have also said – Be ye holy even as I am holy.( IPeter 1:16) I created man in My image as a human being, a little lower than the angels,(Ps.8:5) whom I created before I created man. But unholiness and jealous thoughts caused the downfall of Lucifer and his followers.(Is. 14:12-15) Man was given a mind of his own to choose between the pure and the impure. Impurity was brought into the world by satan. This was the sin of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah and also the sin of Israelites when they worshipped the calf. The same anger that I felt towards those people in those cities in those days, I feel even today when I see the impurity that is abounding in the world today. I have said – Your eyes are the light of the body.(Matt.6:22) If your eyes offend you pluck it out and throw it away. It is better to enter into heaven as a blind man than go to hell.(Matt.5:29) Today the minds of children even, and youth and elders are polluted by the impure sights of the so called entertainment world. The obscene actions, clothes, songs and dances that many people enjoy today are an abomination to Me.


Some Christians also find pleasure in this sort of entertainment and at the same time go to church and read the Word of God as a duty. Such Christians can never enter into My kingdom. These are the sins of the flesh which are mentioned in the Word of God.(Gal.5:19-24) Even the idols that some people worship are seen in impure postures and yet they worship them as gods. When a person is saved and washed in the blood that I shed on the Cross for the sins of the world, he has repented for his sins and left off the worldly desires of the flesh and impure deeds. He is now a new creature.(IICor. 5:14-17) But his life is also now of warfare with satan, who was once his friend and now his enemy.(Eph.6:12) Satan will try to tempt him in many ways to go back to his old life. Even servants of God have fallen into this temptation and lead a double life. To be pure and holy, a believer must always be filled with the Holy Spirit because unholiness cannot enter where there is holiness; impurity cannot enter where there is purity. To fight this battle with satan a believer has to wear his armour always.(Eph.6:13-18) Those who keep close contact with Me will be pure in their thoughts, words and deeds and it is they who will see Me when they read the Word of God and in prayer. The impure will incur the wrath of God if they do not repent and will receive the same punishment as the devil and his followers at the end of the world. Let them be warned, that the time is short and the end is near. As I have said – the pure will see Me in the Word of God and in prayer in this world and


in the next they shall see Me face to face(ICor.13:12) in My kingdom. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.(Matt.5:8)�


24. MERCY AND TRUTH “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.(Matt5:7) Mercy and truth go together – hand in hand. Those who are truthful are merciful also, and those who are merciful are truthful also. At times I may be like a consuming fire, but I am also a very merciful God. Although I was angry at the people who sinned in the Garden, I was merciful to them. Even in My punishment, I did not allow them to perish and I also allowed them to live and bring forth generations of people.(Gen.4:12) I destroyed the people in Noah’s time because in spite of warnings they were completely under the control of satan.(Gen.6:5; 7:19-22) I was merciful to the people who began to build the Tower of Babel against My will. I did not destroy them but created confusion in their language to prevent them from building the tower.(Gen.11:1-9) Many times I was patient with the Israelite people also. Sometimes I punished them when they went too far in their wickedness. Though I gave them leaders to guide them and teach them, My mercy never departed from them. (Ps.106) Because of My mercy towards them, even today I say – Pray for the lost sheep of Israel. I have brought them over to their own land, when they were scattered all over the world. Joseph was always truthful and so he could show mercy to his brothers when they came to Egypt.(Gen.45:1-5) David was also truthful and merciful. Even though Saul was his enemy, he was merciful to Saul and refrained from killing him even when he had the chance.(ISam.24:4,26:5)


Mercy and truth go together. I told the parable of the two debtors. The untruthful debtor was unmerciful to the man who owed him a little money, though he himself had been forgiven of a large debt.(Matt.18:23-34) I taught My disciples to be truthful and merciful. I was merciful to the woman who was caught in adultery and I forgave her sins and because of My mercy she turned away from all her sins. The unmerciful people who brought her to Me were untruthful false people.(John8:3-11) The priest and the Levite were unmerciful to the wounded merchant and it was only the Samaritan who showed mercy to him.(Luke10:30-36) There are wicked rulers and cruel rulers in the world without mercy for the people whom they rule. Even today there are such people in the high posts who are ready to punish those under them even for small faults, while they themselves do many wrong things and cover them up. Even in the family there are cruel, unmerciful fathers and even mothers in these days. Even children are sometimes cruel to other children. In every sphere of life there are merciful and unmerciful people. Those who do not show mercy to others will – oneday and sometime – be in a position, where they will have to beg for mercy. That is why the Word of God says – Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.(Matt.5:7) When it is in your power to show mercy to others – do it, so that you may also obtain mercy in your time of need. I am giving the people the opportunity in these days to be saved from their sins, to turn away from their wickedness, to worship Me alone as their


true God, because I am longsuffering and merciful.(Ps.103:8-11) I came to the world to give My life for the people so that whoever believes in Me should not perish but have everlasting life.(John3:16) My mercy and love is still offered to the people and those who avail of this will be saved. Those who reject My mercy will be punished. On the day of Judgement there will be no mercy for those who did not accept Me as their Saviour when they were in the world. They will be punished to suffer in hell. Those who have accepted Me will be rewarded to live with Me in My kingdom. I have also said – Be ye merciful as your Father in heaven is merciful to you. (Luke6:36) Show mercy to others and you will obtain mercy from others and from Me.�


25. LAMENESS “The Word of God says – The lame man shall leap like the hart.(Is.35:6) Today in the world there are not only lame people, but blind, deformed and crippled in different ways. Some are born lame and some become lame because of disease and accidents. Though those Israel people walked through the wilderness for forty years – neither they nor their animals became lame. Jonathan’s son Mephibosheth became lame when he fell down as an infant, when his nurse hurriedly carried him to escape.(IISAM.4:4) But when David came to the throne he took pity on him and invited him to eat at his table for all his meals. (IISam.9:6,7) A lame animal was not to be offered for sacrifice.(Deut.15:21) Lameness is only one of the physical defects which came into the world after sin came. When I came to the world I healed many lame people crippled in their legs unable to walk. Some are lame in one leg and are able to walk with the help of a stick. Some are lame in both legs and cannot walk and they have to be carried from place to place like the man at the Bethasda pool.(John5:5-9) I healed many such people at that time because I took pity on them. Blind people have other instincts which help them to move about safely. But a very lame person cannot do this.


Even in lameness there are different types as has been mentioned. Some people walk with only a slight limp without any aid. Others walk with the aid of a stick, and yet others cannot walk at all. In these modern days man has discovered many inventions and aids to help the lame to walk, and move about from place to place. Unless other parts of the body are affected – lameness itself is not a serious disease, and it is not an impediment for a lame person to use all his other faculties. I always had pity and compassion for those with physical defects because sometimes these people are scorned, ridiculed and shunned by others. There are spiritually lame people also in the world. They take their physical lameness as an excuse not to work for the kingdom of God, whereas they are ready to run to places of pleasure. Some people have two good legs – they are not lame. But they are ready to give lame excuses to do good and to serve Me, and to spend their time in the spiritual things. There are lazy people also who try to benefit from their lameness. At the same time there are the children of God who may be lame or blind or have some physical defect in the body , but are using all their efforts to serve Me and save the souls for My kingdom.(Rom.10:15) I have a very special love and compassion and a soft corner in My heart for them. I bless their ministry and I also bless them in other ways. This message is specially for the lame, so that they may not be discouraged because of their lameness. If they are willing to serve Me, I can use them in a special way for the glory of My kingdom and I will bless them also in a special way. I am also willing to heal them if they ask and pray in faith.


For those who are spiritually lame the Word of God says – Make straight the paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way, but rather let it be healed.(Heb.12:13) The children of God who are physically lame in the world, who are faithful till the end – when they enter My kingdom - even as the Word of God says – The lame man shall leap like a hart with two legs. (Is.35:6)”



TESTIMONY OF SIS. GLORIA DHARMAPALAN “… I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction”. (Is. 48:10) I praise the Lord for the furnace of affliction, through which I was saved by the blood of Jesus and my family was blessed. From that day I never looked back but went forward growing in my spiritual life. I continued to have a very close relationship with my Lord and Saviour Jesus speaking to Him. He has spoken, guided and upheld me in my daily life. In 1975 I received the anointing of the Holy Spirit with the manifestation of praising and speaking in tongues. As I progressed I experienced miracles and visions while praying at home and in church. The Lord used me to serve Him by ministering to others. There were instants when the Lord has told to pray specifically for unknown people, even mentioning their names at times. Thus I could see the gifts of the Holy Spirit being operated. I give all the glory to Him. From 1990, while praying with my daughter Helen Solomon, the Lord has given visions and messages on many topics which Helen has written down what I repeated as the Lord told me. On 06.03.1990 the Lord said, “I give you the privilege of having a relationship with me which is more than any human relationship because you are my beloved children. Desire for this relationship and I will give it to you, as you grow in your spiritual life”. On 21.03.1990, the Lord said, “The special gift of the Holy Spirit you have from above, is more precious than gold. Guard it. You will know how to use it in time that my Name may be glorified among the heathen. As commissioned by the Lord Jesus, these messages were written for all to read and be blessed and for the Glory of God. Alleluia! Mrs. Gloria Dharmapalan

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