God Speaks - Vol VII

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GOD SPEAKS Gloria Dharmapalan

GOD SPEAKS - VOL VII info@godspeaks.in www..godspeaks.in Designed by Kingston Abraham © Beracah All rights reserved © Cover Design , by Kingston Abraham © Paper Back Design, by Kingston Abraham Distributed under license Creative Commons First Edition, April 2016

God Speaks - VOL VII God Speaks are messages given by God to Gloria Dharmapalan, My mother, from 1990 to 2001. As commissioned by the Lord Jesus these messagesgiven during prayer are, for all to read and be blessed. They are a source ofencouragement. They open our eyes to many truths and deep meanings of the Word of God. On March 22nd , 1990 the Lord said, “Little by little you are learning things from Me. Because your understanding is small, I speak to you of simple things. Because like Mary you sit at My feet to hear Me speaking, I speak to you, My children. As I teach you, you must teach these things to others. Speak to them about the things I teach you. It is not only for yourselves I tell these things. It is so that others may also hear them from you and benefit from it. I will teach more things in the days to come. You will receive My blessings when you do it.� These messages are in simple spoken English so that anyone who reads them can understand them.Those who read these messages are sure to hear His voice saying, I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not.(Jeremiah33:3) Read on and be blessed.

Praise the Lord.





1. LOOKING UNTO JESUS “I have told you so many times – lift up your eyes to the hills from where your help comes.(Psalm 121:1) Keep your eyes on Me. In the world many things may distract you from looking at Me. The Word of God says - When I come to the world a second time- every eye shall see Me and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord.(Philipians 2:11) But I say to you today, Now you look at Me. Even now you can look at Me and see Me. Yes, for thirty years that crippled man sat near the pool. He was looking at the water, waiting for the angel to stir the water to get his healing. But when I came there, he looked at Me. Immediately he received the healing. He was blessed.(John 5:5-9) Zaccaeus wanted to see Me. He climbed the sycomore tree because he was short. His anxiety to see Me was such that it made Me look at him. I told him to come down. I went to his house and he was blessed there.(Luke 19:2-9) Blind Bartimaeus sat by the wayside begging. He immediately sensed My Presence as I was passing. Although he could not look at Me with his physical eyes, he could see Me with his spiritual eyes.He was healed there and he received his salvation.(Mark 10:46-52) He was blessed physically as well as spiritually. Oh, that poor rich man who came to see Me and asked Me what he should


do to have eternal life. But when I told him to give up his riches to the poor and follow Me, he was not willing and he went away sorrowfully. Though he saw Me he was not blessed because he was looking at the worldly riches and holding on to it. I am here for you to look at Me and even if you don’t see Me with your physical eyes, you can see Me with your spiritual eyes and feel My Presence. I am the same yesterday, today and forever. I never change. I give you the privilege to look at Me because as My children you can always see Me; you can touch Me and you can hear Me. You can receive all My blessings because I came to this world for you. I came to bless all who really want to look at Me. Those ten lepers came to see Me. They looked at Me and they were healed. I did not go in search of them. They came to Me, looked at Me and received their healing. Throughout the Word of God, if you read it carefully, you will know about all those who looked at Me. Before Adam and Eve sinned, they used to come running to see Me, but after they sinned they hid from Me. Their sin covered their eyes and did not allow them to look at Me. I gave My life, I shed My blood to open your eyes, to wash away your sins, so that your eyes may look at Me and you will be saved. Moses looked at Me; Noah looked at Me; all the people who looked at Me were saved from their sins and blessed.


I am here to save you. As you look at Me today you will be blessed because it is My wish. It is My will that you should be blessed. You are looking at Me now as I talk to you. You are looking at Me for blessings and I say –Receive them.�


2. KING, RICHMAN AND BEGGAR “The Israel people wanted a king to rule over them though I gave them judges and prophets to guide them, after the death of Moses. They were never satisfied with what they had and were always demanding something or the other. Now they wanted a king like the other nations around them.I even warned them that a king was likely to cheat them and even be cruel to them and other disadvantages of having a king.(I Samuel 8:5-18) Till now they were all equal and were treated equally by those who had the leadership among them. In spite of this they insisted on having a king. Some of the kings chosen by Me were true to Me and some were not. Most of the nations had kings to whom the people paid their tribute and built palaces for them. The king was the richest man in his kingdom and he could do what he liked. Those who read the Word of God will find in it recorded the lives and rules of different kings mainly of Israel and other nations like Babylon and Syria. I helped Israel to overcome some of these kings and occupy their lands. I sometimes allowed the other kings to capture the Israelites because they disobeyed Me and worshipped idols. All authority and power and riches was in the hands of the king of a country. Though I am the king of kings and Lord of Lords, out of love for the people of the world, to save them from their sins I left My throne in the heavenly kingdom and came to the world as a humble man to die on the cross for


the sins of the people. But after My resurrection once again I am seated on My throne and will return again as the King of Kings. Those who believe in Me are made kings and priests as the Word of God says,(Revelation 1:5-7) though they may be poor in the worldly sense. The Word of God says, the rich man sat at his table and ate and drank while the beggar, Lazarus picked up the crumbs that fell from the rich man’s table. When they both died the beggar Lazarus went to heaven while the rich man went to hell; not because he was rich but because he was wicked.(Luke16;19-31) Abraham also was rich but he was humble and obedient to Me. Today in the world there are people who are richer than kings. There are only a few kings left in the world. There are some kings also who have lost their status and riches living in obscurity. In these last days even those who were once poor and uneducated have become rich and hold high posts in the government of the land. Some rise up through their own hardwork and effort while others come up by crooked ways. There is no stability in the world in these days because these are the signs of the end. Those who read the Word of God will read about these signs in the last days. I bless many children of God with riches without sorrow.(Proverbs 10:22) All rich people are not bad, even as all kings were not tyrants and all poor people are not good people. Wealth and position last only as long as a person lives. Those who are spiritually rich, those who have been saved from their sins


by the blood I shed on the cross, and those who love Me, believe Me, worship Me alone and serve Me in this world are the true kings and rich people and blessed by Me; though they may be poor materially. After their death they will live with Me in My kingdom while the wicked kings, the wicked rich people and the wicked poor will be condemned after their death to live in hell. What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul.(Mark8:36)


3. SACRIFICE AND BAPTISM “I indeed baptise you with water but he who is coming after Me is before Me, the latch of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose. He will baptise you with the fire of the Holy Ghost. So said John the Baptist to those who came to him to be baptised for the repentance of their sin. Cain and Abel offered the sacrifices of their first fruits. This was a thanksgiving offering. Abel was really grateful for his blessings but Cain did his offering just only as a ritual. He was not grateful for the blessings he received from Me. I accepted Abel’s offering and rejected Cain’s offering.(Genesis 4:3-5) From that time there were different kinds of offerings and sacrifices –like thansgiving offerings and sin offerings and cleanliness offerings and sacrifices of animals and birds. When I saved Noah and his family from the flood Noah offered a sacrifice of thanksgiving for his salvation from the flood. When people began to worship other gods and idols they offered sacrifices to those gods also. Before the Israelites came out of Egypt they ate the passover sacrifice.The angel of death saw the sacrificial blood on the door-posts and passed over their houses is a symbol of salvation. The blood was the symbol of salvation for them (Exodus 12:21-23) even as My blood that I shed on the cross, for the people of the whole world, from their sins. I brought them out of Egypt and made them pass through the Red Sea into safety. Now they were really saved from the Egyptians whom they never


saw again. Their passing through the waters of the sea was a symbol of their baptism.(I Corinthians 10:1,2) Those who are saved from their sins and pass through the waters of baptism are protected from their enemy, the devil. John the Baptist preached repentance of sins and baptised in the water those who repented for their sins. Before I began My ministry I came to John the Baptist to be baptised of him. He recognised Me as the Son of God who came to the world to save the people from their sins. He hesitated to baptise Me but I made him do it. When I was baptised the Holy Spirit descended upon Me.(Matthew 3:13-17) Though I was sinless, because I was in the world as a man, I took the baptism so that the people in the world may realise the importance of baptism.My disciples whom I chose were baptised by John and they in turn baptised others who came to Me and believed in Me and repented for their sins. The blood of bulls and goats cannot wash away the sins of the people.(Hebrews 10:4) Some who offered animal sacrifices even in those days, did them without repenting for their sins and the idol-worshippers also did the same. When I shed My blood on the cross for the sins of the whole world there was no more need for any animal sacrifice. It is only My blood which can wash away peoples sins.(Hebrews 9) Those who believe in this salvation and are baptised are saved from their sins.That is what the Word of God says.(Mark 16:16) Sometimes those who are unsaved also take baptism as a ritual. Water baptism is the symbol of salvation; as the water represents the blood that washes them clean from their sins. So there is no meaning in an unsaved person taking baptism.


The baptism of the Holy Spirit is what the disciples experienced in the upper room.(Acts 2) The Holy Spirit baptism is a purifying baptism.After their salvation those who spend more time in prayer and reading the Word of God and in fellowship with the believers will receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. As the Word of God says 窶的n the last days I will pour out My Spirit.(Joel2:28; Acts2:17) In these last days everywhere the Gospel is preached and where the people are saved, they are filled with the Holy Spirit. Wonders and miracles are taking place by the power of the Holy Spirit like in the days of the Apostles. All those who believe in Me, who are saved from their sins, baptised in water, and baptised by the Holy Spirit will see the wonders and miracles taking place when they pray for others in serving Me. After I was baptised in the water and the Holy Spirit came upon Me, satan tempted Me. After I overcame the temptation of satan, I was strengthened by My Father and I did My ministry in the world.(Matthew4:1-15) Those who are serving Me to save the souls will also have to undergo temptations and trials so that they will be strengthened to do the ministry. I will be with them, uphold them and strengthen them. Those who desire to grow in their spiritual life and serve Me after they are saved must be baptised with water and the fire of the Holy Spirit. The gifts of the Holy Spirit will work through them.(I Corinthians12:8-10) This is a blessing I give to all My children who believe in Me and live for Me and who offer their sacrifices of praises(Herews13:15) and thanksgiving.(Psalm 107:22)


4. PROFESSIONS “Come and let us build a tower that reaches upto the sky so that we may be safe the next time when the flood comes to destroy the world, said those people who began to build the tower of Babel.(Genesis 11:1-4) I had already promised that the world would not be destroyed by flood and as a sign of My promise I set the rainbow in the sky. Yet these people did not believe Me and they started to build the tower. I put an end to this by confusing their language. I created man with an intellect to help him to live his life in the world against all odds like adverse climate, and wild animals. But he sometimes misused his intellect. From time immemoria, as man increased in the world, according to the needs and environment, people of different professions appeared. There are still monuments of engineering skill built in the far off days, like the tower of Babel and the Pyramids built without the modern implements and facilities that the engineers of today have. As the population increased and man’s intellect grew, as it is said in the Word of God that man’s knowledge shall increase at the time of the end (Daniel 12:4) – he began to build and build and invent more and more new inventions for his comfort, pleasure and to make more money. As more and more destructive ammunitions of war were invented – to protect himself he now tries to build havens of refuge to hide. He wants to build


underground cities of refuge like the disciples of old lived in the catacombs when they were persecuted. He also has ideas of living in other planets.But all these plans are against My will. Those who read the Word of God will understand and know that only the earth was created for man to live in and there is no form of earthly life in any other planet.(Psalms 115:16) The Word of God says – at the end of the world before the judgement the whole earth will be destroyed and a new earth will be created for the ransomed children of God to live in. (Revelations21:1-3) Those who believe in Me and have been saved from their sins will live there. Even in the days of Noah there were skilled workmen like carpenters who helped Noah to build the ark. The finished ark was a beautiful workmanship built by simple carpenters. Carpentary is an art and a talent given to man. My earthly father Joseph was a humble carpenter. When I was in the world I helped My father in his work. (Matthew13:55; Mark 6:3) Rich business men sell costly wooden articles and furniture which are often made by the humble carpenter. Many forests have been deluded of their trees for the sake of the wood and wood has become a costly commodity. This is because of man’s greed to become rich by destroying forests and creating deserts in certain places. Some of My disciples were simple fishermen who left their profession when I called them to follow Me.(Mark 1:16-20) Today the product from the sea has become a roaring businesss. With the modern invention many in this business have become very rich. Even in this business there are unlawful and crooked


dealings. Such people will be judged unless they repent. In all professions there are goodmen and crooked men. In the government offices in these days there are all kinds of corruptions. Zacchaeus was an income tax officer who earned money by crooked means till the day he met Me and I went to his house. From that day he and his household were saved and his life was changed.(Luke 19:2-10) Some of the worst things go on in the medical profession. This is a very highly skilled profession because serious diseases are cured and lives are saved. I support and help the true doctors in their work. I have often stand in the operation room and guide the hands of the doctor while doing the operation. By My touch the operation is successful and the patient is cured. Sometimes I send an angel to do this. For those doctors who sincerely believe in Me I will help them in this way. As in the days of old I do a miracle healing when the disease is incurable by the doctors. Many who have experienced this healing have testified of this. Woe unto the doctors who abuse their professsion for worldly gain. The teaching profession is also a noble profession. It is not an easy job to teach others but it is a blessed profession to impart knowledge to the children and to others. Some of My disciples were learned men like Luke who was a doctor;(Colosians 4:14) Matthew who collected taxes; and Paul who was highly educated. Today education is a blessing to many. There are Bilble colleges and Bible teachers and scholars, but there are false doctrines which are taught in some


places and preached also. Peter and Andrew were not very educated but like them I bless the uneducated who believe in Me and serve Me and I can use them also for My glory. Even among the teachers there are those who are true to their profession, who work sincerely while others use their profession to earn money without doing their duties sincerely. The Word of God says –In the last days there will be false prophets, false pastors and false teachers.(II Peter 2:1) Even among the pastors and preachers who have such a great responsibility there are false pastors.(Jeremiah 2:8) This is not a profession. They must remember being a pastor of a church is a ministry and that God is his Master to whom he has to give an account.(Jeremiah23: 1,2) He is not responsible for the bodies of the people in His church but for their souls which are immortal. There are many who are highly qualified and in high positions - at My calling have left lucrative jobs to work in the ministry of the Gospel, like My disciples. Those who are true to their calling and profession – though they may undergo hardships will be blessed in this world and the next but woe unto those who do crooked things in their profession for the sake of worldly gain and position! They will receive their punishment unless they confess their sins and come to the cross to be washed by My blood and saved and change their lives. I came to the world and gave My life to save the sinners. Those who have sinned, if they repent and come to Me will be saved.�


5. JOSEPH (Genesis 37, 39-47) “From a very young age Joseph grew up as a motherless child. His mother Rachel died while giving birth to his brother Benjamin.(Genesis35:16-19) But he was the favoured child of his father Jacob which created jealousy in the hearts of his ten elder step brothers.(Genesis 37:3,4) Joseph was innocent of this and he loved his brothers. Even today there are some children who are motherless and fatherless and others who are deserted by parents or living in homes where there is no love. Even as a child Joseph knew Me as the true God and often prayed to Me. The unloved children who look to Me for love will receive My love and care and protection in spite of their home circumstances. Although growing up in the same home the ten brothers lived worldly lives. They were not faithful in their duties and they were lazy whereas Joseph was active and intelligent and obeyed his father and his step-mother Leah. In some families some of the members are like the ten brothers and some are like Joseph. Although the other brothers had good clothes they were jealous of Joseph because his father made him a coat of many colours. Cain was jealous of Abel because Cain was a worldly man whereas Abel was spiritual. So Abel was My chosen one. Esau was worldly whereas Jacob was spiritual and so Jacob was chosen to be the father of the twelve Israel tribes. Out of the twelve sons of Jacob, Joseph was the chosen one. All had the same opportunities but they rejected Me for the worldly things.


Even as in the world today many are called and given the opportunities to become a child of God or a servant of God but some reject Me and choose the world and lose the opportunity I give them. Those who hear Me, who reject the world and choose Me are My chosen people whom I choose for the glory of My kingdom. Joseph was the chosen vessel in Jacob’s house. He understood Me when I spoke to him even in a young age –in his teen age. I sometimes spoke to My people through dreams and Joseph knew that the two dreams that he had were given by Me though I had not revealed the meaning to him at that time. He thoght that his father and brother would understand the dreams when he told them about what he dreamt . Jacob had the experience of hearing Me speak to him in dreams (Genesis 28:12-15) and he interpreted the dreams correctly that Joseph’s parents and brothers would oneday bow to him.But he did not believe it would come true in future. So he admonished Joseph for what he thought was his pride. His brothers also now hated him more because of the dreams.(Genesis37:5-11) The children of the world who are jealous of the children of the God will also hate them because the lives of God’s children are pure and different from the lives of the worldly people. Like Joseph was persecuted by his brothers, thrown into the pit and sold to the Egyptians, God’s children who are faithful to Me must be prepared to undergo persecution. All the time Joseph’s life was in My hands and everything was going


according to My purpose and plan. Yes, those who submit themselves and surrender their lives completely to Me will be led and guided by Me in spite of trials and persecution so that I can fulfill My plans and purposes in them. In spite of his temptation in Potiphar’s house he was faithful and true though he had to be thrown in the jail.(Genesis 39:7-23) For the sake of the Word of God, My disciples and My servants have been true to Me, though they have been tortured, thrown to wild animals and imprisoned. They will receive their reward in My kingdom. I lifted Joseph out of the prison, set him in a high position in Egypt and blessed him in many ways. Now My plan and purpose was fulfilled in Joseph. He was the instrument that I used to save the thousands of people from starvation. (Genesis 41) In all his trials and sufferings he was true to Me and never worshipped any other God. His life was an example to those he came in contact with. Their bodies as well as their souls were saved by Joseph. When Joseph’s brothers came to buy corn in Egypt thogh they did not recognize him he recognized them. But he had only true love for them and did not remember all the evil they did to him and forgave and forgot all the evil they did to him. When Joseph revealed himself to them all their arrogance was gone and they feared him. They thought he would take revenge on them but his love and forgiveness completely changed them and they were changed and became goodmen. As Jacob was also My chosen vessel and true to Me , when he came to


Egypt and saw Joseph, he realised that My hand was all the time leading and guiding Joseph and Jacob blessed Joseph and his family. When I was in the world many times I have spken about forgiveness. I have said –Do good to those who hate you.(Matthew 5:44) I also said – If your brother sins against you and repents forgive him even upto seventy times seven(Matthew 18:21,22) which means without count. I have spoken many parables about pride and arrogance(Luke 18:9-14) and all evil thoughts and actions.(Mark 7:14-23) I have warned the people in My Word that those who are wicked cannot enter into My kingdom.(Galatians 5:19-21) Those who are true to Me in spite of trials, temptations, persecutions and troubles will receive My blessings in this world and I will give them a crown of glory in My kingdom.”


6. GIFTS “All good and perfect gifts come from above to those who love God(James 1:17) and those who believe in the true God. Gifts are given and gifts are received and both the giver and the receiver are blessed when gifts are given out of love - because gifts are not always given by people out of love. Some do it as a duty or formality or in return of a gift they received at sometime and those who receive gifts are not always grateful for what they receive. The first gift I gave mankind when I created him was the gift of life and intellect.(Genesis 1:26-28) He was created with a body. I also gave him the gift of dominating the lower creatures; but he was ungrateful and in disobedience to Me he sinned. Even then I did not deprive him of the gift of life and intellect that I gave him though I punished him for his sin and condemned him to death. To save man from everlasting death of body and soul - because of his sins to redeem him I offered Myself as a gift of sacrifice( by My death on the cross and by My resurrection.) For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.(John 3:16) Without understanding this and drawn away by satan, people try to redeem themselves and wash away their sins by different means. They offer gifts of sacrifices, money and other offerings to different gods. All this is of no use. Only the gift of My blood that I shed on the cross can save mankind from


their sins. Those who believe in this and in Me will receive the gift of eternal life, and live with Me in My kingdom.(Romans5:12-21; 6:23) Some rich people – out of their riches give gifts of charity to the poor and to the places of worship. They offer costly gifts and money so that the gods may be pleased with them. In My Word I have said –do not worry about tomorrow what you may eat or drink or wear because I know all your needs as your heavenly Father and I will supply them. I have also said – Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.(Matthew6:33) Those who give first place for Me in their lives will receive the material gifts also. Thus I have given many of My children gifts of high positions in the world where I can use them for My glory. I offer all the gifts for everyone. Sunshine and rain, good health, food and clothing are gifts enjoyed by everyone whether good or bad, poor or rich. It is important how people use the gifts I give them. The gift of sight is misused by people who look at evil and bad things and read bad books. In the same way they misuse their hands to steal and harm others though man’s hands were created to do good things to earn his living and to help others.(Matthew 5:29,30) The legs are also misused when they run to do evil and to go to evil places. (Isaiah59:7) The gift of intelligence was also given to man to help him in learning good things and knowledge in the Word of God and in knowing the true God. But he misuses the intellect also to invent harmful things to destroy each other. It is when a person loses the gift of sight, his hands, legs or intellect, he realises how important these gifts were to him given by God and repents for having misused them. Those who have prayed to Me in their repentance I have


given the gifts to them to use them for My glory. The most important gifts in the world today are the spiritual gifts -The gift of Salvation and the gift of the Holy Spirit. Those who go to church and pray and read the Word of God as a formality or duty without repenting for their sins cannot receive the gifts of salvation and the Holy Spirit though I offer them freely to all. Those who repent for their sins and believe in My death and resurrection, for the salvation of their souls, will receive the gift of salvation, as a result of which they receive the gift of living in My kingdom with Me. Their names will be written in the Book of Life.(Revelation 21:24-27) The Word of God says – When an earthly father knows how to give good gifts to his children how much more will your heavenly Father give you the good gift of the Holy Spirit .(Luke 11:13) I have said – Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened unto you.(Luke11:9,10) When a child wants a toy or a sweet with how much longing he asks his father for those gifts! In the same way when a child of God, with thirst and longing, asks for the gift of the Holy Spirit he will receive it. In these last days millions are being blessed by this gift of the Holy Spirit and its manifestation and miracles take place when the gifts are operated. Those who have received the gifts of Salvation and the Holy Spirit, who serve Me till the end to bring the souls into My kingdom will find a special place in heaven as a reward for their faithfulness. The gift of life, the gifts of body and mind, the gifts of the soul and the


spirit which are the gifts of Salvation and the Holy Spirit – all these are good gifts given from heaven by the Father above. Those who believe His Son Jesus who came to the world to save them from their sins will find a blessing in these gifts in this life and the next. “


7. SAUL AND DAVID “Saul had slain his thousands and David his ten thousands –thus sang the women of Israel when David returned after his battle with the Philistines. This was the cause of jealousy against David in Saul’s heart.(I Samuel 18:7,8) When I first chose a king for the Israel people according to their wish – I chose Saul. He was a very tall, well-built handsome man. He had the personality and the ability to be a king. (I Samuel 9:2) When the Israelites looked at Saul they were delighted at the choice I had made. In the beginning of his rule he proved himself to be a good king. He fought his battles and won them because before going to the battle he always prayed to Me and took the advice I gave him through My prophet Samuel.(I Samuel 13:1-3) I blessed him with riches and victory. He sought My help to rule over My people. But gradually he became proud and careless. He lived a life of pleasure and in enjoying the worldly things his prayerlife also changed. His faith in Me grew less. He did not have the courage to face Goliath. I rejected him and chose David.(I Samuel 16:8-14; 15:28) This is what can happen to a servant of God, or a child of God or a believer. Those who put their faith in Me and come often into My presence and serve Me, I bless them in many ways – spiritually as well as materially. But sometimes a servant of God may use the material wealth I give him to enjoy the pleasures of the world. He finds less time for prayer and for the Gospel work. He becomes full of pride and looks down on the poor. He gives


room for satan to draw him away from Me. He may even fall into sin or he may do his ministry as a duty or for the sake of the money it brings. If he repents I will forgive him, but otherwise I will punish him. I rejected Saul and chose David to be the next king of Israel. The Israel people saw only the outward appearance of Saul. They could not see the evil in his heart. He allowed satan to take hold of him. At first he was glad when David began to fight his battles for him and leave him time to enjoy the pleasures of the world. But when the people began to praise David and turn towards him and he heard the women singing Saul has slain his thousands but David has slain his ten thousands he became jealous of David and planned to kill him.(I Samuel18:8-12) David was a simple shepherd boy with a good heart, brave and with many talents. Except for one instance – for which he repented –he was faithful to Me till the end. When I stopped communicating with Saul, instead of repenting for his sins he turned to witchcraft to communicate with Me. Though David was persecuted by Saul and was always going to battle he never lost his faith in Me and I blessed him and his future generations. There was always a king of Israel who was of David’s line and I was also known as the Son of David.Those who are true to Me in the ministry and life and serve Me faithfully in spite of trials and sorrows, will be blessed as a child of God in this world and in My kingdom.


Those who misuse the wealth and blessings I give them will be tempted by satan. Pride and jealousy and evil thoughts will enter their hearts. They will be rejected by Me in this world and in the next. As a servant of God or a believer it is your choice to be blessed by Me now and in the end; or to be rejected .�


8. THE LORD’S PRAYER “When I walked on the earth with My disciples, (who followed Me) they were witnesses to My ministry of healing and preaching. They believed Me that I was the Son of God and they worshipped Me. This was a pleasant time for Me as I ate with them and enjoyed their company. These quiet talks I had with them prepared them for the ministry they had to do after I left the world. On one such occasion they asked Me to teach them how to pray. They had seen Me praying to My Father in heaven. So I taught them to pray in this manner. Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever.Amen.(Matthew 6:9-13; Luke 11:1-4) When I taught them to say ‘Our Father who art in heaven” I made them understand that My Father was their Father also. On another occasion when I talked to them about My Father they asked Me to show them My Father. Then I told them I and My Father are one and those who have seen Me have seen My Father also. (John 14:8,9) This applies today to all those who believe that I was sent to the world by My Father to save the world from their sins. They will also understand what I said – that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are one.


The Jews of those days could not understand this. They wanted to stone Me. Those who do not believe in Me cannot have access to the Father and the Holy Spirit. There are people in the world today who cause divisions and confusion because they cannot understand that the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit are one. Those who pray in the Spirit to the Father in the name of the Son will receive the answers to their prayers. The name of God has to be hallowed and revered because I am a holy God and I have said in My Word be ye holy even as I am holy.(Leviticus19:2; I Peter 1:16) Holiness belongs to the Lord. The pure in heart shall see God. (Matthew5:8) Those who worship Me must pray in holiness and offer praises and thanksgiving. The angels in heaven are always praising saying Holy Holy Lord Almighty.( Isaiah6:2,3) Those who offer praises in their worship will be blessed. Man’s life in the world is a very short time. When he dies his soul lives on etenally. My kingdom is in heaven and satan also has a kingdom in hell. Those who believe in Me must pray that everything in their lives should be done according to My will. Even as in heaven the heavenly beings are under My will and control, My children on earth should also be under My will and control. I am the Father who supplies all the needs of My children. I have said in My Word worry not about what you have to eat or wear . Your heavenly Father knows that you have need of these things and He will supply them for you when you put your faith in Him.(Matthew6:25-32) I also said Man shall not live by bread alone but by every Word that proceedeth from the mouth of


God;(Matthew4:3) and Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things( your material needs) shall be added unto you. (Matthew6: 33) I often preached to My disciples and the crowds about forgiveness. I told many parables about this also. When I was asked how many times a man should forgive his brother who sinned against him I replied seventy times seven which meant countless times. When I have given My life for you and forgiven all your sins you should also forgive others who sin against you. Otherwise your sins will not be forgiven. (Matthew6:14,15) The Word of God says God does not tempt man.(James 1:13) I sometimes allow man to be tempted like Job, so that he will be strengthened and when he overcomes the temptation satan will be defeated. I have promised in My Word I will not allow you to be tempted beyond your ability and there will always be a way to escape in your temptation.(I Corinthians 10:13) Those who are strong in their faith, who live close to Me will know how to bear their trials and temp tations and to overcome them. The heavenly kingdom is mine. Those who have believed and are washed in My blood of all their sins, have the right to live with Me in My kingdom. Those who do not believe in Me till the end will live with satan in hell in his kingdom. I am the King of Kings and the Lord of lords and Mine is the power and glory for ever and ever. Amen.�


9. THE RIGHTEOUS “Many shall be called but few are chosen.(Matthew22:14) Unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the Scribes and the Pharisees you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.(Matthew5:20) Cain and Abel both believed that I was God. But Abel was righteous and so his offering was accepted and Cain’s was rejected. At the time of the flood only Noah and his family were saved because they were righteous. The unrighteousness of the other people led them into sin and idol-worship, for which sins they were destroyed. Abraham was well-known for his righteouness and so he was called the friend of God and he was blessed.(James2:23) Esau and Jacob grew up in the same home. Outwardly Esau seemed to be more righteous than Jacob but at heart he was not so. Outwardly in man’s sight Jacob was a deceiver but at heart he was truly righteous. Man sees the outward but God sees the inner man.(I Samuel16:7) So Jacob was more blessed. Joseph was more righteous than all his eleven brothers and so he was lifted up to a high position though he had many sufferings. Moses rejected the high position of being called the son of Pharoah’s daughter because he was righteous. He prefered to suffer with My people.(Hebrews11: 24,25) So he was chosen to lead the Israelites out of Egypt into the promised land. Sometimes righteous people when they are tempted by satan – they lose


their righteousness because they give in to temptation. This is what happened to King Saul. King David stayed close to Me and he was able to uphold his righteousness -in spite of being tempted once for which he repented. Those who read the Word of God faithfully can easily distinguish between the righteous people and the unrighteous. When I was in the world the Pharisees were known for their outward righteousness because they made a show of keeping the commandments. Many times I pointed out their faults but they did not repent. They became angry with Me and reviled Me in front of the people. In reply I told them that I came not to save the righteous but the sinners.(Mark2:16,17) I exposed their so called righteousness and told the people that except their righteousness exceedeth the so called outward righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees they cannot enter the kingdom of heaven.(Matthew 5:20) Today also I say the same. Outwardly there are people who appear religious but their hearts are far away from God. They indulge in bribery and corruption and at the same time they live an unrighteous secret life of sin. The sinners and even murderers who sincerely repent for their sins and look to Me for their salvation will lead a life of righteousness. But those who have the pride that they are righteous and do not repent will go to hell while the truly righteous will enter the kingdom of God. The righteous shall shine as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.�(Matthew13:43)


10. MOTHERS “I told the women of Jerusalem who wept for Me as I carried the cross through the streets of Jerusalem weep not for Me but weep for yourselves and your children.(Luke 23:28) Eve was the first mother in the world and she was also the first mother to shed bitter tears for her children, Cain and Abel. Abel died at the hands of Cain and Cain was punished to become a wanderer. Eve realised that such things could not have happened if she had not brought sin into the world by her disobedience to God by eating the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden. Noah’s wife was a good mother and a good wife. Her three sons did not join the evil people of those days in living lives of sin because their mother from their young age brought them up to pray and to be good. That is why besides Noah and his wife, the three sons and their wives were also saved from the flood that destroyed the world. Mothers who do not teach their children to be prayerful and good from their childhood will have to shed bitter tears like Eve. Sarah had a great desire to have a child. Though I promised Abraham to give him a child she could not wait till that promise was fulfilled.She made the mistake of giving Hagar as wife to Abraham to get a child. When Isaac was born Hagar and Ishmael had to be sent out. Today the desendants of Isaac and Ishmael – the Jews and the Arabs are fighting for the same inheritance.


Couples who do not get children sometimes adopt some children and they may later on get their own children but they do not treat the adopted child as their own child. It is also common to hear step-mothers ill-treating their step-children. I have said in My Word - Whoever harms these little ones, a mill stone should be tied round his neck and should be cast into the sea.(Matthew18:6) Such cruel mothers will receive their punishment. Even some own mothers are unkind and unloving to their children. That is why I said- Can a mother forget her child that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yea, she may forget, yet will I not forget thee. (Isaiah49:15) Rebekah had two sons, Esau and Jacob, but she was partial to Jacob . She encouraged him to deceive his father and also his brother. This caused the separation between her two sons and the happiness was lost in the family. All children should be treated alike by a mother because the favoured child will become a spoilt child who will not know how to move with other people and will create an unhappy life for himself and for others. Jochebed was a prayerful and loving mother. She was also wise. She had the faith that God would somehow protect baby Moses when she put him in the river in the basket. She had the joy of briging up her child for a few years which instilled love for the true God and his people in his heart even when he grew up. (Exodus 2:1-10) Jochebed’s children Moses and Aaron were chosen to lead the Israel people out of Egypt. The children of a prayerful and loving mother will always be blessed.


There were many young virgins but Mary was chosen to be My mother.She was pure and holy and prayerful. That is what the angel told her. She was highly favoured in the sight of God to be chosen as the mother of the Saviour of the world. Though people may despise her she was willing to undergo the shame because she knew that the child she was chosen to bear was not an ordinary child and she was only a vessel chosen by God. The Word of God says that I- Jesus grew up in wisdom and stature and in favour with God and man.(Luke2:52) My mother Mary was also a reason for this. She sometimes forgot that I was not an ordinary child. When after searching for Me for three days she and Joseph found Me in the temple, at the age of twelve, discussing the Scriptures with the learned men. The Word of God says –Mary pondered these things in her heart.(Luke2:51) When I began My ministry she realised that I was not her child and she was not My mother anymore. She and Joseph had other normal children. One day when she and her sons came to see Me, while I was preaching to a crowd in a house and someone informed Me that My mother and brothers wished to see Me, I said –Who is My mother and who are My brothers? All those who do the will of God are My mother, brothers and sisters.(Mark 3:31-35) Later on she and her children along with My disciples worshipped Me as Lord in the Upper Room.(Acts1:14) Mary is an example of a holy, prayerful and good mother. Even when I was in the world I understood the importance of the love of mothers. When the mothers brought their children to Me to be blessed I rebuked My disciples when they tried to send them away so as not


to disturb Me.(luke 18:16) I took the children in My arms and I blessed them. I blessed the mothers also. All these children who were blessed by Me have a place in My kingdom. Parents should dedicate their children to Me and teach them to be prayerful and to read the Word of God and to lead good lives. The Word of God says – Train up a child in the way that he should go and when he is old he will never depart from it.(Proverbs 22:6) Mothers spend more time with their children when they are small and they have more responsibility to bring up their children in the right way. They must feed them with spiritual food for their souls besides the physical food for their bodies. A mother should lead a spiritual holy life to be an example to her children. I have great compassion for helpless mothers. I gave life to the dead young man of Nain because of the poor destitute mother.(Luke7:11-15) I have promised in My Word to take care of the widows and fatherless children who believe in Me.(Jeremiah49:11) I am the God who hears and answers a mother’s prayer for her children. I am not only a father but also a mother to all My children. As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you and you shall be comforted.�(Isaiah66:13)


11. MOSES “Moses’ parents were god-fearing people and they brought up their children in the fear of the Lord. They taught them to keep the commandments. They taught them the fear of the Lord. They feared to do wrong. They taught them to pray. That is why even from his mother’s womb Moses was chosen to lead the Israel people out of Egypt. The children of God-fearing parents who are brought up from the young age to pray, to be truthful and holy will seldom go wrong even when they grow big. The Word of God says –train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he wil never depart fom it.(Proverbs 22:6) In the first few years of his life that Moses lived with his mother she taught him to pray. Pharoah’s daughter used to visit him frequently and she saw how he used to pray in that tender age and when she took him to live with her she also made him to pray as his mother had taught him. She also believed in Me in her heart though she did not show it openly. She was a good woman. Otherwise I would not have allowed Moses to go and live with her. He needed the education and training that he could get in Pharoah’s palace, to lead such an army of the Israelites. But he never worshipped the gods of the Egyptians nor did he indulge in their worldly pleasures. He kept himself pure. Though the children of God may be put into different situations in different places where they are surrounded by corruption and worldliness they


should keep themselves pure and holy. They have to be prayerful to be able to do this because satan will put many temptations in their way to make them fall. That is how Shadrach, Meshach and Abed Nego kept themselves pure and undefiled in Babylon.(Daniel 1:8;11-16) The Word of God says –You may be in the world but do not be of the world.(John 17:16) Next, after living in the comforts of the palace Moses looked after the sheep of Jethro his father-in-law. He was now prepared to meet Me in the wilderness where I spoke to him from the burning bush.In spite of all his education and training and his love for Me, he was timid and fearful and humble to be the leader of the Israelites. He made excuses, but I did not accept the excuses because he was the chosen one by Me. Some people when I call them to do certain ministry, like Moses they are fearful and without confidence in themselves. But when they obey Me, in spite of the difficulties, I help them to overcome their fear and doubts and difficulties and the ministry grows and is richly blessed. But some are proud and for the sake of money and fame – without My calling – they start a ministry. Satan takes advantage of them and he may lift them up a little way; but such a ministry will not be blessed by Me and it will not stand firm. The Word of God says – A house that is built on the rock will stand the storms but the house built on the sand will fall down when the storm comes. (Matthew7:24-27)


After meeting Me in the wilderness Moses was changed. He became confident and bold to stand before Pharoah and demand the release of the children of Israel.Those who come often into My presence and converse with Me in prayer will become strong in their faith and overcome satan and the temptations and problems that satan brings. Every step of the way Moses obeyed Me. Before he went to Pharoah, he listened to My commandment, to stretch out the rod to bring the plagues upon the Egyptians. He now believed that I was with him and all his fears and doubts melted away. He realsed that he was chosen by Me and he was ready to do whatever I said. Those who walk close to Me will realise that I will never leave them or forsake them. Even in the time of fear and danger they will lose their fears and doubts because they know that I am close to them. Triumphantly Moses led the great multitudes of the children of Israel out of Egypt. Pharoah was defeated even as satan is defeated when God’s children overcome him. Moses spent forty days and nights on the mountain with Me when I gave him the commandments and the law. When he returned the Israelites could not look at his face because the glory of My presence on the mountain had made his face shine so brightly that it dazzled the eyes of the people of Israel. Those who live in close proximity to Me will absorb My glory and goodness which can be noticed by other people, even as those who obey satan in his wickedness – the signs of the wicked life will be seen in their face and body.


When a person is saved from his sins and washed in My blood besides the inner change in his life there will be an outer change and even his appearance will change. Moses’ life as the leader of the Israel people was not an easy life because all of those people were not strong in their faith and were easily tempted by satan. They sinned and murmured till even Moses lost his patience with them. After all he was human. At such times he came running to Me and fell at My feet. I lifted him up and strengthened him and I punished and corrected those people. At the same time his love for those people was great. He was even willing to bear the punishment for them. At one such time when the people had sinned Moses came to Me. To test him I told him that I would destroy them. He fell at My feet and cried not to destroy them and he was willing to take any punishment instead of them. To save the people of the world from their sins I came to the world to bear their sins and punishment and to die for them so that they may be saved.Those who believe this will be saved from their sins and have a place in My kingdom. When the Israel people sinned and were bitten by serpents as a punishment I told Moses to make a serpent of brass and lift it up before the people so that whoever looks at the serpent of brass will live.(Numbers21:6-9) The Word of God says – even as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness so shall the Son of God be lifted up on the cross that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have etenal life.(John3:14,15)


Even as Moses needed much patience to deal with the people of Israel the servants of God who do the ministry need much prayer and patience because satan will use the people in many ways against God’s servants. The only time Moses disobeyed Me was when in anger he struck the rock instead of talking to it as I had told him.I did not allow him to enter into the promised land but I allowed him to see the land from the top of Mount Pisgah. (Deuteronomy32:51,52) Moses accepted this calmly because he was obedient to My will. This was not just a punishment to Moses. Though Moses was strong and healthy even in his oldage, his work was done – the work for which I had chosen him and prepared him was done. I took him to be with Me in My kingdom. It was now the turn of others to carry on the work. Even in the ministry when a servant of God has done his ministry successfully I take him into My kingdom according to My will and My time. Some may go after many years and some earlier. But the work of the Gospel goes on and no one can stop it because the Word of God says – The Gospel must be preached all over the world before the end.(Matthew24:14) Moses was a good and faithful servant and those who do their work like Moses faithfully in obedience to Me, I will say to them – Well done thou good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of the Lord.”(Matthew25:21)


12. FRIENDS “The Word of God says –There is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.( Pro.18:24) When I lived in the world, I had friends and I also had brothers and sisters.(Matt.13:55,56) As a child I had the friendship of other children and I played with them. But at the same time I was the Son of God and I kept myself pure and holy even in childhood. I did not indulge in the wrong things like quarrelling. My earthly parents Mary and Joseph were very spiritual. They observed the laws and commandments and followed them and taught them to Me also. They regularly visited the temple of Jerusalem to worship there and they took Me with them. The Word of God says – Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favour with God and man.(Luke 2:52) From the age of twelve, when I visited the temple of Jerusalem with My parents and conversed with the doctors there and taught them from the Scriptures, I became more serious in preparing Myself for My ministry. Though young I spent more time in studying the Word of God and prayer. Children who are brought up by their parents in the fear of the Lord to read the Word of God and pray and are dedicated to Me, grow up to be good prayerful adults. I am able to use such children for the ministry to serve Me. I spent My youth in preparing Myself to fulfill the purpose of My Father who sent Me to the world. My cousin John the Baptist, Lazarus, Mary and Martha were My childhood


friends. John the Baptist had a mission which he had to fulfill. He was My forerunner to introduce Me to the people. As he was also very spiritual and prayerful, We both in our youth often spent the time together in studying the Word of God and in prayer. Our worldly friends like Lazarus and his sisters drew away from us and My cousin John and I drew close to each other. My own brothers did not understand Me, that I was sent by My Father in heaven.(John7:3-5) But John understood Me and who I was and that I came into the world to save people from their sins. He became a fiery preacher of repentance and of the Kingdom of God. All those who were saved by his preaching believed in Me. Those who spend much time in reading the Word of God and in prayer will become successful preachers. There will be power in their ministry. Many souls will be saved and miracles will take place. Their closeness and fellowship with Me like John the Baptist will be the secret of the success of their ministry. My worldly friends like Lazarus, Mary and Martha drew away from Me and became involved in the worldly life. When I began My ministry, that is how I found them when I went to visit them. I delivered Mary from her sins and from satan. Martha was a perfectionist in housekeeping. Lazarus had become lukewarm in his spiritual life and was more interested in politics and worldly matters. My visit to that home soon changed the life of all three. They believed in


My teachings and worshipped Me. Their lives were changed. Martha was particular about My physical comforts, but she also listened to Me like her brother and sister. Once again I had a close friendship with Lazarus and the love of a brother. Out of gratitude Mary had a divine love for Me. She drank in every word I said and understood when I spoke about My death and resurrection. That is why she washed My feet with tears, wiped them with her hair and anointed them with ointment in rememberance of My death and what she did is recorded to this day.(Luke7:37,38) When Lazarus died and I brought him back alive from the grave, the large crowd of people who witnessed it that day were saved that day. There are many people in the world who have indulged in sin without hope of salvation. But the purpose for which I came into the world was to save sinners. Those who believe in Me and repent for their sins and accept My salvation will enter My kingdom. Their lives will be changed. The Word of God says – Though your sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow, (Isa.1:18) when they are washed in My blood. Like Lazarus, there are Christians who are more concerned about the worldly life, to make money and rise up in the world. Even these people will see things in the right perspective, when they draw close to Me. Their lives will also be changed. The Word of God says – Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.(Matt.6:33)


The Marthas of this world are the busybodies doing this and that with no time for fellowship and prayer. Their church going and Bible reading are also a duty. When something happens to disturb their routine life, they suddenly wake up and realize that they are far from God. Then they find more time and spend more time in reading the Word of God and in prayer and in ministry. They will find that their other duties are also done. They are more prayerful and are blessed. During My life in the world, I showed My love even to those who did not love Me. At the same time, in return I was loved by My friends and disciples and their families whom I loved. I taught this love in My preachings. I put this love into two commandments, Love thy God with all your heart, soul and mind, and love thy neighbour as thyself.(Luke10:27) Love of God and man conquers every evil and satan is defeated.


13. THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD “If a shepherd had a hundred sheep and one sheep strayed away from the fold and got lost, the shepherd will leave the ninety nine sheep in the fold and go and search for the lost sheep.(Luke15:4) He is a good shepherd. To find that one sheep he has to climb the mountains, walk through the thorny places and over stones in the hot sun or the rain. But in spite of all this suffering, he will not give up until he finds that one lost sheep. It may be two or three days before he finds the sheep. By the time he finds the sheep, he is weary and tired and wounded. But when he sees the lost sheep, he forgets all his suffering and sees only the suffering of the sheep which has also been wounded, tired and hungry. Joyfully he carries it in his arms and goes back, tends its wounds, feeds it and goes back rejoicing that he has found the sheep that was lost.(Luke15:4-6) I am the Good Shepherd (John10:11), who came to the world to seek and to save the lost souls, the sinners. Like the shepherd who suffered wounds to find the lost sheep, I was also wounded and nailed to the cross, where I gave My life for the sins of the whole world. Like the one lost sheep was precious to the shepherd, every soul in the world is precious to Me. The Word of God says- The Lord is My shepherd, I shall not want. (Ps.23:1) Yes, those who accept Me as shepherd and Lord, shall not be in want because I am their Lord who supplies all their needs. The Word of God says- The young lions do lack and suffer hunger, but those that wait on the Lord shall not want


any good thing.(Ps.34:10) The good shepherd leads the sheep to the green pastures and quiet waters. (Ps.23:2)The lives of My children will flourish and they will have the peace that passes all understanding, though there may be trials and disturbances in their lives. I am the good shepherd who leads My children in the paths of righteousness.( Psa.23:4) The sheep hear the voice of the shepherd and obey him and follow him where ever he leads them. They will not follow a stranger. The true children of God will listen to My voice alone and do whatever I say and go where I send them, because I lead them in the paths of righteousness. Even as the sheep will not listen to the voice of the stranger, the true children of God will not listen to the voice of satan, though he may tempt them with the worldly pleasures and riches. The path of righteousness may sometimes be a difficult way- a way of sufferings and trials and dangers, but they will not fear anything because they know that I walk with them in that path. Though they walk through the valley of the shadow of death, they will fear no evil, for I am with them. I am their rod to help them to fight against satan. I am the staff that they can lean on when they are tired.(Ps.23:4) In spite of their trials My children are blessed in the world. Those who try to harm them out of jealousy, including satan will be defeated, because the children of God are anointed with the oil of the Holy Spirit.



The Israel people challenged Moses when they said, Can the Lord furnish a table in the wilderness?(Ps.78:19) Those faithless people learnt a lesson when I fed them with manna for forty years in the wilderness. I am the God who feeds and clothes the birds and the animals and the grass of the field. Those who really love Me and serve Me will never suffer lack of their material needs also. Their cup is full and overflowing with the spiritual and other blessings I give them.(Ps.23:5) Goodness and mercy will follow them all the days of their lives.(Ps.23:6) At the end of the day the Good Shepherd leads all the sheep safely into the fold for the night. No harm or danger can touch them. Those who have believed in Me and have followed Me as their Lord and Saviour all their lives will be safely gathered into My kingdom where there will be no sorrow or sickness or harm or danger any more. They will rejoice in Me as they dwell with Me in My house forever.�(Psalm23:6)


14. CURSE “I created the world and everything in it was in perfection. There was no flaw in My creation. Everything was beautiful. The Word of God says- He made all things beautiful.(Ecc.3:11) The trees, the plants and the flowers and even the grass were all beautiful and perfect. The creatures that lived in the land and the sea were beautiful and perfect. The man that I formed out of the dust of the earth and the woman that I formed out of the man’s rib were also beautiful and perfect. But the day the man and the woman sinned, everything that was created came under the curse. Because of the curse, where there was once beauty and perfection, death, ugliness and deformity appeared.(Gen.3:14-18) The beautiful plants and flowers bloomed for sometime and died. By artificial methods man increases the production of crops. But still there is famine in some places. By his scientific knowledge, he grows exotic and beautiful plants and flowers. But still there are deserts where nothing will grow in spite of man’s in genuity. Where there were once forests of huge trees, there are barren places because man in his greed has destroyed the trees for material gain. On one hand he tries to create beautiful things and on the other hand he destroys them because of his sinful nature. I created rivers and lakes of fresh water for man to drink. The Israel people drank pure water that came out from the rock. Because of the curse rivers and


lakes dry up. The living creatures in them died. Man digs wells but sometimes the water in the wells also dry up when there is no rain. In places where there was once fresh drinking water, there is found only salty brackish water unfit to drink. In some places the rivers and lakes are polluted by the people. They build big factories and pollute the water by the chemicals from them. I am the bread of life. I have said- Those who eat the bread that I give them will never be hungry again and those who drink the water that I give them will never thirst again. When I told the Samaritan woman of this, I spoke of the spiritual bread and water.(John4:13,14) Rivers of water will flow out of those who believe in Me. They will be filled with the Holy Spirit. I came to the world to abolish the curse, by My death and resurrection. The Word of God says- The young lions do lack and suffer hunger, but those who seek the Lord will never want for any good thing.(Ps.34:10) I am the Lord who supplies your material needs also. I am the Lord who fed the five thousand with five loaves and two fishes.(Matt.14:15-21)The oil and the flour in the widow’s vessels fed her and her son for many days during the famine.(II Kings4:1-7) Since I came into the world, in spite of the curse, there are still wonders and beauty in nature in many places. Those who see this with their spiritual eyes will worship and praise Me as the creator. In the Garden of Eden there was no animal that could be called a


wild animal. All the animals lived in peace and harmony and ate the vegetation. But, because of the curse ,today there are wild animals, domestic animals and tame animals. But to protect mankind from being killed, I confined the wild animals to the forest. But for gain and pleasure man goes to the forest to kill the wild animals. The flesh of animals became part of man’s food and for this also he had to kill the animals he reared. When the man and the woman sinned they were also cursed. When they ate the fruit in disobedience to Me, they were driven out of the Garden .I cursed the man with hard labour to till the ground and care for the flocks and feed his family. Since the ground was cursed it became hard and dry and brought forth thorns and thistles and weeds. He had to dig this ground and water it and plant the crops.(Gen.3:17,18) Today in the modern world man earns his living in different ways, besides farming. He uses his intellect and works. But as the head of the family he still has to support his family and work for his living. Those who believe in Me, will be blessed in their secular work and I will also use them to serve Me. Since My second coming is very near, there are many servants of God whose only work is to preach the Gospel. They are blessed spiritually and materially. I cursed the woman with sorrow in child birth. The Word of God saysShall I bring to the birth and not cause to bring forth?(Isa.66:9) and also- She shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness


with sobriety.(I Tim.2:15) because I removed that curse. Besides bringing forth children, she has the main responsibility of looking after the children and doing the housework in the home and making the home a happy and comfortable place. I created the woman to be a helpmate for her husband. But because of the curse she is to be dominated by her husband and obey him. Today there are cruel husbands who ill-treat their wives and wives who ill-treat their husbands. But the wives who believe in Me and are spiritual and holy will be like Sarah who obeyed Abraham out of love and the husband will also love his wife. The Word of God says- Wives obey your husbands and husbands love your wives.(C0l.3:18,19) Where there is love there will be peace. When I came to the world I visited many homes and blessed them with peace and joy. Today also I have said-Where two or three are gathered together in My name I will be there in their midst.(Matt.18:20) A prayerful, spiritual home is a blessed home. Though by the curse Adam and Eve were driven out of the Garden, man learnt how to build homes and live in them. When the man and the woman sinned and found that they were naked, they covered themselves with fig leaves. But I killed the sheep and clothed them with the skins. The first blood was shed in the very place where they sinned. Can you imagine how sorrowful they felt, when they saw that the poor innocent sheep


had to be killed to cover their nakedness and shame? When they were sent out of the Garden, I told them to sacrifice the lamb as an offering for their sins. They shed bitter tears for this. Every time they killed that poor lamb with which they once played in the Garden and shed its blood and sacrificed it, they shed bitter tears and repented for their sins. The Word of God says- There is no remission of sins without shedding of blood.(Heb.9:22) The blood of bulls and goats cannot wash away sins. (Heb.10:4) To abolish the curse I came as the sacrificial lamb to shed My blood on the cross and wash away man’s sins. Those who repent for their sins and believe in My death and resurrection will be saved from their sins and will oneday live with Me in My kingdom. Thus as I have cursed satan in the Garden ,(Gen.3:14,15) his head was crushed by My death and resurrection and mankind got the blessing of salvation and life, instead of the curse, death and destruction.


15. WARRIORS “Warriors are brave men who go out to battle. There are good warriors and bad warriors. Even the cause for which they fight are either good or bad. The soldiers of a king’s army are the warriors who fight the king’s battles. Abraham had his own private army of warriors. He was very rich as I had blessed him. These warriors were there to protect him, his family and his property and to fight for good causes. They were a well trained and a disciplined army. The five kings who fought against Sodom and Gomorrah and carried away Lot and his family from Sodom were defeated by Abraham’s warriors. Lot, his family and all his goods were saved.(Gen.14:8-16) Lot chose to live in Sodom because it appeared a flourishing city, even though the people there were wicked. Even after Abraham saved him, he returned to live in Sodom. Sometimes believers put themselves in such situations without considering the evil that may befall them. They are attracted by some outward appearance there. When they get into trouble and they call upon Me, I deliver them. Some take the warning in time and change their direction. But others like Lot, go back into the same dangerous situations because they are not careful. The Israelites were a strong army of people. They were a large army. Moses


was their leader. When they went to war, they were guided and directed by Moses. They won battles and land for themselves. All were not brave or true warriors. When they disobeyed My instructions, they fled from their enemies and they were beaten also. Some of the brave warriors among them were Joshua and Caleb, who helped them to fight the battles and win the lands for their occupation. King Saul was also not a true warrior. Though I helped him to win many battles he disobeyed Me. David was a true warrior. Even as a shepherd boy, he was brave and strong. He protected the sheep from wild animals. When he became king, before going to battle, he always prayed to Me and got his guidance from Me. He won many battles and conquered the land of Canaan for Israel. In the spiritual warfare also there are true and false warriors. The true warriors are willing to die for the sake of the Gospel and many have become martyrs for My sake. But the false warriors seek fame and wealth. During persecution, they will deny Me. The faith of many will be tested during tribulation period. Those who are true warriors, who believe in Me will not face this period. They will be taken up to be with Me, before the tribulation period. The Word of God says- There is a time of war and a time of peace.(Ecc.3:8) Solomon was a man of peace; even as David was a warrior. Those who obey Me and are brave in their spiritual life will win their battles with satan and will find their peace. After Solomon there were many kings. Not all of them were good warriors.


Some of them even worshipped the idols and because of them the Israel people were scattered all over the world and lost their land. Those who go to war to fight battles are not the only warriors. A Christian has to be a brave warrior because his life is a constant war not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers and against the rulers of the darkness of this world and against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Eph.6:12) To fight this battle successfully a Christian has to put on the whole armour of God for his protection. He is protected from his head to his feet by this armour. Loins girt with truth, the breast plate of righteousness, feet shod with the Gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the Word of God –comprises a Christian warrior’s armour. Besides this he has to constantly pray and read the Word of God and be filled with the Holy Spirit.(Eph.6:13-18) The weapons of your warfare are not carnal but mighty through God.(II Cor.10:4) The true Christian warrior needs to fight against satan. Christians who try to live their lives without the spiritual weapons, the armour of God, will lose their battle with satan. They will be attracted by the worldly pleasures and fall into sin. Those who are My true warriors who resist the devil and save the souls for My kingdom – at the end of their lives – I will call them as good and faithful warriors and give them a place in My kingdom.


When the Israelites sinned Moses stood up and asked – Who is on the Lord’s side?(Ex.32:26) Even so I ask the same today because there are only two sides for which the Christian warriors can fight – My side or the devil’s side. I sometimes send My warrior angels also to fight for My children. At such times I tell you to – Be still and know that I am God.(PS.46:10) After you have fought your last battle as a warrior of God, you will find peace as you enter into My rest in My kingdom.”


16. JUDGEMENT “When Adam and Eve disobeyed Me and sinned, I was their judge and I meted out their punishment. I punished Cain also for murdering his brother. As the people in the world increased and there was no one in the world to judge them, they did as they liked. Then also I was their judge. The wicked people in Noah’s time were destroyed by My judgement. I confused the language of the people who tried to build the Tower of Babel and scattered them over the world. I promised those who were wicked and rewarded those who were good like Abraham. After I brought the Israelites out of Egypt, I appointed judges for them, like Moses and Joshua. Through Moses I gave the people laws and commandments. Those who broke the laws were punished. Since the people were too many Moses and Joshua had to appoint others also to help them to judge the people. I sometimes sent My angels as messengers to instruct the people in certain instances.(Judges13:3-5) The Israelites were not satisfied with their judges and like the other nations around them, they also wanted a king.(I Sam.8:5) The first king Saul whom I chose was not true to Me and I judged him and rejected him from being a king. The kings had all the power and authority to judge the people as they liked and to reward or punish them. When I came to the world the high priests and the Pharisees had the


authority to judge those who broke the Jewish laws, though they were not perfect themselves. As I have said in My Word, I came to the world to save sinners. That is why when the woman who was taken in adultery was judged and condemned to death by the Pharisees and brought to Me, I saved her from death by condemning her accusers. I put all the commandments and laws into two- to love God with all the heart, mind and soul and to love the neighbour as themselves.(Matt.22:37-40) The Pharisees and High Priest turned the people against Me and brought Me to Pilot to be judged and condemned to death. Though Pilot had the authority to release Me, he listened to the voice of the masses and handed Me over to them to be crucified on the cross. Even today sometimes people in authority are swayed by the voice of the masses and give wrong judgements. In the world there are law courts and judges in every country. Each country has its own laws and people are judged accordingly. Some countries have cruel laws also and mete out cruel punishments. Bribery and corruption are found everywhere and some people escape the judgement in this way. People in high positions also commit crimes but because of their position they find loopholes to escape from punishment. The world will come to an end when there will be a final judgement day for all people. The dead, the alive, the good and the bad, the believers and the


unbelievers - all will be judged on that day. The angels keep a record of all the deeds of the people in the world. During their life in the world, those who believed in My death and resurrection and have repented and have been saved from their sins and who worshipped Me alone as their true God and believed in the salvation I offered to them, will find their names written in the Book of Life. The Word of God says- Today is the day of salvation.(II Cor.6:2) After death no one can be saved. Only judgement will be there. Those who committed crimes, those who lived sinful lives of pleasure and those who worshipped other gods will be judged and condemned to be cast into hell(Rev.21:8)with the devil and his followers. Those who believed in Me will also be judged. But they will not be condemned. According to their deeds they will be rewarded and will find a place in My kingdom. This is the final judgement for man. As all have to come before the judgement throne, into My presence, man has the time to choose while he is in the world, whether he will be condemned to spend eternity in hell or rewarded to spend eternity in heaven.�


17. SINS “A dead fly in the ointment makes the whole ointment to stink.(Ecc.10:1) A little leaven in the dough leavens the whole lump of flour.(I Cor.5:6) It is the small sins in the people that grows into big sins. A little lie sometimes leads even to murder. People are careful about the big sins but they are not careful about the small sins. Even believers harbour thoughts of jealousy, envy, pride and other evil thoughts which they do not count as sins. The Word of God warns about this and says that, those who have such thoughts cannot enter the kingdom of heaven because the evil thoughts that grow in the hearts of people make them do evil actions.(Matt.12:35) The one sin of disobedience by Eve in eating the forbidden fruit brought the curse upon the world and the generations in it. Cain’s jealousy against his brother caused him to murder Abel. Esau despised his birthright for the sake of a pot of porridge. Miriam’s jealousy of Moses brought the punishment of God upon her; but she repented and when Moses prayed for her, she was healed. Saul’s jealousy of David brought about his downfall. His jealousy turned into murder, but he was prevented by Me from murdering David. There are many such examples in the Word of God where small sins and faults become serious crimes.


The Word of God says-The little foxes will spoil the vineyard.(Songs of Solomon2:15) The big foxes cannot enter easily into the vineyard, but the little foxes are somehow able to enter the vineyard and spoil the fruits. Thus the small sins, evil desires, bad thoughts and outside influences are easier to enter into the hearts of people than thoughts of committing big crimes. People who keep company with bad people will be influenced by them to do bad things. Satan takes advantage of them easily. The Word of God saysDo not even sit in the company of the scornful and the wicked people.(Ps.1:1) That is how the Israel people were also led into sin and idol worship. They mingled with the heathen people of other countries in spite of My warnings and commandments. They almost lost their identity as a nation. Before I came to the world to die for the sins of the people punishment was given to them to turn them from the wicked ways into the right way. But some of them did not repent. Some repented when they were punished, but again they committed the same sins. King Saul never repented, but when David sinned he repented and was forgiven. I made Samson a judge of Israel and gave him super human strength to fight against the Philistines. But his lust for Delilah brought about his downfall. All those were good people chosen by Me, but they allowed their small sins to grow and satan took advantage of them. I came to the world according to the Father’s plan, who sent Me, His beloved Son, to die for the sins of the people so that whosoever believeth in Me


should not perish, but have everlasting life.(John3:16) Today people have ambitions which are good, but to fulfill their ambitions they sometimes do small crooked deeds which grow and bring about their downfall. Those who look to Me, who keep close to Me, who repent for their sins and receive forgiveness, will be faithful till the end. The Word of God says- Walk in the spirit and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh.(Gal.5:16) The spirit and the flesh always strive against each other because satan takes advantage of the weakness of man. The Word of God also says-No man is tempted beyond what he is able, because in temptation there is always a way to escape.(I Cor.10:13) Those who live in the spirit of God will find the way to escape and the devil will be cheated. The Word of God says-Resist the devil and he will flee from you.(James4:7) People who get addicted begin by taking small quantities once in a way and get the desire for more till they become addicts. The worst sinner can enter the kingdom of heaven if he repents before it is too late, and is washed of his sins in My blood. Be warned and don’t let the dead fly or the leaven or the little foxes to enter your life and spoil your soul and send you to hell,�


18. PAUL “Paul was not among the twelve disciples I chose when I was in the world. He was not among the one hundred and twenty who were praying in the upper room. He was as he said- a disciple born out of time.(I Cor.15:8,9) He was a chosen vessel, born with a purpose to be fulfilled for the furtherance of the Gospel. Even as Peter was chosen to serve the Jews Paul was chosen to take the Gospel to the gentiles.(Rom.11:13; Gal.2:7,8) Many books have been written about Peter and Paul. Those who read the Word of God can easily understand the lives and missions of these two disciples. After My death and resurrection My disciples came to be known as Apostles as I had named them.(Luke6:13) Paul was a very highly educated man. He studied under Gamaliel, who was an educator.(Acts22:3) who in these days could be called a University Professor. Though he was not proud of his education, after his conversion Paul mentioned this because of the Jews who opposed him. He also mentioned that he was a Pharisee, a Jew of high status. But he also said that he counted all this as a loss for My sake and for the sake of the Gospel. (Phil.3:4-8) Even today, I choose men of different status, position and qualification to preach the Gospel. Like Paul there are many highly educated servants of God


who have humbled themselves and given up high positions in the world to preach the Gospel. But a servant of God, whatever may have been his position in the world, must become humble and relinquish all his worldly desires for the sake of the Gospel. As a Jew and a Pharisee Paul who was known as Saul before his conversion, was very zealous in his religion. He strictly observed all his Jewish laws and he even persecuted the Christians with the wrong belief that they were preaching a new religion. He arrested the Christians.(Acts8:3; Acts26:9-11) and when Stephen was martyred, he was on the scene holding the garments of those who killed Stephen.(Acts7:58) Paul’s encounter with Me on the Damascus Road opened his eyes to the truth. It was a tremendous experience which changed his whole life. He realized that all this time he was following a false religion and that I only am the Way, the Truth and the Life. He completely surrendered himself to Me. To be guided as to what he has to do, I sent him to the disciples to learn the truth of salvation and the Gospel. He realized that in spite of his education the little learned disciples could teach him many things that he never understood. (Acts9:1-30) For the first time he heard My teachings of the Scriptures and the parables. All this was a source of wonder to him and it humbled him. He worshipped Me with his whole heart and soul and surrendered himself completely. He was willing to do anything that I wanted him to do and go anywhere that I sent him to preach the Gospel. He was willing even to die for the sake of


the Gospel; because he knew the importance of preaching the Gospel to save souls from going to hell. A person who wishes to be a servant of God to preach the Gospel, needs preparation. He must study the scriptures well and preach only the Truth that is in the Word of God. He must be zealous and sincere to do the ministry even at the cost of his life and property. He must be willing to sacrifice anything. But alas! In the world today even as it is said in the Word of God- There are false Pastors, false preachers and false prophets.(Jer.23:1,2; IIPeter2:1; Matt.24:24) Some preach false doctrines also that is not according to the Word of God. Though I have said- He that is not against Me is for Me(Luke9:50) it does not mean that they can preach false doctrines. They must speak only the truth that is in God’s Word. They must preach the Gospel of salvation to save the souls. They must preach that people must repent for their sins and be washed in My blood of all their sins. They must believe in My death and resurrection. Some of the so called servants of God enter the ministry as a profession and for the sake of money and position. I will not accept these false ministers and servants of God. Paul’s education was of use now to take the Gospel to different countries. He was a missionary whom I could send to far off lands because of his knowledge of different languages which he had learnt.(Acts9:15) Besides he founded


many churches in different places. To keep in touch with those people in different lands he wrote his Epistles, so that they will not backslide. These Epistles today are very important for the Church and all people. He was able to convert people of different religions by showing them the truth of the Gospel and salvation. He has also written about all his sufferings in his missionary work.(IICor. 11:23-27)Though he had every right to live on the offerings that people gave, for his own simple needs, he worked as a humble tent maker and used the offerings for the Gospel and for the poor people.(Acts18:3) Those who have education and talents and are willing to preach the Gospel, I am able to use them and their talents for the sake of the Gospel. I am able to use even the uneducated because the Holy Spirit in these days works through everyone without respect of persons. These are the days of the latter rain; the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, when miracles take place through the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Some are chosen as missionaries like Paul to go to different places and preach the Gospel. Many such sincere workers have suffered hardships and even death in their missionary work. Their work is recorded in My kingdom where they will receive their reward. I choose others to minister to a church or a small group of people. If they do their ministry sincerely whether big or small, they will receive their reward. All cannot become like Paul. All I ask is, a willing heart. If you are willing


to serve Me even if you don’t have any qualifications, talents and abilities according to your thinking, I can use you. The harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few, Anyone who is willing can become a harvester in My field. Be true to your calling and you will be blessed. Serve Me with a faithful heart and you will receive a crown of glory in My kingdom.�


19. NAMES “His name shall be called Jesus, for He shall save the people from their sins.-(Matt.1:21) Some of the names of the people in the Bible were given directly by Me, because they were chosen ones. Adam was the first man in the human race. I named him Adam. But Adam named his wife Eve because she was the mother of the human race.(Gen.3:20) I changed Abram’s name to Abraham because I chose him as the father of the Israel nation.(Gen.17:5) The names I chose for certain people was with a purpose and had a special meaning. In the olden days also people were given names when they were babies by their parents. Even as in the present days all children did not live up to the names that their parents chose for them. Samson was chosen to defeat the Philistines who were the enemies of Israel. Though his parents obeyed Me and brought him as a Nazarene according to My instructions and, and according to his name I gave him supernatural strength,(Judges13:7) to fight the enemies. He was obedient to Me in the beginning and killed many Philistines in the battle. He was not steadfast and his lust for Delilah, a Philistine woman brought about his downfall.(Judges16:14-31) I had warned the Israelites not to marry idol-worshippers and unbelievers. But Samson disobeyed Me. The Word of God says – Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers


.(II Cor.6:14) Even today believers do not obey this and sometimes they marry the unbelievers. Because of this there is conflict in the family and marriages are broken. For the sake of marriage, some unbelievers of other religions follow the rituals of Christianity and even take baptism. But after the marriage, after sometime they go back to their own religion and even draw their partner into it. The children born to them are also brought up as unbelievers. Thus because of one disobedient believer many souls are lost. But there are some cases where the unbelieving partner becomes a believer. When Zacharia was ministering in the temple of Jerusalem I spoke to him and told him to name his son as John.(Luke 1:13) Elizabeth and Zacharia followed My instructions and brought up John the Baptist accordingly. He was a fiery preacher and brought many souls to repentance and salvation. But he was humble. Today there are preachers with biblical names for whom the ministry is only a profession. They preach sermons that are pleasing to the congregation. They do not condemn the sins of the people like John the Baptist lest they offend them. The present state of the world and the wickedness of the world need fiery preachers who condemn the sins of the people and preach the truth from the Word of God. When the Israel people sinned I did not speak to them directly. But I chose prophets like Samuel, Daniel and others. The Word of God says – In the last days there will be false teachers and


false prophets and false pastors. They will have names like the prophets and saints of old. I called Peter as Cephas because he was to be like a rock.(John1:42) He was a simple fisherman but emotional. His contact with Me for three years made him strong in his faith and actions. He became powerful and the leader of the Christians after the Holy Spirit filled them. How many Christians have the name of Peter and live up to it as a strong believer and true evangelist? I told Peter to feed My sheep and lambs.(John21:1517) Do the present day Peters do this? After Apostle Paul’s conversion on the road to Damascus I changed his name from Saul to Paul. The same zeal he had as Saul in persecuting the Christians, he now used it to preach the Gospel and save the souls. He suffered persecution till the end. Many of My disciples like Peter, James and John and Paul died a martyr’s death for the sake of the Gospel. Some of the missionaries of the last century who took the Gospel to the uncivilized people died martyr’s deaths though they may not have the names of these disciples. The unbelievers name their children after their gods and famous and popular people. Even some Christians do this. When an unbeliever is saved and baptized, he is given a Christian name.As a testimony of their conversion some converts retain their previous name also, so that people will know that they are now the children of the true living God.


Whatever name a person may have as a Christian, he must be a true believer. It grieves Me very much when people with biblical names commit crimes and sins and bring shame to My name. I was called Jesus because I am the Saviour of the world. I am the Saviour who came to the world to save the people from their sins. The Word of God says- There is salvation in no other name under heaven.(Acts4:12) There is power in My name, at which devils will flee. There is salvation and healing in My name. The Word of God says- The name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous run into it and they are safe. (Pro.18:10) I have said-Call upon Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things that you do not know.(Jer.33:3) I have also said- Those who believe Me and are saved will do miracles in My name.(Mark16:17,18) Those who follow what I have said will receive the blessings that I have for them. They will experience the miracle-working power, the healing power and the power that defeats satan. Let My name be engraved on your hearts and on your lips and you will be safe from the evils of the world. You will be a witness to Me and bring glory to My name.�


20. WATER AND FIRE “Water and fire are the two most powerful elements in the world. No form of life can exist without water. The Word of God says- Before the world was created there was only water.(Gen.1:2) I created the land and separated the water from the land, (Gen.1:9) so that living beings could exist. The creatures on the land drank the pure water from the rivers. Even today, these rivers exist; but man pollutes them in different ways. Before sin came into the world there was no need for fire. Man got his food from the fruits of the trees. Today fire is misused for destructive purposes. Man uses fire against man and they make weapons for this purpose. I gave man intellect to be used for good purposes, but he misuses his intellect. There was sufficient water for man to drink in all parts of the world as it was My intention to give it to them. To show My power and to save the Israel people I divided the waters of the Red Sea so that they could walk on the dry land in the middle. Even then they forgot this miracle and murmured for water in the desert. The water came from the rock when Moses struck it. The sins of man blind him from giving glory to Me for the blessings of water. Today in the desert man brings water by artificial means, by his knowledge which I have given him and thinks that he is great. In spite of abundance of water, there are people who have difficulty in getting water- specially in the


big cities. I am the God who gave Hagar water in the desert. I send the rain, but people are not grateful to Me. Like the Israel people they leave the worship of the true God and worship idols and false gods who cannot help them, who cannot provide them with their needs. The Water of Life is for those who ask for it. The Samaritan woman did not understand when I told her that I could give her the Water of Life.(John4:1015) She was only thinking of the water she drew from the well. But when she realized who I was she understood and she went and brought others so that they may also drink the Water of Life from Me. Those who believe in Me as their Saviour and Lord and drink of the Water of Life that I give them, I have said- Out of them will flow rivers of living water which they will give others to drink.(John7:37,38) This is the Gospel of Salvation that they preach to others. Those who read the Word of God and pray often will receive the blessing of living water flowing out of them which they get from Me, because I have said- I am the Water of Life. Water is also used to quench the fire. Whole forests are also destroyed by fire because fire is a destructive element. In Noah’s time I destroyed the wicked people in the world with floods of water. But I have promised not to destroy the world with water. When the people of Sodom and Gomorah sinned, I destroyed the two


cities with fire and saved Lot and his family. Water and fire can be a blessing to mankind as it was My intention for them. But it is because of man’s sin that it is not so always. The Word of God says –at the end, the world will be destroyed by fire, and a new heaven and new earth will be created.(Rev.21:1) Before this happens man has the opportunity to save himself by believing in the salvation that I have offered by the blood I shed on the cross for his sins. When Elijah prayed for fire to prove that I am the true God, I sent the fire upon the sacrifice, which the false prophets of the false gods could not do. Instead of accepting that I am the true God, Jezebel was so wicked that she wanted to kill Elijah. She received her punishment. Today also in spite of proofs and miracles that I do when the servants of God pray in My name and preach the Gospel of Salvation, people who are deceived by satan do not believe. In the days of tribulation there will be scarcity of food and water. But My children who believed in Me will not be there as they will be taken up out of the world into My kingdom. More than the famine of food and water there will be a famine for the Word of God.(Amos8:11) Those who believe and are saved in the days of tribulation will die as martyrs. Today is the day of salvation because there is plenty of physical food and


water and more than that, the Bread and Water of Life is there. The Word of God says- The ransomed and saved children of God will live for ever with Me in the kingdom of heaven (Rev.7:9), while the wicked unsaved who did not drink the Water of Life in the world, will be condemned to live forever in the fire of hell.(Rev.21:8) All this is written in the Word of God. Man is free to choose where he is going to spend eternity and how he can escape being thrown into the fire of hell. These words are true and those who read this should take it seriously and save their souls.�


21. FRUITS “Ye shall know them by their fruits.(Matt.7:20) One of the most tastiest natural food given to mankind is fruit. Yes, the two people in the garden enjoyed those fruits. There were different fruits of different shapes and different colours and different tastes also in the garden. The most beautiful, the most attractive fruit was the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. It was not the tastiest fruit in the garden. It was only outwardly attractive. In obedience to Me Adam and Eve did not pay attention to that fruit. They ate and enjoyed all the other fruits in the garden and were satisfied. It was satan who drew the attention of the woman to the forbidden fruit. He described its beauty and its taste in glowing terms more than its actual appearance even and he deceived her into eating it. This is how people in the world are deceived by satan into committing sin by drawing their attention to the sinful pleasures of the world. They see only the outward attraction of these pleasures. Man with his knowledge of monetary gain, to cheat the people presents these pleasures in very attractive, colourful, outward appearance. Those who indulge in these pleasures will lose their health and money. The tree of life had no fruits on it. There were only leaves. Adam and Eve


were sent out of the Garden because now with the knowledge of good and evil they will realize that they can eat the leaves of the tree of Life. This tree is mentioned in the Book of Revelation.(Rev.22:2,14) After sin came into the world, even the fruits lost some of their attractiveness and flavor. Man had to work hard to feed himself and his family. The fruits were not sufficient for this. He had to till the ground and sow the crops and harvest them for food. He grew animals and birds for food and ate fish also. In those days the grape was a famous food. Man learnt to take the juice of the grapes and make it into wine and drink it. Today man makes intoxicating drinks of all kinds. People become addicted to drinks which ruins their health, their families and their lives. The Israel people committed this sin. Those who have sinned by indulging in worldly pleasures and addictions, if they come to Me and repent for their sins, I will forgive their sins, wash them by My blood and they will be saved. They will be strengthened by the Holy Spirit, so that they do not give in to the temptations of satan again. As long as people are in the world, they will have temptations. But through salvation, through the blood of Jesus, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, they will be able to overcome these temptations that satan brings them. Before I came to the world the people were instructed to bring the first fruits of the fields and stalls as offerings and these are special offerings. Since I gave My life as the sacrificial lamb for the sins of the world, there


is no need for animal sacrifices and burnt offerings. Instead people are to give their tithes and offerings to the church and the furtherance of the Gospel to be preached all over the world. I have promised to open the windows of heaven and shower the blessings on those who do this.(Malachi3:10) The most important fruit is the fruit of the Holy Spirit,(Gal.5:22) which contains nice qualities of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. People confess to be saved and live outward Christian lives like the Pharisees of old. But the qualities of the fruit of the Spirit is not found in their lives. That is why the Word of God says- Ye shall know them by their fruits. (Matt.7:20) I have said- A good tree will bring forth good fruits and an evil tree will bring forth evil fruits.(Matt.7:17,18) There are also poisonous fruits in the world found on some trees and plants, which cause death to those who eat them. Some people are like these poisonous fruits full of evil. Their thoughts and their hearts, their words and their actions are poisonous and full of evil which they use to harm others. Such people are found from the highest rulers in the land to the poorest man in the hut. The Word of God says- It is not enough if you have only faith in God without works.(James2:17) Satan also believes in God and trembles.(James2:19) Those who believe in Me and are saved and have the faith with works are the people who have the fruit of the spirit in them. I choose these people to serve Me and they are blessed.


The good fruits are useful to man and gives him health and strength, but the bad evil fruits are thrown away not fit to be eaten. In the same way, at the end of the world, the good people who have believed in Me and worshipped Me as their Lord and Saviour will find a place in My kingdom and the wicked people who have lived wicked lives and worshipped other gods without repenting will be thrown into hell forever.�


22. THE MARRIAGE FEAST “When I was in the world I preached about the kingdom of God. The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which made a marriage feast for his son, and sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding; and they would not come. Again he sent forth other servants, saying, ‘Tell them which are bidden, Behold I have prepared my dinner; my oxen and my fatlings are killed, and all things are ready; come unto the marriage.’ But they made light of it, and went their ways, one to the farm, another to his merchandises. And the remnant took his servants, and entreated them spitefully, and slew them. But when the king heard thereof, he was wrath: and he sent forth his armies, and destroyed up their city. Then said he to his servants, the wedding is ready, but they which were bidden were not worthy. Go ye therefore into the highways and as many as ye shall find bid to the marriage. So these servants went out into the highways and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was furnished with guests.(Matt.22:1-10) When sin and death came into the world through the first people who were


created without sin, the future generations had to be saved from eternal death by which they were cursed: and so the Master Plan of Salvation came into being. The Word of God says, God so loved the world that he sent His only beloved Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.(John3:16) This is the father and son in the parable. The gift of salvation is the marriage feast. The Israel people were chosen by God as His people because when the other nations turned away from Me and worshipped the idols and other gods, the children of Abraham were faithful in worshipping Me as their true God. But many of them also turned away from Me and though they followed the commandments outwardly, they were not true. Their worship was ritual. Because of the promise of Abraham and his generation they were given the first privilege of accepting Me as their Saviour. As the father in the parable sent his servants to call the guests who were bidden to the feast, I was born in Israel among the Jews as a Jew to save the Jews who were the guests invited to the feast. But the Jews rejected Me and cruicified Me. After My death and resurrection My disciples were sent to preach to them. But they were also ill-treated and martyred like the servants in the parable were killed.


Peter was the chief apostle who took the Gospel to the Jews and he died a martyr’s death. I sent Paul and other disciples to the gentile nations to preach the Gospel. These are the people, in the parable, from the highways. Now the Gospel has spread all over the world. Many servants of God are preaching the Gospel. In some places they are rejected and even killed. Satan is also in the world to prevent the Gospel from being preached and to prevent the people from accepting the Gospel and from salvation. Like the people in the parable who gave excuses to come to the marriage feast there are people who hear the Gospel but do not accept it because of their worldly lives and ritual worship. Once the marriage feast is full of guests, even if these people come late to the marriage they will not be allowed in. The Word of God says- Today is the day of salvation.(IICor.6:2) The Gospel is being preached everywhere throughout the world and salvation is for everyone. It is My will that man should not perish in his sins. I invite all people to the feast in My kingdom with Me. Before the door is closed all may come in. But there is only one way by which they can come and that is the way of the Cross. There is only a short time before the door closes and now is the acceptable time to enter in. Even as the people who refused to come to the marriage feast in the parable were destroyed, those who do not accept My plan of salvation for them, will be condemned to an eternal death. Those who accept My invitation will be blessed with an eternal life with Me.�


23. CRIME AND PUNISHMENT “I created the world to last forever and I had My own plans for mankind, which was also to last forever. But when man sinned he brought death and suffering into the world. This crime of disobedience to Me brought the punishment of suffering, sorrow and death into the world. The plants and trees lived and died. The living creatures on land and in water also lived and died. Man lived and died. Physical and mental suffering, sorrow and sin were brought by satan. Cain was jealous of his brother Abel and committed the criminal act of murder. He was punished to become a wanderer, despised of men. But I did not forsake him completely. As people multiplied on the earth wickedness and crime increased in the world. The Word of God says- God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.(Gen.6:5) This was how the world was in the days of Noah, which grieved Me and I decided to destroy the world and every living creature and all the wicked people by flood. Only Noah and his family were true to Me and I saved them and two of every living creature, and I destroyed the world with flood. But after, I made a covenant not to destroy the world by flood anymore and as a sign of this covenant I set a rainbow in the sky.


Once again through Noah’s generations man increased in the world. Though I promised not to destroy the world by flood, and the rainbow appeared as a sign of the promise, the people did not believe Me. In their unbelief they committed the criminal act of building the tower of Babel. As a punishment I separated and scattered them over different parts of the world, and they left off building.(Gen.11:1-9) The people of the city of Sodom and Gomorrah were very sinful and wicked. They committed criminal acts to satisfy their unnatural desires. They tried to kill Lot for standing in their way. I destroyed the two cities with fire and sent two angels to save Lot and his family. Lot’s wife disobeyed the commandment not to look back and she became a pillar of salt. This was her punishment. As sin and crime increased in the world, people left the worship of the true God and turned to idols. They also worshipped My creations. When the Israel people suffered under the Egyptians’ tyranny, they often cried to Me in their anguish. I heard their cries and brought them out of Egypt. Now that their sufferings were over, they began to get worldly desires. They indulged in eating and drinking and immorality, when Moses came up to Mount Sinai to receive the commandments from Me. Although I used to speak to them through Moses, and they witnessed all the miracles that I did, they murmured against Me and sinned and worshipped the golden calf with sacrifices and drunken orgies.


I refrained from destroying them, but Moses and Levi’s sons killed some of them. I made laws for them, and I punished those who broke the laws. They were punished by disease, serpent’s bite and even death. I gave them priests, prophets and kings to lead and guide them in the right way. But still they lusted after idol-worship and broke My laws. Some of the kings were also wicked and they were punished. The Israel people were also punished with bondage under the rule of other nations. In spite of the many prophesies about the Messiah’s birth death and resurrection for the salvation of mankind from the curse of sin, when I came to the world, the Jews did not believe that I was the Messiah. Under the influence of the Pharisees and chief priests, they consented to My death on the cross. There was a mock trial and false accusations by false witnesses and I was condemned and crucified on the cross. My own disciple Judas committed the crime of betraying Me to the chief priests and Pharisees. Later his own conscience condemned him. For all the crimes of the Jews they were punished to be scattered all over the world without a homeland of their own. When I was in the world and preached to the Jews, many saw the miracles and believed that I was the Son of God, come to save the world. After My resurrection, My disciples went to different places and preached to the people and they repented for their sins and believed in Me. Satan is the chief instigator of all the sins, wicked deeds and crimes in the


world. The Word of God says- He that committeth sin is of the devil, for the devil sinneth from the beginning.(I John3:8) He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in truth, because there is no truth in him. He is a liar and the father of it.(John8:44) Even before the creation of man, the devil out of jealousy and pride, committed the greatest crime of rebellion against God. He and his followers were thrown out of heaven.(Isa.14:12-15; Eze.28:13-18) Till today his chief aim is to turn away mankind from Me to join him. The Word of God says- Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour.(IPeter5:8) Those who listen to satan and commit sins and crimes, will be judged at the end of the world and they will be cast into hell with satan and his followers. (Matt.13:38-42; Rev.21:8) The government also punishes law-breakers and criminals. The wickedness and crimes today are worse than in the days of Noah. (Matt.24:37,38) People follow all kinds of diabolic cults, offer human sacrifices, worship satan and idols and do all kinds of abominable unbelievable things.

The world today is full of bloodshed, perversions, fornication, adultery, stealing, crimes of all kinds and every sin, that only satan can inspire people to commit. The Word of God says, that the last days before the end of the world and


My second coming to judge the world, will be like the days of Noah before the flood, when wickedness and lust will abound.(Matt.24:37,38) I repeat this. Those who listen to satan and follow him, will be thrown into the fire of hell with the devil and his followers, which is an everlasting punishment. The day man was deceived and sinned in the Garden of Eden- in order to defeat satan and save mankind- the Master Plan to redeem mankind was formed. By this plan I came to the world as a man to bear the sins of the world and die on the cross to save him from the eternal punishment of hell and give him eternal life in My kingdom. Those who repent for their sins and believe in My death and resurrection and are washed in My blood of all their sins will live close to Me and serve Me in this world and at the end of the world they will live with Me forever in My kingdom. According to the Word of God- In these days the Holy Spirit is poured out and signs and wonders are taking place.(Joel2:28) The Gospel is preached everywhere so that all may believe and escape the eternal punishment in hell. I am the way the truth and the life,(John14:6) and those who believe in Me shall live eternally with Me in My kingdom.�


24. COME, TAKE AND REST “Come unto Me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart and ye shall find rest unto your souls.For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.�(Matt.11:28-30) As you read this, you hear My voice calling you to come unto Me. Are you hungry and thirsty? Even if you have no money it does not matter. Come eat and drink. I will give you not only bread and water, but milk and honey and wine without price.(Isa.55:1) Milk is the pure Word of God, honey is the sweet taste of My presence and wine is the blood I shed on the cross for your sins. All this is given to you freely if you come to Me. Are you thirsting for the living bread and living water? Come to Me and eat of this bread and drink this water and your spiritual needs will be satisfied. You can get this living bread and water only from Me. If you come to Me I will also come to you. I have said- Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens to Me I will come into your house and I will sup with you and you with Me.(Rev.3:20) This is the blessing for those who come to Me to receive the salvation I give to them freely. Are you weak and heavy laden with all the cares and burdens of this life? As


I have already said, if you come to Me with your burden of sin, you will receive the salvation of your soul. If you have sorrows and trials, come to Me and I will give you rest and comfort and peace that the world cannot give you. Whenever My disciples were tired and I was also tired after preaching and healing and doing the ministry to the masses of people from place to place, I used to tell My disciples, Come ye apart, let us go and rest. We used to go to the peaceful garden of Gethsemane where we used to take physical rest and we had the time to refresh ourselves and fellowship with each other before going out again into the world to do the ministry. You must also find the time to come apart alone with Me and you will enjoy the sweet fellowship and communion that no one else can give you and no pleasure in the world can give you. You will be refreshed in your body and soul when you come apart with Me. I have also said- Behold, I come quickly, hold fast that which you have that no man take thy crown.(Rev.3:11) Yes, I am coming again soon. The Word of God says- Before My coming there will be signs and wonders and also wickedness will be rife in the world even more than in the days of Noah.(Matt.24:12; 37-39) It also says that sometimes even the very elect will be tempted.(Matt.24:24) That is why I say ,Hold fast what you have which is your salvation, faith and anointing. Satan will try to pluck you out of My hands. You must be strong in your faith and resist the evil forces.


When I come again, I will judge as the judge of the world. This is the time to hear My voice,when I say, Come to Me. The time is now. Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me.(Matt.11:29) The only yoke I place upon you is the cross which you have to bear. This is My yoke for you. The world and satan will also put yokes on you if you allow them. Those who indulge in sinful pleasures of the world will have no peace and their health also suffers. Worry and sickness becomes their yoke. The yokes put by satan and the world will become so heavy for them. They may even lose their lives in this world and their eternal life in heaven. So don’t allow satan to put his yoke on you. I have said- Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me.(Matt.11:29) When you carry your cross you will learn many things from Me. Even as I am meek and lowly at heart you will also learn to be meek and lowly at heart. You will also learn patience in trials and how to overcome them. In the midst of your trials you will find rest for your soul which I have promised you. If you carry My yoke, satan cannot put his yoke upon you. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.(Matt.11:30) I do not allow anyone to be tempted or tried beyond endurance, but there is always a way to escape even in temptations.( ICor.10:13) Again I say come to Me and hear My voice. Those who hear My voice and come to Me will not hear satan’s voice calling them.


Satan also calls people to come to him. He has many cunning and attractive ways to call people to come to him. If you obey him, you will only receive suffering which is everlasting. The yoke he puts on you will become so heavy, that it will crush you, whereas My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Those who listen to satan, will never find peace and rest. But those who come to Me will find blessings in this world and in the next. Those who have heard My voice calling them will look forward to My second coming with eager hearts and they will say- Even so, come, Lord Jesus. (Rev.22:20)�


25. THREE SERVANTS “I say unto you, that every one which hath shall be given. And from that hath not, even that he hath shall be taken away from him.(Luke 19:26) When I went to Zacchaeus’ house and spoke to the people who gathered there, about the kingdom of God, I told them the parable of the noble man and his servants. This man had to go on a journey to a far off place. Before he went he called his servants and gave them one pound each, with which to do profitable business. When he returned, he called his servants and asked them what they had done with the money he gave them. The first man had gained ten pounds and the second five. So he rewarded the first man and the second man according to what they had done. When he asked an account of the third servant he answered that he did not do any business with the money given to him and he found fault with the master. So the money given to him was taken and given to the first servant and the third servant was punished. The servants of God are also like these three servants. All those who are willing to do the ministry are given equal talents and equal opportunities to serve Me if they are willing and true. Those like the first servant lead prayerful lives before they do the ministry. They seek My will; they have a deep love for Me and a desire to serve Me and


save souls. Like the first servant was also given only one pound, a true servant of God may be given a small ministry at first. The servant invested the money in a business and brought profit to the master. The true servant of God also invests all his talents and strength and even his money in the ministry I have given him though it may be small. Because of his faithfulness, I bless his ministry and he is able to save many souls for My kingdom. In this way his ministry grows and people are blessed and he is also blessed in many ways. He prospers materially and spiritually. I was able to use him in many ways. The second servant also invested the money in a business. But it did not bring him as much profit as the first servant. Some servants of God are not able to use the opportunities I give them to serve Me. They try to do the ministry in their own way and not according to My will or they may be in a place where they do not have the opportunities to enlarge the ministry. If they do even the small ministry sincerely, they will also be blessed and all their needs will be met by Me. The third servant was a selfish and lazy man. He was not sincere to his master. He did not want to exert himself and trade with the money he was given. He was only interested in making money for himself and besides that he put the blame on the master for not investing the money given to him. There are people who call themselves ministers of God, not out of love for Me to save souls but for financial gains and for making a living they join some


ministry. They are not interested in saving souls. As a routine and duty they do their ministry.They may preach insipid sermons that do not touch the hearts of the people and the people are not blessed spiritually and the lazy preacher is also not blessed. For this he tries to blame Me. When trials come he blames Me. Instead of praying, he spends his time trying to find other means of making money instead of saving souls for My kingdom. He will not be profitted - materially or spiritually. This is a selfish and lazy servant of God. There are people who may not be full time servants of God. They may have a fulltime job, but they will spend their spare time in serving Me. They open their house for prayer and spiritual gatherings. People in need of salvation, people in sorrow, trials, people in difficult situations come to this house, where they are ministered to and where they are comforted and blessed. These servants who dedicate their lives to Me and serve Me by opening their homes for ministry are blessed by Me always. A person whose desire is for saving souls is a true servant of God and he will get the blessings that were given to the first servant of the noble mind, though he may not spend his full time in ministry. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.�(Matt. 6:33)


26. JOHN THE BAPTIST “John the Baptist was a vessel chosen from his mother’s womb. He was born to the priest Zacharias and his wife Elizabeth who was My mother Mary’s cousin. He was born to them in their old age. The angel appeared to Zachariah while he was ministering in the temple and told him about John’s birth and how they were to bring him up and to name him John. He was consecrated from his very birth. His parents followed the instructions of the angel and brought him up accordingly. Even today there are servants of God whom I have chosen from the mother’s womb and I have watched over their upbringing and their lives because they are consecrated and dedicated to Me to do the ministry. Some God-fearing parents dedicate their child for the ministry. But not all such children grow up to serve Me. Some are even drawn away by satan into the worldly life. When people asked John who he was , he replied that he was a voice crying in the wilderness (Isa.40:5) to prepare a way for Me. When people asked Me who John was I replied the same. He was only some months older than Me and as children we have played together. As we grew older he prepared himself for his ministry and I prepared Myself for mine which deferred from his.


John was very humble. He gave up all worldliness. The Word of God saysJohn was clothed in camel’s skin and ate locusts and wild honey.(Matt.3:4) He was My forerunner to prepare people to receive Me as the Saviour who came to the world to save the people from their sins. He proclaimed that I was the Messiah and not he. When people asked who he was, he humbled himself and said that he was not worthy even to loose the latchet on My shoes. There are many preachers today, who are full of pride; proud of their status and ministry. Some even pretend to be what they are not and to possess talents that they do not have. The Word of God says- In the last days there will be false teachers, false pastors and false preachers.(Matt.24:24) Woe unto them. Some such who have been in high positions and become full of pride in their ministry have been drawn away by satan and fallen. John said, he came to prepare the way and make it straight for My coming, so that people may not be drawn away into the wrong paths by satan. He was a fiery preacher. He was outspoken and did not mince his words. His words full of fire convicted the people of their sins and they repented with tears even and they were baptized by John. Even some of My disciples were among those who were baptized by John. When the Pharisees came to him for baptism, he knew that without


repentance they wanted to be baptized, thinking that the baptism will save them from the wrath of God. Without fear John called them generations of vipers and told them to bring the fruit of repentance to escape from the wrath of God.(Matt.3:7,8) I have said- I am the way, the truth and the life and no man can enter My kingdom except through Me.(John14:6) Even if a person lives a good life and does not believe in Me, he cannot enter into My kingdom. When I came to John for baptism, he immediately recognized Me as the Messiah, come to save the people. He said- Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world and whose shoe I am not worthy to unlatch. (John1:27,29) He was able to hear the voice of My Father- This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.(Matt.3:17) Though I was sinless, I took the baptism in the water because it was a very important ritual for every believer who is saved from his sins. The Holy Spirit in the form of a dove fluttered over My head.(Matt.3:16)Those who are saved and baptized will receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. John was a powerful, fearless and a fiery preacher. He was not afraid even to point out the sin of Herod, who unlawfully married his brother Philip’s wife Herodius. Because of this he incurred the wrath of Herodius who caused his death. John condemned the sin of adultery.(Mark 6:17-28) The people of Noah’s time and the Israelites were guilty of this sin and they were punished. Even today people of royal blood and high positions and down to the poor are guilty of this sin. It is this sin which leads to many other sins,


even murder. When I preached to the people, I preached that sins come from the heart. It is not only the act that is the sin. The very thought of it is a sin. That is why I said- Even if a man looks at a woman with lust in his heart he has already committed adultery.(Matt.5:28) I also said- If your eye or your hand commits a sin, it is better your eye is plucked out and the hand is cut off to save the soul.(Matt.5:29,30) When I was doing My ministry, John was put in the prison by Herod. There he heard about the miracles taking place in My ministry and he sent two of his disciples to find out if it was really I the Mesaiah who was doing all the miracles and if they were true. The disciples witnessed Me healing the sick and preaching to the people and I told them that it was I only and not any imposter and the miracles were real.(Luke7:18-22) Even in his prison he did not keep quiet. There also he preached the Gospel without fear of death and souls were saved there. There are many mortals who have given their lives for the Gospel. Today also there are such preachers who are preaching the Gospel at such difficult situations even at the cost of their lives. They will receive their reward in My kingdom. When I heard the news about the execution of John in the prison, I felt


very sad about his death. In My sorrow I wanted to be alone. So I went to a desert place to grieve over John’s death. But I could not be there alone for long, because the crowd of people followed Me there. I healed the sick and preached to them for three days continuously. It was there I fed the crowd of five thousand people with five loaves and two fishes. In ministering to the people I was able to overcome My sorrow of John’s death. People who are actively engaged in their work and ministry will have no time to grieve and worry over their problems and they will have the joy of the Lord in them. Their work and their ministry will be blessed. When people asked John whether he was Elijah, he repeated again that he was the voice crying in the wilderness, come to prepare the way for the Mesaiah.( John1:19,23) The Word of God says- The spirit and power of Elijah was given to John.(Luke1:17) There are similarities between them. Elijah was also a fiery preacher like John. He also condemned the sins of the people. He condemned Ahab and Jezabel for murdering Naboth for the sake of his vineyard. Because of this Jezabel wanted to kill him. But God protected him and he was taken up in a chariot to heaven. He did not die a martyr’s death like John. With the same spirit and power of Elijah, John preached the Gospel of repentance and convicted the people of their sins and baptized them. He also preached about My coming to the world to save the people from their sins, so that they could enter into heaven. He pointed out to Me as the Mesaiah, who would give His life for them and give entrance for them, who believed in Me,


into the kingdom of heaven. When people asked Me about John, I witnessed to them that he was My forerunner to proclaim My coming and that he was a great prophet. I told about his qualities, his humility and his preaching. But I also told them that those who enter My kingdom through Me can be greater than John. After I left the world, I sent the Holy Spirit as I told My disciples. My disciples preached the Gospel with the power of the Holy Spirit. John preached the Gospel with the spirit and power of Elijah. Appolos and other disciples of John came to My disciples and they also received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and they preached the Gospel. Those who preach the Gospel today, must do so with the power of the Holy Spirit. Their ministry will be blessed and they will also be blessed.�


27. SECRETS “The Word of God says, there are more things in heaven and in earth that is not known to anyone except the Creator of heaven and earth. Yes, there are secrets in heaven also which are known only to My Father and Me, which are kept hidden even from the angels. But when Lucifer began to have secret desires of rebellion in his heart and his secret dealings in inciting other angels to rebel, it was known. He could not hide any secret from the God of heaven and earth. He and the other angels who joined him were thrown out of heaven.(Isa.14:14,15) The universe was created by Me and by My Word. Man tries to probe what he calls the secrets of the universe and he has discovered some facts. The Word of God says- In the last days man’s knowledge will be increased.( Daniel12:4) In the olden days for many years man thought that the earth was flat, though it is given in the Word of God that the earth is a circle. (Isa.40:22) As this knowledge increased and by experiments he discovered that the earth is round and not flat. Like this by scientific methods he gradually learnt more about the universe. I kept a resisting hand on all his researches and allowed him only to gradually increase in his knowledge of My creations. He could go only thus far and no further as I allowed him step by step. At the same time satan kept giving him false ideas and false facts; specially about the creation of the world and everything in it. The theory of Evolution


is one of the ideas given to him by satan. As man began to probe into the secrets of the universe, he made scientific instruments and gadgets for his exploration. I am keeping a watch over all this. I allow him to find out certain statistical facts and certain facts about My creation in the earth and in the planets. All his space exploration are under My control. Satan is helping him to interfere in the creation of human beings. I am the only creator of mankind and no other. Those who read the Word of God and believe in Me will understand and know that nothing in the world or the universe can evolve of itself; but have been created by a supreme God. All satanic influences in evolution and in creation are failures. I know about these satanic experiments that are secretly done in scientific laboratories. Even as Lucifer tried to compete with Me in heaven and failed he cannot compete with Me in the world also. There is no secret hidden from Me.(Heb.4:13) The two people in the garden of Eden who ate the forbidden fruit, tried to keep it a secret from Me. But I knew about it without their telling Me. Cain tried to keep the murder of his brother a secret, but I made him confess it and I punished him. I revealed the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah to Abraham and Lot was saved. Jochabed, the mother of Moses could not keep the birth of her son a secret for long because My plans for the exodus of the Israelite people had to be carried out by Moses.


Throughout the Word of God there are many instances of good and bad secrets. Those who did wicked deeds tried to keep them secret. They tried to hide their sins. Saul’s visit to the witch of Endor was known by Me. David’s secret sin was revealed to him by the prophet Nathan whom I sent. David confessed his sin, repented and he was saved. But Saul did not repent. Today in the world there are all kinds of secrets in all places. There are secret cults formed by people under the influence of satan, where people worship satanic forces. Countries secretly manufacture different kinds of weapons and armaments for war. Every country has its secret spies. The Word of God says- In the last days nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There will be wars and rumours of wars everywhere.( Matt.24:6,7) Within the countries also there are secret rebellions as well as open rebellions. Even within the families there are secrets because of which there is no peace in the families. These are all the signs of My second coming. People commit secret sins, but these are also revealed and create confusion. From the beginning, My coming to the world to save mankind from their sins was not a secret. All the prophesies about this were there for everyone to read. The prophets of old were used to warn the people and to tell them about My coming. Some believed and some did not. John the Baptist also proclaimed


about Me. There was no secret in My life and ministry in the world. The only secret was when I was a baby and to escape the wrath of Herod, Joseph was warned by an angel, and Joseph and Mary secretly carried Me away to Egypt till Herod died. I did My preaching and miracles openly everywhere. That is what I told the priests and the Roman soldiers, who secretly came to the garden of Gethsamane to arrest Me in the night. After My death, out of fear My disciples hid themselves in their houses and prayed in secret for the fear of the government. After My resurrection, I appeared to them there and instructed them to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and to go all over the world and preach the Gospel everywhere.(Mark16:15) The disciples became bold and preached the Gospel openly everywhere, though many of them suffered persecution and died a martyr’s death. In some countries today the ministry goes on secretly underground because of persecution. But even this ministry is blessed though some are caught and martyred. The Word of God says- Those who pray in secret will be rewarded openly. (Matt.6:6) Whether in secret or openly, somehow the Gospel is being preached everywhere, because according to the Word of God, the Gospel has to be preached everywhere before My second coming,(Matt.24:14) when I will come to judge the inhabitants of the world and every secret will be openly revealed.


The Gospel is not a secret. It is the greatest and only truth in the world that I came to the world to give My life to save the people from their sins. I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.(John14:6) and whoever follows Me will be saved and live with Me in My kingdom. Before the end of the world, there will be one great secret taking place and that is the secret of rapture of all those who have believed in Me and followed Me according to My words. The Word of God has said- The dead souls as well as the alive will be changed in the twinkling of an eye and they will be caught up in the air to be with Me forever in My kingdom.(I COR.15:51) After this the tribulation period will come, when the world will be ruled by anti-christ; when there will be the famine for the Word of God,(Amos8:11) when no Gospel can be preached openly and terrible persecution and martyrdom will take place. All praying and Gospel work will be done only in secret. Those who are caught will be killed. These are the last days of grace. If you want to be saved and escape the tribulation period from which you cannot be saved by any other way or any other god, you must believe now that I came to the world to save you from your sins and worship Me alone. I am JESUS, the SAVIOUR of the whole world, who loves you and came to the world to die for your sins. This is no secret but it is the greatest TRUTH. Believe in Me and you will be saved.�


28. THE END “Suddenly and unexpectedly the end will come. Are you thinking of tomorrow? Are you planning for tomorrow and the following days? Tomorrow will come only when today ends. Today you sit and think deeply of how many years have come to an end in your life. Can you count all the blessings you have received from Me during the past years? Do you think of your disappointments and the times you grumbled and murmured when you were dissatisfied, when you didnot get something you wanted? In the world everything has an end. When the two people sinned, their stay in the garden of Eden came to an end. Sin entered into them and put an end to their pure sinless life. The end of all living things is death because of that sin. When the people in Noah’s time sinned I wanted to put an end to the world. But because of Noah and his family who were faithful and truthful to Me, I saved them and destroyed the wicked. Today is a day, when people think of tomorrow. They make all kinds of resolutions which they never keep. They say, tomorrow I will do this and I will do that, like the rich man in the Word of God who planned to build big barns to store all the grains he was going to harvest in the future and make more money. That very night his life came to an end.(Luke12:16-21) Like this many people in the world will not see tomorrow because their lives will end today.


How has your life been as you have come to the end of another year? Think of all the yesterdays that you wasted in seeking pleasure, in idleness, which you should have spent in prayer and holiness and reading the Word of God. If you are a servant of God, think of the souls you might have brought to salvation, instead of which you have wasted your life in other things, even worldly things. Before the day ends repent for this and renew your spiritual life. If you have not received Me as the only true God, the Lord and Saviour of the whole world, today is the day of salvation. Tomorrow may never come. The bondage of the Israel people in Egypt came to an end when Moses led them out into the promised land. Are you bound by something? If you believe in Me your bondage will come to an end. Yes, all things have to come to an end. There is a time for living and a time for dying. The world will also come to an end. The Word of God says- The end of the world is near.(IPeter4:7) The Word of God says- The last days will be worse than the days of Noah even.(Matt.24:37-39) These are the last days. The end is near whether you believe it or not. Read the Word of God and see that most of the prophesies have been fulfilled and the signs mentioned in the Word of God are taking place. The Gospell will be preached everywhere(Matt.24:14) as it is being preached now. Man’s knowledge will increase(Dan.12:4) as it is doing now. The chariots will rage in the street and people will run here and there(Nahum2:4) as it is happening now. There will be more wickedness in the world than ever before as it is now and many more such signs are given in the Word of God.


At the end of the world the wrath of God will come upon the people who have not accepted Me as the living God and Saviour. Think deeply on these things before the day comes to an end. I came to the world as the Saviour of the world to save people from their sins, to heal them and to comfort them. At the end of the world, I will come as a judge of the world. You have to decide today whether you will receive Me as your Saviour or as your judge at the end of the world. The choice is yours. Don’t think of tomorrow. Tomorrow may never come. The Word of God says- When people think everything is peaceful and quiet and there is plenty of time to renew their life to accept the salvation I give them, even as the lightning comes suddenly, the end of the world will come,(Matt.24:27-31) - when I will come once more to receive My loved ones into My kingdom and to send the others who have not believed in Me to satan’s kingdom. Before the day comes to an end, decide where you are going to be at the end of the world.” He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly, Amen. Even so ,Come, Lord JESUS.(Rev.22:20)




TESTIMONY OF SIS. GLORIA DHARMAPALAN “… I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction”. (Is. 48:10) I praise the Lord for the furnace of affliction, through which I was saved by the blood of Jesus and my family was blessed. From that day I never looked back but went forward growing in my spiritual life. I continued to have a very close relationship with my Lord and Saviour Jesus speaking to Him. He has spoken, guided and upheld me in my daily life. In 1975 I received the anointing of the Holy Spirit with the manifestation of praising and speaking in tongues. As I progressed I experienced miracles and visions while praying at home and in church. The Lord used me to serve Him by ministering to others. There were instants when the Lord has told to pray specifically for unknown people, even mentioning their names at times. Thus I could see the gifts of the Holy Spirit being operated. I give all the glory to Him. From 1990, while praying with my daughter Helen Solomon, the Lord has given visions and messages on many topics which Helen has written down what I repeated as the Lord told me. On 06.03.1990 the Lord said, “I give you the privilege of having a relationship with me which is more than any human relationship because you are my beloved children. Desire for this relationship and I will give it to you, as you grow in your spiritual life”. On 21.03.1990, the Lord said, “The special gift of the Holy Spirit you have from above, is more precious than gold. Guard it. You will know how to use it in time that my Name may be glorified among the heathen. As commissioned by the Lord Jesus, these messages were written for all to read and be blessed and for the Glory of God. Alleluia! Mrs. Gloria Dharmapalan

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