God Speaks - Vol VIII

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GOD SPEAKS Gloria Dharmapalan

GOD SPEAKS - VOL VIII info@godspeaks.in www..godspeaks.in Designed by Kingston Abraham © Beracah All rights reserved © Cover Design , by Kingston Abraham © Paper Back Design, by Kingston Abraham Distributed under license Creative Commons First Edition, April 2016

God Speaks - VOL VIII God Speaks are messages given by God to Gloria Dharmapalan, My mother, from 1990 to 2001. As commissioned by the Lord Jesus these messagesgiven during prayer are, for all to read and be blessed. They are a source ofencouragement. They open our eyes to many truths and deep meanings of the Word of God. On March 22nd , 1990 the Lord said, “Little by little you are learning things from Me. Because your understanding is small, I speak to you of simple things. Because like Mary you sit at My feet to hear Me speaking, I speak to you, My children. As I teach you, you must teach these things to others. Speak to them about the things I teach you. It is not only for yourselves I tell these things. It is so that others may also hear them from you and benefit from it. I will teach more things in the days to come. You will receive My blessings when you do it.� These messages are in simple spoken English so that anyone who reads them can understand them.Those who read these messages are sure to hear His voice saying, I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not.(Jeremiah33:3) Read on and be blessed.

Praise the Lord.





1. THE BEGINNING “In the beginning was the Word. The Word was with God and the Word was God. All things were created by Him and without Him nothing was created that was created. (John 1:1-3) In the beginning the world was created. In the beginning the sun, the moon, the stars and the planets were created. In the beginning the earth and all things on the earth and the living beings were created. All these were created in the beginning by the Word of God. I am the Word who created everything. In the beginning there was peace on the earth. There was love; there was joy among all the creations on the earth. All things on the earth had a beginning and an ending. I am Alpha and Omega. There is no beginning and no ending for Me. (Rev 1:8, 21:6) When I created the heavens and the heavenly beings in the beginning, all the heavenly creatures worshipped Me and obeyed Me till Lucifer rebelled and I cast him out of heavens with his followers. In the beginning all was peaceful in the Garden of Eden till the devil tempted Eve. That was the beginning of sin in the world and the end of peace. In the people’s lives there are many beginnings. When they begin to do good things I help them but when they begin to do wicked things I check them. In the beginning men had to plough their land and earn their living to feed themselves and their families. But as the population increased and knowledge


increased they did other jobs also. I bless My children in their secular work also. Against My will the people began to build the tower of Babel and I put an end to it by confusing their language. In the beginning people worked to feed and clothe themselves. But now they are not satisfied with food and raiment. It is not wrong to work and earn more money. I have also promised to give riches without adding sorrow to it.(Pro 10:22) But the riches should not be misused. I gave King Solomon riches and in the beginning he was very faithful to Me. But in his later life he was drawn away from Me to worship the idols also. There are very poor men and servants of God who earn hardly enough to feed and clothe themselves. They cry to Me for help and spend much time in prayer. I hear their prayers and help them in their poverty. When they become rich they forget their beginning life of poverty and how they prayed to Me and they begin to misuse their riches. They become proud and indulge in worldly pleasures. Their beginning prayer times have changed and now they have no time for prayer and to do the ministry. As a ritual or duty they go to church and pray. They forget that it was I in the beginning who gave them their riches. Now by their own efforts they try to make more money. They become bankrupt because there is no blessing in their money making. They lose everything and go back to their beginning state of poverty. There are other poor people and servants of God who may be poor in the beginning. But they are faithful to Me in their prayer life and ministry. They


look to Me as their provider for all their needs. I am Jehovah Jireh to them. I supply all their needs and I add riches also to them. They are grateful to Me for everything they receive. They acknowledge that it is not their own hands that got them their riches but everything came from Me. They never forget their beginning life of poverty and often testify of how I have blessed them. They serve Me faithfully. Their names are written in the Book of Life and they will be with Me in My kingdom. In the beginning man used simple implements made of wood, stone and iron that he found to help him in his work. But now with his intellect and knowledge he has invented the most sophisticated implements. I help and encourage him in inventing good and useful inventions for his comfort and usefulness in other ways. I help him to grow better crops with his scientific knowledge. I also help him in his study of My creations. But as long as he keeps on in the right track I will help him in all this. But when he goes off on the wrong track and begins to misuse his knowledge and inventions in his so called scientific experiments and space research and in making destructive implements and so on, I keep My control on him so that he does not go too far. Though Noah’s ark was built thousands of years before with simple implements, many learned people in the world who have made a study of this have


acknowledged that it is a marvelous work of ship building. This is because it was built under My instructions. But man’s wickedness is the cause of destruction of all this. In the beginning I created the world and everything in it. But because of sin in the world I will destroy the old world and I will build a new heaven and a new earth. Those who believe in Me now and have accepted Me as their Lord and Saviour – who have been saved from their sins by My blood- they will live with Me in My new kingdom which will have no end. Others will be condemned to live with Satan and his followers in his kingdom forever. Make your choice today to begin a new life as My child, if you have not already done so. This can be the beginning of a wonderful relationship with Me as your Lord and Saviour in this world and the next.”


2. JOB “The Word of God speaks about many different people. There are good people and bad people; good kings and wicked kings; those who obeyed Me and those who disobeyed Me; the righteous and the unrighteous. There were many whom I used to fulfill My plans like Noah, Abraham, Moses, the prophets and kings and the Apostles. There were also many people whom I loved for the only reason that they loved Me, worshipped Me, did good works and pleased Me. One of them was Job. The Word of God says about Job that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and upright man, one that fears God and hates evil.(Job 1:8) I called him My servant Job. As it was in those days so it is in the world today. There are different kinds of people today also in the world. Though I cast Satan out of heaven into the earth he still had access to come to heaven now and then. One day he came with the angels into My presence. He had been roaming all over the earth. He had spent his time in tempting many people and drawing them into wickedness. He hates those who are faithful to Me. When I told him about Job and his goodness he replied that Job was good and faithful to Me because I had blessed him with riches and property and a good family. But if he lost all these things he will turn against Me. This was Satan’s reply. He also said – I had put a fence around Job and his family and all his wealth


and property so that satan could not do any harm to him. Yes, even now it is true. I put a fence around those children who are true and faithful to Me. Satan asked for permission to tempt Job to test his faith in Me. I granted him this permission. Job used to offer sacrifices and pray for his children in case they had sinned. Those children were brought up with spiritual guidance from the father. Besides teaching them and advising them to lead good and holy lives he prayed for them. Today there are parents who think if they supply their children with the necessities of life like food and clothing, comforts and may be luxuries and good education also, they think they have done their duty. They have no time to read the Word of God and advise them to guide them in the right way. They do not spend enough time to pray for them also. Children who are born and brought up in a spiritual atmosphere where the family prays together will rarely go wrong when they grow up. The world is full of wickedness and dangers and evil temptations. The prayers of the parents will protect the child from all these when he goes into the world. Like for Job, I put a fence around My children and their children and their property. As long as they keep themselves within this fence no harm can come to them. Satan got My permission to tempt Job to test his faith. One by one he destroyed his property. But still Job remained faithful. Next he destroyed Job’s \


children. (Job 1:13-19) But still Job did not give up his faith though he cried to Me in his sorrow. He said –Naked came I out of my mother’s womb and naked shall I return. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord. In all this Job neither sinned nor blamed Me for it. (Job 1:21, 22) He was still strong in his faith and love towards Me. Even believers today sometimes when disasters come to them, they lose their faith in Me; they blame Me and even turn against Me. They look for human help and with their own efforts; they try to overcome their troubles. Satan also saw that even in his severe trials in which he lost all his material wealth, Job was still faithful to his God. Satan came to Me again and asked for permission to touch and bring sickness to Job’s body so that Job will curse God in his physical pain. I gave him permission to touch his body but not to take his life. It is I who gave man life when I created him and no one has the right to take man’s life. I alone have that right. Satan went and smote Job with boils from his head to his feet. Those boils gave a lot of irritation and pain to Job. He suffered immensely. All his friends and relations deserted him. Even his wife told him to curse God and die. But he scolded her and said-Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil. The Word of God says- In all this Job did not sin with his lips. (Job 2:10) He retained his integrity and faith. When a man is rich and powerful he will have many friends and relations.


He will have many visitors. Many people will be ready to help him. Some will fawn upon him and flatter him. But when he loses his wealth and position, when he becomes poor and insignificant, all the so called friends and relations and others will desert him. In his trouble, there will be no one to help him. I have promised that I will never leave you nor forsake you.(Heb 13:5) Cast your care upon Me for I care for you.(1 Peter 5:7) I have given many promises and comforting words for those who are having trials and sorrows in their lives. Those who come to Me will find relief for their souls, healing for their bodies and a solution for all their troubles. When Job was rich and famous, he did worthy acts of charity for the poor but even these came only for what they could get out of him and did not come to console him in his trials. These are ungrateful people. I give many blessings to My children. But ingratitude is one of the sins of the people who receive blessings. They take what I give them as their right or they think that they got it by their own efforts. When I was in the world I healed ten lepers but only one came back to thank Me. I do not take back blessings that I give to people. But by their own foolishness, ingratitude and disobedience they may lose them. When they go away from Me they fall a prey to satan. Those who offer their praise and thanksgiving continuously to Me under all circumstances will find their lives a blessing to themselves and to others.


When Job was rich and powerful, there were many who were jealous of him also. Among those were the three so called friends who came to comfort him in his sorrow. In fact they were glad at his downfall. In the pretence of comforting him, they cast aspirations on his life and character. They found fault with him and accused him of faults like pride. They said that God has punished him for his wicked deeds. But Job in his wisdom and faith in Me was able to give them proper answers for their accusation. Like Job’s so called comforters, there are people in this world today. They may be having many faults in themselves but they will find faults in others. The Pharisees were such people. That is why I had said –Remove the beam from your eye before you try to take the mote from another’s eye.(Matt 7:5) I also said – Let him that is without sin cast the first stone, when they brought the woman who was taken in adultery to be stoned to death.(John 8:7) This sin is also there among the believers and the servants of God. Out of spiritual pride and jealousy, they backbite and find faults and false accusations against others. Let these people correct themselves so that they don’t incur the wrath of God. I have said in My Word- Blessed are ye when men shall falsely accuse you and speak evil against you for My sake. You will be rewarded in My kingdom. (Matt 5:11, 12) Even as Job wisely answered his accusers, I have given you wisdom to act in difficult situations. Seek My help and you will receive it. When I was reviled and accused falsely, and whipped and shamed I bore it


all patiently because I had to suffer all this for the sins of the people for whom I came to give My life. I was led like a sheep to the slaughter. I bore your sufferings and shame. Solomon asked for wisdom and I gave him wisdom. Job acted wisely without losing his integrity. His friends could not answer him after that. I have said- Be ye wise as serpents and harmless as doves. (Matt 10:16) In all that he said Job did not sin. Job was patient in all his sufferings and satan was defeated. It was time now for Me to interfere. I spoke to Job and his three friends. What I said this time is for everyone in the world. Those who study this will see many mysteries, scientific facts and deep knowledge in My Words. There are many truths and advice which will be a blessing to those who follow them. I rebuked Job’s friends and asked Job to pray for them. Those who have faith in Me, who believe in Me, when they pray for others I will hear their prayers. Those who pray for others will find the blessing of being My servant like Job and I can use them for the glory of My kingdom. This is a blessed ministry. I bless those who do it. Job received a double portion of all that he lost. Those who live true lives of faith and integrity, patient in their suffering like Job, will receive blessings in this life and the next. The Word of God says- The Lord blessed the latter end of Job more than the beginning. (Job 42:12) This is the reward of the true children of God who are faithful to Me till the end.�


3. LOSS AND GAIN “But what things were gain to me those I counted loss for Christ. (Phil 3:7) “Ordinary people cannot understand this verse. But those who have been saved from their sins by My blood will understand what the apostle Paul meant by this verse. For the sake of the Gospel he sacrificed all the worldly things. What he counted as gain were the material things he gave up- otherwise he lost-so that he may gain a place in My kingdom. I created man and put him in a beautiful garden. He led a close fellowship with Me. He had peace and joy. But he fell into sin and lost all these. When jealousy and greed came into the world, in trying to gain worldly positions and material things man loses more important things and spiritual blessings. Cain and Esau are examples of this. Esau lost his birth-right to satisfy his physical hunger. This was a gain for Jacob. Lot’s wife did not like to give up her worldly possessions and instead of fleeing for her life when Sodom was burning she turned back to look with regret for the loss of her worldly things and she became a pillar of salt. Joseph was true and faithful. He lost his place in the family because of his brothers’ jealousy. But his faithfulness gained him a higher place in Pharoah’s palace. He was a blessing to many in the time of famine. Those who are true and faithful in their lives, in their work and in Me will be a blessing to Me and to others. Though Moses had a high position in Pharoah’s palace he was willing to lose that position for the sake of the Israel


people. He became the leader to bring the people out of Egypt. Though the Israel people gained their freedom when they came out of Egypt and I did many miracles in their sight, they were tempted in the wilderness and fell into sin. Though I fed them manna, they lusted for the food in Egypt and forgot the hardships they suffered there. As a result the generation that came out did not reach the Promised Land. What should have been a gain for them became a loss. Today also when some children of God have trials and temptations and hardships in their lives, instead of becoming stronger in their faith and gaining more spiritual blessings they turn against Me, lose their salvation and fall into sin. I chose Saul as king. But because of his unfaithfulness to Me he lost his position and his life. This was a gain for David who became the king. Many other kings also like Ahab, lost their positions and lives for worldly gain. This happens all over the world among the kings and rulers and politicians of the world. Like Ahab they are greedy for power and wealth and to gain this, they indulge in crooked and corrupt practices. When they are found out they lose their positions and wealth and go to prison. In all walks of life there are dishonest, corrupt people. They try to get illegal wealth by crooked means. They even steal and murder for the sake of this. When they are caught they lose everything and go to prisonThey lose their soul also which will go to hell on the Judgement Day. Whether poor or rich, all are equal in My sight. I see only the heart of man.


There are also pious people in the world who offer sacrifices and different kinds of offerings to different gods and idols. They do this to gain blessings of wealth and power. But these gods cannot help them. All their efforts are only loss to them. In order that man may regain the fellowship with Me that he lost in the garden of Eden, I came to the world to bear the sins of mankind on the Cross. Those who believe in Me as their Lord, Saviour and God and worship Me alone will gain the blessing of salvation and other blessings also. I have said –Seek ye the first the kingdom of heaven and its righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.(Matt 6:33) I have also said- What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul? Those who take up the cross and follow Me, serve Me and live their lives in Me will not seek worldly gain. Like the apostle Paul, they will count all worldly things as loss for My sake. They will reject the pleasures of the world and gain a place in My kingdom.�


4. GOSPEL “When I was in the world I often preached in the Synogogue to the people. My messages were clear and simple and at the same time there was deep meaning and power in them. The prophet Isaiah had also prophesied about My ministry. One day I opened the Word of God and I preached the prophesy of Isaiah. (Luke 4:18) The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me because He hath appointed Me to preach the Gospel to the poor; He hath sent Me to heal the broken-hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind; to set at liberty that are bruised.(Is 61:1-3) I preached this sermon soon after My baptism and after the Holy Spirit descended upon Me in the form of a dove. Those who preach the Gospel have to be saved from their sins, baptized with water and anointed by the Holy Spirit. But today there are self-appointed preachers who preach different doctrines without the anointing of the Holy Spirit. That is why the Word of God says-In the last days there will be false preachers. Beware of them.(II Peter 2:1) It says the Gospel will be preached to the poor because there are different kinds of poor people who all need the Gospel to be preached to them. Those who are poor in the material sense may feel that God has forsaken them and that is why they are poor. If they listen to the Word of God they will know how to receive the blessings spiritual and material. They may not become rich in wealth but they can


become rich in their spiritual life, when they hear the Gospel and obey the teachings. There are other people who may have riches and wealth but still they are poor because their riches does not give them any peace or happiness. Only when they accept the preaching of the Gospel they will find peace. I came to the world to heal the broken-hearted. When sin came into the world sorrow also came. The hearts of Adam and Eve were broken when Cain murdered Abel. When I was in the world I took pity on such people who were in sorrow. I wiped the tears of Mary and Martha, the widow of Nain, Jairus and his wife. Those who are broken-hearted if they look to Me for comfort in their sorrow, I will wipe their tears and heal their broken hearts. No other God can do this. I have deep love and compassion for the broken-hearted. Those who pray for the broken-hearted will be blessed because I will hear their prayers and heal their broken hearts. I also preached deliverance to the captives. People are made captives because of their sins. They are in bondage to addictions and adultery and idolworship. If they look to Me for their release I will save them from their sins and bondage. They may try in different ways to escape from their captivity but it would be of no avail because I am the only way for them to escape and be free. As in those days many are delivered from evil spirits and everything that makes them captives. Some are captives in their sickness. I am the God who


heals body and soul. There are many blind people in the world. Some are physically blind and some are spiritually blind. Blind Bartimaeus was begging on the roadside when I met him. He received his sight and his body and his soul were healed. He became a changed person. Spiritual blindness is worse than physical blindness. Even doctors have the knowledge to heal many types of physical blindness. The spiritually blind are those who follow rituals, those who live worldly lives and those who worship other gods. They have physical eyes which can see, but yet spiritually they are blind. Those who accept Me as their Lord and Saviour will be cured of their blindness. When sin came into the world trials and troubles also came. People became bruised and wounded in their trials and troubles. Those who stood firm in their faith in Me in spite of opposition were ill-treated and wounded, but their spirits were free. When Paul and Silas were wounded and put in prison they sang songs that night because their spirits were free in spite of their wounds. Stephen’s spirit went into heaven when he was wounded and killed by stoning. For the sins of the world I was bruised and wounded and nailed to the cross. The blood that flowed from My wounds washed the people of their sins and healed their bodies. I have said-By My wounds you are healed. This is the Gospel that I preached, that My disciples preached and that the servants of God are preaching today. It is the Gospel of salvation from sins, peace and prosperity and a place in My kingdom.�


5. YOKE “Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me for My yoke is easy and My burden is light.(Matt 11:29,30) People put yoke upon animals to work for them. These beasts of burden draw the carts and till the ground. Man with his knowledge has created machines and vehicles to do his work in the modern days. From the olden times and even till today people still use animals to do the work. The animals patiently carry the heavy yokes on their backs and obey their masters. Even when they are very tired some masters goad them and make them work. Sometimes unable to bear the burden they fall down and die. That is why I have said –My yoke is easy and My burden is light. I do not put heavy yoke on anyone. There are different kinds of yoke that people carry. Some yokes they put on themselves and some yokes others put on them. The idols that some people worship put heavy yokes on those who worship them. They demand all kinds of offerings and sacrifices from the people. To please these gods the people even torture themselves. They even sacrifice their own children. Fear of these idols is a yoke they put upon themselves. The Israelite people suffered under the Egyptians who put heavy yoke of hard labour and cruelty upon them. To remove this yoke from them I brought them out of Egypt but they were not grateful to Me.


They murmured against Me because of small discomforts. They put on the yokes of idol-worship and fornication and disobedience to Me. For this they were punished. If they had obeyed Me and been true to Me they would have been blessed. For the sake of wealth and name and fame people put on yokes on themselves. Those who are in high position have a heavy yoke to bear. They have no peace. Even the pleasures of the world become yokes for those who enjoy them. At first the pleasures are enjoyable. They don’t feel the burden of carrying a yoke. But when they lose their wealth or go to prison, or lose their health it is then that they realise the weight of the yoke of pleasure. If those who come to Me when they find that they cannot carry their yoke which has become very heavy, I will help them to remove the yoke and be free. Otherwise like the beasts of burden who become too weak to carry the yoke anymore- they will die in their sins and go to hell. The only place where they can remove the heavy yoke is the Cross. I also put a yoke on you which is light and easy to carry. The yoke I place on you is the cross which you have to carry if you are a child of God. My disciples carried their yoke when I told them to carry the cross and follow Me. All those who follow Me have to carry the cross as long as they are in the world. When the yoke of cross is on you satan cannot put any other yoke on you. He may try to make it heavy but at that time I will help you to carry it . I will make your burden light.


When you carry the cross and walk, the way may be difficult because of the thorns and stones put by satan. But I have promised to be with you when you bear My yoke upon you. These are the yokes of trials and troubles in your life. Another yoke I put on My children is the yoke of the Gospel. Those who carry this yoke, to preach the Gospel to save the souls, though they may have sufferings in their lives they will receive many blessings in this world and the next. I have said – My yoke is easy and My burden is light. So those who carry the cross, preach the Gospel and live for Me and do My work will be blessed in this world and the next. I carried the heaviest yoke of all when I bore the sins, the sorrows and the sickness of the whole world and rose again. I am alive to help you to carry your easy yoke that I put upon you. If you take the yoke upon you and learn of Me, you will receive a place in My kingdom.�


6.FORGIVENESS (Luke 23:34) “The first prayer that I prayed when I was nailed to the Cross was for the people who crucified Me. The prayer that I prayed at that time wasFather forgive them for they know not what they do! (Luke 23:34) In spite of My physical, mental and spiritual agony, as I was bleeding to death on the cross I could still love those who were responsible for My death and to pray for them because I wanted their souls to be saved. When I was in the world I preached to the people to love your enemies and to pray for them. I was very much concerned about the souls of these people. Before I began My ministry, John the Baptist was sent to preach the message of repentance for their sins. He pointed out the sins of the people and preached repentance. When there is repentance there will be forgiveness. In My ministry I preached repentance and forgiveness. My disciples, Mary Magdalene, Zachaeus and many others received this forgiveness. I preached many parables also on forgiveness like the parable of the debtors.(Luke 7:41,42) I have said in My Word-Love your enemies; do good to those who despitefully use you and persecute.(Matt 5:46,47) When Peter asked Me how many times a person should forgive another who has done him wrong, I answered-Seventy times seven, which means countless number of times.(Matt18:21,22) True forgiveness comes from God. Even believers hold grudges against


someone who has harmed them and they cannot forgive them. At such a time they must pray for the spirit of forgiveness to come into their hearts. True forgiveness is a divine quality. This means doing good to your enemies and loving them. When you pray for them they will be saved. From the time of the Apostles many servants of God have been persecuted and tortured; in spite of which they loved their persecutors, prayed for them and preached the Gospel to them. In this way many of the wicked turned from their wickedness and were saved. The persecutors and the persecuted were both blessed. This is true forgiveness. If you follow this I your life you will also be blessed. I have said –Be ye merciful even as your Father in heaven is merciful. Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy.(Matt 5:7) When I taught the disciples to pray, I told them-Forgive us our trespasses even as we forgive those who trespass against us.(Luke 11:4) When you forgive others you will receive forgiveness and both will be blessed.�


7. REPENTANCE AND SALVATION “When I was crucified on the Cross two thieves were also crucified on either side of Me. In those times crucifixion was the death sentence given by the government for criminals. In these days there are clever lawyers who find loop holes in the law and twist the law to save the criminals. As there were false witnesses in those days who falsely witnessed against Me, today also there are false witnesses. It was to such that I said –Woe to you lawyers. (Scribes) (Matt23:25) The two thieves were condemned for their crimes and hung on the cross. The one on the left was unrepentant and reviled Me. Even as he was dying, the one on the right repented for his crimes. He believed that I was the son of God and that I was innocent of any crime. He also believed that I would go to My kingdom and he would go to hell for his crimes. That is why he said to the other thief that they were justly punished while I was innocent of any crime. Pleading to Me in humility he cried to remember him when I went to My kingdom. At that moment he was saved from his sins and I told him-Today you shall be with Me in paradise.(Luke 23:43) There are many instances in the world of people being saved when they are dying. Many atheists have realized that I am God and in their dying moments they have prayed to Me for forgiveness. They have repented for their sins and have been saved.


Sometimes young people and even older people think that they can enjoy the world and in their old age and on the deathbed or at the last moment-like the thief on the cross- they can receive salvation and go to heaven. How can they be sure that they will have time to repent before they die? In the modern world, in the last days people die suddenly in accidents and disasters. The Word of God says-In the last days men’s hearts will fail them. (Luke 21:26) Many young people even die suddenly of heart attacks. Where is the time for such people to repent for their sins? The Word of God says-Today is the day of salvation and now is the accepted time.(II Cor 6:2) If you repent for your sins now and accept Me as your Lord and Saviour, like the dying thief on the cross, when you die you will be with Me in paradise.�


8. MOTHER AND SON (John 19:26,27) “Even in the Old Testament days, there were many prophesies concerning My birth in the world.(Is 7:14) When man sinned the master plan was formed to save him from eternal death. According to this plan I had to leave My throne in heaven and be born of a virgin conceived by the Holy Spirit. (Luke 1:34, 35) I was to grow up and do My ministry in the world and die on the cross, bearing the sins of the whole world. On the third day I was to be resurrected and go back to My kingdom. This is what happened and those who believe in My death and resurrection will be saved of their sins and after death will live with Me in My kingdom. There were many holy virgins in Israel; out of which Mary was the chosen one, to give birth to Me. It was a privilege given to her by My Father. Along with her husband Joseph she brought Me up. They both were very spiritual and kept the commandments. They took Me to the temple regularly and taught Me the Scriptures. But being the Son of God I had more divine knowledge than any human being. Even at the young age of twelve, I was able to teach the elders in the Temple. As a good earthly mother, Mary had much concern about bringing Me up. She knew that I was not an ordinary child but a divine child. As she noticed such manifestations in My life even as a child Mary pondered over these things in her heart.(Luke 2:51)


In these days there are good fathers and good mothers as well as bad fathers and bad mothers. Mary was a godly mother and she loved Me and the other children who were born to her through Joseph. After I grew up and began My ministry there was a separation between Me and Mary. She was there with Me when I did My first miracle in the wedding at Cana. Even before she told Me, I knew what I had to do and that is what I told her. Even there I addressed her as woman and not as mother. My earthly ties with her were severed. From now on I had to do the will of My Father in heaven. As a human being Mary still had the love of a mother for Me. I had no earthly home. That is why I said- Birds have nests and the foxes have holes but the Son of Man has no place to lay His head.(Matt 8:20) One day when I was preaching to a crowd in a house Mary and her sons came in search of Me. But because of the crowd they could not approach Me. When someone told Me that My mother and brothers have come in search of Me, I pointed out to My disciples and said-These and those who believe in Me are My mother, brothers and sisters.(Mark 3:33-35) I had no blood relations in the world. The blood that I shed on the Cross was that of the Son of God who gave His life for the whole world. During the days of My ministry in the world, Mary came to believe that I was the Son of God and that she had no claims on Me as her son, though she also had the love of a human mother. When I carried the cross through the streets of Jerusalem, along with the weeping women, she also followed Me. She was standing at the foot of the Cross weeping when I was crucified.


The last earthly tie with Mary was severed. From the Cross I looked at her and at My disciple John and said - Woman, behold thy son and I told JohnBehold thy mother. Though she was a widow now and had sons to look after her material wants it was My will that she should be with My beloved disciple John. At that time I thought of her spiritual needs only. John and the other disciples would supply her other material needs also. After My resurrection Mary lived with My disciples where they had all things in common. She now fully understood who I was. Even as I was the Lord and Saviour of the whole world, I became her Lord and Saviour also. Along with the disciples she worshipped Me in the Upper Room and she was there with them when they all received the Baptism of the fire of the Holy Spirit.(Acts 2:1-4) Till the end of her life she did the ministry with the disciples. When I brought the Israelites out of Egypt, in spite of all I did for them, they murmured and turned against Me and worshipped idols and other gods. The Word of God says- They offered sacrifices to the queen of heaven. (Jer 44:17, 25) Today there are people in the world who worship Mary as the queen of heaven. They make idols of Mary and worship her. This is a grievous thing which even Mary cannot tolerate. Those who do this cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. Those who read and believe in the Word of God will understand that Mary was not divine but only human. Many who realized the Truth have turned from that way into the way of


truth. I have said- I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.(John 14:6) I am the only way to the Father. The Holy Spirit has opened the eyes of many. Many have turned away from the idol worship of Mary and worship Me in spirit and truth. Many have been martyred for protesting against the wrongful worship of Mary and other rituals. The Word of God says-There is only one God and the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one. The first commandment says –There is no other God besides Me and to love and worship Me with your whole heart, mind and soul. (Matt22:37,38) Those who follow this cannot worship any other god in any form.�


9. KNOWING THE WORD OF GOD “Zachaeus was physically short and he was living in sin. He heard about the miracles that I did and so he wanted to see Me; and because he was short and the crowd was around Me he could not see Me. He climbed on the Sycomore tree from where he could see Me. I knew about his longing to see Me and I knew he was on the Sycomore tree. When I came that way I looked up to him, called him by his name and went to his home. I invited Myself to have dinner in his house but that was not the main purpose for which I went to his house. It was My desire that everyone in his house must be saved. I preached the message of salvation to all the members of his household. All those who heard Me in that house were saved from their sins as well as Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus was physically short which prevented him from seeing Me. Today also people of other religions hear about My blessings and miracles and change their religion but are ignorant of the Word of God. They think by changing their religion they will receive material benefits. Zacchaeus was also ignorant of My teachings but when I gave the message In his house, he understood .Ignorant people and illiterate people have to be taught the Word of God. Only if they understand the Word of God and the purpose for which I have come to the world, they can be saved from their sins. The Word of God says- Faith comes from hearing.(Rom 10:17) The servants of


God have to teach these people. There are people even if they read they cannot understand the Truth in the Word of God. Even as it was My will to save Zacchaeus and his household it is My will that these people also should be saved and after they are saved also they must continue to learn the Scriptures so that they may grow in their spiritual lives. Satan is always waiting for a chance to pluck out whatever little knowledge they have and to take advantage of them. It is important for the people to study the Word of God and understand it and learn the truths from it. The Word of God will protect them from the satanic forces. Prayer and the Word of God together is a stronghold for a child of God. It will change a person’s life even as Zacchaeus‘life was changed.”


10. FORSAKEN (Matt 27:46) “I have promised in My Word to those who believe in Me –I will never leave them or forsake them.(Heb 13:5) Even when Adam and Eve sinned and brought the curse of eternal death on mankind they were not forsaken. At that time itself the plan to save mankind from sin and punishment was formed. When Moses was given the difficult task of leading the people out of Egypt I promised to help him and said that I would never leave or forsake him. When I punished the people of Sodom and Gomorah, I delivered Lot and his family. When Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown into the furnace of fire, I did not forsake them. I walked in the fire with them. When they came out there was not even the smell of fire on them. I did not forsake Daniel when he was thrown into the lion’s den.When Jezebel was looking for ways to kill Elijah I protected him. Even when Saul forsook David out of jealousy I was always with David and made him the king. Throughout the Word of God none of those who believed in Me were forsaken by Me in time of distress. Those who died for the sake of the Gospel were not forsaken because in their deaths My name was glorified. In the world people are forsaken by other people. Parents even forsake their children. The idol-worshippers sacrifice their own children to the gods they worship. Children also forsake their parents, specially when the parents grow old. Brothers and sisters forsake each other in time of trouble.


The Word of God says- In the last days a man’s enemies are his own household.( Matt 10:36)According to My promise I will never leave and forsake anyone who puts his trust in Me. Because of the sins of mankind I gave My very life. My Father sent Me to the world to die for the people’s sins though I was the only beloved Son of My Father. (John 3:16) As the time for My death drew near I prayed in distress and agony in the Garden of Gethsemane to My Father to give Me strength to bear the dreadful death on the cross. When I hung on the cross no humanbeing can understand the spiritual agony that I went through. At that time all the wickedness and sins of the world was laid upon Me. The prophet Isaiah has described that time.(Is 53) The Word of God says that My face was so marred that there was no beauty in it and so abhorent to look. The spiritual agony I was undergoing at that time which I had to bear alone to save mankind from his sins was such that, in My agony and distress I cried out to My Father- My Father, My Father, why hast thou forsaken Me?(Matt27:46) For the sake of mankind, I had to be forsaken even by My Father to bear the sins and wickedness of the world by My death on the cross. No humanbeing has gone through such suffering. All the sins of the world was laid on Me so that even My Father had to turn His face away from Me. I was forsaken so that man would never be forsaken by the God in whom he believes. It was only for a moment –the moment of death that I was forsaken; because I rose again on the third day and went to My kingdom in heaven.


Those who believe in My death and resurrection, though they may have trials in this world, will never be forsaken by Me and will find a place with Me in My kingdom.�


11. THIRST (John 19:28) “All people in the world are born with a physical thirst for water. People can stay for many days without food but no one can live without drinking water. Hagar and her son almost perished in the desert for want of water. I provided a well for them at that time to quench their thirst. When Moses struck the rock at My bidding the water gushed out for the Israel people to drink. I created rivers and lakes of fresh water for the people to drink. I also created fruits- the juice of which could be made into tasty drinks for the people. In spite of the pure water in the juice of the fruits some people in the world have a craving for intoxicating drinks. This was one of the sins of the Israel people whom I chose as My people. Those who indulge in drinking drinks lose their health, peace, even lives and their souls go to hell. The evils of drinking is mentioned in the Book of Proverbs in the Word of God.(Pro 23:29-35) Another thirst for people in the world is the thirst for money, name and fame. The Word of God says that the love of money is the root of all evil.(I Timothy 6:10) Those who thirst after wealth, name and fame often indulge in crooked and wicked deeds to achieve what they want. When I hung on the cross and cried out I THIRST it was not a physical thirst that I had. It was a thirst that I had for the souls of all mankind. The burden of bearing the sins of the people on the cross gave Me this thirst to save


the souls of the people. The thirst could not be quenched by water. When I was in the world as a man I had physical thirst also. That is why I asked for water to drink from the Samaritan woman. It was then that I told her about the water of Life, that I could give her and all the people in the world. This water of Life that I am, will quench the spiritual thirst of the people. All people in the world besides the physical thirst also have a spiritual thirst. To quench this thirst they worship all kinds of gods, but till they come to Me, their spiritual thirst will never be quenched. Some people in their frustration give up believing in any god. But still it is not quenched. They also have to come to Me. I have said in My Word- Come to Me everyone who thirsts and drink of the water of life I give you.(John 7:37) This was the longing and thirst that I had on the Cross for the people to believe in Me as the only true God and Saviour of the world, who can save them from their sins and give them eternal life in heaven. Those who believe in Me and bring other souls to Me are the people who can quench My thirst. They will have a spiritual thirst by which they will read the Word of God faithfully and pray often and as they grow in their spiritual life they will receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit and their spiritual thirst will be quenched day by day and they will be rewarded in My kingdom.�


12. FINISHED (John 19:30) “I said these words on the cross just before I died. The work of salvation through My death was finished. The curse of death for mankind was finished when I gave My life for the sins of the people. The Word of God says-In the beginning the work of creation was finished in six days and God rested on the seventh day. (Gen 2:2) This was a great achievement and when it was finished, it gave Me a deep feeling of satisfaction and joy, seeing all that I had created. But alas! When man sinned the blessings that I gave to mankind was finished. All My creation including man came under the curse of death. To save man from this curse I came to the world as a man and I gave My life to save him from the curse of eternal death. Man cannot save himself in any way. It is only the finished work of the cross, which is the only way, that man can be saved from his sins and gain eternal life. A person who does a very difficult job has a feeling of satisfaction on the completion of the job; because after much hard work and many days the job is finished. Even criminals before they commit a crime do a lot of plotting and planning; but after the crime is finished they cannot have a feeling of satisfaction and joy in it. They spend their time in covering up and hiding. They are arrested and sent to jail. People who do wicked deeds can never have the joy or satisfaction of a job well-done and finished. Their lives are always full of fear of being found out


and punished. Even these people can be saved if they believe in My death on the Cross for their sins because instead of their being punished, I have taken on the punishment for them on the cross. People try to find happiness in worldly pleasures and addiction to forget their sorrows and troubles. It is only a temporary pleasure and relief and when it is finished, they feel the bitterness of the dregs. I bore the sorrows and troubles of the whole world on the Cross and today I am alive and say to these people-Come unto Me all ye that are heavy laden and I will give you rest.(Matt 11:28) If those who believe in the finished work of the Cross and come to Me with their troubles and sorrows they will find the peace that passes understanding that only I can give. This is the work that was finished on the Cross on the day of My crucifixion. Before I breathed My last breath in spite of My agony and pain of bearing the sins and sorrows of the whole world- I was greatly relieved that I had completed what the Father sent Me to do and that is why I said 窶的T IS FINISHED.


13. FATHER INTO THY HANDS I COMMIT MY SPIRIT (Luke23:46) “These are the last words which I spoke on the Cross, with My last breath. I created the animals and the other living creatures with only a body which died and perished. But man was created with a body, soul and spirit. When man dies his body perishes; but his soul and spirit live on because he has to come before Me on the Judgement Day, to be judged according to his deeds in the world. The angels and satanic forces are spirit beings. But they can take the form of humans. The angels are good spirits who obey Me and do My will. Satan was also once such an angel,(Eze 28:14-16) but he rebelled and was thrown out of heaven. Sometimes he may even take the form of an angel of light to cheat the people.(II Cor 11:14) He has access into the world as well as heaven.(Job 1:6,7) This happened before the creation of the world and mankind. The fallen angels are evil spirits whose leader is Lucifer. When I created them they were beautiful.(Eze 28:12) But after their rebellion their wickedness has made them look ugly. He is man’s greatest enemy and My greatest enemy also. People who are good and holy, though they may not have beautiful features will still have an inner beauty which will be seen in their face. A wicked person may be born with beautiful features, but the wickedness in him or her will show in the facial expressions and in their eyes.


Those who believe in Me and follow Me will not be cheated by the outward appearance of a person. From the time satan appeared in the form of a snake to tempt Eve, his chief purpose is to draw people away from Me, so that they should not enter My kingdom. By My death on the Cross, I draw the people towards Me(John 12:32) and his plan is to draw them away from Me. There is a continuous warfare in the world between the devil’s evil spirit and the good spirit in man. Those who believe in Me will overcome satan and his temptations by the power of the Holy Spirit which I sent to the world after My resurrection.(John16:7,8) At the time of My death, My body, soul and spirit underwent what mankind had to suffer. I even went to the depths of hell and came back. My soul went to Paradise and I committed My spirit into the hands of My Father, who sent Me as a man to suffer and die for the sins of mankind. With this the Father’s Master Plan to save mankind from eternal punishment was accomplished. The veil of the Temple was torn in two and the Holy of holies which is the Throne of Grace was open to all mankind. The skies became darkened with lightning and thunder. The graves were opened and many saints came out of the grave alive and were seen in the city.(Matt27:52) All these signs convinced many of the Jews and others that I was the Son of God. Some who were not saved by My life in the world, My preachings and miracles, were saved by My death. I rose from the grave on the third day and appeared in body to My disciples and other believers to convince them that I was alive. I give all those who


believe in Me the commission to preach the Gospel of Salvation throughout the world. With this I went back to My throne in heaven. The only way into My kingdom is through Me. Those who come to Me will receive forgiveness and will become My children for whom I gave My life.�


14. GOD AND MAN “God is God and man is man. No man in the world can become a god though people in the world make men into gods and worship them. Famous politicians, men from the entertainment world and sports world are often admired by people to such an extent that their admiration becomes a form of worship. Their minds and lives become obsessed with these so called heroes. The ancient kings were also worshipped by their subjects. After their deaths they were worshipped by the unbelievers as gods. Even today those centuries old kings are deified and worshipped as gods. The satanic forces sometimes appear to the people in the form of a god and people worship these evil forces also. By the power of the evil forces- even as the magicians of Egypt did the miracles-today also there are magicians who call themselves god-men and by the power of satan they do the miracles. These so called god-men are also worshipped by the people. The Word of God says- Their eyes and their understanding are blinded by the forces of darkness.(II Cor 4:4) Besides all these, the unbeliever — the people who live in darkness – worship the elements of nature and all kinds of animals and other creatures. When I created these living creatures, they were to be kept under the authority of man.(Gen 1:28) Even the wildest animal can be subdued by man because of the knowledge and intellect with which I created him. But under the influence of satan he worships them.


With My power and might I brought the Israel people out of Egyptian bondage. They saw the miracles that I did and I spoke to them and instructed them through Moses. I gave them the commandments according to which they were to worship only Me as God. In spite of this they disobeyed Me under the influence of satan. They worshipped all kinds of heathen gods and goddesses, to whom they offered sacrifices and offerings. Today in the world there are people, who call themselves Christians, who worship Me but at the same time they worship idols of gods and goddesses and follow heathen rituals and practices. I will never accept such a worship. I have said in My Word-My glory and honour I will not give to another.(Is 42:8) No man can serve two masters.(Matt6:24) I have already said man is man and no man can become God. I am the only God who came in the form of man to the world to save man from his sins. No so called man who is worshipped as god, has ever come back to life after his death. Their graves are still in the world. I am the only God who came as man - who died as a man and rose again as God. The tomb where I was buried is empty even today. There are many proofs in the world even today of My death as man and resurrection as God. When I lived in the world for thirty three years as a man, from My birth from a virgin’s womb, I was also God. Even as a child I was different from other children as My deity was often revealed.


The Word of God said that Mary pondered and kept these things in her heart.(Luke 2:19) But sometimes as a human mother she forgot that I was the God-child. At the age of twelve at the time of the feast I stayed behind and instructed the learned men of the temple from the scriptures. John the Baptist knew that I was sent from heaven to the world. He testified about this. After My baptism in water and the Holy Spirit I went to the desert to fast and pray for forty days. In My physical form as a man I felt hungry. Satan tried to take advantage of this. He tempted Me in many ways but I resisted him and drove him away. The Word of God says-Resist the devil and he will flee from you.(Jam 4:7) No man can be tempted beyond his endurance and with the temptation there is always a way to escape.(I Cor 10:13) Temptation comes from satan.(James 1:12) I went to the wedding of a close relation in Cana as an ordinary guest. I had not revealed My divine power till then. When there was no wine I did My first miracle there and changed the water into wine. After this I did many miracles of healing and feeding of the five thousand with five loaves and two fishes. Through My miracles and preaching many believed in Me that I came as the Messiah to save the people of the world from their sins. In other ways also I showed Myself as God as well as Man. I wept over the city of Jerusalem (Matt 23:37-39) because I knew in the future what would happen to it. As a human I wept at the grave of Lazarus (John 11:35) but as God I brought him back to life. As a man when I was hungry I looked at the fig tree


for fruits but finding only leaves, as divine I cursed it and it dried up to the roots.(Mark 11:12-14; 20,21) My disciples believed in Me as God, but their human nature made their faith weak at times. As a tired man I slept in the boat. When the storm came and the faith of My disciples was shaken they woke Me up. As the creator of the elements I commanded the storm to cease and the sea became calm.(Mark 4:37-39) In the Garden of Gethsemane in My human suffering and agony I prayed to My Father to strengthen Me to undergo the torture and death on the cross. I prayed for My disciples and all those who believed in Me. I knew I had to go through all this alone to bear the sins of the whole world. I conquered death and rose again victorious from the grave. Today I am worshipped as Lord of Lords and King of Kings seated on the throne by the right side of the Father. Those who read this can find the proofs in the Word of God that I was God who came down as man to the world to die for the sins of the people. Even in the world I was Divine as well as human. Those who believe in Me will be saved from their sins and will live with Me in My kingdom at the end of the world.�


15. SOWING AND REAPING The first two people whom I created ate the fruits of the garden and they sinned in eating the forbidden fruit. The curse I put on the man was to till the ground and sow the seed and eat of the crops that grew out of the ground. He had to work hard to do this, because the ground was cursed and brought forth thorns and thistles also.(Gen 3;18) From that time onwards sowing and reaping has become a continuous process so that the people may have food to eat. When I came into the world and preached the gospel to the people, I told them –The fowls of the air sow nor reap, yet your heavenly Father feedeth them.(Matt6:26) I am the God who supplies all your needs. People give more importance to their material needs. I have said-Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.(Matt 4:4) Those who give more importance to their spiritual life will find that their material needs are also supplied. The Word of God says-Sow to yourselves in righteousness and reap in mercy.( Hosea 10;12) Those who live in righteousness according to the Word of God will receive the fruit of righteousness. They will find Me to be a merciful God to them always and they will also know how to be merciful to others. There are other people who plough iniquity and sow wickedness and reap the same.(Job4:8) They live lives of sin and enjoy the pleasures of the world. They earn money in crooked ways. These are the seeds they sow in their lives. In return they will reap what they have sown.


They will have no peace in their lives. Sickness, strife and sorrow will be part of their lives. If they do not repent, at the end of the world they will be judged and condemned to everlasting punishment. They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.(Ps 126:5) I have said 窶的n the world the children of God will have sorrows and trials.(II Tim 3:12) But with My help they will be patient in their trials and they will find the peace that passes understanding which I give them. They will also find the true meaning of knowing the joy of the Lord. They will receive their reward in My kingdom. The servants of God sow the seeds of the Gospel in the hearts of the people. These are the sowers of the Word of God about whom I told the parable. All My disciples were sowers. The Word of God also says 窶的n the last days the Gospel will be preached throughout the world.(Matt 24:14) This is what is happening now. The harvest is truly plentiful. But the labourers are few. (Matt9:37) I am choosing people of all ages from different situations to reap the harvest in the world. These people are those who serve Me faithfully in gathering souls for My kingdom. Though good crops are sowed in a field weeds also grow with the crops. At the time of the harvest the weeds are pulled out and burnt and the good grain is harvested.(Matt 13:30) In the world also there are good people and bad people. Both enjoy the sun, light and the air and are fed and clothed. The good people are those who believe in Me and worship Me alone and live holy righteous lives. The bad people


are wicked people who obey satan and worship other gods. The last harvesting will be done at the end of the world by the angels. (Matt 13:39) They will separate the good crops from the weeds. The good people are the good crops and the bad people are the weeds. The bad people will be judged and sent to hell with the devil and his followers. The good people will live with Me in My kingdom.�


16. HIDING PLACE “At sometime or other every one finds the need for a hiding place. Children find places to hide while playing games. Sometimes to escape punishment they find a hiding place. When they were created Adam and Eve had no need of a hiding place. But after they sinned they found a hiding place in the garden when I came to talk to them. People may find hiding places in the world to escape from others. But no one can hide from Me.(Heb 4:13) My eyes can see through every corner of the world. The Word of God says- Whither shall I go from thy spirit or whither shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven Thou art there. If I make My bed in hell behold Thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea Thou art even there .(Ps139:7-9) After the flood the people tried to build a high tower reaching up to the skies so that if there was another flood they could hide there. I had already made a covenant that I would not destroy the world again by flood. What they did was against My will. So I put a stop to their building the Tower of Babel. Sometimes like these people believers also build up their own defences without trusting Me to help them. This only gets them deep into troubles. The kings of old built fortress to shelter them from the attacks of the enemy. Out of fear of the enemy they did this. To escape from the wrath of Jezebel, Elijah found hiding places in the caves. I protected him and delivered him from his fear of Jezebel.


The Word of God says- The name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous runneth into it and are safe.(Pro18:10) Those who look to Me for shelter in their troubles and trials will find a hiding place in Me at such times. The Word of God says- God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble(Ps 46:1) and Thou art My hiding place.(Ps 32:7) The unbelievers do not have this assurance. So they run here and there searching for hiding places. As it is written in the Word of God-In the last days there will be earthquakes and the mountains and rocks will break up. There will be no place for the unbelievers to hide at that time.(Rev 6:15,16) When I was in the world it saddened Me that the people did not have faith in Me. I lamented over Jerusalem-Thou that killest the prophets and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chicks under her wings and ye would not. (Matt 23:37) In time of danger, to protect the chicks a mother hen keeps her chickens under her wings. In times of trouble those who are in need of a shelter from the storms of life will find a hiding place under My wings which are always ready to receive them. During war time also people build all kinds of hiding places from the attack of the enemy. The greatest enemy of man is satan. There is no hiding place for man to escape from satan’s attacks. He is found everywhere. I am the only hiding place to protect man from satan. Those who believe in Me and read the Word of God will know this. They will find protection in


Me. I am the sheltering rock, a fortress, a strong tower, a place of refuge from the storm of life and the safest hiding place from all the trials, troubles and sorrows of the world.�


17. ASCENDING AND DESCENDING “To escape from his brother’s wrath, Jacob left his father’s house to go to his uncle Laban’s house. On the way when it became dark he put a stone for a pillow under his head and slept in the wilderness. He had a wonderful dream. He saw a ladder going from earth to heaven and angels ascending and descending upon it. At the top of the ladder he saw the light of My presence. I spoke to him and blessed him. Jacob was a chosen vessel even from his mother’s womb. Since that dream, I have spoken to him at other times also. Many children of God have visions of angels descending and singing songs. When Lucifer was thrown out of heaven for his rebellion, he descended into the world.(Is 14:12) But it was with My permission. I have given man from the beginning, knowledge and intellect. I spoke to him and communed with him. There was no reason for him to listen to the voice of satan and fall into sin. But he disobeyed Me. Till today people obey satan and sin; and worship other gods. To save mankind from his sin I descended into the world from heaven – in the form of man. I was crucified on the cross and descended into the hell of death. On the third day I rose again from the grave. During My life time I preached to the masses. Many listened to Me and believed in Me- that I was the Messiah who came to the world to give His life


to save sinners; and there is no other way by which man can be saved. I chose My disciples and instructed them to carry the gospel message throughout the world. The time came for Me to leave the world and go back to My throne in heaven from where I descended into the world to save mankind. On the day of My ascension My disciples were with Me. As I ascended into heaven they gazed at Me till I was out of their sight. An angel came and informed them that once again I will descend into the world for the last time at the end of the world.(Acts 1:9-11) Till then they were commissioned to preach the gospel of salvation and My second coming.(Mark 16:15) At the end of the world once again I will descend into the world for the second time. I will not come alone. A host of angels and saints will come with Me to judge the world. This time every eye will see Me and every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that I am the Lord and the only God.(Phil 2:10,11) Those who believed in Me will rejoice and those who did not believe in Me though they had the opportunity will fear and tremble when they see Me in all glory and power come to judge the world. Let those who read this who have not believed in Me fear and tremble even now and repent for their sins and worship of false gods. Let them accept the salvation offered to them by My death and resurrection.


Those who believe will one day ascend with Me into My kingdom in heaven and live with Me forever. Those who do not believe till the end will descend into hell with satan and his followers into everlasting punishment. Be warned.�


18. DEPTH “The precious metals and precious gems are found hidden deep inside the earth and in the rocks and mountains. To get them out man has to dig deep by using implements. The sweetest honey is found hidden deep inside the flowers. The insects go inside these flowers and draw out the honey. The Word of God is a treasure shove of precious gems. Those who dig deep into it will find the treasures hidden there. The people of the earth cannot appreciate this. Those who read the Word of God as a duty or carelessly without interest will not get the treasures out of it. They will not benefit by it. Those who have the deep love for Me and My Word will spend much time and effort to study the Word of God. They will find the deep meanings hidden there, which will be a source of joy and pleasure to them, which the world cannot give them. They will find the answers to their doubts and problems because the Word of God will speak to them. These are the people with deep faith in Me. Those whose faith is shallow are the people of whom it is said-they are neither hot nor cold because they are lukewarm in their faith.(Rev 3:15,16) Abel had the deep faith in Me which Cain did not have. I was able to use many people because of their deep love and faith in Me. Mary was more blessed than Martha because her faith and love came from the depths of her heart.


The disciples fished the whole night and did not catch any fish. When I told them to put down their nets into the deep waters and they obeyed Me, they caught the net full of fishes in spite of which the net did not break. I then told them that I would make them fishers of men.(Luke 5:5-10) Some of them were simple fishermen. But when they were filled with the Holy Spirit they preached the Gospel and saved many souls for My kingdom. Those who have a deep spiritual life will spend much time in reading the Word of God and in prayer. They will become fishers of men. The biggest fish live in deep waters. Only those with a deep faith and love for Me will be able to serve Me though there are people who preach the Gospel as a means of livelihood. The deepest love in the world is My love for mankind. It was this love that made Me give My life for the world to save the people from their sins. Those who believe in My death and resurrection will have a deep spiritual life and will serve Me. Those whose spiritual life is deep will be able to do the ministry, with the power of the Holy Spirit. They will be blessed and the souls they save also will be blessed.�


19. HOLY SPIRIT “And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour My Spirit upon all flesh and your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in these days will I pour out My Spirit.(Joel2:28,29) The Word of God says- When the earth was without form and was void and darkness was upon the face of the deep, the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.(Gen 1:2) The servants of God of the Old Testament all did their work with the help of the Holy Spirit. The prophets of old like Samuel, Elijah, Daniel were moved by the Holy Spirit to prophesy. When I came to the world and was baptized in the Jordan River by John, the Holy Spirit descended upon Me in the form of a dove, because I came in the form of man and it was through the Holy Spirit I was able to do the miracles. Before I left the world I promised My disciples that I would go back to My Father and send the Holy Spirit to the world. The disciples obeyed Me and prayed in the Upper Room. The Holy Spirit descended upon them and they were strengthened spiritually to take the Gospel to other places and they did mighty miracles. The Word of God says-The Father, Son and the Holy Spirit are one. Those who read the Word of God carefully and prayerfully will understand this. But unfortunately there are some who worship only the Father and others who worship only the Son. They cannot enter My kingdom.


As I have said –In the last days I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh. These are the last days and the Holy Spirit is in the world today. I have said-Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.(Luke 11:9,10) If you being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him. (Luke 11:13) Those who believe this and ask for the Holy Spirit will have the same experience as the disciples in the Upper room. These signs shall follow them that believe; in My name they shall cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues.(Mark 16:17) The Word of God also says that satan like a roaring lion, walketh about seeing whom he may devour.(I Peter 5:8) That is why in the last days the Holy Spirit shall be poured upon all mankind so that they may defeat satan and his works by doing the work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is a person like the Father and the Son. The Word of God says-Do not grieve the Holy Spirit.(Eph 4:30) When believers lose their faith they grieve the Holy Spirit. Sometimes in their trials satan makes them to turn against God and blame God for their trials. Some even blaspheme the name of God. These are the people who grieve the Holy Spirit. After the children of God – who have believed in Me as their Lord and Saviour and served Me-are taken away from the world into My kingdom, the


tribulation period begins. The Holy Spirit is also taken out of the world. These are terrible days. The Word of God says- There will be famine, not for food and water but for the Word of God. Even in those days some will run here and there seeking for the Word. (Amos 8:11,12) Many will die as martyrs in those days. The Word of God says-Be filled with the Spirit and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh.(Gal 5:16) The Holy Spirit will keep you from sinning. He will be your helper and comforter. He will lead you and guide you. He will teach you many things.(I John 2:27) You will understand the Word of God when you read it. You will do your ministry with power. Miracles will take place. Souls will be saved and satan will be defeated. These are the blessings for those who are baptized in the Holy Spirit. These are the days of the Holy Spirit. So avail of this opportunity. Believe in the Word of God and be filled with the Holy Spirit so that you may not be left behind to face the period of tribulation when the Holy Spirit will be taken out of the world.�


20. PSALM 23 “The Lord is My shepherd. I shall not want. If you believe that am your Lord and Saviour then I am your shepherd and you are My sheep. I am the good shepherd who gave My life for My sheep. I gave My life to save you from your sins. If you are a lost sheep who went astray, I am the Good Shepherd who went in search of the last sheep to bring you back to the fold. It is not My will that any should perish. If you accept Me as your shepherd and hear My voice and follow Me and obey Me you shall not be in want. The Word of God says- The young lions do lack and suffer hunger but they that wait upon the Lord shall not want anything.(Ps 34:10) I am the God who supplies all your needs, spiritual and material, if you look to Me as your Lord and Shepherd. He leadeth Me to the green pastures and beside quiet waters. He restoreth my soul. If I am your shepherd and you are My sheep, you will flourish in your life. Your youth will be renewed like the eagles’ and your life will be quiet and peaceful even though there may be trials and temptations. Still waters are usually deep waters; pure and clean. Like that if you keep close to Me your life will be pure, clean and holy because I have said-Be ye holy even as I am holy.(I Peter 1:16) When the storms and troubles come in your life brought by satan you may suffer. But it is not a permanent suffering because your soul will be restored and refreshed by Me.


When you cast your burdens upon Me you will not feel the burden of your suffering. When you seek Me on your knees you will receive this restoration of your soul whatever may be your circumstances. He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his namesake. If I am your good shepherd you will hear My voice and follow Me and keep close to Me. Satan will also be close to you, but if you resist him and reject him you will follow My leading into the paths of righteousness and you will escape the temptations of satan. The path I lead you may not always be a smooth road. There will be dangers also. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil. Thy rod and staff shall comfort me. To reach the green pastures , sometimes your shepherd may lead you through the dark valley; a dangerous valley; a fearful valley. But I have promised to be with you when you walk through this valley. Your life may sometimes be in danger. Your trials may be overwhelming. You may feel you are sinking. But fear not. I am with you. I will lift you up out of your trials and keep you safe. So no harm can touch you. Thou furnished a table before My enemies. Thou anointest my head with oil. My cup runneth over. Through lack of faith the Israel people challenged Moses with a questionCan the Lord furnish a table in the wilderness? They were prompted to ask this question by satan because he is the enemy. I proved to them that I


could indeed furnish a table in the wilderness by giving them food and drink even in the wilderness. Those who have full faith in Me even in time of difficulties when satan tries to attack their faith and make them lose their faith, if they believe in Me and hold fast to My Words, they will overcome their difficulties and defeat satan. They will grow in their spiritual life and the oil of gladness which is the Holy Spirit will fill them till overflowing. Their cup of joy will overflow. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell In the house of the Lord forever. If you had been a good obedient sheep and followed your Lord, your Shepherd wherever he leads you- you will receive your reward at the end. Your life will be one of peace and joy, goodness and mercy. You will be blessed and through you others will be blessed. The reward you will receive at the end of your life will be to live with Me forever in My kingdom.�


21. GOD SPEAKS “I am a living God, I am from everlasting to everlasting; I am Alpha and Omega, I have no beginning and no end.(Rev 1:8) Can you understand all this? Your understanding is too small. It is enough if you know that I am your God and you are My child and I speak to you. Yes! I am a God who speaks. From the beginning of creation I speak to My creations. The trees hear My voice. The Word of God says- The trees of the field clap their hands.(Is 55:12) The elements hear My voice and obey Me, when I speak to them. I speak through the thunder and the rain. I speak through the earthquakes and the storms. I speak to the birds and animals and they obey Me. I commanded them to go two by two into Noah’s ark and they obeyed Me. I made Balaam’s ass to speak to speak.(Num 22:28-31) I commanded the ravens to feed Elijah and they did it.(I Kings17:6) I shut the mouth of the lions so that they did not harm Daniel when he was thrown in the lions’ den.(Dan 6:22) All these animals and birds obeyed My voice. I loved the first two people that I created and I enjoyed their company and talked to them in a loving voice in the Garden of Eden. But they disobeyed Me and obeyed the lies of satan and sinned. So I spoke to them in a harsh tone, but also a sad tone and meted out their punishment. But My love was such that I did not destroy them because I had created the earth for mankind.(Ps115:16)


I continued to speak to the people. I spoke to Cain when he murdered his brother. I spoke to Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and to others. These people also spoke to Me. But when people became more and more wicked and sinned, I spoke only to My chosen, faithful ones. I chose the descendants of Abraham as My chosen people. But I spoke to them only through Moses, when I brought the Israelites out of Egypt. I called them My people and spoke to them in loving words and blessed them. But alas! They were not true to Me. They murmured against Me and sinned and broke the commandments that I gave them. So I spoke to them in a voice like thunder and punished them. But some were always faithful to Me. After Moses I chose Joshua to lead the Israelites. As time went on I raised up prophets through whom I spoke to the people. But neither they nor did their kings obey My words always. Elijah, My prophet has heard Me speak in a voice like thunder as well as in a still small voice. When Elisha succeeded Elijah I spoke through him also to guide the people and kings in the right way. According to My Father’s plan to save mankind from their sins, I came to the world to teach the people the Truth and the way to salvation. During the years I spent in the world I spoke to the crowds of people. I spoke loving words to them, comforting words and healed their diseases. I taught them many things through parables. I preached sermons that the way into the kingdom of God was by believing in Me as the only Saviour who can save them from their sins. I taught them how to lead a righteous life. What


I taught those people applies to the people of this day also. Some believed in My Words and accepted Me as their Saviour. But others rejected Me. So there were times when I used condemning words and angry words in a loud voice. I condemned the Pharisees for their outward show of holiness while in truth they were unholy. I drove out the crowded traders from the Jerusalem temple because they were making the house of God into a den of thieves.(Mark 11:17) I spoke in a voice of authority to dead Lazarus to come out of the grave. He came out alive. I loved My disciples and they also loved Me. I often spoke lovingly to them, but at times I chided them for their lack of faith, like the time I was sleeping in the boat when I was with them on the sea. When the storm came they became frightened and lost their faith. I commanded the winds and the waves to be still and immediately the storm ceased.(Mark 4:36-40) Many times I rebuked satan and commanded him to come out of those who were possessed with evil spirits. The spirits obeyed My words and came out. Before I left the world I promised to send the Holy Spirit into the world after My death and resurrection, to carry on My ministry through the servants of God. Today it is not the Israel people who are My chosen generation but all who are saved from their sins through My blood- who believe in Me and in My Word- are My chosen people. Like the disciples of old who did the ministry, today also, My servants are doing the same. I will fill them with the gifts of the


Holy Spirit to preach to the people the way of salvation and to do the miracles in My name. As I spoke in the days of old, today also I speak to the people. I reveal Myself to them and I speak to them. Many have heard My voice and many are hearing My voice. I also speak through the voice of prophesy through My servants, to teach the people, to direct them in the right way through My messages and to console and comfort them. Those who hear My voice and obey Me will be blessed in this world and the next in My kingdom.�


22. NEIGHBOURS “Who is my neighbour? That was the question My disciples asked Me when I gave them two commandments. Even today people do not know the true meaning of the word neighbour. They only think neighbours are people who live around their house in the same locality. Many people who are in search of a house are particular that they get a house in a good neighbourhood with pleasant surroundings and good decent neighbours. Only the very poor have the only intention to get some place to live. Moses was given the Ten Commandments written on two tablets of stone. I put all the Ten Commandments into two commandments. Love thy God with all thy heart, soul and mind and love your neighbour as yourself.(Luke 10:27) My disciples could understand when I told them to love God with heart, soul and mind. But they could not understand what I meant when I said to love your neighbour as thyself. So they asked the question- Who is My neighbour? To illustrate this I told them the parable of the Good Samaritan. The Priest is a person who serves God. But he did not think that serving man is also serving God. His work in the church was only a ritual. The charities he did were only rituals.He had no love either for God or man. So he ignored the poor wounded man lying on the wayside. He did not feel it was his duty to help that man. The Levite also belonged to the priestly clan, of the Jewish tribe of Israel.


He also observed all the rituals. He was full of pride and self-righteousness. He thought if he touched the wounded man he will be defiled. So he also ignored the wounded man on the wayside. Both these men did not behave in a neighbourly way. There are people in the world like the priest and the Levite. They can belong to any religion, any caste and any nation. They form institutions of social service and do charities. They set up schools and orphanages, hospitals and homes for the poor and the aged. They do all this without any love. The people who support these institutions also give their money as an act of charity so that they may get a good name or even a blessing. Some people get rid of their illegally earned incomes by giving to charitable institutions. For some these institutions are a means of earning money. It is a business for them. All this they do without any love for the suffering. The Samaritan belonged to a caste looked down by the Jews. When he saw the wounded man lying on the road, the Samaritan poured oil and wine on his wounds, put him on his animal, took him to the inn and paid the keeper for all the aid to be rendered to him. The Samaritan did all this out of love and compassion for the wounded man. He was not a very rich man. He behaved in a good neighbourly manner. Those living around us are also our neighbours. Some may be good neighbours and some may be bad neighbours. A true Christian believer who reads the Word of God and prays frequently – will know how to live in peace with these neighbours.


He will show by his life that he is a true Christian and when opportunity comes he will tell them the Gospel also. He will also render neighbourly assistance to those who are in need. It is not only the people who are living nearby who are our neighbours. As the Good Samaritan was travelling on his way he came across the wounded man and helped him. A true Christian believer’s life is a journey on his way to heaven. When I preached My sermons when I was in the world, I said - to do unto others as you would want them to do unto you.(Matt 7:12) This is being a good neighbour. All those who come in contact with you in your daily life are your neighbours and those who believe in Me- I have said – they will do the works that I do.(John 14:12) Those who have been saved from their sins and filled with the Holy Spirit, who keep close to Me, who pray often and read the Word of God and serve Me will know how to be a good neighbour. When they know how to love their God with all their heart, soul and mind, they will also know how to love their neighbour as themselves. By this they keep all commandments to the best of their ability. In return they will receive the love of their neighbours and best of all they will receive My love.”


23. FAITH, HOPE AND LOVE “Now abideth faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. (I Cor 13:13) Yes, love is greater than faith and hope. The Word of God says- Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews11:1) This is the meaning of faith which is found in Hebrews 11th chapter in the Word of God. All people have some faith or the other. The faith of some may be strong and others weak. The unbelievers have faith in the rituals they perform to the gods they worship. There are people who have faith only in themselves. If the people in the Garden had more faith in Me they would not have disobeyed Me, which was the cause of their downfall. Noah had faith in Me when he built the ark. Abraham had faith in Me when I promised to give him a child. Sarah’s faith was not so strong that she made the blunder of getting a child through Hagar. Abraham’s faith was such that he was willing to offer Isaac as sacrifice at My command. It was Joseph’s faith that lifted him up to a high post in Egypt. It was by faith that Moses brought the children of Israel from Egypt. But the faith of the Israel people was not strong. Many times they lost their faith and sinned. Daniel, Shadrach, Meshak and Abednego were willing to die for their faith. My disciples and all those who believed in Me after I left the world had this


faith. Many of them died as martyrs because of their faith. One of the greatest examples of faith was that of Job. Even in the midst of his sufferings and loss he said- Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him.(Job 13:15) In the previous centuries many missionaries who went to the heathen lands to spread the Gospel have stood strong in their faith in spite of oppositions, sufferings and even death. In these last days also I am choosing many servants of God for their faith in Me and willingness to serve Me. The worldly children put their faith in wealth and fame which they can enjoy only till their death. I have said- If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed it is enough to move mountains.(Matt 17:20) Those who believe in Me and have faith in Me though they may not have wealth and fame they will have an everlasting peace and joy that the world cannot give them. All people, even children have ambitions and hopes and they work towards attaining what they hoped for. Some though they work for it their hopes are not fulfilled. The Word of God says-Hope deferred makes the heart sick.(Pro 13:12) People who put their hopes in worldly things – when their hopes are not fulfilledthey become disillusioned and even commit suicide. People sometimes put their hopes in their friends and relations to help


them in their time of need but they are forsaken by the same people. I have promised 窶的 will never leave you or forsake you.(Heb 13:5) Those who believe in Me will find this to be true in their time of trouble and distress. The Israel people left Egypt with the hope of reaching Canaan. But their hope was not fulfilled because on their way they disobeyed Me and sinned and as a punishment I did not allow that first generation which came out of Egypt to reach the promised land. The true children of God who believe in Me will know that their hope is to attain a place in My kingdom. To enter My kingdom after their death is their hope and ambition. Before I left, I said- There are many mansions in My kingdom and I go to prepare a place for you, that where I am you may be also.(John 14:2,3) Those who hope to enter My kingdom must believe in Me, accept the salvation I give and live accordingly by following the Word of God and prayer. The Word of God says-The greatest of these is love.(I Cor13:13) Love suffereth long, and is kind; love envieth not, love vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil, Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. (I Cor 13:4-7) The definition of love is contained in these verses. People may have faith and hope but they may not have love. There are many worldly definitions also


for love. The Word of God says- The love of money is the root of all evil. (I Timothy 6:10) People who love the worldly pleasures and indulge in them will lose their souls because when they die their souls will go to hell, and even when they are alive they lose their health and wealth. I have said- Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and its righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.(Matt 6:33) Love not the world, the things of the world.(I John 2:15) I have also said – Love your God with all your heart and soul and mind.(Luke 10:27) Those who love Me truly will not love the world. In the last days the love of many will vax cold.(Matt 24:12) All human love is only temporary. It is only My love that is everlasting. Greater love hath no man than this, that I lay down My life for My friends.(John 15:13) My love for mankind is the purest, best and the greatest love because I came to the world to give My life to save the people from their sins so that whoever believes in Me should have everlasting life with Me, even after his death. Those who believe in Me and in My love will take up their cross and follow Me.(Matt 16:24) They will be blessed in this world and the next.�


24. HUMAN AND DIVINE “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.(John 1:1,2) This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.(Matt 3:17) I and My Son are one. He is with Me just as I am, from everlasting to everlasting, even as the Holy Spirit is one with us. From the beginning of the world there are people who did not believe in the truth. Some believe only in the Father and some believe only in My Son Jesus as God, apart from those who believe that Jesus was a prophet , a man, or as the idol-worshippers believe, another god worshipped by some people. There are many arguments in the world today about the divinity of My son, Jesus. The Word of God says- God so loved the world that he sent His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.(John 3:16) This is the only reason I sent My Son into the world to save the people from their sins so that when they die their souls should not perish. Jesus was human as well as divine when He lived in the world. His birth was a divine birth because he was conceived by the Holy Spirit, but He was born and grew up as a human child. Even in his childhood His divinity was manifested now and again. His human parents observed and knew this, though they sometimes forgot.


At the age of twelve when they went to the Jerusalem Temple, Jesus stayed behind to teach the Pharisees in the Temple, who were learned men. Here His divinity was manifested. When His parents came searching for Him, Jesus replied that He was doing His heavenly Father’s business. Before He began His ministry , He went to be baptized by John the Baptist, like the other people, who repented for their sins at the preaching of John. John knew that Jesus was divine and the purpose for which He came to the world. That is why he exclaimed-Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world.(John 1:29) The Holy Spirit descended on Him and I declared – This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.(Matt3:17) Jesus fasted for forty days in the wilderness to prepare Himself for the ministry He had to do to fulfill the purpose for which He was sent into the world. Being in the human form, after forty days’ fasting He was very hungry and weak. At this time satan took advantage of His weak state to tempt him. Though His human weakness was there He resisted satan’s temptations by quoting the Words of the Holy Book. Today also the children of God also have the same temptations. If they resist the devil like Jesus He will flee away from them.(James 4:7) No one is tempted beyond their capacity.(I Cor 10:13) Temptations come from satan. (James 1:12) Those who overcome will have a blessed life. But alas! There are many who fall into satan’s traps.


As a human, Jesus went with His mother Mary to attend a wedding in Cana and there His divine nature was manifested when He changed the water into wine. Some of those who observed this believed in Him. From then on Jesus went about preaching and doing miracles. He chose His disciples to be with Him. He did many miracles of healing and feeding the five thousand with two loaves and five fishes. Seeing all these miracles many believed in Him and followed Him. At the same time there were others who did not believe that He was the Son of God- like the Pharisees and Sadducees. Some also among the crowds who followed Him, though they saw the miracles, they did not believe in Him because they were hard hearted and worldly. Though the Gospel is preached people do not like to give up the pleasures of the world and their sinful life. They do not find time to read the Word of God and to pray. Others worship other Gods. Many times –as a human being- after walking and doing the ministry of preaching and healing, Jesus used to be very tired. He once said-The foxes have holes and the birds have nests. But the Son of Man has no place to rest His head.(Matt 8:20) That is why He slept in the boat in which He was travelling with His disciples. Even those disciples who were with Him lost their faith when the storm came; and they became frightened. Here again Jesus showed His divinity as the Creator. He said –Peace be still.(Mark 4:39) Immediately the disciples fell down at his feet and worshipped Him.


Sometimes the children of God also lose their faith when trials and troubles come into their lives. The Word of God says- Call upon Me in your trouble and I will deliver you.(Psalm 50:15) Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.(Matt 11:28) Among those who believed besides His disciples- Jesus had many friends who loved Him and entertained Him in their homes like Mary, Martha and Lazarus. In His divine nature He knew that Lazarus had died and that He would bring him back alive. But when He came to the tomb His human feelings overcame Him and He wept with the others. Then He manifested His divinity and brought back Lazarus to life. Throughout His ministry Jesus showed more than human love and compassion for the suffering. Those who do the ministry must show the love and compassion of Jesus to those whom they minister. Like Jesus they must spend long hours in prayer and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Miracles will take place in their ministry and God will be glorified. This is a a promise given in the Word of God. Seeing the crowds that followed after Jesus, the temple priests, Pharisees and others became jealous of His ministry. They began to plot to kill Him. Jesus knew that the time for Him to die had come. He knew the purpose for which He was sent to the world must be fulfilled by His death, for the sins of the people. Just before His arrest He spent a whole night in prayer to receive the strength in His time of agony. He cried to Me – His Father- for help to undergo all the


physical and mental torture that would be given to Him by His enemies. When human beings cry to Me in pain and troubles I help them and they are relieved from their sufferings. But at that time I could not help My own beloved Son. I had to forsake Him to be tortured and nailed to the cross and put to death by His enemies. This was also a spiritual agony that Jesus suffered at the time of His death, when He cried –My God, My God why hast thou forsaken Me? - from the cross.(Matt27:46) That was the end of the human nature of Jesus. He bore the sins of the whole world when he suffered for mankind and died on the cross. On the third day He rose from the grave and appeared in His resurrected form to His disciples and others. He instructed them to be anointed by the Holy Spirit and to go into all the world and preach the Gospel of Salvation. (Mark 16:15) Jesus came back to His divine form as the Son of God to sit on the right hand of His Father in His kingdom. One day Jesus will come again to the world to judge the world and to separate the saved from the unsaved. Those who believe in His death and resurrection will be saved from their sins. It is the duty of every saved child of God to tell the Gospel to the unsaved. The instructions Jesus gave His disciples is for everyone. Those who believe in Jesus will be saved from their sins. Jesus is the only Way, the Truth and Life to enter the kingdom of God. There is no other way. At the end of the world, when the people are judged there are only two places where they will go- the saved to the kingdom of God


and the unsaved to the kingdom of satan. No one can be saved after death. Take the opportunity given to you while you are alive in the world. Jesus is divine. He is Lord. Believe in Him.�


25. CHILDREN’S BREAD “During My ministry in the world different types of people came to Me for different reasons. Some came to hear My message, some came for healing and some came for comfort in their sorrows and deliverance from their troubles. Of all those who came, if they believed in Me and came in faith they were blessed. The untouchable lepers also came. I touched them and healed them. The Syrophenician woman who was a gentile also came with a request that I should heal her daughter who was possessed of a devil. I pretended not to take notice of her. But she cried and followed Me. Even My disciples tried to send her away but she would not go. To test her faith I told her that I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. She was not deterred by this reply. She cried and asked Me to help her. Even then I told her that it was not right to take the children’s bread and cast it to the dogs -she gave an amazing reply that the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the master’s table. Her faith was so great. Seeing this I blessed her and her daughter was delivered from the devil at that instant.(Matt15:22-28; Mark 7:25-30) My disciples were taught a lesson at that time. The Jews always felt superior to the other nations, the Gentiles. Though I came to the world as a Jew, I did not show any difference in My ministry towards the gentiles also. I spoke to the Samaritan woman and not only was she saved but brought many others also to Me.


When I spoke to the woman about the children’s bread, she thought I meant only the Jews were the children and the dogs were the Gentiles. She humbled herself to such an extent. Those who believe in Me and humble themselves are My children. The proud also expect blessings from Me without humbling themselves. The Pharisees lost their salvation because of their pride whereas My disciples, not only the humble fishermen, but also the rich tax gatherer Matthew, the physician Luke and others were also humble. They gave up their positions to follow Me. The woman was also persistent in her prayer. Some people expect to get answers to their prayers as soon as they ask. When their prayer is not answered immediately they lose their faith. The Word of God says-Pray without ceasing. The children’s bread that I spoke of is the bread of Life that I offered to the whole world. The bread is My body which was crucified on the Cross for the sins of the people. Without any difference of caste and creed I offered this bread to everyone. All those who believe in My death and resurrection are saved from their sins and are the people who eat of the bread of life that I offer them. Those who read the Word of God and pray are also the people who sit at My table and eat this bread. One day they will dine with Me in My kingdom. If you have the faith of that woman your prayers will be answered and you will be blessed in this world and the next.”


26. GO FORTH “The Word of God says-Go Forth. When soldiers prepare for war and they are ready to battle they wait to hear the commander’s shout ‘Onward and Forward.’ An army out to win a battle has to prepare itself before it can go into the battle. They are given a lot of training as soldiers from a young age. They have to be physically and mentally strong. For this they are given good food and exercise for the body and they are taught many things to develop the mind also. A feeble minded person, a fearful person and a physically weak person cannot be a soldier. Only after all this training a soldier is ready to go to the battle front. He knows he may die in the battle but he is not afraid. He had prepared himself to that extent. When the commander says “Onward, Forward!” the soldiers march to the battle. They do not think of defeat. They go forward to win and even to give their lives for the sake of their country. Even when the foe against them is very strong the commander keeps urging them forward. His voice is enough to encourage them to keep on fighting till the end. They have no thought of turning back and retreating. Their one thought is to go forth and conquer the enemy. These men are chosen strong youngmen. When Gideon also went to battle I told him to send away the fearful so that I could show My power to win the foe with a few men.(Judges 7:2,3) In the spiritual realm also there is always a battle going on. It started in the


heavenlies when Lucifer and his band of followers rebelled against Me. I cast them out.(Is 14:12-15) From that day onwards he is the chief enemy for Me and for mankind. From the day he caused the first two people to sin his chief aim is to draw the people in the world to his side and that is what he is doing and will do till the end of the world. To help mankind to defeat satan I came to the world to save the people from their sins by My death and resurrection. I am the Chief Commander of the army against satan even as Lucifer is the commander of the wicked army. Those who believe in Me will be on My side to oppose satan. The Word of God says-You are not fighting against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the darkness of the world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.(Eph 6:12) Those who desire to be soldiers in My army have to be trained and equipped. They must believe in Me as their commander and accept Me as their Lord and Saviour who died for their sins. To train themselves they must read the Word of God, follow it and pray. They must be in constant touch with Me. They may also obey Me in thought, word and deed. A soldier who goes to battle needs an armour to protect him from the attacks of the enemy. Even so a soldier who fights for Me against satan needs a spiritual armour as given in the Word of God.


Stand therefore having your loins gird about with Truth and having on the breastplate of Righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace. Above all taking the shield of Faith wherewith you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of Salvation and the sword of spirit which is the Word of God. And praying always with all Prayer and supplication in the spirit.(Eph 6:14-18) I have said –I am the way, the truth and the life.(John 14:6) My soldier must have his loin girt with truth to fight against satan who is a liar and the father of lies.(John 8:44) Righteousness is very important in the life of My soldier because one of satan’s weapon is unrighteousness. All those who are My soldiers are committed to take the Gospel to others to enlist more soldiers for My army. That is what I told My disciples before I left the world- Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel,(Mark 16:15) for Lo! I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.(Matt 28:19,20) Satan’s chief enemies in the world are the servants of God who preach the Gospel to save souls. A soldier without faith in his commander will not be able to face the enemy boldly. Those with strong Faith in Me will never be afraid of satan. He will overcome satan’s temptations and be strong and bold to resist satan. The Helmet of Salvation: To protect his head a soldier wears a helmet of steel. Without salvation no one can be My soldier. Those who repent for their


sins and are washed in My blood and accept Me as their commander receive their salvation. This salvation is the protection for the head because satan attacks the mind of a person with evil thoughts which makes him do evil deeds. The Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God without which no one can be a soldier. He must read the Word of God, meditate on it and follow it. When I was tempted I overcame satan by the Word of God. It is a powerful weapon in the hands of a soldier to overcome satan.(Heb 4:12) The Holy Spirit is the most essential weapon against satan. Even as a soldier needs weapons, to fight against satan the Holy Spirit is the most powerful weapon of a soldier in My army; because the Word of God says – The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down the strongholds of satan.(II Cor 10:4) Satan also has his weapons. To fight against the evil spirits a person must be equipped with the Holy Spirit. I have said- When you are filled with the Holy Spirit you will cast down demons and overcome satan. By means of such weapons as Faith, Righteousness, The Word of God, Prayer, the Gospel of Salvation and the Holy Spirit, all My soldiers will overcome satan and his army. They will find their reward and peace and rest in My kingdom and even in the world they will be blessed. In My Name they will go forth and conquer. They will carry My Name in the banner because satan dreads My name and he will flee at the very name of JESUS. Use it in your battle against satan. You will go forth and conquer and be victorious.�


27. MIRIAM “All those who read the Word of God and many who do not read it and even those who do not believe in the Word of God know the story of Moses. Aaron was Moses’ elder brother and Miriam was Moses’ elder sister. When Moses was born Miriam was much older than Moses. She was a young girl who loved her baby brother very much. Aaron also loved his brother. But being a girl, Miriam helped her mother to bring up baby Moses. Amram and Jochebed were spiritual parents who brought up their children to know Me as their God. Children who are brought up in a spiritual atmosphere of prayer and worship of the living God will be good children and grow up as good adults. Out of all families of Israel, I chose the children of this family to do My will in bringing the Israelites out of Egypt. In these days also I choose many children of God to fulfill My purpose and to do My will. Miriam felt sad when Moses was put in the wicker basket and let down into the Nile river. With an anxious heart she hid herself and watched what would happen to her baby brother. She saw Pharoah’s daughter taking the baby. Miriam was also an intelligent girl. At once she ran to Pharoah’s daughter and told her that she would bring a woman to nurse the baby. She ran and brought her own mother.


Thus through her prayers, her love and her intelligence she brought back her baby brother Moses to her home, where she had the joy of seeing him grow till he was sent to Pharoah’s palace. From then on she kept her contact with her brother. It was through this contact that Moses was always an Israelite though brought up in Pharoah’s palace.(Ex 2:1-10) When the Israelites came out of Egypt, Miriam was the leader of the women, whom she led in singing and dancing, praising the God who brought them out of bondage.(Ex 15:20,21) Even when people turned against Me and worshipped the calf she and other women did not join them. In these days also I choose many women to serve Me in preaching the Gospel. Even in the Apostles’ days women played an important part in the ministry. Women’s ministry is important. When a woman is saved the whole family will be saved. It was the mothers who brought the children to be blessed by Me when I was in the world. When I carried the cross, I told the weeping mothers of Jerusalem not to weep for Me but to weep for themselves and their children.(Luke 23:28) Since the world in these days has become worse than the days of Noah women have to shed tears and pray not only for their families but for the whole world. But Miriam was not perfect. As a human being she had faults. She had the pride that it was she who preserved Moses’ life and helped him. She wanted Me to give her equal importance with Moses and she became jealous of Moses. This was the temptation by satan in which she fell. I punished her with leprosy. She repented and when Moses cried to Me to


heal her she was healed. After that she did her duties and was faithful to Me till the end.(Num 12) The servants of God have to be more careful to resist the temptations of satan. He sees the weak point of a person and tempts him in that area. He hates those who are doing the ministry. But I have said in My Word- Resist the devil and he will flee from you.(James 4:7) Though the Word of God does not name her, there was another Miriam who carried out My purpose. This was the little slave girl in the house of Namaan. Though she was brought out of Israel as a slave to work in Namaan’s house, she was faithful to Me. She adjusted to her surroundings without murmuring. She was faithful to her mistress and did her duties so well that her mistress loved her and was kind to her. Her mistress had so much regard for her, that though Miriam was only a child and a slave, her mistress listened to her advice when she told her about the prophet Elisha who could heal her husband, who was a leper. Namaan listened to what his wife told him and went with his soldiers to Elisha; and was healed when Elisha prayed for him and instructed him to wash in the Jordon river.(II Kings 5:1-14) Thus besides the household of Namaan many believed in Me as the true God. All those who work for others are servants whether in a high position or a low position. Sometimes the children of God may have to work in adverse


circumstances but if they are faithful to Me like the little slave girl- faithful in their prayerlife and following the Word of God- the adverse circumstances will not affect them. They will do their work without murmuring and they will be able to adjust even in that place. Seeing their exemplary life and conduct others’ lives will be changed and they also will believe in Me and be saved. Those who do this will receive My blessing and they will fulfill My purpose for which I have placed them there. In time, I will lift them up and reward them. The faithful children of God and servants of God whether men or women will be blessed by Me and they will have a place in My kingdom.�


28. CHRISTMAS “Throughout the world, the people celebrate My birth as a festival. Even those who don’t understand the true meaning of My birth into the world celebrate this day as a festival. It is a time for them to eat and drink and make merry, a holiday time. Those who understand and those who don’t understand, observe certain rituals and customs. Throughout the generations, the people of different countries have different customs and celebrations and some of the customs have come down from the pagan worshippers. Those who believe in Me and worship Me as the Lord and Saviour of the world spend the season in prayer and worship in church and in the homes. They also remember that My birthday is a day of charity and love for others which should be the theme of celebration.There are also outward ways of celebration which are not sinful. To the true Christians it is a holy day. When sin came into the world through the first people the plan to save mankind from spiritual death was formed by the Father. He did this because He loved the world. To save the world and mankind from sin, My Father had to send Me, His beloved Son, to be born into the sinful world, as a human child and to grow up in the world and give My life. Many times before this the people were warned through Noah, Moses and many other prophets. They were told to turn away from the sin of idol worship and worship the true God. They were told to repent for their sins and offer


sacrifices to be saved from their sins. But they did not repent and the sacrifice became a ritual which they also did to the idols they worshipped. At all times there were some who were true to Me, who believed and worshipped the true God. At the same time the prophets long before My birth, foretold about the Messiah who would come to the world; who would be born of a virgin; who would teach the people the truth, the way of salvation into the kingdom of God. There were many devout people who were waiting for this event. John the Baptist preached the message of repentance and salvation through the Lamb of God who would come to take away the sins of the world. Many miracles took place as a sign of My birth. The virgin birth was a sign. Those who saw the star, like the shepherds and the wisemen came to the manger to worship Me. My earthly father and mother were instructed to give Me the name Jesus. This name is known throughout the world and is pronounced according to the languages of the world. Even from My birth satan tried to destroy Me by using his agents like King Herod. All these signs have been foretold by the prophets. (Jer31:15) Those who read the Word of God will find them recorded there. I was born in a lowly manger so that even the poorest of the poorest can believe in Me. I left My throne in heaven and humbled Myself to be born in the world as a human. But from My very birth the shadow of the cross was always there. From My childhood, though human I was also divine. I knew that I came to the world with a purpose to fulfill My Father’s plan to save mankind from their sin.


I loved mankind and I was willing to give My life on the cross to save man from his sins. During My ministry I taught the people many things and the way into the kingdom of God. I chose the disciples to preach the message of salvation through My death and resurrection. They did this and many in the world are still doing it and many souls are being saved. Let those who celebrate My birth as the Christ child in the manger also believe that I am the Saviour who died on the cross for the sins of the people and rose again on the third day and I am seated on the throne again on the right hand of My Father in heaven. I am there to intercede for My children when they call upon Me and to help them in the time of their trouble.For those who do this their celebration will be a holy festival acceptable to Me.�


29. ESTHER “The main reason that Esther was brought to the court of Ahasuerus was for the salvation of the Jews. Because of their sins, the Jews were punished and spread abroad in different countries away from their own land. Mordecai was a Jew. He brought up the orphan Esther as his own daughter. He taught her to love and worship the true God. He also taught her to be good and noble in character and to love her people, the Jews. Many of the virgins who were brought to king Ahasuerus were very beautiful. But Esther’s beauty was not only physical. There was an inner beauty in her that showed in her face. She was pure and holy and had a strong character. It was these qualities that made the king to choose Esther as his queen. In the world people spend a lot of money on their outward appearance. The Word of God says- Beauty is vain. (Pro 31:30) Physical beauty lasts only for some years and no artificial means can make it permanent. Those who worship Me as the true God, who serve Me and live according to My commandments will have this beauty of the soul and it will also be seen in their faces, though they may not have that physical beauty according to the world standards. Esther was obedient to Mordecai. The Word of God says- Obedience is better than sacrifice.(I Samuel 15:22) Obedience to parents and elders will mould the character of a person. The children of God who are obedient will


be blessed and I will use them according to My will and purpose. When Mordecai told Esther about the plan to kill the Jews, she was disturbed in her peaceful life in the king’s palace. An ordinary woman would not have bothered and would have thought that the king would not allow her to be killed. But Esther was of a different caliber. She determined even at the cost of her life to save her people. At the same time she would fast and pray for three days to her God, whom she served, to help her. She humbled herself before God because she knew, with her own strength and without God’s help, she could do nothing. People often rely on their own strength in their troubles and get into more troubles. I have said to call upon Me in your trials and troubles and I will help you. There are many promises in the Word of God for those who find themselves in difficult situations. Those who believe in Me and My Words and humble themselves like Esther and pray will find the relief and success in their lives. When Esther went into the presence of the king to make her request, she found favour in the king’s sight and her requests were granted. Haman was defeated in his wicked plans and the Jews were saved. Even so, the children of God will gain their victory over satanic forces as I have given them the power through the Holy Spirit. In spite of the trials and struggles they will lead victorious lives.


Even as I had a purpose for Esther to save the Jews by going to the palace of king Agasuerus, there is a purpose in every believer’s life which I will fulfill according to My will. If they are obedient to Me and humble, they will lead a blessed victorious life.�


30. LAST BUT NOT LEAST The last creation was man. But it was the best of all My creations. The man and woman were perfect in form and with an intellect the other creatures did not have. But alas! They misused the intellect I gave them and sinned. Even today man misuses his intellect and brings ruin to the world. Though created the last, man is not the least. He is still the best of My creations with a will to choose between the good and the bad; between life and death. As sin came into the world by man, I came to the world in the form of man to bear the sins of man on the cross and defeat satan who caused man to sin. All those who believe in Me will join Me to fight satan and defeat him. Joseph was the last but one among the children of Jacob, but he was in no way the least. He was good and honest and faithful to Me. I love the young people who reject the attractions of the world like Joseph and who are faithful to Me. I use them to fulfill My purpose and bless them like Joseph and they are beloved to Me. Out of the three children of Amram and Jochebed, Moses was the last but not the least, because he was chosen to lead the Israelites out of bondage from Egypt. He had defects like stammering and was timid by nature. But when I chose him he was changed into a warrior. A child in a family may seem to be dull and lazy but many times such


children have turned out to be exceptionally clever and successful in life. Some may even have physical defects but if they are spiritually good, I am able to use them. Some of My disciples were not much educated but they served Me well all their lives. If you are such a person who feels that you are worthless according to worldly standards, surrender yourself to Me- to serve Me. I will lift you up and use you to bring glory to My name. Hannah was despised for not having children but she prayed earnestly and when Samuel was born she dedicated him to Me and so Samuel became a great prophet in Israel. Though Eli’s sons were much older, they were rejected by Me because they were wicked. The Word of God says-Bring up your children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.(Eph 6:4) If a believer or a servant of God fails to bring up his children spiritually from a young age, like Eli’s sons , they will be drawn by satan into the sins of the world and would cause deep anguish to the spiritual parents and Me. The first king of Israel chosen by Me was Saul. But pride and ambition caused his fall. I rejected him and chose David. Saul was tall and handsome and the best looking among the children of Israel. Sometimes the good personality of a person is the cause of his or her falling into sin. Even beauty, if dedicated to Me will be a blessing instead of a curse. David was the youngest and the least of Jessie’s sons. He was a mere shepherd boy, whereas his brothers were soldiers. But from a young age he


loved Me and was faithful to Me. He used his musical talents to play on the harp and sing the Psalms. I raised him up to become the king of Israel. The worldly people use their talents in a worldly way for worldly name, wealth and fame. But those who like David dedicate their talents to be used for My glory, will be blessed in many ways. The Word of God says- There are many that are first shall be last and the last shall be first.(Mark 10:31) John the Baptist was a great prophet who died a martyr. But I said - He that is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.(Luke 7:28) In the parable of the wedding feast, the guests who were first invited did not come. So others from the wayside were brought to the feast.(Matt 22:2-10) The Gospel was first preached to the Jews. But when they did not respond the Gospel was sent to the Gentiles all over the world. Paul was the last of the Apostles but not the least. He went to many parts of the world, preached the Gospel and established churches. He died a martyr. In My first coming to the world, I was born in a manger in a poor family. As predicted by the prophets of old, I was born in Bethlehem which was considered the least among the thousands of Judah.(Micah 5:2) Today Bethlehem is revered as the place of My birth and people from all over the world visit it. The donkey was among the least of the animals. But it was chosen to carry


Me in My triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Those who are humble and live holy lives will be exalted in My kingdom, whereas the rich who are proud will be debased. In My first coming to the world, many did not meet Me or accept Me as the Saviour of the world, the Messiah. But in My second coming I will appear in all My glory as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and every eye will behold Me. But it will be too late for those who rejected Me in their lifetime. They will be condemned to live forever with satan and his followers. Those who accept Me as their Saviour and Lord during their lifetime, though they may have suffered in the world, will be rewarded to live with Me forever in My kingdom.�



TESTIMONY OF SIS. GLORIA DHARMAPALAN “… I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction”. (Is. 48:10) I praise the Lord for the furnace of affliction, through which I was saved by the blood of Jesus and my family was blessed. From that day I never looked back but went forward growing in my spiritual life. I continued to have a very close relationship with my Lord and Saviour Jesus speaking to Him. He has spoken, guided and upheld me in my daily life. In 1975 I received the anointing of the Holy Spirit with the manifestation of praising and speaking in tongues. As I progressed I experienced miracles and visions while praying at home and in church. The Lord used me to serve Him by ministering to others. There were instants when the Lord has told to pray specifically for unknown people, even mentioning their names at times. Thus I could see the gifts of the Holy Spirit being operated. I give all the glory to Him. From 1990, while praying with my daughter Helen Solomon, the Lord has given visions and messages on many topics which Helen has written down what I repeated as the Lord told me. On 06.03.1990 the Lord said, “I give you the privilege of having a relationship with me which is more than any human relationship because you are my beloved children. Desire for this relationship and I will give it to you, as you grow in your spiritual life”. On 21.03.1990, the Lord said, “The special gift of the Holy Spirit you have from above, is more precious than gold. Guard it. You will know how to use it in time that my Name may be glorified among the heathen. As commissioned by the Lord Jesus, these messages were written for all to read and be blessed and for the Glory of God. Alleluia! Mrs. Gloria Dharmapalan

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