FRIDAY 12th september 2014
www.godstowe.org I Parents’ Area Login I Upcoming Events I Upcoming Fixtures
Welcome Back to the Autumn Term!
Upcoming Fixtures
Welcome back! It was good to see everyone looking so well in assembly this morning and I do hope that those new girls, boys and staff at Godstowe have enjoyed their first couple of days.You may be interested to know that across site we have approximately 85 new pupils and about seven new staff. I just wanted to remind you that at Godstowe we are very keen for parents to be relaxed about contacting us at any time with any concerns or questions. Although it sounds a bit of a cliché we really do operate an open door policy. Members of staff ’s individual emails are available on the website (in the Parents’ Area) but I would remind you that the best protocol involves contacting Form Tutors firstly who will normally be able to help.
13th September: Netball and Lacrosse Trials (home) 17th September (4.45pm): U12 B & U13B Netball v St Mary’s Gerrards Cross (away)
Other useful dates
Personally, I am always delighted to see parents whenever you need some help or advice or even just to pass the time of day discussing the price of eggs (although I am not certain I know the price of eggs these days). My email is headmaster@godstowe. org and my telephone number at home, should ever the need arise, is 01494 429018. All numbers and contact details are also available in the red calendar. Members of staff are all aware that they should respond as quickly as possible to any emails they receive but please bear in mind that throughout the school day they will be teaching and will not necessarily have the opportunity to discover or respond to emails until the following day possibly.
12th September (7pm9pm): Drinks Party for all parents 18th-19th September: Individual and sibling photographs
Enrichment Curriculum
We have a theme running through the school this term which is linked into everyone’s ability to lead by example.We are encouraging girls and boys to take on responsibility, be good role models and lead by example whenever they possibly can.We are also working hard on encouraging the best possible table manners in school, something we always try to focus on and that would benefit enormously from your support please.You may hear the girls in Main School, in particular, referring to things we have discussed in assembly so they can try and lead by example at home too! Just to remind you about pick up at the end of the school day. Forms I and II are collected from the astroturf area outside The Link (inside if it is pouring with rain) and the LIII and MIII are collected from outside their changing rooms next to the Sports Hall and Bursar’s Office. Please remember that girls are not allowed to leave the buildings and go to cars unaccompanied. Moreover if they have stayed for afternoon snack and clubs it is essential that they sign out at Reception before leaving the school.Thank you very much for your help. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible this evening to welcome our new parents. My good wishes to you all for another busy, eventful and exciting school year. DG
Don’t forget to fill out your daughter’s Activities choices before 17th September, via the link that was sent out today (see main body of this email if you missed it). Boarders’ parents do not need to fill out this form as the housemistresses will do this on their behalf after going through the choices with the boarders.
A very warm welcome back to all Nursery and Lodge children and their parents. All the children, both new and existing pupils, have settled smoothly into their new classes and are familiarising themselves with their new timetable. Please remember that clubs start on Monday 22nd September – please let Mrs Armstrong have your choices if you have not already done so. A few reminders for next week: Transition children have been asked to bring in their collection of materials for their Science lesson,
Mrs Wylie Beginners have been asked to bring in a picture of themselves as a baby and Beginners S should come into school in their PE kit on Monday. Nursery’s letter of the week is S so please could they bring in an item beginning with that letter. We hope that you will have found our Induction meetings this afternoon helpful – do please ask either your class teacher or Mrs Armstrong anything that you are still uncertain about.
Friendsnews A very warm welcome to the Autumn Term to all parents and especially those with children new to the school from Friends of Godstowe, known to most as FOG. All parents whose children are pupils at the school are automatically members of The Friends of Godstowe School. Our key aims are to provide opportunities for parents to meet socially and to raise funding for items of equipment or resources for the benefit of the pupils’ education at Godstowe.
Open Day Saturday 11th October
10am-1pm Spread the word!
All year groups have new Class Reps who will have been in touch with you to introduce themselves. However if you are new to the school and have yet to make contact with your Class Rep, please
Rachel Parker friends@godstowe.org do not hesitate to contact us and we will put you in touch with the right people. We have our first FOG meeting next Tuesday at 8.30am in the Sports Hall Gallery. If you would like to get more involved in the life of the school and have some fun, please do come along, everybody is welcome. More information on cake sales, afternoon teas and of course the big event of the term, the Christmas Fair, next week! In the meantime I look forward to meeting many of you tonight at the drinks party.
Reminder: Individual and sibling photographs next week Next Thursday and Friday individual school photographs will be taken by Peter Whyte Photography. These take place every September and, as usual, will be available to purchase. This year, sibling photographs will take place after school on Thursday (18th September)
from 4.15pm. If you would like your son(s)/ daughter(s) to have a photograph together you will need to book a time slot at Reception - slots will be available on a first come, first served basis. We would request that parents accompany their children to the JK Theatre for their photograph. Boarders will be taken to the
JK Theatre by their housemistress - however, parents must still let Reception know that they would like their children to have a sibling photograph.
Godstowe Preparatory School, Shrubbery Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP13 6PR. UK. Tel: +44 (0)1494 529273 Registrar Tel: +44 (0)1494 429006 Email: schooloffice@godstowe.org Registered Charity Number 310637. Company Number 68471.