Godstowe News - 14th February 2014

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FRIDAY 14th February 2014

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Artwork of the Week

By: Camille Hine (MIIIR)

The Dance Club have been gearing up for their Abba dance performance on Open Day (Saturday 1st March). As you can see their costumes are certainly vibrant and colourful - a welcome sight to brighten up these dark and rainy days.


Mia Guildford (IT)

This term has most definitely been the most

miserable weather-wise and I’m sure you will join me in hoping that the second half of term will be drier and brighter. In the meantime, I wish you all an enjoyable half term and we look forward to seeing you all again on the 24th. DG

AR READER of the week:

Ella Lucas (LIIIL) BOARDERS of the week:

Highlands: Cordelia Lightfoot-Jennings (MIIIH) Walker: Katie O’Shea (IVH) Suzune Shirai (IVL) Turner: Elizabeth Reynard (IVA)

This week’s sport


Mrs Wylie

This week Nursery have been talking about the Three Little Pigs. They went on a walk to look for sticks to collect to make a stick house, made brick houses out of Lego and used straws to make straw houses. Please may we remind Nursery parents that the morning session begins at 8.45am. If you expect to be late, please telephone nursery (01494 429013) or Mrs Armstrong in Lodge (01494 429012). The focussed activities start promptly at 8.50am and it is a shame for your children to miss the introduction to the session. In the final week of Beginners’ dinosaur topic the children shared facts they have learned and made musical instruments to accompany movements for ‘Saturday Night At The Dinosaur Stomp’ in our Dance session.


Kindergarten completed their Antarctica topic with lessons about the famous explorer Ernest Shackleton. KgG based their assembly on him and in particular his determination to save his men during their ill-fated expedition.

(PoM = Player of the Match) 4th February: The U10A, B and C teams lost to Maltmans Green - 7-4, 6-2, 6-1 respectively (PoM - Josie Jackson, Talia Dicks and Beatrice Bethell).

Determination is part of the school’s focus on PROUD (Polite, Responsible, Organised, Useful, Determined) Thank you to Mrs Brennand for coming in to run an art workshop with Transition W. The children enjoyed working with charcoal producing some wonderful pictures of the bark that Mrs Brennand had brought in, linking in with our investigation of trees and branches. Transition H look forward to her coming to visit them after half-term. Please may we remind you to check your child’s feet for verrucas each week. If they do have a verruca, Sister recommends Bazooka treatment which dries to a water resistant protective barrier. We hope you have a very happy and dry halfterm holiday. Photos: Pupils in Lodge took part in PE circuits this week, raising money for NSPCC

4th February: U12A beat Wycombe High 16-3 (PoM Arah and Cynthia). U12B also won, 16-5 (PoM - Afua). 5th February: U13A drew with Wycombe High 9-9 (PoM - Arancha and Lara). U13B beat Wycombe High 10-4. (PoM - Atousa) 6th February: U11B beat Royal Masonic 6-0 (PoM - Ella McGuire). U11C also won 12-0 (PoM - Tiggy Spencer). 6th February: U12C beat Highcrest A 7-4 (PoM Minnie Podesta and Lingsi Tse). U13C also won their match, 18-2 (PoM - Amelia Chilvers).

Swimming: Eighteen girls from LIII, UIII and IV took part in the IAPS swimming regional round this week. All our girls performed very well and we await the results to find out who will make it through to the finals in May.


Joelle Granwal friends@godstowe.org

Wine Tasting Success! A great mix of 20 parents and teachers braved the weather last Friday night to attend the inaugural FOG Wine Tasting. The theme was ‘Unusual Wines’ and the wine-goers gamely tried grapes from a diverse group of countries including Armenia and Hungary. The evening was hugely informative, interesting and great fun, so much so that FOG has been asked by many of the attendees to stage another one. So watch this space!

Upcoming Fixtures 24th Feb: U9, U10A&B Netball v Pipers Corner (A) 25th Feb: U13A&B, U12A&B Netball v Eagle House (H) 26th Feb: U9 A, B & C Netball v Maltmans Green (H)

Other useful dates 24th Feb: Term recommences 27th Feb: French Verse Speaking Competition at st Mary’s Gerrards Cross 27th Feb: Main School Activities Day

Children’s Party Delight Last Sunday over 70 children were entertained in the Recital Hall by a jolly fellow called Mr Squirty Wirty. His mix of magic, jokes and games had the children, some as young as 3, enthralled for 2 hours. There was even a live rabbit (who handled the noise spectacularly well) and a dove, both seemingly appearing from nowhere! Thank you to those parents who were able to stay and assist, your help made a big difference. Parents’ Social Event - Race Night 22nd March Arriving in your inbox on Friday will be an email invitation to come to a race night being run by an external company. There will be 8 races to bet on and they will all be shown on the giant screen in the JK Theatre. Betting will start from just £1 and all winnings will be in actual British pounds! In addition there will be a delicious curry included in the ticket price of £15. Click HERE to register.

Charitynews Follow us

Mrs Buckland

As you are aware, children have been taking part in an NSPCC fitness challenge. As it is now Half Term, it may be an ideal time for all of the children to collect sponsorship money for NSPCC. Any contributions, however small (or large!) are welcome. All money collected should be brought into school when the children return after Half Term, in the envelopes provided.

Art exhibition raises £300 for Cancer Research An art exhibition held at Godstowe raised £300 for Cancer Research. Artist Jo Brennand (pitcured her with her daughter Maddie) and her friend Jojo Blythen displayed their paintings and drawings in the JK Theatre on the evening of Friday 7th February. The money was raised through donations and sales of some of the artwork and the pair would like to thank all who attended.

Things to do this Half Term Burnham Gymnastics Club are running a Half Term programme at Burnham Park Academy for 4-15 year olds. For more information, click here.

bringing his menagerie of unusual animals, including a hissing cockroach, a giant millipede, a corn snake and a giant African snail, to meet willing half termers.

Holland Park (www.rbkc.gov.uk/ecology) will be holding nature themed sessions with a mix of creative and environmental activities for five to ten year-olds. Meet the Ecology center’s resident reptiles (Monday 18, 2pm-4pm), investigate animal trails and make your own footprint cast (Wednesday 20, 10am-12pm), hunt for creepy crawlies (Thursday 21, 10am-12pm) or test your survivor skills by building shelters (Thursday 21, 2pm-4pm).

Horniman Museum (www.horniman.ac.uk/visit).Various activities over half term including story telling from around the world, nature explorers, nature trail discovery.

Wednesday 19th February: Creepy crawlies at Chelsea Physic Gardens (www.chelseaphysicgarden.co.uk/learning/walks-talks-work). Meet (and hold) Mr Jelly Belly the tree frog and find out how he is suited to his natural environment. As part of a series of events at Chelsea Physic Gardens,Vic Taylor from Mynewt Enterprises will be

Royal Albert Hall (www.royalalberthall.com) will be hosting mask making and story telling. Richmond theatre: Dinosaur Zoo London Wetlands Center (www.wwt.org.uk/wetland-centres/ london/whats-on/)

Flooding photos

World Book Day

Godstowe pupils and parents have been affected by the recent floods. Pictured below is Emilia Pitcher (Beginners B) and her younger brother splashing around in their garden in Gerrards Cross.To the right, Amelia and Kitty Foord at The Pound in Cookham, which is very close to their house.

This year World Book Day is on Thursday 6th March. All Main School girls (and staff!) are invited to come to school dressed as a book character. Please see the link in your Godstowe News email for more information and have fun planning over Half Term. During the week of World Book Day there will also be a Design a Bookmark competition, and everyone will be given a £1 Book Token.

Quiz of the week Week Five Week Four 1. What movie is the son g Let It Go from? 2. How many cards are there in one deck? 3. Who was the first pe rson to walk on the moon? 4. What is the national flower of England? 5. In an address, what is the abbreviation ‘Ave’ short for? 6. What fruit would you find in a vignoble? 7. What are the two ma in languages spoken in China? 8. What is the silent letter in the word ‘when’? 9. What kind of animal is a nightingale? 10. Where in Russia are the Winter Olympics being held? Answers: 1. Frozen; 2. 52; 3. Neil Armstrong; 4. A rose; 5. Avenue; 6. Grapes; 7. Manda rin and Cantonese; 8. ‘h’; 9. Bird; 10. Sochi

1. Bird is to fly as fish is to ______ 2. How many hours are there in two days? 3. How many Spanish spe aking countries are there in the world? 4. In what year was Quee n Elizabeth II born? 5. Who painted the Mona Lisa? 6. Which character sings ‘Under the Sea’ in the movie ‘The Little Mermaid ’? 7. Which country does piz za come from? 8. Why did Pinocchio’s no se grow? 9. How many years are the re in one century? 10. In which event did Jen ny Jones win Great Britain’s first ever Olym pic medal on snow? Answers revealed next wee k

Godstowe Preparatory School, Shrubbery Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP13 6PR. UK. Tel: +44 (0)1494 529273 Registrar Tel: +44 (0)1494 429006 Email: schooloffice@godstowe.org Registered Charity Number 310637. Company Number 68471.

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