Godstowe News - 20th March 2015

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FRIDAY 20th March 2015

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Artwork of the week

Photograph: The Lower Division’s production of All at Sea last week

I have just returned from an excellent week in Cranedale with the Uppers.They all worked very hard and threw themselves into all the activities - quite literally on rivers day! We celebrated four birthdays during the week, including my own.The girls presented me with a cake adorned with candles - not forgetting a few welcome bars of Galaxy too!

eclipse - which, I think you’ll agree, was sadly a bit of a disappointment. This is the last newsletter of the Spring Term, so I wish you all a very Happy Easter and a restful few weeks. I look forward to seeing you all in the Summer Term, for what will be a busy couple of months. DG

Although not very glamorous, we did manage to stop in a lay-by on our way back today to witness the


Mrs Wylie

Lodge and Nursery have thoroughly enjoyed their Arts Week activities. The classes rotated to enable them to learn splatter painting and printing, clay modelling and weaving, sewing and collage. They also enjoyed visiting their old classrooms and teachers! A wonderful amount of work was produced and we will be celebrating it in assembly on Tuesday morning. Photos can be viewed in the Lodge Arts Week album on the Godstowe website.

By: Ariel Mo Ruby Deadman Eliza Hanlon

Awards Boarders of the week:

reduce sugar and waste. As part of the EYFS framework children need to eat a healthy range of foods and know the importance of a healthy diet. We are going to have our own vote for Britain’s National Bird next term and ask if you could please discuss the campaign with your children over the holidays. A useful link which lists the 10 birds to choose from is http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/scienceenvironment-31904842.

Transition enjoyed a busy day at the Chiltern Open Air Museum on Tuesday. They experienced building their own shelters and all managed to fit inside! They saw houses through the ages. The iron age house was very warm inside but also rather smoky! The children made scones weighing out the ingredients in ounces on old fashioned scales and baked them on a griddle over an open fire.

Highlands: Maria Cremades Turner: Emma Lamb Walker: Amelia Weir ar reader:

Rania Singh Monday Badge:

Ava Lock-Phillips

Transition and Kindergarten will have a Bumper Bundle spelling test next week.

Colour Shield:


Please can we remind you that after-school clubs have now finished for this term. We would like to advise parents that we are trialling a healthier snack and pudding menu to

Sport Results Netball 12th March: The U9 Sky Blue and U9 Navy teams beat High March, 9-2 and 6-1. The U9 Red team lost 7-4. 12th March: The U10 Bs defeated High March 4-1. The U10 As unfortunately lost 7-4. 14th March: The U11 team travelled to Brighton for the IAPS National Finals. Against tough opposition they managed to win two matches in their section. 16th March: The U9 team beat Pipers Corner 4-1. 16th March: The U11 Bs lost to Heatherton House U11 A team, while the U11 C team beat the Heatherton House U11 B team 8-2. 18th March: The U13 B, C1 and C2 teams took part in the U13 B District Tournament at Godstowe. The U13 Bs finished second overall.


Mrs Buckland

This is a final reminder that all sponsorship money for the Prince Nicholas Challenge should be brought to school on Monday, please.We are very impressed with all the reading that has taken place in Main School and the efforts made by Lodge in their sporting challenge and hope you feel they have earned their sponsorship money!

A further £355.23 was raised for Comic Relief by the audience at last week’s Lower Division Production. Once again, thank you so much for your outstanding generosity and support of our charity work.

I am sure you will be pleased to know that we raised £599.17 last week on our Mufti Day for the orphans in Sierra Leone who have lost parents in the Ebola crisis.



Cake Sales The cake sales on 27th February were a huge success and generated £473 for Wycombe Women’s Aid. A huge thank you to Beginners, Kindergarten, Uppers and Fourths who masterminded the sales on the day and of course thank you to all of you for coming along and buying cakes!

Upcoming Fixtures 21st March(9.45am): U12 A & B Lacrosse at Dulwich College (away)

Star Spangled Summer Ball Tickets for our Summer Ball on 4th July went on sale this week - this promises to be a fun, glitzy affair, so get your tickets booked now to ensure you don’t miss out on the event of the year! Click here for more information.

Other useful dates 21st March: World Poetry Day 23rd March: LAMDA Examinations 25th March (2.45pm): Lodge Perriss Knight Awards in Recital Hall 26th March: Easter Bonnet Parade (Lodge and Nursery). Term ends for Lodge at 12.30pm 26th March (2.30pm): School Concert. Term ends following concert. 27th March - 6th April: Ski Trip 14th-18th April: Iceland Trip

We are seeking sponsors and donations for the event, so please do get in touch if you feel you are able to contribute in any way. Second Hand Uniform Shop Have you got your summer uniform yet? Don’t forget the second hand uniform shop will be open this afternoon and on Monday morning, they have plenty of good quality stock. Anke and the team are also looking for more volunteers to help - it does not have to be a regular shift, just a few extra pairs of hands at adhoc times would be much appreciated. Please do get in touch with us at friends@godstowe.org.

Easter holiday help

Easter gymnastics

Amy Shen, a keen and responsible GAP student at Godstowe is available for jobs where you need just that extra set of eyes or hands from 13th-21st April. Whether it be babysitting, house sitting, or assisting with parties, I will be keen to offer you a friendly helping hand.

Burnham Gymnastics are running an Easter school on 7th-10th April, 10.00am-3.00pm. It is open to boys and girls aged 4-12 years old and will be held at Burnham Park Academy. The day of gymnastics for all levels will include: vaulting, tumbling on our inflatable air track, balancing along the beam, swinging on the bars and lots of fun and games such as Easter egg hunts and crafts.

The current going rate is £8 per hour and should include a pickup and drop off at Godstowe, please. I am available every evening as well as all day during the 13th April to the 21st of April. Come speak to me directly at Godstowe or call/text on: +44 7731 723074

Cost: £28 per day or book 4 days and get one day half price. Siblings receive a 10% discount. For more information contact 07813004820 or e-mail burnhamgymnastics@hotmail.co.uk. Application forms can be found by clicking here.

Girls have a spring in their step after Dance Club this term

Additional contact details is the Godstowe email at ashen@godstowe.org.

U13 B netballers finish second

This term’s Dance Club with Mrs Village concluded this week. Having learnt lots of news skills, the girls finsihed on a high, pictured here.

The U13 Bs finished a close second in the U13 Wycombe District Tournament on Wednesday, 18th March. They lost one game in their section and won the rest putting them through to the semi-finals, which they won. Unfortunately they lost in the final to Wycombe High. The U13 C1 and C2 teams also took part in the 10-team tournament, playing against all B sided teams.

Tremendous performance of All at Sea by the Lower Division The Lower Division’s performance of All at Sea was hailed a huge success on both days last week. Parents were treated to a marvellous show, with colourful scenery and costumes which really brought the theatre to life. As you may have seen in Main School Reception last week, DE Photo took a fantastic selection of photos. If you would still like to purchase some, they are available online by clicking on the following link: www.DEphoto.biz/godstowe. Event Code: reynolds Imari Entertainment also filmed the show and DVDs are available to purchase. Although the deadline has now passed, copies can still be bought, at the increased price of £17.50 (to include postage and packaging). For those of you that have already ordered DVDs, these will be sent home with the children next week.

Pupils experience solar eclipse

Girls attend Orpheus Music Festival

Pupils and staff gathered to watch the solar eclipse today, either on television screens or outside. Mr Foord brought in his telescope so that some pupils could find out what they could see through it. However, as with most of the rest of Britain, the cloud cover meant there was very little to see. Let’s hope for a better eclipse in 2026!

Godstowe was very well represented on Saturday at the Orpheus Music Festival with six Godstowe girls entering the Junior Strings Class. This Class is for entrants 14 years and under who have achieved grade 5 or above. Jasmine Adams (LIII) won 2nd prize and Amy Oh (UIII) won 3rd prize. Well done to everyone that took part.

Poems of the week Tractor Rhythms - What am I? By Lydia Brearley LIIIS

The Vulture By Sasha Kochman IG

The Gazelle By Georgina Howitt IG

Crossing the fields, over the bumps, Picking the crops, crushing the lumps. Over it goes, on and on, Ploughing the fields, all day long.

Two beady eyes, One sharp beak, One long neck, Scratching, tearing, eating, Furious and foul, Like a blood-shedding knife, Like a death eater.

Two stripy antlers, One elegant face, One golden brown body, Trotting, running, sprinting, Little golden tail, Like a swift shadow, The princess of the plains.

Chopping the hay, into a bale, Whatever the weather, rain or hail, Over it goes, on and on, Ploughing the fields, all day long. Watched by the scarecrow, standing so still, Kids peering curiously over the hill, Over it goes, on and on, Ploughing the field, all day long.

Quiz of the week Week Eight 1. At night, are deserts ver

y warm or very cold?

2. What do we call the reg ion of earth, air and water that contains all living things? 3. Was Marilyn Monroe

a politician, a film star or

4. When lava from volca

noes cools, what does it

5. How many lines of sym



6. Is a palm tree a tempe

metry has a rectangle?

7. In ballet, what movem

rate, tropical or arctic pla


ent is the plié?

8. Is San Francisco on the west or the east coast of the USA? 9. Which is the odd word out: gloomy, depressed, ser ene, dispirited? 10. What breed was the winner of “Best in Show ” at this year’s Cruft’s Dog Show ?

Answers: 1.Ver y cold; 2.Th e biosphere; 3. Film Star; 4. Rock; 5.Two; 6.Tropical; 7. Bending the knees; 8.West; 9. Serene; 10. Scottish Terrier

Quiz of the week returns in the Summer Term!

Godstowe Preparatory School, Shrubbery Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP13 6PR. UK. Tel: +44 (0)1494 529273 Registrar Tel: +44 (0)1494 429006 Email: schooloffice@godstowe.org Registered Charity Number 310637. Company Number 68471.

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