Porsche Club of America-Arizona Region-Going Places-June 2023

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Volume 53 Issue 6


Gregg & Alison Bull gpeditor@az.pca.org


Rick Althouse

Danielle Badler

Dan Bouet

Ken Bryant

Alison Scott Bull

Gregg Bull

Jim Bultema

Karen Farrell

Bruce Herrington

Kim Kemper

Scott McIlvian

Mark Manente

Kenneth Mitchell

Moe Scharhon

David K. Whitlock

Rook Younger



Going Places is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Arizona Region and is published electronically monthly.

GOING PLACES 6.2023 | 3 |
Written contributions and photographs are welcomed and can be emailed to the editor. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Porsche Club of America, Arizona Region, its officers or members. Permission is granted to reprint any material herein provided full credit is given to the author and to Going Places. PORSCHE®, the Porsche Crest®, CARRERA®, and TARGA® are trademarks of Porsche AG. The editor shall reserve the right to edit and publish only those articles felt to be in the best interest of the members of the Porsche Club of America. THE DEADLINE FOR ARTICLES AND ADVERTISEMENTS SUBMITTED FOR PUBLICATION IS THE 15TH OF THE MONTH PRIOR TO THE MONTH OF PUBLICATION. Commercial advertising rates can be found in the back of this publication. THE COVER G
Pixabay IN
FEATURES 15.............Meet
16.............2023 PCA Parade-Palm Springs 19............ PCA Classic Coupe Auction 31.............Book Reviews for Porschephiles 41 ........... Drive Review, Roosevelt Lake 39.............Story - Beep Beep 44 ............AZPCA - Autocross Event 8 (updated) 48 ............TechTime 50.............Stuttgart Market Letter
Photo courtesy of
A Member-James Igbinovia


| 4 | NEWS & EVENTS 5.. ............ 2023 Calendar of Events 8 Upcoming Porsches & Pancakes 9...............Upcoming Monthly Membership Meeting 10 ............. Future Porsches & Pancakes 11..............Future Monthly Membership Meeting 12 ............. 2023/2024 HP Drivers Education Schedule 13 ............. 2022/2023 Autocross Schedule 16 PCA Porsche Parade 2023 - Palm Springs 17..............Driving Tour/Wine tasting - Cottonwood 18..............AZPCA 2023 Holiday Party 19..............PCA Classic Coupe Auction 20..............Night out at the Ballpark 22..............10th Annual PnP at Anthem 24..............Driving Tour - Prescott 25..............Auto-X-Extra - Arizona Mountain Region 27 ............. Volunteers Needed 38..............PCA-Southern AZ Viking cruise 42..............Treffen at Sea IN EVERY ISSUE 4 Arizona Region Board 6 President’s Note 7 From the Editors 15 ............ Meet a Member 28 ............ Awards & Accolades 30............. Social Media 32 ............. New Members 33 ............. Happy PCA Members’ Anniversaries 35 ............. Executive Appointees 36 Zone 8 Staff and Websites 37 Goodie Store 37 Sponsorship Program SPONSORS INDEX 26..............AZ Euros 14 Barbara, Alpio: Redwood General Tires 6 ............ Bayntree Investments 30..............Brasile, Chuck & Denise; Real Estate 5 ............. Hamra Fine Jewelry & Timepieces 35 ............. McIlvain Motors BC,30 ....... Porsche Chandler IFC,36.. .... Porsche North Scottsdale 29 ............. Protective Film Solutions 34 Trackside Motorsports CLASSIFIEDS https://az.pca.org/classifieds/ PRESIDENT Mark Manente president@az.pca.org VICE PRESIDENT Dan Bouet vicepresident@az.pca.org SECRETARY Gregg Bull secretary@az.pca.org TREASURER Marty Ercoline treasurer@az.pca.org PAST PRESIDENT Mark Baker pastpresident@az.pca.org DIRECTORS AT LARGE Andy Cole AndyCole@az.pca.org Frank Grimmelmann FrankGrimmelmann@az.pca.org Kenneth Mitchell kenmitchell@az.pca.org Rook Younger RookYounger@az.pca.org


Editor’s Note: The dates, times and details of AZPCA events are subject to change.

CLICK HERE AZ.PCA.ORG to check the website for the entire calendar of events.

GOING PLACES 6.2023 | 5 | June 2023 3 Sat Porsches n’ Pancakes - Schmooze 7 Wed Monthly Membership Meeting 9-11 Fri-Sun Ken Steele Alpine Tour 10 Sat Porsches 75th Anniversay - Porsche Chandler 18-24 Sun-Sat Porsches Parade-Palm Springs 26 Mon Board of Directors Meeting July 2023 8 Sat Porsches n’ Pancakes - Black Mountain 12 Wed Drive to Prescott and The Palace 26 Mon Board of Directors Meeting 29 Sat 10th Annual Night at the Diamondbacks Aug 2023 2 Wed Monthly Membership Meeting 6-7 Sun-Mon Driving Tour, La Posada,Meteor Crater 12 Sat Porsches n’ Pancakes - Soul Cafe 21 Mon Board of Directors Meeting Sept 2023 10 Sun Porsches n’ Pancakes - Anthem 18 Mon Board of Directors Meeting 23-24 Sat-Sun Charity Driving Tour/Wine Tasting 30 Sat Driving Tour, Mt. Lemmon Oct 2023 4 Wed Monthly Membership Meeting 7 Sat AutoX - AMP Skidpad 14 Sat HPDE - AMP 15 Sun Driving Tour - Wickenburg 20-21 Sat-Sun Flight 45 - Porsche Chandler 29-31 Sun-Tue Driving Tour - Fall Colours Nov 2023 1 Wed Monthly Membership Meeting 4-5 Sat-Sun HPDE-INDE 11 Sat AutoX - AMP Skidpad 12 Sun Lunch Drive to Fountain Hills 19 Sun FI Party at Alpio’s Dec 2023 4-5 Sat-Sun HPDE - Podium Club 6 Wed Monthly Membership Meeting 14-15 Thu-Fri Prescott Holiday Lights 17 Sun Holiday Party-Grayhawk Golf Club Jan 2024 6 Sat HPDE - AMP 11 Sat AutoX - AMP Skidpad

“Everything in life is somewhere else, and you get there in a car.” –

Theheat is on! Snowbirds heading back for the summer. Last month I wrote about the club’s dedicated Track event organizers, the many volunteers that support those events. If you’re a regular at club events, you know these dedicated members. This month I’ll focus on the clubs’ many social events.

For “PnP” (Porsches and Pancakes) Dennis Rood and Frank Grimmelmann share the task. Dennis for fall/winter and Frank for the remaining months. Dennis also initiated the successful All Porsche Display this Spring. Frank serves as a Director at Large and co-hosted the Las Vegas Fun Run. They find some of the best breakfast restaurants, that I know Ang and I would never find.

The club holds 11 Monthly Memberships Meetings at some terrific restaurants in the valley. All made possible by the hard work of Jim and Carole Bultema. Jim also did a stint on the board and serves as the Associate Driving Tour Chair. Speaking of monthly meetings, we will be having Gregg and Ali Bull as “In-person(s) Meet a Member” in the future. Also looking forward to having Jim B. highlight his background and current role as a published author.

There are many members we need to hear from about their backgrounds and passions. I am looking for future contributors to regale us at our Monthly Members’ dinner meeting. If you are a new member or haven’t attended a Monthly Meeting, come join us.

As always check the club calendars for upcoming events, driving or social and sign up early. There are events listed through July; The 10th Annual Night at the Diamondbacks and Drive to Prescott (sign up now).

Next month I will highlight others that make the wheels go round. “It’s not just the cars it’s the people”

Make it a great Month! MM

Mark Manente
E. B. White

From the EDITORS Gregg and Ali Bull


is one of our favorite months, no matter where we happen to be. This particular May has found us spending time at home here in Scottsdale, Arizona. What makes it such a special month, is the transition from the winter months, the warming of temperatures, birds, butterflies and flowers everywhere.

May is also when we see a decrease in our snowbird population on our roads (we miss you already) and our native Arizonans become far more noticeable with their hard core driving styles. Watch out!!

The restaurants in the valley can now be booked the day you want to have a meal, instead of weeks in advance. The club drives are normally starting to wind down through the months of June, July, and August. We say normally as there is a good size group of our die-hard AZPCA members who will be driving their cars from Arizona to the Porsche Parade in Palm Springs in June.

This is going to be an epic adventure for a few of us that have never had the pleasure of attending this highly regarded PCA sponsored event, as well as for those who are well versed and active in the planning and execution of this national PCA event. We can hardly wait!

As some of our members head off to cooler climates for a few months, we will be spending time with our local friends from the AZPCA club, and plotting new adventures together.

This is the time of year where we retrieve copies of our previous club drives and drive them a second or third time, because the routes are so well planned and give us an opportunity to discover cool new restaurants and rest stops along the routes. Our advice is to keep those drive directions and try them at different times of the year.

We wish you all a brilliant June wherever you may be, and look forward to our club events coming up in June!

Be Well!

Going Places submittal Deadline:

The Deadline for submitting material is the 15th of each month. Submissions received after that date will appear at a later date. Thanks for your understanding

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Upcoming - Porsches n’ Pancakes

- June 3rd

Saturday, June 3, 2023

8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Schmooze Cafe 4222 N Marshall Way

Scottsdale, AZ

Quiche w/salad, muffins, $30/participant

Limited to 45 people!

FOR REGISTRATION please click on the link BELOW


Registration is required to attend all Porsches n’ Pancakes events!

Check the AZPCA website calendar for the Registration Links: https://az.pca.org/social-events/

**PLEASE cancel online or email the organizer if you cannot attend the event. NOT cancelling is a huge discourtesy as it costs the restaurant money for the extra staff they have brought in and to those on the waiting list who cannot attend the event.

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Upcoming - Monthly Membership Meeting

AZPCA Monthly Membership Meeting

June 7, 2023, @ 5:15 pm – 7:30 pm

Porsche Chandler

Please join us for our meeting with our gracious host, Porsche Chandler. Sign up early, as this is by far one of the most popular meetings all year. Enjoy great food, great cars, and especially new friends. Meet the managers from the dealership, who will answer any questions you might have.

Jim and Carole Bultema, Organizers

Porsche Chandler

1010 S. Gilbert Road

Chandler, AZ 85286

Enjoy a catered meal

Cost: FREE, courtesy of Porsche Chandler

Event Schedule: 5:15 – 6:15 pm Tour the showroom and lot and social time

6:15 – 6:45 pm. Dinner

6:45 – 7:30 pm Meeting and meet a member

Registration is required for this event. Click the REGISTER LINK below to sign up and pay. The closing date to register is June 1 at midnight.

Registration is limited to 125 participants.


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Future Events - Porsches n’ Pancakes

SAVE THE DATES... But Register Today

Black Mountain Coffee Shop in the Carefree Spanish Garden

Saturday, July 8th, 8-10:30AM

Maximum 45 participants (order off the menu)

Well Known for their Delicious Breakfasts for the past 46 years and located in CAREFREE’s historic Spanish Village, join us in the courtyard for this exceptional Porsches & Pancakes Event!

Enjoy Locally Roasted Coffee & Freshly Brewed Tea, Homemade Cinnamon Rolls, Homemade Biscuits and Gravy, and a Full Breakfast Menu that you’ll be able to order from directly.

Select Gluten Free Menu Items and Much More!

Menu—ORDER OFF THE FULL MENU w/ Individual Checks


Soul Café North Scottsdale

August 12th, 0730-0930

Maximum 45 (order off the menu)

Soul offers eclectic dishes influenced by the flavors and cultures of Arizona. Chef Sheila and her staff are committed to giving you the true taste of modern American Southwest cuisine by using only the best ingredients and preparing everything fresh in their kitchen. View their menu at https://www.soulscottsdale.com/menu/breakfast-lunch then join us for this annual AZPCA Porsches & Pancakes event and experience the flavor of the southwest for yourself.

Event from 0730 to 0930 AM in the outdoor seating area on the south side of your building

Menu—ORDER OFF THE FULL MENU w/ Individual Checks


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Future Events - Monthly Membership Meeting

There will be no Monthly Members Meeting in July Have a wonderful summer and we’ll see you in August

Keep an eye open for the August Members Meeting

We will update this space as soon as the location and date have been confirmed for the August Members Meeting

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H PDE sc he du le

2023 / 2024 Season

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Arizona Motorsports Park

Saturday & Sunday, November 4-5, 2023

Inde Motorsports Ranch 

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Podium Club at Attesa 

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Arizona Motorsports Park

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Arizona Motorsports Park (CCW)

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Podium Club at Attesa 

Saturday & Sunday, April 13-14, 2024

Inde Motorsports Ranch 

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 Time Trials also available at this HPDE event HPDE Event Registrations: azpca.motorsportreg.com Arizona Motorsports Park – 15402 W. Camelback Rd, Litchfield Park, AZ 85340 Inde Motorsports Ranch – 9301 W. Airport Rd, Willcox, AZ 85643 Podium Club at Attesa – 6870 S Bianco Rd, Casa Grande, AZ 85193

April are on Saturday at AMP as follows:

• October 7, 2023, Saturday - AZ Motorsport Park Skidpad

• November 11, 2023, Saturday - AZ Motorsport Park Skidpad

• December 9, 2023, Saturday - AZ Motorsport Park Skidpad

If you have any questions regarding any of the autocross events, please contact the Autocross Co-chairs, Kim K. or Rick A. at autocross@az.pca.org

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photo by Ken Bryant The tentative autocross dates for the 2023-2024 AZPCA Region Autocross Season from November to


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Meet a Member - James Igbinovia

Meet this month’s featured member, James Igbinovia

1. When did you join PCA?

I joined PCA in January 2023.

2. What Porsche(s) do you have?

I have a 2014 911 Turbo S (991.1)

3. Where are you from?

I’m from originally from North Carolina

4. Family?

Married to my beautiful wife Heather. We have a 6 month old named Kingston

5. Work background or trade?

I am in the Mortgage business.

6. What makes your car special?

It’s split personalities.

I love that it can be a nice daily driver or a Road Monster.

7. Next upgrade? A 992

8. Have you personalized your car? My car is stock.

9. Favorite memory with a car?

Dates with my wife. Driving with no destination in mind. The Top down.

10. Why did you buy your Porsche?

The 911 has been a bucket list car since I was young.

11. High school nickname?


12. Top 3 cars you would own?

1. Bugatti Chiron Pur Sport

2. McLaren Senna

3. Porsche 918 Spyder

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Upcoming National Events

A Concours d’Elegance is a judged event celebrating the history and provenance of the Porsche marque. PCA members show their cars and judges deduct points from a maximum possible value based on vehicle condition and cleanliness. The Parade Concours is an event favorite. Parade is a great time to give it a try!

June 18-24, 2023

La Quinta Resort & Club Palm Springs, California www.porscheparade.org

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Don’t Just Attend Porsche Parade...
a Part of It!

Upcoming AZPCA Drives

AZ Region Porsche Club Invites You to A Driving Tour/Wine Tasting Event in Old Town Cottonwood

This is a Charity Fundraiser for St. Vincent de Paul

$50 per person donation on motorsportreg.com (MSR)

We will take a scenic and curvy drive over Mingus Mountain, through Jerome, and down the hill to Cottonwood

The Tavern Hotel Sip & Stay Wine Package Cottonwood

September 23,24, 2023

Prices per couple below include:

Welcome Cocktails

Wine Tasting at Three Local Tasting Rooms

$50 Gift Card for Dinner at one of the local restaurants

Continental Breakfast at Crema Craft Kitchen

Here’s how to sign up: Go on MSR and make your donation. Here is the MSR link: https://www.motorsportreg.com/events/ charity-driving-tour-wine-tasting-in-cottonwood-tavern-hotel-pca-arizona-945200

Lastly, select your room choice and book directly with the hotel by calling: 928-639-1669

King Junior Suite - $363.77

King Deluxe Room - $341.11

Queen Deluxe Room (two beds) - $341.11

Things to Do in the area:

Old Town Cottonwood shops and Wine Tasting Rooms

Dead Horse Ranch State Park

Verde Canyon Railroad

Blazin’M Ranch

Old Town Center for the Arts

Several Golf Courses

Nearby Jerome and all its attractions

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Future AZPCA Events - Holiday Party 2023

2023 AZPCA Holiday Party

Keep your calendars clear because Christmas will soon be upon us..... Just kidding but our Elf Angela is busily preparing for the Holiday Party.

Date: Sunday, December 17, 2023

Location: Grayhawk Golf Club at the Fairway House

Registration will open October 1, 2023

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GOING PLACES 6.2023 | 19 | Porsche Experience Center in Atlanta +1 313 312 0780 broadarrowauctions.com PCA’s Classic Club Coupe Heads to Auction June 10 No. 001/001 Classic Series Sonderwunsch (special request) – Factory One-Off
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Upcoming AZPCA Events

10th Annual Porsche & Pancakes at Anthem Country Club

SUNDAY, September 10 @ 8:30 am – 11:00 am

On the heels of the nine past years’ very successful events, we will again return to the elegant Ironwood Grill at the Anthem Country Club for another signature event [with indoor [open and outdoor seating available]!

Please save the date for this special event, and plan to join us on Sunday, September 10th. Since we will likely exceed 60 Porsches and over 100 enthusiasts, secure your spot now. Forget the red zones in front of the main entrance, this is a Porsche event, and we’ll have the cars lined up around the circular drive and let them overflow into the parking lot once again. Check-In opens at 8:30 AM, with food served at 9:00 AM! There will be no onsite registration and you must pay online in advance.

To entice those of you who missed this event last year or those that drive further, we thought you’d like to see what you missed, all for an all-inclusive $38/person (all-in, Fully Inclusive including tip):

Healthy, Sweet, Savory Buffet

Fresh Sliced Fruit Display

Crème Brule French Toast_ Asparagus, Mushroom and Gruyere Strudel


Prepared to order with Peppers, Onions, Mushrooms, Spinach, Tomatoes, Ham, Bacon, Sausage, Cheddar, Salsa and Swiss and Feta Cheeses!


Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee, Tea, Grapefruit & Orange Juices

Maria and I are excited by the prospect of welcoming you to experience the best of the Anthem Country Club, please join us and reserve now! — Frank Grimmelmann


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Even though November feels like it’s a long time off, we need to give the membership notice, so we are preparing the ballot now for Going Places!






AT: president@az.pca.org


GOING PLACES 6.2023 | 23 | AZPCA Volunteers Needed | 14 |

Drive to Prescott & The Palace

Wednesday, July 12

Join your PCA friends for a mid-week drive to cool Prescott, with lunch at the historic Palace Restaurant & Saloon on Whiskey Row

For this drive we will make a change from our usual Prescott route. After the fun and scenic climb up Yarnell Hill from Wickenburg, we will proceed through beautiful Peeples Valley, then turn off at Kirkland Junction and follow Iron Springs Road through Skull Valley. The winding route entering Prescott from the northwest is a road in Central Arizona you will want to return to in your Porsche!

Lunch is planned in downtown Prescott on the famous Whiskey Row, at The Palace Restaurant & Saloon. Opened in the 1870s, The Palace is the oldest frontier saloon in the state of Arizona. You will pay your own tab at the restaurant.

After lunch you may want to stroll around the Courthouse Square, or visit one of the many historic sites, museums, galleries, and shops in the Prescott area. Register early, as this drive is likely to sell out. Check

| 24 | Upcoming AZPCA Drives
AZPCA website
and to
up on MotorsportReg https://az.pca.org/event/drive -to-prescott-and-the-palace/
the event page on the
link to sign

Let’s Autocross!

Sunday, June 4th

Please Join the Arizona Mountain Region on Sunday, June 4th for the Region’s Very First Autocross Event!

Space is limited so register right away!

This is a great opportunity to experience the fun of autocrossing your Porsche. Instructors will be available for first-time drivers! Loaner helmets will also be available if you don’t have your own.

AutoX (Autocross) is a very exciting form of motorsport held at typical street speeds. It emphasizes precise car control in a fun, low-cost, friendly and safe competition. Learn and rapidly refine advanced driving skills and techniques in the non-threatening environment of a course marked by soft traffic cones in a large parking lot.

Enjoy your Porsche’s capabilities like nowhere else and drive it the way it was designed. AutoX is easy on your car and all Porsches can participate. Car control skills you gain allow you to explore the limits of your car which makes you a safer driver on the street.

The participation fee is $60. More details and registration can be found at msreg.com/azm-autox-2023

The location is the Findlay Toyota Center main parking lot at 3201 Main St, Prescott Valley, AZ. Plan to arrive no later than 8 am for safety inspection and drivers meeting. First car on track at 9 am. The event is open to all PCA members, and you may drive a non-Porsche if you prefer. Lunch will be provided. Bring a lawn chair and plenty of water. Any questions? Contact Phil Mullen at mull968@live.com or Bob Frith at bob911az@gmail.com

GOING PLACES 6.2023 | 25 | Auto-X-Extra


AZPCA Region publishes several emails each month to notify the members of the upcoming social and driving events and other pertinent Region business and activity information. These emails are known as eNews email blasts and will be identified by the PCA Banner as you see above.

It has come to the Region’s attention that several hundred members are not receiving the AZPCA Region’s eNews email blasts. This may be because the PCA National Office may not have your correct email address or there may be a technical problem with your email address. Or the member at one time elected to opt out of receiving the emails and would like to begin receiving them.

AZPCA Region would like to help the members in resolving this issue of you not receiving the eNews emails. If you are not receiving any of the emails that are labeled with the above banner, and prefer to receive them, please email the Region’s Communications Chair, Kenny Mitchell at kenmitchell@az.pca.org

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Volunteers Needed:

Meet fellow club members and enthusiasts.

See what driving a Porsche on a local track is all about.

Volunteer some time to help out the program. No prior experience necessary.

Get involved by volunteering for one of our HPDE program roles below:

Registration – Check in drivers and their guests at the track gate entrance. Approx. 2 hr early AM commitment.

Safety Tech – Using our safety checklist, inspect vehicles and helmets to ensure compliance. Approx. 2 hr early AM commitment

Pre-Grid – While cars are staged waiting to enter the track, check driver wristbands and confirm other safety guidelines are being met prior to releasing vehicles. Approx. 2-7 hr commitment (part to full day).

Grid Marshal – Radio communication with the Chief of Course and Corner Workers to release vehicles onto the track from Pre-Grid, and direct the flow of cars on and off the track. Approx. 2-7 hr commitment (part day to full day).

Corner Worker – Observe cars on track and provide flagging communication to drivers. Radio in to Chief of Course regarding any incidents, issues, and need to flag drivers. 4-7 hr commitment (half to full day).

Photographer – Capture photos of the event from great vantage points on the track or paddock for publication in Going Places. Approx. 2 hr commitment.

Writer – Write an editorial on the event, perhaps with an interview or two from drivers for publication in Going Places. Approx. 2 hr commitment.

Setup / Breakdown – Assist with unloading/loading and set up of equipment such as tables, chairs, canopy, PA system, etc. Approx. 1 hr commitment, early AM or late afternoon.

Driving Instructor – Experienced drivers who are interested in becoming a PCA Instructor.

HPDE Track Locations:

Arizona Motorsports Park – 15402 W. Camelback Rd, Litchfield Park, AZ 85340

Bondurant School of Racing – 20000 S. Maricopa Rd, Gate #3, Chandler, AZ 85226

Inde Motorsports Ranch – 9301 W. Airport Rd, Willcox, AZ 85643

Interested in Volunteering? It’s super easy - here’s how to get involved:

 Register Online – Go to MotorsportReg.com, find the event, select “Volunteer” during the registration process and choose your desired role from above.

 Email – drivereducation@az.pca.org to register or for more information.

Your help is greatly appreciated! We need volunteers to keep these programs healthy and ongoing! We hope to see you out there!

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Monthly Awards & Accolades

Each month the Editors and Contributors of Going Places would like to recognize certain members for special contributions to this amazing Club we are all part of.

The Writers Award, this award is for an individual that submits or presents the best article.

Writers Award – May 2023: Karen Farrell

The winner will receive a $30 credit on their MotorsportReg account to be used for upcoming AZPCA events.

The Volunteer Award, this award goes to the member who goes above and beyond the call of duty, this person demonstrates what the Clubs values are all about, Passion, a Positive attitude and a willingness to help.

Volunteer of the Month – May 2023: Jim and Carole Bultema

The winner will receive a $30 credit on their MotorsportReg account to be used for upcoming AZPCA events.

**Even if you don’t win this month a big heart felt THANK-YOU to all the wonderful contributors that help make this award-winning Newsletter/Magazine the success that it is, CHEERS.

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Photo courtesy of AZPCA member

S o c i a l M e d i a f o r A Z P C A

5 W a y s t o E ngage !

B y Ja n Mackulak , Socia l Medi a Chair , mailto:socialmedia@az.pca.org

FACEBOOK at f b . c o m / a z p c a

T W I T T E R a t t w i t t e r . c o m / a z p c a

I N S T A G R A M a t i n s t a g r a m . c o m / a z p c a

P I N T E R E S T a t p i n t e r e s t . c o m / a z p c a

Y O U T U B E a t b i t l y / a z p c a


BMW M 50 YEARS of the ultimate driving machines, by Tony Lewin, published by Motorbooks, Beverly, MA.

Thecover may be rather plain, but the end-papers present impressive images of two different engine compartments. Throughout the book there are many very sharp and crisp photos, mostly of cars, and tables of specifications. Picture captions are comprehensive and the extensive white space gives the pages a European flavor

Is is not a book about BMW because BMW Motorsport GmbH is only slightly more related to BMW than RUF is to Porsche. Since the “M” versions are developed from basic BMW vehicles, there necessarily is considerable mention of BMW models and their design.

The Introduction by Jochen Neerpasch, founding CEO of BMW Motorsport, explains the concept behind the BMW M cars as “cars that set racetrack lap times to equal those of competition cars, but which give the driver the comfort of a large limousine for their return journey home”.

Chapter name, but not number, is printed in the top right of the pages to help the reader understand the context of the text. Chapter two, appropriately, is about engines, aircraft, motorcycle and car engines, since motors is BMWs middle name. Engines remain a large part of the description of the multitudinous models covered throughout the book.

BMW M consists of fifteen chapters ranging from a BMW history, through the founding of the “M” organization and its various generations of products, to a promotional projection of M cars in a zero-emission world. A great deal of specific information is given in the narrative discussion, complimented by data tables scattered throughout the book. Though the text mentions many engineering aspects of each version of the “M” vehicles, the artsy-classy pictures were clearly selected by the marketing department, not engineering. The writing gives comprehensive descriptions, some sentences are so comprehensive as to take over 50 words. Measurements are all metric though some prices are translated into dollars.

There is a wide-ranging narrative about each model variant and its development; this reviewer occasionally felt lost as to what car was being discussed. Data tables are provided for each variant, and they very concisely provide specific details about the models described in the narrative. This reviewer, not a BMW enthusiast let alone an “M” aficionado, found the extensive use of factory vehicle and engine model numbers a bit off putting. It seemed like a Porsche book that just talked of 996, 986, 987.2, 991 and 997, rather than using terms like 911, Boxster, Cayman, etc.

A three-page, three column indices, lists a mind-blowing number of E-, F-, G- and M- models. Not surprisingly, there is no entry for Porsche, but committed Porschephiles will find indirect references to Porsche in such textual remarks as “their stodgy stuck-up rivals” and “BMW’s invention of the affordable sporty, high-quality car”. The Cayenne, however, is specifically mentioned as a challenge to BMWs development of an SUV.

BMW M is hardbound, with 242, 9-1/1x12 inch heavyweight pages. The eye-catching cover, and the well illustrated contents make this a worthwhile addition to any car enthusiast’s coffee table. It should be available for $50.00 from your favorite bookseller or from QuartoKnows.com

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Ron Arieli

Gilbert , Arizona 2018 718 Boxster GTS

Christopher and Robin Carda Mesa, Arizona 2018 911 Carrera Cabriolet

Gus and Karen Chengelis

Mesa, Arizona 2019 911 GT3 RS

Donald Claycomb Chandler , Arizona 2017 911 Carrera

Scott Collins Phoenix , Arizona 2014 Boxster S

Christopher Finlay

Fountain Hls, Arizona 2014 Cayman S

Wilfrid Fookes

Glendale, Arizona 2010 Boxster S

Stephen and Dawn Garling Phoenix, Arizona 2021 718 Cayman

David Kinzer Mesa, Arizona 1985 944

Timothy Miller

Scottsdale, Arizona 1987 928 S4

Stephen and Barbara Munk

Tempe, Arizona 2023 911 Carrera

Victor Nitu

Peoria, Arizona 2012 911 Carrera S

David and Nancy Ochser

Scottsdale, Arizona

2012 911 Carrera S Cabriolet

Lori Ota

Scottsdale, Arizona 2021 Taycan

Ron Pratte Chandler, Arizona 2020 718 Cayman GT4

Mark and Matthew Ryan

Gilbert, Arizona 2012 911 Carrera S

Richard Sandoval

Laveen, Arizona 2004 Boxster

William and Priscila Santiago

Mesa, Arizona 2000 911 Carrera

Mark Shoen

Phoenix, Arizona 1979 911 Turbo

Frank Steele

Glendale, Arizona 2015 Cayenne Turbo

Kevin Van Hise

Surprise, Arizona 2005 Boxster S

Whitney Wright Tempe, Arizona 1989 911 Carrera Cabriolet


Marty Allen and Laura Armentrout

Scottsdale, Arizona

Transfer from Santa Barbara 2020 911 Carrera S White

Douglas Bauer

Peoria, Arizona

Transfer from Nord Stern 2008 Cayman S Coupe Orange

Edward and Evelyn Chernoff

Fountain Hills, Arizona

Transfer from High Desert 1974 911 Coupe White

Ralph and Doris Gilles

Phoenix, AZ

Transfer from South Michegan 2020 718 Cayman GT4 White

Walfred and Debbra Johnson

Surprise, Arizona

Transfer from Rocky Mountain 2006 911 Carrera 4 Cabriolet

Andre and Leta LeBlanc

Gold Canyon, Arizona

Transfer from Oregon

2007 Cayman S Red

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Moe Scharhon Membership Chair


These members are observing their PCA Membership Anniversary this month!!

47 Years

James and Anne Brackett

Denny and Cindy Kahler

45 Years

Orester and Jennifer Harper

41 Years

Stephen and Teddy Lange

Donald and Ines Munson

Steven and Vicki Snay

35 Years

Ralph and Christine Cacace

33 Years

Jeffrey Novick

32 Years

Douglas and Peggy MacKay

27 Years

Kenneth and Barbara Beck

Eric and Angela Braun

Michael and Dolores


26 Years

James Benson

James and Rita Hicks

Nick Boren

25 Years

Vance Bradley

Michael and Taylor Martin

24 Years

James and Rebecca Abbott

Richard and SuzAnne Christ

20 Years

RIck and Kent Durkee

Edward and Suzanne Russell

19 Years

Jonathan Harmon

Larry and Jeff Vandagriff

18 Years

John and Jeannie Rotner

17 Years

Rafael Buerba

Grant Imsande

Scott and Christina McIlvain

16 Years

Stephen and Robin Scott

15 Years

Jeff Landes and Marilyn


Michael Klein

Peter McHugh and Ann


Roy Pederson and Mary Jane


Daniel and Pietrina Pensabene

14 Years

William and Adam Bowers

Dale and Ruth Hafner

Robert and Jan Hart

Lynwood and Patricia Islaub

Steven Moldin

13 Years

Joseph and Marilyn Clayton

Bertrand and Beth Kaper

Edwin and Pat Nichols

John and Annette Zwerner

12 Years

Nancy Carman

Rick Forbes

11 Years

David and Sarah Getts

10 Years

Jack and Natalie Arnold

9 Years

Craig Harland

Robert and Nancy Pendleton

Erik and Jennie Yingling

8 Years

Neal and Diane Halpern

Larry McCormley

Gary Phelps and Bonnie Pietrowski

7 Years

Brad Hartman

Mark LaPalm and Ed Jones

Anthony Re

Tammy Wentworth

6 Years

Richard Gill

Peter Kline

5 Years

Todd and Danette Goen

Kevin Kirkwood

Eric Thran

Myra Weber

Sai Winkyaw

4 Years

Mark Brenner

John and Susen Chapman

Charles Crider

Rod Davies

Bryan Engler

Jim and Teri Hunt

Rocco Mandala

Jack and Lynne Norwood

Jeffrey Wellek

Trevor Wilde

Chris Wood

3 Years

Ron and Pam Evans

Andrew Gebhart

Sathya Jyothinagaram

Lee Kline

Christopher Miyata and Tomomi Fusegawa

Craig Potts

Chadd Randall

Nicholas Salvatico

Gil Santos

Alice Simons

Ashton Thomas

2 Years

Rick Benjamin

Morgan Card

John Castrogiovanni

Loni Cotterman

Anton and Laura Leonov

Alex Lopez

Ralph Mercer

Jason Mikkelsen and Jessica Pensinger

Joshua Rose

Debra Santos

William Schuessler

Kenneth Walker

Kent Wilson

1 Years

John Albrechtsen

Deane Antoniou

Michael Ballmann

Ray Beauregard, Jr

William Brewer

Catherine Chieco

Teresa Cole

Daniel Greffe

Andrew Griggs

Brooke Lane

Justin and Laura Maloof

Leonard and Ruth Massey

David and Janis Mathis

Patrick and Chad Meyer

Vince Palumbo

Roy Patel

Daniel Richards

Brad Serack

Chuck and Ava Stanford

Michael Stoor

Andy Yu

GOING PLACES 6.2023 | 33 |


AZPCA Region publishes several emails each month to notify the members of the upcoming social and driving events and other pertinent Region business and activity information. These emails are known as eNews email blasts and will be identified by the PCA Banner as you see above.

It has come to the Region’s attention that several hundred members are not receiving the AZPCA Region’s eNews email blasts. This may be because the PCA National Office may not have your correct email address or there may be a technical problem with your email address. Or the member at one time elected to opt out of receiving the emails and would like to begin receiving them.

AZPCA Region would like to help the members in resolving this issue of you not receiving the eNews emails. If you are not receiving any of the emails that are labeled with the above banner, and prefer to receive them, please email the Region’s Communications Chair, Kenny Mitchell at kenmitchell@az.pca.org

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Rick Althouse

Kim Kemper autocross@az.pca.org



Andy Cole concours@az.pca.org


John Dowling CDI@az.pca.org


Dan Bouet drivereducation@az.pca.org


Rook Younger drivingtours@az.pca.org


Jim Bultema drivingtours@az.pca.org


Dave Fisher dfish5666@aol.com


Rook Younger drivingtours@az.pca.org



Bill Stubbs


Betsy Andrade betsy7890@earthlink.net


Loretta Aman jlaman914@cox.net


Moe Scharhon membership@az.pca.org


Jim and Carole Bultema monthlymeetings@az.pca.org


Andy Jorgensen monthlymeetings@az.pca.org


Betsy Andrade betsy7890@earthlink.net


Gregg & Ali Bull gpeditor@az.pca.org


Angela Manente gpeditor@az.pca.org


Larry Grimes panorama@az.pca.org


Dennis Rood dmrood1@comcast.net


Frank Grimmelmann fgrimmelmann@ mindspring.com


David Derr safety@az.pca.org


Ealing Jahn


Abby Ercoline socialchair@az.pca.org

ASSISTANT SOCIAL COMMITTEE CHAIR Open Position socialchair@az.pca.org


Jan Mackulak socialmedia@az.pca.org


Andy Jorgensen sponsorship@az.pca.org

TECHNICAL CHAIR Scott Mcilvain CDI@az.pca.org


Chuck Carpenter webmaster@az.pca.org


Rob Moser webmaster@az.pca.org

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Lori DeCristo California Inland Region zonerep@zone8.org


Linda Cobarrubias treasurer@zone8.org

TIME TRIAL & DE Russell Shon de.tt@zone8.org


Scott Mann cdi@zone8.org


Skip Carter


Tom Brown webmaster@zone8.org


Tom Brown rules@zone8.org


Monica Asbury secretary@zone8.org


Dick Douglass

SOCIAL MEDIA & Communications Chair

Vinita Khilnani Arizona az.pca.org

AZ Mountain azm.pca.org

Cal. Central ccc.pca.org

Cal. Inland cai.pca.org

Golden Empire gem.pca.org

Grand Prix GrandPrixRegion.com

Las Vegas lvrpca.com

Los Angeles pcalosangeles.org

Orange Coast pcaocr.com

Riverside riversidepca.org

San Diego pcasdr.org

San Gabriel Valley sgb.pca.org

Santa Barbara pcasb.org

So. Arizona pcasar.org

Vineyard pcavineyardregion.com

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© 2018 Po sche Ca s No th Ame ca nc Porsche ecommend seat be u age and observance o t aac aws a a t mes Por sche Chandler Sale s , S er vice, Par t s & Acce ssorie s Porsche Chandler, a luxur y exper ence encompassing Sales, Ser vice, Par ts & Accessories in the hear t of the East Valley OOering comp imentar y Porsche ser vice loaners and door-to-door Sales & Ser vice vehicle deliver y Showcasing the nest selection of New, Cer ti ed, Pre-Owned and Classic Porsche models C Conveniently located Nor th of the Santan 202 Freeway on Gilber t Road Please visit us online at Por scheChandler com


Thesponsorship programs were designed to allow our current and new advertisers and sponsors a simple way to choose a program that will include; digital on-line published newsletter and internet exposure opportunities all for one simple investment.

The sponsorship program has five tiers:

Bronze - $250 includes one small website banner on the Membership and Going Places digital magazine page of our website, and one eighth-page (3.5”x 2”) color or grayscale ad in the Going Places publication.

Silver - $600 Includes one medium-sized website banner on the Membership and Going Places digital magazine page of our website, and one quarter-page (3.5” x 4.75”) color or grayscale ad in the Going Places publication.

Gold - $1200 Includes one medium-sized website ad on the main page of our website rotating with other sponsors, and one halfpage (8” x 5”) color or grayscale ad in the Going Places publication.

Titanium - $2500 Includes one large vertical ad on the front page of our website rotating with other sponsors and one full-page (8” x 10”) color or grayscale ad in the Going Places publication.

Platinum - $10,000. Includes one large vertical ad on the front page of our website, an embedded video, one full-color or grayscale, full-page (8” x 10”) ad inside the front cover in the Going Places publication.

It is the responsibility for each sponsor to develop and design their unique promotional ads. Sponsors must submit their own artwork electronically for ads in gif, pdf, jpeg or swf (for website ads) formats. New sponsorships will run yearly, and investment will be pro-rated for any new sponsor who commits mid-year. The acceptance and display of advertising in this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the advertiser or product by the Porsche Club of America, Arizona Region. AZPCA reserves the right to refuse to print any ad it deems inappropriate. Sponsorships must be prepaid. Staff reserves the right to change rates upon notice at any time.

Contacts: Sponsorship Requests and Tier Details

Sponsorships and Advertising Manager, Andy Jorgensen

E-mail: sponsorship@az.pca.org

Gregg & Ali Bull Going Places Editors

E-mail: gpeditor@az.pca.org

GOING PLACES 6.2023 | 37 |
Shop Your AZPCA Online Goodie Store The ONLY officially authorized site for AZPCA logo’d items! Order AZPCA apparel, gift items and name badges . Just type the az.pca.org/store website in your browser. (Receipts will come from Betsy Andrade LLC) For more information or for special requests, please contact Betsy Andrade, your AZPCA Merchandise Chair – betsy7890@earthlink.net

Upcoming National Events

Join the Porsche Club of America Southern Arizona Region in a New Year’s cruise on the new Viking Mississippi riverboat.

Viking New Orleans and Southern Charms

The Lower Mississippi overflows with charm, history and hospitality. Explore historic estates, and visit notable Civil War sites. Sample the bustling French flavored port cities of New Orleans and Baton Rouge. Sway to the tempos of Dixieland jazz, gospel and blues. Savor gourmet Cajun and Creole cuisine, as well as traditional Southern fare. Join us, and see why local Cajuns say, “Laissez les bons temps rouler” (Let the good times roll). More info is available at: New Orleans & Southern Charms 2023 (vikingrivercruises.com)

Embark New Orleans 30 December 2023

Disembark New Orleans 6 January 2024 Optional Post Extension Tour in New Orleans 6 – 8 January 2024

Prices range from about $4,800 to $12,000 per person depending on cabin. Airfare included from Tucson and airport transfers. Other airports are available. The Viking Cruise will fill up fast so if you are interested act now. Limited time $25 Deposit. When you contact Ed he will provide the Viking Representative contact information and new Viking guests should receive a $100pp credit when they book.

Contact Ed Koharik Email: boardmember4@pcasar.org


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AZPCA Drives - Theodore Roosevelt Lake

Itwas a beautiful day in Arizona, our short spring season when it gets warm, but not too hot to be out and about.

Sunny, with a few clouds scattered about to adorn the bright blue sky that shone over the 100+ people collected in the parking lot that day, we were about to start our first tour from Scottsdale to Lake Roosevelt.

It was announced that we had the most attendees for the Arizona PCA chapter’s history of events and included the longest member since 1979.

This is how my husband wanted to spend his birthday and I was all for joining in the experience. As we gathered and waited for further information and important details such as which group we were assigned to and who the lead car driver was and who drove the sweep, I surveyed the members and asked myself the more obvious and salient factor, who was driving what Porsche?

Sure, most of the crowd had cool name tags which identified names of the owners but what car fit the person and what was each couple’s story about what led them to drive the vehicle they had arrived with that day. The camaraderie of people sharing their love of Porsches leads to many great stories.

The 2016 Spider convertible owner was a former sports car racer and his wife recounted how much she enjoyed the entire journey of the picking up of the vehicle, winding down the European road to end up in Marseille and their dealer giving them a loaner Porsche to drive until theirs made it back home to the States. We met Steve and Brenda, new members like us, driving a great 914 1979 model with Colorado plates.

We chatted with the owners of the sapphire blue 911 turbo S who commute from the Seattle area to the desert. I noticed a tow hook attached to the front end of that car which reminded me of my many trips to the race track I have enjoyed recently both as driver and passenger.

My husband chose to bring his 2011 black 911 to maneuver about that day over the 2018 Panamera hybrid that was waiting for our return and impatiently parked in our garage.

While chatting with another Porschephile about the electric and hybrid models that had little presence in the crowd but emerging in presence, we learned that the 2016 Cayenne E hybrid shows its owner about a 30-mile range in town on charge alone. This was well appreciated since our personal experience is about a 20-mile range which gets us to and from work before needing a boost. Fun and enjoyable but just not the first choice we have for a Sunday drive. I may be hunting for my next Cayenne soon.

After all that anticipation and conversation, and being in the last group, we were ready to get out there on the road. The lead car made way and we soon learned about using the hazards and staying together as a group on the in-town portion of the drive.

Turning heads as we cruised by suburban landscape to the outer parts of the Fountain Hills community, we stopped at the T intersection of the road which allowed the drivers to all catch up to continue together.

We all made our turn and headed past the Fort McDowell casino and reservation towards the second stretch of our journey. To the German auto enthusiast’s delight, we spotted a vintage BMW M5 circa 1970s passing our group and then got to wave to the camera lens of its passenger who had turned to take in the view of Porsches in a line.

No sooner as that spectacle gave way, we had an amazing treat of nature, groups of wild horses were out grazing on the desert blooms on the side of the highway.

The unbridled beauty was amazing to experience in real life and not easily or normally seen from the seat of your own horse powered vantage spot.

Soon the straight lines of the path curved and my experienced driver started to have more fun turning into the gradually ascending road, we passed a forest of Saguaros which gave way to craggily mountains smothered in orange, yellow and red abundant wild flower blooms.

Thank you to our unusually heavy winter rain falls for the colorful background. The temperature dropped slightly which made our windows down and sunroof open atmosphere more pleasant to enjoy the ride.

As we passed over Kitty Joe Creek the 74-degree cool breeze was not too bad compared to the 87 degrees at our start.

Looking out the window to see graduations in the ground reminded me of wine country as the rough road gave the car its opportunity to hop for joy.

Pulling up at the waterfront restaurant on Roosevelt Lake we were given another opportunity to commune with our new Porsche friends. The BBQ spread was ample, filling and tasty as we reconnected and shared comments about the drive.

I could tell my husband was thrilled with his birthday activity as he informed me to sign up for the next winding road event where we will be displaying our new identity badges as Porsche Club members and enjoying the ride again.

FULL HIGH-DEF PHOTOS CAN BE FOUND AT THE LINK BELOW: https://azpcaphotos.smugmug.com/Driving-Tours/Driving-Tour-to-Roosevelt-Lake-2023/

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Beep Beep, Beep Beep, Yeah

Beep Beep, Beep Beep, Yeah

Get it? The car show returned to my home stomping grounds, this spring, after a Covid-related hiatus and an effort to reinvent the concept in an outdoor venue.

An outdoor venue? Yes, a parking lot and, no, it didn’t work. Not if you’ve ever spent time in Denver on a warm sunny day. It’s hot, too hot.

So anticipation ran deep as I made my way back to the traditional venue, the Convention Center, for the annual conclave. Once again, for the eighth, ninth, tenth, I can’t remember, year, I joined my colleagues from the Rocky Mountain Automotive Press Assn. on Press Day.

Although Press Day was not much more than a morning – the doors swung open, and the public joined us after lunch. No matter, half the fun is talking “gearhead” with fellow scribes, regardless of who else is around.

The take-away? Comments like, gee, are we getting old, or does the hall seem to have shrunk? It was the floor space devoted to the show that had shrunk. And, gosh, a lot of pick-ups and SUVs and EVs this year. There were no Porsches (they’ve never shown up, in my recollection,) no Mercedes, no BMWs.

But there was a star-burst of excitement … McLaren. That’s right. A local dealer brought four cars, which we could sit in. Which we all did. Then, a salesman, quite knowledgeable, gave a presentation on their line-up.

What they wanted to hype was the Artura. Although they didn’t have one there. And the upcoming 750S, which they didn’t have, either. Although they did have two 720S models.

The salesman noted that the Artura will lose two cylinders from the traditional McLaren V8. But it gets sufficient charge, from an electric motor, to add up to 671 hp. And it still weighs 3400 lbs, more or less. If this is the future of car enthusiasm, I’m all in. Although I wonder if it is.

Then someone asked what the MSRP is. The salesman replied that the model starts at $237,500. We collectively sighed -- that’s a lot of money. But then someone noted that it’s not too far off from a new Porsche Turbo S. And that enlisted a lot of conversation over which one we would choose. Which came down to, introvert or extrovert? How badly do you want to show you’ve made it? How much attention can you live with?

Someone asked the salesman, who buys them? Doctors, lawyers, Indian chiefs, he said. What sells them? Two words, the salesman said, drive it. That’s all it takes. They sell every car they get.

I’m not sure we can say the same thing at the Nissan display, where two very nice reps walked us through … you know, I don’t remember what they walked us through. And I don’t think it matters. I wasn’t interested. What I do remember is that a few colleagues asked some relatively esoteric questions … and they said they’ll get back to us. They didn’t have an answer. It happened several times.

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And I realized that these reps were not gearheads, not by a long shot. It was their job. I had a similar revelation years ago, when I was with Kraft in Chicago. We hired a new speechwriter, Alan, who came from General Motors, where he had written for Roger Smith.

Which made me need to get to know Alan. I took him to lunch, and asked him, what’s it like working for a car company? Can you, like, call down to the motor pool, and requisition the new Corvette for the weekend?

Alan responded that, yes, you may be able to do that. Although, I must say, it sounded like he wasn’t sure. So I asked him, well, uh, are you a car enthusiast? I was being polite. He said, and I quote, “you learn to appreciate the product.”

The Nissan reps were following the same playbook. You could see it, they were learning to appreciate the product, too. Because, no, they didn’t know the allocation schedule for the 400 Z. They didn’t know why the Nissan GTR wasn’t at the booth. They had no information on future product plans.

I moved on. Toyota had a roped off exhibit of future personal transportation devices, all painted in white. Something called a Prius Prime i-Road personal electric mobile vehicle, and something called an LQ, with built-in artificial intelligence, the sign said. It was a one-seat cross between a space capsule and an electrified motorcycle.

What else? Next-gen autopilot variations. Traffic jam assist. Proactive drive assist, which “learns” the lane. I couldn’t resist, I started humming, “Baby you can drive my car.”

And yet, and yet. Of course I’ll go back next year. If only for a brush with McLaren and the good gearhead conversation.

Who is Danielle Badler? A New York native, Danielle Badler embarked on a writing and communications consulting career in early 2007, following more than 30 years in corporate communications, the last ten years as the chief global communications officer for three Fortune 500 companies, General Instrument Corporation, Unisys Corporation and Western Union.

Danielle now calls Denver home.

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The2022-2023 AZPCA Region Autocross Season Event, number 8 and the last event of the season, was held on Saturday, April 8, 2023, at Arizona Motorsport Park (AMP) in Litchfield Park. The weather was AZPCA Region perfect, and 42 drivers had a fun-packed time negotiating a well-designed course to end the season on a good note.

Of course (maybe pun intended), there were the usual slaloms and gates. However, this course had an optional four-cone slalom leading into a double right-hand box element that allowed a little bit of drifting for a faster exit leaving the box if it was executed perfectly. If you were too greedy and/or overzealous with the drifting maneuver through the box, you would meet up with a wall of a gazillion (lots and lots) cones.

An optional slalom is not an element that you have an option to either slalom or not-to-slalom, you must slalom. The option is the drivers get to choose the path to take for entering the slalom. The decision will either be the correct path or the wrong path insofar as to the drivers’ lap times.

The drivers will have to factor in the slalom exit path for properly setting up for the entrance into the double right-hand box element. Depending on the path the drivers took through the slalom you will either be on the shortest (fastest with a lower time) path or the longest (slowest with a higher time) path through this element, and, either be in the right or wrong position to enter the upcoming double right-hand box element. The choice is the drivers to make and that is why it is called an optional slalom.

Joshua Murakami has been an AZPCA Region member for about a year, Happy AZPCA Region first anniversary! He signed up as a “Taste of Autocross” entrant and brought out a beautiful Black 1990 Porsche 944 S2 Cabriolet, that has been in his family for a long time. Joshua’s car still looks brand new.

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Auto-X EVENT #8

Although Joshua did not drive in this event, the car did not sit in the parking lot allowing dust to settle on it during the day Joshua’s daughter, Ella, who is an active “PCA Juniors” member, drove the car in the event. Ella’s first ever autocross lap was very respectful for her first time, and she saw an overall 6 second improvement throughout the day.

Ella was not timid taking to the course for her first event. Unfortunately, Ella introduced herself to one of the cones on her last lap in the morning session, which was her fastest lap, and she had to settle with her best clean lap with 61.979 seconds she drove on her last lap in the afternoon session. Ella has the potential of being a very fast autocross competitor in her future.

There were no AZPCA Region members driving in Group “X” at this event. The usual Group “X” drivers drove their Group “P” cars. There were seventeen Group “P” drivers and the “Top Driver of the day” for this event was Jonathan B, in his 2017 Porsche Carrera “S” with a 42.395 second laptime, which he drove on his second lap in the morning session.

The second fastest Group “P” driver was Martin R., driving the family 2007 Porsche Cayman “S” and his best laptime was 43.669 seconds. Martin also drove his fastest lap on his second run in the morning session. Behind Martin’s time was Eric S., in his 2006 Porsche “Outlaw” and his best laptime was 44.273 seconds which he drove on his second lap in the afternoon session.

Ealing J. brought out a newly acquired 2019 Porsche Cayman GTS and he was trying to sort out and get familiar with the new car. Ealing’s best laptime was 44.566 seconds which he drove on his third and last lap in the afternoon session. Ealing’s times were getting better on each lap and once he gets familiar with his new car, Jonathan may have to move over and let Ealing pass.

The cone carnage for this event was about average, with 17 penalties assessed to ten drivers. Only two drivers had three cones each. Those honors go to Eric S. and our “PCA Juniors” driver, Ella. Ella was not bashful on the course. She is the “Top Cone Killer Girl”, and Eric is the “Top Cone Killer Guy”, for this event.

The bridesmaid Cone Killers are Jennifer R., Eric T., and Kenny M., with two each. Although, two cone kills are not a high number but, a worthy mentioning since the cone kills for this event were not excessively high numbers.

As for the “Snidelys”, another Snidely candidate was added to the list. That makes four candidates that have a Snidely for the 2022-2023 Season. One driver was itching to get on the list and has two partial Snidelys, one the last event and one this event. The “Snidely Whiplash Back Asswards” recognition(s) more than likely will be recognized at the first event in the fall at the driver’s safety meeting.

The next event will be the first event of the 2023-2024 AZPCA Region Autocross Season on Saturday, October 7, 2023, at AMP. The Motorsportreg registrations will be posted by the end of the summer for the upcoming season.

Try to stay cool and enjoy your AZPCA Region summer!

For a full range of amazing Hi-Res Images please click on the link on the next page


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AZPCA A-X, April 8, 2023 HEAT 1 HEAT 2 DRIVER CAR RUN 1 RUN 2 RUN 3 RUN 4 RUN 5 RUN 6 RUN 7 Pete P 2020 Porsche Macan GTS 53.069 53.315 52.123 51.681 50.318 DNF 51.435 Frank T 2016 VW GTI 55.639+1 54.188 55.026 53.241 51.466 51.937 51.712 Bruce B 2012 BMW 328i 48.768+1 DNF 50.756 49.778 DNS DNS DNS Kenny M 2015 Porsche Cayman GTS 45.215 45.467 44.447 44.342 44.719 43.709+1 44.705+1 Jay A 2002 Mazda Miata 56.004 54.798 54.58 53.614 53.781 54.130+1 54.011 Gary J 2008 Porsche 911 C4S 51.316 49.902 49.831 50.092 69.043+1 49.963 49.683 Dennis R 2014 Porsche Boxster 60.253 59.634 DNF 59.288 58.419 56.342 57.313 Jason S 2003 Chevrolet Corvette (R) 48.373 47.901 47.657 48.041 46.817 47.893 47.424 Mike T 2017 Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport 49.001 48.733 48.265 49.535 48.841 49.442 49.133 Eric S 2006 Porsche 997 Outlaw 45.947 44.797 45.338 44.348 45.386+3 44.273 DNF Greg K 1969 Chevrolet Corvette 48.436 48.815 48.547 47.895 50.465+2 48.905 49.058 Brad K 2004 Porsche Boxster S 51.806 52.72 52.445 52.434 53.2 53.918 54.46 Corey S 2001 Mazda Miata 46.635+1 46.612+1 46.45 DNF DNF 47.680+1 46.885 David G 2016 BMW M4 60.123 54.48 DNF DNF 52.97 51.798 DNF Brad L 2016 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 43.520+1 43.645 44.971+1 44.112 43.337 42.917 43.529 Rob M 2007 Pontiac Solstice 47.297 47.279 47.621+1 47.41 52.519 53.483 DNF Jared R 2020 Audi A3 55.004 DNF DNF DNF 53.948 DNF DNF Andy J 2014 Audi R8 49.086 48.192+1 48.154 48.097 48.641 47.911+2 48.349+2 Jim E 2019 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 46.569 45.511 45.319 45.377 47.330+1 46.012 46.314 Clint G 2017 BMW M2 49.253+1 49.477 50.122 49.066 48.023 46.861 47.314 Rick A 1994 Porsche 968 51.744 51.545 52.535 51.766 50.974 51.569 51.873 Dennis R 2016 Chevrolet Corvette 45.594 DNF 46.618 46.594 45.347 44.425+2 44.688+1 Jonathan B 2017 Porsche 911 S 42.868 42.395 43.197 43.425 42.593 42.501 42.717 Chance N 2002 Subaru WRX 54.082 55.535 54.633 55.075 52.76 53.343 53.684 Myers H 2023 Toyota GR 86 51.062 50.4 65.274+1 50.658 51.310+3 50.107 49.906+1 Ealing J 2019 Porsche Cayman S 45.551 44.787 44.623 45.023 44.814 44.804+1 44.566 Damon H 2017 Porsche 911 Carrera 52.327 52.001 51.653 51.839 49.301 50.357+1 50.936 Ella M 1990 Porsche 944 S2 Cabriolet 65.094 63.788 DNF 58.951+1 64.232+2 65.657 61.979 Dave M 2014 Porsche Cayman S 49.926 48.776 49.605 49.422 48.396 DNF 50.071 Martin R 2007 Porsche Cayman S 45.108 43.669 44.195 45.309 43.947 43.478+1 44.092 Lynn A 2016 Scion FRS 56.589 54.849 54.434+1 53.014 53.402 51.68 DNF Andrew T 2013 Subaru BRZ 48.612 48.465 49.353 49.081 50.306+1 51.445+1 48.627 James H 2018 Ford Mustang GT 350 46.156+1 DNF 45.815 46.302 DNF 45.773 46.138 David E 1990 Chevrolet Corvette 49.918 50.115 49.919 49.811+1 50.056 49.364+2 49.358+3 Steve E 2016 Chevrolet Corvette 43.539 44.445+1 44.085 44.265 43.977 44.385 44.944 Steve A 2016 Scion FRS 56.699 46.974 46.008+2 52.031+1 DNF 46.427 47.463+1 Dane T 1999 Mazda Miata 49.886 47.868 48.391 48.118 47.508 47.549 47.146 Jennifer R 2007 Porsche Cayman S 46.412+1 DNF 45.122 45.883 45.083 45.562 46.784+1 Kimberly N 2002 Subaru WRX 57.325 56.982 57.023 56.361 55.717+2 DNF DNF Eric T 2014 Porsche Cayman S 45.718 45.374+1 44.958 45.621 44.831 44.617+1 45.9 James E 2009 Porsche Cayman S 48.743 47.806 47.243 46.103 46.136+1 45.923 45.711 Kim K 2022 Porsche Cayman GT4 46.484 45.304 45.446 45.333 45.515 45.302 46.615

AZPCA A-X, April 8, 2023



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DRIVER CAR GROUP PORSCHE Jonathan B 2017 Porsche 911 S 42.395 Martin R 2007 Porsche Cayman S 43.669 Eric S 2006 Porsche 997 Outlaw 44.273 Kenny M 2015 Porsche Cayman GTS 44.342 Ealing J 2019 Porsche Cayman S 44.566 Eric T 2014 Porsche Cayman S 44.831 Jennifer R 2007 Porsche Cayman S 45.083 Kim K 2022 Porsche Cayman GT4 45.302 James E 2009 Porsche Cayman S 45.711 Dave M 2014 Porsche Cayman S 48.396 Damon H 2017 Porsche 911 Carrera 49.301 Gary J 2008 Porsche 911 C4S 49.683 Pete P 2020 Porsche Macan GTS 50.318 Rick A 1994 Porsche 968 50.974 Brad K 2004 Porsche Boxster S 51.806 Dennis R 2014 Porsche Boxster 56.342 Ella M 1990 Porsche 944 S2 Cabriolet 61.979
CAR GROUP X Brad L 2016 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 42.917 Steve E 2016 Chevrolet Corvette 43.539 Jim E 2019 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 45.319 Dennis R 2016 Chevrolet Corvette 45.347 James H 2018 Ford Mustang GT 350 45.773 Steve A 2016 Scion FRS 46.427 Corey S 2001 Mazda Miata 46.45 Jason S 2003 Chevrolet Corvette (R) 46.817 Clint G 2017 BMW M2 46.861 Dane T 1999 Mazda Miata 47.146 Rob M 2007 Pontiac Solstice 47.279 Greg K 1969 Chevrolet Corvette 47.895 Andy J 2014 Audi R8 48.097 Mike T 2017 Chevrolet Corvette Grand Sport 48.265 Andrew T 2013 Subaru BRZ 48.465 Bruce B 2012 BMW 328i 49.778 David E 1990 Chevrolet Corvette 49.918 Myers H 2023 Toyota GR 86 50.107 Frank T 2016 VW GTI 51.466 Lynn A 2016 Scion FRS 51.68 David G 2016 BMW M4 51.798 Chance N 2002 Subaru WRX 52.76 Jay A 2002 Mazda Miata 53.614 Jared R 2020 Audi A3 53.948 Kimberly N 2002 Subaru WRX 56.361

Tech Tips Tires for Your Porsche

Question: What is the most important component on your Porsche? As you read from the title of this article, it is TIRES! Everything your Porsche does is transmitted through the tires to the road. The wrong or worn tires can dramatically affect how your Porsche drives.

Tires have come a long way over the past hundred years. Today’s tire and performance-vehicle manufacturers spend billions of dollars engineering the highest performing and safest tires for our cars. From the 356 to the 991, the right set of tires can be all the difference.

Let’s start with the basics on how to read a tire’s sidewall. If you have never looked at the sidewall of a tire, all the letters and numbers can be confusing. With the help of this illustration, I will point out some important information.

Another helpful marking on the tire is the date stamp showing when the tire was manufactured. The date stamp is after the DOT compliance number. This date stamp is four digits with the first two numbers the week and the last two the year.

As you can see in this photo, this tire was manufactured 24th week of 2004. Tires will age even if they are not used,

Tire size (225/50R 16) has three main measurements. The first number is the tread width in millimeters. The larger the number, the wider the tire is. The second number is the tire aspect ratio. This number is the ratio between the side wall and the tread width. A 50 aspect ratio is twice as wide as it is high. The last number is the tire and wheel diameter. The tire and wheel MUST have the same diameter!

so Porsche recommends replacing tires that are more than four years old. Any time you are looking to buy a used Porsche, it is good to check this date stamp to see if the tires need to be replaced.

Porsche sports cars will wear tires differently from other passenger cars and trucks. Because Porsche cars have performance alignments, the inside of the tire will wear faster than the outside. It is important to check the inside of the tire for wear, not just the outside. A misaligned car or incorrect tire pressure will cause wear and drastically decrease the life of a tire. Cold tire pressure is one of the most important things to check on your Porsche weekly. Newer Porsches will have the recommended tire pressures on a badge somewhere on the car. For earlier cars, you should check the owner’s manual. As temperature changes, so will tire pressure (10 degrees=1 PSI change), so be sure to check tire pressure often because there can be a nine PSI difference through the seasons.

I have had many customers ask me for advice about what

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tires to purchase. I always recommend N-spec tires. Porsche engineers work with different tire manufactures to engineer specific tire attributes that include wet and dry grip, top speed, noise, hydroplaning, handling requirements, high speed durability and serviceability. If the manufacturer can meet or exceed these requirements, then the tire is designated an N-spec tire and can be fitted to a Porsche. There are different N-spec numbers. Zero is the first in the evolution of the tire; four is the latest. You must always match the N-spec to the same number when getting new tires. You NEVER want to have mismatched tires with two tires being different types. This will cause a handling imbalance between the front and rear of the car and is very unsafe! For more info on N-spec tires and a detailed list of N-spec tires, please visit Porsche’s website, http://www.porsche. com/usa/accessoriesandservices/porscheservice/ documentsanddownloads/.

Tires for the Track

If you are new to the track or are still a novice, it is recommended that you use street tires. The reasoning

behind this is that street tires are more forgiving and predicable than race tires. I have had students in the past start on race tires and it set them back in the long run. For someone in DE 3 or 4 I recommend starting on a DOT R tire before moving to a full competition tire. A DOT R tire is still legal to drive on the street but will give great grip. They will wear very fast if driven on the street, so it is best to have two sets of wheels and tires. Whatever track-day tire you choose, make sure to have them heat cycled or heat cycle them yourself. Heat cycling is where the tire is brought up to operating temperature and then allowed to fully cool down. This helps the tire last much longer and provide even wear. Just like street tires, make sure to check tire pressure and alignment to get the maximum performance and longevity out of the tire.

For more information on tires, visit tirerack.com where most every detail of tires is explained and there are great reviews on most tires in production.

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Stuttgart Market Letter

With 74% of the 506 Porsches on offer in April bringing in a whopping $29.9m, you might find it hard to believe that not a single car sold for over $500,000. But that was the case this month with our top 10 sales as follows: 2016 911 R $470,000, 1997 911 Turbo S $465,000, 2018 911 GT2 RS Weissach $434,000, 2019 911 Speedster 396,000, 1993 911 Turbo 3.6 $370,000, 2018 911 GT2 RS Weissach $346,500, 2011 911 GT3 RS 4.1-liter $338,000, 2019 911 Speedster $335,000, 1988 911 Turbo Cabriolet M505 $332,000, and a 2023 911 Turbo S Coupe $320,000.

So, what does that tell us about the market? For one, limited production cars with GT engines are still hot with two 991 GT2 RS’ and two 991 Speedsters making the top 10. And two, air-cooled turbos still command big money although the market has shown some signs of softening.

Let’s start with the air-cooled Turbo market which had an 80% sell-through rate from 20 cars totaling just over $3m. The overall 993 Turbo market has appeared to level out with an average of $201,000, about where it was last month. And although our second-highest car sold for the month was a 993 Turbo S at $465,000, that was the lowest price paid for one of only 345 cars-built year to date and an uber-rare 911 GT2 Evo failed to sell at $440,000, a far cry from where this car should have been.

THE as only one 3.3-liter car and one 3.6-liter car sold with one of each not selling. With a 50% sellthrough rate, there isn’t anything to write home about. 930 Turbos fared much better however with an 89% sell-through rate of 9 cars with the high point being a 1988 911 Turbo Cabriolet with the M505 Slant Nose package at $332,000.

Absent from the $300k club this month were delivery mileage 992 GT3s with a 2023 PTS Olympic Blue Touring with a 6-speed only bringing $295,000. A PTS Touring 6-Speed used to be your ticket to $300+, but it looks like that ship has sailed and other sellers need to adjust their reserves as we saw a 33% sell-through rate. That doesn’t mean all GT3s didn’t do well though. Modified 997.2 GT3 RS’ had their month with two examples bringing above average RS money at $246,000 and $338,000 for a Shark Werks modified 4.1-liter example.

Normally aspirated 993s have started to level out as well with an average price of $80,500 paid for a coupe although we did have a couple of surprises. One was a Supercharged 3.8-liter Coupe that sold for $172,000 and a ‘96 Targa 6-Speed that crossed the $100k mark at $101,000. Remember when nobody wanted a “greenhouse” Targa? Not anymore. Another surprise was the $296,000 paid for a 1995 993 RS Clubsport which was the lowest price we’ve seen by far since way back in the beginning of 2019.

But it wasn’t all modern classics making moves in April either. 356s looked good with a 78% sell-through rate with the top sale being a 1957 356A Coupe with boatloads of patina for $150,000. On the classic 911 side of the market, we saw a 55% sell-through rate and a top sale of $259,503 (not including buyer’s premium) for a 1972 ‘Ölklappe’ Coupe in exceptionally rare right-hand drive configuration at Bonhams’ Goodwood Members’ Meeting sale.

So where were the million-dollar sales this month? Well, without any large auctions in April we didn’t have the opportunity to see any true “star cars” cross the block. And the absence of a Carrera GT or 959 meant

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that it would take a VERY special 911 or 356 to sell although we did have the opportunity with the 993 GT2 Evo mentioned prior. But that all changes over the next two months as we already have both a 959 and Carrera GT set to end in May and June brings us the 75th Anniversary Porsche sale in Atlanta hosted by Broad Arrow auctions. Will you be there? If so, look for the guy in the Stuttgart Market Letter sweatshirt and say “hello”.

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David K. Whitlock is a writer for The Stuttgart Market Letter, a daily market update for Porschephiles, by Porschefiles, delivered to your inbox. www.stuttgartmarketletter.com
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