Gò0dNews Business Spotlight
Herb’s Heating and Air
by Darren Fansler
erbert and Mary Fansler began Herb’s Heating
One of the most important things a homeowner can
and Air Service in 1996. Their youngest son,
do to extend the life of their unit, besides changing the
Darren, began working alongside Herbert from
filter monthly, is to invest in preventative maintenance.
the beginning. Tracy,
Sometimes having a preventative maintenance plan will
Herbert’s oldest son, later
allow the technician to catch some possible future issues
joined them in building
and keep your unit from breaking down in the hottest
the family business.
part of summer or coldest part of winter. Of course, not
Through the years
all problems can be foreseen but it can help prevent some
Herbert employed family
future issues and keep your unit running as efficiently as
members and friends
possible which can help with the utility bill. We offer two
who became family.
preventative maintenance plans where a technician will
After spending 40 years
come out once or twice a year to check the unit, clean coils
working in the HVAC
and make sure everything is running smoothly. When you
field, Herbert was ready
sign up for a preventative maintenance plan you will receive
to slow down.
a discount on parts should you need them. Discounts will
In 2015 Darren bought the business
vary depending upon the plan you chose. We recommend preventative maintenance to take place in the Spring and
from his parents and has continued to uphold his Dad’s
Fall to get the unit ready for the cooling or heating season
business ethics. Like
that is approaching. If you should take out a plan you do not
Herbert, Darren also
need to worry about remembering to contact us to schedule
employees his two
the service. We set it up in our program and when it is time
sons and has employed
the program reminds us to call you and set up a time that is
family and friends
convenient for the customer.
throughout the years.
Our technicians are able to work on any model HVAC
Two things that Herbert
unit, but we primarily sell and install Tempstar units which
instilled into anyone
are made by Carrier. In many cases we can provide same
under his employment
day service when an issue arises and you need service. We
was to work on every
also provide free estimate if you are building a new home or
unit like it was in your
interested in replacing your current system.
home and that he started the business to make a living, not a killing. We strive to be as competitive in our pricing as possible while also offering fair pay to our workers so they can take of their families as well. Our customer base has grown strive for excellent customer service.
46 // April 2020
About The Author
through the years mainly through word of mouth and we Darren Fansler is the owner of Herb’s Heating and Air Service as well as the pastor of Clear Springs Baptist Church in Athens, TN.