March 2020

Page 44

Gò0dNews for Health & Fitness

Solve Your Lower Back Pain by Hannah Davis


ver 75% of adults experience back pain at some point in their lives. Despite this statistic, few people find relief


from chronic back pain and remain at the mercy of costly

a. Lying on your back with arms at

painkillers and injections.

your sides, bend the knees until

So what’s the good news?

your feet are directly under the

Chronic back pain is widespread among adults simply due to

knees, a few inches away from

misinformation on how to treat it. Chronic pain is often related to

your butt. Distance your feet hip

tight and underactive muscles. One common theme we see with

width apart and press through

new personal training clients are glutes that are tight, weak, or

your heels to lift the hips upward,

underactive and a weak core. This can happen because of a more

squeezing your glutes throughout

sedentary lifestyle—indefinite sitting throughout the day, repeated

the movement. Tip: Practice

leaning over desks and computers, or lengthy periods of driving.

creating a diagonal line starting

Try the following stretches and strengthening exercises to find

from the shoulders and ending at

relief and to begin to correct muscular imbalances leading to lower

the knees.

back pain.


2. Glute Clam Shells a. Lie on your side with one leg

1. Assisted hamstring stretch

stacked on top of the other and

a. Lie on your back with both legs

knees bent at a 45-degree angle.

straight out in front of you. Secure

While squeezing your core and

a yoga strap under the arch of one

pulling your belly in toward

foot while holding the ends of the

the spine, raise your upper

strap in each hand. If unavailable,

knee as high as you can without

try a towel or scarf. Raise the secured foot while maintaining a

disconnecting your feet at the

straight leg and flexed quad muscle. Use the strap to challenge

bottom. Return your upper leg

a deeper stretch with each exhale and hold for 20 seconds.

back to the starting position

2. Pigeon Pose/Piriformis stretch

and repeat.

a. Starting in plank position with

3. Bird Dog

your shoulders over your wrists,

a. Beginning in tabletop position

bring your right knee to your right

with your knees bent 90 degrees

wrist and your right foot to your

and wrists stacked directly under

left wrist. Sink your hips toward

the shoulders. Slowly extend your

the floor, maintaining equal balance with your right and left

left leg behind you while reaching

hip. For a deeper stretch, walk your hands forward and fold

your right hand out in front of

your chest toward the floor.

you. Keep your hips square to the

3. Wide Knee Child’s Pose

ground and brace the core to avoid

a. Kneel to the floor with your feet

any arching of the back. Hold the

together and knees placed hip width apart. Lower your torso between your knees and extend your arms to the floor out in front of you. With every exhale, fold your chest closer toward the ground. Notice the lengthening of your back muscles as you continue to walk your fingers further away from the body.

44 // March 2020

1. Hip Bridge

position for three breaths, then repeat with the opposite limbs. If you are interested in an individual assessment and a more personalized approach on how to treat your lower back pain, reach out to us at Body By Hannah Studio at (423) 641-8969 and schedule a fitness consultation today!

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