State of the Tourism Demand in the District of Tucume Celso Corbera Díaz1 and Oliver Ucañay Pariatanta2
Summary. In this research, we will conduct a detailed study of the state in which the services that make up a tourism demand in the district of Tucume. As the study focused on the quality of tourist services in Tucume, community problem what is not yet overcome. It is a study that is done in this district, using the Likert scale method through a survey in the village. This research is relevant and necessary to be socially important to the understanding of the tourism situation in a district with great tourism potential. For the results, the answers obtained after analysis using SPSS PASW 18.Finally arriving at theresults and conclusions. Keywords: Tucume, Tourists, services. Resumen. La presente investigación, es sobre la situación en la cual se encuentran los servicios que conforman una demanda turística en el distrito de Túcume. Siendo el estudio enfocado a la calidad de servicios turísticos en Túcume y el problema comunitario que aún no es superado. Es un estudio que se realiza en este distrito, aplicando el método de escala de Likert a través de una encuesta en el poblado. Esta investigación es necesaria y relevante, por ser de importancia social para el conocimiento de la situación turística en este distrito de gran potencial turístico. Para obtener los resultados, se tuvieron a través del programa SPSS PASW 18, llegando finalmente a los resultados y a las conclusiones correspondientes. Palabras clave: Túcume, Turistas, servicios.
INTRODUCTION Tucume is a district in Lambayeque with a great cultural and archaeological value that was built thousands of years ago, under the La Leche valley by the mythical hero who came from the sea in a fleet of ships Ñaimlap. Tucume is a visited annually by many domestic and foreign tourists, to know the already famous Pyramids of Túcume, La Huaca Larga, and the recently opened museum site of Túcume, which aims to encourage more tourists to visit the district and learn more about the culture of Lambayeque; so it is important to know what are the conditions of the companies that offer travel services to visitors, and to have knowledge of the tourist reality of the district of Tucume. For that reason, we have proposed the following general objective, what is to know the situation of tourism demand in the district of Tucume; also we have set specific objectives to know, if tourists make 1 Student of the eighth cycle, of the Hospitaity management and touristic services career, in the Faculty of Business Studies, of the Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo Catholic University, in Chiclayo city, Peru. Email address: 2 Student of the eighth cycle, of the Hospitaity management and touristic services career, in the Faculty of Business Studies, of the Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo Catholic University, in Chiclayo city, Peru. Email address: