The impact of public and private investment in tourism in Port of Eten, Lambayeque, Peru Chris Silva Guerrero1 and Shirley Rojas Valle2 Abstract. Currently there is tourism investment in the District of Port of Eten; the investment with the greatest impact is the seawall, (that it will be held an opening ceremony on November 25th with the presence of the president of Peru and his wife Nadine Heredia). Port of Eten as a tourism potential has many rich places that are undeveloped or unknown, because of the lack of interest given to them, but it is thought that with the creation of the seaport everything will take a big turn, because from its construction it will generate the necessity to build hotels, restaurants and many other tourist services. It has been thought desirable to know the impact of public and private investment in tourism from Port of Eten, Lambayeque, Peru, because it is a destination with a great potential and should be shown to the whole world. Likewise, this essay justifies its use because there are no studies on the subject and will serve as a background for future researches. Key Words: Investment, Port of Eten, Private, Public, Tourism. Resumen. En la actualidad si existen inversiones turísticas en el distrito de Puerto Eten, la inversión con mayor impacto es la del malecón, que el 25 de noviembre se realizará la ceremonia de inauguración con la presencia del presidente del Perú y su esposa Nadine Heredia. Puerto Eten como potencial turístico tiene muchos lugares muy ricos que no son explotados, ni se conoce de ellos, por la falta de interés que se les dan, pero con la creación del puerto marítimo se piensa que todo va dar un gran giro, puesto que su construcción va generar necesidades de hoteles, restaurantes y muchos servicios turísticos. Se ha creído conveniente conocer el impacto de las inversiones públicas y privadas en Turismo en Puerto Eten, Lambayeque, Perú, porque es un destino con gran potencial y que debe ser mostrado al mundo entero. Así mismo, el presente ensayo, justifica su realización debido a que no existen trabajos sobre el tema y va servir como antecedentes de futuras investigaciones Palabras Clave: Inversiones, Privadas, Públicas, Puerto Eten, Turismo.
Student of the tenth cycle of the School of Hospitality Management and Tourism Services, in the Faculty of Business Studies, Catholic University of Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo in Chiclayo, Peru. Email:
Student of the tenth cycle of the School of Hospitality Management and Tourism Services, in the Faculty of Business Studies, Catholic University of Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo in Chiclayo, Peru. Email: