Diana y fiorella the religion festivity of divino niño del milagro in eten city english ok

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The religious holiday of Divino Niño Del Milagro in Eten city, in Lambayeque-Peru

Diana Carolina Castillo 1 y Fiorella Gamarra Rivera 2 Resumen Las festividades cumplen importantes funciones sociales, y expresan en alguna forma lo que un pueblo piensa de sí mismo y del mundo en que vive. Es por ello que con los cambios económicos y sociales, con las transformaciones científicas y culturales, se van transformando, debilitándose o fortaleciéndose, apareciendo algunas nuevas y desapareciendo otras, siendo la mayor parte de estas de carácter religioso. Se ha creído conveniente conocer los aspectos más importantes a cerca de la festividad religiosa del Divino Niño del Milagro de ciudad Eten, en la Región de Lambayeque, Perú para así, poder determinar el grado de identificación cultural de los pobladores de Eten con dicha celebración. Palabras Clave: Festividad, Religión, Turismo

Abstract The festivities serve important social functions, and expressed in a way what a people think about themselves and the world they live in. That is why the economic and social changes, with scientific and cultural transformations, are transformed, weaken or strengthen, some new appearing and disappearing others, and the greater part of those of a religious nature. It has been thought desirable to know the most important aspects about the religious festival of the Divino Niño Del Milagro de Ciudad Eten, in the region of Lambayeque-Peru, in order to determine the degree of cultural identification on the people from Eten with this celebration. Keywords: Celebration, Religion, Tourism. INTRODUCTION Today, festivities and celebrations have a prominent place in LatinAmerican culture. The commemorative dates are set in their calendars. Some celebrations were inherited from ancient cults; others were created for the purpose of replacing the violent barbaric pagan festivals, and other perhaps of less importance appear on the calendar as they were assigned a date. The mixture of traditions has outlined an important profile of what we celebrate today. Currently popular religious festivals celebrated in Peru with their mystical and colorful rituales for believers are an inexhaustible source of comfort, and support to deal with everyday problems such as unemployment, hunger and lack of welfare being a way of experiencing God and living the Christian faith. This asignment is important because it will allow us to study about the cultural 1 1 y 2 Estudiantes del noveno ciclo de la Escuela de Administración Hotelera y de Servicios Turísticos, de la Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales, en la Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo, de la ciudad de Chiclayo, Perú. Correo electrónico: fiorellagamarra_7@hotmail.com, karol20_6@hotmail.com

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