The Motupe Cross, expression of religious tourism in the Region Lambayeque, Peru Kazuko Otake Torres 1 Cecilia Otoya Garcia 2 Abstract The Motupe Cross, is an icon of Peruvian folk religion that identifies the customs and traditions of the department of Lambayeque. The devotion to the Chalpón Cross in Motupe, is firmly rooted in all the north of Peru. Every year in August, the festival attracts thousands of worshipers who engage in a spirit of penance the fourteen Stations of the Cross along the hard and steep slope of the hill Chalpón, to the sanctuary where worship occurs the venerated cross. Key words: Celebration, religious, Tourism. INTRODUCTION The devotion to the cross has made many people improve their Christian life and reflect on the power of God. At the meeting attended elderly, youth and children of all economic positions; even if the physical condition prevents the fervor is done in private or in the routine of their daily lives. All you do petitions, await their blessing, receive favors and will express their faith in a very special and personal. Definitely Motupe Cross is a symbol that moves masses and about devotees and future believers to live the Catholic faith with passion. The research proposed general objective is to understand the impact of tourism on the Feast of the Cross Chalpón Motupe in the Lambayeque region. Also, in order to realize this purpose, research specific objectives, determining the historical background of the Holy Cross Motupe, identify the type of visitor who attends Holy Cross Motupe, classify motives of visitors flocking the festival; and find out how often they visit Motupe Cross. This work is important because there are few studies of this kind, it will be a contribution to society The history of Holy Chalpón Cross (Ascues Uribe, 2011) Faith to the Holy Cross is a native Peruvian Motupe District Motupe devotion, the same dates back to around 1860. The Fray Juan Agustín de Abad, the Franciscan religious order fulfilled mission among During 1860 and 1865, who lived in the same Chalpón Hill, where he spent most of the day, deep in prayer. One day the priest dear departed without trace, but previously told the people closest to him in the Cerro Chalpón in Riven and Cerro Cerro Penachí, leaving large crosses executed by his own hand, made guaiac wood tree, they should be found and considered protective of anyone site. After failed attempts to find the crosses, the memorable August 5, 1868, I had the privilege a young villager whose name was Jose Mercedes Anteparra 1 1 Student of the tenth cycle of the School of Hospitality Management and Tourism Services, Faculty of Business Studies at the Catholic University of Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo, in Chiclayo, Peru. Email: 2 2 Student of the tenth cycle of the School of Hospitality Management and Tourism Services, Faculty of Business Studies at the Catholic University of Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo, in Chiclayo, Peru. Email: