Family Law Advisor October 2015
Protecting Your Children During Divorce By Patrick Kelly A Family Research Council study on the Effects of Divorce on Children would lead anyone to believe that every child of divorce faces a tragic future. Without a doubt, parents need to focus on the wellbeing of their children from the time they decide to file for divorce through every step of the divorce process and probably for the rest of their lives.
Welcome GoransonBain welcomes our newest Plano family lawyer, Lenè Alley DeRudder Read more
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Meet Us On Video The Element of Surprise: Drug Tests in Texas Divorces or Custody Case By Aimee M. Pingenot
Divorce raises many questions, and finding the right lawyer is the way to start answering them. At GoransonBain, you can learn about our
For many, divorce can be full of surprises. Sometimes,
lawyers experience, qualifications and
even the fact that you're getting divorced comes as a
personal approach to Family Law by
surprise. Our Plano divorce lawyers at Goranson Bain
viewing our Meet Us On Video page.
work hard to help mitigate the surprises, but there is one aspect of a divorce when sometimes the surprise is very strategic. Read more
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