Family Law Advisor January 2016
Parenting Plans The most important document in a divorce By Jeff Domen When couples begin pursuing a divorce, they quickly
learn how complex their lives have become. Every
Diana S. Friedman has joined
possession requires analysis to determine ownership.
GoransonBain as a Partner, and Lerrin
Every loan must continue to be repaid by one spouse
B. Goldberg as an Associate. Diana
or the other. However, no issue in divorce is more
was named Lawyer of the Year in
important than the continued wellbeing of the children.
Family Law, Dallas/Ft. Worth by The
Best Lawyers in America 2016. Lerrin
Each Dallas divorce attorney at GoransonBain
brings experience as both a family law
applauds the 2005 Texas legislative change requiring
attorney and a former assistant district
parenting plans for any divorcing couples with children.
attorney. Both Diana and Lerrin are
We also believe that parents should work together to
highly respected Family Lawyers who
develop these plans. A cooperative spirit can make a
share the core values of GoransonBain
tremendous difference to the entire family.
in helping clients make the difficult
Read more
transition through family law problems in the best way possible.
Texas Law Does Not Include Provisions for Separation Agreements By Thomas P. Goranson