Family Law Advisor August 2019
What is a High-Conflict Personality? By Thomas A. Greenwald
Thomas Ausley Honored by Texas Bar Foundation with the Outstanding 50 Year Lawyer Award Over a five-decade
A high-conflict personality person is
career, Thomas L.
a person who typically is a very rigid
Ausley has
thinker, someone who thinks in very
established a
black and white terms, and they are
reputation as one of
also people who do not like surprises and get very frustrated and angry if they're surprised. Contrary to what most people think, high-conflict personalities are not just involved in high-conflict cases. Watch video
the most distinguished family law attorneys in the state of Texas. To recognize his extraordinary career, the Texas Bar Foundation has presented him with the Outstanding 50 Year Lawyer Award. Read more
Can You Have a Collaborative Divorce if Your Spouse Has a Difficult Personality? By Kristen A. Algert One of the toughest personalities to
Britney Harrison Elected President-Elect Texas Young Lawyers Association
be married to, or to divorce, is the
We are proud of our associate Britney
person who exhibits narcissist
Harrison, who was elected President-
qualities. The word narcissist is in
Elect of the Texas Young Lawyers