Family Law Advisor September 2017
Giving Your Children Your Best During Divorce By Anita C. Savage I've seen countless families transition through divorce. I've seen families handle their divorce well and I've seen families cycle downward into crisis. Some parents are so hurt and wounded that it is all they could do to make it through their divorce. Because of their pain, their focus shifts inwards and away from their children who were previously the center of their universe. It is over these parents and their children that I lose sleep at night. Read more
Esther R. Donald named Partner We are pleased to announce Esther Donald has been named a Partner. Her relentless focus on finding the right solutions for her clients has earned her the respect of her peers and the trust of her clients. Esther's strong sense of integrity and leadership skills will be an invaluable asset in her new role as a partner of the firm. Read more
Is a 50/50 Possession Schedule Right for Me? By Kathryn Flowers Samler One of the most difficult topics to
Tom Greenwald receives Lawyer of the Year recognition
resolve in custody litigation is what
Tom Greenwald was named 2018 Best
possession schedule will each party
LawyersÂŽ "Lawyer of the Year" for
have with the children. Judges in
Family Law in Dallas/Fort Worth by U.S. News & World Report. The "Lawyer of
Texas have the discretion to order any possession
the Year" Award is
schedule that the Judge believes is in the best interest
given to the lawyer
of the child, which includes ordering a 50/50 possession
who has the highest
schedule. However, the Texas Family Code sets out a
overall peer-review
specific possession schedule known as the "standard
feedback in a certain
possession schedule" which the law presumes to be the
practice area for a particular geographic
schedule that is in the best interest of the children.
Under the standard possession schedule, if each party
Read more
exercises the maximum periods of possession permitted, then possession is divided between the parties around a 45/55 split. Currently, the standard possession schedule is the schedule most often ordered by the Courts due to the presumption that it is in the
Attorney Recognition
best interest of the child.
D Magazine Names Five
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GoransonBain Lawyers "Best Lawyers in Dallas"
How Do Mental Health Issues Impact Family Law Cases? By Thomas A. Greenwald Some of the traits of a high-conflict personality are the blame game, and they always want to blame other people for the bad things that are happening in their life, and not accept responsibility for their own behaviors, and they have a significant lack of insight into their own behaviors. Watch video
Kathryn J. Murphy, Diana Friedman, Paula Larsen, Chris Lake and Aimee Pingenot Key named as "Best Lawyers in Dallas: Family Law" by D Magazine, more than any other family law firm in Dallas for 2017. Seventeen GoransonBain, Attorneys Named to 2018 Best LawyersÂŽ List including: Angie Bain, P. Lindley Bain, Jeff Domen, Diana Friedman, Thomas Greenwald, Tom Goranson, Curtis
Congratulations to Britney Harrison Dieng
Harrison, Aimee Pingenot Key, Paula Larsen, Beth Maultsby, Kathryn Murphy, Clint Westhoff, Chris Lake,
Congratulations to Britney Harrison
Anita Savage, Charlie Wilson and,
Dieng on receiving the Texas Young
Kathryn F. Samler.
Lawyers Association Keith L. Krueger Award View profile
Founded in 1987, GoransonBain has fostered a constructive atmosphere and strategic approach to help clients who are going through a divorce, control costs, minimize the disruption to their daily lives and achieve the best possible outcome. In 2013, 2014 and 2015, U.S. News & World Report named GoransonBain a "Best Law Firm" in its U.S. News - Best LawyersÂŽ for family law and family law mediation.
Dallas 8350 N. Central Expy Suite 1700 Dallas, TX 75206 214-373-7676
Plano 6900 N. Dallas Pkwy Suite 400 Plano, TX 75024 214-373-7676
Austin 3801 S. Capital of Texas Hwy Suite 280 Austin,TX 78704 512-368-4384
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