Family Law Advisor November 2016
Marital Property Agreements — Dividing Assets and Income without Divorcing By Angel Berbarie In Texas, there is no "legal separation" you are either married, or you are divorced. As a result, individuals are often in a quandary as to how to protect and/or divide their assets when they have an issue in their marriage that needs to be addressed without having to file for a divorce. Read more
Diana Friedman Diana S. Friedman is the 2016 Recipient of the Texas Academy of Family Law Specialist Sam Emison Award. The Sam Emison Award is one of the most prestigious honors a Texas family lawyer or judge can receive and is earned in recognition of a significant impact on the practice of family law and the family law bar association. Read more
Social Media: Impacts both Marriages and Divorce Proceedings By Esther Donald Over the last several years, there have been many studies that have outlined the negative impact of social media on relationships and marriages. Consistently studies have shown that individuals who frequently accessed social media sites are more likely to
Kathryn J. Murphy