Grace & Glory Magazine April 2023

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Matthew 28:1-6 (NIV)

1 After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb.

2 There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it.

3 His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow.

4 The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men.

5 The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified.

6 He is not here; He has risen, just as He said. Come and see the place where He lay.

Philippians 2:9-11 (KJV)

9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:

10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;

11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Happy Resurrection Sunday!

scripture page 2 April 2023 | Grace&Glory

Pgs 8-13

April 2023

on the cover:

Infinite Legacy

April is National Donate Life Month

Cover Story

April is National Donate Life Month. Infinite Legacy shares the inspiring and triumphant story of Lional Dalton, a Raven, a Father, and a Kidney Transplant Recipient. Infinite Legacy also educates us on the “ultimate gift of compassion”, and shares some important facts about organ donation.

Healthy Soul


Season Bowers

Peace in The Storm


Elder Tracey George

Remember What He S.A.I.D.


Min. Carenda Deonne Beamon

What Has He Done For You Lately?


Pastor Rhoda Turner

The Sun/Son Helps You Grow

4 April 2023 ™
Grace&Glory 5 Healthy Life Healthy Mind 18 TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Dr. Carla J. Debnam Give Yourself Grace If you’re thinking about buying or selling, I’m here to answer your questions and help you get the best market value. Let’s talk! – Tyson TYSON CELL 443-554-9697 OFFICE 410-6700-9100 Exit Preferred Realty 2105 Laurel Bush Rd. | Suite 200 | Bel Air, MD 21015 EMAIL TYSON AT Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated EXIT PREFERRED REALTY Call Tyson Lesesne Realtor The Vurganov Group 443-554-9697 In Every Issue Scripture Page ....................................... 2 Contributors........................................... 6 From the Editor ...................................... 7 32 HEALTH MATTERS Dr. Denyce Watties-Daniels April Is Stress Awareness Month 34 GOSPEL & ENTERTAINMENT NEWS Ericka J. Entertainment

For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.

Psalm 84:11


Jackie Epps


Dr. Carla J. Debnam

Min. Carenda McCray

Tracey George

Dr. Denyce Daniels

Rhoda Turner

Season Bowers

Ericka J.


Claire Lesesne


Andre Felipe for Arts Period



Dr. Carla J. Debnam is the wife of Bishop Dwayne C. Debnam and an associate minister of Morning Star Baptist Church, Woodlawn, MD. She is a National Certified Counselor (NCC) and Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LCPC) in Maryland. She is a member of the American Counseling Association, the American Association of Christian Counselors and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Dr. Debnam has contributed to two books, Those Sisters Can Preach: 22 Pearls of Wisdom, Virtue & Hope, and 7 Ingredients To An Effective Prayer Life Series, Vol.3-5.


Tracey Nicole George is an ordained elder. She is a native New Yorker residing in Maryland and married to Danny George. Tracey works with her husband managing their inventory and asset control company, George Imaging. She is the creator of Trinkets to Triumph, a Biblically-based blog and ministry, designed to edify and encourage individuals with a “trinket” of encouragement. She is a member of New Destiny Evangelistic Church.


Min. Carenda was born and raised in Baltimore, MD. She received her BA degree from the Fashion Institute of Technology and is currently pursuing a Master's in Law degree from Regent University. Min. Carenda was licensed to preach in 2007 and has been teaching, preaching, and declaring God's word through the power of love ever since. Min. Carenda is also an author of three books. Her latest book, Perfect Patty Messed Up, is a 40 day devotional that confronts the disorder of perfectionism and opens the door to self forgiveness and restoration.


Dr. Denyce Watties-Daniels has over 25 years of experience as a clinician and nurse educator. Her areas of expertise include critical care nursing, pathophysiology, pharmacology and the use of technology in the classroom. She currently serves as faculty and the Director of the Simulation and Learning Resource Centers of the College of Health Professions at Coppin State University.


Rhoda possesses a spirit of humility. Her ministry style is graceful, her message is powerful and her presence is comforting. Being the 9th of 10 children, Rhoda has a deep passion for family and the wholistic development of children. She is considered by many as a mentor and mother figure.

Rhoda and her husband Pastor Jason Turner, serve as senior pastors of Christian Faith Fellowship Church in Chandler, AZ.


Season Bowers- is a Pastor, radio host, and Joy bringer! After spending over 20 years as a professional actor on stage, the Lord called her into full-time ministry. Season is passionate about releasing freedom and joy to the Glory of God in every way she can everywhere she goes.

6 April 2023
Follow us on: Grace & Glory Magazine @gracenglorymag GraceandGlorymag Check out our website at: Grace & Glory Magazine is the ideal publication for Encouragement, Empowerment and Inspiration.
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Copyright 2023. All rights reserved. Reproduction without expressed permission is prohibited. 6 April 2023

“Good News”

This month Christians all over the world will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We will trace the steps and events that led to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on Good Friday. We will remember the seven last utterances of Jesus from the cross. We will tell the story of how Jesus died on the cross on Good Friday; how he was buried in a borrowed tomb, and how on the third day, early Sunday morning, He rose from the dead with all power in His hands. We call this the “Good News” of Jesus Christ!

But the story does not stop there. We as believers have the responsibility to keep the story alive. As we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ there may be some who will not be celebrating because they do not know or have not heard the “Good News.”

As believers, can you imagine a life without Jesus? What would life be like if Jesus had not gotten up from the grave? It would be a life without hope. We would be most miserable. In the times of trouble, we would not be able to go to the throne of God boldly with our petitions. And more important, we would not have Jesus sitting at the right hand of God as our intercessor. But, because He lives, we have hope and we have a peace that the world does not understand.

When was the last time you shared this “Good News” with anyone? There is a song that says, “Said I wasn’t gonna tell nobody, but I couldn’t keep it to myself.” When was the last time you had some news you could not keep to yourself, you could not wait to tell somebody? We do not seem to have a problem with talking about the latest headlines in the news, which most of the time is not good news. We also spend a good amount of time talking with friends, co-workers, and family members about our problems and hardships. Maybe the next time someone wants to tell you about their trials and tribulations take this opportunity to tell them, “I’ve got Good News!”

This is the perfect season to give those who are without hope a hope. It would be a shame if we as believers did not take this awesome opportunity to share the “Good News” with non-believers or those who have not heard the “Good News”. This is a perfect time to let those who walk in darkness know that Jesus is the light of the world. Someone needs to know that Jesus came so that we may have life and have that life more abundantly (John 10:10); and that we would be able to live a victorious life. Someone needs to know today that Jesus is our


Savior, and that today is their day of salvation. “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13

‘Resurrection Sunday’ is the highest celebration in the Christian life. How awesome it would be to share the “Good News” during this season and see lives changed by the salvation of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The best news is that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us (Romans 5:8) and God loved us so much that He gave His only son as a sacrifice for us (John 3:16). All we have to do to have eternal life is to believe that Jesus died on the cross, rose from the grave, and now sits at the right hand of God the Father. (Romans 10:9).

Now that’s “Good News” worth sharing!

Happy Resurrection Sunday!

Grace&Glory 7 from the editor
Grace&Glory 9

The Ultimate Gift of Compassion

For Latrice Price, senior community outreach specialist for Infinite Legacy, promoting education and awareness for organ, eye and tissue donation isn’t just a job—it’s a purpose. When asked for the one-word reason why she supports donation, her answer is simple: religion. “All religions believe in the act of giving,” she says. “It is the ultimate gift of compassion.”

Latrice works closely with clergy and the faith community to make sure that people understand the truth about organ donation and the impact it has on recipients in need.

Did You Know?

One organ donor can save up to eight lives through organ donation and enhance more than 75 lives through tissue donation.

“Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD your God which he has given you.”

(Deuteronomy 16:17)

In eternity, we will not need our earthly bodies.

An average of 17 people die nationally each day from the lack of available organs for transplant.

“We can enter Heaven without having every part of our bodies present.” (Mark 9:47)

“Heal the sick...Give as freely as you have received.”

(Matthew 10:8)

Every nine minutes, another name is added to the national organ transplant waiting list.

“...since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other.” (John 4:11)

12 April 2023
Grace&Glory 13 Organ Transplants Organ Donor Heroes Organ Donors-in-Spirit Eye & Tissue Donors Tissue Gifts Organs, Eyes & Tissues for Research 904 323 77 1,037 1,985 384
INFINITE LEGACY STAFF HELPED SAVE IN 2022 788 LIVES Infinite Legacy Infinite Legacy @InfiniteLgcyOPO @infinitelegacyopo CONNECT WITH US! #InfiniteLegacy @infinitelegacyopo
is grateful to our donor heroes, their brave families, our hospital partners, Donate Life Ambassadors and staff for these lifesaving milestones.
14 April 2023


Good Friday Service



Last Sayings Of Christ

“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

(Luke 23:34)

Rev. H. Walden Wilson, II

“Verily I say unto thee, To day thou shalt be with me in paradise.”

(Luke 23:32)

Rev. Ray A. Cotton

“Woman, behold thy son.”

(John 19:26-27)

Rev. Robert Haynes

“My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”

(Matthew 27:46)

Rev. Gregory Perkins

“I thirst.” (John 19:28)

Rev. Mark Wainwright

“It is finished.”

(John 19:30)

Rev. Marshall F. Prentice

“Father, into thou hands, I commend my spirit.”

(Luke 23:46)

Rev. Arnold Anthony


Grace&Glory 15
George A. Crawley, Jr.


16 April 2023

Peace In The Storm

Peace in the storm? Sounds great, but the reality isn’t so easy. I’m a go getter—a fast mover, and a “do what I said I would do” kind of gal. When in crisis or facing difficulties, I don’t crave the sensitive smile, hand on a shoulder, empathetic moment. I want action. I don’t want to sit in the storm and be at peace, I want to resolve to bring peace.

Around me, the storm is raging. I’ve done all I can today to stop it or to help it pass by quickly, but still it rages. I’ve shifted my focus to accomplishing things that have nothing to do with the issue. I cleaned random nooks and crannies, finished off my to-do list (even the things I’ve avoided for months), and played a game on my phone for longer than I am proud to admit. So, now here I am, choosing to write this as I find myself with nothing else to absorb my fear and distract my mind from the proverbial gale force winds and pouring rain.

When I think of, “peace in the storm” I envision the disciples in the boat. Those fishing boats weren’t very big, and they certainly didn't have protection from the chaotic and potentially deadly elements. While they did have things, they could do to help stabilize their situation (I am sure there was plenty of bailing water out and attempting to control the sails) ultimately, they had no other choice but to ride out the storm. But still, no one was feeling peace or napping — except Jesus.

“Peace, be still.” I have to admit, when I think about this phrase, I imagine Jesus saying it to the disciples. A stern instruction to sit down and chill out. But that is not what it is at all! In Mark chapter 4, the disciples wake the napping Jesus telling him of their dire weather situation and he directs the command at the elements. Immediately the wind and waves obey him.

Often, I feel guilty about my instinct to hustle, as if my efforts to problem solve are wrong—unholy. But I’m reminded in this story that doing our part isn’t wrong. We have been given skills and a responsibility and it’s imperative to follow through.

Jesus’ ability to nap in the storm is almost comical. I struggle to sleep in my very comfortable bed in the middle of my proverbial storm, and I’m not being pelted with rain or being tossed by huge waves. Why did he sleep? Was he being irresponsible? Leaning into this question, I’m reminded that he wasn’t a fisherman. His profession was not on the water. Maybe he was respectfully staying out of the way!

In times of trouble, I read Philippians 4:6-7, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” But the reality is, I do feel anxious! It’s not hard to ask, or even beg the Lord for help, but what feels impossible is the peace part. When our adrenaline is pumping and our hustle runs out, it’s very hard to be still and at peace.

So, how did Jesus sleep? Where did he find the power to rest in the storm? I think the answer is found in the previous verse. Four words that explain why we can let go of anxiety and panic, Philippians 4:5 says, “The Lord is near.” Jesus was always aware of the presence of his Father. The total power and sufficiency of the Lord was present so no matter what elements raged, he would not be overpowered.

What I am discovering is that peace, like joy, isn’t about the circumstance. Peace is about faith in the presence and power of the Lord. Jesus was with his disciples in the storm, yet it didn’t stop raging until he commanded. We can rest knowing the truth that the Lord is present and at work, even if we can’t see the progress. He is faithful. He is more powerful than the elements. He is near. The elements must obey. I’ve done what I can for today. It’s time to crawl in my bed, wet from tears and the splashing of the metaphorical waves. Even if the storm still rages, he is with me.

Season Bowers

Pastor, Author, Radio Host, Joy bringer



Follow the joy at

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Grace&Glory 17
joy bringer

DEBNAM Dr. Carla

18 April 2023

Give Yourself Grace

We have all heard the saying, “Give them the benefit of the doubt”. It means “to believe something good about someone, rather than something bad, when you have the possibility of doing either” (https://dictionary.cambridge. org). We all have either heard that spoken or said it in response to questions that may arise regarding someone’s character or truthfulness. At times, giving others grace is easy but not easy to give ourselves. We are in a time and place where it can be hard to look at yourself positively especially when compared to social media personalities. The age of comparison has really magnified our personal

insecurities. We have taken on the opinions of others and now sometimes believe them. So many people are overly critical of themselves and not looking at the good qualities they have, because of what people have said about them or more importantly what they have said to themselves. This negative self-talk is not good for them mentally, physically or spiritually. Aligning your thoughts with the scriptures along with highlighting your unique skills and abilities, focusing on the positive and developing your potential is essential. It is important for learning and being the person God created you to be. It is

about coming into agreement with who God says you are and articulating that to yourself and then others to the glory of God. It is not bragging but it is acknowledging the gift you are to others and more importantly to yourself. Giving yourself grace is not about expecting less of yourself but about giving yourself love no matter what life brings your way. Honestly assessing yourself when done in a healthy way can be beneficial. We must embrace all sides of ourselves and extend ourselves grace when needed. Everyone deserves to receive the benefit of the doubt, even you.

Grace&Glory 19
to your good health
20 April 2023
Grace&Glory 21


22 April 2023

Remember What He S.A.I.D.

Rise up and remember what He said! In this new season, it’s time to rise and revisit what God promised you. God has not forgotten about you. In your time of fellowship with Him, remind Him of His promises to you and then remember what He said. Have faith and believe that God will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 34:7). Remember that God’s timing is not like your timing. Don’t grow weary in waiting for God to move (Galatians 6:9). He always shows up at the appointed time. In this spring season in which we celebrate the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, it’s time to resurrect the blessed assurance you have that God will perfect all of the things concerning you (Psalm 138:8). It’s time to rev up, resurrect, and revive the plan of action to live out your purpose and vision you mapped out for your life. It’s a new season and a time for you to revisit the promises of God over your life. Use the acronym S.A.I.D. to remind yourself that Jesus said He will S-save you, A-anoint you, I-intercede on your behalf, and that He is D-determined to give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4). He said it!

When Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and the others encountered the two men in garments that gleamed like lightning by Jesus’ empty tomb, they reminded the women what Jesus said to them (Luke 24:1-8). The men reminded the women what Jesus told them when He was still with them in Galilee, “The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again” (Luke 24:7). The women remembered His words (Luke 24:8). Remember what He said. Remember what He promised you. Remember and rest assured that He wants to fulfill every promise He made to you. You can take Him at His word.

Remember what He said. He will save you. God gave you His Son, Jesus, to save and give you eternal life (John 3:16). He saved you so you can live in a way that guarantees you eternal life. He saved you to seal His covenant with you and to give you access to all of the Kingdom benefits. Live a life committed to the Lord and live to live again.

Remember what He said. He will anoint and bless you. You are anointed and appointed to go forth and do what God destined for you to do. God gave you everything you need to accomplish your purpose and to manifest the blessed life He has in store for you. You were cleared for takeoff when He gave you your assignment. Nothing and no one can stop you but you. This is your season that is set up for miracles, signs, and wonders to whirl you into sitting in Heavenly places with your God.

Remember what He said. He will intercede for you. Jesus told Peter, “I prayed for you that your faith fail not” (Luke 22:32). Jesus is praying for you too. He is seated at the right-hand of the Father and is interceding on your behalf (Romans 8:34). He is praying that your faith fail not and that you always trust Him to take care of you.

Remember what He said. God is determined to give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4). Your Redeemer lives and wants to lavish you with everything good when you delight yourself in Him. Ask Him to keep you as the apple of His eye (Psalm 17:8) and no good thing will God withhold from you when you walk upright before Him (Psalm 84:11). Remember what He said. Remind God of His Word. Rehearse His words by decreeing and declaring them over your life. Lastly, get ready to reign with Him forever. Remember what He said, seal it with an amen, and decree and declare that it is so.

Grace&Glory 23
trinkets to triumph
24 April 2023
Grace&Glory 25

Deonne Min. Carenda

26 April 2023

What Has He Done For You Lately?

In 1986 I was the tender age of six years old, but I absolutely remember the hit song by Janet Jackson entitled, “What Have You Done for Me Lately.” I know many of you remember that song. It was off her album, Control. In this song, she is expressing her disappointment for not being treated the way in which she feels she deserves. She feels neglected, and unappreciated. It is a song that many of us can dance to, but when you listen to the words, Janet is not in the mood for dancing.

Aren’t you glad that when we think about that song as it relates to what God has done for us, we can dance and sing different lyrics? Lyrics that speak to His great grace, mercy, love, and faithfulness towards us. So, let me ask you, what has God done for you lately? And because He has been so good, let me add, “Ooh, ooh, ooh, yeah!” Our God is so good that we do not have to think of it from a position of yesterday, or last week or last month. What has God done for you lately means in this very moment, breath, and season of your life.

Get out of that pity party and get your dance on. Our God is faithful, and for some of you, He is doing a NEW thing in your life. You are literally springing forward and upward. Has He given you restoration, healing, and/or hope? Has He accelerated some things that man cannot take credit for if he tried? Oh, my sisters and my brothers, what has God done for you lately? Janet Jackson sings more about what someone use to do, but we can sing more about what God continues to do. I trust and believe that despite whatever situation and circumstance you are going through, God continues to show up for you. Even when it does not feel good, all things are working together for your good.

to get so overwhelmed with joy that you cannot keep it to yourself. It’s okay to let the world know that the God you serve continues to perfect those things that concern you. (Psalm 138:8) Please do not fret or give up in this season in your life. I trust and believe that you have so much to be grateful for.

When you BRAG on God, it takes the focus off man. When you BRAG on God, it takes the focus off your emotions. When you BRAG on God, it humbles you. When you BRAG on God, it eliminates pride. When you BRAG on God, He can use you. When you BRAG on God, He will exalt you. When you BRAG on God, He can surprise you. When you BRAG on God, you strengthen the weak. When you BRAG on God, you are a witness to the lost. When you BRAG on God, He inhabits your praise!

If you have not already, this is a great time to start your BRAG book. As we enter a new season and the second quarter of 2023, shake the dust off your feet. Let me say that again, “Shake the dust off your feet!” You have not forgotten how to dance. You have not forgotten from whence all your help comes from. You have not forgotten the one who created you and formed you in your mother’s womb! It’s time to BRAG on God. If you do not, the birds will. Just take time to listen to them in the morning. Trust me, they are bragging all day long. Stop looking for God to only bless you one way, or to bless you like He did someone else. If that is His choice, so be it. However, we serve a God that may send a dove, or a raven! Nevertheless, you got fed! The Lord either provided the confirmation you needed or gave you strength for your journey ahead. I just need to know, what has God done for you lately? It’s time to BRAG on Him. He is worthy!!!

I want to challenge you to start a monthly brag book. Let me tell you it’s okay, to BRAG on God. It’s okay

Grace&Glory 27
monthly manna
Grace&Glory 29 Grace&Glory 29


The Sun/Son Helps You Grow TURNER

My daughter received a plant for Christmas. I’ve shared with her and others that plants and I don’t get along too well. Let’s just say that I don’t have a green thumb. I know the problem, either I forget to water them, or I drown them. Whichever way they usually end up dead. But there is something special about this plant it keeps sprouting new flowers every time one petal dies. This plant requires no water no dirt just sunlight. We all thought after the first bulbs bloomed that was it and the flower was done. But no! Those flowers fell off and the waterless, dirt-less plant bloomed even more flowers from the Sun. That caused me to think about our Christian walk. How when you ask the Father to come into your heart, and the more you communicate, the more He becomes rooted in your life.

There are several benefits you receive from being a Son here’s just a few:

• John 11:25-26, "Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will

live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die.”

We live forever.

• Romans 5:1, "Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus,” and John 14:27, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

We have peace knowing that the Son has us covered.

I’m glad to be a part of the Son ‘s family. I’m glad that the Son is rooted inside of me. So that I never have to worry or be afraid because I know that I am a daughter of the Son.

Just like the spiritual Son the natural sun has great benefits such as:

• Vitamins C and D when you are exposed to the Sun.

• The Sun helps the brain’s release of a hormone called serotonin. Serotonin is associated with boosting mood and helping a person feel calm.

• Sunlight kills bacteria. Many of us spend a lot of time indoors.

• Sunlight may reduce high blood pressure.

• Sunlight can regulate the immune system.

• Sunlight strengthens bones.

• Sunlight can improve sleep quality.

Just like the natural Sun the spiritual aspect of the Son helps you grow and blossom. Don’t allow others to make you feel like being a part isn’t important. In the month of April, we as a body of Christ celebrate the life, death and resurrection on the Son. Who sacrificed His life for humanity. We need Him and He wants us. Staying in the Sun and being alert of the Son is life changing.

30 April 2023
Pastor Rhoda Turner Christian Faith Fellowship Church Chandler, AZ
a woman’s perspective
Grace&Glory 31

April Is Stress Awareness Month

April is Stress Awareness Month. April has been recognized as National Stress Awareness Month since 1992 to raise awareness of the causes and cures of modern-day stress. It is when we have an opportunity for an open conversation on the impact of stress on our lives. Many studies have identified the cause of stress and how individuals react to it differently.

Stress is a widespread feeling that almost everyone experiences at one time or another. Everyone is likely, at times to be negatively impacted by stress. A survey by the American Psychological Association found that the five factors most often cited as a source of stress were money, work, family, economic outlook and relationships.

Stress can affect a person's physical, mental or emotional health, sometimes affecting all three areas. When left untreated, stress can extend its effects, causing major health issues, including anxiety and depression, difficulty sleeping, high blood pressure, social adjustment disorders, and heart disease. A recent survey found that about two-thirds of U.S. workers report engaging in behavior such as drinking or crying regularly in order to deal with stress.

Stress is primarily a physical response that can be motivating. Stress signals the body to think it is under attack and switches to 'fight or flight' mode. The presence of stress releases a complex mixture of hormones and chemicals, such as adrenaline, cortisol, and norepinephrine, to prepare the body for physical action. By releasing these chemicals, the heart pumps faster, blood pressure rises, and we breathe more quickly and deeper. Stress causes increased muscle blood flow, promoting movement in difficult situations.

Additional problems occur when our body goes into a state of stress in inappropriate situations. Blood flow to the muscles is diverted from the brain, potentially causing the person to be less likely to think clearly and react quickly to issues. Continued stress can be detrimental. Problems occur when the body does not have time to recover and repair itself from continued periods of stress.

April signals that spring has arrived. It’s a month of

new beginnings. It’s a great time to take control of the stress that may impact your life. Researchers suggest several methods to reduce stress. Detatch yourself from your technology and connect with friends. Positive social connections and support are proven methods to reduce stressors. Having appropriate social relationships builds resilience to stress and releases stress-relieving hormones that reduces symptoms and increases feelings of well-being. Engage in breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques. These are mindfulnessbased interventions and are effective in the alleviation in intense physical impact of overwhelming mental and emotional states. Commit to increasing physical activity. Increased physical activity can take many forms, including yoga, bike riding, swimming, gym activities and walking. These activities can relieve stress and promote physical and mental well-being. Activity does not need to be extensive or intense and can be modified to meet your individual needs. Add a hobby to your lifestyle; having a hobby provides a creative outlet that you could possibly share with others. Meditate on God’s word. The scripture tells us, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 6-7, NKJV). Reassert that God is in control. Finally, learn to say “NO”. Reassess what is important to you, your family and your personal ministry. Declutter your life by eliminating negative people and meaningless activities.

Many individuals assume that feelings of fatigue and weariness are normal. They do not consider these feelings as symptoms of stress. Are you still not sure if you are experiencing stress? Take this simple survey sponsored by the Stress Management Society https:// . Evaluate your test outcomes and take control of the stress in your life. Your life, family and ministry depend on you to be healthy and living the best life of all.

32 April 2023
health matters

Ericka J.

34 April 2023

Gospel & Entertainment

Tamela Mann

Tamela has made Gospel Music History yet again! She is the first artist to score ten No. 1’s at the gospel radio format. Her current single, “Finished,” she wrote with Singer/Songwriter, Travis Greene, is the fourth song to hit No. 1. “Finished” set an industry record when it hit the #1 spot on Billboard Gospel Radio airplay chart, notching her 10th No. 1 hit! In addition, the single also landed at No. 1 on the media base Gospel charts. Shout to DMVs Own Phil Bryant for the production on this project!

Jonathan McReynolds

Jonathan McReynolds has released a new project titled “MY TRUTH” it’s his fifth album release to date. I personally haven’t heard a Jonathan McReynolds album I didn’t like. In addition., he will be going on an 11city tour, launching in Orlando, FL on April 13th. The album is currently available at all digital media outlets.

Maurette Brown Clarke

The timeless hit by Maurette Brown Clarke, “Just Wanna Praise You” is back for another round with a twist on the sound, giving it a new crisp sound vocally and instrumentally, and of course she brought Kenny Shelton to produce it and Anthony Brown back to bless it with his vocal production. We loved the song before this, and now we love it even more, go download wherever you buy your music, this song is forever good to me! #timelessmusic

Kelontae Gavin

If you are not familiar with this anointed voice, please do yourself a favor now and go get familiar with this guy, anointed is an understatement. He has a new single out titled “Live Again” watch it with this right one here! Love it! Go download it!

James Fortune & Monica

If y’all remember, over 10 years ago James Fortune and R& B Singer Monica came together and released a single along with Fred Hammond titled “Hold On”, well they are back with a new collabo for the charts, a single titled “Trusting God” available at all digital media outlets now!

Lucinda Moore

Lucinda has collaborated with Gospel Legendary Songstress, THEE TRAMAINE HAWKINS! The single is entitled “God You’ve Been Faithful” and was released March 31st at all digital media outlets. These Queens are the perfect blend of two amazing female vocalists. Lucinda Moore is relentless in her journey; she shows no signs of slowing down and it’s paying off as she continues to Chart atop Billboard charts! I see you, Sis!

Brandon Maclin, Golden Night Of Greatness Awards

A few weeks ago, I had an opportunity to attend the “Golden Night Of Greatness Awards” put on by Brandon Maclin and I must say it was an absolutely great event at an awesome venue. The night was to honor some of the DMV’s musical contributors- Baltimore’s Own Stems Music founders James “Jimmy” Johnson and Monet Shelton were honored for their incredible work with vocal production; BGV’s body of skilled singers who have been blessed to travel all over the world and represent us not just in gospel music, but in multiple genres; Aaron Spears who is a beyond notable drummer who has played with many but spotlighted for his lengthy tenure with Usher Raymond; Josh & Jimmy Jenkins for

their awesome work in production and stage plays; Dr Khalidah Forbes for all she does not just in her pulpit but to build and edify the kingdom at large, not just spiritually but mentally; Cheryl Jackson for her heart for gospel music and work in radio; and Bobby Burwell. The performances of the night were so awesome, Jason & Jonathan Nelson, Maurette Brown Clark, VaShawn Mitchell, Tiya Askia, Josh Copeland, Brittney Wright and Stems music delivered great tributes to the honorees of the night. Kudos to Brandon Maclin & his staff for the vision and execution of such a memorable night!

Sam Roberts

I had the awesome opportunity to experience the virtual listening party for Sam Roberts & Levites Assembly and hear me clearly this is absolutely a great record from start to finish. I thoroughly enjoyed it! Baltimore’s finest Morgan Turner and Buddy Lakins, definitely blessed this one! Please go grab it and thank me later! Single “It’s All For You” featuring Courtney Franklin a vocal powerhouse! It’s out right now and the single with Michael Lampkin, smh is all I can say! Go support, this is good choir music!

“Til next month, Be blessed, love real big, in real life!” Follow me: Facebook, Instagram & Twitter @misserickaj Email

Grace&Glory 35 News
Brandon Maclin, Golden Night Of Greatness Awards Sam Roberts Kelontae Gavin Lucinda Moore Tamela Mann Jonathan McReynolds Maurette Brown Clarke James Fortune & Monica

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