November 2013

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29 Nutrition & You

Herline A. Knights

Prediabetes: Diagnosis, Exercise and Diet

31 Body Basics

on the cover:

Bishop Dr. Shirley Holloway

Get Motivated to Exercise


33 Book Shelf

Brandie Manigault

Kingdom Word and Worship Center

Needless Casualties of War (John Paul Jackson)

11100 Billingsley Rd. Waldorf, MD 20601

39 Education Digest Dr. Tim Tooten Reclaiming Thank You

40 Gospel Industry News

Ericka Johnson

In Every Issue Contributors................................................................... 6

New and Living Way Word and Worship Center 2420 Brooks Drive Suitland, MD 20746

Pg. 8-11

Q&A Interview with Bishop Dr. Shirley Holloway

35 Word of Encouragement

From the Editor.............................................................. 7

Donna Williams-Ross

Scripture Page............................................................. 12

Give Thanks


Transformation a process of profound and radical change. Bishop Melvin Nalley

STORIES OF HOPE: Two men give their personal testimonies about how they were able to transform their lives and embrace their God-given purpose for living.

Rev. LaDell Moore

features 13 Mayor’s Journal

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake

21 To Your Good Health

Carla J. Debnam, MS, LCPC

Gratitude Check

15 Governor’s Page Governor Martin O’Malley


19 PERSON OF Interest – g.r.Mattox


Pastor Emeritus Bishop L.N. Forbes Faith Temple Original Free Will Baptist Church, NJ 4   November 2013 | Grace&Glory

Dr. Kenneth O. Robinson, III

Wealth is a Good Thing

Pastors Greg & Tonya Dennis

The Season is Changing  5

from the editor

For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. Psalm 84:11




Jackie Epps Dr. Kenneth O. Robinson Harold A. Carter, Jr. Cassandra Vaughn-Fox Herline A. Knights Pastors Gregory and Tonya Dennis Carla J. Debnam Donna Williams-Ross Governor Martin O’Malley Ericka Johnson Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake Rev. Tim Tooten Brandie Manigault


Andre Felipe for Arts Period

PRINTING Roebuck & Son Printing Grace & Glory Magazine is published monthly by JE Media, LLC, a Baltimore based, independent publisher. Copyright 2013. All rights reserved. Reproduction without expressed permission is prohibited.



Advisory Board

Chairman — Dr. A.C. D. Vaughn Sr. Pastor, Sharon Baptist Church, MD Vice-Chairman — Dr. Frank M. Reid III Sr. Pastor, Bethel A.M.E. Church, MD Dr. Jerome A. Barber Sixth Mount Zion Baptist Temple, Hampton , VA Dr. Michael A. Battle Sr., U.S. Ambassador President, ITC Seminary, Atlanta, GA Dr. Timothy Boddie Friendship Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA Bishop John R. Bryant Presiding Prelate of the 5th Episcopal District Dr. Harold A. Carter, Jr. Pastor, New Shiloh Baptist Church, MD Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook, U.S. Ambassador Dr. WIlliam H. Curtis Mt. Ararat Baptist Church, Pittsburgh, PA Bishop Ralph L. Dennis Sr. Pastor, Kingdom Worship Center, MD Wanda Q. Draper/Media Executive Michele J.K. Epps/Health Sciences Cassandra Vaughn Media Executive Dr. Donte’ L. Hickman, Sr. Pastor, Southern Baptist Church, MD Pastor Timothy V. Manigault Bishop Dennis V. Proctor Presiding Prelate of the Western Episcopal Region AME Zion Church Dr. Kenneth O. Robinson Pastor, Restoring Life International Church, MD Bishop Walter Scott Thomas, Sr. Pastor, New Psalmist Baptist Church, MD Dr. Timothy Tooten, Sr. Pastor, Harvest Christian Ministries, MD

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6   November 2013 | Grace&Glory

This is the time of year when everyone will reflect on what they are most ‘Thankful’ for. There is a song we sing in church that many of you may be familiar with,

“Count your blessings, name them one by one. Count your blessings, see what God has done. Count your many blessings, name them one by one; and it will surprise you what the Lord has done.”

As we mentally compile a list of blessings, we will realize we have a lot to be thankful for:

Jackie Epps Editor-in-Chief

• First and foremost, His son Jesus the Christ, who gave his life that we might live eternally. • The goodness of the Lord and all He has done for us. God has always been on our side. • God’s mercies are new every morning; great is God’s faithfulness. • God’s is so gracious to us; He blesses us even when we don’t deserve His blessings. • God’s unconditional love and how God He loves us in spite of what we do or don’t do. • God is our keeper. He keeps us through trials, tribulations, heartaches and disappointments. • God is our healer and our deliverer; there is nothing too hard for God. • Our God is Great and Mighty; there is nobody Greater than our God. Our gratitude is a constant attitude of thankfulness and appreciation for life as it unfolds. Living in the moment, we are open to the abundance around us and within us. We should express appreciation often as we contemplate the richness of our life. To be grateful is to recognize the love of God in everything He has given us -- and He has given us everything. Every breath we take is a gift of His love. So while it’s true that Thanksgiving only comes but once a year, we should actually celebrate thanks each and every day. It’s just a matter of learning to live with a spirit of thankfulness and gratitude. Have a wonderful holiday,

Jackie Epps  77





Interview With

Bishop Dr. Shirley Holloway Pastor

New and Living Way Word and Worship Center Suitland, MD

Kingdom Word and Worship Center Waldorf, MD

G&G: Bishop Holloway, welcome back to Grace & Glory. So much has happened since our last interview. I understand there has been a major transformation in your life and I am excited about what you are going to share with us in this interview. First how do you feel right now? Bishop Holloway: Thank you Jackie for having me back and Happy Holidays to you and the Grace and Glory Readers. Giving God all the praise, all the glory and all the honor taking me through such an awesome transformation both physically and emotionally, several words come to mind like fantastic... healthy... victorious... and vivacious. However, if I were to sum it all up I would say I feel incredibly renewed. I am definitely walking in my new dimension of my life. G&G: Bishop Holloway, we have dedicated this month to transformation of the mind, body, soul and spirit. The most obvious evidence of transformation in your life is your body. So let’s start there. Was there a pivotal moment that motivated you to change your body? How difficult was it to begin this journey? Bishop Holloway: The pivotal moment came when I was diagnosed with Osteo-Arthritis; at which point I found myself having difficulty walking and standing for long periods of time. This combined with diabetes made me realize that I was anointed but limited and living in a defeated state of life. This brought me to a place where I cried out to GOD for a physical healing and renewing of my mind. After having recapped all that I had done and sacrificed for others, I realized that weighing more than 300 pounds I had not dedicated enough time and love to my physical wellbeing or made the commitment to change my life through self discipline and focus. The Word tells us that we are to love our neighbors as we love ourselves (Mark 12:31) and I, like so many members of the Clergy, placed my physical and emotional needs on a back burner and I was loving on my neighbor more than I loved on myself. Although this journey was difficult at first, I turned to those whom GOD put in my life to remove the excuses. One such person was Cathy Fuentes at Help for Health in Vienna, VA who designed a health regime that was specific to my needs and is yielding the best results for my life style. I realized then that it was going to take time,

money, commitment, passion, discipline and prayer on a life time journey. G&G: Bishop Holloway, many women (and men) struggle with weight control. There is so much information out there on how to lose weight and the benefits of a healthy body; yet we ignore the facts that an unhealthy body could ultimately kill us. Why do you think this is such a major issue for women? Do you think we are in denial? Bishop Holloway: Absolutely, we are in denial and under a great attack from the enemy. As a progressive generation we have lost sight of what we eat, when we eat and how we take care of our bodies. The kingdom of darkness has strategically manipulated our economy and our food sources and has ultimately replaced the “home-cooked” meal with cheaper, quicker and unhealthy dining options; which often times contain chemicals, MSG and other non-organic ingredients. Also, many of the major chains of “All you Can Eat” restaurants are backed by those in the medical field. These options combined with the dying off of traditional households have created a culture that is undisciplined, flesh driven and oblivious to the damage of unhealthy lifestyles. We are dying before our time and living well below the abundant life promised us in the word of GOD.

Q&A G&G: Bishop Holloway, I believe the mind is such a powerful force; we battle with our minds every day. Would you share with us some of your ‘mind’ battles and how you were able to gain control of your mind to ultimately transform your body? Bishop Holloway: Well, Jackie I would have to say that the biggest mindbattle for me was getting rid of the excuses like “it’s too cold, my knees hurt, it’s too hard, and I’m tired” and so on. I was able to control these negative thoughts through prayer, fasting, education, reading all that I could in reference to healthy living and celebrating my success no matter how small. G&G: Bishop Holloway, which brings me to the spirit and soul. Would you say your spirit and soul played a significant role in transforming your body? Bishop Holloway: Absolutely, if the body is out of whack then everything else is off. We often don’t realize this because we operate in a dysfunctional state - impoverished, uneducated and unhealthy. The scripture says my people perish for a lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6); this is why we say things like “I know I shouldn’t be eating this...but”, “My doctor says I can’t have this...but”. As a fourth generation Pastor with over 100 Preachers in my immediate family, I embraced eating as a past time. Once I was able to address my soulish issues, such as the death of my husband, the loneliness of ministry, fatigue of people and the hecticness of life; I was able to bring my soul, body and spirit to a place of agreement. Matthew 18:18 tells us, “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” The scripture also tells us that we are a triconomy, “Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord.” (1Thessalonians 5:23) G&G: Bishop Holloway, as believers whenever we are up against something that seems insurmountable, we often quote Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Did you lean on the Word of God to help conquer and win the battle of transforming the body? Bishop Holloway: Daily.... the scripture tells us that the power of life and death is in the tongue. I believe that the power of success is also in the tongue. In August 2012 the Lord gave me this theme for 2013, “No Excuses, No Limits...Soaring Like Eagles.” God began to talk to me about my excuses causing me to be limited and how He had so much more for me if I could just remove the limitations by refusing to allow excuses. The excuses will stop coming when we stop listening to them. Resist the excuses and they will flee.

G&G: What advice would you give to someone who wants to embark on the journey of transforming their body? Bishop Holloway: I would advise a good detox first and three or four colonics to prepare one’s body for success. I would advise using an alkaline water, and for the first six months study and get to know your body. I would also advise dedicated prayer time to this specific transformation, fasting once a week to break those yokes; and of course scriptures, affirmations and confirmations every morning speaking wellness. Anyone embarking on the transformation journey should keep in mind these seven key principals: plenty of rest, eating healthy, increasing exercise, meditation, fasting, smiling and praying. Encourage Continued on pg. 10

G&G: Bishop Holloway, that brings me to the transformation of the mind. Did you have to battle with your mind during this transformation? How difficult was it? Bishop Holloway: The battle begins in the mind, and everything is just a result of our ability to be victorious in this fight or not. The scripture tells us that so as a man thinks so is he. So it was a renewing of my mind by the minute, the hour, the day, the week and the month Keeping in mind my commitment to GOD and myself no matter the temptation or distractions or lack of support especially from those who offered me Pie. Jackie one of the things I did was turn the battles of the mind into a game. I developed challenging games to battle the mind, i.e. I would buy an outfit two sizes too small and speak those things that were not as though they were; in other words I would say that I will wear that outfit in 30 days. I had to change from fighting myself to pushing myself.

BEFORE 8   November November 2013 2013 || Grace&Glory Grace&Glory 8

G&G: Bishop Holloway, did you have moments when you wanted to throw in the towel? What did you do during those critical moments? Bishop Holloway: Yes...most certainly I wanted to throw in the towel on many occasions. When this happened I was blessed to have people in my life to support me. One of those people was my very own Elder-Elect Gloria Williams who runs a fitness training program. She was truly my inspiration during those “downtimes” when I just wanted to give up and quit. EE Gloria came into the HOHCOH severely addicted to crack, she weighed maybe 100 pounds and suffering from ADHD, she was also homeless. When I first met her the Lord showed me her gift of dancing and I immediately began to nurture her back to health. She is now an entrepreneur and homeowner. Now, the student has become the teacher and the teacher has become the student. She instructs me with the same tough love, commitment and sacrifice I showed her; she now recites to me. We had attempted this many times before, but this time I was different, I was Gloria Williams committed, determined and focused. I preached a message “Is it on you, with you or in you.” Gloria often reminds me of this message when I needed it the most. I would advise anyone who wants to embark on this journey to align themselves with a “faith sponsor”. A faith sponsor will be there when your faith becomes weak.


Q&A Continued from pg. 9 yourself no matter how small the victory. Celebrate but not with food! G&G: Bishop Holloway, tell us about your proudest accomplishment/ moment during this transformation journey. What are your future goals in this transformation journey? Bishop Holloway: The day I started my transformation I was not able to use a special exercise machine because it had a weight restriction. My proudest moment came exactly one year later after losing 100 pounds and I was able to use this special machine. The staff and I actually cried when I reached that goal. My future transformation goal is to achieve “Brickhouse” measurements from my teenage years and to be fabulous at fifty☺.

♦ ♦ ♦

G&G: Bishop Holloway, shifting gears, I understand you are about to travel to Africa. What part of Africa are you traveling to? When will you be taking this trip? Bishop Holloway: Yes, Jackie I will be returning to the Continent in both November and December of this year. My itinerary includes Monrovia, Liberia; Kigali, Rwanda; Kampala, Uganda, and both Nairobi and Kitale, Kenya. G&G: Bishop Holloway, is this a missions trip? What will be your objective for this trip, evangelism, community outreach, discipleship, conferences, etc.? Bishop Holloway: Yes, the objective for this is based on the individual needs of the people in these countries. For example, Liberia will be a miracle and deliverance crusade where we are anticipating five to six thousand participants. Then we are on to Rwanda where we will be holding the Rwanda Stadium Crusade. This crusade takes place in the largest stadium in Rwanda and will anticipate 50,000 or more participants; this is also where the beautiful people of Rwanda will honor me with a spectacular birthday celebration at the very same stadium. Next, we will arrive in Uganda for the Victory over Poverty Conference, followed by the last stop on our tour Nairobi, Kenya. I will be with members of the Kenyan Parliament to celebrate their 50th year of freedom from British Rule and finally Katale, Kenya for a Healing Crusade. Then I return home on Christmas Eve.

Timothy, Bishop’s adopted son from Uganda.

G&G: Bishop Holloway, I’m sure every trip is different, are most international outreach trips for church planting and support? Have you planted any churches internationally? Bishop Holloway: Yes, we are currently planting a church in Kampala, Uganda. However, most of my traveling is either Political or Humanitarian in nature. Plans are manifesting to put in place a HOUSE of HELP/ CITY of HOPE International Division in Nairobi, Kenya; working with the government to combat the drug use in Nairobi. Secondly, we partner with Hope

10   November 2013 | Grace&Glory 10   November 2013 | Grace&Glory


Africa Orphanage/School in Kagamega, Kenya and Kampala, Uganda where I have an adopted son Timothy. Timothy was found left to die in the Jungle only two hours old. They brought him to the police and the police brought him to the church. He is now five years old. G&G: Bishop Holloway, in 2005 you wrote an Inspirational Book titled “Seen Glory Untold Glory.” Is there anything new in the pipeline? Bishop Holloway: Great question, I am presently working on two projects. I am co-writing a book with Bob Woodson, CEO, Center for Neighborhood Enterprise, titled “Born to be Made a Leader”. My second special project titled “Keep the Fire Burning” is a relational book detailing how to cultivate a relationship, maintain a relationship and how to have a thriving relationship. One of the chapters in my book is titled “Our Space a Safe Place” which speaks to being proactive as opposed to reactive in our everyday lives. Projects coming in March 2014. G&G: Bishop Holloway, what else can we expect in 2014? Bishop Holloway: WOW…Where do I start first? I’ve entered my first Beauty Pageant and will compete in the USA pageant as Ms. District of Columbia Elite in June 2014. All winnings and proceeds will be given to the Orphanages in Uganda and Kamega, Kenya. Also we have a CD release titled “The Sounds of Pleasing GOD” which will feature up and coming artists Cie-Cie Spencer and Jemecia Williams; release date is September 2014. It’s going to be a year of celebration and success. Our theme for 2014 is “My Destiny Will Not Be Compromised…I will be at the right place at the right time doing the right thing with the right people.” So I would encourage the Grace & Glory readers to embrace destiny like never before. G&G: Bishop Holloway, is there anything else you would like to say in closing? Bishop Holloway: Thank you once again for having me. It is always a treat and a blessing to be a part of this evangelical outreach media mountain; much success to you Jackie and your ministry. I pray that something I shared has been a blessing to your readers. I would like to say thank you to all those who inspire me, assist me, drove and put up with me. Much love to you and to those I’m called to inspire. Let us become as gracious as our sister Esther and as loyal as our friend Ruth and as beautiful as our mother Sarah. Live as if you we’re to die today and learn like you will live forever; for we are wonderfully and marvelously fashioned and equipped. Finally in the words of Apostle John, “Beloved, I pray that we may prosper and be in good health even as our soul prospers.” 2014 year of prosperity. Blessings, Bishop Holloway Children of Hope Africa Orphanage

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Information + Application = Transformation HOLLOWAY MINISTRIES Kingdom City

Men’s Facility 11100 Billingsley Rd. • Waldorf, MD 20601 301-645-9525

Kingdom Word & Worship Center

Kingdom Village Women’s Facility 2420 Brooks Drive Suitland, MD 20746 301-735-2391

New & Living Way Word & Worship Center House of Help City of Hope

2322 16th St Ste. #1 S.E Washington D.C 20020 202-889-2942

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You are cordially invited to celebrate the Fabulous 50’s Transformaton of Bishop Dr. Shirley Holloway on Saturday, the 28th of December two-thousand and thirteen at Kingdom City Word & Worship Center 11100 Billingsley Rd., Waldorf, MD 20602 Hors’Doeuvres 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Dinner Served 7:00 pm - 8 pm Celebration 8:00 pm - 10 pm RSVP by December 13, 2013 202-271-9056 or  11

mayor’s journal

scripture page

Psalm 95:1-6 (KJV) O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto Him with psalms. For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods. In His hand are the deep places of the earth: the strength of the hills is His also. The sea is His, and He made it: and His hands formed the dry land. O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker.

Psalm 113:3 (KJV) From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord’s name is to be praised. 12   November November2013 2013| Grace&Glory | Grace&Glory 12  13

governor’s page

Better Choices, Better Results by Governor Martin O’Malley On January 1, thousands of previously uninsured Marylanders will have access to basic health care coverage under Maryland’s implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Health care reform is expected to cut in half the number of Marylanders living without health insurance, insuring more than 333,000 by 2020. Through Maryland Health Connection, Marylanders across the State can sign up for affordable coverage and find out if they qualify for Medicaid. In Maryland, we chose to be an early implementer of President Obama’s Affordable Care Act. Thanks to these better choices we will create more than 26,000 jobs, generate more than $3 billion in annual economic activity, and expand opportunity for all Marylanders. But simply expanding access to health care coverage is not enough. Fifteen percent of African Americans in Maryland are without health insurance. African American Marylanders are more than twice as likely to be without coverage than White Marylanders, and have higher rates of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, infant mortality, and HIV. There is no such thing as a spare Marylander; these disparities are unacceptable. Already, together we have expanded health care coverage to more than 401,000 previously uninsured Marylanders since 2007 including over 177,000 children. In Maryland, we know that diversity is our greatest strength. Together, we are

14   November 2013 | Grace&Glory

Governor O’Malley greets President Obama at an event highlighting the Affordable Care Act.

working to ensure that all Marylanders have access to quality, affordable health care, no matter where they live. That’s why eliminating disparities in health outcomes for minorities is a priority for the O’Malley-Brown Administration. Thanks to the leadership of Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown, we have established Health Enterprise Zones, including one in West Baltimore. These Zones are communities that have traditionally been underserved by health resources. We are investing $4 million each year to help community

coalitions create innovative solutions to increase access to care in these Zones. Expanding access to health care is not just the right choice for each individual Marylander. It is critical to creating jobs, strengthening our middle class and moving Maryland’s economy forward in the 21st century. To find out more about the Affordable Care Act and Maryland Health Connection, please visit www. or call 1-855-642-8572  15

16   November 2013 | Grace&Glory  17

person of interest

‘A True Bishop’ Steps From His Pulpit First Founder’s Day honors Bishop L.N. Forbes

By g.r. mattox

Pastor Emeritus and Founder Bishop L.N. Forbes (seated) Elder Arinzor Blue (standing) For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre; But a lover of hospitality, a lover of good men, just, sober, holy, temperate; Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers. —Titus 1:7-9 This November 17 is a milestone in the 53-year history This November 17 is a milestone in the 53year history of Faith Temple Original Free Will Baptist Church #1 in East Orange, NJ. On that Sunday during the 10:30 morning service the church will celebrate its First Founder’s Day in honor of Pastor Emeritus and Founder Bishop L.N. Forbes. For the past 53 years, the call on the life of Limmie Nathaniel Forbes was bringing souls to Christ. To this end he has established and headed four houses of worship; Faith Temple Original Free Will Baptist Church #1, in East Orange, #2 now located in Capitol Heights, MD, #3 a short-lived congregation in St Paul, NC and #1 and #2 Extension Church in Wilson, NC. He also spearheaded the construction of L.N Forbes Tabernacle, the headquarters for the Middle Eastern District of the Original Free Will Baptist Conference, 18   November 2013 | Grace&Glory

and was instrumental in the building of the Convocation Center for the Hampton Ministers Conference in Hampton, VA. During his ministerial career, Bishop Forbes has held such prominent positions as Presiding Bishop of the Original Free Will Baptist Eastern Conference, General Bishop of the Original Free Will Baptist Conference, president of the East Orange Clergy Movement and was the oldest tenured pastor in the city. Dr. Alfred C.D. Vaughn, Senior Pastor of the historic Sharon Baptist Church in Baltimore, MD will be the First Founder’s Day speaker and has known Bishop Forbes for over 50 years. Dr. Vaughn preceded Bishop Forbes as President of the prestigious Hampton Minister’s Conference and remembers his successor was in the unique position having served as in the position when the conference moved into the new 10,000-seat Convocation Center on the Hampton University campus. “Bishop was on the Finance Committee and he made sure that funding was in order for the Center to be built,” Vaughn said. Describing Bishop Forbes as “one of the crown jewels of the Christian Church”, Vaughn said, “I really think that, in my estimation, Bishop Forbes is a clear example of what real ministry is about.” Newark’s Mount Zion Baptist Church Pastor Emeritus Granville Seward echoed the sentiments of Dr. Vaughn. During a recent sermon he gave at Faith Temple #1 he said, “Some of us are a blessing to maybe a half dozen…some might bless a hundred, Bishop Forbes has been a blessing to thousands. Not just a handful, but people who are blessed who never even personally shook his hand, but somehow just what he said and done and above all the spirit in which he manifests himself.” Bishop Forbes’ successor in Faith Temple #1’s pulpit is Elder Arinzor Blue, who joined the church when he was 15. Now a father of five, the church will have his installation service at the church on Saturday, December 7 at noon. Elder Blue has been a student and mentee of Bishop Forbes for over half his life. Two of the many qualities he cherishes about Bishop are, “His faithfulness to the Lord, to live right and walk upright with the Lord all the time, as a Christian first, then as a preacher. If you live right as a Christian and live holy as a Christian then you can automatically walk upright as a preacher.” Then there are his people skills. “Bishop has a way of dealing with people and loving people. He makes everyone feel important as if they had their own personal relationship with him, in their own way,” Blue said. “He connects with them individually and personally. He remembered birthdays, wedding anniversaries, funerals, hospital visits; all the things that personalized a ministry were the things he did for the members. It caused people to be dedicated to the church and dedicated to his ministry.” Founder’s Day is the First of an Annual Event that will take place on what was formerly the Pastor’s Anniversary, a loving tribute to one who is everything a Bishop should be and often tells people, “I love you more than you love me, and there is nothing you can do about it.” For further information contact: g.r. mattox, On The Side 973.673.3729 / 201.563.8242  19

to your good health

We can become jaded by the headline news reports of disasters, debt ceilings, destruction and disease. It seems like we are inundated with the challenges life brings instead of life’s joys. While we know that Jesus warned us that “in this life you will have tribulation”, we seem to unfortunately make that our focus. We should not be overwhelmed but use these uncertain times to draw closer to God and become sensitive to the needs of others. Sometimes God uses difficult circumstances to reframe our worldview so we can see what He sees, and care about what He cares about. God wants us to take notice of what’s happening so we can respond and not for us to retreat. Keeping focus on the important things in life is what a gratitude check is all about. Have you shown love to the unlovable or reached out to the persons in your community who may be on the margins of life? Have you volunteered your time and knowledge to help a child or to make a difference in the life of a senior citizen? These are just a few of the activities that can help you develop and increase your sensitivity to what’s going on around you. I recently heard about the plight of young people who are aging out of the foster care system and have no place to turn or no means of support. Many of these young people end up homeless or victims of human trafficking rings. Surely this is an untapped need that the church could assist with. With the recent government furloughs more people than ever have had to use the local food banks. This could be a good time for us who have a full pantry to share with those who are trying to make ends meet. It has been proven that helping others is a mood 20   November 2013 | Grace&Glory

lifter, a natural anti-depressant. We can upgrade our attitude of gratitude by assessing the opportunities God has given us to become partakers of the divine continuum by fulfilling the Great Commission right in our own backyards. Colossians 3:15-17 reminds us to, “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts and whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” We are called to spread the Gospel through our action not just our words. It is not enough to be kind to other Christians. We must reach out to others through encouragement and by expressing gratitude not in a phony way but in sincerity and humility. We know that goodness and mercy follows us so now is the time to act like it but sharing our blessings with others. If you have been fixated on yourself and have adopted a ‘what’s in it for me’ stance, then it may be time for a gratitude check! Carla J. Debnam, MS, LCPC Executive Director, Renaissance Christian Counseling Center  21

story of hope

Enlisting in the United States Navy was one of my goals upon graduating from Bishop Melvin Nalley Senior Pastor high school…becoming a Trinity Urban drug dealer and a pimp was Ministries Church, Inc. not. I wanted to enlist in Memphis, TN the U.S. Navy and follow in the footsteps of my big brother Ronald. I did enlist and did well while serving. I was honorably discharged in 1974 with numerous medals: Meritorious Unit Commendation; Good Conduct Medal; National Defense and both Vietnam Service and Vietnam Campaign Medals. After being honorably discharged from the Navy, my life started going in another direction. I was involved in a life of crime and sin. I became a “small time” drug dealer to a “big shot Drug King Pin”, selling and distributing drugs. I didn’t just sell drugs, but I also was a user. To make matters worse, I felt the need to sell and use women. I started what I deemed as a career of ‘pimping’. I was looking for a quick fix…a quick dollar. I was living the “fast life” and making “fast money” not realizing that fast money doesn’t stay in the same place. I was living a life of a con artist, an all out sinner…so far away from the Lord. I didn’t have any regards for what was right, but in the midst of all of my wrong doing, I did something right. Please know that God had blessed me with a lovely, beautiful, saved wife by the name of Mary Cosby Nalley. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 18:22 that, “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing and obtaineth favor of the Lord”. Well, I found a wife and found a “good thing”, but I cannot honestly say that I appreciated my “good thing” at that time. She earnestly prayed for me and patiently waited for my life to change. Mary prayed as well as allowed her light to shine in a way that provoked me to go to church with her; this was the church where Mary grew up and her family attended. I started attending Olivet 22   November November2013 2013| |Grace&Glory Grace&Glory 22

story of hope

Baptist Church in Tennessee under the leadership of Pastor Kenneth T. Whalum, Sr.; it was there that my life changed for the better. I was saved by the Power of the Holy Ghost. I truly thank God for a saved wife. I accepted my calling to preach while attending Olivet Baptist Church. From there you could see the transformation. I underwent a spiritual transplant. I was working full time and started attending Mid-South Bible College. I graduated from Bible College in May 1984 and was called to pastor Trinity Missionary Baptist Church (Trinity Church and Christian Center) in June 1984. I also worked as a Chaplain for the Shelby County Division of Correction. My capacity as Chaplain allowed me to touch lives conducting worship services and spiritual counseling until 2004. I have been on the battlefield since giving my life to Christ and loving it! But God…and I mean this in every sense of the Word! But God saw fit to take my life to another level spiritually. It was God who blessed me in a way that my “mess was turned into my ministry”. It was God who placed a burden on my heart to reach out and minister to troubled adolescents in the North Memphis Community by conducting an After School Tutorial/Enlightenment Program and a Summer Youth Employment Ministry; but God saw fit to place another burden on the heart of the Pastor and the congregation. On September 28, 2013, Trinity Church, Inc., returned to its roots by relocating the ministry to North Memphis (Midtown Memphis)…a drug infested community under orders from our Lord Jesus Christ to do out-reach ministry there. This small time hoodlum out of South Memphis is now a Bishop doing the work that the Lord has called him to in North Memphis. This is the Lord’s doing and it is marvelous in our eyes (Psalm 118:23). God Bless.

Bishop Melvin Nalley

It was the summer of 1970…May Street Park on the west side of Aurora when I smoked my first joint…Marijuana that is. I was thirteen years old and didn’t realize the seriousness of what I was doing. I didn’t realize the spirits that I had started entertaining when I took my first hit of marijuana. That summer was the beginning of my heading down the road to destruction. I started using at the age of thirteen; but I thought that it was harmless…a little hit here and there! I was smoking marijuana, drinking malt liquor and Wild Irish Rose. I soon graduated from marijuana to cocaine. I was a train wreck waiting to happen…about to derail, but not even knowing it. Drugs and alcohol had become my life. They were “little gods” and I didn’t even know it. I had fallen in love with Marijuana, Cocaine and Alcohol. I was destroying my life with my addictions and yet didn’t have a clue. I jeopardized my family, friends and finances. I was spending money that I didn’t have. I wandered aimlessly for years, not realizing that I was heading down a road of destruction. I soon started doing all types of things to support my habits…spending money I didn’t have; stealing, lying, manipulating and staying out all night. It had gotten so bad until I went to a 12 Step Program at Copley Hospital. You name it…and I’ve tried it! From the 12 Step Program in the 80’s to the Hay Market in 1990, to the Salvation Army, to Wayside Missions, the Hesed House and last but certainly not least Teen Challenge! I was walking up and down the streets of Aurora, homeless! I couldn’t go home because I had burned those bridges! The bridge that was still standing was that of God! Even in the midst of my foolishness, God had mercy upon me and showed me favor. God placed people in my life who would eventually lead me to Teen Challenge which eventually was instrumental in leading me to Christ. This was the last stop…the missing piece! This place was unlike any secular rehab facility in that it’s whole emphasis and focus is on the SPIRITUAL MAN. It’s all about Jesus Christ! Teen Challenge’s motto is, “We Mend Broken Lives”! Like the Prodigal Son, I came from

a Christian home, with Rev. LaDell Moore strong parenting and lots Associate Minister of love, but I still found Gayles Memorial myself a long way from Baptist Church Aurora, IL home squandering my little money, my health and my talents. I came to myself and realized that I needed to return to my Father (heavenly)! I studied the Word of God day and night…feeding my spirit man and becoming strengthened. The Bible tells us that if we love God we will obey and keep his commandments. After graduating from Teen Challenge, I worked on staff as a counselor. When I returned home life was not what I had known it to be…things had changed. Life as I knew it . . . existed no longer! I was challenged to keep moving forward. And that I did! I am now happily married to my wife, Evelyn Nalley-Moore; the father of three children: Tyeisha, Tobias and Tandara and grandfather of four. I had accepted Christ at an early age and was reunited to Christ in 1994 after a lengthy separation. Since returning to this spiritual relationship, I have been unwavering in my efforts to be the servant that God would be pleased with. I was licensed to preach in May 1998 and ordained in March of 2000. I am an associate minister at Gayles M.B. Church, under the leadership of Pastor George Marshall and currently serve as the Youth Pastor and as the Sunday School Teacher for the Junior and Senior High School Class. I would like for people to see through my testimony and witnessing how God can use an ordinary person to do extra-ordinary things. 1Peter 4:12-13 tells us, “Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you as though some strange thing happened unto you: but, rejoice inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings: that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.” God Bless,

Reverend LaDell Moore  23

word on finances

WEALTH MENTIONED THROUGHOUT THE BIBLE The King James Bible mentions gold 417 times, silver 320 times and money which is mentioned 140 times, which refers to physical gold and silver. The word wealth is mentioned exactly 26 times. Gold and silver are mentioned throughout the bible as real wealth, even throughout Revelation. The Hebrew word for wealth is chayil which means a number of things like resources, money, armies of men, strength, glory, substance, riches, power, goods, land and possessions. The Greek word for wealth is ploutos which means riches, abundance, money and possessions of many kinds. When you combine these words in the scripture, it can be concluded that the word wealth is mentioned well over 1000 times, most of the time in a good context.

Dr. Kenneth O Robinson II Financial Inspirational Speaker Radio and TV Host of “The Word on Finances” program. For appointments or seminars - Unfortunately, in many Christian circles the idea of having wealth is disdained. The truth is that wealth has become a bad word in the church world. This anti-wealth ideology is contrary to the roots of Christianity which can be found in the Abrahamic Covenant. It was this covenant that blessed the Jewish founding fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob with cattle and land in abundance. In Steven Silbiger’s book, “The Jewish Phenomenon”, he writes that to this day, for the Jews, wealth is a good thing, a worthy and respectable goal to strive toward. Judaism never considered poverty a virtue. They believe that with your financial house in order, it is easier to pursue your spiritual life. Maybe this is why the Christian church has become so impoverished. Though I believe the pursuit of the kingdom of God and His righteousness is the believer’s priority, yet I do believe that the obtaining of wealth is essential for the advancement of the Kingdom. GOD GIVES US POWER TO GET WEALTH But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power TO GET WEALTH, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day. (Deuteronomy 8:18 KJV) In Deuteronomy 8:18, the bible states that God has given us power to get wealth so that we may establish (manifest) His Covenant in the earth. Notice it does not say God gives us wealth, it says He gives us the power to God would never give us anything to destroy or harm us. Some Christians sincerely feel that wealth is bad for their spiritual health. Wealth as well as money is not the root of all evil, the love of these things are the root of all evil. In other words, a wrong relationship with these things can bring harm and destruction to your life. My good friend Myles Munroe says, “If you don’t know the purpose of a thing, abuse is inevitable.” God gives His children power or ability to get wealth for a purpose and that purpose is good, to establish His covenant in the earth. We are to utilize wealth to advance and promote the gospel.

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WHEN IS WEALTH A BAD THING? No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. (Matthew 6:24 KJV) In the New Testament of the Bible, the word mammon is mentioned as material wealth or greed, most often personified as a deity. Mammon meaning money, wealth, or possessions was to have meant “that in which one trusts”. Again, we see it implies a wrong relationship with wealth, not wealth itself. Christians began to use the name of Mammon as a pejorative, a term that was used to describe gluttony and unjust worldly gain in Biblical literature. It was personified as a false god in the New Testament. {Mt.6.24; Lk.16.13} The term is often used to refer to excessive materialism or greed as a negative influence. That is why the bible says you cannot serve God and mammon (wrong relationship or attitude regarding wealth). Ask yourself the question, “When you get in trouble or need answers for your life, do you turn to money or to the living God for answers?” If you can only find your human worth and value in what you possess, you are probably serving mammon, regardless of how much you have or don’t have. We are to serve the Creator, never the creation. The truth is, wealth is good and it is to serve us. God intended it to be used for great good in the earth. As true believers, if anyone should be trusted with wealth, it is Christians because we understand the purpose of it. BLESSED TO BE A BLESSING! A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just. (Proverbs 13:22 KJV) Unfortunately, what God intended to be a good thing is being portrayed as a bad thing because of ignorance. This darkness (ignorance of true knowledge) has impoverished our families, church ministries and our ability to do ministry in our communities. As God blesses His people, His people in turn will be a blessing to others. Wealth is a good thing and can be used to bless your family generationally and impact many lives for good. As the church matures, so should their perspective on material things also. If you are reading this article, there is a shift taking place in your heart, life, family, ministry and business. This shift is taking you from a poverty-mentality to an abundance mentality. God has given you the power to get it...wealth, because it is good and beneficial to the life of those who really desire to be a blessing to their family, church and community. However, it does not just fall out of the sky into the hands of those who want it. The bible is clear; it is LAID UP for the just. Therefore, the power God gives is to be a Go-getter. You can’t be lazy, you must be a Go-getter. This is your season to go get what God has ordained a good thing for you to have so you can be a blessing to your family and to those who need His covenant in their lives.  25

teen connect Bishop Gregory & Pastor Tonya Dennis Senior Pastors Kingdom Worship Center of Columbia and Towson 410-377-3500

THE SEASON IS CHANGING It is that time of year. The humidity is going down, the days are becoming shorter and the leaves are changing their color. It is time to prepare for the change. Naturally with the change of seasons most people have to check their home heating systems, the tire pressure on their cars, unclog gutters to avoid roof damage and seed yards for a great spring blossom. Our spiritual life is no different. We must prepare our lives for the change of season. This does not mean fly south for the winter, but instead understand your situation and prepare yourself. We must maximize our opportunities to be everything God is looking for. Never fight the season! If you decide to fight the season of “fall” by not cleaning your gutters or wearing heavier clothing then the season will win. Agree with the place God has you in! Prepare your heart for new growth even if you notice leaves falling from branches; know that this is the season that roots (you) grow deeper. This is the time to “fall” in love with God all over again! This is the time to study your Word more! This is the time to increase your prayer life! There is a falling away during this season but know that your study, prayer life and love of God will sustain you. Continue to grow with God and in doing so, you will be prepared and prepped for spring. 26   November 2013 | Grace&Glory  27

nutrition and you

In addition, individuals with the following also have a high risk of developing diabetes: • High blood pressure • Low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol • High triglycerides By: Herline A. Knights, RD,LD

• High low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol • Family history of diabetes • Overweight or obesity • Gestational diabetes • Giving birth to a baby weighing more than 9 pounds

Women with polycystic ovary syndrome are also at increased risk. A recent study showed that 25% of very obese children and 21% of very obese adolescents had prediabetes. lowering the amount of sugar in you blood. In people with prediabetes, the insulin produced cannot usher the sugar out of the blood and into the cells. To determine if you have prediabetes, your health care professional may order either a fasting plasma glucose test (blood glucose is measured first thing in the morning before eating) or an oral glucose tolerance test (a person’s blood glucose is checked after fasting and again after drinking a glucoserich drink). The blood glucose levels measured during these tests will determine whether or not you have prediabetes.

Signs and symptoms of prediabetes Many people have no signs or symptoms of prediabetes. Others report the following: • Increased thirst • Frequent urination • Extreme hunger • Unexplained weight loss • Fatigue • Blurred vision • Sores that heal slowly • Frequent infections • Dark patches of skin around the neck, on the elbows, on the knees, on the knuckles, or in the armpits Prediabetes diagnosis and tests Normally, sugar is absorbed into the bloodstream, and then the hormone insulin ushers the sugar into the cells, thereby

Development of diabetes Roughly 11% of people with prediabetes who do not lose weight or initiate an exercise program develop type 2 diabetes in the 3 years following diagnosis. During the course of a lifetime, approximately 65% of people with prediabetes who do not lose weight or initiate an exercise program will develop diabetes. Moderate-intensity lifestyle interventions can delay development of type 2 diabetes by an average of 11 years. Diet and exercise Diet is important, because people with prediabetes have a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease. People with prediabetes 28   November 2013 | Grace&Glory


Fasting Plasma Glucose

Oral Glucose Tolerance


<100 mg/dL

<140 mg/dL


100-126 mg/dL (impaired fasting glucose)

140-199 mg/dL (impaired glucose tolerance)


>126 mg/dL

>200 mg/dL

also have a high risk for developing diabetes, so it is important to watch your diet. People with prediabetes can prevent or delay development of type 2 diabetes by up to 58% by changing their lifestyle. Modest weight loss and regular exercise is very important for people with prediabetes. Only 5% to 10% weight loss is necessary in many cases to prevent diabetes. It is recommended that people with prediabetes exercise for at least 150 minutes/week. Because of the 50% increased risk for developing cardiovascular disease, health care professionals also recommend: • Stopping use of tobacco

• Treating high blood pressure • Treating high cholesterol • Using medications such as oral diabetes drugs, if prescribed References and recommended readings

Prediabetes. American Diabetes Association® Web site. Accessed August 13, 2013. Mayo Clinic staff. Prediabetes. Mayo Clinic Web site. Accessed August 13, 2013. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health. Insulin resistance and prediabetes. National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse (NDIC) Web site. http://diabetes.niddk. Updated January 22, 2013. Accessed August 13, 2013.  29

Get Motivated To Exercise

body basics

By Kathleen M. Zelman, MPH, RD, LD, WebMD Feature

Ward Off Disease Research has confirmed that any amount of exercise, at any age, is beneficial. And, in general, the more you do, the greater the benefits. The National Academy of Sciences has recommended that everyone strive for a total of an hour per day of physical activity. Sounds like a lot, but the hour can be made up of several shorter bursts of activity done throughout the day. Physical activity is an essential part of any weightloss program, to maximize your fat loss while keeping valuable muscle mass. But exercise has many other health and longevity benefits. It can help prevent or improve these conditions: 1. Heart Disease. Regular activity strengthens your heart muscle; lowers blood pressure; increases “good” cholesterol (high-density lipoproteins or HDLs) and lowers “bad” cholesterol (low-density lipoproteins or LDLs); enhances blood flow; and helps your heart function more efficiently. All of these benefits reduce the risk of stroke, heart disease, and high blood pressure. 2. Stroke. In an analysis of 23 studies, researchers found that being active reduces your risk of having and dying from a stroke. According to a study published in the journal Stroke, moderately active study participants had 20% less risk of stroke than less active participants. 3. Type II Diabetes. This disease is increasing at alarming rates – by 62% since 1990 – and 17 million Americans now have it. Physical activity can enhance weight loss and help prevent and/or control this condition. Losing weight can increase insulin sensitivity, improve blood sugar and cholesterol, and reduce blood pressure -- all of which are very important to the health of Need a reason to work people with diabetes. A brisk walk for one out? Here are 7 to start. hour daily could reduce the risk of type II What if someone told you that a thinner, diabetes by 34%. 4. Obesity. Overweight and obese conditions healthier, and longer life was within your grasp? Sound too good to be true? can be prevented or treated with exercise along with a healthy diet. Activity helps to According to a wealth of research, reduce body fat and increase muscle mass, exercise is the silver bullet for a better thus improving your body’s ability to burn quality of life. Not only does regular calories. The combination of reduced calories exercise aid in weight loss, it reduces and daily exercise is the ticket to weight loss. your risk for several chronic diseases And controlling obesity is critical, as it is a major and conditions. Finding activities risk factor for many diseases. Lowering your body mass index (BMI) is a sure way to reduce your risk that you enjoy and that become part of your daily routine is the of dying early and to live a healthier life. key to a long and healthy life. 5. Back Pain. Back pain can be managed or prevented with a fitness program that includes The list of health benefits muscle strengthening and flexibility. Having good is impressive, and the posture and a strong abdomen is the body’s best requirements are defense against back pain. relatively simple 6. Osteoporosis. Weight-bearing exercise (such as -- just do it. walking, jogging, stair climbing, dancing, or lifting 30   November 2013 | Grace&Glory

weights) strengthens bone formation and helps prevent the osteoporosis or bone loss often seen in women after menopause. Combine a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D with regular weight-bearing exercise for maximum results. The Journal of the American Medical Association, data from the Nurses’ Health Study showed that women who walked four or more hours per week had 41% fewer hip fractures than those who walked less than an hour a week. 7. Psychological Benefits. Improved self-esteem is one of the top benefits of regular physical activity. While exercising, your body releases chemicals called endorphins that can improve your mood and the way you feel about yourself. The feeling that follows a run or workout is often described as “euphoric” and is accompanied by an energizing outlook. Exercise can help you cope with stress and ward off depression and anxiety. And these are just a few of the ways exercise improves your health. Studies have suggested it can also help with certain types of cancer, improve immune function, and more. Putting It All Together: Exercise and a Healthy Diet Exercise alone produces modest weight loss; when combined with a reduced-calorie diet, the effects are much more impressive. In a study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers found that people who exercised regularly and ate a healthy, modest-calorie diet lost weight and improved cardiorespiratory fitness regardless of the length or intensity of their workouts. It also showed that it is never too late to reap the benefits of physical activity. Sedentary women 65 years and older who began walking a mile a day cut their rates of death from all causes by 50%. Resistance, Resistance If exercise is so good for us, why aren’t people doing it? Some 64% of men and 72% of women fail to fit in activity on a daily basis; Americans today are no more active than they were a decade ago. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends a combination of aerobic exercise (the type that makes you breathe harder, like walking or jogging) for cardiovascular conditioning; strength training (like lifting weights or calisthenics) for muscle toning, and stretching to improve your range of motion. Strive for doing all three types, but remember that any exercise is better than nothing. Here are some easy ways to work physical activity into your life: • Adopt a dog and take it for walks every day. • Do things the old-fashioned way -- get up and change the television channel; open the garage door manually; use a push lawnmower. • Take the stairs instead of the elevator. • Walk briskly whenever you can. Minimize use of your car; walk to destinations within a mile. • Take up tennis or any other game or sport you enjoy. Join a gym or health club. Next time you are tempted to skip exercising, keep these wonderful health benefits in mind and remember, every little bit helps. You may not feel up to a rigorous workout, but how about a walk in the neighborhood? Don’t pass up a chance of a lifetime -- that is, a longer and healthier one.  31 31


Book Shelf Needless Casualties of War By John Paul Jackson This month’s book is a real eye opener book. I was recommended to read Needless Casualties of War by John Paul Jackson by a friend after having a discussion on intercession and spiritual warfare. I was quite surprised by what I was reading. Some things shocked me. It showed me where I was right and where I was wrong. Needless to say it challenged me. In Needless Casualties of War, Jackson writes, “Rightly engaging in spiritual warfare boils down to a simply issue of authority… we need to determine the rules of engagement (how to fight) so that our authority will not be lost.” Jackson tells us of his encounters with different churches who have had numerous battles of the same affliction in the congregation. After digging deep and evaluating the prayer life of the church, he found that the problem didn’t lie in the individuals as much as it was with the unauthorized strategies of prayer the church was engaged in. Now I know to most this sounds like a big question mark. How can you say I can and cannot pray a certain way? Needless Casualties of War lays 32   November 2013 | Grace&Glory

by Brandie Manigault

out in great detail the order of heaven, describes principalities and demonic activity, and what we on an everyday basis are authorized by the Scripture to engage in, as well as the risks associated with taking on a fight we are not prepared to fight. Jackson combines scripture and experience to not only send a warning to the people of God regarding engaging in Spiritual warfare but, he writes this book, in my opinion, to

give hope and bring healing. What this book does is highlight areas that we may be ignorant in. It brings clarity and understanding, and in some cases validation that you are on the right track. It teaches the art and strategy of specific types of prayer. This is a definite read for all intercessors and church leaders. One of my favorite lines says, “Prayer is indispensable in advancing God’s Kingdom.” In my opinion, this book is a must read. We should all know how to pray for maximum effectiveness.

About the Author

John Paul Jackson

John Paul Jackson is a husband, father, and established authority on Christian spirituality and dream interpretation. His biblical approach to dreams reveals their life-changing purpose, and restores an overlooked way God chooses to communicate with people. John Paul’s teachings have stirred and renewed passion for God among people of all ages from various faith backgrounds. His thoughtful “explanations of the unexplainable” and simple, yet profound, concepts help people relate to God and each other in fresh ways. As an author, speaker, and television guest, John Paul has impacted hundreds of thousands of people, emphasizing character as a key element in the true spiritual life. His many years of study and experience have made him a respected and sought-after spiritual advisor to leaders and believers around the world. John Paul has shared his practical and spiritual expertise with an international audience through the Streams Training Center courses and publications.  33

word of encouragement

Donna Williams-Ross In Trust Ministries

HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL and remember to: “Give Thanks with a grateful heart. Give thanks to the Holy One. Give thanks because He has given Jesus Christ as His Son.” Well it’s November and Thanksgiving Day is here again. Seems like we just celebrated Thanksgiving Day a few months ago and it’s here again. Actually it was twelve months ago. Oh, how time is flying. Mark 13:19-20 speaks of the time we are living in -- “These are going to be hard days— nothing like it from the time God made the world right up to the present. And there’ll be nothing like it again. If he let the days of trouble run their course, nobody would make it. But because of God’s chosen people, those he personally chose, He has already intervened.” However, despite the times we are living in, we have got to stop and thank God for all that He continues to do for us. We are living in a time when it seems like the time is moving more rapidly than ever. So much so that we are too busy to really stop and give thanks to God as we ought to. Oh, it is not that we are not telling God “Thank You”, but we are doing it while not spending enough time in the presence of God. We are living in a microwave age, where everything is being done so quickly that if we really take the time to blink, we would have missed a minute. No longer do we even want the microwave to take a minute to heat something. In other words, a minute seems too long for us to wait on the microwave. I myself have been guilty of wanting the microwave to quickly give me what I have placed in it. Therefore let us take this time to truly give thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks onto the Holy One. WE, God’s people are publicly declaring our love for our Father and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit that lives on the inside of every person who have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. We are acknowledging that, “while we were yet in weakness [powerless to help ourselves], at the fitting time Christ died for (in behalf of) the ungodly. Now it is an extraordinary thing for one to give his life even for an upright man, though perhaps for a noble and lovable and generous benefactor someone might even dare to die. But God shows and clearly proves His [own] love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) died for us.” [Romans 5:6-8 Amplified Bible] Do you know anyone who would die for you? I know that I personally 34   November 2013 | Grace&Glory

don’t know anyone who would gladly die so that I could live and not pay for all the wrong things that I have done. I mean I can think of a few people who I may say would give up their lives so that I can live, but I cannot promise you they would, especially for something they didn’t do. That God would publicly show us that He loved us by exchanging His Son’s life for ours, WE, God’s people say “Thank You Father”. WE, God’s people are publicly declaring that we are thankful that God has spared our lives and we are able to see another Thanksgiving Day. Most of us have buried a loved one this year and we know the pain of losing that person, but we thank God that we made it. We are still here because God still has a plan and purpose for us being here. “For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.” [Jeremiah 29:11– Amplified Bible]. What wonderful news to know that God has a specific plan and purpose for our lives. He didn’t dump us all together and give us one plan for all of us, but has given us our own specific purpose for being here on earth and for that WE, God people say “Thank You Father”. WE, God’s people are publicly declaring that we are thankful that God promises to not “see the [uncompromisingly] righteous forsaken or their seed begging bread.” [Psalm 37:25 – Amplified Bible]. Jesus then broke it down more specifically in Matthew 6:25-34 when He spoke about us not worrying about our lives, what we are going to eat or what we shall drink; or even about our bodies, what we should put on. WE, God people say “Thank You Father”. WE, God people are thanking GOD for a country in which we can openly praise God and not have to do it behind closed doors or worry about being caught doing it. WE, God people say “Thank You Father”. WE, God’s people are thanking GOD for daily covering us instead of exposing us for the many things we do daily that is not pleasing in His sight. You know what, I could go on and on about the things that we all could be giving thanks to GOD for collectively, but I am going to end here so that you can personally take your own time to thank God for all that He has done and continue to do for you. I know I am going to be thanking God for many things that He has done for me privately and publicly. Happy Thanksgiving to each and every one of you from In Trust Ministries and remember to give thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks onto the Holy One.  35

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education digest


“Thank You”

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever. Psalm 136:1 I am a journalist on a mission to try and reclaim two simple words that seem to have gotten lost in our fast-paced, modern-day society. They are the words, thank you. I have always believed these words express gratitude, appreciation, or acknowledgment to someone. They are simple, yet powerful. I actually remember a time as a child when the adults, whether at home or in our neighborhood, would withhold an item of interest or value in which we desired, unless we responded with the words thank you. It was also a time when parents enforced gratitude. I realize some people might argue that the times have changed. They may even suggest that thank you is on hiatus and is no longer relevant in 2-thousand and 13. I beg to differ. I believe these words fall into the category of manners. They are associated with speaking to others, looking them in the eyes, giving a firm handshake and saying thank you. The words, thank you, demonstrate a respect and appreciation of the other person. One may be curious as to how or when we seem to have lost this powerful phrase. Furthermore, this may be the time to rekindle a discussion on what it’ll take to reclaim thank you in our homes, schools and places of worship. Thank you may have slipped out of our homes at the point in which we stopping using the phrase. That said, I am one who believes that our children model the behaviors

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they witness at home, good or bad. Therefore, we are obligated to usher manners back into our homes and into the fabric of our daily living. If thank you is taught in our homes, there’s a good chance our children will speak these words once they arrive at school. Even so, we must realize that it’s not the responsibility of the teacher or school administration to force these words upon our young learners. For some, it’s hard to resist. I believe thank you should become a part of a child’s early language development. We should teach thank you along with counting and learning ABC’s. It wouldn’t take much of an effort to find educational tools, such as videos and other learning materials to reinforce our personal values. The Holy Bible is a reliable resource. It’s unfortunate to report that thank you is also missing from some of our churches and other places of worship. It’s one thing to give thanks unto the Lord, but what about the parishioner sitting next to you. We must remind ourselves that a warm, spoken thank you will go a long way toward encouraging someone in The Lord. Recently, I was drawn to the words of Daniel Post Senning. He’s the great-great-grandson of Baltimore-born and world renowned etiquette expert Emily Post. He’s also co-author of Emily Post’s Etiquette. Senning suggests that a handwritten written thank-you note is always a nice added touch. Thank you notes sent by e-mail or text message are better than no acknowledgment at all, but a written note is preferable. Let’s all make the commitment today to reclaim thank you in person or a note. I believe you’ll discover that it will become contagious. Dr. Tim Tooten, Sr. Is an Emmy-Award journalist and a veteran education reporter with WBAL-TV in Baltimore, Maryland. He’s also the Founding Pastor of Harvest Christian Ministries in Baltimore County, Maryland  39 39

The premiere of the new reality show Preachers of LA took place last month on the OXYGEN Network. This show follows the lives of six LA prominent preachers and pastors. Bishop Noel Jones, Bishop Clarence McClendon, Minister & recording artist Deitrick Haddon, Pastor Jay Haislip, and Pastor Wayne Chaney. Now, I’ve had an opportunity to view the show and it’s quite interesting in many ways. These men all have different ways of life and have come from different sides of the track and all have a story to tell in terms of their past and their current lives. The lavish lives they live NOW can send a mixed message to the non-believer because their lifestyles are often associated with Hollywood celebrities, athletes, etc. There has been MUCH said from the secular world and while I see some evangelistic tools being used and testimonies of these Men of God, there is still MUCH to be seen and my earnest prayer is that this show is one that shows the non-believer a side of Christianity that they can respect while being entertained. In the words of Bishop Noel Jones, “We are Men of God, but we are men first.” We shall see!

Bestselling author, producer and philanthropist T. D. Jakes teams up with BET to empower, enlighten and uplift viewers in his new talk show - T.D. Jakes Presents: Mind, Body & Soul. The hour long, weekly chat fest combines an entertaining mix of celebrity interviews, impassioned discussion and expert advice while shining a spotlight on ordinary people with extraordinary stories. Bishop Jakes has built an amazing brand and empire and he delivers quality!! What I have seen so far on the show is consecutive with what he does! Good stuff Bishop!! Keep it coming!!! 40   November November2013 2013||Grace&Glory Grace&Glory 40

Cars. Good looks. Mansions. Money. Women. Miles Montego has it all, including a past. He was king of the streets as a high-level drug trafficker, and although he has tried to move on, the DEA isn’t convinced. Miles is still rolling with his old friends and colleagues, and the feds are certain he has not fully-retired from his criminal past. When Miles meets Vanessa Leon, a woman who is different than every other woman he has met, he is drawn to her beauty and her faith. She is a “church girl” in every sense of the word. Increasingly, he is torn between a life that he knows and a love that he feels. As Vanessa experiences his lavish lifestyle, mobster-type friends, gun play, and encounters with past women, Vanessa must reconcile her faith in God and her growing love for Miles. Both are tested to their last ounce of faith and strength in God and each other. God continues to chip away at Miles through struggles

from his past. Having to live up to his reputation, feelings of unworthiness, the death of his mother, federal charges, his friends being indicted, the strain on his relationship with Vanessa (almost losing her in a near fatal car accident), he finally has a spiritual breakdown that brings him on his knees to face God one-on-one. This film is a powerful, inspiring story of a love between a man and a woman, God’s never-ending grace, a family at home and a church that never stops praying and believing. A story of faith that knows second-chances never end. I’m ABSOLUTELY going to see this movie!!! It’s great to see Rapper Ja Rule back to business! He has a great story about his “turn around” from being imprisoned for tax evasion and gun charges and now he’s a free man! In addition, he was born and raised a Jehovah’s Witness and now he’s a Christian and professes his love for God! Let’s go out and support!

To stay informed with what’s going on in Music, Arts, & Entertainment follow me on twitter Like My fan Page on Facebook “Industry News With Miss Ericka J” Til Next Month remember “U can’t always wait for the storm to pass, sometimes you gotta learn to dance in the rain”.

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