April 2012

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APRIL 2012

contents on the cover: Pastor Linwood E. & Dr. Karen S. Bethea Set The Captives Free Outreach Center 7111 Woodlawn Drive Baltimore, MD 21244 www.stcfoc.com www.karensbetheaministries.com

Q&A Interview 8-9

Q&A Interview with Pastor Karen S. Bethea

features 17 Mayor’s Journal

19 Governor’s Page


Bishop Ralph L. Dennis

Strategic Navigation

4    April 2012 | Grace&Glory

27 Nutrition & You

Herline A. Knights

Hair Loss & Diet

29 To Your Good Health

Carla J. Debnam, MS, LCPC

When It Hurts To Be You

31 Book Shelf

Brandie Manigault

All About My Brother (Sara Peralta)

33 Education Digest Dr. Tim Tooten

Learning A New Lesson

35 A Woman’s Perspective

Cassandra Vaughn-Fox

It’s Clean Up Time!


42 Fashion Focus


Fashion Tips & Tricks

46 Word of Encouragement

Donna Williams-Ross

Why Jesus Entered The Scene

Pastors Greg & Tonya Dennis

Spring Forward

In Every Issue Contributors.........................................................................6


Donte Bowie

The Wait is Over

From the Editor....................................................................7 Scripture Page...................................................................13 Carter Commentary............................................................45

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For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. Psalm 84:11



Jackie Epps


Jackie Epps


Dr. Kenneth O. Robinson Dr. Harold A. Carter, Jr. Cassandra Vaughn-Fox Herline A. Knights Charles ‘Chizel It’ Harris Pastors Gregory and Tonya Dennis Carla J. Debnam Donna Williams-Ross Governor Martin O’Malley Ericka Johnson Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake Rev. Tim Tooten Brandie Manigault


Mark L. Dennis


Claire Lesesne www.JandCDesigns.com


Arts Period

PRINTING Roebuck & Son Printing www.hgroebuck.com Grace & Glory Magazine is published monthly by JE Media, LLC, a Baltimore based, independent publisher. Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. Reproduction without expressed permission is prohibited.

Advisory Board

Chairman — Dr. A.C. D. Vaughn Sr. Pastor, Sharon Baptist Church, MD Vice-Chairman — Dr. Frank M. Reid III Sr. Pastor, Bethel A.M.E. Church, MD Dr. Jerome A. Barber  Sixth Mount Zion Baptist Temple, Hampton , VA Dr. Michael A. Battle Sr., U.S. Ambassador   President, ITC Seminary, Atlanta, GA Dr. Timothy Boddie  Friendship Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA Bishop John R. Bryant   Presiding Prelate of the 5th Episcopal District Dr. Harold A. Carter, Sr. Pastor, New Shiloh Baptist Church, MD Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook, U.S. Ambassador Dr. WIlliam H. Curtis   Mt. Ararat Baptist Church, Pittsburgh, PA Bishop Ralph L. Dennis Sr. Pastor, Kingdom Worship Center, MD Wanda Q. Draper/Media Executive Michele J.K. Epps/Health Sciences Cassandra Vaughn/Out Foxed Media LLC. www.Outfoxedmedia.org Dr. Donte’ L. Hickman, Sr. Pastor, Southern Baptist Church, MD Pastor Timothy V. Manigault Bishop Dennis V. Proctor   Presiding Prelate of the Western Episcopal Region AME Zion Church Dr. Kenneth O. Robinson Pastor, Restoring Life International Church, MD Bishop Walter Scott Thomas, Sr. Pastor, New Psalmist Baptist Church, MD Dr. Timothy Tooten, Sr. Pastor, Harvest Christian Ministries, MD

Coming in 2012 Grace & Glory Magazine By Mail! Grace & Glory Magazine is the ideal publication for all your advertising needs! For more information 443-813-6547; 410-370-2636 or info@gracenglorymagazine.org Follow us on facebook at facebook.com/gracenglorymagazine and twitter @gracenglorymag Check out our website at: www.gracenglorymagazine.org Send us your comments! 6    April 2012 | Grace&Glory

from the editor

Jackie Epps Editor-in-Chief

All over the world, Christians will be remembering the crucifixion of Jesus, and celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. At sunrise on Easter Sunday morning, believers everywhere will be singing “He Arose” and “He Lives.” Christians will be declaring that Jesus Christ got up from the grave with all power in His hands. “Isn’t that Good News?” When was the last time you shared this Good News with anyone? There is a song that has the line in it, “Said I wasn’t gonna tell nobody, but I couldn’t keep it to myself.” When was the last time you had some news you just couldn’t keep to yourself, you couldn’t wait to tell somebody? We don’t seem to have a problem with talking about the latest headlines in the news; which most of the time is not good news. In fact we spend a good amount of time talking with friends, co-workers, and family members about our problems and hardships. Maybe the next time a friend, co-worker or family member wants to share with you their trials and tribulations, you could take this opportunity to tell them, “I’ve got Good News!” Despite the fact that our lives are often bombarded with problems and hardships, there is always Good News for the believer. Resurrection Sunday is a reminder to every believer that we possess resurrection power. And we need to let others know that no matter what

happens in life or whatever knocks us off our feet, we have the power to get up again. We have resurrection power on the inside. “Isn’t that Good News?” There’s even more Good News in the Word of God. The Word of God tells us that faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains (Matthew 17:20). It tells us that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Philippians 4:13). It tells us that we are more than conquerors (Romans 8:37). The Bible tells us that with God all things are possible (Mark 10:27). The Bible is full of Good News. The best news of all is that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us (Romans 5:8) and God loved us so much that He gave His only son as a sacrifice for us (John 3:16). And if that isn’t enough how about this, if we believe that Jesus died on the cross for us and in three days rose from the grave early Resurrection Sunday, then we will have eternal life (Romans 10:9). Now that’s Good News worth sharing! Peace and blessings . . .

Jackie Epps www.gracenglorymagazine.org  77 www.gracenglorymagazine.org

Q A &

G&G: Dr. Bethea welcome back. It is always a pleasure to talk with you. Since you are no stranger to us we are going to jump right in. The Set The Captives Free Outreach Center will be celebrating its 12th Church Anniversary. Tell us about the celebration and what we can look forward to this year and inspire us with the vision for the future of the Set The Captives Free Outreach Center. Dr. Bethea: I can’t believe that it has been 12 years but yes we will be 12 on April 9th. Each year we celebrate the faithfulness of God not only calling us, but sustaining us and providing for us. Our theme this year is “Still Standing!” Psalm 127:1 is our theme scripture. We have several people coming to celebrate with us this year. My good friend Evangelist Sandra Riley is coming, Pastor and Recording Artist Marvin Sapp, my sister girlfriend Maurette Brown Clark, and last but certainly not least my pastor Bishop R.C. Hugh Nelson of the Church of God of East Flat Bush will be in the house. We spent our first 10 years under the covering of Bishop T. D. Jakes and he was nothing short of amazing and a real blessing. As our needs grew and changed we were shifted to another covering but still have a positive relationship with the Potters House. We are looking forward to seeing more lives changed! We have witnessed 829 people saved over the last two years alone, marriages healed, yokes destroyed, it has been exciting. We have also had our share of sad times but in the end it is all good. I am currently in the middle of my dissertation and will defend at Oxford this summer so I do have writer’s cramp right about now but it is well! We will also have a night of outreach in conjunction with Feed The Children International on Wednesday April 11, at 7:00pm and we will be feeding 400 families and ministering to them as well. We are outreach, it is what we have been blessed to do. G&G: Dr. Bethea, after 12 years of ministry at STCFOC, what would you say you know for sure today that you didn’t know when you first started this ministry? Dr. Bethea: Wow what a question. There is not enough room for me to share all of the awesome things that I have seen happen in 12 years. What I know for sure is that, “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature!” I have the joy of watching lives change in front of my face and on a regular basis. There are so many testimonies that just bless me. I hate to see people hurting. I can’t take it. I love watching people enter with their lives Dr. Karen Bethea all torn up and then watch the Potter go to work. I Set the Captives Free always tell new people, “Give me one year and you Outeach Center will hardly know yourself.” The Word of God works, Woodlawn, MD it really works and that is my joy! I live a Psalm One 8    April 2012 | Grace&Glory

Pastor K

Set the Capt

life and I teach them to do likewise. There is a lot that I have learned about myself and about leading people in 12 years. His grace is definitely sufficient. I can tell you that I am so glad that God chose me! I love what He has trusted me to do and put in my hands.

G&G: Dr. Bethea, let’s talk historically for a minute. Churches help and guide an enormous amount of people. Approximately how many did you start out with when STCFOC opened? How many are there now? Dr. Bethea: We started out with 5 adults and 7 children in April 2000. After a few months we had about 30 people. After a year we had close to 175. We now have over 2,000 people that call STCF home and both of our current new member’s classes on Sunday and Wednesday are packed. I don’t know the exact number now because I love people not crowds. I have some beautiful members. They are about the sweetest folks. I recently took a group of them to Bermuda with me to visit our church there. Even my challenging folks are welcome. They keep me on my knees. My members are always surprised that I know most of them by their first and last name. I credit the school system for helping me develop that ability. When I taught at Woodlawn Middle and Woodlawn High, every period I had another class and you had to learn names. I know my folks. I have the recent pleasure of having people from my friends list on Facebook join our church. G&G: Dr. Bethea, the church-growth movement has demonstrated the importance of numerical measurement as a method for success. Numbers can be healthy if used in a proper context and with the right motive. Do you agree that numbers cannot be or should not be our ultimate measures for success? How would you describe a successful church? Dr. Bethea: I would describe a successful church as one that has two things: a vision given by God and a shepherd called by God. God pays for what He orders and provision will always follow vision. If there is no vision then there is no need for provision. Shepherds draw sheep. While numbers are not necessarily an indication of success I will say that anything alive should grow. If one is a real shepherd they should draw sheep. Numbers should not be the only measurement of success but numbers do reveal certain things. When a store has great products they draw customers. I believe when a church meets needs they will draw people. A great church must have great Word and great music. A successful church is one that creates an atmosphere that will facilitate growth. It is a place where the Word of God is preached, taught, and prioritized. A successful church will keep the main thing the main thing. Souls are important to God and they have to stay important to us as ministers of the gospel. God loves souls. G&G: Dr. Bethea, you pastor STCFOC along with your husband Pastor Linwood Bethea. When this ministry was created was this a vision given to you alone? And if so, how did Pastor Linwood feel about your commitment to pastoring and starting a church? Dr. Bethea: I was actually called to pastor but my husband knew it before I did and he embraced it. He said he knew when we got married that was who I was. I found out in April 1997 and was highly uncomfortable with it at first but I know God’s voice. I kept ignoring it and praying for my husband to step forward. I would have gladly been the first lady. One time we were in Orlando on vacation, he and the kids and I were in the pool relaxing and a couple walked up to the edge of the pool and asked me if they could talk to

Karen Annette Stanley Bethea

Q&A interview

tives Free Outreach Center me for a minute. I thought they were lost and needed direction. I said, “How can I help you?” The husband stood right there, pointed his finger in my face, and began to tell me that God had called me to pastor and that there was a congregation in Baltimore waiting on me. I was in utter shock. To this day my husband still thinks it was funny. I cried so hard. I told the Lord that when I got back home I would begin to prepare. It took me three years to prepare and finally open. No one in their right mind wants this job. It is a major responsibility and has changed our lives tremendously. We no longer have a schedule that anyone could call normal. But if this is what it takes to please God, so be it. (Luke 1:38, Luke 1:45) G&G: Dr. Bethea, how would you best describe the ministry of STCF, particularly being led by a woman pastor? When it comes to pastoring with your husband are there any conflicts? Is your leadership style different from Pastor Linwood’s? Is the vision to direct the path of the congregation a joint responsibility? Dr. Bethea: Being a woman has its pros and cons. People try things with a woman pastor that they would never try with a male pastor. Also as women ministers we are more nurturing so people can tend to lean on us a bit more. We have to watch that we don’t enable people with our mothering ways. Other than that there is not much of a difference. Same schedules, same battles, etc. Bishop Jakes commended me on maintaining my femininity in ministry. I believe you can be powerfully used of God and still be a lady; my mentors and good friends, Dr. Ann Lightner Fuller and Dr. Claudette Copeland taught and showed me that. My husband has embraced the vision as well and he tweaks it and me on a regular basis. He is so wise. He is very involved in all aspects of the ministry and travels with me all over the world. We see things so differently at times so our leadership styles do conflict but we are such good friends that we know what to do when we get there. Sometimes his idea is best and sometimes mine is. As for my weaknesses, I have staffed those. I call my full time staff the Dream Team. They are so good at what they do. I consider them gifts from God. We also have a church full of strong men. G&G: Dr. Bethea, you mentioned that you travel abroad to minister, where are some of the places you have ministered outside of STCF and how are you accommodated when you are invited out to preach? Dr. Bethea: It’s funny; someone just told me the other day that they heard I won’t even come across town for less than $1,500. I laughed because I don’t have a fee for ministering. I could miss a divine assignment if it is only about money. I have ministered at large churches, small churches, and brand new churches. I think sometimes people assume that you won’t come but they have not because they ask not. I also minister around the globe with my sister girls, The Women Who Soar, (www.thewomenwhosoar.com) we were just invited to Toronto and Rome. We will be back in England again this summer. We are a global women’s empowerment ministry and we have a lot of fun doing the will of God together. The Women Who Soar will be at our church again in November. G&G: Dr. Bethea, what would you advise a man or woman of God to pay attention to, especially if they were to consider starting a ministry today? Dr. Bethea: I would tell them to make sure they heard from God and to write the vision and make it plain. You cannot lead if you do not know where you are going and you cannot do a work of the spirit depending on your flesh. God has to build it and keep it. (Psalm 127:1). This is not a vocation that you call yourself to. G&G: Dr. Bethea, a Pastor is charged by God to preach to the church and to shepherd the people in a more individual way. What are your methods for involving yourself in the lives of your people as their shepherd and overseer of their souls?

Dr. Bethea: There are many ways to do this. We have an incredible follow up team. Each of our converts and new members are placed into a prayer circle the moment they leave the altar on Sunday. Each month they meet with their prayer circle leaders to complete a spiritual exercise that I have designed. Once a month I meet with all of the prayer circle facilitators to hear reports of how their new members and new converts are doing. Our diaconate ministry along with our elders and ministers visit the sick and serve communion to the sick and shut in. I do home visits and hospital visits as well. Once a month I meet with our 18-30 year olds and I love it. It is called the Joshua Journey. I am grooming them for leadership. I attend house warming’s, baby showers and birthday celebrations when I am in town. At home I pray over the congregation and God shows me things. I was in school in England last summer and I kept seeing the face of one of my members. I began to pray and I emailed one of my elders. She called her and the call was right on time. She was really going through. She was so surprised that I was thinking about her from there but God had put her on my heart. G&G: Dr. Bethea, are Pastors doing enough to teach the individuals in their congregations how to conquer fear, have courage, and learn to be mature spiritual leaders, in order to get their strength and significance from the Lord (and not their circumstances) ? Are Pastors doing enough to teach young people how to grow into a mature spiritual life of their own? Dr. Bethea: I believe we are. We take a tremendous amount of time preparing messages that really give people good direction. The problem is sometimes getting people to do what you teach. It is so frustrating to take an hour out of your day to give people great advice only to watch them leave your office and do the exact opposite of what you advised. Then when it blows up in their face they want to come back and ask for more advice when they didn’t listen to you the first time. As far as our youth, we need to focus on them like never before. We have a separate bible study for our teens and young adults. They need the Word on their level that addresses their unique issues. They are dealing with a lot these days and we better hear them. We also have activities that focus specifically on these age groups. Our teen ministry ages 12-17 called STORM & WIND (Steadfast Teens of Righteous Morals, and Walking In A New Direction) meet every week. Our young adults ages 18-30, the Joshua Journey, meet once a month and are active in the ministry. They each have their own worship team. G&G: Dr. Bethea, lastly would you leave us with what is on your heart today? How can a person increase their spiritual discernment in these days, to be sure that they are not spiritually deceived? Dr. Bethea: As individuals and leaders we must be grounded in prayer and in the Word of God so that we know truth from error. There is a lot of error out there right now and much of it resembles truth. The last thing and the thing that is on my heart currently is the health of females in ministry. I just birthed the Baltimore Female Clergy Support Group. It consists of female pastors, female ministers, female deacons, first ladies, etc. We will have our first event in June. It will consist of a workshop and fashion show featuring Tina Scott of the Bride of Christ Robes. She will be coming here to introduce her new spring line. We want to assist the women of God in looking their best and being appropriate at all times in their pulpit attire. We will also hold seminars, workshops, and events that will sharpen the women of God. Each committee member will be allowed to have unlimited number of guests at our events. It is going to be exciting. Details will be coming! As usual, thanks for your time. www.gracenglorymagazine.org  9

church history




O u t r e a c h

In June 1988, Pastor Karen was ordained an elder in a Word of Faith Church in Baltimore, Maryland. Preaching since age 17, she went on to minister all over Pastors Karen & Baltimore and surrounding Linwood Bethea areas as an evangelist. Her initial sermon was preached in December of 1976 at Sharp Street Memorial United Methodist Church in Baltimore, Maryland where she had been a member since birth. December 1999, Pastor Karen came under the covering of Bishop T. D. Jakes in preparation for opening the church doors in April of 2000. On April 9, 2000, under her leadership, Set the Captives Free Outreach Center (STCF) opened at the Comfort Inn, in Woodlawn, Maryland. The church opened with five adult members and seven children. It continues to grow rapidly to this day. The current membership is 2,000. On August 8, 2000, God blessed STCF with a 3,000 square foot fully equipped facility at 9816 Liberty Road, Randallstown, Maryland. The Lord continued to show favor. Attendance was steadily increasing, the word was alive, lives were being changed, and marriages were being restored. This resulted in the need for multiple services. Even with the new worship schedule of an 8:00 and 11:00 a.m. there was no more room to seat the members, regular attendees and visitors. In January, 2001, LIBERTY was launched. LIBERTY is STCF’s television outreach aired every Sunday at 8:30am on the WORD Network Internationally and WNUV channel 54 in the Baltimore-Washington, Delaware and Pennsylvania markets God continued to show favor, increasing weekly viewer-ship from just a few thousand to over 15, 000 today. Pastor Karen 10    April April2012 2012||Grace&Glory Grace&Glory 10

was the first woman pastor asked to preach on the local television program “Grace & Glory” which airs on the ABC affiliate in Maryland, ABC2, Sundays at 7:00am; she is the guest preacher every second Sunday of the month at 7:40 a.m. In November of 2002, Pastor Karen stepped out on faith again as God blessed STCF with a 33,000 sq. ft. facility, located in Woodlawn, Maryland. The building had been a clothing warehouse and was but a shell. With God’s favor and the faithfulness of the STCF church family fulfilling their pledges, part of the building was quickly converted into a 1,000 seat sanctuary.


In August 2005, after renting with the option to buy, STCF purchased the facility. At that time renovation completion began. It was an exciting time as the church family witnessed weekly changes to the former warehouse! In April 2006, STCF completed the renovation of 7111 Windsor Boulevard. The 33,000 square foot building now contains a 1,000 seat sanctuary with state of the art screens and technology, offices, multipurpose rooms, a kitchen, the church bookstore, the nursery, a baptismal chapel, The MaysWoodson Christian Academy educational wing complete

church history




C e n t e r

with brand new child accessible bathrooms, a state of the art television studio and a state of the art recording studio built by a leader in the industry, Jonathan Lesane. God has really been good to STCF! In August 2007, as a LITE Class project, the church held its first Back to School Jam in conjunction with FEED THE CHILDREN INTERNATIONAL. Mayor Dixon and other city officials were in attendance. One thousand families were fed and school supplies were given to children. The One Hundred Black Men of Maryland partnered with the church for this outreach. In June 2008 the West Baltimore Clergy United was formed. It consists of a group of pastors on the west side of Baltimore who understand that the day of ministry in isolation is

over. They have combined their resources to meet needs in the western corridor of Baltimore City/County. They are avid supporters of Coppin State University and other area causes. The WBCU is committed to increasing the quality of life for the residents of Baltimore. Over the past ten years plus God has demonstrated His faithfulness and amazed us over and over again. STCF has grown to a membership of over 2,000 and continues to grow. We have had a wonderful journey thus far and we continue to look to God as our guide, source, and sustenance. As we embark upon the next five years we are excited about the God inspired goals that we will accomplish. We are excited and grateful that God has given us capable members to assist us (Exodus 31:6). God bless you richly!

STCFOC Photo Album

Mays Woodson Academy Students

Vision Awards at Coppin

Daughters of Prophetic Destiny Women’s Ministry

Christmas 2011 at the White House

Women Who Soar trip to Israel

Pastors on the Sea of Galilee www.gracenglorymagazine.org  www.gracenglorymagazine.org  11 11

Pastor Linwood E. Bethea

Pastor Karen Annette Stanley Bethea

pastor bios Pastor Karen Annette Stanley Bethea Born May 3, 1959, Pastor Karen Stanley Bethea is a Wife, Mother, Pastor, Teacher, Psalmist, Recording Artist, Apostle and Author who is known for the deliverance mantle on her life. Under her anointed teaching and preaching, many people have been set free from past addictions, pains, wounds, lifestyles and brought into a spiritual and wholesome lifestyle. Pastor Bethea firmly believes that “she can do all things through Christ which strengthens her!” Her eagle mentality is contagious to those around her. Pastor Bethea gave her life to the Lord at the early age of 15 and began preaching at the tender age of 17. She is a graduate of Belmont Elementary, Calverton Middle School, Western High School, Coppin State College/Coppin State University, the Maranatha School of Ministry and, Saint Mary’s Seminary and University. She has a Doctorate of Divinity honoris causa from Saint Thomas Christian College. She is currently pursuing another Doctorate at the Graduate Theological Foundation, (http://www.gtfeducation.org/). She is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority IncorporatedBaltimore Alumnae Chapter, the National Association of Female Executives, the International Association of Women Ministers, and the Foundation Board at Coppin State University. She was initially ordained in June of 1988 and has taught and preached the Word of God extensively at Seminars, Conferences, Revivals, Workshops and Meetings throughout the United States, Pastor Linwood E. Bethea, born September 9, 1954, is known for the “wisdom” that comes out of his mouth. When he talks, people listen. At the age of 13 he received Christ as his Savior at the New Shiloh Baptist Church in Baltimore, Maryland under the pastorate of Rev. Dr. Harold Carter, Sr. He then began to seek the Lord for wisdom. Those who know him will testify that he must have received it. In his quiet way he opens his mouth with wisdom and solid advice to many. Affectionately called “Bill Cosby,” Pastor Linwood is a family man who values family very highly. He is a graduate of Frances Ellen Harper Elementary, Booker T. Washington Middle School, Frederick Douglas High School, and Coppin State College/ University. Pastor Linwood taught math a t Woodlawn Middle School for one year and also ran a mentoring program there called, “The Gathering.” He encouraged, motivated, counseled, and offered activities for at risk males. He also taught in a GED program that enabled many to receive their high school equivalency certificates. He is currently the director of the Mays-Woodson Christian Academy. The male dominated school currently has grades Pre-k through second. Higher grades will be added at a later

12    April 2012 | Grace&Glory

Set the Captives Free Outreach Center Bermuda, and Canada. Perhaps her greatest challenge came in April 1997 when God called her to the pastorate. After three years of preparation, the church opened on April 9, 2000. Set the Captives Free Outreach Center, which has grown to over 2,000 members, is a center for healing and an incubator to discover and birth destinies. Under her leadership, Set the Captives Free has successfully launched “Flow of the Spirit Records,” a studio and recording company, MaysWoodson Christian Academy for students Pre-K through 2nd grades, “Liberty,” a fast-paced, exciting local and international television broadcast, a food pantry and feeding program to the homeless, and over thirty other ministry programs and outreaches. She is the author of Foundational Steps, an interactive Biblebased children’s church curriculum through which children ages 2-14 learn Bible doctrine in a systematic manner. Pastor Bethea is under the spiritual covering of Bishop R. C. Hugh Nelson, D. Div. He is the pastor of the East Flatbush Church of God in Brooklyn, New York. Pastor Bethea also serves as the apostolic covering and mentor for several churches and ministries in the United States and Bermuda. In addition to being a minister, she is a wife and mother. She is married to Pastor Linwood E. Bethea, with whom she co-pastors. They have three beautiful children: Tonyette, Tiffany, and L. Jamaal Bethea, and three grandchildren Bryson, Natalie and Jordan. Pastors have been married for 31 years as of February 11, 2012.

date. Students there are excelling in reading, writing, mathematics, and wisdom. Wisdom is a unique part of the curriculum at Mays-Woodson. He is also the director of the men’s ministry, “The Nation of Men,” in which he is determined to take men from being males to men. He challenges men to be the priest of their homes and all that they should be as proclaimed by the Word of God. He and Pastor Karen also co-teach a life changing seminar entitled, “The Family Clinic” which has brought healing to many struggling families. It is their top selling CD series! Testimonies from the teachings keep pouring in. Pastor Linwood is a strong entrepreneur and a wise businessman. Pastor Linwood is also a member of the 100 Black Men of Maryland, an organization dedicated to mentoring and bettering the lives of young African American males. He is a husband and father. He and Pastor Karen have three beautiful children: Tonyette, Tiffany, and L. Jamaal Bethea, and three grandchildren Bryson, Natalie and Jordan.

scripture page

Philippians 2:6-11 (KJV)

Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:


But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:


And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.


Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:


That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;


And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.


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mayor’s journal

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governor’s page

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from the pulpit

From the



e all have a high calling from the Lord. And at various stages of our lives, He has set before us a preordained plan we are to fulfill. Moreover, God promises that if we act in faith, trusting him, He will bring that plan to fulfillment. Yet this isn’t always easy. As everyone who has walked with Jesus for any length of time knows, following His high calling means we’re going to meet obstacles and one of the most common obstacles is the skeptic’s voice. As we seek to cross the Jordan into the Promised Land, we’ll hear every kind of voice telling us not to go. These voices tell us, in very reasonable tones, “It’s just not going to happen.” Let me explain to you why. There are three types of skeptical voices that appear in the life of every Christian: First, there is an outward skeptic. This is a friend, acquaintance or family member who challenges what we believe we’re to do to obey God. There is also a demonic skeptic. This is the voice of the evil one, who seeks to derail us from our trust in the Lord. Finally, there is an inner skeptic. This is the voice inside our own minds that raises every kind of argument against obeying what God has asked of us. God has called all of us to cross over and when Israel came to the Jordan River, God desired that not one of his people be left behind. Yet the voices of skeptics were constantly there to rebuff His people. Any experienced Christian will tell you: When you’re poised to cross over your Jordan, there is never a time when you’re more subject to fear, anxiety, doubt and uncertainty. Why? You’re on the brink of possessing the land God has called you to inhabit. That’s the time when the enemy and our flesh put up resistance.

Strategic Navigation: A Skeptics Guide to Crossing the Jordan

By Bishop Ralph L. Dennis

Kingdom Worship Center Baltimore, MD

There are seven things a skeptical voice whispers to all who would cross the Jordan. I want to list those things here. Hopefully, you can discern whether such a voice is working to dissuade you from God’s promise. Skeptical voice 1: “It’s easier where you are.” Skeptical voice 2: “It’s going to take too much effort.” Skeptical voice 3: “Some people won’t like it.” Skeptical voice 4: “It’s physically impossible.” Skeptical voice 5: “It’s too risky.” Skeptical voice 6: “If you don’t succeed, you’ll be ridiculed.” Skeptical voice 7: “Once you cross over, the struggles you face will never end.” At one point Joshua failed to obey God. But because he repented quickly, the Lord used the experience to strengthen him. We never stop growing and maturing in our faith, even after accomplishing the most miraculous crossings. Our trust in God never ends. YOUR Challenge So, are you willing to step into the river? God may be saying, “If you’ll just commit to putting your toe in, you will see me part waves for you. I will carry you across to the other side. It doesn’t matter how many enemies and fortresses you face on the other side. I have already laid out my plans for you and I’ll see them through to fulfillment. You have no idea of the victories I have already preordained for you and it is all to my glory.” I urge you: Trust God to lead you across your Jordan. Let Him silence the voice of every skeptic. His plan A for you won’t be defeated. He is faithful and He will do it! Strategically Navigate HIS Plan! God Bless! www.gracenglorymagazine.org  21

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gospel industry industry news news gospel

Gospel Industry

Full Nelson Summit Stellar Award winner Jonathan Nelson, his twin brother Pastor Jason Nelson (newly signed to Verity Records, who is blazing the Billboard charts with his debut single “Shifting the Atmosphere”), his brother Pastor James Nelson, one of the kingdom’s greatest preachers, have come together with their other siblings Pastor Anthony Trufant, who pastors in Brooklyn, NY and sister Janice Nelson-Brinkley who co-pastors with her husband Pastor Sidney Brinkley in Baltimore, will be hosting the Full Nelson Worship & Word Summit. The Nelsons say, “It is our vision to come together to impact God’s people with the keys to successful ministry as well as empowering a new generation to establish Kingdom principles and best practices in the 21st century.” The Nelson Family says in a unified mission statement, “The family is bringing together an astounding array of today’s top psalmists, intercessors, facilitators, and speakers for this unique event.” The speakers include Bishop Paul S. Morton, Prophet Brian Carn, Bishop Henry Fernandez, Dr. Carolyn Showell, and Bishop James Nelson Sr. (father of the Nelson children). Psalmists include Pastor Donnie McClurkin and Kim Burrell. I had an opportunity to speak to Pastor Jason Nelson who simply said, “The Summit is the culmination of dreams and visions coming to pass. We hope to bridge the gap between music and ministry, helping both to remain relevant.” Well said! I’m excited about this event and I encourage all to attend you won’t be disappointed! Powerful lineup! There you have it, April 25-27 ALL ROADS LEAD TO Created for So Much More Worship Center, 701 Cherry Hill Road, Baltimore, MD. For full details and registration www.fullnelsonsummit.com or questions contact@fullnelsonsummit.com.

Resurrection Weekend Explosion Cousin Productions, The Ira Bell Show, and The Youth Ministries of Doswell Cathedral present two power packed events on Easter Weekend. The weekend’s kick-off will be a Late Nite Good Friday Seven Last Words featuring Apostle Danny Flanagan, Overseer James Smith, Bishop Bryant Martin, Pastor Leroy Dyett, Apostle Damian Hinton, to name a few. Musical guests will be Randy “Fruity” Roberts, Bobby Perry & Rain, Sean Tillery & Change, 24     April April 2012 2012 || Grace&Glory Grace&Glory 24

Faith In The Furnace Faith In the Furnace is coming back to Baltimore! A stage play written by Jakay Pierce, upcoming playwright, producer, and director and a native Baltimorean that now resides in Florida. The play derived from a bible study she and her husband had in their home with friends. They were studying the story of the three Hebrew Boys and their fiery furnace experience and based on that story, Jakay was inspired to transition that setting and characters to our modern times depicting the life and struggles of three Nelson Brothers, likened to the three Hebrew Boys. When I asked Jakay what should people expect when they come she said, “Laughter, healing, encouragement, and being able to relate to a lot of what we experience in this day and time, while you’re in the furnace there is hope out of every situation. God is with you! If you had an opportunity to see the play in 2009, its returning with quite a few surprises!” I personally saw the play and enjoyed it in 2009 and I’m excited to see the new twists and turns this go round! Faith In The Furnace will be in Baltimore, April 20-22, at the Woodlawn High School, 1801 Woodlawn Drive, Baltimore, MD. For more info and tickets www.jakaypierce.com.

RaSheem Shambry, and more. Easter Sunday Night at 8:00pm, the “Easter Musical Explosion” featuring Eric Waddell & Abundant Life, Freddie Washington Jr., Thomas Clay, Lawrence Flowers & Intercession, Anointed Voices of Ford Memorial, Jarmel Evans & Worship Forever, ExMusic, and more! Both services will be held at the Doswell Cathedral COGIC, 520 Doswell Ave., Friday, April 6, service will begin at 10pm, and Sunday April 8, service will begin at 8pm! Hope to see you there!


gospel industry news

Top Gospel Albums The 6th- Flame Moving Forward- Andrea Helms WOW Gospel 2012 Various Artists God, Love, Romance Fred Hammond The Evolution of Le’Andria Le’Andria Johnson

Lawrence Flowers & Intercession Lawrence Flowers singer, songwriter, composer, has released a new sound to the music world! Lawrence has shared the stage with many music greats including John P Kee, Kim Burrell, Creed, Kirk Franklin, & Dr. Bobby Jones. I had an opportunity to speak with Lawrence about the project and he says, “This new project is the testament of the ministry’s highs, lows, and transitions of the past year. It’s literally our lives put to music. In this project we realized that our lives were not just meant for music but the wholistic scheme of our lives is to be more, seek God more, embrace more, love more,and acheive more. Intercession has been in existence for over a decade and still soaring high!” The highly anticipated sophomore project of Lawrence Flowers & Intercession is here and is definitely one you want to own! He will be in Baltimore Easter Sunday Nite ministering at the Easter Sunday Eplosion at Doswell Cathedral! Come see him LIVE you will be blessed! For booking, info and to purchase the CD www.lfintercession.com, the cd is also avaialable on www.amazon.com, www.cdbaby.com, www.itunes.com.

‘Happy Resurrection!!!! Jesus died that we may have life and that more abundantly!! You Survived It! So live with it, live because of it, live inspite of it, whatever your “It” is JUST LIVE!!! ‘Til next month!

Top Gospel Singles Still Able- James Fortune & FIYA I Won’t Go Back William McDowell In The Middle- Isaac Caree

with Miss Ericka follow me on www.twitter.com/MissErickaJ, Like Me on Facebook www.facebook.com “Industry News with MissEricka J”.

Let the Church Say Amen Andre Crouch feat. Fred Hammond I Need Your Glory- Earnest Pugh

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nutrition & you

Hair Loss and Diet Vitamin A This vitamin is imperative for the growth and health of all cells and tissues, including the hair and the scalp. Vitamin A also is necessary for sebum production, which keeps hair moisturized. To ensure that you are getting enough vitamin A in your diet, choose yellow- and orange-colored produce and plenty of dark-green leafy vegetables. Liver, fish oil, eggs, fortified milk, cream, and cheese are other common sources of this vitamin. Use caution though, because too much vitamin A also can lead to hair loss!

Copper Similar to the B vitamins, copper is necessary for the production of red blood cells. Most people consume enough copper, but some genetic problems or an excessive intake of zinc can lead to a deficiency. Copper is found in organ meats, seafood, dark-green leafy vegetables, seeds, and nuts.

Protein Individuals who do not eat enough protein will have dry and brittle hair. Protein is found in many foods including meat, poultry, seafood, dairy foods, soy, beans, seeds, and nuts. Small amounts also are found in vegetables and many grain products.

The average person loses 50–100 hairs each day and most of it grows back. Everyone loses their hair at the same rate, but some people do not regrow the hair that they lose. The following can spur increased hair loss: • Poor nutrition • Genes • Hormones • Age • Certain medications • Infection • Stress • Hair products • Rapid weight loss • Some medical condition The following are descriptions of the primary nutrient deficiencies that can lead to hair loss. This loss usually is reversible if diet modifications are made.

The B Vitamins The B vitamins that have an effect on hair growth are vitamin B6, folic acid, and vitamin B12. These vitamins are crucial for proper formation of red blood cells, which carry oxygen to body tissues, including the hair. Without proper blood and oxygen flow, hair will fall out and regrow slowly. Vitamin B6 is highest in chicken, fish, liver, pork, eggs, wheat germ, and cooked dried beans and peas. Other sources include soybeans, oats, peanuts, walnuts, green leafy vegetables, legumes, dried fruits, whole grains, cabbage, banana, avocados, and cauliflower. Vitamin B12 is found in animal products. Folic acid is found in green leafy vegetables, brewer’s yeast, liver, fortified cereals, citrus fruit (especially orange juice), beets, broccoli, wheat bran, other whole grains, and tomatoes.

Iron Iron carries the oxygen in the hemoglobin of red blood cells. Hair loss is a classic symptom of iron-deficiency anemia. The best dietary source of iron is heme iron, which is found in meat. Nonheme iron is not absorbed as well. Nonheme iron is found in spinach, dried fruits, beans, and bran. Vitamin C aids in the absorption of iron.

Vitamin C Deficiency of this vitamin leads to hair breakage, because vitamin C is necessary for collagen production. Collagen provides structure to all tissues, including the hair. Like vitamin A, vitamin C also is necessary for sebum production. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, berries, watermelon, peppers, dark-green leafy vegetables, broccoli, cabbage, sweet potatoes, and tomatoes.

Zinc This mineral promotes cell reproduction, as well as tissue growth and repair. It also is important for the maintenance of oilsecreting glands attached to the hair follicle. Zinc deficiency can lead to increased hair shedding. Zinc is found in poultry, meat, seafood, eggs, milk, nuts, seeds, legumes, and whole grains. Excessive amounts of zinc can lead to hair loss, so it is best to get enough zinc from food, rather than overdosing on supplements.

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to your good health



We live in a world where many persons are struggling with a variety of life’s most challenging difficulties. Some are lonely and depressed while others are angry and on edge. A few persons have excused themselves from personal relationships and some have so many ‘friends’ that it is hard to define the nature of their relationships. Finding people who are comfortable in their own skin is almost as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack. Whether it is a result of your upbringing, a behavior that has been adapted over the years or a defense mechanism, you and your ability to get along with people has been affected. Churches, workplaces and communities are filled with individuals who have marital discord, family drama, wayward children, codependent siblings and emotionally unavailable significant others. All of these dynamics contribute to emotional pain that cannot be articulated in words alone. Sometimes our actions speak louder than our words. Addressing these difficulties in prayer, through Bible study, worship and fellowship is often helpful to those who give them a chance. Those who do not take advantage of these benefits of the Christian faith find it even more difficult to navigate through the pain. Psalm 34:17-19 encourages us in our brokenness, “The LORD hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed. The righteous person faces many troubles, but the LORD comes to the rescue each time.” (NLT). There are times when our hurts seem more than we can bear alone. It is in these times that seeking spiritually and mentally healthy relationships becomes crucial. But our hurts can become a stumbling block to reaching out and getting what we desperately need. The cycle of despair and loneliness continue and the private agony persists. When you have exhausted your resources know that the Holy Spirit kicks in to aid you. Romans 8:26 says, “And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words.” (NLT) The Comforter comes into each hurtful experience and leads us into the truth about our hurts reminding us that our pain does not define us.

When It Hurts To Be You

Sometimes those who are hurting do not have the emotional, spiritual or physical strength to rise above their pain. It is up to those of us who see the troubled to reach out to them. We hide behind the mask of not wanting to get involved or may feel less than qualified to make a difference in the life of the hurting. Our care and compassion is just what they need. Romans 15:1-2 suggests that, “Those of us who are strong and able in the faith need to step in and lend a hand to those who falter, and not just do what is most convenient for us. Strength is for service, not status. Each one of us needs to look after the good of the people around us, asking ourselves, "How can I help?" (MSG) We are all capable of blessing others in the way God has equipped us to and should not let our fear of rejection or of being used keep us from reaching out. Remember the love and mercy Jesus gave you when you were hurting and then pass it on to someone else. Be encouraged if you are hurting. God will send the help you need at the right time like he did for Elijah, the woman at the well, the widow of Zarepheth and many others. When it hurts to be you, remember that’s when God’s presence is greater and his power is sustaining you. You can overcome your suffering by calling on Him while He Carla J. Debnam, is near and seeking Him MS, LCPC while he may be found.

Executive Director, Renaissance Christian Counseling Center

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Book Shelf Dear Readers, In honor of Autism Awareness Month, I wanted to find a book that would increase awareness and could possibly be of help to people of all ages, people living with someone with Autism, people who know someone with Autism and people who have never encountered someone with Autism. “Autism occurs in all racial, ethnic, and social groups. Autism impairs a person’s ability to communicate and relate to others, and is also associated with rigid routines and repetitive behaviors, such as obsessively arranging objects or following very specific routines. Other traits may include insistence on sameness, repeating words, preference for solitude, little fear of danger, ignoring verbal cues and being unresponsive to normal teaching methods.” (hollyrod.org). My choice for this month is All About My Brother by Sara Peralta. When I saw this book on the shelf, it immediately caught my attention. The cover is shiny and colorful. The graphics are

by Brandie Manigault

what you would expect it to be, hand drawn by its eight year old author. Inside these pages Sara Peralta lets the

It offers a 10-Step Guide to using the book interactively with kids. I personal think that Sara Peralta did an incredible job putting her everyday experiences with her brother on paper in order to enlighten people like me. I’m glad I read this one. Other informational resources that may be useful are: Autism Society (Maryland)www.autism-society.org/ get-involved/state-resources/ maryland.html

world into the daily life of her nonverbal brother Evan. She illustrates through personal stories how Evan is similar to other children although he is different from them. I chose this book because Sara Peralta, through her innocence of speech and her obvious love for her brother Evan exposes the realities of living with a sibling with Autism. For parents and teachers… All About My Brother can be used as a teaching guide to help other children deal with children with “disabilities”.

Baltimore - Chesapeake Chapter Autism Society of America www.bcc-asa.org HollyRod Foundation www.hollyrod.org Pathfinders for Autism Resource Center - www. pathfindersforautism.org , Help Line: 410-769-9500, Toll Free: 866-806-8400 Drop me a line and let me know if this information was helpful to you. You can find me on twitter- @ iambandaid, facebook.com/ bmanigualt and facebook.com/ gracenglorymagazine.

– Brandie www.gracenglorymagazine.org  31

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education digest “I deeply regret not having learned a musical instrument,” that’s what President Barak Obama told interviewer Barbara Walters in an interview a few months ago. As recently as the beginning of this year, I bought my first instrument (Guitar) and began the journey of a second career, not really. Not long after I went public, I realized there were dozens of other people I came in contact with who were also first timers. The experts, people who have been playing since their childhood years, tell me it’s never too late to start learning an instrument. I really believe them. Researchers are convinced that learning to play an instrument as an adult can bring multiple benefits into a person's life, not the least of which are boosting one's mood and spurring on a sense of accomplishment at a phase in life when some may be wondering if there is anything new left to discover.

Marcus, a psychology professor at New York University, called Guitar Zero. He writes, "I decided to see what would happen if I devoted myself to music full time, for a month or two — or as long as I could stand. If someone as tuneless as I could make progress, perhaps there was hope for anyone.” In the book, Marcus examines how our brains are affected by creativity — learning a musical instrument, for instance, or a new language — and how these experiences remain open to all of us, no matter our age. The fact is, Marcus says, "a musical mind develops only if we put in years of hard work … in which parts of the brain that evolved for other purposes such as language … are gradually co-opted into doing something new." I have not been playing long enough to chart the results mentioned by this author, but I am feeling a sense of accomplishment with each new chord.

I was drawn to a book recently by Gary

Research concludes that one of the most

exciting benefits of music for adults is increased cognitive function and brain stimulation. Research also shows that learning an instrument fires up several areas of the brain, literally enhancing the brain's structure, even in people over the age of 65. Parts of the brain controlling memory, auditory processing, and motor skills all benefited significantly when study subjects spent as little as a couple of hours each week learning an instrument over the course of four to five months. The mind-body connection of learning an instrument also brings several physical benefits for adults who decide to take up an instrument later in life. Those who decided to study piano, guitar or violin were able to improve their hand strength and manual dexterity, while those who opted for a wind or brass instrument were able to enhance their lung capacity and breath control. I still have a long way to go. It’s much too early to invite you to a concert, but as we say in the world of TV, stay tuned.

Dr. Tim Tooten, Sr. is the Pastor and founder of Harvest Christian Ministries in Baltimore County, Maryland

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womans perspective perspective woman’s

It's Clean Up Time In life we need to take time to examine our surroundings and CLEAN UP!! Are you feeling like you are settling? Have you lost your will to face a challenge? Are you feeling complacent? If that is the case, then it's time for you to look around and clean out your closet and reorganize some things. We all get to a point in life that we get comfortable with life. Our routine is so predictable that everyone knows our schedule.

Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request. I Chronicles 4:10 (NIV) Cassandra Vaughn-Fox Out Foxed Media, www.outfoxedmedia.org What are you willing to do to change? Are you willing to think out of the box? Are you willing to try new things? Or are you willing to surround yourself with new people. Whatever it is that you are going to do pray to God for guidance and ask him to help you enlarge your territory of life. Expand your horizons and live life to ITS FULLEST!!!

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pring Forward

How can one ordinary person, you or me, make a positive difference in this world? Think about it . . . when someone does something really nice for you, not only do you say thank you but you try to think of ways that you can repay them. It’s nice to be nice . . . we really can be nice. Can’t we? We know youth can be so unkind to each other nowadays, but then so can adults. But as Christians we are called to be different. We are called to kindness. And in an unkind society, our acts of kindness will really stand out. The Bible speaks about kindness: Romans 12:10 (NKJV) Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another; Ephesians 4:32 (NKJV) And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ forgave you. Colossians 3:12 (NKJV) Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; One of the marks of love is that it is kind. It means "to show oneself useful, to act benevolently, to be kind or good." Kindness and goodness are so closely related that they are often used interchangeably. The verb itself speaks of activity; active good will, being useful for somebody else's good

teen connect

(keep that in mind), always trying to do what is helpful to the other person even if it involves sacrifice. So . . . can we be nice? Sure we can . . . it does not take a lot. There may be an elderly person at your local church or a disabled neighbor who needs help with their yard. Rita’s Icy is about to open back up - How about getting some for your friends after school? Your sibling needs help with a school project. . . . You can change people's attitudes from a simple act of kindness. You can take it a step further and do something nice for someone you don't even know. Can you think of an organization or issue that could use your time, talents or money? Can you give up your allowance for one month to help people in need? For example, you could help youth in Haiti by volunteering your services or donating to the local food and clothing banks. Spring break this year can be your week to give back. Finally, spread the word. If you do something nice and the person thanks you and wants to "repay" you, flip the switch and ask them to do something nice for three people they don't know. Keep the acts of kindness growing . . . spring forward.

Pastors Gregory & Tonya Dennis Kingdom Worship Center

6419 York Road,.Towson, MD 21212


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Look Out for Donté’s first book:

“The Last Night” COMING SOON!! An evening of “The Spoken Word,” debuted on March 23rd at the Milbrook Park Center in Pikesville, MD. The event featured Donté Bowie (TAY the Poet) and other talented local artists. The opening debut included a fashion show, great music and food. Others who contributed their talents to make this event a success were: Hazey TV Productions, J&C Designs, Taylormade Sounds, DJ Chuck Black, Makeup Artist Denise McNeil, Bottomline Caterers, and Hostess Kia Houston, to name a few. Donté Bowie and colleagues performed to a sold out audience. You can expect more of The Spoken Word in the near future! To sponsor an event, go to www.valtaylor.org. Youtube videos coming soon.

Poet Lynnell McKinney

Model Mia Johnson

Poet Erin Robinso n

Poet June Makle

Model m ha Tiffany Gra

Model Deztiny Ray Photo Credits: Kim Williams

Poet Simoné Speed Poet Walayee Whitlock

Valarie Taylor and son Donte Bowié

Donté Bowie A.K.A Tay the Poet

I’ve been writing since I can remember. I’ve used poetry as a outlet for me to express myself creatively. My style of poetry is one of freelance touching on a wide variety of topics stemming from relationships, spirtuality, urban America and the trials you go through being an inner city male. About 3 years ago I came up with the idea of starting my own entertainment company called GOLDMIND ENTERTAINMENT. I wanted the company to include creative, motivated and passionate people, working together to provide all audiences with quality entertainment. We want to put on fashion shows, poetry shows, concerts, plays and basically anything that will bring entertainment to the masses. As a play writer, I have written one play called, “My Family is Black” which I’m actively looking for actors, actresses and singers to get the show in production. As an author, I’ve written my first book called “The Last Night”, which I’m currently in the process of getting published. (Contact info.: Tay031584@gmail.com)

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fashion focus


How to Wear Flattering Colors

You may already know how to look ten pounds thinner instantly by wearing clothes with clean lines, flattering One of the easiest ways to instantly look thinner is to wear flattering shapes and well-placed hems. Everyone knows that black is the most flattering color, which is why ever Now it’s time to take off another should have the perfect little black dress. Black never fails to make you lo 10 pounds with some more elegant. Darker shades of colors like blue, purple and brown can also help slimming fashion tricks. You and create a slimming illusion. may know that a jacket cut On the other hand, lighter colors, like white and khaki, can add pounds and gi in just the right way can a larger frame. Don’t wear a white blouse if you want to camouflage a large che make you look thinner, but khakis if you’re trying to disguise wide hips. Opt for a deep-colored blouse and d did you know that the color vertical pinstripes instead. and pattern also matter? When you wear a flattering shade like black, not only will you look thinner, you’l Everything, including the ease with your body and move with the confidence of a beauty queen. shoes you wear, the bag But if you’re bored with black and want to wear more exciting colors, just keep you carry and the jewelry Bright colors draw attention to whichever area they’re worn on. So, don’t wea you choose, can add or you’re trying to hide a large belly or large chest, and stay away from bright pa subtract to your size. And a large bottom and wide hips. who wouldn’t want to look ten Another rule for wearing flattering colors is to not pair a light top with d pounds thinner without having you’re on the shorter side. Doing so will visually cut the body in half, ma to go on a diet? It’s time to go appear short and squat. If you want to accentuate your height or beyond the bare essentials of what couple inches to your petite frame, wear monochromatic colors fr to wear with these slimming fashion top to bottom. This helps to create a visual vertical line that tricks… lengthens out the body, as well as hides flaws.

bla from ve to solid-colo

If you follow these few simple tips, you won’t have to worry about going on a crash diet in changes over the long haul, get yourself involved in a fun exercise program and start repl least 30 minutes of exercise every day can make a big difference in your body and your he 42    April 2012 | Grace&Glory




colors. ry woman ook slim and p to hide flaws

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fashion focus

Size Matters: Flattering Accessories and Shoes

When it comes to shoes and fashion accessories, remember that size matters. It’s not just your size that matters – it’s also the size of your accessory. If you’re a full-figured woman, carrying a tiny purse or wearing a thin belt will only draw attention to your size. Instead of choosing an item simply because you like it or because it’s in fashion right now, think balance and choose your accessories accordingly. Larger women should try a medium-sized purse, a wide belt, a necklace with a large pendant, or a bigger watch. You’ll be surprised at how balanced accessories can make you look thinner. The shoes you wear also play a part in balancing your size and height. Dainty shoes on a larger woman may give the appearance that the heel is going to give out. So don’t buy something just because it looks good on someone else – choose according to your size. If you want to add height to your figure, start with a three-inch heel. Taller heels are OK if you are an expert at walking in skyscrapers, but you’ll look awkward if you’re stumbling in too-high heels. Try before you buy and make sure you can walk gracefully in the heel that you choose. Also, consider a pointy-toed shoe to elongate a short body – this shape will make you appear taller and slimmer. A final note on shoes: If you’re going for height, watch out for shoes with dark-colored ankle straps, which can visually cut the length of the leg at the ankle, making the entire leg appear shorter and undoing the benefit of wearing heels.

Problems with Patterns and Stripes

The rule of wearing monochromatic colors does not, however, apply to prints. A mistake that women occasionally make is thinking that if wearing the same color on top and bottom is good, wearing the same print on top and bottom is good, too. Avoid this fashion faux pas and remember dark pants if that you should never wear one pattern from top to bottom, or else you’ll end up looking like a aking you giant paisley or polka-dot clown. This doesn’t mean you have to give up patterned clothes. Just add a remember that your flower-print shirt looks best with your black skirt, not flower-print capris. rom Stripes can be your best friend or your worst enemy. If you are thin and want to add 10 pounds to your frame, then by all means wear horizontal stripes. But if you’re trying to hide figure flaws or appear taller, vertical lines are just the ticket. Pinstripe pants are great for work and very flattering in ack, dark brown or navy blue. One word of caution: If you want to disguise your curves, stay away ertical lines, which will turn into squiggles as they hug your curves. To downplay a full figure, stick ored clothing.

n order to look great for that party this weekend. But if you really want to make some healthy lacing junk food with fresh fruits and vegetables. Taking a good look at your diet and getting at ealth. Then you can go shopping and think about what you like, instead of just what likes you.

Source: www.lifescript.com

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carter’s commentary

On Siblings & A Salute to My Sister Comparatively speaking, one of the most understudied areas of family dynamics is was quick to make it known, to him, “When Mann shows up, you just light up.” Such is the relationship aspect between siblings. Psychology Today published an article by an insight into our sibling relationship. Jane Mersky Leder in January of 1993 and reviewed in 1999 that family experts have Of additional interest is that as we celebrated the life of Mrs. Roseborough, my sister, underemphasized the sibling relationship. who’d spent considerable time visiting her and supporting my wife at the hospital, was This is not to say, however, that this area isn’t being explored. At the forefront is called upon, during the service of homegoing to give remarks. Among other things she Judy Dunn whose pioneering sibling studies have recently been conducted in England shared was the fact that she felt blessed getting to know and spend time with members and this country. Her work has presented eye-opening information regarding children’s of her extended family; and, not having a biological sister, she had embraced my wife as abilities and their social understanding. She now knows that from the startling young her surrogate sister. age of one year, siblings respond to disputes between each other by supporting or What really got to me to hone in on this area of the family was our father and his own punishing one of their antagonists. These same siblings are profoundly affected by their siblings. He has three living sisters. His brother, eleven months his senior, passed in mother’s interaction with the other siblings. 2005. His oldest sister lives in Selma, Alabama and is gradually becoming less mobile. Those of us who’ve grown up in a two-child (or more) family environment know Prior to his surgery, he had arranged that his youngest sister, who lives in Atlanta, something about this area of the family. From vying for attention to squabbles over toys Georgia, would come to stay with him, in addition to his healthcare professionals, and the and from who’s going to get the last piece of chicken or slice of pizza to competition over assistance that Weppy and I could provide. Indeed, she came, spending consecutive grades, we have been affected by this area of life. nights in the hospital, proving to be a real trooper of a baby sister, even staying with him I share the aforementioned simply as a springboard, and not by any means as a when he was released to go home. critique, to get us thinking about this area of family life, which has, quite frankly, been a Inasmuch as our father had been at home for almost a week, his middle sister significant subject of late in my world. For the past six months, the came to visit him from Indianapolis, Indiana, for a few days. One sibling relationship has loomed large, from my point of view, than at afternoon, while we were all sitting around reminiscing about his any other time in my life. And, therefore, I have come to acquire a ordeal in the hospital, about his being under the influence of pain greater appreciation for and of it. medicines, and about his recovery, in general, he—the loving When my mother-in-law, Mrs. Doris Roseborough, suddenly agitator that he is—said to his sister from Indiana, “I want you to fix took ill and was in ICU for almost three weeks, before her passing, me (us) one of your great meals, tomorrow.” her remaining siblings (2 sisters and a brother) kept watch and O.K. Now, any of us who’s ever come of age in any traditional remained vigilant, loving, supporting and concerned, in their own family/home environment knows well that kitchens are territorial respective and respectful ways, mindful that their sister, Doris spaces. His baby sister, the cook that she is, had to hear this (although not the 1st born or eldest) had become, in many ways, request from the one she’s been providing for. I tried to say their “go-to” family member for advice, counsel, help, etc., and something like, “Doc, you can’t ask her to cook for ALL of us. That’s matriarch of not just them, but of the family, in general. Each one asking too much,” in an effort to diffuse… But, it was too late (smile). had their own unique way in coping and handling their sister’s One of the great things about the African-American family, circumstances. in general, is that, overall, we love each other. Regardless of Her hospitalization and subsequent passing, also, allowed me to “whatever,” we know that ultimately “blood is thicker than water.” witness, at a completely new level, the sibling relationship between Whether it’s the siblings of Mrs. Roseborough, my wife and her Lil' Man & Weppy my wife, Monique, and her only brother (two years, her senior). brother, my sons, my sister and me, my father and his siblings, or They, too, stood at their mother’s bedside, in shifts, around the you and your respective siblings, somehow we know that L-O-V-E clock. And, they, too, did so in their own respective and respectful ways. Interestingly, presides and keeps us together. We can fuss, feud, and fight but even given the worst based on my observation it was during this period of travail that the younger daughter of love-hate relationships, love wins (baring a few exceptions). (my wife) emerged as a “go-to” spokesperson, if not leader. Such was not anything There is nothing new about this area of the family. “Am I my brother’s keeper?” is still that was sought out, but a seemingly natural progression, given the immediate family a question that haunts us, today, even as it fell from the lips of Cain, as God questioned dynamic. To be sure, such came with its own insights and, yes, issues that had to him concerning the whereabouts of his brother, Abel (Genesis 4), at the beginning of be processed and worked through, especially when understood in the context of the creation. And biblical history is replete with accounts and stories of sibling issues that wishes and even as the legal plans of Mrs. Roseborough were being carried out. have punctuated the evolution of family, society, and world religions: Jacob & Esau, When Mrs. Roseborough passed, our two sons, and her grandsons, who’d become Joseph and his brothers, Moses, Aaron, and Miriam, and the parable of the prodigal & extremely close to their grandmother, could be seen through this sibling lens. The oldest his older brother, to cite a few. Granted, there does exist the negative side of the sibling of our sons expressed to his younger brother (seven years difference) his concern as to issue, and research suggests that it should not be ignored. “Oh, they’ll just grow out of why he wasn’t more emotive? We had to explain to both of them that everyone grieves it,” is not the attitude or approach to have. “Intervene!” is the operative word. “The more differently, and that even though they’re brothers, they aren’t completely alike, nor are they are allowed to fight as youth, the more likely they are to fight as adults,” states Judy they supposed to be. Dunn. Subsequent to my mother-in-law’s passing, the new year began with my father, However, my desire to share these thoughts have not so much to do with sibling Dr. Harold A. Carter, having to undergo major surgery. My sister, Weptanomah (or rivalry, as it does sibling harmony and unity. Our Western World calendar is replete Weppy, as we affectionately call her, and one year, my senior) and I have been placed with holidays and special recognitions. We have Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Children’s in the providential position of obviously having to spend more time with each other and Day, but no Sibling’s Day. However, observing the loving fortitude, unceasing devotion, communicate much more regularly than, perhaps, at any other time over the past three willingness to learn medical terms, techniques, and relate to medical professionals, months, during our father’s recovery. However, since January 11, the day of our father’s having to maintain her home and looking after her own family, all the while having to surgery, the sibling relationship has emerged at a totally evolved level; yet, not without commute at all hours of the night and day from Bowie to Baltimore and back again, some of the base characteristics normally attributed to this aspect of the family. For without a second thought, I want to be the first to advocate Sister’s Day on the behalf of example, early on, as our father began his post-surgery recovery, I kept an out-of-town my dear sister, Weptanomah Carter Davis for the ongoing herculean care she has given commitment, while, of course, staying in contact with my sister. During those four days, to our father. She’s given so much. She’s taken a lot. And, she has been the constant our father found himself heavily relying on her and on occasion venting to her, out of his stabilizing factor in the recovery and renewal of our father and the pastor of the New post-surgery trauma. Upon my return, from her perspective, he welcomed me like a Shiloh Baptist Church. breath of fresh air. It was as if I was golden. Granted, she’d been in the trenches with One expert wrote that whatever siblings go through, the likelihood is that they will him, 24/7, at the hospital. However, all the while he would be asking, “When’s Mann (as one day be best friends. Such may be true, but I, also, contend that too often friends, I’m familiarly called) coming back?” As a PhD candidate in counseling psychology, she even best friends, come and go, but siblings are forever. www.gracenglorymagazine.org  45

word of encouragement

Why Jesus Entered the Scene

As we celebrate Resurrection Day 2012, let’s pause to remember why Jesus came. Above, I have three different translations of 1 John 3:8 – clearly letting us know the reason Jesus was made manifest (visible) to destroy, loosen and dissolve the very works of the evil one. God promised in Genesis 3:14 that He would put enmity between the serpent and the woman, and between the serpent’s offspring and the offspring of the woman, “He will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” So satan knew that there was coming a time that God was going to turn things around for fallen man. What satan didn’t know was who it would be, when it would be and how it would be. We are told in the Ephesians 6:12, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Therefore anyone that would avail themselves to satan, he would use to abort God’s plan of redemption for His people. In the Old Testament, we see the devil using the King of Egypt in Exodus 1:15-18 -- The king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives, whose names were Shiphrah and Puah, “When you are helping the Hebrew women during childbirth on the delivery stool, if you see that the baby is a boy, kill him; but if it is a girl, let her live.” The midwives, however, feared God and did not do what the king of Egypt had told them to do; they let the boys live. Then the king of Egypt summoned the midwives and asked them, “Why have you done this? Why have you let the boys live?” The midwives answered Pharaoh, “Hebrew women are not like Egyptian women; they are vigorous and give birth before the midwives arrive.” What would be the reason for the King to desire the death of the baby boys? Because satan didn’t know which direction God would come from to redeem His people. When the devil saw that he could stop the influx of children being born to the Egyptian woman, he issued a decree through the Pharaoh -- Then Pharaoh gave this order to all his people: “Every Hebrew boy that is born you must throw into the Nile, but let every girl live.” However God has other plans for Moses and after He was born and His mother kept Him, there came a time when she put him a basket and sent it down the river. Pharaoh daughter found Moses and got his own mother to nurse and take care of him, every day. Who else but God could arrange so perfect conditions? In the New Testament, the devil does the same thing. The wise men were pleased to see Jesus and gave him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. God warned them to go home by a different way and not to go back to Herod. Herod was a jealous man and didn't like the idea that someone was planning on taking his place as King. When he realized the wise men were not coming back he ordered all the children less than two years of age to be killed. But God had told Joseph and Mary to take Jesus to Egypt and they lived there safely until Herod had died. When Herod realized that the shepherds were not coming back He issued an order than all the children under two years old should be killed. However, when there is a purpose and a destiny to be done, nothing could 46    April 2012 | Grace&Glory

So, my dear children don't let anyone divert you from the truth. It's the person who acts right who is right, just as we see it lived out in our righteous Messiah. Those who make a practice of sin are straight from the Devil, the pioneer in the practice of sin. The Son of God entered the scene to abolish the Devil's ways. [1 John 3:8 - The Message (MSG)] The devil has been sinning since the beginning. Anyone who continues to sin belongs to the devil. The Son of God came for this: to destroy the devil’s work. [1 John 3:8 -- Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)] [But] he who commits sin [who practices evildoing] is of the devil [takes his character from the evil one], for the devil has sinned (violated the divine law) from the beginning. The reason the Son of God was made manifest (visible) was to undo (destroy, loosen, and dissolve) the works the devil [has done]. [1 John 3:8 Amplified Bible (AMP)] stand in God’s way, because God’s perfect will is going to be done in the earth as it is in heaven So even though the enemy set out to take Jesus out before he got here, satan has no power to stop what God did was doing then, is doing now and will do in days to come. . Everywhere Jesus went, be it at the synagogue or on the mountain top, people followed him constantly. Jesus came to set the captive free, Donna because the Spirit of the Sovereign God was upon Williams-Ross Him. Wherever Jesus showed up people were healed of sickness and disease, deaf and dumb spirits had to leave, demons had to cry out at the sight of Jesus, because they know they will be punished for eternity. One of the purposes Jesus came to planet earth was to show us the relationship He had with His Father – a story of Jesus abiding in God. He came to die to show us how to live. He came to do in poverty so that we don’t have to be poor no more. What a wonderful father. Had they know they would not have crucified Jesus, because Jesus became the seed that was planted to bring forth the harvest of souls? Jesus boldly declared that “the Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion — to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor. I encourage you to know today that regardless of where you find yourself -- just know that God is willing to stand upon His promises or redemption and as you trust God – just when you need Him the most God will show up and should out. Jesus is risen, seated on the right hand of God the Father and was raised up by God to destroy every work of the enemy. So in spite of what you are being challenged with today, remember that the One who could destroy all of the works of the enemy lives on the inside of you. You cannot be moved, you cannot be stopped and no man can take your life – you have to give it up with your word. The decision to all rise above the tricks and schemed of the devil is to remember that Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection has given you the right to stand upon God’s promises. I encourage you to know who you are in Christ and to know most of all that “Christ the Lord is risen today” Hallelujah and He did it just for you and I. Father thank you for truly destroying the works of the enemy.

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