1 minute read
Our Father
Well, it’s Dad’s turn to be celebrated! So we dedicate this month’s issue to our Fathers, Grandfathers, Godfathers, Uncles and Brothers. It is a hard act to follow after rolling out the red carpet for mom. Dare we say mother is more important than dad? Truth is we can’t have one without the other right? Yet, for some reason when it comes to Dad, sometimes he is not celebrated with the same exuberance we celebrate our mothers.
Father’s Day should be a time of celebration for this man that in his daughter’s eyes can do no wrong, and in his son’s eyes he is a hero. This father will be celebrated because he has provided for his children and loves them with all his heart. This father will be celebrated because he has tea with his daughter’s make-believe friends and never misses his son’s school games. This father is right there for his son’s first crush and his daughter’s first broken heart. This father will shed a tear as he gives his daughter’s hand away in holy matrimony and will boast with pride about his son graduating from college. We salute and honor this man!
I know for some, Father’s Day can be painful, a sad reminder of growing up without a father present in the home or being active in their lives. The pain of growing up fatherless can sometimes leave a scar that is hard to remove. There may even be some situations or circumstances that warrant the absence of dad, but to a child without a father these things or reasons mean nothing. But, for every situation, circumstance or reason, your father was not there, there is someone who is more than able to fill that void. That someone is God, Our Heavenly Father.
Though we all may not fall into the category of growing up without a father, the truth be told there are a large number of dads who are present in the lives of their children. But what I would like to say to those who grew up with a father present and to those who did not . . . there is one thing we all have in common, we all can claim the same Heavenly Father. We all share the greatest Father of all, and He has never been an absentee dad.
Let me remind you about Our Father. Our Father is omnipresent, He is with you at the same time He is with me, in fact He is everywhere at all times. Our Father is omniscient, He is the wisest of all, and He knows everything about each one of us. Our Father is omnipotent, He is all-powerful and almighty, He can do whatever He wants to do when He wants to.