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The Father’s Formula
Follow the Father’s formula! God loved you so much that not only did He give you His only begotten son, Jesus, as your Lord and Savior, but He also gave you a formula to live by to ensure that you can live to live again. The Father’s formula is simple: But seek first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you (Matthew 6:33). When you follow the Father’s formula, “these things” are released to you: the force of the Holy Ghost, favor on your life, and you go forth knowing that any fight you encounter is fixed, because with God on your side you win in every situation and circumstance. As you celebrate all the special men that are fathers and father figures in your life this Father’s Day, make sure to spend some moments with your Master to get to know Him on another level, firm up your walk with Him, and go full force following His formula.
The Father’s formula includes the force of the Holy Ghost. You have the dunamis power of the Holy Ghost and can fearlessly and fiercely conquer any obstacle that comes your way. His joy is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10). With the Master’s method you have the blessed assurance that greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4). You can do all things through Christ because He is the one that gives you the strength to conquer all things (Philippians 4:13).
Following the Father’s formula pours out His power on you!
Following the Father’s formula gives you, His favor. When you delight yourself in the Lord, He will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4). No good thing will He withhold from you if you walk upright before Him (Psalm 84:11). He is able to exceed and go above and beyond anything you can imagine (Ephesians 3:20). Following the Father’s formula is being faithful to Him and fearing Him only. The Father’s formula is the fuel that you need to live out your purpose and His plan for your life. Following the Father’s formula helps to make your vision become tangible and manifests all of your dreams and desires.
Following the Father’s formula guarantees that it is a fixed fight and you can beat any battle. You automatically win. There is no way to lose with God on your side. He not only gave you the formula to fight and win but He gave you the keys to the Kingdom to access everything that you need to win any battle (Matthew 18:18-20). You also have angels that are assigned just to you. These angels will help you and hold you up while you are fighting. The force of the Holy Ghost, the fear of God and only God, a favored-filled life, faithful to Him always, and a fixed fight. This is a phenomenal and fantastic formula to follow!
Elder Tracey Nicole George www.traceystrinketstotriumph.com