Grace & Glory July 2018

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July 2018

contents on the cover: Bishop Walter S. Thomas Presiding Prelate

Kingdom Association of Covenant Pastors 2018 Annual Pastor’s Conference New Psalmist Baptist Church 6020 Marian Drive Baltimore, Maryland 21215 410-945-3000

Special Feature pgs 8-13 - Kingdom Association of Covenant Pastor’s 2018 Annual Conference “The Art of Celebration” is happening July 17-19, at the New Psalmist Baptist Church. Join Bishop Walter Scott Thomas for relevant, life-changing teaching and direction on how to Reset, Recharge and Rejoice between projects, Church seasons and lifecycles – recognizing effective Ministry must embrace the art of celebration!

Feature Article 18 WOMAN’S PERSPECTIVE Tiffany Bethea


Dr. Carla J. Debnam, (Founder, Renaissance Christian Counseling Center)

Prayer Still Works

4   July 2018 | Grace&Glory

Stay Hydrated

Healthy Mind

St. Mary’s



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Contact Patty Rath, or 410.864.4203 for more information.  5

For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. Psalm 84:11


Herline A. Knights Dr. Carla J. Debnam Brandie Manigault Tiffany Bethea Ruth Young Tyler


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Grace & Glory Magazine is published monthly by JE Media, LLC, a Baltimore based, independent publisher. Copyright 2018. All rights reserved. Reproduction without expressed permission is prohibited.


Ephesians 3:14-21 (NIV) 14

For this reason I kneel before the Father, 15 from whom every family in heaven and on earth

derives its name. 16 through faith.

His Spirit

I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you with power in your inner being, 17 so that

may dwell in your hearts through

And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18 may have power, together

with all the


holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love

Christ, 19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge – that you may be filled to the


measure of all the fullness of









who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according

power that is at work within us, 21 to


throughout all generations, for ever and ever!

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be glory in the church and in


Christ Jesus

from the editor

The first half of the year has passed and is behind us now. Along with it has also passed some disappointments, some heartache, some ups and some downs. In spite of what has already happened in the first half of this year, all is not lost. We are to forget those things which are behind and keep pressing forward. We have to stay strong and keep the faith. As we look back over these last six months, I’m sure we all can say that God never left us alone; and if we stay strong and keep pressing the Bible tells us that God will never leave us or forsake us. I have discovered that while God is on our side, He has also equipped us for this journey. God has provided us with tools to help us make it through the journey. So now we just need strength for the journey. We can draw our strength from the Word of God. The Bible teaches us that we get strength from the Lord in a number of ways. There are three that I would like to point out . . . prayer, patience and perseverance. Prayer. Prayer changes things and the Word of God tells us that, “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” James 5:16 Patience. “But we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope”; Romans 5:3-4 Perseverance. “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up on wings as eagles; they shall run and not be

weary; and they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31 We can obtain strength for the journey by always holding on to God’s unchanging hand and trusting and believing in His promises through His Word. With six months already gone, I will agree that it is very difficult to hold on to what you were believing God to do in your life this year. I’m sure you remember all the declarations you made New Year’s Day full of hope and expectations. But if we hold on and faint not, we will see the salvation of the Lord. We have to remember that God is able to supply all of our needs. God will take care of us and He will not forsake us. God will not fall short on His promises. If we remain faithful to Him, He will be faithful to us. God has not forgotten you nor is He worried about this year being half gone. God is still able to do exceeding abundantly above all you could ever ask or think. So I encourage you to not throw in the towel on this year, “But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” (I Corinthians 2:9)

Jackie Epps

Editor-in-Chief  77


G&G: Bishop Thomas, welcome back to Grace & Glory. Thank you for this opportunity to talk with you about this year’s upcoming Kingdom Association of Covenant Pastors Conference. What makes this annual event so important? Bishop Thomas: KACP is a fellowship of pastors and churches committed to ensuring pastors have the tools and encouragement needed to maneuver and develop effective ministry. Our annual conferences are an opportunity to come together to share information and inspiration. Hundreds of persons come each year – not just pastors – but Church leaders including deacons, trustees, singers, musician and ministry leaders – all expecting to find relevant information and teaching which can make their Churches better. G&G: Bishop Thomas can you talk with us about the theme for this year’s conference? Bishop Thomas: We see the word in scripture but when is the last time as a Ministry you’ve had the opportunity to REJOICE! We have celebrations in our individual lives – birthdays, graduations, weddings, new babies – and it provides an opportunity to pause and celebrate. Scripture is filled with moments of celebration as both the Savior and people experience the miraculous wonders of The Lord. Our Ministries also reflect seasons of victory when the project is complete, the milestone is achieved, and the vision is realized. Our next challenge becomes celebrating and rejoicing with the same intensity in which we approached and completed “the work”. Our challenge is taking the time to stay in celebration mode (rejoicing) before we are off to the next challenge. At this year’s conference we want to talk about the Art of Celebration.

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G&G: What scripture is guiding this year’s Conference theme? Bishop Thomas: In the gospel of Luke, we read “However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do.” Jesus was full of JOY – this is the rejoicing we want in our Churches.

G&G: Are you suggesting the Church is not experiencing joy or rejoicing? Bishop Thomas: As I travel around the country, I am seeing the heavy weights people are carrying. Our churches are facing struggles that are not going away anytime soon and members are struggling to keep up with their lives. This year’s conference experience is geared to address this reality. The Christian Church was born in struggle and in flames. The early Christians found themselves confronting issues that could cost them their lives. Yet, the Apostle Paul wrote the Corinthian Church and said “Rejoice!” The key

to their strength being activated in their reality was linked to their ability to rejoice. Some of us hear this and say it’s easier said than done; that is true, but it still must be done. Our strength is released when we rejoice. The Old Testament put it this way, “The joy of the Lord is our strength!” Our joy is the energy that charges through in every challenge we face. G&G: Can you talk more about the frustration you are seeing? Continued on page 10 Photos from the 2017 Big Dreams Conference  9


Continued from page 9

Bishop Thomas: Problems are not exclusive to churches and pastors. And, like everyone else it can become frustrating when the problems begin to multiply. The multiplicity of problems can lead to frustration, depression and despair. In despair, people, pastors and churches are unable to move toward their goals and dreams. But – there is energy in rejoicing. We have to reset our program, recharge our ministries and rejoice in the God of our salvation. This Conference will equip leaders and churches with the tools necessary to continue the work and to be effective for the kingdom. G&G: And, supporting pastors and church is the foundational mission of KACP – isn’t that correct? Bishop Thomas: KACP cares about pastors and their churches. Beyond the annual conference, we host a pastor’s retreat and, beyond these formal Fellowship components we talk with each other, encourage each other. A pastor will pick up the phone and simply call me to ask for advice and I will share

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what I know from my experiences. We also share resources – people, ideas – all in an effort to BE A FELLOWSHIP that pastors can call on during these days of change, difficulty and opportunity. G&G: Bishop Thomas, where can persons find additional conference information and register for the Conference? Bishop Thomas: Complete Conference information, including fees and a detailed Conference schedule, are available on our website at www. You can also reach out to New Psalmist by phone at 410-945-3000. Registration is moving swiftly and hotel rooms are limited. We have a powerful lineup of speakers and preachers and your members will be inspired and empowered.

Photos from the 2017 Big Dreams Conference  11

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Celebrating its 10th Church Anniversary 2008 - 2018 N

"God's People Seeking Wisdom and Power to Live Holy"

9990 Liberty Road Randallstown, MD 21133 Phone: 410-655-4445 Rev. Dr. Ruby C. Gilliam, Senior Pastor Deacon Grant Gilliam, First Gentleman  15

16   July 2018 | Grace&Glory  17


woman’s perspective


By Tiffany Bethea, Founder, Kingdomboss,, @tiffanylbethea, (social media handles)

It is hot outside, isn’t it? We are in the full swing of summer now ladies. Vacation time is upon us. Children are outside playing in fullness of the hot weather and beaches are full of those seeking fun in the sun. While we enjoy the warmth and beauty of this time of year our bodies require extra hydration to stay healthy. This time of year, we also notice that attendance to church functions and activities begin to slowly dwindle as people travel and enjoy their summer vacations. Let us be reminded that while we may vacation from work and other responsibilities, we can never take a break from our relationship with God. We need Him daily! “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” John 4: 13-14. When Jesus talked to the woman at the well drawing water, he illustrated for us the importance of our spiritual relationship. She was there to get water but Jesus uses this moment to teach and point to spiritual water that would never run out like the natural water. Have you ever been outside on a really hot day and been thirsty? Do you remember how great it felt to finally get a cold glass of water to drink? It was so refreshing and invigorating and you could almost feel it go all the way down it was that enjoyable. So it is when the word and the presence of God goes in and touches all of the dry and thirsty places in our lives. There is a void inside each of us that nothing but the presence of God can satisfy. Too often we look other places and attempt to satisfy it with money, sex, success, food, shopping, and so many other things. In the end we continue to the point where we fully realize that only God can quench the thirst that we feel. Once we fully taste of His glory we can never go back to the things that we once looked to for satisfaction. Only God will do it for us. Just like anything else that we loved and appreciated at first, once the novelty of our relationship with God wears off we may not spend as much time in His presence or in His word. But if we are not careful before long the same thirst He quenched is back again. It is only with sustained time in His presence that we continue to be satisfied. We must daily run to God for the spiritual drink of water that Jesus was speaking of. The living water that Jesus described is a fountain of water springing up inside of us. The Holy Spirit inside of us helps us to access this fountain of love, joy, peace, etc. found in the very essence of God. Too much time away from God keeps us away from this fountain also. So, as we continue our vacations and our beach visits this summer my sisters, let’s continue to stay hydrated naturally and spiritually. Naturally drinking plenty of water will help our body temples to stay nourished and cared for. Spiritually, the presence of God and time in His word will keep us in alignment and in the center of His will, peace and joy. Enjoy this lovely weather and please get out and see the beautiful earth that He has created. Talk with you again next month!

to your good health

Prayer Still Works

By: Dr. Carla Debnam, Founder, Renaissance Christian Counseling Center

There are times when the challenges of life become overwhelming and these seem to be the times. The news about our world, our country and our community seem to be bleak and without hope. Not a day goes by when there is not some report of tragedy and loss. Of course this is not new to our world, but with the twenty-four hour news cycle, cell phone videos and instant uploads the information is disseminated at a rapid pace. With this in mind we must not give up but we must continue to pray without ceasing. The signs of the times can lead to despair or encourage us to become involved in changing the atmosphere of our surroundings. The most effective way to make a difference is through prayer. This may seem like a simple solution to a complex problem but that is what every situation that is beyond our control could use. Our loved ones need prayer. Our coworkers and church members need prayer. Our enemies need prayer and so do our friends. Our leaders need prayer, too. Everyone and every circumstance can be lifted to God in prayer. We must pray with thanksgiving and belief in God’s ability to answer our prayers. There is nothing too hard for God. We must keep our faith during the most difficult seasons in our lives. Losses, pain, disappointment, abuse and mistreatment can leave us raw and angry. When these times arise we must take action through prayer and in pursuit of righteousness. We must lead the charge to challenge the wrongs we see happening daily. Through prayer we can be encouraged to be the change agents God has called us to be through our relationship with Jesus. Prayer still works! We are proof of that. 18   July 2018 | Grace&Glory  19

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