September 2011

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2   September 2011 | Grace&Glory  3


contents on the cover: Dr. Harold A. Carter, Jr. New Shiloh Baptist Church 2100 N. Monroe Street Baltimore, Maryland 21217 410-523-5306

Q&A Interview 8-9

Q&A Interview with Dr. Harold A. Carter, Jr.


PG. 11


Enrich Your Life – ADULT Education


Brandie Manigault

Hurt People, Hurt People (Sandra Wilson) 4   September 2011 | Grace&Glory


Erika J.


Rev. Therm James

Pastor: The Persuader or The Manipulator


Carla J. Debnam, MS, LCPC

In Remembrance


Maryland General Hospital

Quality Primary & Specialty Care


Herline A. Knights

Vitamins: Reading The Labels



33 BODY BASICS If It’s Not Working … Look Gorgeous: From R Head to Toe

Counting On What’s Not There

Dr. Kenneth O. Robinson

New Streams of Income

teen connect


6419 York Road, Towson, MD 21212


ecently while training in a local gym, a young man was working really hard but not getting the results he was looking to get. He was on the treadmill, elliptical, free weights and he was doing everything he saw others do. He did so much work but never saw results. Pastors Gregory It appeared that his goals and history needed to be reviewed. For most of us we know where we have come from & Tonya Dennis and we also know where we want to go. Our challenge is what we do to get there. We challenge you to find the plan that fits you this year. Don’t copy what friends have done or what you “think” will work. God has a detailed plan for you that will move you towards your goals. It may not always appear that everything in life is working in line with the goals you have. However, if it is in your life it has to work for your good and God’s glory. The young man eventually got a plan for success. His goals became less of a challenge and he started to see results. This school year can be the best one ever if you remember God is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. He has a plan for your middle as well. Seek God’s plan for your life. If something in your life is not working, ask God for a plan.


Cassandra Vaughn-Fox


Donna Williams-Ross

In Every Issue Contributors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6


Pastors Greg & Tonya Dennis

From the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

If It’s Not Working

Scripture Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

33  5

For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. Psalm 84:11

Advisory Board



Jackie Epps


Jackie Epps


Dr. Kenneth O. Robinson Dr. Harold A. Carter, Jr. Cassandra Vaughn-Fox Herline A. Knights Charles ‘Chizel It’ Harris Pastors Gregory and Tonya Dennis Carla J. Debnam Donna Williams-Ross Governor Martin O’Malley Ericka Johnson Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake Rev. Tim Tooten Brandie Manigault


Mark L. Dennis


Claire Lesesne


Arts Period


Chroma Graphics

Grace & Glory Magazine is published monthly by JE Media, LLC, a Baltimore based, independent publisher. Copyright 2011. All rights reserved. Reproduction without expressed permission is prohibited.

Chairman — Dr. A.C. D. Vaughn Sr. Pastor, Sharon Baptist Church, MD Vice-Chairman — Dr. Frank M. Reid III Sr. Pastor, Bethel A.M.E. Church, MD Dr. Jerome A. Barber Sixth Mount Zion Baptist Temple, Hampton , VA Dr. Michael A. Battle Sr., U.S. Ambassador President, ITC Seminary, Atlanta, GA Dr. Timothy Boddie Friendship Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA Bishop John R. Bryant Presiding Prelate of the 5th Episcopal District Dr. Harold A. Carter, Sr. Pastor, New Shiloh Baptist Church, MD Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook, U.S. Ambassador Sr. Pastor, Believers Christian Fellowship, NY Dr. WIlliam H. Curtis Mt. Ararat Baptist Church, Pittsburgh, PA Bishop Ralph L. Dennis Sr. Pastor, Kingdom Worship Center, MD Wanda Q. Draper/Media Executive Michele J.K. Epps/Health Sciences Cassandra Vaughn/Out Foxed Media LLC. Dr. Donte’ L. Hickman, Sr. Pastor, Southern Baptist Church, MD Pastor Timothy V. Manigault Bishop Dennis V. Proctor Presiding Prelate of the Western Episcopal Region AME Zion Church Dr. Kenneth O. Robinson Pastor, Restoring Life International Church, MD Bishop Walter Scott Thomas, Sr. Pastor, New Psalmist Baptist Church, MD Dr. Timothy Tooten, Sr. Pastor, Harvest Christian Ministries, MD

2011 Specials

Grace & Glory Magazine is the ideal publication for all your advertising needs! -Churches, Minsitries, Christian Schools, Choirs: Inform the community of your services, programs, etc. -Salons, Boutiques, Specialty shops: Advertise your sales. -Businesses, Realtors, Financial Advisors: Educate consumers of your services.

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6   September 2011 | Grace&Glory

from the editor

Jackie Epps


Keep Moving


This month Grace & Glory Magazine is celebrating its fifth year in print. It has now been five years since the vision and ministry of the Grace & Glory Magazine was birthed. During those five years like most endeavors, the Grace & Glory Magazine has had its share of testings and trials. At the end of each year there was always that question that loomed over head, “Should we keep going?” I must say that each time in prayer the answer has been, “Keep moving forward.” God has been so gracious to the Grace & Glory Magazine ministry. I believe that every element of this publication has been strategically placed and preordained by God. I believe that each writer was hand-picked by God, each advertiser was sent by God, and all of the supporters of this faith-based publication has been led by God to pick it up and read it. God has also sent to this ministry a gifted and talented graphic designer and web designer, a hard-working salesperson and a state-of-the art printer. Even though we are small in number, God has blessed tremendously the efforts of all of our labor. This fifth anniversary issue is dedicated to those whom month after month write the informative and inspiring articles, to the graphic designer who month after month designs a work of excellence, to our readers and most of all our advertisers and supporters. We are very excited about this upcoming year and what each new issue will bring to the community. It is our prayer that this new year and new season will bless our readers as we explore new avenues for the magazine. I am proud to announce two new monthly features, ‘Bookshelf’ which is our book review column and ‘From The Pulpit’ a series of articles which will be written by different Pastors and ministers each month. We will also be reintroducing our ‘Fashion Focus’ column debuting this fall. As always it is our prayer to give you a product of excellence and a product that will continue to glorify God. In this new season we look forward to hearing from you our readers, I encourage you to feel free to offer your comments and suggestions to the magazine, and would you please lift up the Grace & Glory Magazine in your prayers. A new season and a new beginning don’t have to be exclusively for the Grace & Glory Magazine. Perhaps you may find yourself in a new season, a new beginning in your life. Embrace it with all the passion and excitement that comes along with a new season, a new beginning. Give it all you’ve got . . . there’s nothing like a brand-new beginning. The word of God says, “Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.” Job 8:7 Peace and blessings . ..

Jackie Epps Editor-in-Chief  77

Q&A interview




I n t e rv i e w W i t h

Dr. Harold A. Carter, Jr. New Shiloh Baptist Church Baltimore, Maryland G&G: Dr. Carter, we salute you this month as you celebrate your 15th Pastoral Anniversary at the New Shiloh Baptist Church! I am very excited for this opportunity to talk with you again. You are not a stranger to the Grace & Glory Magazine family, so let’s jump right in! Dr. Carter: Allow me first, to express appreciation to you for allowing me to be part of the Grace & Glory Magazine family, as a commentator. Also, believe it, or not, it’s been five years since I had the privilege to share with you, being featured in this way. G&G: Dr. Carter, as you reflect over the last fifteen years at the New Shiloh Baptist Church, what would you say has been your passion in ministry? What is the driving force behind your ministry? If your personal ministry could be known for one thing, what would that be? Dr. Carter: I feel that I can best sum up your questions with a single answer; the Word of God. The Word is my passion, it has been, and continues to be, my driving force, and I, personally, do all I can to spend time in/with the Word, in order to remain strong and be able to be a blessing to the members of New Shiloh and others. G&G: After pastoring for fifteen years here in Baltimore, seven years in Petersburg, VA and six years in Reading, PA, what do you believe it takes to be a good pastor in our world today? Dr. Carter: Wow. I trust you’re not trying to make me look old? ☺ Seriously, twenty-eight years of pastoring (and over 31 years, in ministry… I was licensed in 1980) has afforded me the opportunity to see a few things that I believe make for a good pastor. Among them would be: a genuine love of people, keeping a vision before the people (Prov. 29:18a), remaining prayerful, and a prevailing message that life can be overcome (St. John 16:33 & Phil. 4:13). I want to believe that these things are timeless and necessary in any age for effective pastoring. Needless to say, like most things in life, we get out of it what we put into it. 8   September | Grace&Glory 8   September 2011 | 2011 Grace&Glory

G&G: Dr. Carter, with the influx of new ministries and hundreds of churches in the Baltimore community, what sets the New Shiloh Baptist Church and your ministry apart? How would you best describe the ministry of the New Shiloh Baptist Church? Dr. Carter: Well, I must thank and praise God for our entire faith community. We, all, have the same desires; to win souls to Jesus Christ and to make a difference in the life of our respective communities, etc. New Shiloh, quite frankly, has been blessed by God with continuity, for over her, almost, 109 year history, there have only been four pastors (of which I serve as the 4th). Having said that, it is no secret but that generally churches take on the personality of their leaders(s). Much of who New Shiloh is today is inextricably tied up in who my father, Dr. Harold A. Carter, is. He is an amalgamation of the Deep South and he has a burden for evangelism, educational achievement. He is a family man, an enjoyer of life, a prayer! prayer! and prayer, not satisfied with well-doing, lover of worship, an unselfish spirit, and a model of our Christian faith. New Shiloh has, over his forty-six years of pastoring, embodied such traits, and so have I. G&G: Dr. Carter it has been said in today’s society that it is hard to tell the difference between believers and nonbelievers. During your years of pastoring have you found any areas of ministry frustrating or difficult? Has it become more challenging to reach the unsaved? What do you believe the church should be saying and doing?

Q&A interview Dr. Carter: There is little doubt but that the Church faces unique challenges. Competitors vie for people’s attention constantly, twenty-four hours a day, in one way, or another, making it seem like the Church is antiquated, irrelevant, or just another form of entertainment. Obviously, I beg to differ. In spite of the numerous challenges that society (the media, sports, various forms of entertainment, and the drug culture, etc.) offers I remain steadfast on Jesus’ promise, stated in St. Matthew 16:18 (that), “the gates of hell will not prevail against (the Church)”. Anecdotally, let us be mindful that inevitably whenever crisis occurs, it is to the Church where people turn; meaning, it is to God that people still tend to look to for help, healing, and hope. Facebook, or the Ravens, or Arundel Mills Mall can’t quite do all of that. And, may I simply add that although it may appear that believers are undistinguishable from non-believers that it’s ok. Jesus said, in effect, to let them grow together (St. Mt. 13:30). Ours is not so much to try and “police” others. Ours is to check-up on ourselves. As long as I’m letting my light shine, and you’re letting your light shine, then the world will know that we’re different from it. I just preached a sermon based on Philippians 2:15: “That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world….” G&G: For many of our youth they feel that the church is not relevant to their issues and what they face growing up in today’s society; issues that are much more intense than what we faced growing up. Trust is a major issue for them when it comes to church. How do we gain the trust of our youth and how do we meet them at their need to attract them to the church? Dr. Carter: My experience has taught me that, like all of us, all our young people essentially want is l-o-v-e. When they know and feel that they are loved, then they feel secure, protected, trusting, and willing to participate. No wonder, Jesus—who is love—said, “Bring them (the children) to me,” for He is the One who is always relevant to meet the need(s) of any generation. G&G: Dr. Carter, what issues do you see as the most important ones facing the church right now? What would happen to the world without the presence of the Church? Is the Great Commission fulfilled simply by the sharing of the Gospel, or is there more we must do? Dr. Carter: Your question looms large. Arguably, the Church is facing opposition from two major forces, as I see it. One, there remains a concerted effort by the Western world’s media to eliminate anything and/or any message associated with Jesus Christ. And, secondly, as has been the case pretty much since the Book of Genesis; and, subsequently the N.T. Gospels, is the irony of having to deal with other religions. The cause of Christ is ever being muted at those levels. I’m sure that Grace & Glory readers know that most of our global conflicts are not so much about land, oil, or ego, but about who will be God? Our mandate, then, is to do all we can to declare the Lordship of Jesus Christ who said, “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all… unto me” (St. John 12:32), and make a daily priority of living out the Great Commission. G&G: Dr. Carter shifting gears let’s talk a little about politics and the church. Of course we all know that your father Dr. Harold Carter, Sr. is an advocate of civil rights. I came across this question and I would like to share it with you. If God is sovereign over all world events, should Christians vote or seek public office to bring social change? Dr. Carter: We, as Christians, are called to live in this world. We just aren’t supposed to be of it. Jesus said, “Render to Caesar (the world, society, government) the things that are Caesar’s….” (St. Mark 12:17). And, we are to, “Obey them that have rule over (us)… for they watch for (our) souls…” (Hebrews 13:17). In a word, yes. We must carry out our civic duties and responsibilities.

Photo taken prior to Pastor Carter Jr’s oldest son’s, Daniel N. Carter’s Initial Sermon, Sunday, August 7, 2011. Three generations, including Pastor Harold A. Carter.

G&G: Dr. Carter, what are your thoughts on what’s happening in our state, community, and nation? Dr. Carter: There seems to be a wide emotional response to government, on any level. From overthrows to apathy, and from the emergence of the Tea Party to our own city’s upcoming elections, frustration seems to be the order of the day. The economy (debt), unemployment, wars, etc. are significant factors of destabilization; not to mention our U.S. Congress that can’t seem to “see the forest for the trees.” Maybe President Obama is onto something. Maybe a good vacation is necessary. Maybe we should all take a few steps back, catch our breath, and come back to the table refreshed and revised. It could be that while we’re away, a miracle might take place, ever reminding us of the axiom, to let go and let God. G&G: Dr. Carter, my last set of questions is about your personal relationship with God. At times in this Christian walk, what do you do when you can’t feel God’s presence? How do you maintain a life of consistent spiritual discipline? And how can we avoid being hindered on our spiritual journey? Dr. Carter: My theology asserts that God’s presence is always present. If and when there are moments of wondering where God is or doubting God’s reality or ability, I cannot blame God. Those are indications, for me, that I have not been enough in His presence. Basically, those moments are signs of weakness and vulnerability and warn me that I need to be strengthened. “Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy…” (Ps. 16:11), and “…The joy of the Lord is (our) strength.” (Neh. 8:10). Simply put, we must seek ever to stay in His presence, and that’s what keeps us strong. G&G: Dr. Carter lastly, as you celebrate your 15th Pastoral Anniversary, can you share with us what’s on the horizon for you that will give you an opportunity to expand your ministry? Dr. Carter: First, allow me to digress and personally thank you, again, Sis. Jackie Epps, for your labor of love. You have, in many ways, singlehandedly kept Grace & Glory Magazine operable, and you have done so maintaining a first-rate periodical that our community is extremely proud of. Secondly, thank you for allowing me to be a part of this publication. By December, I will have written my 50th commentary and I plan to compile them for publication. Thirdly, I want to invite all to be a part of my 15th Pastoral Anniversary, at New Shiloh, on Sunday, September 18, 2011 (please note advertisement page in this edition). Finally, as to your question, I seek ever to be open to the Spirit of God. “Where He leads me, I will follow.”  9

10   September 2011 | Grace&Glory

pastor bio

D r . H arold A. C arter , J r .

New Shiloh Baptist Church Baltimore, MD


r. Harold A. Carter, Jr. is a third generation preacher of the Gospel ofJesus Christ, having been licensed and ordained in the church of his upbringing (1980), the New Shiloh Baptist Church, Baltimore, Maryland.

He is married to Rev. Monique T. Carter, and they are the parents of two sons, Daniel Nathan and Timothy Alphonso. He is the son of Dr. and Mrs. (Also Dr.) Harold A. Carter and has one sister, Weptanomah Davis. Dr. Carter is a graduate of Eastern College, St. Davids, Pennsylvania, earning a B.A. in English Literature/ Writing and Religion... is a graduate of the Lancaster Theological Seminary, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, earning a Master of Divinity degree... is a graduate of the United Theological Seminary, Dayton, Ohio, earning the Doctor of Ministry degree, and among many honors and awards, he received the Doctor of Divinity degree from the Virginia Seminary and College, Lynchburg, Virginia, and the Doctor of Human Letters from Cumberland College, Williamsburg, Kentucky. In 2006, he was inducted into Morehouse College, Atlanta, Georgia, as a Martin Luther King, Jr. Distinguished Preacher.



Pastoral Anniversary

He is the pastor (since 1996) of the New Shiloh Baptist Church, Baltimore, Maryland, serving along with his father Dr. Harold A. Carter. Together, they lead the congregation of more than 5,000 active members with emphasis on Missions, Evangelism, and Christian Education. His preaching is heard widely through radio, television and internet streaming broadcasts. He formerly pastored the First Baptist Church, Petersburg, Virginia, believed to be the oldest African,American Baptist congregation in America* (1989,1996) and the Zion Baptist Church, Reading, Pennsylvania (1983,1989). His ministry has taken him to such places as the Middle East, Romania, Panama, Trinidad, Korea, China, England, the Bahamas, and India, where he has, also, been privileged to share the Gospel. He sees his "call" to the ministry as "The Divine compulsion to do God's will." Dr. Carter has served on a number of boards and conferences. Presently, he serves as the Vice-President and New Testament & Hermeneutics Professor for the Determined Biblical & Theological Institute of Baltimore, MD. He, also, is a Co-Mentor for doctoral candidate students at the United Theological Seminary, Dayton, OH. Additionally, he is the Co-chair of the Board of Directors of the New Shiloh Village Development Project; a non,profit organization with a goal of community development, including the New Shiloh Senior Living building (an 81-unit facility). As an outgrowth of his ministry, publications include: Jesus is Knocking at Your Door, Six Significant Sermons, The Sacred Marriage-Getting Started in Pastoral Ministry, The Burning Bush, (Co-author), and Harold's Hermeneutics-Volume One. Additionally, he has written several songs, three of which have been recorded and performed by New Shiloh's Music Ministry, entitled "You Will Know" and "I Never Shall Forget to Praise Your Name," and "Always."  11 11

12   September 2011 | Grace&Glory

mayor’s journal  13

14   September 2011 | Grace&Glory

governor’s page




A MESSAGE FROM GOVERNOR MARTIN O’MALLEY Dear Friends, First Lady Katie O’Malley and I are asking all Maryland residents, institutions and organizations to expand their purchases of locally grown products for their favorite dishes and to try new products to create new dishes. We designated July 23-31, 2011 as “Buy Local Challenge Week,” and encouraged Marylanders to incorporate at least one locally-grown, produced or harvested product into their meals each day. For the Buy Local Cookout competition, 17 teams of local producers and chefs were selected to showcase the diversity of local products available in Maryland for farmers; food buyers from groceries, restaurants and institutions; chefs; and “buy local” advocates on the front lawn of Government House in Annapolis. The recipes used were submitted by chef/producer teams and selected for their creativity, availability of ingredients, geographic representation, and maximum use of local ingredients. At the end of the competition, Holly Emmons, food services manager at Union Hospital and Craig Sewell, owner of Cook’s Café, received the 2011Smart Green and Growing Buy Local Agricultural Challenge Awards. We are committed to the success of our agricultural industry and buying locally is key to ensuring a Smart, Green and Growing future for Maryland families. It preserves farmland, protects the environment and keeps our money in Maryland while creating and saving jobs. Buying locally also provides fresh, nutritious food for a healthy diet. To find local products or locate a farmers market visit Sources of local seafood can be found at Our local farmers and fishermen appreciate your support. Sincerely,

Martin O’Malley Governor  15

16   September 2011 | Grace&Glory

education digest

ADULT Education

In June of 1980, I walked across the stage to receive my diploma at Florida State University. At the time, I had no intention of ever taking another college level course. I was 21 years old and looking forward to life after college. I had applied for a few Television reporting jobs, almost all of them in Florida. I figured if all else failed, I could return home and expand my weekend duties as a radio personality (DJ). It only took a month or two until the television job offers started to roll in one after the other. At the end of that summer I had landed a position at a TV station in Washington DC. My career would eventually take me from Florida to Washington, DC to West Virginia and eventually to Baltimore. I must admit that finding a church to attend was not at the top of my list of things to do, even though I had been raised in the faith. However, it only took 15 months for my life to turn upside down. I found myself no longer employed. I had a growing family to provide for an income from a small unemployment check. I believe those hard knocks I received along life’s journey helped to drive me back to church and renew my relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. In 1999, I headed back to the school as a first semester seminary student at Saint Mary’s Ecumenical Institute. One class led to two classes. In a few years time I had earned a Master of Theology degree. My going back to school became a witness to my children. They recognized the value of an education based on what they observed at home with my wife and me. It all began with that one class. It didn’t take long for me to realize that I had become a serious and committed student, unlike those days back in Florida. The day I crossed the stage at Saint Mary’s Seminary I began to look for other learning opportunities. My wife recommended I take some time off before enrolling in a doctoral program. I convinced myself, and eventually her that the time was right to head back to the classroom. She supported my decision. I found myself almost every night sitting alongside my children at the kitchen table preparing papers and presentations. It was during those moments I realized that I had become a life-long learner. I earned my Doctor of Ministry degree from Virginia University of Lynchburg in May 2010. I want to encourage you, the reader, to take the leap to learn. I hope you’ll take time to investigate what courses are being offered at your church, university, community college or trade school. I believe that going back to school will help strengthen your faith, and open doors of opportunities in the marketplace or in your community. The greatest benefit for me and countless others who have returned to the classroom, is to become a witness for family and friends. We must remember that someone is always watching and modeling what they see in us in the classroom or at home. Even today, there are a number of places in my home where books remain on the shelves and papers in the filing cabinet. They remind me of how God has and continues to guide my life. There is at least one scripture passage that continues to encourage me. “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” I might add that I am not currently enrolled in a formal educational setting. Stay tuned! Rev. Dr. Tim Tooten, Sr. is the Senior Education Reporter for WBAL-TV (NBC) in Baltimore. He’s also the pastor and founder of Harvest Christian Ministries.

Dr. Tim Tooten, Sr.  17 17

18   September 2011 | Grace&Glory

book shelf

Book Shelf Hurt People Hurt People Sandra D. Wilson Have you ever heard the phrase “hurt people hurt people”? I have heard it a few times over the past few years, so when I saw a book titled Hurt People Hurt People, it caught my attention. Why is it that this statement rings so true for so many? Why do we inflict pain on others and on ourselves? Why do people fall into the trap of repeating a cycle that they had no intention of being a part of from the beginning? This book answers those questions and so many more. I’m glad I read this one. Sandra Wilson coined the phrase “hurt people hurt people”. This profound statement has opened up a whole new world of self exploration of people who have been hurt by someone and have repeated the cycle. She shares with the reader that even though some pain is self inflicted, “our deepest wounds come at the hands of those we love and trust” (p. 10). She encourages the reader to not ignore what they are feeling or tell themselves that they should not feel a certain way or seek comfort from

by Brandie Manigault

someone else. It is our humanity that causes us to feel what we feel and that is ok. People who have been hurt in the past are prone to hurt someone else. Wilson shows that being hurt is a seed that if not attended to and dealt with, will with time, govern how we react and respond to life and the people around us. Life is about choices and how those choices are made. One of the greatest strengths lies in the author’s transparency as a writer. Wilson expressed in these pages her painful past dealing with incest and being abused as a child to further validate her statement that teaching children about that “stranger danger” teachings are not enough, because again, it is those closest to you that pose the greatest threats to you. She uses her personal journey to put the reader’s personal journey into context. At the end of the chapters, Wilson has a section called “ponder and pray”. This section is designed to give the reader a moment to

pause, think about what has been presented and pray for guidance. When you are done reading this book, and quite frankly, during the time you spend between the pages of it, you will begin to see your mindset changing. If you allow the words to become life to you and bring clarity to your situations, by the end you will begin to make your way out of the vicious cycle of hurt. You will be in a healthy place.

About the Author

Sandra D. Wilson is a seminary professor, certified spiritual director and retired family therapist. She is an international speaker and the author of six books: Released from Shame, Into Abba’s Arms, Hurt People Hurt People, The World According to Me, Shame-Free Parenting and Counseling Adult Children of Alcoholics.  19

20   September 2011 | Grace&Glory  21


ospel ews Industry N Byron Cage

Verity Gospel artist, seven time Stellar Award Winner Byron Cage recorded his 7th project LIVE on August 13, in Chicago, IL at the Christ Universal Temple. Special guest for the session was Fred Hammond. His most recent release "Faithful to Believe” earned him Male Vocalist of the Year at the 2011 Stellar Awards.

LeAndria Johnson

Music World signed season three’s, Sunday's Best Winner LeAndria Johnson. She released her single to radio titled "Jesus", and her album "The Awakening of LeAndria Johnson" will be in stores on September 6. Season four's winner will also be signed to the label. We can look forward to more "Sunday's Best" projects to come from Music World including a "Best Of" compilation. 22   September September2011 2011| |Grace&Glory Grace&Glory 22

Sounds of Blackness

Malaco Records signs Sounds of Blackness, their new single "Fly Again" was released to radio on August 1st. Featured on the single is Jameica Bennett, daughter of former lead vocalist Ann Nesby. They are preparing to release the newest project, self-titled, which will also coincide with the 20th Anniversary of the first album "Optimistic", and the 40th Anniversary of the choir.

Lisa Page Brooks

Re-signs to the label Habakkuk Music, she will soon be releasing a new all studio album in early 2012. Lisa Page-Brooks has had a very successful run with Habakkuk Music: -First single on the Billboard Gospel Charts "I Want to say Thank You" -Second Top 15 Single from her album "Strong" -First ever Stellar Award Nomination, she received 2 nominations -First ever "Soul Train Award Nomination Her new single is projected to hit radio in October 2011 along with a project titled Habakkuk Music Presents, Forgotten Treasures, Lisa Page-Brooks---A Collection of Previously Released Favorites.

word on finance

Pastor Zachery Tims Pastor Zachery Tims, age 42, a Baltimore native, was found dead in his New York City Hotel room at the W Hotel, on Friday August 12th, 2011 by the housekeeping staff. He was in New York for a preaching engagement and meetings. The Chief Medical Examiner of New York says "foul play, suspicious activity" have been ruled out, however full determination of his cause of death won’t be available until later on this month. Pastor Tims married Riva Tims here in Baltimore in 1994, and they have four children, whom just a week prior to his death shared a family vacation in Puerto Rico. Pastor Tims and Riva were divorced back in 2008, and she has since started her own ministry Majestic Life. He was the pastor of New Destiny Christian Center in Apopka, Florida. He and his wife started the church in a hotel ballroom and it grew to be one of the largest congregations in Central Florida with about 8,000 members. Experiencing a troubled teenage life of being in and out of jail, and drug addiction Pastor Tims had a strong passion for keeping youth out of trouble and drug-free, the church built a 34,000 square feet Youth Center, valued at $3.4 million. This was a safe haven for them after school giving them lots of activities keeping them off the streets. Upon the news of this major kingdom loss many leaders and co-laborers of Pastor Tims expressed their love, support, and prayers for the family and congregation of the New Destiny Church Family, including Bishop TD Jakes, Al Sharpton, Pastor Paula White, and his longtime friend Baltimore's own, Dr. Jamal Harrison Bryant said "New Destiny will continue without Zachery Tims, you are not a personality driven church, you are a purpose driven church, Pastor Zack's DNA is now on you, you are infected with excellence...allow yourself the liberty to grieve, allow yourself the freedom to cry.” Well said Pastor Bryant!!! Services for Pastor Tims commenced with a wake and public viewing at the Destiny Christian Church on August 19th, followed by the Homegoing Celebration on Saturday August 20th, at the First Baptist Church of Orlando. Continue to keep the family, friends, and congregation of Pastor Zachery Tims in your prayers.

Miss Ericka J's Music Reviews Donald Lawrence's NEW CD "Your Righteous Mind" is A MUST have, GO GET IT, GO GET IT!!!!!!!! This album is absolutely amazing! What Donald did with this album has NEVER been done quite like this!!! He’s taken hits from the past rearranged, revamped, and Donald Lawrence ‘tized it!!!! Love it! LOVE it! From Chaka Khan's "Thru the Fire", to Commissioned's "Strange Land", the album features Jason Nelson, Keith Staten, Dorinda Clark Cole, and Israel Houghton. You will not be disappointed!!! Jason Nelson and Keith Staten absolutely blessed me with the remake of Commisioned’s "Strange Land". . . pure genius Donald Lawrence. Much prayer and covering for our children returning to

Miss Ericka school, we pray for protection, good judgement, clarity of thought, and academic success!!! ‘Til next month . . . You Survived it! So LIVE because of it, LIVE inspite of it, LIVE with it, whatever your "IT" is JUST LIVE!!!! Follow me! MissErickaJ @MissErickaJ, on facebook ErickaJohnson

Billboard’s Top Albums

#1 Hello Fear- Kirk Franklin #2 Earnestly Yours- Ernest Pugh #3 WOW Gospel 2011- Various Artists #4 Something Big- Mary Mary #5 Times of Refreshing- Pastor James R. Adams & Abounding Life COGIC Choir & Musicians

Billboard’s Top Singles

#1 “I Smile”- Kirk Frankli n #2 “I Need Your Glory”- Ea rnest Pugh #3 “Nobody Greater”- VaSh awn Mitchell #4 “Over & Over”- Trinitee 5:7 #5 “My Heart Says Yes”Troy Sneed  23 23

scripture page

Psalm 1:1-3 (KJV)

Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. 1

But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.


3And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. 24   2011 || Grace&Glory 24   September August 2011 | Grace&Glory 24   September 2011 Grace&Glory

from the pulpit

From the



he pastor’s job is to be a persuader. Unfortunately, some have possibly, unintentionally, moved over into the area of manipulation. Here is a test for pulpit and pew to find out if you possibly are sitting in a church with a persuader or a manipulator. Definitions: Persuasion is to induce one to undertake a course of action to embrace a point of view by means of argument, reason and begging. Manipulation is to be calculating; wrapped in dishonest methods. It is a shrewd device for the advantage of the manipulator. What is the difference? This is the relevant question. Persuasion binds people to God. Manipulation binds people to the person. Persuasion emphasis is on the way, the will and the word. Manipulation is generally about that church and that person. Here’s a clue from the characters, which were similar to Jezebel, in the book of 2 Kings 9.

1. Manipulation happens through powerful personalities. Pastor, people, preachers, parishioners - does your church have any of these characteristics? Rock star? A pastor who shows up late? Leaves early? A pastor who wants more than just honor and respect, but wants to be worshipped? A pastor who wants to be praised, but is never involved in praising God? A pastor who acts as if the disciples’ prayer should be rewritten from “hallowed be Thy name” to the preacher’s name; from “Thy kingdom come” to their kingdom come; from “Thy will be done”, to their will be done, etc., etc. I’m just asking. 2. Personal preference. People do not mind being taken advantage of and preachers don’t mind taking advantage of them – coconspirators. People want to hear sound bites and not substance. People want to hear preaching that is bent on a bunch of quick fixes and not on sound theology.

“Pastor: The Persuader or the Manipulator?” – Revelations 2:20

By Pastor Therm James Bethany Baptist Church Baltimore, MD

2 Timothy 4:3 (paraphrased) states, “Preaching to people what they want to hear instead of what they need to hear.” Isaiah 30:10 states, “Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits.” That is participation in your own seduction. Is that going on in your church? I’m just asking. 3. Lastly, pulpit permission. This point is particularly to the man or woman who is called to be the watchman. My question to you is have you become a manipulator or have you allowed the people to manipulate you? The Bible that I read says that God is going to hold the watchman accountable. Read the 33rd Chapter of Ezekiel for a refresher course. In this text, the angel who is the preacher receives commendation and a complaint. The complaint is that he has allowed the people to be seduced. Our job as pastors is to always be in the business of persuading people to go God’s way. The church should never capitulate to culture. Our job as pastors is to persuade them to commit to Christ. We are not to be politically correct or socially correct. We are to be Biblically correct. So what is the state of your house that the Lord has you in preacher and parishioner? Is it a place of persuasion or manipulation? _________________________________________________ Rev. Therm James, Pastor of the Bethany Baptist Church since 1991. Pastor James loves to impart the Word of God. Under his leadership, the seeds of spiritual growth have been planted at Bethany Baptist and God continues to grant the increase. Bethany Baptist Church can proclaim that Pastor James is not merely a hearer of the Word, but a doer of the Word. Bethany Baptist Church/Brooklyn & Baltimore, MD  25 25

26   September 2011 | Grace&Glory




This month will mark the tenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks on our country. 9/11 has become a frame of reference for many decisions, actions and behaviors of persons impacted by the tragedy especially those personally involved like the first responders, businesses, workers and family members and friends who lost loved ones. I remember where I was and what I was doing that morning like it was yesterday. We all became consumed in the moment and feared for our way of living and even for our lives. Seeing the destruction on television and later in print reiterated the gravity of the situation. Those attacks and other trying times have a long lasting effect on the hearts and minds of most people and eventually changed the way our country operated on several levels. Even when something so challenging happens in our world, our nation and in our neighborhood, fear sets in and people try to create a sense of security. As people of faith we put our trust and hope in God. We remember the victories of our past as we wait for our deliverance. We are witnesses to those around us of how to hold on in tough times. We all have these defining moments in our lives that seem to change our perspective on life after the event takes place. According to Joshua 4:8, the children of Israel they were asked

to your good health

Carla J. Debnam, MS, LCPC Executive Director, Renaissance Christian Counseling Center

to take twelve stones from the Jordan River as a reminder of their journey of faith. Henry Blackaby in his book ‘Experiencing God’ calls them spiritual markers when they represent turning points in your relationship with God, your faith in God and your belief in God. Transformation and rebuilding of lives can begin after we assess the challenges of life and begin to find the good in them. Psalm 119:71 reminds us that, “My troubles turned out all for the best, they forced me to learn from your textbook.”(MSG) Using our sorrows as a stepping-stone to the future is what makes Believers different from others. We take the worst life can bring and make it into a testimony to God’s glory and to the surprise of our enemies. We do that collectively and individually as we remember and honor those who paved the way for freedom, our deliverance and our walk of faith. We can never forget these times whether they are filled with triumph or laced with tragedy and we never should. Memory serves a benefit to those who remain that things can and will get better and that we are more resilient than we knew we were before the trials manifested. So take time out to remember how far the Lord has brought you and thank him for those who sacrificed their lives on your behalf. Take joy in the memories of our fallen co-laborers and fellow ambassadors for Christ and do not let their lives or the sacrifice of Jesus Christ be in vain.  27

28   September 2011 | Grace&Glory

nurse’s corner

Maryland General Hospital and Linden Medical Group make getting quality primary and specialty care convenient Getting the healthcare you need can be a complicated, confusing experience. How do you find a primary care provider? What if you need a specialist? Will it be difficult to get an appointment? Maryland General Hospital has the answer to all those questions – Linden Medical Group. Linden Medical Group brings together physicians from a wide range of specialties into a single network that makes getting the care you need easy. The group provides quality care in: • Internal medicine • Obstetrics and gynecology (pregnancy and women’s reproductive system care) • Eye care for adults and children • Ear, nose and throat (ENT) care • Gastroenterology (care for digestive system issues) • Urology (kidney, bladder and urinary tract care for men and women as well as prostate care for men) • Dermatology (care for skin conditions)

• Behavioral health (care for mental health issues) • Vascular health (care for conditions that involve the blood vessels) • Pain management • Cardiology (heart care) • General surgery • Breast health • Orthopedics (bone and joint care) • Neuroscience (care for brain, nervous system and neuromuscular conditions) • Diabetes and endocrinology • Infectious diseases

Linden Medical Group Primary Care

Primary care physicians help patients maintain overall health by focusing on preventive care as well as treating common illnesses, minor injuries, aches and pains and performing routine health exams.

Armory Place 827 Linden Avenue Baltimore, MD 21201 410-225-8800

Bolton Hill 1501 W. Mount Royal Avenue Baltimore, MD 21217 410-225-8855

Heritage Crossing (opening in Fall 2011) 312 Martin Luther King Blvd. Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 225-8083

Linden Medical Group Specialty Care

When you need a specialist, your primary care provider will work with other Maryland General Hospital specialists to coordinate all of your health care. For referrals, call: 410-225-8400

Community Health Education Center

410-225-2000 • Free screenings for blood pressure, Cholesterol, diabetes, and prostate • Free pregnancy tests

The network also includes Maryland General’s Community Health Education Center which offers free screenings for blood pressure, cholesterol levels, diabetes and pregnancy. “Linden Medical Group is part of the hospital’s ongoing commitment to providing the people of our community with convenient access to quality primary and specialty care,” explains Sylvia Smith Johnson, Maryland General Hospital’s CEO and President. “Now it is easier than ever to make sure you’re meeting all your health needs, from working with your primary care physician to proactively protecting your health to receiving the specialty care you need to handle any health issues you face.” Another advantage of the Linden Medical Group network is that when you have a primary care doctor and get regular check-ups you’re better able to catch problems early. It’s much better to treat and control your diabetes, for example, than to face the complications that can develop if the condition is not treated and monitored by a physician.

Convenient locations around town

Linden Medical Group has several locations in the community. Primary care is available at our Armory Place location on the campus of Maryland General Hospital and in Bolton Hill. The group welcomes new patients and there is no long wait for appointments. “Maryland General has always been committed to caring for our community and Linden Medical Group is a great example of that commitment. By bringing together a network of physicians, we’ve taken the hassle out of finding quality physicians you can rely on and receiving all the care you need,” adds Smith Johnson.  29 29

30   September 2011 | Grace&Glory

nutrition & you


Reading the Labels

Herline A. Knights, RD, LD

Walking down a vitamin aisle and looking at all of the bottles seems like foreign territory to most people. With so many varieties and forms of vitamins and supplements, it is hard to figure out what to purchase. This guide, based on the National Academy of Science, will help to take some of the guesswork out of what to look for. It includes the highest level of adult recommendations, but does not take into account variations because of age, gender, pregnancy, or breastfeeding. Please note: Daily Value (DV) = % DV=US Recommended Daily Allowance) (USRDA)

Vitamin A

▪ 3,000 international units (IU) recommended DV ▪ Look for a multivitamin with 2500 IU retinol or 15,000 IU beta-carotene for best results. The following foods are high in vitamin A: – Carrots – Cantaloupe – Sweet potatoes – Broccoli

B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin)

▪ Thiamine, 1.5 milligrams (mg); riboflavin, 1.7 mg; and niacin, 20 mg DV ▪ Recommend taking the DV in a multivitamin ▪ Avoid high doses ▪ B vitamins are found in: – Grains – Cereals – Fortified foods

Vitamin B12

▪ 6 micrograms (mcg) recommended DV ▪ Recommend at least 2.4 mcg from fortified foods and dietary supplements ▪ Supplementation is especially important for vegans, as vitamin B12 is found naturally only in animal products

Vitamin C

▪ DV recommendation is 75 mg for women, 90 mg for men ▪ The National Cancer Institute recommends five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables/day to attain this recommendation ▪ Excessive supplementation and intake of vitamin C may cause diarrhea

Vitamin D

▪ 400 IU recommended DV ▪ Look for a multivitamin with 400 IU ▪ The body can convert vitamin D from sunshine ▪ Vitamin D is found in: – Milk – Fatty fish – Fortified cereals

Vitamin E

▪ 30 IU is the recommended DV ▪ Higher-level supplementation is sometimes beneficial (studies are still out) ▪ Unknown toxic amounts may possibly decrease life expectancy

Vitamin K

▪ DV set at 120 mcg/day ▪ Best sources include leafy green vegetables and some calcium supplements ▪ A registered dietitian should supervise vitamin K supplementation and intake, if people are taking blood thinners and anticoagulant drugs

Biotin and pantothenic acid ▪ Ubiquitous in the American diet ▪ No DV ▪ Deficiencies are extremely rare


▪ 1000 mg for those ages 50 or younger, 1200 mg for those older than age 50 to meet the DV ▪ Too much calcium may raise the risk of prostate cancer ▪ Most multivitamins fall short of the recommendations ▪ Calcium is found in: – Dairy products – Fortified orange juice – Sardines ▪ If these foods are not consumed on a daily basis, additional supplementation in 300-mg pills is better absorbed in the presence of vitamin C; so, take with orange juice or citrus

Folic acid

▪ 400 mcg recommended for everyone ▪ Found in fortified grains ▪ Responsible for reducing birth defects, heart disease, and colon cancer

Iodine, manganese, boron, molybdenum, and chloride

▪ No research is promoting supplementation of these nutrients


▪ 18 mg recommended DV ▪ 0-8 mg recommended through supplementation, as iron is easy to get through the diet in the form of: – Meat – Dark leafy greens – Grains – Seafood ▪ Iron competitively binds with calcium; take separately from calcium-rich foods and supplements


▪ Recommended DV is 320 mg for women, 420 mg for men ▪ Supplements should contain at least 100 mg ▪ Good food sources include: – Whole grains – Beans


▪ No need for fortification or supplementation, because the American diet already is high in this nutrient ▪ Phosphorus inhibits calcium absorption— additional supplementation is not recommended


▪ DV set at 3500 mg/day ▪ No recommended levels for supplements ▪ Foods that are high in potassium include fruits and vegetables, which help to manage blood pressure


▪ DV recommendation of 400 mcg ▪ Multivitamins and supplements should provide at least 55 mcg ▪ Good food sources of selenium include: – Nuts – Tuna – Beef – Grains

Zinc and copper

▪ Zinc—8 mg is sufficient for women, 11 mg for men ▪ Copper—0.9 mg is sufficient for vitamin supplementation ▪ However, the DV is set at 15 mg for zinc and 2 mg for copper ▪ Too much zinc may decrease copper absorption and depress the immune system  31 31

32   September 2011 | Grace&Glory

body basics

There are certain people who can walk into a room and light up the atmosphere! Is it because that person has an inner glow or is it just a physical attraction? Do we put forth more effort on developing our outer appearance rather than building our inner man? What’s more important, spirit or body? I believe we all know the answer to that question. Let’s take a brief inventory. How much, on an annual basis, do you spend on cosmetics, nails, hair appointments, and facials as opposed to purchasing materials that are to going to build your character? It’s just something to think about. We are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of our creator. God has blessed us with a body that no machine can match. It’s our responsibility to take care of this gift. We are to take care of our bodies, not destroy or abuse it. Taking care of our temples is just another way we can show Him glory. I recommend focusing on areas that people notice the most. Of course, women are noticed more for areas such as gluteus maximus, hips, thighs, and calves; men are Charles Top Pick normally recognized for having well developed arms, abdominals, and chests. So let’s focus on these “Chizel It” Harris Exercises for major areas with these simple, but effective exercises. AFAA Certified BARBELL SQUATS Stand with your legs about shoulder width apart. Keep your chest out, your Fitness Trainer Working midsection firm and head facing forward. Have the barbell across the back of your shoulders. Your hands should be wider than shoulder width apart so that you can keep the barbell steady. Point your toes slightly outwards. the lower Now squat down until your thighs are just past parallel to the floor. You can put a small block or some small flat weight body! plates under your heels for support to help keep your feet flat on the floor. Then using your thighs and butt push yourself back up again. Return to starting position and repeat exercise. Good technique is very important with squats.

LUNGES Stand with your feet together. Keep your chest out and midsection firm; do not arch your back. Holding a dumbbell in each hand, by your sides, palms facing your outer thighs, step forward with a large step. Bend both your knees. Your front shin should remain in a straight line with your ankle. Your back knee should be nearly touching the floor. Now with your front foot push up carefully until you are back to starting position. Repeat exercise. Keep yourself steady throughout the exercise. Do not swing your dumbbells around; keep them down by your sides, at arm’s length. After you have performed the required amount of reps on that leg, swap to the other leg. (Caution: Lunges are very advanced, if you have knee issues, do not attempt this exercise.) STANDING DUMBBELL CALF RAISES

Stand with your feet narrower than shoulder width apart, toes pointed frontwards. Keep your chest out and midsection firm; do not arch your back. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, with your palms facing your outer thighs. Push up onto your big toes so your heels are raised. Squeeze your calf muscles then lower your heels down slowly. Repeat until you have finished your set. Keep your legs straight throughout the whole movement.

Look Gorgeous From Head To Toe! 5 fitness tips that will change your body for life! Top Picks for a Well Developed Upper Body! ABS CRUNCH


Stand with your feet approximately shoulder width apart, your midsection firm and your chest out. Keep your knees slightly bent, do not lock your knees out. Hold a barbell bar using an underhand grip. Your hands should be slightly narrower than your elbows. Curl the bar up towards your shoulders, until you feel the pump in your biceps. Lower the bar down slowly, than repeat.

CLOSE GRIP BARBELL TRICEPS PRESSES Lie flat on your back. Make sure your lower back is pressed firmly into the bench. If your feet don’t touch the floor, you can bend your legs and place your feet at the end of the bench. Using a barbell, have a narrow overhand-grip, with your hands about 7 inches apart. Have the barbell extended directly upwards, virtually in line with your upper chest, lower shoulders. Bend your arms and slowly lower the barbell downwards until it nearly touches your chest. Push the barbell back up to starting position. Repeat exercise to complete your required sets.

Lie flat on your back on the floor with your legs bent, feet flat. If your lower back is weak you may like to push it into the floor to prevent it from arching. Clasp your hands behind your neck, keeping your elbows back, in-line with your head. Crunch up slightly, raising your head and shoulders, breathing out as your upper body raises. As you crunch up, squeeze your abs as tight as possible. Lower your head and shoulders back down to the floor and repeat. You should feel a burning sensation in your upper abs area. Keep this movement continuous until you have completed your set.


Lie flat on your back, legs raised and bent, with your lower legs folded. Place your arms down by your sides with your hands facing downwards. Now raise your pelvis off the floor while squeezing your lower pelvis, breathing out as you do this. Lower your pelvis down again and repeat the exercise. Keep this movement continuous until you have completed your set.


You will need a flat bench and dumbbells for this exercise. Lie on your back on a flat bench, holding one dumbbell in each hand. Push the dumbbells up to meet directly above your chest, so they are at arm length. Your palms should be facing each other and your elbows slightly bent. Keeping your arms slightly bent throughout the exercise, lower the dumbbells out to your sides until you feel a stretch across your chest. Slowly return your dumbbells to starting position. Breathe out as you do this. (If you are not feeling this exercise, you may not be lowering your arms low enough at the sides of your chest. Your biceps should be lower than your chest when you feel the “stretch”.) Repeat this exercise until you have completed your set. 3333

34   September 2011 | Grace&Glory


If It’s

Not Working …

teen connect


6419 York Road, Towson, MD 21212


ecently while training in a local gym, a young man was working really hard but not getting the results he was looking to get. He was on the treadmill, elliptical, free weights and he was doing everything he saw others do. He did so much work but never saw results. Pastors Gregory It appeared that his goals and history needed to be reviewed. For most of us we know where we have come from & Tonya Dennis and we also know where we want to go. Our challenge is what we do to get there. We challenge you to find the plan that fits you this year. Don’t copy what friends have done or what you “think” will work. God has a detailed plan for you that will move you towards your goals. It may not always appear that everything in life is working in line with the goals you have. However, if it is in your life it has to work for your good and God’s glory. The young man eventually got a plan for success. His goals became less of a challenge and he started to see results. This school year can be the best one ever if you remember God is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. He has a plan for your middle as well. Seek God’s plan for your life. If something in your life is not working, ask God for a plan.


36   September 2011 | Grace&Glory

a woman’s perspective Have you found yourself waiting, anticipating, counting on a change and it never seems to happen? Have you ever questioned why things are happening to you and never anyone else? Well know this, you are not alone. As a matter of fact I think that if you were to take a poll you would be surprised how many so called happy successful people are actually miserable and wish they had what you have. Recently the turn of events in my life have taught me three important lessons: 1- Thank God for every breath you take and every second of life you live. 2- Never go to bed angry . . . tomorrow is not promised. 3- Stop focusing on the negative it will never bring you positive results. God sometimes takes us through tribulations to build us stronger so that when enemies attack we are ever so strong. Until next time Stay Focused, Stay Blessed, and Love Life.

Cassandra Vaughn-Fox

Out Foxed Media,  37

38   September 2011 | Grace&Glory  39

40   September 2011 | Grace&Glory

word on finances Recently I read an article that described the present state of the economy as a “jobless recovery”. The term implies that most of the 8.4 million plus jobs loss in the recession will not be recovered as we know them. As one who studies economic trends, I am convinced that the economy is on the road to recovery; however I believe it will never be the same job market as we have experienced in our American culture. One of the questions that I asked myself was, if there are over 8.4 million jobs lost, than how many lost businesses? Obviously, if you’re a business owner or had other sources of income, the job lost would not have been the end of the Dr. Kenneth O. world for you. Robinson, II In Robert Allen’s best-selling book, Multiple Streams of Income Pastor & Certified – How to Generate a Lifetime of Unlimited Wealth! He shared the Estate Planner importance of having at least 3 to 10 diverse income streams in To book Dr. Kenneth your life. Why multiple streams? Multiple streams allow you the Robinson for a financial flexibility of knowing that if one stream empties, you will barely seminar in your area notice it since there are other streams (income sources) that are or at your ministry, flowing freely. In the 1950s, most Americans were able to survive please call on only one income source. Since that time, it has become necessary 410.415.6400 for families to have at least two income sources. However, the reality of today’s new economy is that very few families can survive with just one or two streams of income. This is often a harsh reality, but it is a wake-up call to us all that has become increasingly apparent for many who have suffered during this economic recession. Over the years, I have preached and taught in many seminars especially in religious and Christian settings that God has given us the responsibility to take charge of our own financial destiny. One of the ways to do that is by creating new streams of income. In Robert Allen’s book, he also shared that this principle is the fundamental difference between the ordinary and the prosperous. The prosperous person does not allow themselves to be vulnerable to the economy by attempting to survive on one or two sources of income, namely their jobs or outside employment. Allen actually suggests in his book that individuals should add a new stream of income each year up to 10 income streams. Unfortunately many Christians will perceive this as greed, however it is wisdom. The Bible encourages us to “cast your bread upon WATERS, for you will find it after many days. Give portions to seven, yes to eight (divide it) for you know not what evil may come upon the earth.” (Ecc. 11:1-2) The financial wisdom in these verses tells us to diversify our efforts when it comes down to money, which is described as “bread” here. Why? Seasons such as the recession can come on planet Earth and you will find yourself better prepared to weather it if you don’t have all your eggs in one basket. I also believe that multiple streams of income are patterned in Genesis, when God created four rivers to flow into Eden. We know that in scripture rivers symbolize the source of life for a given people. Also, it represents wealth because rivers flowing create prosperity and fruitfulness in your land. Finances and money are supposed to flow in your life that is why it is called CURRENCY. You need money to flow from more than one source to be financially secure, stable, and successful in this new economy. Jobs are not evil; just don’t let it be the only source. I can hear the Christian now, if I start creating other streams of income, I will never have anytime for God, church, family, etc. Not so, in fact it is just the opposite. If you don’t create other streams you will never have enough time to spend with the things or people that you value most because you will be forced to trade your time with those you love for work. Below are some useful steps to creating new streams. The most significant step is to adopt the mindset that I believe was one of the major keys to my family’s financial success: We never depend on just one source of income, that’s right, not even income from the church! I realized several years ago that depending on God and the church are two different things. Wow! I wish many more pastors understood that. Follow these simple steps to create new income streams for you and your family: Make it your goal to add at least one NEW stream of income to your life each year. These streams will eventually overflow in your life with financial freedom and prosperity. Consider these four areas: 1. Marketing (Network Marketing, Direct Selling) – these kind of businesses give you the freedom you need to create your own financial destiny. 2. Real Estate – this source may be the first, but can yield income since the product generally appreciates in value. 3. Investments – you don’t need a lot of money to start trading today. There are many on-line trading sites that will help guide you through the process. 4. Internet Sales – the new way to make money in an efficient and effective manner. Sources like EBay, Craig’s List etc. are very effective to sell the products and services you offer. Surround yourself with financially successful people. All financially successful people have multiple streams of income. Successful people leave clues!  41

word of encouragement And now, why do you delay? Rise and be baptized, and by calling upon His name, wash away your sins. – Acts 22:16 (AMP)

Donna Williams-Ross

Gospel songwriters all praised God for the cleansing power of Jesus’ blood. Robert Lowery asked a question, “What can wash away my sin?” Then he answered his own question with, “Nothing but the blood of Jesus.” He then asked himself another question, “What can make me whole again?” He answered that also, “Nothing but the blood of Jesus.” The emphasis of his questions was the “Blood of Jesus”. What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Then Elisha Hoffman posed another question: “Are you washed in the blood, in the soul-cleansing blood of the Lamb? Are your garments spotless? Are they white as snow? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?” This indicates to us that there is a need for the washing of our garments through the blood of the Lamb, and also a soul-cleansing in the blood of the Lamb. So often we as Believers plead the blood of Jesus when we are bombarded with trials and challenges by the powers, principalities and wicked spirits in heavenly places, not recognizing how much power the blood of Jesus yields. There is absolutely nothing that can stand up against the blood of Jesus. Why? Because at Calvary, Jesus’ blood paid for our redemption. Jesus’ blood paid the price for all of our sins. Anything that was associated with the curse was now removed by the blood of Jesus. However by asking, “What can wash away my sin?”, Robert Lowery is being specific and acknowledging that he was a sinner in need of a cleansing – a washing away of who he was and a coming into the fulfillment of all that God had called and ordained for him to be. Liken to a putting off of the old man and a taking on of the new man. He understood that there is nothing but the “Blood of Jesus” that is powerful enough, perfect enough to get rid of our sins [missing the mark]. So POWERFUL was the Blood that in Exodus 12:12-13 God told Moses, “For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment [proving their helplessness]. I am the Lord. The blood shall be for a token or sign to you upon [the doorposts of] the houses where you are, [that] when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and no plague shall be upon you to destroy you when I smite the land of Egypt.” and again in Exodus 12:23 – “During that night the LORD will go through the country of Egypt and kill the first-born son in every Egyptian family. He will see where you have put the blood, and he will not come into your house. His angel that brings death will pass over and not kill your first-born sons.” Here we see that when the death angel came through, no one that had the blood on the doorposts of their houses was touched. That’s the power of the blood. The PRECIOUS blood that was shed on Calvary’s cross was the blood of Jesus, the sacrificial Lamb that was slain for the sins of the world. He came to earth to redeem us back to You Father. “But [you were purchased] with the precious blood of Christ (the Messiah), like that of a [sacrificial] lamb without blemish or spot.” 1 Peter 1:19 (AMP). The Precious blood was God the Father, allowing God the Son to face death not because of any wrongdoing on Jesus’ part, but to destroy the works of the devil that was keeping us in bondage. In other words, sickness -- disease, financial lack, spiritual lack, emotional lack, -- nothing can stand up against the blood. Whatever the enemy is bombarding you with right now, the blood has already taken care of it. Before the foundation of the world when the Lamb was slain, all that would come against you was dealt with and you are victorious. You are more than a conqueror, in fact you are an overcomer – Jesus’ blood has seen to that. Stand firm, stand strong and know that God loved you enough to send His Son to shed His blood. I encourage you to allow the Blood of Jesus to wash away the sin and debris that daily tries to infiltrate your heart. Prayer: Father, in the Name of Jesus, I thank You for Your unselfishness by allowing Your Son, my Savior – Your Most Precious Commodity to shed His blood on Calvary’s cross for me, amen. 42   42   September September 2011 2011 || Grace&Glory Grace&Glory  43

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